path: root/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/
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Diffstat (limited to 'cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2491 deletions
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/ b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/
deleted file mode 100644
index 12305afc86..0000000000
--- a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/perl/SNMP/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2491 +0,0 @@
-# -- Perl 5 interface to the Net-SNMP toolkit
-# written by G. S. Marzot (
-# Copyright (c) 1995-2006 G. S. Marzot. All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-package SNMP;
-$VERSION = '5.04021'; # current release version number
-require Exporter;
-require DynaLoader;
-require AutoLoader;
-use NetSNMP::default_store (':all');
-@SNMP::ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader DynaLoader);
-# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
-# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
-# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
-@SNMP::EXPORT = qw(
- snmp_get
- snmp_getnext
- snmp_set
- snmp_trap
- # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant()
- # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed
- # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader.
- my($val,$pack,$file,$line);
- local($constname);
- ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
- # croak "&$module::constant not defined" if $constname eq 'constant';
- $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0);
- if ($! != 0) {
- if ($! =~ /Invalid/) {
- $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD;
- goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD;
- }
- else {
- ($pack,$file,$line) = caller;
- die "Your vendor has not defined SNMP macro $constname, used at $file line $line.
- }
- }
- eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }";
- goto &$AUTOLOAD;
-bootstrap SNMP;
-# Preloaded methods go here.
-# Package variables
-tie $SNMP::debugging, SNMP::DEBUGGING;
-tie $SNMP::debug_internals, SNMP::DEBUG_INTERNALS;
-tie $SNMP::dump_packet, SNMP::DUMP_PACKET;
-tie $SNMP::save_descriptions, SNMP::MIB::SAVE_DESCR;
-tie $SNMP::replace_newer, SNMP::MIB::REPLACE_NEWER;
-tie $SNMP::mib_options, SNMP::MIB::MIB_OPTIONS;
-%SNMP::V3_SEC_LEVEL_MAP = (noAuthNoPriv => 1, authNoPriv => 2, authPriv =>3);
-$auto_init_mib = 1; # enable automatic MIB loading at session creation time
-$use_long_names = 0; # non-zero to prefer longer mib textual identifiers rather
- # than just leaf indentifiers (see translateObj)
- # may also be set on a per session basis(see UseLongNames)
-$use_sprint_value = 0; # non-zero to enable formatting of response values
- # using the snmp libraries "snprint_value"
- # may also be set on a per session basis(see UseSprintValue)
- # note: returned values not suitable for 'set' operations
-$use_enums = 0; # non-zero to return integers as enums and allow sets
- # using enums where appropriate - integer data will
- # still be accepted for set operations
- # may also be set on a per session basis (see UseEnums)
-$use_numeric = 0; # non-zero to return object tags as numeric OID's instead
- # of converting to textual representations. use_long_names,
- # if non-zero, returns the entire OID, otherwise, return just
- # the label portion. use_long_names is also set if the
- # use_numeric variable is set.
-%MIB = (); # tied hash to access libraries internal mib tree structure
- # parsed in from mib files
-$verbose = 0; # controls warning/info output of SNMP module,
- # 0 => no output, 1 => enables warning and info
- # output from SNMP module itself (is also controlled
- # by SNMP::debugging)
-$debugging = 0; # non-zero to globally enable libsnmp do_debugging output
- # set to >= 2 to enabling packet dumping (see below)
-$dump_packet = 0; # non-zero to globally enable libsnmp dump_packet output.
- # is also enabled when $debugging >= 2
-$save_descriptions = 0; #tied scalar to control saving descriptions during
- # mib parsing - must be set prior to mib loading
-$best_guess = 0; # determine whether or not to enable best-guess regular
- # expression object name translation. 1 = Regex (-Ib),
- # 2 = random (-IR)
-$non_increasing = 0; # stop polling with an "OID not increasing"-error
- # when an OID does not increases in bulkwalk.
-$replace_newer = 0; # determine whether or not to tell the parser to replace
- # older MIB modules with newer ones when loading MIBs.
- # WARNING: This can cause an incorrect hierarchy.
-sub setMib {
-# loads mib from file name provided
-# setting second arg to true causes currently loaded mib to be replaced
-# otherwise mib file will be added to existing loaded mib database
-# NOTE: now deprecated in favor of addMibFiles and new module based funcs
- my $file = shift;
- my $force = shift || '0';
- return 0 if $file and not (-r $file);
- SNMP::_read_mib($file,$force);
-sub initMib {
-# eqivalent to calling the snmp library init_mib if Mib is NULL
-# if Mib is already loaded this function does nothing
-# Pass a zero valued argument to get minimal mib tree initialzation
-# If non zero agrgument or no argument then full mib initialization
- SNMP::init_snmp("perl");
- return;
- if (defined $_[0] and $_[0] == 0) {
- SNMP::_init_mib_internals();
- } else {
- SNMP::_read_mib("");
- }
-sub addMibDirs {
-# adds directories to search path when a module is requested to be loaded
- SNMP::init_snmp("perl");
- foreach (@_) {
- SNMP::_add_mib_dir($_) or return undef;
- }
- return 1;
-sub addMibFiles {
-# adds mib definitions to currently loaded mib database from
-# file(s) supplied
- SNMP::init_snmp("perl");
- foreach (@_) {
- SNMP::_read_mib($_) or return undef;
- }
- return 1;
-sub loadModules {
-# adds mib module definitions to currently loaded mib database.
-# Modules will be searched from previously defined mib search dirs
-# Passing and arg of 'ALL' will cause all known modules to be loaded
- SNMP::init_snmp("perl");
- foreach (@_) {
- SNMP::_read_module($_) or return undef;
- }
- return 1;
-sub unloadModules {
-# causes modules to be unloaded from mib database
-# Passing and arg of 'ALL' will cause all known modules to be unloaded
- warn("SNMP::unloadModules not implemented! (yet)");
-sub translateObj {
-# Translate object identifier(tag or numeric) into alternate representation
-# (i.e., sysDescr => '.' and '.' => sysDescr)
-# when $SNMP::use_long_names or second arg is non-zero the translation will
-# return longer textual identifiers (e.g., system.sysDescr). An optional
-# third argument of non-zero will cause the module name to be prepended
-# to the text name (e.g. 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr'). If no Mib is loaded
-# when called and $SNMP::auto_init_mib is enabled then the Mib will be
-# loaded. Will return 'undef' upon failure.
- SNMP::init_snmp("perl");
- my $obj = shift;
- my $temp = shift;
- my $include_module_name = shift || "0";
- my $long_names = $temp || $SNMP::use_long_names;
- return undef if not defined $obj;
- my $res;
- if ($obj =~ /^\.?(\d+\.)*\d+$/) {
- $res = SNMP::_translate_obj($obj,1,$long_names,$SNMP::auto_init_mib,0,$include_module_name);
- } elsif ($obj =~ /(\.\d+)*$/ && $SNMP::best_guess == 0) {
- $res = SNMP::_translate_obj($`,0,$long_names,$SNMP::auto_init_mib,0,$include_module_name);
- $res .= $& if defined $res and defined $&;
- } elsif ($SNMP::best_guess) {
- $res = SNMP::_translate_obj($obj,0,$long_names,$SNMP::auto_init_mib,$SNMP::best_guess,$include_module_name);
- }
- return($res);
-sub getType {
-# return SNMP data type for given textual identifier
- my $tag = shift;
- SNMP::_get_type($tag, $SNMP::best_guess);
-sub mapEnum {
-# return the corresponding integer value *or* tag for a given MIB attribute
-# and value. The function will sense which direction to perform the conversion
-# various arg formats are supported
-# $val = SNMP::mapEnum($varbind); # note: will update $varbind
-# $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 'forwarding');
-# $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 1);
- my $var = shift;
- my ($tag, $val, $update);
- if (ref($var) =~ /ARRAY/ or ref($var) =~ /Varbind/) {
- $tag = $var->[$SNMP::Varbind::tag_f];
- $val = $var->[$SNMP::Varbind::val_f];
- $update = 1;
- } else {
- $tag = $var;
- $val = shift;
- }
- my $iflag = $val =~ /^\d+$/;
- my $res = SNMP::_map_enum($tag, $val, $iflag, $SNMP::best_guess);
- if ($update and defined $res) { $var->[$SNMP::Varbind::val_f] = $res; }
- return($res);
-%session_params = (DestHost => 1,
- Community => 1,
- Version => 1,
- Timeout => 1,
- Retries => 1,
- RemotePort => 1,
- LocalPort => 1);
-sub strip_session_params {
- my @params;
- my @args;
- my $param;
- while ($param = shift) {
- push(@params,$param, shift), next
- if $session_params{$param};
- push(@args,$param);
- }
- @_ = @args;
- @params;
-sub snmp_get {
-# procedural form of 'get' method. sometimes quicker to code
-# but is less efficient since the Session is created and destroyed
-# with each call. Takes all the parameters of both SNMP::Session::new and
-# SNMP::Session::get (*NOTE*: this api does not support async callbacks)
- my @sess_params = &strip_session_params;
- my $sess = new SNMP::Session(@sess_params);
- $sess->get(@_);
-sub snmp_getnext {
-# procedural form of 'getnext' method. sometimes quicker to code
-# but is less efficient since the Session is created and destroyed
-# with each call. Takes all the parameters of both SNMP::Session::new and
-# SNMP::Session::getnext (*NOTE*: this api does not support async callbacks)
- my @sess_params = &strip_session_params;
- my $sess = new SNMP::Session(@sess_params);
- $sess->getnext(@_);
-sub snmp_set {
-# procedural form of 'set' method. sometimes quicker to code
-# but is less efficient since the Session is created and destroyed
-# with each call. Takes all the parameters of both SNMP::Session::new and
-# SNMP::Session::set (*NOTE*: this api does not support async callbacks)
- my @sess_params = &strip_session_params;
- my $sess = new SNMP::Session(@sess_params);
- $sess->set(@_);
-sub snmp_trap {
-# procedural form of 'trap' method. sometimes quicker to code
-# but is less efficient since the Session is created and destroyed
-# with each call. Takes all the parameters of both SNMP::TrapSession::new and
-# SNMP::TrapSession::trap
- my @sess_params = &strip_session_params;
- my $sess = new SNMP::TrapSession(@sess_params);
- $sess->trap(@_);
-sub MainLoop {
- my $time = shift;
- my $callback = shift;
- my $time_sec = ($time ? int $time : 0);
- my $time_usec = ($time ? int(($time-$time_sec)*1000000) : 0);
- SNMP::_main_loop($time_sec,$time_usec,$callback);
-sub finish {
- SNMP::_mainloop_finish();
-sub reply_cb {
- # callback function for async snmp calls
- # when triggered, will do a SNMP read on the
- # given fd
- my $fd = shift;
- SNMP::_read_on_fd($fd);
-sub select_info {
- # retrieves SNMP used fd's and timeout info
- # calculates timeout in fractional seconds
- # ( easy to use with select statement )
- my($block, $to_sec, $to_usec, @fd_set)=SNMP::_get_select_info();
- my $time_sec_dec = ($block? 0 : $to_sec + $to_usec * 1e-6);
- #print "fd's for snmp -> ", @fd_set, "\n";
- #print "block -> ", $block, "\n";
- #print "timeout_sec -> ", $to_sec, "\n";
- #print "timeout_usec -> ", $to_usec, "\n";
- #print "timeout dec -> ", $time_sec_dec, "\n";
- return ($time_sec_dec,@fd_set);
-sub check_timeout {
- # check to see if a snmp session
- # timed out, and if so triggers
- # the callback function
- SNMP::_check_timeout();
- # check to see when have to check again
- my($block, $to_sec, $to_usec, @fd_set)=SNMP::_get_select_info();
- my $time_sec_dec = ($block? 0 : $to_sec + $to_usec * 1e-6);
- #print "fd's for snmp -> ", @fd_set, "\n";
- #print "block -> ", $block, "\n";
- #print "timeout_sec -> ", $to_sec, "\n";
- #print "timeout_usec -> ", $to_usec, "\n";
- #print "timeout dec -> ", $time_sec_dec, "\n";
- return ($time_sec_dec);
-sub _tie {
-# this is a little implementation hack so ActiveState can access pp_tie
-# thru perl code. All other environments allow the calling of pp_tie from
-# XS code but AS was not exporting it when PERL_OBJECT was used.
-# short term solution was call this perl func which calls 'tie'
-# longterm fix is to supply a patch which allows AS to export pp_tie in
-# such a way that it can be called from XS code. gsarathy says:
-# a patch to util.c is needed to provide access to PL_paddr
-# so it is possible to call PL_paddr[OP_TIE] as the compiler does
- tie($_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3]);
-sub split_vars {
- # This sub holds the regex that is used throughout this module
- # to parse the base part of an OID from the IID.
- # eg: portName.9.30 -> ['portName','9.30']
- my $vars = shift;
- # The regex was changed to this simple form by patch 722075 for some reason.
- # Testing shows now (2/05) that it is not needed, and that the long expression
- # works fine. AB
- # my ($tag, $iid) = ($vars =~ /^(.*?)\.?(\d+)+$/);
- # These following two are the same. Broken down for easier maintenance
- # my ($tag, $iid) = ($vars =~ /^((?:\.\d+)+|(?:\w+(?:\-*\w+)+))\.?(.*)$/);
- my ($tag, $iid) =
- ($vars =~ /^( # Capture $1
- # 1. either this
- (?:\.\d+)+ # for grouping, won't increment $1
- |
- # 2. or asdf-asdf-asdf-asdf
- (?: # grouping again
- \w+ # needs some letters followed by
- (?:\-*\w+)+ # zero or more dashes, one or more letters
- )
- )
- \.? # optionally match a dot
- (.*) # whatever is left in the string is our iid ($2)
- $/x
- );
- return [$tag,$iid];
-package SNMP::Session;
-sub new {
- my $type = shift;
- my $this = {};
- my ($name, $aliases, $host_type, $len, $thisaddr);
- SNMP::init_snmp("perl");
- %$this = @_;
- $this->{ErrorStr} = ''; # if methods return undef check for expln.
- $this->{ErrorNum} = 0; # contains SNMP error return
- $this->{Version} ||=
- NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_int(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID,
- NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_SNMPVERSION) ||
- if ($this->{Version} eq 128) {
- # special handling of the bogus v1 definition.
- $this->{Version} = 1;
- }
- # allow override of local SNMP port
- $this->{LocalPort} ||= 0;
- # destination host defaults to localhost
- $this->{DestHost} ||= 'localhost';
- # community defaults to public
- $this->{Community} ||= NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
- NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_COMMUNITY()) || 'public';
- # number of retries before giving up, defaults to SNMP_DEFAULT_RETRIES
- $this->{Retries} = SNMP::SNMP_DEFAULT_RETRIES() unless defined($this->{Retries});
- # timeout before retry, defaults to SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
- $this->{Timeout} = SNMP::SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT() unless defined($this->{Timeout});
- # flag to enable fixing pdu and retrying with a NoSuch error
- $this->{RetryNoSuch} ||= 0;
- # backwards compatibility. Make host = host:port
- if ($this->{RemotePort} && $this->{DestHost} !~ /:/) {
- $this->{DestHost} = $this->{DestHost} . ":" . $this->{RemotePort};
- }
- if ($this->{Version} eq '1' or $this->{Version} eq '2'
- or $this->{Version} eq '2c') {
- $this->{SessPtr} = SNMP::_new_session($this->{Version},
- $this->{Community},
- $this->{DestHost},
- $this->{LocalPort},
- $this->{Retries},
- $this->{Timeout},
- );
- } elsif ($this->{Version} eq '3' ) {
- $this->{SecName} ||=
- NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
- NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_SECNAME()) ||
- 'initial';
- if (!$this->{SecLevel}) {
- $this->{SecLevel} =
- NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_int(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
- NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_SECLEVEL()) ||
- $SNMP::V3_SEC_LEVEL_MAP{'noAuthNoPriv'};
- } elsif ($this->{SecLevel} !~ /^\d+$/) {
- $this->{SecLevel} = $SNMP::V3_SEC_LEVEL_MAP{$this->{SecLevel}};
- }
- $this->{SecEngineId} ||= '';
- $this->{ContextEngineId} ||= $this->{SecEngineId};
- $this->{Context} ||=
- NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
- NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_CONTEXT()) || '';
- $this->{AuthProto} ||= 'DEFAULT'; # defaults to the library's default
- $this->{AuthPass} ||=
- NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
- NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
- NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PASSPHRASE()) || '';
- $this->{AuthMasterKey} ||= '';
- $this->{PrivMasterKey} ||= '';
- $this->{AuthLocalizedKey} ||= '';
- $this->{PrivLocalizedKey} ||= '';
- $this->{PrivProto} ||= 'DEFAULT'; # defaults to hte library's default
- $this->{PrivPass} ||=
- NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
- NetSNMP::default_store::netsnmp_ds_get_string(NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID(),
- NetSNMP::default_store::NETSNMP_DS_LIB_PASSPHRASE()) || '';
- $this->{EngineBoots} = 0 if not defined $this->{EngineBoots};
- $this->{EngineTime} = 0 if not defined $this->{EngineTime};
- $this->{SessPtr} = SNMP::_new_v3_session($this->{Version},
- $this->{DestHost},
- $this->{Retries},
- $this->{Timeout},
- $this->{SecName},
- $this->{SecLevel},
- $this->{SecEngineId},
- $this->{ContextEngineId},
- $this->{Context},
- $this->{AuthProto},
- $this->{AuthPass},
- $this->{PrivProto},
- $this->{PrivPass},
- $this->{EngineBoots},
- $this->{EngineTime},
- $this->{AuthMasterKey},
- length($this->{AuthMasterKey}),
- $this->{PrivMasterKey},
- length($this->{PrivMasterKey}),
- $this->{AuthLocalizedKey},
- length($this->{AuthLocalizedKey}),
- $this->{PrivLocalizedKey},
- length($this->{PrivLocalizedKey}),
- );
- }
- unless ($this->{SessPtr}) {
- warn("unable to create session") if $SNMP::verbose;
- return undef;
- }
- SNMP::initMib($SNMP::auto_init_mib); # ensures that *some* mib is loaded
- $this->{UseLongNames} = $SNMP::use_long_names
- unless exists $this->{UseLongNames};
- $this->{UseSprintValue} = $SNMP::use_sprint_value
- unless exists $this->{UseSprintValue};
- $this->{BestGuess} = $SNMP::best_guess unless exists $this->{BestGuess};
- $this->{NonIncreasing} ||= $SNMP::non_increasing;
- $this->{UseEnums} = $SNMP::use_enums unless exists $this->{UseEnums};
- $this->{UseNumeric} = $SNMP::use_numeric unless exists $this->{UseNumeric};
- # Force UseLongNames if UseNumeric is in use.
- $this->{UseLongNames}++ if $this->{UseNumeric};
- bless $this, $type;
-sub update {
-# *Not Implemented*
-# designed to update the fields of session to allow retargetting to different
-# host, community name change, timeout, retry changes etc. Unfortunately not
-# working yet because some updates (the address in particular) need to be
-# done on the internal session pointer which cannot be fetched w/o touching
-# globals at this point which breaks win32. A patch to the net-snmp toolkit
-# is needed
- my $this = shift;
- my ($name, $aliases, $host_type, $len, $thisaddr);
- my %new_fields = @_;
- @$this{keys %new_fields} = values %new_fields;
- $this->{UseLongNames} = $SNMP::use_long_names
- unless exists $this->{UseLongNames};
- $this->{UseSprintValue} = $SNMP::use_sprint_value
- unless exists $this->{UseSprintValue};
- $this->{BestGuess} = $SNMP::best_guess unless exists $this->{BestGuess};
- $this->{NonIncreasing} ||= $SNMP::non_increasing;
- $this->{UseEnums} = $SNMP::use_enums unless exists $this->{UseEnums};
- $this->{UseNumeric} = $SNMP::use_numeric unless exists $this->{UseNumeric};
- # Force UseLongNames if UseNumeric is in use.
- $this->{UseLongNames}++ if $this->{UseNumeric};
- SNMP::_update_session($this->{Version},
- $this->{Community},
- $this->{DestHost},
- $this->{RemotePort},
- $this->{LocalPort},
- $this->{Retries},
- $this->{Timeout},
- );
-sub set {
- my $this = shift;
- my $vars = shift;
- my $varbind_list_ref;
- my $res = 0;
- if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
- } else {
- #$varbind_list_ref = [[$tag, $iid, $val]];
- my $split_vars = SNMP::split_vars($vars);
- my $val = shift;
- push @$split_vars,$val;
- $varbind_list_ref = [$split_vars];
- }
- my $cb = shift;
- $res = SNMP::_set($this, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
-sub get {
- my $this = shift;
- my $vars = shift;
- my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
- if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
- } else {
- $varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
- }
- my $cb = shift;
- @res = SNMP::_get($this, $this->{RetryNoSuch}, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
- return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
-use strict;
-my $have_netsnmp_oid = eval { require NetSNMP::OID; };
-sub gettable {
- #
- # getTable
- # --------
- #
- # Get OIDs starting at $table_oid, and continue down the tree
- # until we get to an OID which does not start with $table_oid,
- # i.e. we have reached the end of this table.
- #
- my $state;
- my ($this, $root_oid, @options) = @_;
- $state->{'options'} = {@options};
- my ($textnode, $varbinds, $vbl, $res, $repeat);
- # translate the OID into numeric form if its not
- if ($root_oid !~ /^[\.0-9]+$/) {
- $textnode = $root_oid;
- $root_oid = SNMP::translateObj($root_oid);
- } else {
- $textnode = SNMP::translateObj($root_oid);
- }
- # bail if we don't have a valid oid.
- return if (!$root_oid);
- # deficed if we're going to parse indexes
- my $parse_indexes = (defined($state->{'options'}{'noindexes'})) ?
- 0 : $have_netsnmp_oid;
- # get the list of columns we should look at.
- my @columns;
- if (!$state->{'options'}{'columns'}) {
- if ($textnode) {
- my %indexes;
- if ($parse_indexes) {
- # get indexes
- my @indexes =
- @{$SNMP::MIB{$textnode}{'children'}[0]{'indexes'} || [] };
- # quick translate into a hash
- map { $indexes{$_} = 1; } @indexes;
- }
- # calculate the list of accessible columns that aren't indexes
- my $children = $SNMP::MIB{$textnode}{'children'}[0]{'children'};
- foreach my $c (@$children) {
- push @{$state->{'columns'}},
- $root_oid . ".1." . $c->{'subID'}
- if (!$indexes{$c->{'label'}});
- }
- if ($#{$state->{'columns'}} == -1) {
- # some tables are only indexes, and we need to walk at
- # least one column. We pick the last.
- push @{$state->{'columns'}}, $root_oid . ".1." .
- $children->[$#$children]{'subID'}
- if ref($state) eq 'HASH' and ref($children) eq 'HASH';
- }
- }
- } else {
- # XXX: requires specification in numeric OID... ack.!
- @{$state->{'columns'}} = @{$state->{'options'}{'columns'}};
- # if the columns aren't numeric, we need to turn them into
- # numeric columns...
- map {
- if ($_ !~ /\.1\.3/) {
- $_ = $SNMP::MIB{$_}{'objectID'};
- }
- } @{$state->{'columns'}};
- }
- # create the initial walking info.
- foreach my $c (@{$state->{'columns'}}) {
- push @{$state->{'varbinds'}}, [$c];
- push @{$state->{'stopconds'}}, $c;
- }
- if ($#{$state->{'varbinds'}} == -1) {
- print STDERR "ack: gettable failed to find any columns to look for.\n";
- return;
- }
- $vbl = $state->{'varbinds'};
- my $repeatcount;
- if ($this->{Version} eq '1' || $state->{'options'}{nogetbulk}) {
- $state->{'repeatcount'} = 1;
- } elsif ($state->{'options'}{'repeat'}) {
- $state->{'repeatcount'} = $state->{'options'}{'repeat'};
- } elsif ($#{$state->{'varbinds'}} == -1) {
- $state->{'repeatcount'} = 1;
- } else {
- # experimentally determined maybe guess at a best repeat value
- # 1000 bytes max (safe), 30 bytes average for encoding of the
- # varbind (experimentally determined to be closer to
- # 26. Again, being safe. Then devide by the number of
- # varbinds.
- $state->{'repeatcount'} = int(1000 / 36 / ($#{$state->{'varbinds'}} + 1));
- }
- #
- # if we've been configured with a callback, then call the
- # sub-functions with a callback to our own "next" processing
- # function (_gettable_do_it). or else call the blocking method and
- # call the next processing function ourself.
- #
- if ($state->{'options'}{'callback'}) {
- if ($this->{Version} ne '1' && !$state->{'options'}{'nogetbulk'}) {
- $res = $this->getbulk(0, $state->{'repeatcount'}, $vbl,
- [\&_gettable_do_it, $this, $vbl,
- $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state]);
- } else {
- $res = $this->getnext($vbl,
- [\&_gettable_do_it, $this, $vbl,
- $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state]);
- }
- } else {
- if ($this->{Version} ne '1' && !$state->{'options'}{'nogetbulk'}) {
- $res = $this->getbulk(0, $state->{'repeatcount'}, $vbl);
- } else {
- $res = $this->getnext($vbl);
- }
- return $this->_gettable_do_it($vbl, $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state);
- }
- return 0;
-sub _gettable_do_it() {
- my ($this, $vbl, $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state) = @_;
- my ($res);
- $vbl = $_[$#_] if ($state->{'options'}{'callback'});
- while ($#$vbl > -1 && !$this->{ErrorNum}) {
- if (($#$vbl + 1) % ($#{$state->{'stopconds'}} + 1) != 0) {
- if ($vbl->[$#$vbl][2] ne 'ENDOFMIBVIEW') {
- # unless it's an end of mib view we didn't get the
- # proper number of results back.
- print STDERR "ack: gettable results not appropriate\n";
- }
- my @k = keys(%{$state->{'result_hash'}});
- last if ($#k > -1); # bail with what we have
- return;
- }
- $state->{'varbinds'} = [];
- my $newstopconds;
- my $lastsetstart = ($state->{'repeatcount'}-1) * ($#{$state->{'stopconds'}}+1);
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$vbl; $i++) {
- my $row_oid = SNMP::translateObj($vbl->[$i][0]);
- my $row_text = $vbl->[$i][0];
- my $row_index = $vbl->[$i][1];
- my $row_value = $vbl->[$i][2];
- my $row_type = $vbl->[$i][3];
- if ($row_oid =~
- /^$state->{'stopconds'}[$i % ($#{$state->{'stopconds'}}+1)]/ &&
- $row_value ne 'ENDOFMIBVIEW' ){
- if ($row_type eq "OBJECTID") {
- # If the value returned is an OID, translate this
- # back in to a textual OID
- $row_value = SNMP::translateObj($row_value);
- }
- # Place the results in a hash
- $state->{'result_hash'}{$row_index}{$row_text} = $row_value;
- # continue past this next time
- if ($i >= $lastsetstart) {
- push @$newstopconds,
- $state->{'stopconds'}->[$i%($#{$state->{'stopconds'}}+1)];
- push @{$state->{'varbinds'}},[$vbl->[$i][0],$vbl->[$i][1]];
- }
- }
- }
- if ($#$newstopconds == -1) {
- last;
- }
- if ($#{$state->{'varbinds'}} == -1) {
- print "gettable ack. shouldn't get here\n";
- }
- $vbl = $state->{'varbinds'};
- $state->{'stopconds'} = $newstopconds;
- #
- # if we've been configured with a callback, then call the
- # sub-functions with a callback to our own "next" processing
- # function (_gettable_do_it). or else call the blocking method and
- # call the next processing function ourself.
- #
- if ($state->{'options'}{'callback'}) {
- if ($this->{Version} ne '1' && !$state->{'options'}{'nogetbulk'}) {
- $res = $this->getbulk(0, $state->{'repeatcount'}, $vbl,
- [\&_gettable_do_it, $this, $vbl,
- $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state]);
- } else {
- $res = $this->getnext($vbl,
- [\&_gettable_do_it, $this, $vbl,
- $parse_indexes, $textnode, $state]);
- }
- return;
- } else {
- if ($this->{Version} ne '1' && !$state->{'options'}{'nogetbulk'}) {
- $res = $this->getbulk(0, $state->{'repeatcount'}, $vbl);
- } else {
- $res = $this->getnext($vbl);
- }
- }
- }
- # finish up
- _gettable_end_routine($state, $parse_indexes, $textnode);
- # return the hash if no callback was specified
- if (!$state->{'options'}{'callback'}) {
- return($state->{'result_hash'});
- }
- #
- # if they provided a callback, call it
- # (if an array pass the args as well)
- #
- if (ref($state->{'options'}{'callback'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
- my $code = shift @{$state->{'options'}{'callback'}};
- $code->(@{$state->{'options'}{'callback'}}, $state->{'result_hash'});
- } else {
- $state->{'options'}{'callback'}->($state->{'result_hash'});
- }
-sub _gettable_end_routine {
- my ($state, $parse_indexes, $textnode) = @_;
- if ($parse_indexes) {
- my @indexes = @{$SNMP::MIB{$textnode}{'children'}[0]{'indexes'}};
- my $i;
- foreach my $trow (keys(%{$state->{'result_hash'}})) {
- my $noid = new NetSNMP::OID($state->{'columns'}[0] . "." . $trow);
- if (!$noid) {
- print STDERR "***** ERROR parsing $state->{'columns'}[0].$trow MIB OID\n";
- next;
- }
- my $nindexes = $noid->get_indexes();
- if (!$nindexes || ref($nindexes) ne 'ARRAY' ||
- $#indexes != $#$nindexes) {
- print STDERR "***** ERROR parsing $state->{'columns'}[0].$trow MIB indexes:\n $noid => " . ref($nindexes) . "\n [should be an ARRAY]\n expended # indexes = $#indexes\n";
- if (ref($nindexes) eq 'ARRAY') {
- print STDERR "***** ERROR parsing $state->{'columns'}[0].$trow MIB indexes: " . ref($nindexes) . " $#indexes $#$nindexes\n";
- }
- next;
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i <= $#indexes; $i++) {
- $state->{'result_hash'}{$trow}{$indexes[$i]} = $nindexes->[$i];
- }
- }
- }
-no strict;
-sub fget {
- my $this = shift;
- my $vars = shift;
- my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
- if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
- } else {
- $varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
- }
- my $cb = shift;
- SNMP::_get($this, $this->{RetryNoSuch}, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
- foreach $varbind (@$varbind_list_ref) {
- $sub = $this->{VarFormats}{$varbind->[$SNMP::Varbind::tag_f]} ||
- $this->{TypeFormats}{$varbind->[$SNMP::Varbind::type_f]};
- &$sub($varbind) if defined $sub;
- push(@res, $varbind->[$SNMP::Varbind::val_f]);
- }
- return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
-sub getnext {
- my $this = shift;
- my $vars = shift;
- my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
- if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
- } else {
- $varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
- }
- my $cb = shift;
- @res = SNMP::_getnext($this, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
- return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
-sub fgetnext {
- my $this = shift;
- my $vars = shift;
- my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
- if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
- } else {
- $varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
- }
- my $cb = shift;
- SNMP::_getnext($this, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
- foreach $varbind (@$varbind_list_ref) {
- $sub = $this->{VarFormats}{$varbind->[$SNMP::Varbind::tag_f]} ||
- $this->{TypeFormats}{$varbind->[$SNMP::Varbind::type_f]};
- &$sub($varbind) if defined $sub;
- push(@res, $varbind->[$SNMP::Varbind::val_f]);
- }
- return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
-sub getbulk {
- my $this = shift;
- my $nonrepeaters = shift;
- my $maxrepetitions = shift;
- my $vars = shift;
- my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
- if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
- } else {
- $varbind_list_ref = [SNMP::split_vars($vars)];
- }
- my $cb = shift;
- @res = SNMP::_getbulk($this, $nonrepeaters, $maxrepetitions, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
- return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
-sub bulkwalk {
- my $this = shift;
- my $nonrepeaters = shift;
- my $maxrepetitions = shift;
- my $vars = shift;
- my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
- if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
- } else {
- # my ($tag, $iid) = ($vars =~ /^((?:\.\d+)+|\w+)\.?(.*)$/);
- my ($tag, $iid) = ($vars =~ /^(.*?)\.?(\d+)+$/);
- $varbind_list_ref = [[$tag, $iid]];
- }
- if (scalar @$varbind_list_ref == 0) {
- $this->{ErrorNum} = SNMP::constant("SNMPERR_GENERR", 0);
- $this->{ErrorStr} = "cannot bulkwalk() empty variable list";
- return undef;
- }
- if (scalar @$varbind_list_ref < $nonrepeaters) {
- $this->{ErrorNum} = SNMP::constant("SNMPERR_GENERR", 0);
- $this->{ErrorStr} = "bulkwalk() needs at least $nonrepeaters varbinds";
- return undef;
- }
- my $cb = shift;
- @res = SNMP::_bulkwalk($this, $nonrepeaters, $maxrepetitions,
- $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
- # Return, in list context, a copy of the array of arrays of Varbind refs.
- # In scalar context, return either a reference to the array of arrays of
- # Varbind refs, or the request ID for an asynchronous bulkwalk. This is
- # a compromise between the getbulk()-ish return, and the more useful array
- # of arrays of Varbinds return from the synchronous bulkwalk().
- #
- return @res if (wantarray());
- return defined($cb) ? $res[0] : \@res;
-%trap_type = (coldStart => 0, warmStart => 1, linkDown => 2, linkUp => 3,
- authFailure => 4, egpNeighborLoss => 5, specific => 6 );
-sub trap {
-# (v1) enterprise, agent, generic, specific, uptime, <vars>
-# $sess->trap(enterprise=>'.', # or 'ucdavis' [default]
-# agent => '', # or 'localhost',[default 1st intf on host]
-# generic => specific, # can be omitted if 'specific' supplied
-# specific => 5, # can be omitted if 'generic' supplied
-# uptime => 1234, # default to localhost uptime (0 on win32)
-# [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
-# # always last
-# (v2) oid, uptime, <vars>
-# $sess->trap(uptime => 1234,
-# oid => 'snmpRisingAlarm',
-# [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
-# # always last
-# # always last
- my $this = shift;
- my $vars = pop if ref($_[$#_]); # last arg may be varbind or varlist
- my %param = @_;
- my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
- if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
- }
- if ($this->{Version} eq '1') {
- my $enterprise = $param{enterprise} || 'ucdavis';
- $enterprise = SNMP::translateObj($enterprise)
- unless $enterprise =~ /^[\.\d]+$/;
- my $agent = $param{agent} || '';
- my $generic = $param{generic} || 'specific';
- $generic = $trap_type{$generic} || $generic;
- my $uptime = $param{uptime} || SNMP::_sys_uptime();
- my $specific = $param{specific} || 0;
- @res = SNMP::_trapV1($this, $enterprise, $agent, $generic, $specific,
- $uptime, $varbind_list_ref);
- } elsif (($this->{Version} eq '2')|| ($this->{Version} eq '2c')) {
- my $trap_oid = $param{oid} || $param{trapoid} || '.0.0';
- my $uptime = $param{uptime} || SNMP::_sys_uptime();
- @res = SNMP::_trapV2($this, $uptime, $trap_oid, $varbind_list_ref);
- }
- return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
-sub inform {
-# (v3) oid, uptime, <vars>
-# $sess->inform(uptime => 1234,
-# oid => 'coldStart',
-# [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
-# # then callback
- # always last
- my $this = shift;
- my $vars;
- my $cb;
- $cb = pop if ref($_[$#_]) eq 'CODE'; # last arg may be code
- $vars = pop if ref($_[$#_]); # varbind or varlist
- my %param = @_;
- my ($varbind_list_ref, @res);
- if (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::VarList/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars;
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- } elsif (ref($vars) =~ /ARRAY/) {
- $varbind_list_ref = [$vars];
- $varbind_list_ref = $vars if ref($$vars[0]) =~ /ARRAY/;
- }
- my $trap_oid = $param{oid} || $param{trapoid};
- my $uptime = $param{uptime} || SNMP::_sys_uptime();
- if($this->{Version} eq '3') {
- @res = SNMP::_inform($this, $uptime, $trap_oid, $varbind_list_ref, $cb);
- } else {
- warn("error:inform: This version doesn't support the command\n");
- }
- return(wantarray() ? @res : $res[0]);
-package SNMP::TrapSession;
-@ISA = ('SNMP::Session');
-sub new {
- my $type = shift;
- # allow override of remote SNMP trap port
- unless (grep(/RemotePort/, @_)) {
- push(@_, 'RemotePort', 162); # push on new default for trap session
- }
- SNMP::Session::new($type, @_);
-package SNMP::Varbind;
-$tag_f = 0;
-$iid_f = 1;
-$val_f = 2;
-$type_f = 3;
-$time_f = 4;
-sub new {
- my $type = shift;
- my $this = shift;
- $this ||= [];
- bless $this;
-sub tag {
- $_[0]->[$tag_f];
-sub iid {
- $_[0]->[$iid_f];
-sub val {
- $_[0]->[$val_f];
-sub type {
- $_[0]->[$type_f];
-sub name {
- if (defined($_[0]->[$iid_f]) && ($_[0]->[$iid_f] =~ m/^[0-9]+$/)) {
- return $_[0]->[$tag_f] . "." . $_[0]->[$iid_f];
- }
- return $_[0]->[$tag_f];
-sub fmt {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->name . " = \"" . $self->val . "\" (" . $self->type . ")";
-#sub DESTROY {
-# print "SNMP::Varbind::DESTROY($_[0])\n";
-package SNMP::VarList;
-sub new {
- my $type = shift;
- my $this = [];
- my $varb;
- foreach $varb (@_) {
- $varb = new SNMP::Varbind($varb) unless ref($varb) =~ /SNMP::Varbind/;
- push(@{$this}, $varb);
- }
- bless $this;
-#sub DESTROY {
-# print "SNMP::VarList::DESTROY($_[0])\n";
-# controls info/debugging output from SNMP module and libsnmp
-# $SNMP::debugging == 1 => enables general info and warning output
-# (eqiv. to setting $SNMP::verbose)
-# $SNMP::debugging == 2 => enables do_debugging from libsnmp as well
-# $SNMP::debugging == 3 => enables packet_dump from libsnmp as well
-sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
-sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
-sub STORE {
- $SNMP::verbose = $_[1];
- SNMP::_set_debugging($_[1]>1);
- $SNMP::dump_packet = ($_[1]>2);
- ${$_[0]} = $_[1];
-sub DELETE {
- $SNMP::verbose = 0;
- SNMP::_set_debugging(0);
- $SNMP::dump_packet = 0;
- ${$_[0]} = undef;
-package SNMP::DEBUG_INTERNALS; # Controls SNMP.xs debugging.
-sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
-sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
-sub STORE {
- SNMP::_debug_internals($_[1]);
- ${$_[0]} = $_[1];
-sub DELETE {
- SNMP::_debug_internals(0);
- ${$_[0]} = undef;
-# controls packet dump output from libsnmp
-sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
-sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
-sub STORE { SNMP::_dump_packet($_[1]); ${$_[0]} = $_[1]; }
-sub DELETE { SNMP::_dump_packet(0); ${$_[0]} = 0; }
-package SNMP::MIB;
-sub TIEHASH {
- bless {};
-sub FETCH {
- my $this = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- if (!defined $this->{$key}) {
- tie(%{$this->{$key}}, SNMP::MIB::NODE, $key) or return undef;
- }
- $this->{$key};
-sub STORE {
- warn "STORE(@_) : write access to the MIB not implemented\n";
-sub DELETE {
- delete $_[0]->{$_[1]}; # just delete cache entry
-sub FIRSTKEY { return '.1'; } # this should actually start at .0 but
- # because nodes are not stored in lexico
- # order in ucd-snmp node tree walk will
- # miss most of the tree
-sub NEXTKEY { # this could be sped up by using an XS __get_next_oid maybe
- my $node = $_[0]->FETCH($_[1])->{nextNode};
- $node->{objectID};
-sub EXISTS { exists $_[0]->{$_[1]} || $_[0]->FETCH($_[1]); }
-sub CLEAR { undef %{$_[0]}; } # clear the cache
-package SNMP::MIB::NODE;
-my %node_elements =
- (
- objectID => 0, # dotted decimal fully qualified OID
- label => 0, # leaf textual identifier (e.g., 'sysDescr')
- subID => 0, # leaf numeric OID component of objectID (e.g., '1')
- moduleID => 0, # textual identifier for module (e.g., 'RFC1213-MIB')
- parent => 0, # parent node
- children => 0, # array reference of children nodes
- indexes => 0, # returns array of column labels
- varbinds => 0, # returns array of trap/notification varbinds
- nextNode => 0, # next lexico node (BUG! does not return in lexico order)
- type => 0, # returns simple type (see getType for values)
- access => 0, # returns ACCESS (ReadOnly, ReadWrite, WriteOnly,
- # NoAccess, Notify, Create)
- status => 0, # returns STATUS (Mandatory, Optional, Obsolete,
- # Deprecated)
- syntax => 0, # returns 'textualConvention' if defined else 'type'
- textualConvention => 0, # returns TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
- units => 0, # returns UNITS
- hint => 0, # returns HINT
- enums => 0, # returns hash ref {tag => num, ...}
- ranges => 0, # returns array ref of hash ref [{low => num, high => num}]
- defaultValue => 0, # returns default value
- description => 0, # returns DESCRIPTION ($SNMP::save_descriptions must
- # be set prior to MIB initialization/parsing
- augments => 0, # textual identifier of augmented object
- );
-# sub TIEHASH - implemented in SNMP.xs
-# sub FETCH - implemented in SNMP.xs
-sub STORE {
- warn "STORE(@_): write access to MIB node not implemented\n";
-sub DELETE {
- warn "DELETE(@_): write access to MIB node not implemented\n";
-sub FIRSTKEY { my $k = keys %node_elements; (each(%node_elements))[0]; }
-sub NEXTKEY { (each(%node_elements))[0]; }
-sub EXISTS { exists($node_elements{$_[1]}); }
-sub CLEAR {
- warn "CLEAR(@_): write access to MIB node not implemented\n";
-#sub DESTROY {
-# warn "DESTROY(@_): write access to MIB node not implemented\n";
-# # print "SNMP::MIB::NODE::DESTROY : $_[0]->{label} ($_[0])\n";
-sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
-sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
-sub STORE { SNMP::_set_save_descriptions($_[1]); ${$_[0]} = $_[1]; }
-sub DELETE { SNMP::_set_save_descriptions(0); ${$_[0]} = 0; }
-package SNMP::MIB::REPLACE_NEWER; # Controls MIB parsing
-sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
-sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
-sub STORE {
- SNMP::_set_replace_newer($_[1]);
- ${$_[0]} = $_[1];
-sub DELETE {
- SNMP::_set_replace_newer(0);
- ${$_[0]} = 0;
-sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $val; bless \$val, $class; }
-sub FETCH { ${$_[0]}; }
-sub STORE { SNMP::_mib_toggle_options($_[1]); ${$_[0]} = $_[1]; }
-sub DELETE { SNMP::_mib_toggle_options(0); ${$_[0]} = ''; }
-package SNMP;
-END{SNMP::_sock_cleanup() if defined &SNMP::_sock_cleanup;}
-# Autoload methods go after __END__, and are processed by the autosplit prog.
-=head1 NAME
-SNMP - The Perl5 'SNMP' Extension Module for the Net-SNMP SNMP package.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use SNMP;
- ...
- $sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => localhost, Community => public);
- $val = $sess->get('sysDescr.0');
- ...
- $vars = new SNMP::VarList([sysDescr,0], [sysContact,0], [sysLocation,0]);
- @vals = $sess->get($vars);
- ...
- $vb = new SNMP::Varbind();
- do {
- $val = $sess->getnext($vb);
- print "@{$vb}\n";
- } until ($sess->{ErrorNum});
- ...
- $SNMP::save_descriptions = 1;
- SNMP::initMib(); # assuming mib is not already loaded
- print "$SNMP::MIB{sysDescr}{description}\n";
-Note: The perl SNMP 5.0 module which comes with net-snmp 5.0 and
-higher is different than previous versions in a number of ways. Most
-importantly, it behaves like a proper net-snmp application and calls
-init_snmp properly, which means it will read configuration files and
-use those defaults where appropriate automatically parse MIB files,
-etc. This will likely affect your perl applications if you have, for
-instance, default values set up in your snmp.conf file (as the perl
-module will now make use of those defaults). The docmuentation,
-however, has sadly not been updated yet (aside from this note), nor is
-the read_config default usage implementation fully complete.
-The basic operations of the SNMP protocol are provided by this module
-through an object oriented interface for modularity and ease of use.
-The primary class is SNMP::Session which encapsulates the persistent
-aspects of a connection between the management application and the
-managed agent. Internally the class is implemented as a blessed hash
-reference. This class supplies 'get', 'getnext', 'set', 'fget', and
-'fgetnext' method calls. The methods take a variety of input argument
-formats and support both syncronous and asyncronous operation through
-a polymorphic API (i.e., method behaviour varies dependent on args
-passed - see below).
-=head1 SNMP::Session
-$sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => 'host', ...)
-The following arguments may be passed to new as a hash.
-=over 4
-=item DestHost
-default 'localhost', hostname or ip addr of SNMP agent
-=item Community
-default 'public', SNMP community string (used for both R/W)
-=item Version
-default taken from library configuration - probably 3 [1, 2 (same as 2c), 2c, 3]
-=item RemotePort
-default '161', allow remote UDP port to be overriden
-=item Timeout
-default '1000000', micro-seconds before retry
-=item Retries
-default '5', retries before failure
-=item RetryNoSuch
-default '0', if enabled NOSUCH errors in 'get' pdus will
-be repaired, removing the varbind in error, and resent -
-undef will be returned for all NOSUCH varbinds, when set
-to '0' this feature is disabled and the entire get request
-will fail on any NOSUCH error (applies to v1 only)
-=item SecName
-default 'initial', security name (v3)
-=item SecLevel
-default 'noAuthNoPriv', security level [noAuthNoPriv,
-authNoPriv, authPriv] (v3)
-=item SecEngineId
-default <none>, security engineID, will be probed if not
-supplied (v3)
-=item ContextEngineId
-default <SecEngineId>, context engineID, will be
-probed if not supplied (v3)
-=item Context
-default '', context name (v3)
-=item AuthProto
-default 'MD5', authentication protocol [MD5, SHA] (v3)
-=item AuthPass
-default <none>, authentication passphrase
-=item PrivProto
-default 'DES', privacy protocol [DES, AES] (v3)
-=item PrivPass
-default <none>, privacy passphrase (v3)
-=item AuthMasterKey
-=item PrivMasterKey
-=item AuthLocalizedKey
-=item PrivLocalizedKey
-Directly specified SNMPv3 USM user keys (used if you want to specify
-the keys instead of deriving them from a password as above).
-=item VarFormats
-default 'undef', used by 'fget[next]', holds an hash
-reference of output value formatters, (e.g., {<obj> =>
-<sub-ref>, ... }, <obj> must match the <obj> and format
-used in the get operation. A special <obj>, '*', may be
-used to apply all <obj>s, the supplied sub is called to
-translate the value to a new format. The sub is called
-passing the Varbind as the arg
-=item TypeFormats
-default 'undef', used by 'fget[next]', holds an hash
-reference of output value formatters, (e.g., {<type> =>
-<sub-ref>, ... }, the supplied sub is called to translate
-the value to a new format, unless a VarFormat mathces first
-(e.g., $sess->{TypeFormats}{INTEGER} = \&mapEnum();
-although this can be done more efficiently by enabling
-$SNMP::use_enums or session creation param 'UseEnums')
-=item UseLongNames
-defaults to the value of SNMP::use_long_names at time
-of session creation. set to non-zero to have <tags>
-for 'getnext' methods generated preferring longer Mib name
-convention (e.g., system.sysDescr vs just sysDescr)
-=item UseSprintValue
-defaults to the value of SNMP::use_sprint_value at time
-of session creation. set to non-zero to have return values
-for 'get' and 'getnext' methods formatted with the libraries
-snprint_value function. This will result in certain data types
-being returned in non-canonical format Note: values returned
-with this option set may not be appropriate for 'set' operations
-(see discussion of value formats in <vars> description section)
-=item UseEnums
-defaults to the value of SNMP::use_enums at time of session
-creation. set to non-zero to have integer return values
-converted to enumeration identifiers if possible, these values
-will also be acceptable when supplied to 'set' operations
-=item UseNumeric
-defaults to the value of SNMP::use_numeric at time of session
-creation. set to non-zero to have <tags> for get methods returned
-as numeric OID's rather than descriptions. UseLongNames will be
-set so that the full OID is returned to the caller.
-=item BestGuess
-defaults to the value of SNMP::best_guess at time of session
-creation. this setting controls how <tags> are parsed. setting to
-0 causes a regular lookup. setting to 1 causes a regular expression
-match (defined as -Ib in snmpcmd) and setting to 2 causes a random
-access lookup (defined as -IR in snmpcmd).
-=item NonIncreasing
-defaults to the value of SNMP::non_increasing at time of session
-creation. this setting controls if a non-increasing OID during
-bulkwalk will causes an error. setting to 0 causes the default
-behaviour (which may, in very badly performing agents, result in a never-ending loop).
-setting to 1 causes an error (OID not increasing) when this error occur.
-=item ErrorStr
-read-only, holds the error message assoc. w/ last request
-=item ErrorNum
-read-only, holds the snmp_err or staus of last request
-=item ErrorInd
-read-only, holds the snmp_err_index when appropriate
-Private variables:
-=item DestAddr
-internal field used to hold the translated DestHost field
-=item SessPtr
-internal field used to cache a created session structure
-=head2 SNMP::Session methods
-=item $sess->update(E<lt>fieldsE<gt>)
-Updates the SNMP::Session object with the values fields
-passed in as a hash list (similar to new(E<lt>fieldsE<gt>))
-B<(WARNING! not fully implemented)>
-=item $sess->get(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
-do SNMP GET, multiple <vars> formats accepted.
-for syncronous operation <vars> will be updated
-with value(s) and type(s) and will also return
-retrieved value(s). If <callback> supplied method
-will operate asyncronously
-=item $sess->fget(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
-do SNMP GET like 'get' and format the values according
-the handlers specified in $sess->{VarFormats} and
-=item $sess->getnext(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
-do SNMP GETNEXT, multiple <vars> formats accepted,
-returns retrieved value(s), <vars> passed as arguments are
-updated to indicate next lexicographical <obj>,<iid>,<val>,
-and <type>
-Note: simple string <vars>,(e.g., 'sysDescr.0')
-form is not updated. If <callback> supplied method
-will operate asyncronously
-=item $sess->fgetnext(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
-do SNMP GETNEXT like getnext and format the values according
-the handlers specified in $sess->{VarFormats} and
-=item $sess->set(E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
-do SNMP SET, multiple <vars> formats accepted.
-the value field in all <vars> formats must be in a canonical
-format (i.e., well known format) to ensure unambiguous
-translation to SNMP MIB data value (see discussion of
-canonical value format <vars> description section),
-returns snmp_errno. If <callback> supplied method
-will operate asyncronously
-=item $sess->getbulk(E<lt>non-repeatersE<gt>, E<lt>max-repeatersE<gt>, E<lt>varsE<gt>)
-do an SNMP GETBULK, from the list of Varbinds, the single
-next lexico instance is fetched for the first n Varbinds
-as defined by <non-repeaters>. For remaining Varbinds,
-the m lexico instances are retrieved each of the remaining
-Varbinds, where m is <max-repeaters>.
-=item $sess->bulkwalk(E<lt>non-repeatersE<gt>, E<lt>max-repeatersE<gt>, E<lt>varsE<gt> [,E<lt>callbackE<gt>])
-Do a "bulkwalk" of the list of Varbinds. This is done by
-sending a GETBULK request (see getbulk() above) for the
-Varbinds. For each requested variable, the response is
-examined to see if the next lexico instance has left the
-requested sub-tree. Any further instances returned for
-this variable are ignored, and the walk for that sub-tree
-is considered complete.
-If any sub-trees were not completed when the end of the
-responses is reached, another request is composed, consisting
-of the remaining variables. This process is repeated until
-all sub-trees have been completed, or too many packets have
-been exchanged (to avoid loops).
-The bulkwalk() method returns an array containing an array of
-Varbinds, one for each requested variable, in the order of the
-variable requests. Upon error, bulkwalk() returns undef and
-sets $sess->ErrorStr and $sess->ErrorNum. If a callback is
-supplied, bulkwalk() returns the SNMP request id, and returns
-immediately. The callback will be called with the supplied
-argument list and the returned variables list.
-Note: Because the client must "discover" that the tree is
-complete by comparing the returned variables with those that
-were requested, there is a potential "gotcha" when using the
-max-repeaters value. Consider the following code to print a
-list of interfaces and byte counts:
- $numInts = $sess->get('ifNumber.0');
- ($desc, $in, $out) = $sess->bulkwalk(0, $numInts,
- [['ifDescr'], ['ifInOctets'], ['ifOutOctets']]);
- for $i (0..($numInts - 1)) {
- printf "Interface %4s: %s inOctets, %s outOctets\n",
- $$desc[$i]->val, $$in[$i]->val, $$out[$i]->val;
- }
-This code will produce *two* requests to the agent -- the first
-to get the interface values, and the second to discover that all
-the information was in the first packet. To get around this,
-use '$numInts + 1' for the max_repeaters value. This asks the
-agent to include one additional (unrelated) variable that signals
-the end of the sub-tree, allowing bulkwalk() to determine that
-the request is complete.
-=item $results = $sess->gettable(E<lt>TABLE OIDE<gt>, E<lt>OPTIONS<gt>)
-This will retrieve an entire table of data and return a hash reference
-to that data. The returned hash reference will have indexes of the
-OID suffixes for the index data as the key. The value for each entry
-will be another hash containing the data for a given row. The keys to
-that hash will be the column names, and the values will be the data.
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use SNMP;
- use Data::Dumper;
- my $s = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => 'localhost');
- print Dumper($s->gettable('ifTable'));
-On my machine produces:
- $VAR1 = {
- '6' => {
- 'ifMtu' => '1500',
- 'ifPhysAddress' => 'PV',
- # ...
- 'ifInUnknownProtos' => '0'
- },
- '4' => {
- 'ifMtu' => '1480',
- 'ifPhysAddress' => '',
- # ...
- 'ifInUnknownProtos' => '0'
- },
- # ...
- };
-By default, it will try to do as optimized retrieval as possible.
-It'll request multiple columns at once, and use GETBULK if possible.
-A few options may be specified by passing in an I<OPTIONS> hash
-containing various parameters:
-=item noindexes => 1
-Instructs the code not to parse the indexes and place the results in
-the second hash. If you don't need the index data, this will be
-=item columns => [ colname1, ... ]
-This specifies which columns to collect. By default, it will try to
-collect all the columns defined in the MIB table.
-=item repeat => I<COUNT>
-Specifies a GETBULK repeat I<COUNT>. IE, it will request this many
-varbinds back per column when using the GETBULK operation. Shortening
-this will mean smaller packets which may help going through some
-systems. By default, this value is calculated and attepmts to guess
-at what will fit all the results into 1000 bytes. This calculation is
-fairly safe, hopefully, but you can either raise or lower the number
-using this option if desired. In lossy networks, you want to make
-sure that the packets don't get fragmented and lowering this value is
-one way to help that.
-=item nogetbulk => 1
-Force the use of GETNEXT rather than GETBULK. (always true for
-SNMPv1, as it doesn't have GETBULK anyway). Some agents are great
-implementers of GETBULK and this allows you to force the use of
-GETNEXT oprations instead.
-=item callback => \&subroutine
-=item callback => [\&subroutine, optarg1, optarg2, ...]
-If a callback is specified, gettable will return quickly without
-returning results. When the results are finally retrieved the
-callback subroutine will be called (see the other sections defining
-callback behaviour and how to make use of SNMP::MainLoop which is
-required fro this to work). An additional argument of the normal hash
-result will be added to the callback subroutine arguments.
-Note 1: internally, the gettable function uses it's own callbacks
-which are passed to getnext/getbulk as appropriate.
-Note 2: callback support is only available in the SNMP module version
-5.04 and above. To test for this in code intending to support both
-versions prior to 5.04 and and 5.04 and up, the following should work:
- if ($response = $sess->gettable('ifTable', callback => \&my_sub)) {
- # got a response, gettable doesn't support callback
- my_sub($response);
- $no_mainloop = 1;
- }
-Deciding on whether to use SNMP::MainLoop is left as an excersize to
-the reader since it depends on whether your code uses other callbacks
-as well.
-=head1 SNMP::TrapSession
-$sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => 'host', ...)
-supports all applicable fields from SNMP::Session
-(see above)
-=head2 SNMP::TrapSession methods
-=item $sess->trap(enterprise, agent, generic, specific, uptime, <vars>)
- $sess->trap(enterprise=>'.', # or 'ucdavis' [default]
- agent => '', # or 'localhost',[dflt 1st intf on host]
- generic => specific, # can be omitted if 'specific' supplied
- specific => 5, # can be omitted if 'generic' supplied
- uptime => 1234, # dflt to localhost uptime (0 on win32)
- [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
- # always last
-=item trap(oid, uptime, <vars>) - v2 format
- $sess->trap(oid => 'snmpRisingAlarm',
- uptime => 1234,
- [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]); # optional vars
- # always last
-=head1 Acceptable variable formats:
-<vars> may be one of the following forms:
-=item SNMP::VarList
-represents an array of MIB objects to get or set,
-implemented as a blessed reference to an array of
-SNMP::Varbinds, (e.g., [<varbind1>, <varbind2>, ...])
-=item SNMP::Varbind
-represents a single MIB object to get or set, implemented as
-a blessed reference to a 4 element array;
-[<obj>, <iid>, <val>, <type>].
-=item <obj>
-one of the following forms:
-=item 1)
-leaf identifier (e.g., 'sysDescr') assumed to be
-unique for practical purposes
-=item 2)
-fully qualified identifier (e.g.,
-=item 3)
-fully qualified, dotted-decimal, numeric OID (e.g.,
-=item <iid>
-the dotted-decimal, instance identifier. for
-scalar MIB objects use '0'
-=item <val>
-the SNMP data value retrieved from or being set
-to the agents MIB. for (f)get(next) operations
-<val> may have a variety of formats as determined by
-session and package settings. However for set
-operations the <val> format must be canonical to
-ensure unambiguous translation. The canonical forms
-are as follows:
-dotted-decimal (e.g., .
-perl scalar containing octets
-=item INTEGER
-decimal signed integer (or enum)
-=item NETADDR
-=item IPADDR
-=item COUNTER
-decimal unsigned integer
-=item COUNTER64
-decimal unsigned integer
-=item GAUGE
-decimal unsigned integer
-decimal unsigned integer
-=item TICKS
-decimal unsigned integer
-=item OPAQUE
-perl scalar containing octets
-=item NULL
-perl scalar containing nothing
-=item <type>
-SNMP data type (see list above), this field is
-populated by 'get' and 'getnext' operations. In
-some cases the programmer needs to populate this
-field when passing to a 'set' operation. this
-field need not be supplied when the attribute
-indicated by <tag> is already described by loaded
-Mib modules. for 'set's, if a numeric OID is used
-and the object is not currently in the loaded Mib,
-the <type> field must be supplied
-=item simple string
-light weight form of <var> used to 'set' or 'get' a
-single attribute without constructing an SNMP::Varbind.
-stored in a perl scalar, has the form '<tag>.<iid>',
-(e.g., 'sysDescr.0'). for 'set' operations the value
-is passed as a second arg. Note: This argument form is
-not updated in get[next] operations as are the other forms.
-=head1 Acceptable callback formats
-<callback> may be one of the following forms:
-=item without arguments
-=item \&subname
-=item sub { ... }
-=item or with arguments
-=item [ \&subname, $arg1, ... ]
-=item [ sub { ... }, $arg1, ... ]
-=item [ "method", $obj, $arg1, ... ]
-callback will be called when response is received or timeout
-occurs. the last argument passed to callback will be a
-SNMP::VarList reference. In case of timeout the last argument
-will be undef.
-=item &SNMP::MainLoop([<timeout>, [<callback>]])
-to be used with async SNMP::Session
-calls. MainLoop must be called after initial async calls
-so return packets from the agent will not be processed.
-If no args suplied this function enters an infinite loop
-so program must be exited in a callback or externally
-interupted. If <timeout(sic)
-=item &SNMP::finish()
-This function, when called from an SNMP::MainLoop() callback
-function, will cause the current SNMP::MainLoop() to return
-after the callback is completed. finish() can be used to
-terminate an otherwise-infinite MainLoop. A new MainLoop()
-instance can then be started to handle further requests.
-=head1 SNMP package variables and functions
-the current version specifier (e.g., 3.1.0)
-=item $SNMP::auto_init_mib
-default '1', set to 0 to disable automatic reading
-of the MIB upon session creation. set to non-zero
-to call initMib at session creation which will result
-in MIB loading according to Net-SNMP env. variables (see
-man mib_api)
-=item $SNMP::verbose
-default '0', controls warning/info output of
-SNMP module, 0 => no output, 1 => enables warning/info
-output from SNMP module itself (is also controlled
-by SNMP::debugging - see below)
-=item $SNMP::use_long_names
-default '0', set to non-zero to enable the use of
-longer Mib identifiers. see translateObj. will also
-influence the formatting of <tag> in varbinds returned
-from 'getnext' operations. Can be set on a per session
-basis (UseLongNames)
-=item $SNMP::use_sprint_value
-default '0', set to non-zero to enable formatting of
-response values using the snmp libraries snprint_value
-function. can also be set on a per session basis (see
-UseSprintValue) Note: returned values may not be
-suitable for 'set' operations
-=item $SNMP::use_enums
-default '0',set non-zero to return values as enums and
-allow sets using enums where appropriate. integer data
-will still be accepted for set operations. can also be
-set on a per session basis (see UseEnums)
-=item $SNMP::use_numeric
-default to '0',set to non-zero to have <tags> for 'get'
-methods returned as numeric OID's rather than descriptions.
-UseLongNames will be set so that the entire OID will be
-returned. Set on a per-session basis (see UseNumeric).
-=item $SNMP::best_guess
-default '0'. This setting controls how <tags> are
-parsed. Setting to 0 causes a regular lookup. Setting
-to 1 causes a regular expression match (defined as -Ib
-in snmpcmd) and setting to 2 causes a random access
-lookup (defined as -IR in snmpcmd). Can also be set
-on a per session basis (see BestGuess)
-=item $SNMP::save_descriptions
-default '0',set non-zero to have mib parser save
-attribute descriptions. must be set prior to mib
-=item $SNMP::debugging
-default '0', controlls debugging output level
-within SNMP module and libsnmp
-=item 1
-enables 'SNMP::verbose' (see above)
-=item 2
-level 1 plus snmp_set_do_debugging(1)
-=item 3
-level 2 plus snmp_set_dump_packet(1)
-=item $SNMP::dump_packet
-default '0', set [non-]zero to independently set
-=head1 %SNMP::MIB
-a tied hash to access parsed MIB information. After
-the MIB has been loaded this hash allows access to
-to the parsed in MIB meta-data(the structure of the
-MIB (i.e., schema)). The hash returns blessed
-references to SNMP::MIB::NODE objects which represent
-a single MIB attribute. The nodes can be fetched with
-multiple 'key' formats - the leaf name (e.g.,sysDescr)
-or fully/partially qualified name (e.g.,
-system.sysDescr) or fully qualified numeric OID. The
-returned node object supports the following fields:
-=item objectID
-dotted decimal fully qualified OID
-=item label
-leaf textual identifier (e.g., 'sysDescr')
-=item subID
-leaf numeric OID component of objectID (e.g., '1')
-=item moduleID
-textual identifier for module (e.g., 'RFC1213-MIB')
-=item parent
-parent node
-=item children
-array reference of children nodes
-=item nextNode
-next lexico node B<(BUG!does not return in lexico order)>
-=item type
-returns application type (see getType for values)
-=item access
-returns ACCESS (ReadOnly, ReadWrite, WriteOnly,
-NoAccess, Notify, Create)
-=item status
-returns STATUS (Mandatory, Optional, Obsolete,
-=item syntax
-returns 'textualConvention' if defined else 'type'
-=item textualConvention
-=item TCDescription
-=item units
-returns UNITS
-=item hint
-returns HINT
-=item enums
-returns hash ref {tag => num, ...}
-=item ranges
-returns array ref of hash ref [{low => num, high => num}, ...]
-=item description
-returns DESCRIPTION ($SNMP::save_descriptions must
-be set prior to MIB initialization/parsing)
-=item reference
-returns the REFERENCE clause
-=head1 MIB Functions
-=item &SNMP::setMib(<file>)
-allows dynamic parsing of the mib and explicit
-specification of mib file independent of enviroment
-variables. called with no args acts like initMib,
-loading MIBs indicated by environment variables (see
-Net-SNMP mib_api docs). passing non-zero second arg
-forces previous mib to be freed and replaced
-B<(Note: second arg not working since freeing previous
-Mib is more involved than before)>.
-=item &SNMP::initMib()
-calls library init_mib function if Mib not already
-loaded - does nothing if Mib already loaded. will
-parse directories and load modules according to
-environment variables described in Net-SNMP documentations.
-(see man mib_api, MIBDIRS, MIBS, MIBFILE(S), etc.)
-=item &SNMP::addMibDirs(<dir>,...)
-calls library add_mibdir for each directory
-supplied. will cause directory(s) to be added to
-internal list and made available for searching in
-subsequent loadModules calls
-=item &SNMP::addMibFiles(<file>,...)
-calls library read_mib function. The file(s)
-supplied will be read and all Mib module definitions
-contained therein will be added to internal mib tree
-=item &SNMP::loadModules(<mod>,...)
-calls library read_module function. The
-module(s) supplied will be searched for in the
-current mibdirs and and added to internal mib tree
-structure. Passing special <mod>, 'ALL', will cause
-all known modules to be loaded.
-=item &SNMP::unloadModules(<mod>,...)
-B<*Not Implemented*>
-=item &SNMP::translateObj(<var>[,arg,[arg]])
-will convert a text obj tag to an OID and vice-versa.
-Any iid suffix is retained numerically. Default
-behaviour when converting a numeric OID to text
-form is to return leaf identifier only
-(e.g.,'sysDescr') but when $SNMP::use_long_names
-is non-zero or a non-zero second arg is supplied it
-will return a longer textual identifier. An optional
-third argument of non-zero will cause the module name
-to be prepended to the text name (e.g.
-'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr'). When converting a text obj,
-the $SNMP::best_guess option is used. If no Mib is
-loaded when called and $SNMP::auto_init_mib is enabled
-then the Mib will be loaded. Will return 'undef' upon
-=item &SNMP::getType(<var>)
-return SNMP data type for given textual identifier
-=item &SNMP::mapEnum(<var>)
-converts integer value to enumertion tag defined
-in Mib or converts tag to integer depending on
-input. the function will return the corresponding
-integer value *or* tag for a given MIB attribute
-and value. The function will sense which direction
-to perform the conversion. Various arg formats are
-=item $val = SNMP::mapEnum($varbind);
-where $varbind is SNMP::Varbind or equiv.
-note: $varbind will be updated
-=item $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 'forwarding');
-=item $val = SNMP::mapEnum('ipForwarding', 1);
-=head1 Exported SNMP utility functions
-Note: utility functions do not support async operation yet.
-=item &snmp_get()
-takes args of SNMP::Session::new followed by those of
-=item &snmp_getnext()
-takes args of SNMP::Session::new followed by those of
-=item &snmp_set()
-takes args of SNMP::Session::new followed by those of
-=item &snmp_trap()
-takes args of SNMP::TrapSession::new followed by those of
-=head1 Trouble Shooting
-If problems occur there are number areas to look at to narrow down the
-The first step should be to test the Net-SNMP installation
-independently from the Perl5 SNMP interface.
-Try running the apps from the Net-SNMP distribution.
-Make sure your agent (snmpd) is running and properly configured with
-read-write access for the community you are using.
-Ensure that your MIBs are installed and enviroment variables are set
-appropriately (see man mib_api)
-Be sure to remove old net-snmp installations and ensure headers and
-libraries from old CMU installations are not being used by mistake.
-If the problem occurs during compilation/linking check that the snmp
-library being linked is actually the Net-SNMP library (there have been
-name conflicts with existing snmp libs).
-Also check that the header files are correct and up to date.
-Sometimes compiling the Net-SNMP library with
-'position-independent-code' enabled is required (HPUX specifically).
-If you cannot resolve the problem you can post to
-comp.lang.perl.modules or
-please give sufficient information to analyze the problem (OS type,
-versions for OS/Perl/Net-SNMP/compiler, complete error output, etc.)
-=head1 Acknowledgements
-Many thanks to all those who supplied patches, suggestions and
- Joe Marzot (the original author)
- Wes Hardaker and the net-snmp-coders
- Dave Perkins
- Marcel Wiget
- David Blackburn
- John Stofell
- Gary Hayward
- Claire Harrison
- Achim Bohnet
- Doug Kingston
- Jacques Vidrine
- Carl Jacobsen
- Wayne Marquette
- Scott Schumate
- Michael Slifcak
- Srivathsan Srinivasagopalan
- Bill Fenner
- Jef Peeraer
- Daniel Hagerty
- Karl "Rat" Schilke and Electric Lightwave, Inc.
- Perl5 Porters
- Alex Burger
-Apologies to any/all who's patch/feature/request was not mentioned or
-included - most likely it was lost when paying work intruded on my
-fun. Please try again if you do not see a desired feature. This may
-actually turn out to be a decent package with such excellent help and
-the fact that I have more time to work on it than in the past.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-bugs, comments, questions to
-=head1 Copyright
- Copyright (c) 1995-2000 G. S. Marzot. All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Networks Associates Technology, Inc. All
- Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can
- redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
- itself.