path: root/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/mib2c.genhtml.conf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/mib2c.genhtml.conf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 370 deletions
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/mib2c.genhtml.conf b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/mib2c.genhtml.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index b0f6284ba3..0000000000
--- a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/mib2c.genhtml.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-## USAGE:
-## mib2c -c mib2c.genhtml.conf STARTINGNODE
-## Optional extra arguments:
-## -S cssfile=file.css (specifies an alternate CSS style
-## file to include in the output)
-## try to strip leading white space from text
- my ($s) = ($vars{'x'} =~ /\n(\s+)/);
- $vars{'x'} =~ s/^$s//gm;
- 0;
-## print a description clause (include TC info and references
-@define DO_DESCR@
-@if "$i.perltype" ne "$i.syntax"@
-@eval $tmpsyn = "$i.syntax"@
-@perleval if (!defined($TCS{$vars{'tmpsyn'}})) { $TCS{$vars{'tmpsyn'}} = $vars{'i'}; }; 0;@
-Note: this object is based on the <a href="#$i.syntax"> $i.syntax TEXTUAL-CONVENTION</a>.
-@eval $x = "$i.description"@
-@calldefine DO_FORMATED_TEXT@
-## my ($s) = ($vars{'x'} =~ /\n(\s+)/);
-## $vars{'x'} =~ s/^$s//gm;
-## 0;
-@if "$i.reference" ne ""@
-@eval $x = "$i.reference"@
-<p><i>Also see Reference:
-@calldefine DO_FORMATED_TEXT@
-## print information (a row) about a given node
-@define NODE_INFO@
-@if ("$i.status" eq "Current")@
- <td>
- <td class="deprecated">
-<a name="$i" />
-@eval $tmpi = "$i.parent"@
-@if "$doindexstuff" ne "" && "$tmpi.parent" ne "$t"@
-(external from $tmpi.parent)
-<br /><b>$i</b>
-## print the data type
-@if ("$i.status" ne "Current")@
-<font color="red">DEPRECATED</font><br />
- $i.perltype
-## print range information
- @if "$i.ranges"@
- @if "$i.perltype" eq 'OCTETSTR' || "$i.perltype" eq 'OBJECTID'@
- <br />Legal Lengths:
- @else@
- <br />Legal values:
- @end@
- @eval $tmpdidit = 0@
- @foreach $st $end range $i@
- @if "$tmpdidit" == "1"@
- ,
- @end@
- @if "$st" eq "$end"@
- $st
- @else@
- $st .. $end
- @end@
- @eval $tmpdidit = 1@
- @end@
- @end@
-## check for TC vs non-TC cases
- @if "$i.perltype" ne "$i.syntax"@
- <br>
- @eval $tmpsyn = "$i.syntax"@
- @perleval if (!defined($TCS{$vars{'tmpsyn'}})) { $TCS{$vars{'tmpsyn'}} = $vars{'i'}; }; 0;@
- <a href="#$i.syntax">$i.syntax</a>
- @if $i.enums@
- <br>(ENUM list below)
- @end@
- @else@
- @if $i.enums@
- <table class="enum">
- <tr><th>Value</th><th>Label/Meaning</th></tr>
- @foreach $e $v enum@
- <tr><td>$v</td><td>$e</td></tr>
- @end@
- </table>
- @end@
- @end@
- </td><td>$i.access</td>
- @if !"$dont_do_oids"@
- <td>$i.objectID</td>
- @end@
- @calldefine DO_DESCR@
-@open ${name}.html@
- <title>MIB information for $name</title>
-<style type="text/css">
-@if "$cssfile" ne ""@
-while(<CSS>) {
- mib2c_output($_);
-table {
- border: 1px;
- background: #dddddd;
- style: outset;
-th {
- border: 1px;
- border: solid;
- border-style: outset;
- background: #bbbbbb;
-td {
- border: 1px;
- border: solid;
- border-style: inset;
-table.enums {
- background: #cccccc;
-table.deprecated {
- background: #ffdddd;
-td.deprecated {
- background: #ffdddd;
-.label {
- border-style: outset;
- background: #bbbbbb;
-<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
-This is a summary of information regarding objects below the <b>$name</b>
-MIB object, which is defined within the <b>$name.module</b> MIB
-document as <b>$name.objectID</b>.
-## Table of contents
-@foreach $Current stuff Current Deprecated@
-<h3><a href="#objects_$Current">$Current Objects</a></h3>
-@if "$Current" eq "Current"@
-<li><a href="#scalar_current">Scalars</a></li>
-<li><a href="#scalar_notcurrent">Deprecated Scalars</a></li>
-@foreach $t table@
-@if ("$Current" eq "Current" && "$t.status" eq "Current") || ("$Current" ne "Current" && "$t.status" ne "Current")@
- <li><a href="#$t">$t</a></li>
-<h3><a href="#notifications">Notifications</a></h3>
-<h3><a href="#textconventions">Textual Conventions</a></h3>
-<h3><a href="#treeview">Tree-based view</a></h3>
-## Start of definitions
-@foreach $Current stuff Current Deprecated@
-<a name="objects_$Current" />
-@if "$Current" ne "Current"@
- @eval $namestring = "notcurrent"@
- <hr />
- <h1><font color="red">DEPRECATED OR OBSOLETE OR HISTORIC OBJECTS</font></h1>
- <br>
- <table class="deprecated"><tr><td>
- @eval $namestring = "current"@
-<a name="scalar_$namestring" />
-@foreach $i scalar@
- @if ("$Current" eq "Current" && "$i.status" eq "Current") || ("$Current" ne "Current" && "$i.status" ne "Current")@
- <tr>
- @calldefine NODE_INFO@
- </tr>
- @end@
-@eval $dont_do_oids = 1@
-@foreach $t table@
-@if ("$Current" eq "Current" && "$t.status" eq "Current") || ("$Current" ne "Current" && "$t.status" ne "Current")@
-<a name="$t" /><h3>Table $t</h3>
- <table>
- <tr><td class="label">Table Name</td><td>$t</td></tr>
- <tr><td class="label">In MIB</td><td>$t.module</td></tr>
- <tr><td class="label">Registered at OID</td><td>$t.objectID</td></tr>
- <tr><td class="label">Table Description</td>
-@eval $i ="$t"@
-@calldefine DO_DESCR@
- @eval $tmpx = $t@
- @perleval $vars{'tmpx'} =~ s/Table/Entry/; 0;@
-@eval $i = "$tmpx"@
-<tr><td class="label"><a name="$tmpx" />Row Description</td>
-@calldefine DO_DESCR@
- </table>
- <h4>$t Indexes:</h4>
-<tr class="label"><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Access</th><th>Description</th></tr>
-@foreach $i index@
- <tr>
- @calldefine NODE_INFO@
- </tr>
- <h4>Other $t Columns:</h4>
-<tr class="label"><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Access</th><th>Description</th></tr>
-@foreach $i nonindex@
- <tr>
- @calldefine NODE_INFO@
- </tr>
- </table>
-<hr />
-<a name="notifications" />
-@foreach $i notifications@
-<a name="$i" /><h3>Notification: $i</h3>
- <table>
- <tr><td class="label">Notification Name</td><td>$i</td></tr>
- <tr><td class="label">In MIB</td><td>$i.module</td></tr>
- <tr><td class="label">Registered at OID</td><td>$i.objectID</td></tr>
- <tr><td class="label">Notification Description</td>
-@calldefine DO_DESCR@
- </tr>
- <tr> <td class="label">Mandatory<br />Objects</td><td>
- <table>
- @foreach $v varbinds@
- <tr><td><a href="#$v">$v</a></td></tr>
- @end@
- </table></td></tr>
- </table>
-<hr />
-<a name="textconventions" />
-These TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONS are used in other parts of the document
-above. They are SNMP's way of defining a datatype that is used
-repeatedly by other MIB objects. Any implementation implementing
-objects that use one of these definitions must follow its DESCRIPTION
-clause as well as the DESCRIPTION clause of the object itself.
-mib2c_output("<tr class=\"label\"><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Description</th></tr>\n");
-map {
- my $desc = $SNMP::MIB{$TCS{$_}}{'TCDescription'};
- my ($s) = ($desc =~ /\n(\s+)/);
- $desc =~ s/^$s//gm;
- mib2c_output("<tr><td><a name=\"$_\">$_</td><td>");
- mib2c_output($SNMP::MIB{$TCS{$_}}{'type'});
- my @enumkeys = keys(%{$SNMP::MIB{$TCS{$_}}{'enums'}});
- if ($#enumkeys > -1) {
- mib2c_output("<table class=\"enums\">");
- mib2c_output("<tr><th>Value</th><th>Label/Meaning</th></tr>");
- foreach $k (sort { $SNMP::MIB{$TCS{$_}}{'enums'}{$a} <=>
- $SNMP::MIB{$TCS{$_}}{'enums'}{$b} } @enumkeys) {
- mib2c_output("<tr><td>$SNMP::MIB{$TCS{$_}}{'enums'}{$k}</td><td>$k</td></tr>");
- }
- mib2c_output("</table>");
- }
- mib2c_output("</td><td><pre>$desc</pre></td></tr>\n");
-} keys(%TCS);
-<a name="treeview" />
-<h2>TREE VIEW</h2>
-@eval $mod = "$name.module"@
-<p>Tree view generated by running: <b>snmptranslate -Tp $mod::$name</b></p>
-open(TREE,"snmptranslate -Tp $vars{mod}::$vars{name}|");
-while(<TREE>) {
- s/(\+-- .*\s)(\w+)(\(\d+\))$/$1<a href="#$2">$2<\/a>$3/;
- s/\+--(\w+)/+--<a href="#$1">$1<\/a>/;
- s/Textual Convention: (\w+)/Textual Convention: <a href="#$1">$1<\/a>/;
- mib2c_output($_);
-return 0;