path: root/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/mib2c-conf.d/mfd-makefile.m2m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/mib2c-conf.d/mfd-makefile.m2m')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/mib2c-conf.d/mfd-makefile.m2m b/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/mib2c-conf.d/mfd-makefile.m2m
deleted file mode 100644
index d94951c01e..0000000000
--- a/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/local/mib2c-conf.d/mfd-makefile.m2m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-####################################################### -*- Makefile -*-
-## $Id: mfd-makefile.m2m 12577 2005-07-25 15:37:02Z dts12 $
-@strict token off@
-@ifconf ${name}_Makefile@
-@ print ${name}_Makefile exists, skipping@
-@ if "x$m2c_create_fewer_files" eq "x"@
-@ eval $m2c_create_fewer_files = 0@
-@ end@
-@ open ${name}_Makefile@
-@ ifconf ${name}_Makefile.m2m@
-@ include ${name}_Makefile.m2m@
-@ else@
-@ if $m2c_mark_boundary == 1@
-# START code generated by $RCSfile$ $Revision: 12577 $
-@ end@
-@ if "$mfd_netsnmp_dir" ne ""@
-@ else@
-@ end@
-@ if "$mfd_netsnmp_dir" ne ""@
-# Assuming we're linking against a Net-SNMP build tree (which may or
-# may not be the same as the source tree) and not an installed package.
-# Note: to do this we REQUIRE gnu-make.
-NETSNMPBASECFLAGS := $(shell $(NETSNMPCONFIG) --base-cflags)
-NETSNMPINCLUDES := $(shell $(NETSNMPCONFIG) --build-includes $(NETSNMPDIR))
-# base flags after build/src include, in case it has /usr/local/include
-NETSNMPBASELIBS := $(shell $(NETSNMPCONFIG) --base-agent-libs)
-NETSNMPEXTLIBS := $(shell $(NETSNMPCONFIG) --external-agent-libs)
-NETSNMPLIBDIRS := $(shell $(NETSNMPCONFIG) --build-lib-dirs $(NETSNMPDIR))
-NETSNMPLIBDEPS := $(shell $(NETSNMPCONFIG) --build-lib-deps $(NETSNMPDIR))
-@ else@
-# uncomment this if you have GNU make
-#NETSNMPCFLAGS := $(shell $(NETSNMPCONFIG) --base-cflags)
-#NETSNMPLIBS := $(shell $(NETSNMPCONFIG) --agent-libs)
-@ end@
-STRICT_FLAGS = -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
-@ if $m2c_create_fewer_files != 1@
- $(TABLE_PREFIX)_data_get.c \
- $(TABLE_PREFIX)_data_set.c \
-@ end@
- $(TABLE_PREFIX)_data_access.c
- $(TABLE_PREFIX)_subagent.c \
- $(TABLE_PREFIX)_interface.c
-@ if $m2c_create_fewer_files != 1@
- $(TABLE_PREFIX)_data_get.o \
- $(TABLE_PREFIX)_data_set.o \
-@ end@
- $(TABLE_PREFIX)_data_access.o
- $(TABLE_PREFIX)_subagent.o \
- $(TABLE_PREFIX)_interface.o
-.SUFFIXES: .c .o .deps
-all: $(TARGETS)
-user: $(USER_OBJS)
- $(CC) -o $(TABLE_PREFIX) $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
- rm -f $(OBJS) $(TARGETS)
-@if "$mfd_netsnmp_dir" ne ""@
-$(TABLE_PREFIX).deps $(TABLE_PREFIX)_subagent.deps $(TABLE_PREFIX)_interface.deps: $(TABLE_PREFIX)_Makefile
-$(TABLE_PREFIX)_data_access.deps: $(TABLE_PREFIX)_Makefile
-@if $m2c_create_fewer_files != 1@
-$(TABLE_PREFIX)_data_get.deps: $(TABLE_PREFIX)_Makefile
-$(TABLE_PREFIX)_data_set.deps: $(TABLE_PREFIX)_Makefile
-%.deps : %.c
- \@echo "Generating makefile $\@ ..."
- \@set -e; $(CC) -M $(COPTS) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< \
- | sed 's/\($*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o $\@ : /g' > $\@; \
- [ -s $\@ ] || $(RM) $(RMFLAGS) $\@
-include $(TABLE_PREFIX).deps
-include $(TABLE_PREFIX)_subagent.deps
-include $(TABLE_PREFIX)_interface.deps
-include $(TABLE_PREFIX)_data_access.deps
-@ if $m2c_create_fewer_files != 1@
-include $(TABLE_PREFIX)_data_get.deps
-include $(TABLE_PREFIX)_data_set.deps
-@ end@
-@ if $m2c_mark_boundary == 1@
-# END code generated by $RCSfile$ $Revision: 12577 $
-@ end@
-@ end@ # not including ${name}_Makefile.m2m
-@ close ${name}_Makefile@
-@end@ # no existing makefile