path: root/src/Propellor
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authorJoey Hess2016-03-26 13:50:38 -0400
committerJoey Hess2016-03-26 13:50:38 -0400
commit2962f5c783db7a0f7014a8745768948c15d6a8ea (patch)
tree55c75394ef0760ef0e9e89d7437f13daee394a41 /src/Propellor
parent57adcf0e445ae31cf9a9db66d3a7f4793c8399a6 (diff)
fixed type checking of Ssh
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/Ssh.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/Ssh.hs
index 12c06919..dc4b7a75 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/Ssh.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/Ssh.hs
@@ -155,18 +155,21 @@ type PubKeyText = String
-- Any host keys that are not in the list are removed from the host.
hostKeys :: IsContext c => c -> [(SshKeyType, PubKeyText)] -> Property (HasInfo + DebianLike)
-hostKeys ctx l = propertyList desc $ toProps $ catMaybes $
- map (\(t, pub) -> Just $ hostKey ctx t pub) l ++ [cleanup]
+hostKeys ctx l = go `before` cleanup
desc = "ssh host keys configured " ++ typelist (map fst l)
+ go :: Property (HasInfo + DebianLike)
+ go = propertyList desc $ toProps $ catMaybes $
+ map (\(t, pub) -> Just $ hostKey ctx t pub) l
typelist tl = "(" ++ unwords (map fromKeyType tl) ++ ")"
alltypes = [minBound..maxBound]
staletypes = let have = map fst l in filter (`notElem` have) alltypes
- removestale b = map (File.notPresent . flip keyFile b) staletypes
- cleanup :: Maybe (Property DebianLike)
+ removestale :: Bool -> [Property DebianLike]
+ removestale b = map (tightenTargets . File.notPresent . flip keyFile b) staletypes
+ cleanup :: Property DebianLike
- | null staletypes || null l = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just $
+ | null staletypes || null l = tightenTargets doNothing
+ | otherwise =
combineProperties ("any other ssh host keys removed " ++ typelist staletypes)
(toProps $ removestale True ++ removestale False)
`onChange` restarted
@@ -176,23 +179,26 @@ hostKeys ctx l = propertyList desc $ toProps $ catMaybes $
-- The public key is provided to this function;
-- the private key comes from the privdata;
hostKey :: IsContext c => c -> SshKeyType -> PubKeyText -> Property (HasInfo + DebianLike)
-hostKey context keytype pub = combineProperties desc (props
- & hostPubKey keytype pub
- & installpub
- & installpriv
- ) `onChange` restarted
+hostKey context keytype pub = go `onChange` restarted
+ go = combineProperties desc $ props
+ & hostPubKey keytype pub
+ & installpub
+ & installpriv
desc = "ssh host key configured (" ++ fromKeyType keytype ++ ")"
- install w writer ispub keylines = do
- let f = keyFile keytype ispub
- ensureProperty w $ writer f (keyFileContent keylines)
keysrc ext field = PrivDataSourceFileFromCommand field ("sshkey"++ext)
("ssh-keygen -t " ++ sshKeyTypeParam keytype ++ " -f sshkey")
- installpub = property' desc $ \w -> install w File.hasContent True (lines pub)
+ installpub :: Property UnixLike
+ installpub = keywriter File.hasContent True (lines pub)
+ installpriv :: Property (HasInfo + UnixLike)
installpriv = withPrivData (keysrc "" (SshPrivKey keytype "")) context $ \getkey ->
property' desc $ \w -> getkey $
- install w File.hasContentProtected False . privDataLines
+ ensureProperty w
+ . keywriter File.hasContentProtected False
+ . privDataLines
+ keywriter p ispub keylines = do
+ let f = keyFile keytype ispub
+ p f (keyFileContent keylines)
-- Make sure that there is a newline at the end;
-- ssh requires this for some types of private keys.
@@ -207,7 +213,7 @@ keyFile keytype ispub = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_" ++ fromKeyType keytype ++ "_key" ++
-- | Indicates the host key that is used by a Host, but does not actually
-- configure the host to use it. Normally this does not need to be used;
-- use 'hostKey' instead.
-hostPubKey :: SshKeyType -> PubKeyText -> Property (HasInfo + DebianLike)
+hostPubKey :: SshKeyType -> PubKeyText -> Property (HasInfo + UnixLike)
hostPubKey t = pureInfoProperty "ssh pubkey known" . HostKeyInfo . M.singleton t
getHostPubKey :: Propellor (M.Map SshKeyType PubKeyText)
@@ -279,13 +285,18 @@ userKeyAt dest user@(User u) context (keytype, pubkeytext) =
, dest
, Just $ "(" ++ fromKeyType keytype ++ ")"
- pubkey = property' desc $ \w -> install w File.hasContent ".pub" [pubkeytext]
- privkey = withPrivData (SshPrivKey keytype u) context $ \getkey ->
- property' desc $ \w -> getkey $
- install w File.hasContentProtected "" . privDataLines
- install w writer ext key = do
+ pubkey :: Property UnixLike
+ pubkey = property' desc $ \w ->
+ ensureProperty w =<< installprop File.hasContent ".pub" [pubkeytext]
+ privkey :: Property (HasInfo + UnixLike)
+ privkey = withPrivData (SshPrivKey keytype u) context privkey'
+ privkey' :: ((PrivData -> Propellor Result) -> Propellor Result) -> Property (HasInfo + UnixLike)
+ privkey' getkey = property' desc $ \w -> getkey $ \k ->
+ ensureProperty w
+ =<< installprop File.hasContentProtected "" (privDataLines k)
+ installprop writer ext key = do
f <- liftIO $ keyfile ext
- ensureProperty w $ combineProperties desc $ props
+ return $ combineProperties desc $ props
& writer f (keyFileContent key)
& File.ownerGroup f user (userGroup user)
& File.ownerGroup (takeDirectory f) user (userGroup user)
@@ -325,7 +336,7 @@ unknownHost hosts hn user@(User u) = property' desc $ \w ->
desc = u ++ " does not know ssh key for " ++ hn
- go w [] = return NoChange
+ go _ [] = return NoChange
go w ls = do
f <- liftIO $ dotFile "known_hosts" user
ifM (liftIO $ doesFileExist f)