path: root/AT91SAM7S256/Source/c_ui.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'AT91SAM7S256/Source/c_ui.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 387 deletions
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/Source/c_ui.h b/AT91SAM7S256/Source/c_ui.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e0f8f4a..0000000
--- a/AT91SAM7S256/Source/c_ui.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-// Programmer
-// Date init 14.12.2004
-// Reviser $Author:: Dktochpe $
-// Revision date $Date:: 10/21/08 12:08p $
-// Filename $Workfile:: c_ui.h $
-// Version $Revision:: 10 $
-// Archive $Archive:: /LMS2006/Sys01/Main_V02/Firmware/Source/c_ui.h $
-// Platform C
-#ifndef C_UI
-#define C_UI
-#define DATALOGENABLED 1 // 1 == Datalog enable
-#define NO_OF_FEEDBACK_CHARS 12 // Chars left when bitmap also showed
-#define SIZE_OF_CURSOR 16 // Bitmap size of cursor (header + 8x8 pixels)
-#define SIZE_OF_PORTBITMAP 11 // Bitmap size of port no (header + 3x8 pixels)
-#define NO_OF_STATUSICONS 4 // Status icons
-#define NO_OF_INTROBITMAPS 16 // Intro bitmaps
-#define INTRO_START_TIME 1000 // Intro startup time [mS]
-#define INTRO_SHIFT_TIME 100 // Intro inter bitmap time [mS]
-#define INTRO_STOP_TIME 1000 // Intro stop time [mS]
-#define INTRO_LOWBATT_TIME 2000 // Low battery show time at power up [mS]
-#define MAX_VOLUME 4 // Max volume in UI [cnt]
-#define CHECKBYTE 0x78 // Used to validate NVData
-#define BATTERY_COUNT_TO_MV 13.848f // Battery count to mV factor [mV/cnt]
-#define LOW_BATT_THRESHOLD 6 // Low batt conunts before warning
-#define BUTTON_DELAY_TIME 800 // Delay before first repeat [mS]
-#define BUTTON_REPEAT_TIME 200 // Repeat time [mS]
-#define RUN_BITMAP_CHANGE_TIME 125 // Running bimap update time [mS]
-#define RUN_STATUS_CHANGE_TIME 167 // Running status update time [mS]
-#define DISPLAY_SHOW_ERROR_TIME 2500 // Error string show time [mS]
-#define DISPLAY_SHOW_TIME 1500 // Min. response display time [mS]
-#define DISPLAY_VIEW_UPDATE 200 // Display update time [mS]
-#define MIN_DISPLAY_UPDATE_TIME 50 // OBP min graphics update time [mS]
-#define MIN_SENSOR_READ_TIME 100 // Time between sensor reads [mS]
-#define ARM_WAIT_FOR_POWER_OFF 250 // Time for off command to execute [mS]
-#define DISPLAY_SHOW_FILENAME_TIME 3000 // Datalog show saves as time [mS]
-#define DATALOG_DEFAULT_SAMPLE_TIME 100L // Default time between samples [mS]
-// Menu special flags
-#define MENU_SKIP_THIS_MOTHER_ID 0x00000001L // Used to seek next common menu (i0000000)
- // Free
-#define MENU_ENTER_ACT_AS_EXIT 0x00000004L // Enter button acts as exit button
-#define MENU_BACK_TWICE 0x00000008L // Exit twice on exit button
-#define MENU_EXIT_ACT_AS_ENTER 0x00000010L // Exit button acts as enter button
-#define MENU_LEAVE_BACKGROUND 0x00000020L // Don't erase background at next menu
-#define MENU_EXIT_CALLS_WITH_FF 0x00000040L // Exit button calls function with MENU_EXIT
-#define MENU_EXIT_LEAVES_MENUFILE 0x00000080L // Exit leaves menu file
-#define MENU_INIT_CALLS_WITH_0 0x00000100L // Menu init calls with MENU_INIT
-#define MENU_LEFT_RIGHT_AS_CALL 0x00000200L // Left calls with MENU_LEFT and right with MENU_RIGHT
-#define MENU_ENTER_ONLY_CALLS 0x00000400L // Enter calls only it does not change menues
-#define MENU_EXIT_ONLY_CALLS 0x00000800L // Exit calls only it does not change menues
-#define MENU_AUTO_PRESS_ENTER 0x00001000L // Enter button is pressed automaticly
-#define MENU_ENTER_LEAVES_MENUFILE 0x00002000L // Enter leaves menufile
-#define MENU_INIT_CALLS 0x00004000L // Init calls instead of enter
-#define MENU_ACCEPT_INCOMMING_REQUEST 0x00008000L // Accept incomming BT connection request
-#define MENU_BACK_THREE_TIMES 0x00010000L // Exit three times on exit button
-#define MENU_EXIT_DISABLE 0x00020000L // Disable exit button
-#define MENU_EXIT_LOAD_POINTER 0x00040000L // Load item index on exit (0i000000)
-#define MENU_EXIT_CALLS 0x00080000L // Exit calls as enter
-#define MENU_INIT_CALLS_WITH_1 0x00100000L // Menu init calls with MENU_INIT
-#define MENU_EXIT_LOAD_MENU 0x00200000L // Exit loads next menu
-#define MENU_ONLY_BT_ON 0x00400000L // Only valid when bluecore is on
-#define MENU_ONLY_DATALOG_ENABLED 0x00800000L // Only valid when datalog is enabled
-// Menu function call parameter
-#define MENU_SENSOR_EMPTY 0x01 // Empty
-#define MENU_SENSOR_SOUND_DB 0x02 // Sound sensor dB
-#define MENU_SENSOR_SOUND_DBA 0x03 // Sound sensor dBA
-#define MENU_SENSOR_LIGHT 0x04 // Light sensor with flood light
-#define MENU_SENSOR_LIGHT_AMB 0x05 // Light sensor without flood light
-#define MENU_SENSOR_TOUCH 0x06 // Touch sensor
-#define MENU_SENSOR_MOTOR_DEG 0x07 // Motor sensor degrees
-#define MENU_SENSOR_MOTOR_ROT 0x08 // Motor sensor rotations
-#define MENU_SENSOR_ULTRASONIC_IN 0x09 // Ultrasonic sensor inch
-#define MENU_SENSOR_ULTRASONIC_CM 0x0A // Ultrasonic sensor cm
-#define MENU_SENSOR_IIC_TEMP_C 0x0B // IIC temp sensor celcius
-#define MENU_SENSOR_IIC_TEMP_F 0x0C // IIC temp sensor fahrenheit
-#define MENU_SENSOR_COLOR 0x0D // Color sensor
-#define MENU_SENSOR_INVALID 0x0E // Invalid
-#define MENU_PORT_EMPTY 0x11 // Port empty
-#define MENU_PORT_1 0x12 // Port 1
-#define MENU_PORT_2 0x13 // Port 2
-#define MENU_PORT_3 0x14 // Port 3
-#define MENU_PORT_4 0x15 // Port 4
-#define MENU_PORT_A 0x16 // Port A
-#define MENU_PORT_B 0x17 // Port B
-#define MENU_PORT_C 0x18 // Port C
-#define MENU_PORT_INVALID 0x19 // Invalid
-#define MENU_ACTION_EMPTY 0x21 // Empty
-#define MENU_ACTION_FORWARD_1 0x22 // Forward until
-#define MENU_ACTION_FORWARD_2 0x23 // Forward 5
-#define MENU_ACTION_BACK_LEFT_2 0x24 // Back left 2
-#define MENU_ACTION_TURN_LEFT_1 0x25 // Turn left until
-#define MENU_ACTION_TURN_LEFT_2 0x26 // Turn left 2
-#define MENU_ACTION_BACK_RIGHT_1 0x27 // Back right until
-#define MENU_ACTION_TURN_RIGHT_1 0x28 // Turn right until
-#define MENU_ACTION_TURN_RIGHT_2 0x29 // Turn right 2
-#define MENU_ACTION_BACK_LEFT_1 0x2A // Back left until
-#define MENU_ACTION_TONE_1 0x2B // Tone 1
-#define MENU_ACTION_TONE_2 0x2C // Tone 2
-#define MENU_ACTION_BACKWARD_1 0x2D // Backward until
-#define MENU_ACTION_BACKWARD_2 0x2E // Backward 5
-#define MENU_ACTION_BACK_RIGHT_2 0x2F // Back right 2
-#define MENU_ACTION_INVALID 0x30 // Invalid
-#define MENU_WAIT_EMPTY 0x41 // Empty
-#define MENU_WAIT_LIGHT 0x42 // Light
-#define MENU_WAIT_SEEK_OBJ 0x43 // Seek obj.
-#define MENU_WAIT_SOUND 0x44 // Sound
-#define MENU_WAIT_TOUCH 0x45 // Touch
-#define MENU_WAIT_1 0x46 // Wait 2
-#define MENU_WAIT_2 0x47 // Wait 5
-#define MENU_WAIT_3 0x48 // Wait 10
-#define MENU_WAIT_DARK 0x49 // Dark
-#define MENU_WAIT_INVALID 0x4A // Invalid
-#define MENU_INIT 0x00 // Init
-#define MENU_INIT_ALTERNATIVE 0x01 // Init alternative
-#define MENU_DRAW 0xE9 // Draw
-#define MENU_OFF 0xEA // Off
-#define MENU_ON 0xEB // On
-#define MENU_OPEN_STREAM 0xEC // Open stream
-#define MENU_OVERWRITE 0xED // Overwrite file
-#define MENU_CALCULATE 0xEE // Calculate
-#define MENU_ENTER 0xEF // Enter
-#define MENU_DISCONNECT 0xF0 // Disconnect BT
-#define MENU_DELETE 0xF1 // Delete
-#define MENU_SELECT 0xF2 // Select
-#define MENU_RUN_SILENT 0xF3 // Run without graphics
-#define MENU_TOGGLE 0xF4 // Toggle
-#define MENU_CONNECT 0xF5 // Connect BT
-#define MENU_UPDATE 0xF6 // Update
-#define MENU_TEXT 0xF7 // Text
-#define MENU_RUN 0xF8 // Run
-#define MENU_SEND 0xF9 // Send
-#define MENU_SAVE 0xFA // Save
-#define MENU_STOP 0xFB // Stop
-#define MENU_LOOP 0xFC // Loop
-#define MENU_LEFT 0xFD // Left
-#define MENU_RIGHT 0xFE // Right
-#define MENU_EXIT 0xFF // Exit
-#define MAX_DATALOGS 9999 // Highest datalog file number
-#define DATALOGBUFFERSIZE 25 // Largest number of characters buffered before flash write
-#define MENULEVELS 10 // Max no of levels in one file (8 + 2 virtual)
-#define MENUFILELEVELS 3 // Max deept in menu file pool
-typedef struct // VarsUi.MenuFiles[VarsUi.MenuFileLevel].MenuLevels[VarsUi.MenuLevel].
- ULONG Id; // Menu item id
- UBYTE *IconText; // Menu item icon text pointer
- ULONG SpecialFlags; // Menu item special behaivor
- UBYTE IconImageNo; // Menu item icon image no
- UBYTE FunctionNo; // Menu item function call no (0 = none)
- UBYTE Parameter; // Menu item function call parameter
- UBYTE NextFileNo; // Menu item next menu file no (0 = none)
- UBYTE NextMenuNo; // Menu item next menu no (0 = none)
- UBYTE ItemIndex; // Menu item index on level
- UBYTE Items; // Menu items on level
-typedef struct
- MENULEVEL MenuLevels[MENULEVELS]; // See above
- UBYTE FileId; // VarsUi.MenuFiles[VarsUi.MenuFileLevel].FileId
- UBYTE MenuLevel; // VarsUi.MenuFiles[VarsUi.MenuFileLevel].MenuLevel
-typedef struct
- UBYTE CheckByte; // Check byte (CHECKBYTE)
- UBYTE DatalogEnabled; // Datalog enabled flag (0 = no)
- UBYTE VolumeStep; // Volume step (0 - MAX_VOLUME)
- UBYTE PowerdownCode; // Power down code
- UWORD DatalogNumber; // Datalog file number (0 - MAX_DATALOGS)
-typedef struct
- UBYTE StatusText[STATUSTEXT_SIZE + 1]; // RCX name
- UBYTE Initialized; // Ui init done
- UWORD SleepTimer; // Sleep timer
- // Menu system
- MENUFILE MenuFiles[MENUFILELEVELS]; // Menu file array
- MENUFILE *pMenuFile; // Actual menu file pointer
- MENULEVEL *pMenuLevel; // Actual menu item on level, pointer
- MENUITEM *pMenuItem; // Actual menu item in menu flash file
- UBYTE MenuFileLevel; // Actual menu file level
- UBYTE Function; // Running function (0 = none)
- UBYTE Parameter; // Parameter for running function
- UBYTE SecondTime; // Second time flag
- UBYTE EnterOnlyCalls; // Enter button only calls
- UBYTE ExitOnlyCalls; // Exit button only calls
- UWORD ButtonTimer; // Button repeat timer
- UWORD ButtonTime; // Button repeat time
- UBYTE ButtonOld; // Button old state
- // Update status
- UWORD UpdateCounter; // Update counter
- UBYTE Running; // Running pointer
- UBYTE BatteryToggle; // Battery flash toggle flag
- UBYTE NewStatusIcons[NO_OF_STATUSICONS]; // New status icons (used to detect changes)
- // Low battery voltage
- UBYTE *LowBattSavedBitmap; // Low battery overwritten bitmap placeholder
- UBYTE LowBatt; // Low battery volatge flag
- UBYTE LowBattHasOccured; // Low battery voltage has occured
- UBYTE LowBattSavedState; // Low battery current state placeholder
- // General used variables
- UBYTE *MenuIconTextSave; // Menu icon text save
- UBYTE *pTmp; // General UBYTE pointer
- ULONG TmpLength; // General filelength (used in filelist)
- SWORD TmpHandle; // General filehandle (used in filelist)
- SWORD Timer; // General tmp purpose timer
- SWORD ReadoutTimer; // General read out timer
- UBYTE Tmp; // General UBYTE
- UBYTE FileType; // General file type
- UBYTE State; // General tmp purpose state
- UBYTE Pointer; // General tmp purpose pointer
- UBYTE Counter; // General tmp purpose counter
- UBYTE Cursor; // General cursor
- UBYTE SelectedSensor; // General used for selected sensor
- UBYTE SelectedPort; // General used for selected port
- UBYTE SensorReset;
- UBYTE SensorState; // Sensor state (reset, ask, read)
- SWORD SensorTimer; // Timer used to time sensor states
- UBYTE NextState;
- UBYTE SelectedFilename[FILENAME_LENGTH + 1]; // Selected file name
- UBYTE FilenameBuffer[FILENAME_LENGTH + 1]; // General filename buffer
- UBYTE SearchFilenameBuffer[FILENAME_LENGTH + 1];// General filename buffer
- UBYTE DisplayBuffer[DISPLAYLINE_LENGTH + 1]; // General purpose display buffer
- UBYTE PortBitmapLeft[SIZE_OF_PORTBITMAP]; // Port no bitmap for left icon
- UBYTE PortBitmapCenter[SIZE_OF_PORTBITMAP]; // Port no bitmap for center icon
- UBYTE PortBitmapRight[SIZE_OF_PORTBITMAP]; // Port no bitmap for right icon
- // Find no of files and find name for file no
- ULONG FNOFLength; // Length
- SWORD FNOFHandle; // Handle
- UBYTE FNOFState; // State
- UBYTE FNOFSearchBuffer[FILENAME_LENGTH + 1]; // Search buffer
- UBYTE FNOFNameBuffer[FILENAME_LENGTH + 1]; // File name buffer
- UBYTE FNOFFileNo; // File no
- // File list
- UBYTE FileCenter; // File center
- UBYTE FileLeft; // File left
- UBYTE FileRight; // File right
- UBYTE NoOfFiles; // No of files
- // On brick programming menu
- UBYTE ProgramSteps[ON_BRICK_PROGRAMSTEPS]; // On brick programming steps
- UBYTE ProgramStepPointer; // On brick programming step pointer
- UBYTE CursorTmp[SIZE_OF_CURSOR]; // On brick programming cursor
- UBYTE FileHeader[FILEHEADER_LENGTH]; // File header for programs
- UBYTE *FeedBackText; // Program end text
- UWORD OBPTimer; // Graphic update timer
- // BT search menu
- UBYTE NoOfDevices; // BT search no of devices found
- UBYTE NoOfNames; // BT search no of names found
- UBYTE SelectedDevice; // BT selected device
- UBYTE SelectedSlot; // BT selected slot
- // BT device list menu
- UBYTE DevicesKnown; // BT device known flag
- UBYTE Devices; // BT devices
- UBYTE DeviceLeft; // BT device left
- UBYTE DeviceCenter; // BT device center
- UBYTE DeviceRight; // BT device right
- UBYTE DeviceType; // BT device type
- // BT connect Menu
- UBYTE Slots; // BT connect no of slots
- UBYTE SlotLeft; // BT connect
- UBYTE SlotCenter; // BT connect
- UBYTE SlotRight; // BT connect
- // Get user string
- UBYTE GUSTmp; // Seperat tmp for "Get user string"
- UBYTE GUSState; // Seperat state for "Get user string"
- UBYTE GUSNoname; // No user entry
- UBYTE UserString[DISPLAYLINE_LENGTH + 1]; // User string
- UBYTE DisplayText[DISPLAYLINE_LENGTH + 1]; // Display buffer
- SBYTE FigurePointer; // Figure cursor
- UBYTE GUSCursor; // User string cursor
- // Connect request
- ULONG CRPasskey; // Passkey to fake wrong pin code
- UBYTE CRState; // Seperate state for "Connect request"
- UBYTE CRTmp; // Seperate tmp for "Connect request"
- // Run files
- UBYTE *RunIconSave; // Menu center icon save
- UWORD RunTimer; // Bitmap change timer
- UBYTE RunBitmapPointer; // Bitmap pointer
- // Delete files
- UBYTE SelectedType; // Type of selected files for delete
- // View
- SLONG ViewSampleValue; // Latch for sensor values
- UBYTE ViewSampleValid; // Latch for sensor valid
- // Datalog
- ULONG DatalogOldTick;
- ULONG DatalogRTC; // Real time in mS
- ULONG DatalogTimer; // Logging main timer
- ULONG DatalogSampleTime; // Logging sample time
- ULONG DatalogSampleTimer; // Logging sample timer
- SLONG DatalogSampleValue[DATALOGPORTS]; // Latch for sensor values
- UBYTE DatalogSampleValid[DATALOGPORTS]; // Latch for sensor valid
- UWORD DatalogError; // Error code
- UBYTE DatalogPort[DATALOGPORTS]; // Logging sensor
- UBYTE Update; // Update icons flag
- // NV storage
- ULONG NVTmpLength; // Non volatile filelength
- SWORD NVTmpHandle; // Non volatile filehandle
- UBYTE NVFilename[FILENAME_LENGTH + 1]; // Non volatile file name
- NVDATA NVData; // Non volatile data
- // Feedback
- UBYTE *FBText; // Seperate text pointer for feedback
- UWORD FBTimer; // Seperate timer for feedback
- UBYTE FBState; // Seperate state for feedback
- UBYTE FBPointer; // Seperate pointer for feedback
- // BT command
- UBYTE BTIndex; // List index
- UBYTE BTTmpIndex; // Tmp list index
- UBYTE BTCommand; // Last lached BT command
- UBYTE BTPar1; // Last lached BT command parameter 1
- UBYTE BTPar2; // Last lached BT command parameter 2
- UWORD BTResult; // Last lached BT command result
- // Error display
- UBYTE ErrorTimer; // Error show timer
- UBYTE ErrorFunction; // Error latched function
- UBYTE ErrorParameter; // Error latched parameter
- UBYTE ErrorState; // Error latched state
- UBYTE ErrorString[DISPLAYLINE_LENGTH + 1]; // Error string
-void cUiInit(void* pHeader); // Init controller
-void cUiCtrl(void); // Run controller
-void cUiExit(void); // Exit controller
-extern const HEADER cUi;