path: root/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/man/netsnmp_snmp_session.3
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Diffstat (limited to 'cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/man/netsnmp_snmp_session.3')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 513 deletions
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/man/netsnmp_snmp_session.3 b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/man/netsnmp_snmp_session.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b558c25d..0000000000
--- a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/man/netsnmp_snmp_session.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-.TH "snmp_session" 3 "5 Sep 2008" "Version 5.4.2" "net-snmp" \" -*- nroff -*- l
-snmp_session \- The snmp session structure.
-\fC#include <snmp_api.h>\fP
-.SS "Data Fields"
- +1c
-.ti -1c
-.RI "long \fBversion\fP"
-.RI "\fIsnmp version \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBretries\fP"
-.RI "\fINumber of retries before timeout. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "long \fBtimeout\fP"
-.RI "\fINumber of uS until first timeout, then exponential backoff. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_long \fBflags\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBsnmp_session\fP * \fBsubsession\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "\fBsnmp_session\fP * \fBnext\fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "char * \fBpeername\fP"
-.RI "\fIname or address of default peer (may include transport specifier and/or port number) \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_short \fBremote_port\fP"
-.RI "\fIUDP port number of peer. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "char * \fBlocalname\fP"
-.RI "\fIMy Domain name or dotted IP address, 0 for default. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_short \fBlocal_port\fP"
-.RI "\fIMy UDP port number, 0 for default, picked randomly. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_char *(* \fBauthenticator\fP )(u_char *, size_t *, u_char *, size_t)"
-.RI "\fIAuthentication function or NULL if null authentication is used. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "netsnmp_callback \fBcallback\fP"
-.RI "\fIFunction to interpret incoming data. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void * \fBcallback_magic\fP"
-.RI "\fIPointer to data that the callback function may consider important. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBs_errno\fP"
-.RI "\fIcopy of system errno \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBs_snmp_errno\fP"
-.RI "\fIcopy of library errno \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "long \fBsessid\fP"
-.RI "\fISession id - AgentX only. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_char * \fBcommunity\fP"
-.RI "\fIcommunity for outgoing requests. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBcommunity_len\fP"
-.RI "\fILength of community name. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBrcvMsgMaxSize\fP"
-.RI "\fILargest message to try to receive. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBsndMsgMaxSize\fP"
-.RI "\fILargest message to try to send. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_char \fBisAuthoritative\fP"
-.RI "\fIare we the authoritative engine? \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_char * \fBcontextEngineID\fP"
-.RI "\fIauthoritative snmpEngineID \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBcontextEngineIDLen\fP"
-.RI "\fILength of contextEngineID. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_int \fBengineBoots\fP"
-.RI "\fIinitial engineBoots for remote engine \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_int \fBengineTime\fP"
-.RI "\fIinitial engineTime for remote engine \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "char * \fBcontextName\fP"
-.RI "\fIauthoritative contextName \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBcontextNameLen\fP"
-.RI "\fILength of contextName. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_char * \fBsecurityEngineID\fP"
-.RI "\fIauthoritative snmpEngineID \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBsecurityEngineIDLen\fP"
-.RI "\fILength of contextEngineID. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "char * \fBsecurityName\fP"
-.RI "\fIon behalf of this principal \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBsecurityNameLen\fP"
-.RI "\fILength of securityName. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "oid * \fBsecurityAuthProto\fP"
-.RI "\fIauth protocol oid \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBsecurityAuthProtoLen\fP"
-.RI "\fILength of auth protocol oid. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_char \fBsecurityAuthKey\fP [USM_AUTH_KU_LEN]"
-.RI "\fIKu for auth protocol XXX. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBsecurityAuthKeyLen\fP"
-.RI "\fILength of Ku for auth protocol. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_char * \fBsecurityAuthLocalKey\fP"
-.RI "\fIKul for auth protocol. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBsecurityAuthLocalKeyLen\fP"
-.RI "\fILength of Kul for auth protocol XXX. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "oid * \fBsecurityPrivProto\fP"
-.RI "\fIpriv protocol oid \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBsecurityPrivProtoLen\fP"
-.RI "\fILength of priv protocol oid. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_char \fBsecurityPrivKey\fP [USM_PRIV_KU_LEN]"
-.RI "\fIKu for privacy protocol XXX. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBsecurityPrivKeyLen\fP"
-.RI "\fILength of Ku for priv protocol. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "u_char * \fBsecurityPrivLocalKey\fP"
-.RI "\fIKul for priv protocol. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "size_t \fBsecurityPrivLocalKeyLen\fP"
-.RI "\fILength of Kul for priv protocol XXX. \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBsecurityModel\fP"
-.RI "\fIsnmp security model, v1, v2c, usm \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "int \fBsecurityLevel\fP"
-.RI "\fInoAuthNoPriv, authNoPriv, authPriv \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "char * \fBparamName\fP"
-.RI "\fItarget param name \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void * \fBsecurityInfo\fP"
-.RI "\fIsecurity module specific \fP"
-.ti -1c
-.RI "void * \fBmyvoid\fP"
-.RI "\fIuse as you want data \fP" -1c
-.SH "Detailed Description"
-The snmp session structure.
-Definition at line 187 of file snmp_api.h.
-.SH "Field Documentation"
-.SS "long \fBsnmp_session::version\fP"
-snmp version
-Definition at line 192 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by add_trap_session(), create_user_from_session(), netsnmp_register_agent_nsap(), send_trap_to_sess(), snmp_sess_add_ex(), snmp_sess_init(), snmpd_parse_config_trapsess(), and snmpv3_engineID_probe().
-.SS "int \fBsnmp_session::retries\fP"
-Number of retries before timeout.
-Definition at line 194 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by snmp_sess_init(), and snmp_sess_timeout().
-.SS "long \fBsnmp_session::timeout\fP"
-Number of uS until first timeout, then exponential backoff.
-Definition at line 196 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by snmp_sess_init().
-.SS "char* \fBsnmp_session::peername\fP"
-name or address of default peer (may include transport specifier and/or port number)
-Definition at line 202 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by snmpd_parse_config_trapsess().
-.SS "u_short \fBsnmp_session::remote_port\fP"
-UDP port number of peer.
-Definition at line 204 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by snmp_sess_init().
-.SS "char* \fBsnmp_session::localname\fP"
-My Domain name or dotted IP address, 0 for default.
-Definition at line 206 of file snmp_api.h.
-.SS "u_short \fBsnmp_session::local_port\fP"
-My UDP port number, 0 for default, picked randomly.
-Definition at line 208 of file snmp_api.h.
-.SS "u_char*(* \fBsnmp_session::authenticator\fP)(u_char *, size_t *, u_char *, size_t)"
-Authentication function or NULL if null authentication is used.
-Referenced by netsnmp_register_agent_nsap().
-.SS "netsnmp_callback \fBsnmp_session::callback\fP"
-Function to interpret incoming data.
-Definition at line 214 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by _sess_read(), netsnmp_register_agent_nsap(), snmp_sess_synch_response(), snmp_sess_timeout(), and snmp_synch_response_cb().
-.SS "void* \fBsnmp_session::callback_magic\fP"
-Pointer to data that the callback function may consider important.
-Definition at line 218 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by _sess_read(), snmp_sess_synch_response(), snmp_sess_timeout(), and snmp_synch_response_cb().
-.SS "int \fBsnmp_session::s_errno\fP"
-copy of system errno
-Definition at line 220 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by _sess_read(), and snmp_error().
-.SS "int \fBsnmp_session::s_snmp_errno\fP"
-copy of library errno
-Definition at line 222 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by _sess_read(), handle_snmp_packet(), snmp_build(), snmp_error(), snmp_sess_add_ex(), snmp_sess_async_send(), snmp_sess_open(), snmp_sess_read(), and snmpv3_engineID_probe().
-.SS "long \fBsnmp_session::sessid\fP"
-Session id - AgentX only.
-Definition at line 224 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by send_trap_to_sess().
-.SS "u_char* \fBsnmp_session::community\fP"
-community for outgoing requests.
-Definition at line 230 of file snmp_api.h.
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::community_len\fP"
-Length of community name.
-Definition at line 232 of file snmp_api.h.
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::rcvMsgMaxSize\fP"
-Largest message to try to receive.
-Definition at line 234 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by snmp_sess_add_ex(), and snmp_sess_init().
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::sndMsgMaxSize\fP"
-Largest message to try to send.
-Definition at line 236 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by snmpv3_parse().
-.SS "u_char \fBsnmp_session::isAuthoritative\fP"
-are we the authoritative engine?
-Definition at line 242 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by netsnmp_register_agent_nsap().
-.SS "u_char* \fBsnmp_session::contextEngineID\fP"
-authoritative snmpEngineID
-Definition at line 244 of file snmp_api.h.
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::contextEngineIDLen\fP"
-Length of contextEngineID.
-Definition at line 246 of file snmp_api.h.
-.SS "u_int \fBsnmp_session::engineBoots\fP"
-initial engineBoots for remote engine
-Definition at line 248 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by snmpv3_engineID_probe().
-.SS "u_int \fBsnmp_session::engineTime\fP"
-initial engineTime for remote engine
-Definition at line 250 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by snmpv3_engineID_probe().
-.SS "char* \fBsnmp_session::contextName\fP"
-authoritative contextName
-Definition at line 252 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by unregister_mibs_by_session().
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::contextNameLen\fP"
-Length of contextName.
-Definition at line 254 of file snmp_api.h.
-.SS "u_char* \fBsnmp_session::securityEngineID\fP"
-authoritative snmpEngineID
-Definition at line 256 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session(), snmpd_parse_config_trapsess(), and snmpv3_engineID_probe().
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::securityEngineIDLen\fP"
-Length of contextEngineID.
-Definition at line 258 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session(), snmpd_parse_config_trapsess(), and snmpv3_engineID_probe().
-.SS "char* \fBsnmp_session::securityName\fP"
-on behalf of this principal
-Definition at line 260 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::securityNameLen\fP"
-Length of securityName.
-Definition at line 262 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "oid* \fBsnmp_session::securityAuthProto\fP"
-auth protocol oid
-Definition at line 265 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::securityAuthProtoLen\fP"
-Length of auth protocol oid.
-Definition at line 267 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "u_char \fBsnmp_session::securityAuthKey\fP[USM_AUTH_KU_LEN]"
-Ku for auth protocol XXX.
-Definition at line 269 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::securityAuthKeyLen\fP"
-Length of Ku for auth protocol.
-Definition at line 271 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "u_char* \fBsnmp_session::securityAuthLocalKey\fP"
-Kul for auth protocol.
-Definition at line 273 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::securityAuthLocalKeyLen\fP"
-Length of Kul for auth protocol XXX.
-Definition at line 275 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "oid* \fBsnmp_session::securityPrivProto\fP"
-priv protocol oid
-Definition at line 278 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::securityPrivProtoLen\fP"
-Length of priv protocol oid.
-Definition at line 280 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "u_char \fBsnmp_session::securityPrivKey\fP[USM_PRIV_KU_LEN]"
-Ku for privacy protocol XXX.
-Definition at line 282 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::securityPrivKeyLen\fP"
-Length of Ku for priv protocol.
-Definition at line 284 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "u_char* \fBsnmp_session::securityPrivLocalKey\fP"
-Kul for priv protocol.
-Definition at line 286 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "size_t \fBsnmp_session::securityPrivLocalKeyLen\fP"
-Length of Kul for priv protocol XXX.
-Definition at line 288 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session().
-.SS "int \fBsnmp_session::securityModel\fP"
-snmp security model, v1, v2c, usm
-Definition at line 291 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by create_user_from_session(), snmp_sess_close(), and snmp_sess_init().
-.SS "int \fBsnmp_session::securityLevel\fP"
-noAuthNoPriv, authNoPriv, authPriv
-Definition at line 293 of file snmp_api.h.
-.SS "char* \fBsnmp_session::paramName\fP"
-target param name
-Definition at line 295 of file snmp_api.h.
-.SS "void* \fBsnmp_session::securityInfo\fP"
-security module specific
-Definition at line 300 of file snmp_api.h.
-.SS "void* \fBsnmp_session::myvoid\fP"
-use as you want data
-used by 'SNMP_FLAGS_RESP_CALLBACK' handling in the agent XXX: or should we add a new field into this structure?
-Definition at line 308 of file snmp_api.h.
-Referenced by snmp_synch_response_cb().
-.SH "Author"
-Generated automatically by Doxygen for net-snmp from the source code.