path: root/src/Propellor/Property/OS.hs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-03-28type safe targets for propertiesJoey Hess
* Property types have been improved to indicate what systems they target. This prevents using eg, Property FreeBSD on a Debian system. Transition guide for this sweeping API change: - Change "host name & foo & bar" to "host name $ props & foo & bar" - Similarly, `propertyList` and `combineProperties` need `props` to be used to combine together properties; they no longer accept lists of properties. (If you have such a list, use `toProps`.) - And similarly, Chroot, Docker, and Systemd container need `props` to be used to combine together the properies used inside them. - The `os` property is removed. Instead use `osDebian`, `osBuntish`, or `osFreeBSD`. These tell the type checker the target OS of a host. - Change "Property NoInfo" to "Property UnixLike" - Change "Property HasInfo" to "Property (HasInfo + UnixLike)" - Change "RevertableProperty NoInfo" to "RevertableProperty UnixLike UnixLike" - Change "RevertableProperty HasInfo" to "RevertableProperty (HasInfo + UnixLike) UnixLike" - GHC needs {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} to use these fancy types. This is enabled by default for all modules in propellor.cabal. But if you are using propellor as a library, you may need to enable it manually. - If you know a property only works on a particular OS, like Debian or FreeBSD, use that instead of "UnixLike". For example: "Property Debian" - It's also possible make a property support a set of OS's, for example: "Property (Debian + FreeBSD)" - Removed `infoProperty` and `simpleProperty` constructors, instead use `property` to construct a Property. - Due to the polymorphic type returned by `property`, additional type signatures tend to be needed when using it. For example, this will fail to type check, because the type checker cannot guess what type you intend the intermediate property "go" to have: foo :: Property UnixLike foo = go `requires` bar where go = property "foo" (return NoChange) To fix, specify the type of go: go :: Property UnixLike - `ensureProperty` now needs to be passed a witness to the type of the property it's used in. change this: foo = property desc $ ... ensureProperty bar to this: foo = property' desc $ \w -> ... ensureProperty w bar - General purpose properties like cmdProperty have type "Property UnixLike". When using that to run a command only available on Debian, you can tighten the type to only the OS that your more specific property works on. For example: upgraded :: Property Debian upgraded = tightenTargets (cmdProperty "apt-get" ["upgrade"]) - Several utility functions have been renamed: getInfo to fromInfo propertyInfo to getInfo propertyDesc to getDesc propertyChildren to getChildren * The new `pickOS` property combinator can be used to combine different properties, supporting different OS's, into one Property that chooses which to use based on the Host's OS. * Re-enabled -O0 in propellor.cabal to reign in ghc's memory use handling these complex new types. * Added dependency on concurrent-output; removed embedded copy.
2016-03-07add unsupportedOSJoey Hess
2016-02-26Removed Ssh.unauthorizedKey and made Ssh.authorizedKey revertable. (API change)Joey Hess
2016-02-25FooBuntu -> BuntishJoey Hess
Seems that Canonical have trademarked numerous words ending in "buntu", and would like to trademark anything ending in that to the extent their lawyers can make that happen.
2016-02-19trademark nonsenseJoey Hess
Removed references to *buntu from code and documentation because of an unfortunate trademark use policy. That included changing a data constructor to "FooBuntu", an API change.
2015-10-23allow specifying filesystem mount optionsJoey Hess
2015-10-10propellor spinJoey Hess
2015-05-27Export CommandParam, boolSystem, safeSystem and shellEscape from ↵Joey Hess
Propellor.Property.Cmd, so they are available for use in constricting your own Properties when using propellor as a library. Several imports of Utility.SafeCommand now redundant.
2015-04-22API change: Added User and Group newtypes, and Properties that used to use ↵Joey Hess
the type UserName = String were changed to use them. Note that UserName is kept and PrivData still uses it in its sum type. This is to avoid breaking PrivData serialization.
2015-01-25remove toSimplePropJoey Hess
It didn't do what I thought it did with a RevertableProperty; it always returned Nothing because even if the input properties to <!> are NoInfo, it casts them to HasInfo. Even if it had worked, it lost type safety. Better to export the Property NoInfo that is used in a RevertableProperty, so it can be used directly.
2015-01-24GADT properties seem to work (untested)Joey Hess
* Property has been converted to a GADT, and will be Property NoInfo or Property HasInfo. This was done to make sure that ensureProperty is only used on properties that do not have Info. Transition guide: - Change all "Property" to "Property NoInfo" or "Property WithInfo" (The compiler can tell you if you got it wrong!) - To construct a RevertableProperty, it is useful to use the new (<!>) operator - Constructing a list of properties can be problimatic, since Property NoInto and Property WithInfo are different types and cannot appear in the same list. To deal with this, "props" has been added, and can built up a list of properties of different types, using the same (&) and (!) operators that are used to build up a host's properties.
2015-01-23OS.preserveNetwork finally writtenJoey Hess
2014-12-09improve haddock formating of filenamesJoey Hess
2014-12-07cautionJoey Hess
2014-12-06enable shadow passwordsJoey Hess
I have seen weird almost boot failures when they're disabled, including a segfault.
2014-12-06updateJoey Hess
2014-12-06Reboot.atEndJoey Hess
2014-12-06reboot at end of propellor run when clean os has been installedJoey Hess
2014-12-05some commentsJoey Hess
2014-12-05fix install of debootstrap from sourceJoey Hess
2014-12-05hasSomePassword and hasPassword now check to make sure shadow passwords are ↵Joey Hess
2014-12-05I have now successfully used propellor to convert a Fedora system into a ↵Joey Hess
bootable and fully working Debian system
2014-12-05rollback if renameing failsJoey Hess
This avoids leaving the system in a broken state where some directories have been renamed away any others not. Future work: If the rename list contains (foo, bar) and (newfoo,foo), reorder the list to gather those two actions together to minimize the amount of time that foo is missing. In case of power loss or something.
2014-12-04more improvements to takeoverJoey Hess
2014-12-04more work on OS takeoverJoey Hess
2014-11-24renameJoey Hess
2014-11-24move property to ssh moduleJoey Hess
2014-11-24more work; builds nowJoey Hess
2014-11-23better property namesJoey Hess
2014-11-23hasSomePassword and hasPassword now default to using the name of the host as ↵Joey Hess
the Context for the password. To specify a different context, use hasSomePassword' and hasPassword' (API change)
2014-11-23WIPJoey Hess