path: root/polux/application/agent/mibs/SPIDCOM-SPC200-MIB.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'polux/application/agent/mibs/SPIDCOM-SPC200-MIB.txt')
1 files changed, 2896 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/polux/application/agent/mibs/SPIDCOM-SPC200-MIB.txt b/polux/application/agent/mibs/SPIDCOM-SPC200-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ae975bb89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polux/application/agent/mibs/SPIDCOM-SPC200-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2896 @@
+-- File Name : SPC200.txt
+-- Date : Wed Aug 23 14:03:00 CEST 2006
+-- Author : Gilles Marceau
+-- Date : Tue Jul 06 18:48:54 CEST 2004
+-- Author : Luc Capanaccia
+-- Date : Tue Jul 22 12:00:00 CEST 2004
+-- Reviewed by : Gilles Dupont
+-- Date : Mon Sep 13 12:00:00 CEST 2004
+-- Reviewed by : Gilles Dupont
+-- Date : Mon Sep 21 12:00:00 CEST 2004
+-- Reviewed by : Gilles Dupont
+-- Date : Tue Nov 16 12:30:00 CEST 2004
+-- Reviewed by : Luc Capanaccia
+-- Date : Fri Dec 17 12:30:00 CEST 2004
+-- Reviewed by : Luc Capanaccia
+-- Date : Thu Sep 15 14:00:00 CEST 2005
+-- Reviewed by : Philippe Rimauro (Tag PR01)
+-- Date : Thu Feb 08 14:03:00 CEST 2007
+-- Author : Gilles Marceau
+ RowStatus, TruthValue, MacAddress, DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ Counter32, IpAddress, Unsigned32, Gauge32
+ interfaces, ifIndex
+ spidcom
+ LAST-UPDATED "200412171230Z" -- December 17, 2004
+ ORGANIZATION "Organization"
+ CONTACT-INFO "Contact-info"
+ DESCRIPTION "Description"
+ REVISION "200412171230Z"
+ DESCRIPTION "Add software upgrade features"
+ REVISION "200411161230Z"
+ DESCRIPTION "Add adapt level table , commit and reset command"
+ REVISION "200409211200Z"
+ DESCRIPTION "Add quick access to channel modulation and pilots"
+ REVISION "200409131200Z"
+ DESCRIPTION "Add quick access to notches"
+ REVISION "200407221200Z"
+ DESCRIPTION "Corrected compilation errors"
+ REVISION "200407011757Z"
+ DESCRIPTION "Initial revision"
+ ::= { spidcom 1 }
+ ModulationValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ STATUS current
+ "Modulation amplitude used by a group of carriers."
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { none ( 1 ) ,
+ bpsk ( 2 ) ,
+ qpsk ( 3 ) ,
+ qam16 ( 4 ) ,
+ qam64 ( 5 ) ,
+ qam256 ( 6 ) }
+ STATUS current
+ "A group is composed of 8 carriers."
+ SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 8 )
+ STATUS current
+ "The pilot carrier wave can be chosen between
+ the carrier 1 up to carrier 128 inside a band carrier range."
+ SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 128 )
+ STATUS current
+ "A channel is composed of 7 bands."
+ SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 7 )
+ STATUS current
+ "The different type of plc channels:
+ rx for the current reception channel,
+ rx last for the last reception channel,
+ tx for the current transmission channel."
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { rx ( 1 ) ,
+ rxLast ( 2 ) ,
+ tx ( 3 ) }
+ EstimationMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ STATUS current
+ "The type of Channel estimation process. Two are available:
+ - automatic, the equipment negociates the best configuration
+ with the remote equipment,
+ - manual, the operator defines the configuration."
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { automatic ( 1 ) ,
+ manual ( 2 ) }
+ STATUS current
+ "A band is composed of 16 groups."
+ SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 16 )
+ STATUS current
+ "Result value of input vectors."
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { success ( 1 ) ,
+ fail ( 2 ) }
+ STATUS current
+ "The adapt level integer value."
+ SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0 .. 8191 )
+ ChannelBandwidthValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ STATUS current
+ "The channel bandwidth integer value."
+ SYNTAX Integer32 --PR01
+ SoftwareIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ STATUS current
+ "The software index."
+ SYNTAX Integer32 ( 1 .. 10 )
+ SoftwareActionResultValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ STATUS current
+ "Result value of software action process."
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { success ( 0 ) ,
+ on-going ( 1 ) ,
+ fileNotExist ( 2 ) ,
+ flashExhausted ( 3 ),
+ flashCorrupted ( 4 ),
+ notEnoughMemory ( 5 ),
+ invalidParameter ( 6 ),
+ genericError ( 7 ) }
+ SoftwareActionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ STATUS current
+ "Type of software management action."
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { switch ( 1 ) ,
+ remove ( 2 ) }
+ STATUS current
+ "Type of software management action."
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { ad-hoc ( 0 ) ,
+ slave ( 1 ) ,
+ master ( 2 ) }
+--PR01 END
+-- PLC data
+ ::= { spc200MIB 1 }
+-- statistic data
+ ::= { plc 1 }
+-- ::= { stats 1 }
+-- ::= { protocol 1 }
+-- ::= { protocol 2 }
+-- ::= { protocol 3 }
+-- ipStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+-- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "This table gathers all statistic data specific to
+-- SPC200 chip relative to IP protocol. The data is
+-- relative to the underlying interface that is under
+-- the IP protocol layer. So the table index is
+-- the ifIndex of such an interface."
+-- ::= { ip 1 }
+-- ipStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX IpStatsEntry
+-- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "This row contains IP statistic data specific to
+-- SPC200 chip. The data is relevant for the interface
+-- under the IP protocol layer."
+-- INDEX { ifIndex }
+-- ::= { ipStatsTable 1 }
+-- IpStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+-- ipInPkts Counter32,
+-- ipInErrorPkts Counter32,
+-- ipOutPkts Counter32,
+-- ipOutErrorPkts Counter32,
+-- ipInBridgedPkts Counter32
+-- }
+-- ipInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The number of IP packets received by the interface
+-- associated with this entry"
+-- ::= { ipStatsEntry 1 }
+-- ipInErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The number of inbound IP packets that contained
+-- errors preventing them from being deliverable to a
+-- higher -layer protocol on the interface associated
+-- with this entry."
+-- ::= { ipStatsEntry 2 }
+-- ipOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The total number of outbound IP packets transmitted
+-- out the interface associated with this entry"
+-- ::= { ipStatsEntry 3 }
+-- ipOutErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The number of outbound IP packets that could not be
+-- transmitted because of errors."
+-- ::= { ipStatsEntry 4 }
+-- ipInBridgedPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The number of IP packets bridged from the interface,
+-- associated with this entry, and another one"
+-- ::= { ipStatsEntry 5 }
+-- ipInPackets OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The total number of IP packets received
+-- by the SPC200 CHIP"
+-- ::= { ip 2 }
+-- ipInErrorPackets OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The total number of inbound IP packets that
+-- contained errors preventing them from being delivered."
+-- ::= { ip 3 }
+-- ipOutPackets OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The total number of outbound IP packets transmitted
+-- out the interfaces"
+-- ::= { ip 4 }
+-- ipOutErrorPackets OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The total number of outbound IP packets that could
+-- not be transmitted because of errors."
+-- ::= { ip 5 }
+-- ipBridgedPackets OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The total number of IP packets bridged"
+-- ::= { ip 6 }
+-- macStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+-- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "This table gathers all SPC200 chip specific packet
+-- statistics relative to MAC layer.
+-- The data is relative to the underlying interface
+-- that is under the MAC layer. So the table index is
+-- the ifIndex of such an interface."
+-- ::= { mac 1 }
+-- macStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX MacStatsEntry
+-- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "This row contains MAC statistic data specific
+-- to SPC200 chip. The data is relevant for the interface
+-- under the MAC layer."
+-- INDEX { ifIndex }
+-- ::= { macStatsTable 1 }
+-- MacStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+-- macInPkts Counter32,
+-- macInErrorPkts Counter32,
+-- macOutPackets Counter32,
+-- macOutErrorPkts Counter32
+-- }
+-- macInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The number of MAC packets received by the interface
+-- associated with this entry"
+-- ::= { macStatsEntry 1 }
+-- macInErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The number of inbound MAC packets that contained
+-- errors preventing them from being deliverable to
+-- a higher -layer protocol on the interface
+-- associated with this entry."
+-- ::= { macStatsEntry 2 }
+-- macOutPackets OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The total number of outbound MAC packets transmitted
+-- out the interface associated with this entry"
+-- ::= { macStatsEntry 3 }
+-- macOutErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The number of outbound MAC packets that could not be
+-- transmitted because of errors."
+-- ::= { macStatsEntry 4 }
+-- plcpStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+-- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "This table gathers all SPC200 chip specific packet
+-- statistics relative to PLCP protocol.
+-- The data is relative to the underlying interface that
+-- is under the PLCP protocol layer. So the table index
+-- is the ifIndex of such an interface."
+-- ::= { plcp 1 }
+-- plcpStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX PlcpStatsEntry
+-- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "This row contains PLCP statistic data specific
+-- to SPC200 chip. The data is relevant for the interface
+-- under the PLCP layer."
+-- INDEX { ifIndex }
+-- ::= { plcpStatsTable 1 }
+-- PlcpStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+-- plcpInPkts Counter32,
+-- plcpInErrorPkts Counter32,
+-- plcpOutPkts Counter32,
+-- plcpOutErrorPkts Counter32
+-- }
+-- plcpInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The number of PLCP packets received by the interface
+-- associated with this entry"
+-- ::= { plcpStatsEntry 1 }
+-- plcpInErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The number of inbound PLCP packets that contained
+-- errors preventing them from being deliverable to a
+-- higher -layer protocol on the interface associated
+-- with this entry."
+-- ::= { plcpStatsEntry 2 }
+-- plcpOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The total number of outbound PLCP packets transmitted
+-- out the interface associated with this entry"
+-- ::= { plcpStatsEntry 3 }
+-- plcpOutErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The number of outbound PLCP packets that could not be
+-- transmitted because of errors."
+-- ::= { plcpStatsEntry 4 }
+--PR01 END
+ portStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table gathers all statistic data specific
+ to SPC200 chip relative to plc connection."
+ ::= { stats 2 }
+ portStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PortStatsEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains statistic data specific to
+ SPC200 chip relative to a connection."
+ INDEX { plcBasePortIndex,
+ portStatsBandIndex,
+ portStatsGroupIndex,
+ portStatsCarrierIndex }
+ ::= { portStatsTable 1 }
+ PortStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ portStatsBandIndex BandValue,
+ portStatsGroupIndex GroupValue,
+ portStatsCarrierIndex CarrierValue,
+ portStatsSignal Counter32,
+ portStatsNoise Counter32
+-- portStatsBer Counter32
+ }
+ portStatsBandIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The band number on which the signal,
+ noise, ber data are collected."
+ ::= { portStatsEntry 1 }
+ portStatsGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX GroupValue
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The group number on which the signal,
+ noise, ber data are collected"
+ ::= { portStatsEntry 2 }
+ portStatsCarrierIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX CarrierValue
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The group number on which the signal,
+ noise, ber data are collected"
+ ::= { portStatsEntry 3 }
+ portStatsSignal OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The DB value of the signal associated
+ with the carrier wave entry."
+ ::= { portStatsEntry 4 }
+ portStatsNoise OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The DB value of the noise associated
+ with the carrier wave entry."
+ ::= { portStatsEntry 5 }
+-- portStatsBer OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Counter32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The BER value * 100 associated
+-- with the carrier wave entry."
+-- ::= { portStatsEntry 6 }
+--PR01 END
+ portStats2Table OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table gathers all statistic data specific to
+ SPC200 chip relative to plc channels. This table has
+ the same information as the portChannelStatsTable
+ but in a more compact way. This table has been added
+ to deal with possible slow performances."
+ ::= { stats 3 }
+ portStats2Entry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PortStats2Entry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains statistic data specific to
+ SPC200 chip relative to a connection."
+ INDEX { plcBasePortIndex,
+ plcModBandIndex }
+ ::= { portStats2Table 1 }
+ PortStats2Entry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ portStats2Signal OCTET STRING,
+ portStats2Noise OCTET STRING,
+-- portStats2Ber OCTET STRING,
+ portStats2AvgBandAtt Counter32,
+ portStats2AvgBandSNR Counter32
+--PR01 END
+ }
+ portStats2Signal OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The values of the signal for all the carrier waves.
+ The expected format is VALUE VALUE VALUE ... VALUE.
+ Each value is coded on two bytes.
+ There is one value for each 128 carriers of the
+ considered band."
+ ::= { portStats2Entry 1 }
+ portStats2Noise OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The values of the noise for all the carrier waves.
+ The expected format is VALUE VALUE VALUE ... VALUE.
+ Each value is coded on two bytes.
+ There is one value for each 128 carriers of the
+ considered band."
+ ::= { portStats2Entry 2 }
+-- portStats2Ber OBJECT-TYPE
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-only
+-- STATUS current
+-- DESCRIPTION "The values of the signal for all the carrier waves.
+-- The expected format is VALUE VALUE VALUE ... VALUE.
+-- Each value is coded on two bytes.
+-- There is one value for each 128 carriers of the
+-- considered band.
+-- The VALUE represents the BER value * 10000."
+-- ::= { portStats2Entry 3 }
+ portStats2AvgBandAtt OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Average attenuation per band (dB)."
+ ::= { portStats2Entry 3 }
+ portStats2AvgBandSNR OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Average SNR per band (dB)."
+ ::= { portStats2Entry 4 }
+--PR01 END
+ portStats3Table OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table gathers all statistic data specific to
+ SPC200 chip relative to plc channels. This table has
+ the same information as the portChannelStatsTable
+ but in a more compact way. This table has been added
+ to deal with possible slow performances."
+ ::= { stats 4 }
+ portStats3Entry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PortStats3Entry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains statistic data specific to
+ SPC200 chip relative to a connection."
+ INDEX { plcBasePortIndex }
+ ::= { portStats3Table 1 }
+ PortStats3Entry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ portStats3AvgAtt Counter32,
+ portStats3AvgSNR Counter32
+ }
+ portStats3AvgAtt OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Average attenuation on the link (dB)."
+ ::= { portStats3Entry 1 }
+ portStats3AvgSNR OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Average SNR on the link (dB)."
+ ::= { portStats3Entry 2 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "boot statistics"
+ ::= { stats 5 }
+ bootstatsBoot OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ ::= { bootstats 1 }
+ bootstatsManualReset OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Manual reset"
+ ::= { bootstats 2 }
+ bootstatsFailureReset OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Failure reset"
+ ::= { bootstats 3 }
+--PR01 END
+-- configuration data
+ ::= { plc 2 }
+ plcMode OBJECT-TYPE -- PR01
+ SYNTAX PlcModeType --PR01
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ ::= { plcObjects 1 }
+ ::= { plcObjects 2 }
+ plcNodeConfiguration OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { plcObjects 3 }
+ ::= { plcObjects 4 }
+ plcSNAnalyserEnable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { true ( 1 ) ,
+ false ( 2 ) }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "true if the modem should turn to spectrum analyser mode.
+ In this mode the modem enters a receive only mode,
+ and captures periodic samples of the signal on the powerline.
+ The spectrum analyser mode shall be disabled for normal
+ powerline modem operation."
+ ::= { plcSNAnalyser 1 }
+ plcSNAnalyserTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table gathers all statistic data specific to
+ SPC200 chip relative to plc analyser."
+ ::= { plcSNAnalyser 2 }
+ plcSNAnalyserEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcSNAnalyserEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains statistic data specific to
+ SPC200 chip relative to a band."
+ INDEX { plcModBandIndex }
+ ::= { plcSNAnalyserTable 1 }
+ PlcSNAnalyserEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ plcSNAnalyserMinSignal OCTET STRING,
+ plcSNAnalyserMaxSignal OCTET STRING,
+ plcSNAnalyserAvgSignal OCTET STRING,
+ plcSNAnalyserLastSignal OCTET STRING,
+ plcSNAnalyserFFTDiv Counter32
+ }
+ plcSNAnalyserMinSignal OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Minimum signal measured over several samples for the
+ associated carrier wave entry. The value is expressed
+ in Glomer© which can be converted in dBm/Hz using the
+ following formula: dBm/Hz = 19*log10(Glomer©) - 113"
+ ::= { plcSNAnalyserEntry 1 }
+ plcSNAnalyserMaxSignal OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Maximum signal measured on several samples for the
+ associated carrier wave entry. The value is expressed
+ in Glomer© which can be converted in dBm/Hz using the
+ following formula: dBm/Hz = 19*log10(Glomer©) - 113"
+ ::= { plcSNAnalyserEntry 2 }
+ plcSNAnalyserAvgSignal OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Average signal measured on several samples for the
+ associated carrier wave entry. The value is expressed
+ in Glomer© which can be converted in dBm/Hz using the
+ following formula: dBm/Hz = 19*log10(Glomer©) - 113"
+ ::= { plcSNAnalyserEntry 3 }
+ plcSNAnalyserLastSignal OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Signal measured for last sample on the associated
+ carrier wave entry. The value is expressed
+ in Glomer© which can be converted in dBm/Hz using the
+ following formula: dBm/Hz = 19*log10(Glomer©) - 113"
+ ::= { plcSNAnalyserEntry 4 }
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "FFT division factor on the associated band."
+ ::= { plcSNAnalyserEntry 5 }
+ SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0..255 )
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Gain factor in dB, as used by the
+ Automatic Gain Control last sample"
+ ::= { plcSNAnalyser 3 }
+ ::= { plcObjects 5 }
+ plcAGCAnalyserEnable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { true ( 1 ) ,
+ false ( 2 ) }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ ::= { plcAGCAnalyser 1 }
+ plcAGCAnalyserSamplesPart1 OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ ::= { plcAGCAnalyser 2 }
+ plcAGCAnalyserSamplesPart2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ ::= { plcAGCAnalyser 3 }
+--PR01 END
+ plcTopoChanges OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The total number of topology changes detected
+ by this plc bridge since the management entity
+ was last reset or initialized. Such changes
+ concerns only
+ - the plcBasePortTable rows
+ - the plcBasePortTable columns
+ except for plcBasePortChannelEstimation"
+ ::= { plcTopo 1 }
+ plcBasePortTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table contains the list of plc remote connection"
+ ::= { plcTopo 2 }
+ plcBasePortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcBasePortEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains plc remote connection information"
+ INDEX { plcBasePortIndex }
+ ::= { plcBasePortTable 1 }
+ PlcBasePortEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ plcBasePortIndex MacAddress,
+ plcBasePortAddress MacAddress,
+ plcBasePortChannelEstimation EstimationMode,
+ plcBasePortAttenuation Counter32 }
+ plcBasePortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX MacAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the MAC layer above
+ the plc interface of the remote PLC equipment."
+ ::= { plcBasePortEntry 1 }
+ plcBasePortAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX MacAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the MAC layer above
+ the plc interface of the remote PLC equipment."
+ ::= { plcBasePortEntry 2 }
+ plcBasePortChannelEstimation OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX EstimationMode
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable the automatic channel
+ estimation processus."
+ ::= { plcBasePortEntry 3 }
+ plcBasePortAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Link attenuation (dB)."
+ ::= { plcBasePortEntry 4 }
+ plcChannelModulationStringTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PlcChannelModulationStringEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table contains string values for a quick access to
+ the modulation amplitude configurations of all active
+ channels."
+ ::= { plcTopo 3 }
+ plcChannelModulationStringEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcChannelModulationStringEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains string values for a quick access to
+ the modulation amplitude configuration
+ of each active channel of the remote
+ connection referenced by plcBasePortIndex."
+ INDEX { plcBasePortIndex }
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationStringTable 1 }
+ PlcChannelModulationStringEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ plcRxChannelModulation OCTET STRING,
+ plcRxLastChannelModulation OCTET STRING,
+ plcTxChannelModulation OCTET STRING }
+ plcRxChannelModulation OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude values for the Rx channel of
+ a given remote connection entry.
+ The expected format is VALUE VALUE VALUE ... VALUE.
+ Each value is an octet representing two modulation values.
+ Each modulation is coded on 4 bits.
+ There are ( 16 groups * 7 bands ) / 2 = 66 values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationStringEntry 1 }
+ plcRxLastChannelModulation OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude values for the Rx Last channel of
+ a given remote connection entry.
+ The expected format is VALUE VALUE VALUE ... VALUE.
+ Each value is an octet representing two modulation values.
+ Each modulation is coded on 4 bits representing ModulationValue - 1.
+ There are ( 16 groups * 7 bands ) / 2 = 66 values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationStringEntry 2 }
+ plcTxChannelModulation OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude values for the Tx channel of
+ a given remote connection entry.
+ The expected format is VALUE VALUE VALUE ... VALUE.
+ Each value is an octet representing two modulation values.
+ Each modulation is coded on 4 bits.
+ There are ( 16 groups * 7 bands ) / 2 = 66 values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationStringEntry 3 }
+ plcChannelModulationTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PlcChannelModulationEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table contains the modulation amplitude
+ configuration of all active channels."
+ ::= { plcTopo 4 }
+ plcChannelModulationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcChannelModulationEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains modulation amplitude configuration
+ of the channel, referenced by the plcPortChannelIndex,
+ of the remote connection referenced by
+ plcBasePortIndex."
+ INDEX { plcBasePortIndex,
+ plcPortChannelIndex,
+ plcModBandIndex }
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationTable 1 }
+ PlcChannelModulationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ plcModBandIndex BandValue,
+ plcModGroup1 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup2 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup3 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup4 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup5 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup6 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup7 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup8 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup9 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup10 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup11 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup12 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup13 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup14 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup15 ModulationValue,
+ plcModGroup16 ModulationValue
+ }
+ plcModBandIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The band number of which the modulations are defined"
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 1 }
+ plcModGroup1 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the first group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 2 }
+ plcModGroup2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the second group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 3 }
+ plcModGroup3 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the third group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 4 }
+ plcModGroup4 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the fourth group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 5 }
+ plcModGroup5 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the fifth group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 6 }
+ plcModGroup6 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the sixth group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 7 }
+ plcModGroup7 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the seventh group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 8 }
+ plcModGroup8 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the eighth group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 9 }
+ plcModGroup9 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the nineth group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 10 }
+ plcModGroup10 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the tenth group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 11 }
+ plcModGroup11 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the eleventh group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 12 }
+ plcModGroup12 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the twelveth group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 13 }
+ plcModGroup13 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the thirteenth group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 14 }
+ plcModGroup14 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the fourteenth group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 15 }
+ plcModGroup15 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the fifteenth group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 16 }
+ plcModGroup16 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The modulation amplitude of the sixteenth group
+ of the band entry of the channel entry
+ for a given remote connection entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationEntry 17 }
+ plcChannelModulationInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { plcTopo 5 }
+ plcModulationInputAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX MacAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the MAC layer above
+ the plc interface of the remote
+ PLC equipment for which the modulation
+ value changes are requested."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 1 }
+ plcModulationInputChannel OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcChannelType
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The channel type of the remote PLC equipment
+ for which the modulation value changes
+ are requested."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 2 }
+ plcModulationInputBand OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The band number of which the modulation value
+ changes are requested."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 3 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup1 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ first group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 4 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ second group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 5 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup3 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ third group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 6 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup4 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ fourth group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 7 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup5 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ fifth group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 8 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup6 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ sixth group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 9 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup7 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ seventh group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 10 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup8 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ eighth group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 11 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup9 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ nineth group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 12 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup10 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ tenth group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 13 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup11 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ eleventh group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 14 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup12 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ twelveth group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 15 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup13 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ thirteenth group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 16 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup14 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ fourteenth group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 17 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup15 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ fifteenth group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 18 }
+ plcInputModulationGroup16 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ModulationValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The new requested modulation amplitude of the
+ sixteenth group of the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 19 }
+ plcModulationInputProceed OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "True to request a modification of all the modulations
+ associated to a band and a channel of a remote
+ PLC equipment."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 20 }
+ plcModulationInputResult OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ResultValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Result value of the requested modulation value changes."
+ ::= { plcChannelModulationInput 21 }
+ plcPortChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PlcPortChannelEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table contains the list of plc channels"
+ ::= { plcTopo 6 }
+ plcPortChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcPortChannelEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains plc channel information"
+ INDEX { plcBasePortIndex, plcPortChannelIndex }
+ ::= { plcPortChannelTable 1 }
+ PlcPortChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ plcPortChannelIndex Unsigned32,
+ plcPortChannelType PlcChannelType,
+ plcPortChannelGain Integer32,
+ plcPortChannelBandwidth ChannelBandwidthValue,
+ plcPortChannelMaxBandwidth ChannelBandwidthValue,
+ plcPortChannelSynchronizationBand BandValue
+ }
+ plcPortChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Unsigned32
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The channel number belongs to the remote connection
+ with plc equipment associated with the
+ plcBasePortIndex value.
+ Only three channels are expected.
+ Index 1 for RX channel
+ Index 2 for RXLast channel
+ index 3 for TX channel"
+ ::= { plcPortChannelEntry 1 }
+ plcPortChannelType OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcChannelType
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The channel type."
+ ::= { plcPortChannelEntry 2 }
+ plcPortChannelGain OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Integer32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The gain associated with the channel."
+ ::= { plcPortChannelEntry 3 }
+ plcPortChannelBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ChannelBandwidthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The bandwidth of the channel in Kbit/s."
+ ::= { plcPortChannelEntry 4 }
+ plcPortChannelMaxBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ChannelBandwidthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The maximum bandwidth of the channel in Kbit/s."
+ ::= { plcPortChannelEntry 5 }
+--PR01 END
+ plcPortChannelSynchronizationBand OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The synchronization band used for this channel."
+ ::= { plcPortChannelEntry 6 }
+ plcChannelPilotStringTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PlcChannelPilotStringEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table contains the string values representing
+ of pilot values of all active channels."
+ ::= { plcTopo 7 }
+ plcChannelPilotStringEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcChannelPilotStringEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains a quick access for pilot values ,
+ of the remote connection referenced by
+ plcBasePortIndex."
+ INDEX { plcBasePortIndex }
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotStringTable 1 }
+ PlcChannelPilotStringEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ plcRxChannelPilots OCTET STRING,
+ plcRxLastChannelPilots OCTET STRING,
+ plcTxChannelPilots OCTET STRING}
+ plcRxChannelPilots OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The carrier wave numbers which support
+ the pilot waves for the Rx Channel.
+ The expected format is VALUE VALUE VALUE ... VALUE.
+ Each value is a pair of octets representing the pilot
+ values. There is one pair (pilot1 pilot2) for each
+ of the 7 bands."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotStringEntry 1 }
+ plcRxLastChannelPilots OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The carrier wave numbers which support
+ the pilot waves for the Rx Last Channel.
+ The expected format is VALUE VALUE VALUE ... VALUE.
+ Each value is a pair of octets representing the pilot
+ values. There is one pair (pilot1 pilot2) for each
+ of the 7 bands."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotStringEntry 2 }
+ plcTxChannelPilots OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The carrier wave numbers which support
+ the pilot waves for the Tx Channel.
+ The expected format is VALUE VALUE VALUE ... VALUE.
+ Each value is a pair of octets representing the pilot
+ values. There is one pair (pilot1 pilot2) for each
+ of the 7 bands."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotStringEntry 3 }
+ plcChannelPilotsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PlcChannelPilotsEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This tabel contains pilots configuration
+ for each plc channel."
+ ::= { plcTopo 8 }
+ plcChannelPilotsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcChannelPilotsEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains the pilots 1 and 2 configuration
+ for a channel defined by the
+ couple (plcBasePortIndex, plcPortChannelIndex)"
+ INDEX { plcBasePortIndex,
+ plcPortChannelIndex,
+ plcChannelPilotBandIndex }
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotsTable 1 }
+ PlcChannelPilotsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ plcChannelPilotBandIndex BandValue,
+ plcChannelPilot1 PilotValue,
+ plcChannePilot2 PilotValue
+ }
+ plcChannelPilotBandIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The band number on which the pilots are defined."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotsEntry 1 }
+ plcChannelPilot1 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PilotValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The carrier wave number which supports
+ the first pilot wave for the channel
+ associated with this entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotsEntry 2 }
+ plcChannePilot2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PilotValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The carrier wave number which supports
+ the second pilot wave for the channel
+ associated with this entry."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotsEntry 3 }
+ plcChannelPilotsInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { plcTopo 9 }
+ plcPilotsInputAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX MacAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the MAC layer above
+ the plc interface of the remote
+ PLC equipment for which the pilot
+ value changes are requested."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotsInput 1 }
+ plcPilotsInputChannel OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcChannelType
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The channel type of the remote PLC equipment
+ for which the pilot value changes
+ are requested."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotsInput 2 }
+ plcPilotsInputBand OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The band number of which the pilots value
+ changes are requested."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotsInput 3 }
+ plcInputChannelPilot1 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PilotValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The carrier wave number which supports
+ the first pilot wave for the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotsInput 4 }
+ plcInputChannelPilot2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PilotValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The carrier wave number which supports
+ the second pilot wave for the considered band and
+ channel input values."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotsInput 5 }
+ plcPilotsInputProceed OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "True to request a modification of the first and second pilot
+ associated to a band and a channel of a remote
+ PLC equipment."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotsInput 6 }
+ plcPilotsInputResult OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ResultValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Result value of the requested pilot values changes."
+ ::= { plcChannelPilotsInput 7 }
+ plcNodeNotches OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The values of the notches for all the node bands.
+ The expected format is VALUE VALUE VALUE ... VALUE.
+ Each value is an octet representing the 8 notches of
+ each group. There is one value for each 7 * 16 bands."
+ ::= { plcNodeConfiguration 1 }
+ plcNodeNotchesTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PlcNodeNotchesEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table contains Notches configuration
+ for the SPC200 chip."
+ ::= { plcNodeConfiguration 2 }
+ plcNodeNotchesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcNodeNotchesEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains Notches configuration for a group.
+ The group is defined by the couple
+ (plcNodeNotchesGroupIndex, plcNodeNotchesBandIndex)."
+ INDEX { plcNodeNotchesBandIndex, plcNodeNotchesGroupIndex }
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesTable 1 }
+ PlcNodeNotchesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ plcNodeNotchesBandIndex BandValue,
+ plcNodeNotchesGroupIndex GroupValue,
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier1 TruthValue,
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier2 TruthValue,
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier3 TruthValue,
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier4 TruthValue,
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier5 TruthValue,
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier6 TruthValue,
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier7 TruthValue,
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier8 TruthValue
+ }
+ plcNodeNotchesBandIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The band number on which the notches are defined."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesEntry 1 }
+ plcNodeNotchesGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX GroupValue
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The group number on which the notches are defined."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesEntry 2 }
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier1 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Tell if the first carrier of the group entry
+ of the band entry is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesEntry 3 }
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Tell if the second carrier of the group entry
+ of the band entry is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesEntry 4 }
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier3 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Tell if the third carrier of the group entry
+ of the band entry is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesEntry 5 }
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier4 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Tell if the fourth carrier of the group entry
+ of the band entry is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesEntry 6 }
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier5 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Tell if the fifth carrier of the group entry
+ of the band entry is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesEntry 7 }
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier6 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Tell if the sixth carrier of the group entry
+ of the band entry is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesEntry 8 }
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier7 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Tell if the seventh carrier of the group entry
+ of the band entry is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesEntry 9 }
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier8 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Tell if the eighth carrier of the group entry
+ of the band entry is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesEntry 10 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { plcNodeConfiguration 3 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInputBand OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The band number on which the notches value
+ changes are requested."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesInput 1 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInputGroup OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX GroupValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The group number on which the notches value
+ changes are requested."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesInput 2 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier1 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The first carrier of the considered group and
+ band is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesInput 3 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The second carrier of the considered group and
+ band is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesInput 4 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier3 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The third carrier of the considered group and
+ band is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesInput 5 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier4 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The fourth carrier of the considered group and
+ band is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesInput 6 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier5 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The eighth carrier of the considered group and
+ band is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesInput 7 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier6 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The eighth carrier of the considered group and
+ band is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesInput 8 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier7 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The seventh carrier of the considered group and
+ band is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesInput 9 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier8 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The eighth carrier of the considered group and
+ band is a notch carrier.
+ The true value means the current carrier is a notch."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesInput 10 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInputProceed OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "True to request a modification of the carrier notches
+ associated to the considered group and
+ band."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesInput 11 }
+ plcNodeNotchesInputResult OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ResultValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Result value of the requested node carrier notches value changes."
+ ::= { plcNodeNotchesInput 12 }
+ plcNodePilots OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The values of the pilot for all the node bands.
+ The expected format is VALUE VALUE VALUE ... VALUE.
+ Each value is a pair of octets representing the pilot
+ values. There is one pair (pilot1 pilot2) for each
+ of the 7 bands."
+ ::= { plcNodeConfiguration 4 }
+ plcNodePilotsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table contains pilot values
+ used by default on all channels."
+ ::= { plcNodeConfiguration 5 }
+ plcNodePilotsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcNodePilotsEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains pilot values
+ used by default on a band.
+ The band is defined by the index
+ plcNodePilotsBandIndex."
+ INDEX { plcNodePilotsBandIndex }
+ ::= { plcNodePilotsTable 1 }
+ PlcNodePilotsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ plcNodePilotsBandIndex BandValue,
+ plcNodePilot1 PilotValue,
+ plcNodePilot2 PilotValue
+ }
+ plcNodePilotsBandIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The band number on which the pilot values are defined."
+ ::= { plcNodePilotsEntry 1 }
+ plcNodePilot1 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PilotValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The default carrier wave number
+ which supports the first pilot wave."
+ ::= { plcNodePilotsEntry 2 }
+ plcNodePilot2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PilotValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The default carrier wave number
+ which supports the second pilot wave."
+ ::= { plcNodePilotsEntry 3 }
+ plcNodePilotsInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { plcNodeConfiguration 6 }
+ plcNodePilotsInputBand OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The band number on which the pilot values
+ changes are requested."
+ ::= { plcNodePilotsInput 1 }
+ plcInputNodePilot1 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PilotValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The default carrier wave number
+ which supports the first pilot wave of
+ the considered band."
+ ::= { plcNodePilotsInput 2 }
+ plcInputNodePilot2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PilotValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The default carrier wave number
+ which supports the second pilot wave of
+ the considered band."
+ ::= { plcNodePilotsInput 3 }
+ plcNodePilotsInputProceed OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "True to request a modification of the pilot values
+ associated to the considered band."
+ ::= { plcNodePilotsInput 4 }
+ plcNodePilotsInputResult OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ResultValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Result value of the requested node pilot values changes."
+ ::= { plcNodePilotsInput 5 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsStringTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PlcNodeAdaptsStringEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table contains string values for a
+ quick access to the adapt configurations
+ of all the carriers."
+ ::= { plcNodeConfiguration 7 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsStringEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcNodeAdaptsStringEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains string values for a quick access to
+ the adapt configuration
+ of each carrier of a band."
+ INDEX { plcBasePortIndex , plcNodeAdaptsStringBandIndex }
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsStringTable 1 }
+ PlcNodeAdaptsStringEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ plcNodeAdaptsStringBandIndex BandValue,
+ plcNodeAdaptsStringBand OCTET STRING }
+ plcNodeAdaptsStringBandIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The band number on which the adapt values are defined."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsStringEntry 1 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsStringBand OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt values of the 128 carriers of a band.
+ The expected format is VALUE VALUE VALUE ... VALUE.
+ Each value is two octets representing one adapt carrier
+ level.
+ There are ( 16 groups * 8 carriers) = 128 values."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsStringEntry 2 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table contains adapt level configuration
+ for each carrier of the node."
+ ::= { plcNodeConfiguration 8 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcNodeAdaptsEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains adapt level values
+ for a group of carriers.
+ The group is defined by the couple
+ (plcNodeAdaptsBandIndex,plcNodeAdaptsGroupIndex)."
+ INDEX { plcNodeAdaptsBandIndex,plcNodeAdaptsGroupIndex }
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsTable 1 }
+ PlcNodeAdaptsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ plcNodeAdaptsBandIndex BandValue,
+ plcNodeAdaptsGroupIndex GroupValue,
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier1 AdaptValue,
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier2 AdaptValue,
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier3 AdaptValue,
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier4 AdaptValue,
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier5 AdaptValue,
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier6 AdaptValue,
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier7 AdaptValue,
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier8 AdaptValue
+ }
+ plcNodeAdaptsBandIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The band number on which the adapt values are defined."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsEntry 1 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX GroupValue
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The group number on which the adapt values are defined."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsEntry 2 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier1 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the first carrier of the group."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsEntry 3 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the second carrier of the group."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsEntry 4 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier3 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the third carrier of the group."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsEntry 5 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier4 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the fourth carrier of the group."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsEntry 6 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier5 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the fifth carrier of the group."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsEntry 7 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier6 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the sixth carrier of the group."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsEntry 8 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier7 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the seventh carrier of the group."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsEntry 9 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier8 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the eighth carrier of the group."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsEntry 10 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInput OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { plcNodeConfiguration 9 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputBand OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The band number on which the adapt level value
+ changes are requested."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsInput 1 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputGroup OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX GroupValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The group number on which the adapt level value
+ changes are requested."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsInput 2 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier1 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the first carrier of the
+ considered group of the chosen band."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsInput 3 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier2 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the second carrier of the
+ considered group of the chosen band."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsInput 4 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier3 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the third carrier of the
+ considered group of the chosen band."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsInput 5 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier4 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the fourth carrier of the
+ considered group of the chosen band."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsInput 6 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier5 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the fifth carrier of the
+ considered group of the chosen band."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsInput 7 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier6 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the sixth carrier of the
+ considered group of the chosen band."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsInput 8 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier7 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the seventh carrier of the
+ considered group of the chosen band."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsInput 9 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier8 OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX AdaptValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The adapt level of the eighth carrier of the
+ considered group of the chosen band."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsInput 10 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputProceed OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "True to request a modification of the carrier
+ adapt level associated to the considered group and
+ band."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsInput 11 }
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputResult OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ResultValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Result value of the requested node adapt level
+ value changes."
+ ::= { plcNodeAdaptsInput 12 }
+ plcNodeNetConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PlcNodeNetConfigEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table contains ip and mac
+ addresses of the node."
+ ::= { plcNodeConfiguration 10 }
+ plcNodeNetConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PlcNodeNetConfigEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains ip and mac address
+ used by an interface."
+ INDEX { ifIndex }
+ ::= { plcNodeNetConfigTable 1 }
+ PlcNodeNetConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ plcNodeIpAddr IpAddress,
+ plcNodeNetMask IpAddress,
+ plcNodeMacAddr MacAddress,
+ plcNodeGateway IpAddress
+ }
+ plcNodeIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the IP layer above the interface."
+ ::= { plcNodeNetConfigEntry 1 }
+ plcNodeNetMask OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The IP Subnet mask of the IP layer above the interface."
+ ::= { plcNodeNetConfigEntry 2 }
+ plcNodeMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX MacAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the MAC layer above the interface."
+ ::= { plcNodeNetConfigEntry 3 }
+ plcNodeGateway OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The Gateway address of the IP layer above the interface."
+ ::= { plcNodeNetConfigEntry 4 }
+ ::= { plcNodeConfiguration 11 }
+ plcNodeActionsCommit OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { plcNodeActions 1 }
+ plcNodeActionsCommitProceed OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "True to request the commit of the configuration
+ changes into the flash memory"
+ ::= { plcNodeActionsCommit 1 }
+ plcNodeActionsCommitResult OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX ResultValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Result value of the requested flash commit operation."
+ ::= { plcNodeActionsCommit 2 }
+ plcNodeActionsReset OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { plcNodeActions 2 }
+ plcNodeActionsResetProceed OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "True to request the reset of the node.
+ This operation will terminate the communication
+ between the manager and the node"
+ ::= { plcNodeActionsReset 1 }
+ plcNodeActionsCarrier OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { plcNodeActions 3 }
+ plcNodeActionsCarrierFlatProceed OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "True to request the equipment to flat the signal"
+ ::= { plcNodeActionsCarrier 1 }
+ ::= { plcObjects 6 }
+plcMasterBssId OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The value of the master Bss Id"
+ ::= { plcBssId 1 }
+plcSlaveBssId OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The value of the slave Bss Id"
+ ::= { plcBssId 2 }
+ ::= { plcObjects 7 }
+plcSpyIsDynamic OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "True to set the spy dynamic mode"
+ ::= { plcSpy 1 }
+plcStaticSpySynchBandNb OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX BandValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The synchronization band number used for static spy mode"
+ ::= { plcSpy 2 }
+-- software upload
+ ::= { plc 3 }
+ -- current version
+ currentSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The name of the current software release."
+ ::= { softwareMgnt 1 }
+ currentSoftwareBoardVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The name of the current software board release."
+ ::= { softwareMgnt 2 }
+ currentSoftwareAFEVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The name of the current software Analog Front End release."
+ ::= { softwareMgnt 3 }
+-- table of software
+ softwareTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This table contains the current and reserve
+ softwares of the node."
+ ::= { softwareMgnt 4 }
+ softwareEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SoftwareEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This row contains software information."
+ INDEX { softwareIndex }
+ ::= { softwareTable 1 }
+ SoftwareEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ softwareIndex SoftwareIndex,
+ softwareVersion DisplayString
+ }
+ softwareIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SoftwareIndex
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The index number of the software."
+ ::= { softwareEntry 1 }
+ softwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The name of the software release."
+ ::= { softwareEntry 2 }
+ -- upload software action
+ softwareUpload OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { softwareMgnt 5 }
+ softwareUploadTFTPServerIP OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the TFTP serveur"
+ ::= { softwareUpload 1 }
+ softwareUploadLogin OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16))
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The user login on the TFTP server"
+ ::= { softwareUpload 2 }
+ softwareUploadPassword OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16))
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The user password on the TFTP server.
+ Warning: This field is displayed using 6 * characters"
+ ::= { softwareUpload 3 }
+ softwareUploadFileName OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The software file name to upload"
+ ::= { softwareUpload 4 }
+ softwareUploadProceed OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "True to request the uploading to start"
+ ::= { softwareUpload 5 }
+ softwareUploadResult OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SoftwareActionResultValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Result value of the requested uploading"
+ ::= { softwareUpload 6 }
+ softwareUploadTFTPServerPort OBJECT-TYPE -- PR01
+ SYNTAX Integer32 ( 0..65535 )
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The service port of the TFTP server"
+ ::= { softwareUpload 7 }
+-- software action
+ softwareAction OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { softwareMgnt 6 }
+ softwareActionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SoftwareIndex
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The index of the reserve software"
+ ::= { softwareAction 1 }
+ softwareActionType OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SoftwareActionType
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Type of the software action software:
+ switch, remove "
+ ::= { softwareAction 2 }
+ softwareActionProceed OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "True to request the switch between the current
+ and the reserver software to start"
+ ::= { softwareAction 3 }
+ softwareActionResult OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SoftwareActionResultValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Result value of the requested action"
+ ::= { softwareAction 4 }
+-- compliance
+ plcConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { plc 4 }
+ plcCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ ::= { plcConformance 1 }
+ ::= { plcConformance 2 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SPC200 chip."
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS { nodeGroup, topologyGroup }
+ GROUP statisticGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for
+ channel performances analysis"
+ ::= { plcCompliances 1 }
+ nodeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { plcNodeNotches, plcMode,
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier1, plcNodeNotchesCarrier2,
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier3, plcNodeNotchesCarrier4,
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier5, plcNodeNotchesCarrier6,
+ plcNodeNotchesCarrier7, plcNodeNotchesCarrier8,
+ plcNodePilots, plcNodePilot1, plcNodePilot2,
+ plcNodeAdaptsStringBand, plcNodeAdaptsCarrier1,
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier2, plcNodeAdaptsCarrier3,
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier4, plcNodeAdaptsCarrier5,
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier6, plcNodeAdaptsCarrier7,
+ plcNodeAdaptsCarrier8,
+ plcNodeIpAddr, plcNodeNetMask, plcNodeMacAddr,
+ plcNodeGateway, plcMasterBssId, plcSlaveBssId,
+ plcSpyIsDynamic, plcStaticSpySynchBandNb }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing
+ node configuration information."
+ ::= { plcGroups 1 }
+ inputNodeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { plcNodeNotchesInputBand, plcNodeNotchesInputGroup,
+ plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier1, plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier2,
+ plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier3, plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier4,
+ plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier5, plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier6,
+ plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier7, plcNodeNotchesInputCarrier8,
+ plcNodeNotchesInputProceed, plcNodeNotchesInputResult,
+ plcNodePilotsInputBand,
+ plcInputNodePilot1, plcInputNodePilot2,
+ plcNodePilotsInputProceed,plcNodePilotsInputResult,
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputBand, plcNodeAdaptsInputGroup,
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier1, plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier2,
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier3, plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier4,
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier5, plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier6,
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier7, plcNodeAdaptsInputCarrier8,
+ plcNodeAdaptsInputProceed, plcNodeAdaptsInputResult,
+ plcNodeActionsCommitProceed, plcNodeActionsCommitResult,
+ plcNodeActionsResetProceed, plcNodeActionsCarrierFlatProceed}
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects used to request
+ node configuration information changes."
+ ::= { plcGroups 2 }
+ topologyGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { plcBasePortAddress, plcBasePortChannelEstimation,
+ plcBasePortAttenuation ,
+ plcChannePilot2, plcChannelPilot1,
+ plcRxChannelPilots,
+ plcRxLastChannelPilots,
+ plcTxChannelPilots,
+ plcRxChannelModulation,
+ plcRxLastChannelModulation,
+ plcTxChannelModulation,
+ plcModGroup1, plcModGroup10, plcModGroup11,
+ plcModGroup12, plcModGroup13, plcModGroup14,
+ plcModGroup15, plcModGroup16, plcModGroup2,
+ plcModGroup3, plcModGroup4, plcModGroup5,
+ plcModGroup6, plcModGroup7, plcModGroup8,
+ plcModGroup9,
+ plcPortChannelGain,
+ plcPortChannelBandwidth,
+ plcPortChannelMaxBandwidth,
+ plcPortChannelSynchronizationBand,
+ plcPortChannelType, plcTopoChanges }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing
+ topology configuration."
+ ::= { plcGroups 3 }
+ inputTopologyGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { plcModulationInputAddr, plcModulationInputChannel, plcModulationInputBand,
+ plcInputModulationGroup1, plcInputModulationGroup2,
+ plcInputModulationGroup3, plcInputModulationGroup4,
+ plcInputModulationGroup5, plcInputModulationGroup6,
+ plcInputModulationGroup7, plcInputModulationGroup8,
+ plcInputModulationGroup9, plcInputModulationGroup10,
+ plcInputModulationGroup11, plcInputModulationGroup12,
+ plcInputModulationGroup13, plcInputModulationGroup14,
+ plcInputModulationGroup15, plcInputModulationGroup16,
+ plcModulationInputProceed, plcModulationInputResult,
+ plcPilotsInputAddr, plcPilotsInputChannel, plcPilotsInputBand,
+ plcInputChannelPilot1, plcInputChannelPilot2,
+ plcPilotsInputProceed, plcPilotsInputResult }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects used to request
+ topology configuration changes."
+ ::= { plcGroups 4 }
+ statisticGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ -- ipBridgedPackets, ipInBridgedPkts,
+ -- ipInErrorPackets, ipInErrorPkts, ipInPackets,
+ -- ipInPkts, ipOutErrorPackets, ipOutErrorPkts,
+ -- ipOutPackets, ipOutPkts, macInErrorPkts,
+ -- macInPkts, macOutErrorPkts, macOutPackets,
+ -- plcpInErrorPkts, plcpInPkts, plcpOutErrorPkts,
+ -- plcpOutPkts,
+ --PR01 END
+ portStats2AvgBandAtt, portStats2AvgBandSNR, --PR01
+ -- portStats2Ber,
+ portStats2Noise, portStats2Signal,
+ -- portStatsBer,
+ portStatsNoise, portStatsSignal,
+ portStats3AvgAtt, portStats3AvgSNR ,
+ bootstatsBoot, bootstatsManualReset, bootstatsFailureReset
+ } --PR01
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing
+ statistic data on node and plc link performances."
+ ::= { plcGroups 5 }
+ softwareGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { currentSoftwareVersion, currentSoftwareBoardVersion,
+ currentSoftwareAFEVersion, softwareVersion,
+ softwareUploadTFTPServerIP, softwareUploadLogin,
+ softwareUploadPassword, softwareUploadFileName,
+ softwareUploadProceed, softwareUploadResult,
+ softwareUploadTFTPServerPort, --PR01
+ softwareActionIndex, softwareActionType,
+ softwareActionProceed, softwareActionResult }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing
+ software management"
+ ::= { plcGroups 6 }
+ analyserGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { plcSNAnalyserAGC, plcSNAnalyserEnable,
+ plcSNAnalyserMinSignal, plcSNAnalyserMaxSignal,
+ plcSNAnalyserAvgSignal, plcSNAnalyserLastSignal,
+ plcSNAnalyserFFTDiv,
+ plcAGCAnalyserEnable,
+ plcAGCAnalyserSamplesPart1, plcAGCAnalyserSamplesPart2 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing
+ spectrum analyser data"
+ ::= { plcGroups 7 }
+--PR01 END
+ agentCapabilities AGENT-CAPABILITIES
+ PRODUCT-RELEASE "Product-Release"
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The SPC200 chip SNMP agent capabilities"
+ INCLUDES { nodeGroup, inputNodeGroup,
+ topologyGroup, inputTopologyGroup,
+ statisticGroup, softwareGroup,
+ analyserGroup } --PR01
+--OK INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifHCPacketGroup }
+--OK VARIATION ifAdminStatus
+--OK ACCESS read-only
+--OK DESCRIPTION "Forbid the update of the administrative status"
+--OK VARIATION ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
+--OK ACCESS not-implemented
+--OK DESCRIPTION "No trap supported"
+--KO ACCESS not-implemented
+--KO DESCRIPTION "The non volatile alias name
+--KO cannot be saved on the SPC200 chip"
+--KO ACCESS not-implemented
+--KO DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ INCLUDES { mauIfGrpBasic }
+ VARIATION ifMauIndex
+ DESCRIPTION "Only one MAU. So the value is always 1"
+ VARIATION ifMauMediaAvailable
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ifMauMediaAvailableStateExits
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ifMauJabberState
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ifMauJabberingStateEnters
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ INCLUDES { ipGroup }
+ VARIATION ipForwarding
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipInHdrErrors
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipInAddrErrors
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipForwDatagrams
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipInUnknownProtos
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipInDiscards
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipInDelivers
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipOutDiscards
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipOutNoRoutes
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipReasmTimeout
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipReasmReqds
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipReasmFails
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipFragFails
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipFragCreates
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipAdEntBcastAddr
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipAdEntReasmMaxSize
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ VARIATION ipRoutingDiscards
+ ACCESS not-implemented
+ DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ INCLUDES { systemGroup }
+--OK INCLUDES { dot1dBase }
+--KO VARIATION dot1dBasePortDelayExceededDiscards
+--KO ACCESS not-implemented
+--KO DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+--KO VARIATION dot1dBasePortMtuExceededDiscards
+--KO ACCESS not-implemented
+--KO DESCRIPTION "Information not available on SPC200 chip"
+ ::= { plcConformance 3 }
+-- ifTableExt data
+--ifTableExt OBJECT-TYPE
+-- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+-- STATUS current
+-- "A list of interface entries. The number of entries is
+-- given by the value of ifNumber. This Table is an Ext of the
+-- standard ifTable located in the IF-MIB."
+-- ::= { spc200MIB 2 }
+--ifEntryExt OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX IfEntryExt
+-- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+-- STATUS current
+-- "An entry containing management information applicable to a
+-- particular interface. These entries are indexed using the ifIndex
+-- of the standard IF-MIB."
+-- INDEX { ifIndex }
+-- ::= { ifTableExt 1 }
+--IfEntryExt ::= SEQUENCE {
+-- ifDefaultSpeed Gauge32,
+-- ifSpeedAutoNegAdminStatus INTEGER }
+--ifDefaultSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
+-- SYNTAX Gauge32
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-write
+-- STATUS current
+-- "This field is used to set the speed for a given interface.
+-- It contains a default value which will be copied into ifSpeed if
+-- the ifSpeedAutoNegAdminStatus is disabled"
+-- ::= { ifEntryExt 1 }
+--ifSpeedAutoNegAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+-- enabled(1),
+-- disabled(2) }
+-- MAX-ACCESS read-write
+-- STATUS current
+-- "This field is used to enable/disable the speed auto negotiation
+-- process for a given interface. If the status is disabled, the user
+-- can set the speed by setting ifDefaultSpeed.
+-- When the speed auto negotiation status is enabled, the hardware
+-- select a speed and set it in ifSpeed. When the speed auto negotiation
+-- status is disabled, the content of ifDefaultSpeed is copied into
+-- ifSpeed."
+-- ::= { ifEntryExt 2 }
+--ifGroupExt OBJECT-GROUP
+-- ifDefaultSpeed,
+-- ifSpeedAutoNegAdminStatus }
+-- STATUS current
+-- "The fields needed by the SPiDCOM functionalities"
+-- ::= { ifTableExt 2 }
+-- ipExt data , for DHCP mode
+ STATUS current
+ "Extended ip needed for SPiDCOM functionalities"
+ ::= { spc200MIB 4 }
+ipDynamic OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "True if Ip address is set dynamically"
+ ::= { ipExt 1 }
+ ipDynamic
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The fields needed by the SPiDCOM functionalities"
+ ::= { ipExt 2 }