path: root/2004/n
diff options
authorprot2004-02-28 12:33:16 +0000
committerprot2004-02-28 12:33:16 +0000
commite5a0856106ec36ee2112429dea23ff1ee456e6e8 (patch)
treec8b4379b7d80cbb2b9d794a67d379adbb9810ce8 /2004/n
parent62ba8e5964a3178c67f5f6d775719e7ae3386d1e (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '2004/n')
4 files changed, 414 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2004/n/fpga/src/adaptisa/adaptisa.sws b/2004/n/fpga/src/adaptisa/adaptisa.sws
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c75360b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2004/n/fpga/src/adaptisa/adaptisa.sws
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# This file has been automatically generated by the Symphony EDA IDE
+# Please do NOT modify this file manually. If you do, do it with
+# extreme care. This file represents your project settings. Corrupting
+# this file can render this file useless!!!
+# Begin version identification section
+ version = 1
+# Begin libraries section (used by all tools)
+ ieee = $SYMPHONYEDA/lib/ieee/ieee.sym
+ adaptisa = adaptisa.sym
+# End of libraries section
+ [options]
+ [booloption]
+ name = -strict
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -s
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [stringoption]
+ name = -breakon
+ value = FAILURE
+ []
+ [stringoption]
+ name = -stdin
+ value = ""
+ []
+ [stringoption]
+ name = -stdout
+ value = ""
+ []
+ [stringoption]
+ name = -coverage
+ value = ""
+ []
+ [multistringoption]
+ name = -nowarn
+ []
+ [multistringoption]
+ name = -noaccel
+ []
+ [multistringoption]
+ name = -sdftyp
+ []
+ [multistringoption]
+ name = -sdfmin
+ []
+ [multistringoption]
+ name = -sdfmax
+ []
+ []
+# Begin description of library ieee
+ name = ieee
+ [options]
+ [booloption]
+ name = -87
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -x
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -s
+ value = 1
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -strict
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [intoption]
+ name = -maxerrors
+ value = 10
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -autoorder
+ value = 1
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ []
+# End description of library ieee
+# Begin description of library adaptisa
+ name = adaptisa
+ toplevel = bch_modele
+ [options]
+ [booloption]
+ name = -87
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -x
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -s
+ value = 1
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -strict
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [intoption]
+ name = -maxerrors
+ value = 10
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -autoorder
+ value = 1
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ []
+ [file]
+ name = ../modele/isa_const.vhd
+ [options]
+ []
+ []
+ [file]
+ name = ../modele/nono_const.vhd
+ [options]
+ []
+ []
+ [file]
+ name = adaptisa.vhd
+ [options]
+ []
+ []
+ [file]
+ name = bch_adaptisa.vhd
+ [options]
+ []
+ []
+# End description of library adaptisa
+# Begin various workspace properties
+ work =adaptisa
+# End workspace properties
diff --git a/2004/n/fpga/src/adaptisa/adaptisa.vhd b/2004/n/fpga/src/adaptisa/adaptisa.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a88ee64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2004/n/fpga/src/adaptisa/adaptisa.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+-- modele.vhd
+-- Eurobot 2004 : APB Team
+-- Auteur : Pierre-André Galmes
+-- Fichier modèle pour la déclaration de module.
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use work.nono_const.all;
+use work.isa_const.all;
+entity adaptisa is
+ port (
+ bus_address_ext : in T_ADDRESS_ISA;
+ bus_address_in : out T_ADDRESS
+ );
+end entity;
+architecture rtl of adaptisa is
+signal net_adr : std_logic_vector((NB_BIT_ADDRESS_ISA - NB_BIT_ADDRESS - 1) downto 0);
+signal net_adr_ref : std_logic_vector((NB_BIT_ADDRESS_ISA - NB_BIT_ADDRESS - 1) downto 0);
+ net_adr <= bus_address_ext((NB_BIT_ADDRESS_ISA - 1) downto NB_BIT_ADDRESS);
+ net_adr_ref <= A_GENERAL((NB_BIT_ADDRESS_ISA - 1) downto NB_BIT_ADDRESS);
+ bus_address_in <= bus_address_ext((NB_BIT_ADDRESS-1) downto 0) when (net_adr = net_adr_ref) else (others => '0');
+-- process(net_adr)
+-- begin
+-- if (net_adr = net_adr_ref) then
+-- bus_address_in <= bus_address_ext((NB_BIT_ADDRESS-1) downto 0);
+-- else
+-- bus_address_in <= (others => '0');
+-- end if;
+-- end process;
+end rtl;
diff --git a/2004/n/fpga/src/adaptisa/bch_adaptisa.vhd b/2004/n/fpga/src/adaptisa/bch_adaptisa.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9ecb24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2004/n/fpga/src/adaptisa/bch_adaptisa.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+-- modele.vhd
+-- Eurobot 2004 : APB Team
+-- Auteur : Pierre-André Galmes
+-- Fichier modèle pour la déclaration de module.
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use work.nono_const.all;
+use work.isa_const.all;
+entity bch_modele is
+end bch_modele;
+architecture sim1 of bch_modele is
+ component adaptisa
+ port (
+ bus_address_ext : in T_ADDRESS_ISA;
+ bus_address_in : out T_ADDRESS
+ );
+ end component;
+ signal bus_address : T_ADDRESS_ISA:="00101000010000100001";
+ U1 : adaptisa
+ generic map (A_GENERAL=>"00001000010000100001")
+ port map (
+ bus_address_ext=>bus_address,
+ bus_address_in=>open
+ );
+ bus_address <= "00001000010000100001" after 50 ns,
+ "00101000010000000000" after 100 ns,
+ "00001000010000000000" after 150 ns;
+end sim1;
+configuration cf1_bch_modele of bch_modele is
+ for sim1
+ for all : adaptisa use entity work.adaptisa(rtl); end for;
+ end for;
+end cf1_bch_modele;
diff --git a/2004/n/fpga/src/fifo/transmit.sws b/2004/n/fpga/src/fifo/transmit.sws
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d91b309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2004/n/fpga/src/fifo/transmit.sws
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# This file has been automatically generated by the Symphony EDA IDE
+# Please do NOT modify this file manually. If you do, do it with
+# extreme care. This file represents your project settings. Corrupting
+# this file can render this file useless!!!
+# Begin version identification section
+ version = 1
+# Begin libraries section (used by all tools)
+ ieee = $SYMPHONYEDA/lib/ieee/ieee.sym
+ transmit = transmit.sym
+# End of libraries section
+ [options]
+ [booloption]
+ name = -strict
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -s
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [stringoption]
+ name = -breakon
+ value = FAILURE
+ []
+ [stringoption]
+ name = -stdin
+ value = ""
+ []
+ [stringoption]
+ name = -stdout
+ value = ""
+ []
+ [stringoption]
+ name = -coverage
+ value = ""
+ []
+ [multistringoption]
+ name = -nowarn
+ []
+ [multistringoption]
+ name = -noaccel
+ []
+ [multistringoption]
+ name = -sdftyp
+ []
+ [multistringoption]
+ name = -sdfmin
+ []
+ [multistringoption]
+ name = -sdfmax
+ []
+ []
+# Begin description of library ieee
+ name = ieee
+ [options]
+ [booloption]
+ name = -87
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -x
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -s
+ value = 1
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -strict
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [intoption]
+ name = -maxerrors
+ value = 10
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -autoorder
+ value = 1
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ []
+# End description of library ieee
+# Begin description of library transmit
+ name = transmit
+ toplevel = uarttest
+ [options]
+ [booloption]
+ name = -87
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -x
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -s
+ value = 1
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -strict
+ value = 0
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ [intoption]
+ name = -maxerrors
+ value = 10
+ []
+ [booloption]
+ name = -autoorder
+ value = 1
+ invert = 0
+ []
+ []
+ [file]
+ name = ../portserie/uart_lib.vhd
+ [options]
+ []
+ []
+ [file]
+ name = ../portserie/RxUnit.vhd
+ [options]
+ []
+ []
+ [file]
+ name = ../portserie/TxUnit.vhd
+ [options]
+ []
+ []
+ [file]
+ name = ../portserie/clkUnit.vhd
+ [options]
+ []
+ []
+ [file]
+ name = ../portserie/miniUART.vhd
+ [options]
+ []
+ []
+ [file]
+ name = ../portserie/UARTtest.vhd
+ [options]
+ []
+ []
+# End description of library transmit
+# Begin various workspace properties
+ work =transmit
+# End workspace properties