path: root/cleopatre/application/spidnetsnmp/doc/rfc/snmpV3/rfc3413.txt
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-Network Working Group D. Levi
-Request for Comments: 3413 Nortel Networks
-STD: 62 P. Meyer
-Obsoletes: 2573 Secure Computing Corporation
-Category: Standards Track B. Stewart
- Retired
- December 2002
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Applications
-Status of this Memo
- This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
- Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
- improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
- Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
- and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
- This document describes five types of Simple Network Management
- Protocol (SNMP) applications which make use of an SNMP engine as
- described in STD 62, RFC 3411. The types of application described
- are Command Generators, Command Responders, Notification Originators,
- Notification Receivers, and Proxy Forwarders.
- This document also defines Management Information Base (MIB) modules
- for specifying targets of management operations, for notification
- filtering, and for proxy forwarding. This document obsoletes RFC
- 2573.
-Table of Contents
- 1 Overview ............................................... 2
- 1.1 Command Generator Applications ......................... 3
- 1.2 Command Responder Applications ......................... 3
- 1.3 Notification Originator Applications ................... 3
- 1.4 Notification Receiver Applications ..................... 3
- 1.5 Proxy Forwarder Applications ........................... 4
- 2 Management Targets ..................................... 5
- 3 Elements Of Procedure .................................. 6
- 3.1 Command Generator Applications ......................... 6
- 3.2 Command Responder Applications ......................... 9
- 3.3 Notification Originator Applications ................... 14
- 3.4 Notification Receiver Applications ..................... 17
- 3.5 Proxy Forwarder Applications ........................... 19
- 3.5.1 Request Forwarding ..................................... 21
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 1]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- Processing an Incoming Request ......................... 21
- Processing an Incoming Response ........................ 24
- Processing an Incoming Internal-Class PDU .............. 25
- 3.5.2 Notification Forwarding ................................ 26
- 4 The Structure of the MIB Modules ....................... 29
- 4.1 The Management Target MIB Module ....................... 29
- 4.1.1 Tag Lists .....................,........................ 29
- 4.1.2 Definitions ..................,......................... 30
- 4.2 The Notification MIB Module ............................ 44
- 4.2.1 Definitions ............................................ 44
- 4.3 The Proxy MIB Module ................................... 56
- 4.3.1 Definitions ............................................ 57
- 5 Identification of Management Targets in
- Notification Originators ............................... 63
- 6 Notification Filtering ................................. 64
- 7 Management Target Translation in
- Proxy Forwarder Applications ........................... 65
- 7.1 Management Target Translation for
- Request Forwarding ..................................... 65
- 7.2 Management Target Translation for
- Notification Forwarding ................................ 66
- 8 Intellectual Property .................................. 67
- 9 Acknowledgments ........................................ 67
- 10 Security Considerations ................................ 69
- 11 References ............................................. 69
- A. Trap Configuration Example ............................. 71
- Editors' Addresses ..................................... 73
- Full Copyright Statement ............................... 74
-1. Overview
- This document describes five types of SNMP applications:
- - Applications which initiate SNMP Read-Class, and/or Write-Class
- requests, called 'command generators.'
- - Applications which respond to SNMP Read-Class, and/or Write-Class
- requests, called 'command responders.'
- - Applications which generate SNMP Notification-Class PDUs, called
- 'notification originators.'
- - Applications which receive SNMP Notification-Class PDUs, called
- 'notification receivers.'
- - Applications which forward SNMP messages, called 'proxy
- forwarders.'
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 2]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- Note that there are no restrictions on which types of applications
- may be associated with a particular SNMP engine. For example, a
- single SNMP engine may, in fact, be associated with both command
- generator and command responder applications.
- The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
- document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
-1.1. Command Generator Applications
- A command generator application initiates SNMP Read-Class and/or
- Write-Class requests, and processes responses to requests which it
- generated.
-1.2. Command Responder Applications
- A command responder application receives SNMP Read-Class and/or
- Write-Class requests destined for the local system as indicated by
- the fact that the contextEngineID in the received request is equal to
- that of the local engine through which the request was received. The
- command responder application will perform the appropriate protocol
- operation, using access control, and will generate a response message
- to be sent to the request's originator.
-1.3. Notification Originator Applications
- A notification originator application conceptually monitors a system
- for particular events or conditions, and generates Notification-Class
- messages based on these events or conditions. A notification
- originator must have a mechanism for determining where to send
- messages, and what SNMP version and security parameters to use when
- sending messages. A mechanism and MIB module for this purpose is
- provided in this document. Note that Notification-Class PDUs
- generated by a notification originator may be either Confirmed-Class
- or Unconfirmed-Class PDU types.
-1.4. Notification Receiver Applications
- A notification receiver application listens for notification
- messages, and generates response messages when a message containing a
- Confirmed-Class PDU is received.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 3]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
-1.5. Proxy Forwarder Applications
- A proxy forwarder application forwards SNMP messages. Note that
- implementation of a proxy forwarder application is optional. The
- sections describing proxy (3.5, 4.3, and 7) may be skipped for
- implementations that do not include a proxy forwarder application.
- The term "proxy" has historically been used very loosely, with
- multiple different meanings. These different meanings include (among
- others):
- (1) the forwarding of SNMP requests to other SNMP entities without
- regard for what managed object types are being accessed; for
- example, in order to forward an SNMP request from one transport
- domain to another, or to translate SNMP requests of one version
- into SNMP requests of another version;
- (2) the translation of SNMP requests into operations of some non-SNMP
- management protocol; and
- (3) support for aggregated managed objects where the value of one
- managed object instance depends upon the values of multiple other
- (remote) items of management information.
- Each of these scenarios can be advantageous; for example, support for
- aggregation of management information can significantly reduce the
- bandwidth requirements of large-scale management activities.
- However, using a single term to cover multiple different scenarios
- causes confusion.
- To avoid such confusion, this document uses the term "proxy" with a
- much more tightly defined meaning. The term "proxy" is used in this
- document to refer to a proxy forwarder application which forwards
- either SNMP messages without regard for what managed objects are
- contained within those messages. This definition is most closely
- related to the first definition above. Note, however, that in the
- SNMP architecture [RFC3411], a proxy forwarder is actually an
- application, and need not be associated with what is traditionally
- thought of as an SNMP agent.
- Specifically, the distinction between a traditional SNMP agent and a
- proxy forwarder application is simple:
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 4]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- - a proxy forwarder application forwards SNMP messages to other SNMP
- engines according to the context, and irrespective of the specific
- managed object types being accessed, and forwards the response to
- such previously forwarded messages back to the SNMP engine from
- which the original message was received;
- - in contrast, the command responder application that is part of what
- is traditionally thought of as an SNMP agent, and which processes
- SNMP requests according to the (names of the) individual managed
- object types and instances being accessed, is NOT a proxy forwarder
- application from the perspective of this document.
- Thus, when a proxy forwarder application forwards a request or
- notification for a particular contextEngineID / contextName pair, not
- only is the information on how to forward the request specifically
- associated with that context, but the proxy forwarder application has
- no need of a detailed definition of a MIB view (since the proxy
- forwarder application forwards the request irrespective of the
- managed object types).
- In contrast, a command responder application must have the detailed
- definition of the MIB view, and even if it needs to issue requests to
- other entities, via SNMP or otherwise, that need is dependent on the
- individual managed object instances being accessed (i.e., not only on
- the context).
- Note that it is a design goal of a proxy forwarder application to act
- as an intermediary between the endpoints of a transaction. In
- particular, when forwarding Confirmed Notification-Class messages,
- the associated response is forwarded when it is received from the
- target to which the Notification-Class message was forwarded, rather
- than generating a response immediately when the Notification-Class
- message is received.
-2. Management Targets
- Some types of applications (notification generators and proxy
- forwarders in particular) require a mechanism for determining where
- and how to send generated messages. This document provides a
- mechanism and MIB module for this purpose. The set of information
- that describes where and how to send a message is called a
- 'Management Target', and consists of two kinds of information:
- - Destination information, consisting of a transport domain and a
- transport address. This is also termed a transport endpoint.
- - SNMP parameters, consisting of message processing model, security
- model, security level, and security name information.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 5]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- The SNMP-TARGET-MIB module described later in this document contains
- one table for each of these types of information. There can be a
- many-to-many relationship in the MIB between these two types of
- information. That is, there may be multiple transport endpoints
- associated with a particular set of SNMP parameters, or a particular
- transport endpoint may be associated with several sets of SNMP
- parameters.
-3. Elements Of Procedure
- The following sections describe the procedures followed by each type
- of application when generating messages for transmission or when
- processing received messages. Applications communicate with the
- Dispatcher using the abstract service interfaces defined in
- [RFC3411].
-3.1. Command Generator Applications
- A command generator initiates an SNMP request by calling the
- Dispatcher using the following abstract service interface:
- statusInformation = -- sendPduHandle if success
- -- errorIndication if failure
- sendPdu(
- IN transportDomain -- transport domain to be used
- IN transportAddress -- destination network address
- IN messageProcessingModel -- typically, SNMP version
- IN securityModel -- Security Model to use
- IN securityName -- on behalf of this principal
- IN securityLevel -- Level of Security requested
- IN contextEngineID -- data from/at this entity
- IN contextName -- data from/in this context
- IN pduVersion -- the version of the PDU
- IN PDU -- SNMP Protocol Data Unit
- IN expectResponse -- TRUE or FALSE
- )
- Where:
- - The transportDomain is that of the destination of the message.
- - The transportAddress is that of the destination of the message.
- - The messageProcessingModel indicates which Message Processing Model
- the application wishes to use.
- - The securityModel is the security model that the application wishes
- to use.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 6]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- - The securityName is the security model independent name for the
- principal on whose behalf the application wishes the message to be
- generated.
- - The securityLevel is the security level that the application wishes
- to use.
- - The contextEngineID specifies the location of the management
- information it is requesting. Note that unless the request is
- being sent to a proxy, this value will usually be equal to the
- snmpEngineID value of the engine to which the request is being
- sent.
- - The contextName specifies the local context name for the management
- information it is requesting.
- - The pduVersion indicates the version of the PDU to be sent.
- - The PDU is a value constructed by the command generator containing
- the management operation that the command generator wishes to
- perform.
- - The expectResponse argument indicates that a response is expected.
- The result of the sendPdu interface indicates whether the PDU was
- successfully sent. If it was successfully sent, the returned value
- will be a sendPduHandle. The command generator should store the
- sendPduHandle so that it can correlate a response to the original
- request.
- The Dispatcher is responsible for delivering the response to a
- particular request to the correct command generator application. The
- abstract service interface used is:
- processResponsePdu( -- process Response PDU
- IN messageProcessingModel -- typically, SNMP version
- IN securityModel -- Security Model in use
- IN securityName -- on behalf of this principal
- IN securityLevel -- Level of Security
- IN contextEngineID -- data from/at this SNMP entity
- IN contextName -- data from/in this context
- IN pduVersion -- the version of the PDU
- IN PDU -- SNMP Protocol Data Unit
- IN statusInformation -- success or errorIndication
- IN sendPduHandle -- handle from sendPdu
- )
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 7]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- Where:
- - The messageProcessingModel is the value from the received response.
- - The securityModel is the value from the received response.
- - The securityName is the value from the received response.
- - The securityLevel is the value from the received response.
- - The contextEngineID is the value from the received response.
- - The contextName is the value from the received response.
- - The pduVersion indicates the version of the PDU in the received
- response.
- - The PDU is the value from the received response.
- - The statusInformation indicates success or failure in receiving the
- response.
- - The sendPduHandle is the value returned by the sendPdu call which
- generated the original request to which this is a response.
- The procedure when a command generator receives a message is as
- follows:
- (1) If the received values of messageProcessingModel, securityModel,
- securityName, contextEngineID, contextName, and pduVersion are
- not all equal to the values used in the original request, the
- response is discarded.
- (2) The operation type, request-id, error-status, error-index, and
- variable-bindings are extracted from the PDU and saved. If the
- request-id is not equal to the value used in the original
- request, the response is discarded.
- (3) At this point, it is up to the application to take an appropriate
- action. The specific action is implementation dependent. If the
- statusInformation indicates that the request failed, an
- appropriate action might be to attempt to transmit the request
- again, or to notify the person operating the application that a
- failure occurred.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 8]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
-3.2. Command Responder Applications
- Before a command responder application can process messages, it must
- first associate itself with an SNMP engine. The abstract service
- interface used for this purpose is:
- statusInformation = -- success or errorIndication
- registerContextEngineID(
- IN contextEngineID -- take responsibility for this one
- IN pduType -- the pduType(s) to be registered
- )
- Where:
- - The statusInformation indicates success or failure of the
- registration attempt.
- - The contextEngineID is equal to the snmpEngineID of the SNMP engine
- with which the command responder is registering.
- - The pduType indicates a Read-Class and/or Write-Class PDU.
- Note that if another command responder application is already
- registered with an SNMP engine, any further attempts to register with
- the same contextEngineID and pduType will be denied. This implies
- that separate command responder applications could register
- separately for the various pdu types. However, in practice this is
- undesirable, and only a single command responder application should
- be registered with an SNMP engine at any given time.
- A command responder application can disassociate with an SNMP engine
- using the following abstract service interface:
- unregisterContextEngineID(
- IN contextEngineID -- give up responsibility for this one
- IN pduType -- the pduType(s) to be unregistered
- )
- Where:
- - The contextEngineID is equal to the snmpEngineID of the SNMP engine
- with which the command responder is cancelling the registration.
- - The pduType indicates a Read-Class and/or Write-Class PDU.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 9]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- Once the command responder has registered with the SNMP engine, it
- waits to receive SNMP messages. The abstract service interface used
- for receiving messages is:
- processPdu( -- process Request/Notification PDU
- IN messageProcessingModel -- typically, SNMP version
- IN securityModel -- Security Model in use
- IN securityName -- on behalf of this principal
- IN securityLevel -- Level of Security
- IN contextEngineID -- data from/at this SNMP entity
- IN contextName -- data from/in this context
- IN pduVersion -- the version of the PDU
- IN PDU -- SNMP Protocol Data Unit
- IN maxSizeResponseScopedPDU -- maximum size of the Response PDU
- IN stateReference -- reference to state information
- ) -- needed when sending a response
- Where:
- - The messageProcessingModel indicates which Message Processing Model
- received and processed the message.
- - The securityModel is the value from the received message.
- - The securityName is the value from the received message.
- - The securityLevel is the value from the received message.
- - The contextEngineID is the value from the received message.
- - The contextName is the value from the received message.
- - The pduVersion indicates the version of the PDU in the received
- message.
- - The PDU is the value from the received message.
- - The maxSizeResponseScopedPDU is the maximum allowable size of a
- ScopedPDU containing a Response PDU (based on the maximum message
- size that the originator of the message can accept).
- - The stateReference is a value which references cached information
- about each received request message. This value must be returned
- to the Dispatcher in order to generate a response.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 10]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- The procedure when a message is received is as follows:
- (1) The operation type is determined from the ASN.1 tag value
- associated with the PDU parameter. The operation type should
- always be one of the types previously registered by the
- application.
- (2) The request-id is extracted from the PDU and saved.
- (3) Any PDU type specific parameters are extracted from the PDU and
- saved (for example, if the PDU type is an SNMPv2 GetBulk PDU, the
- non-repeaters and max-repetitions values are extracted).
- (4) The variable-bindings are extracted from the PDU and saved.
- (5) The management operation represented by the PDU type is performed
- with respect to the relevant MIB view within the context named by
- the contextName (for an SNMPv2 PDU type, the operation is
- performed according to the procedures set forth in [RFC1905]).
- The relevant MIB view is determined by the securityLevel,
- securityModel, contextName, securityName, and the class of the
- PDU type. To determine whether a particular object instance is
- within the relevant MIB view, the following abstract service
- interface is called:
- statusInformation = -- success or errorIndication
- isAccessAllowed(
- IN securityModel -- Security Model in use
- IN securityName -- principal who wants to access
- IN securityLevel -- Level of Security
- IN viewType -- read, write, or notify view
- IN contextName -- context containing variableName
- IN variableName -- OID for the managed object
- )
- Where:
- - The securityModel is the value from the received message.
- - The securityName is the value from the received message.
- - The securityLevel is the value from the received message.
- - The viewType indicates whether the PDU type is a Read-Class or
- Write-Class operation.
- - The contextName is the value from the received message.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 11]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- - The variableName is the object instance of the variable for
- which access rights are to be checked.
- Normally, the result of the management operation will be a new
- PDU value, and processing will continue in step (6) below.
- However, at any time during the processing of the management
- operation:
- - If the isAccessAllowed ASI returns a noSuchView, noAccessEntry,
- or noGroupName error, processing of the management operation is
- halted, a PDU value is constructed using the values from the
- originally received PDU, but replacing the error-status with an
- authorizationError code, and error-index value of 0, and
- control is passed to step (6) below.
- - If the isAccessAllowed ASI returns an otherError, processing of
- the management operation is halted, a different PDU value is
- constructed using the values from the originally received PDU,
- but replacing the error-status with a genError code and the
- error-index with the index of the failed variable binding, and
- control is passed to step (6) below.
- - If the isAccessAllowed ASI returns a noSuchContext error,
- processing of the management operation is halted, no result PDU
- is generated, the snmpUnknownContexts counter is incremented,
- and control is passed to step (6) below for generation of a
- report message.
- - If the context named by the contextName parameter is
- unavailable, processing of the management operation is halted,
- no result PDU is generated, the snmpUnavailableContexts counter
- is incremented, and control is passed to step (6) below for
- generation of a report message.
- (6) The Dispatcher is called to generate a response or report
- message. The abstract service interface is:
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 12]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- IN messageProcessingModel -- typically, SNMP version
- IN securityModel -- Security Model in use
- IN securityName -- on behalf of this principal
- IN securityLevel -- same as on incoming request
- IN contextEngineID -- data from/at this SNMP entity
- IN contextName -- data from/in this context
- IN pduVersion -- the version of the PDU
- IN PDU -- SNMP Protocol Data Unit
- IN maxSizeResponseScopedPDU -- maximum size of the Response PDU
- IN stateReference -- reference to state information
- -- as presented with the request
- IN statusInformation -- success or errorIndication
- ) -- error counter OID/value if error
- Where:
- - The messageProcessingModel is the value from the processPdu
- call.
- - The securityModel is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The securityName is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The securityLevel is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The contextEngineID is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The contextName is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The pduVersion indicates the version of the PDU to be returned.
- If no result PDU was generated, the pduVersion is an undefined
- value.
- - The PDU is the result generated in step (5) above. If no
- result PDU was generated, the PDU is an undefined value.
- - The maxSizeResponseScopedPDU is a local value indicating the
- maximum size of a ScopedPDU that the application can accept.
- - The stateReference is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The statusInformation either contains an indication that no
- error occurred and that a response should be generated, or
- contains an indication that an error occurred along with the
- OID and counter value of the appropriate error counter object.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 13]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- Note that a command responder application should always call the
- returnResponsePdu abstract service interface, even in the event of an
- error such as a resource allocation error. In the event of such an
- error, the PDU value passed to returnResponsePdu should contain
- appropriate values for errorStatus and errorIndex.
- Note that the text above describes situations where the
- snmpUnknownContexts counter is incremented, and where the
- snmpUnavailableContexts counter is incremented. The difference
- between these is that the snmpUnknownContexts counter is incremented
- when a request is received for a context which is unknown to the SNMP
- entity. The snmpUnavailableContexts counter is incremented when a
- request is received for a context which is known to the SNMP entity,
- but is currently unavailable. Determining when a context is
- unavailable is implementation specific, and some implementations may
- never encounter this situation, and so may never increment the
- snmpUnavailableContexts counter.
-3.3. Notification Originator Applications
- A notification originator application generates SNMP messages
- containing Notification-Class PDUs (for example, SNMPv2-Trap PDUs or
- Inform PDUs). There is no requirement as to what specific types of
- Notification-Class PDUs a particular implementation must be capable
- of generating.
- Notification originator applications require a mechanism for
- identifying the management targets to which notifications should be
- sent. The particular mechanism used is implementation dependent.
- However, if an implementation makes the configuration of management
- targets SNMP manageable, it MUST use the SNMP-TARGET-MIB module
- described in this document.
- When a notification originator wishes to generate a notification, it
- must first determine in which context the information to be conveyed
- in the notification exists, i.e., it must determine the
- contextEngineID and contextName. It must then determine the set of
- management targets to which the notification should be sent. The
- application must also determine, for each management target, what
- specific PDU type the notification message should contain, and if it
- is to contain a Confirmed-Class PDU, the number of retries and
- retransmission algorithm.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 14]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- The mechanism by which a notification originator determines this
- information is implementation dependent. Once the application has
- determined this information, the following procedure is performed for
- each management target:
- (1) Any appropriate filtering mechanisms are applied to determine
- whether the notification should be sent to the management target.
- If such filtering mechanisms determine that the notification
- should not be sent, processing continues with the next management
- target. Otherwise,
- (2) The appropriate set of variable-bindings is retrieved from local
- MIB instrumentation within the relevant MIB view. The relevant
- MIB view is determined by the securityLevel, securityModel,
- contextName, and securityName of the management target. To
- determine whether a particular object instance is within the
- relevant MIB view, the isAccessAllowed abstract service interface
- is used, in the same manner as described in the preceding
- section, except that the viewType indicates a Notification-Class
- operation. If the statusInformation returned by isAccessAllowed
- does not indicate accessAllowed, the notification is not sent to
- the management target.
- (3) The NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECT IDENTIFIER of the notification (this
- is the value of the element of the variable bindings whose name
- is snmpTrapOID.0, i.e., the second variable binding) is checked
- using the isAccessAllowed abstract service interface, using the
- same parameters used in the preceding step. If the
- statusInformation returned by isAccessAllowed does not indicate
- accessAllowed, the notification is not sent to the management
- target.
- (4) A PDU is constructed using a locally unique request-id value, a
- PDU type as determined by the implementation, an error-status and
- error-index value of 0, and the variable-bindings supplied
- previously in step (2).
- (5) If the notification contains an Unconfirmed-Class PDU, the
- Dispatcher is called using the following abstract service
- interface:
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 15]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- statusInformation = -- sendPduHandle if success
- -- errorIndication if failure
- sendPdu(
- IN transportDomain -- transport domain to be used
- IN transportAddress -- destination network address
- IN messageProcessingModel -- typically, SNMP version
- IN securityModel -- Security Model to use
- IN securityName -- on behalf of this principal
- IN securityLevel -- Level of Security requested
- IN contextEngineID -- data from/at this entity
- IN contextName -- data from/in this context
- IN pduVersion -- the version of the PDU
- IN PDU -- SNMP Protocol Data Unit
- IN expectResponse -- TRUE or FALSE
- )
- Where:
- - The transportDomain is that of the management target.
- - The transportAddress is that of the management target.
- - The messageProcessingModel is that of the management target.
- - The securityModel is that of the management target.
- - The securityName is that of the management target.
- - The securityLevel is that of the management target.
- - The contextEngineID is the value originally determined for the
- notification.
- - The contextName is the value originally determined for the
- notification.
- - The pduVersion is the version of the PDU to be sent.
- - The PDU is the value constructed in step (4) above.
- - The expectResponse argument indicates that no response is
- expected.
- Otherwise,
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 16]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- (6) If the notification contains a Confirmed-Class PDU, then:
- a) The Dispatcher is called using the sendPdu abstract service
- interface as described in step (5) above, except that the
- expectResponse argument indicates that a response is expected.
- b) The application caches information about the management
- target.
- c) If a response is received within an appropriate time interval
- from the transport endpoint of the management target, the
- notification is considered acknowledged and the cached
- information is deleted. Otherwise,
- d) If a response is not received within an appropriate time
- period, or if a report indication is received, information
- about the management target is retrieved from the cache, and
- steps a) through d) are repeated. The number of times these
- steps are repeated is equal to the previously determined retry
- count. If this retry count is exceeded, the acknowledgement
- of the notification is considered to have failed, and
- processing of the notification for this management target is
- halted. Note that some report indications might be considered
- a failure. Such report indications should be interpreted to
- mean that the acknowledgement of the notification has failed,
- and that steps a) through d) need not be repeated.
- Responses to Confirmed-Class PDU notifications will be received via
- the processResponsePdu abstract service interface.
- To summarize, the steps that a notification originator follows when
- determining where to send a notification are:
- - Determine the targets to which the notification should be sent.
- - Apply any required filtering to the list of targets.
- - Determine which targets are authorized to receive the notification.
-3.4. Notification Receiver Applications
- Notification receiver applications receive SNMP Notification messages
- from the Dispatcher. Before any messages can be received, the
- notification receiver must register with the Dispatcher using the
- registerContextEngineID abstract service interface. The parameters
- used are:
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 17]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- - The contextEngineID is an undefined 'wildcard' value.
- Notifications are delivered to a registered notification receiver
- regardless of the contextEngineID contained in the notification
- message.
- - The pduType indicates the type of notifications that the
- application wishes to receive (for example, SNMPv2-Trap PDUs or
- Inform PDUs).
- Once the notification receiver has registered with the Dispatcher,
- messages are received using the processPdu abstract service
- interface. Parameters are:
- - The messageProcessingModel indicates which Message Processing Model
- received and processed the message.
- - The securityModel is the value from the received message.
- - The securityName is the value from the received message.
- - The securityLevel is the value from the received message.
- - The contextEngineID is the value from the received message.
- - The contextName is the value from the received message.
- - The pduVersion indicates the version of the PDU in the received
- message.
- - The PDU is the value from the received message.
- - The maxSizeResponseScopedPDU is the maximum allowable size of a
- ScopedPDU containing a Response PDU (based on the maximum message
- size that the originator of the message can accept).
- - If the message contains an Unconfirmed-Class PDU, the
- stateReference is undefined and unused. Otherwise, the
- stateReference is a value which references cached information about
- the notification. This value must be returned to the Dispatcher in
- order to generate a response.
- When an Unconfirmed-Class PDU is delivered to a notification receiver
- application, it first extracts the SNMP operation type, request-id,
- error-status, error-index, and variable-bindings from the PDU. After
- this, processing depends on the particular implementation.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 18]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- When a Confirmed-Class PDU is received, the notification receiver
- application follows the following procedure:
- (1) The PDU type, request-id, error-status, error-index, and
- variable-bindings are extracted from the PDU.
- (2) A Response-Class PDU is constructed using the extracted
- request-id and variable-bindings, and with error-status and
- error-index both set to 0.
- (3) The Dispatcher is called to generate a response message using the
- returnResponsePdu abstract service interface. Parameters are:
- - The messageProcessingModel is the value from the processPdu
- call.
- - The securityModel is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The securityName is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The securityLevel is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The contextEngineID is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The contextName is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The pduVersion indicates the version of the PDU to be returned.
- - The PDU is the result generated in step (2) above.
- - The maxSizeResponseScopedPDU is a local value indicating the
- maximum size of a ScopedPDU that the application can accept.
- - The stateReference is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The statusInformation indicates that no error occurred and that
- a response should be generated.
- (4) After this, processing depends on the particular implementation.
-3.5. Proxy Forwarder Applications
- A proxy forwarder application deals with forwarding SNMP messages.
- There are four basic types of messages which a proxy forwarder
- application may need to forward. These are grouped according to the
- class of PDU type contained in a message. The four basic types of
- messages are:
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 19]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- - Those containing Read-Class or Write-Class PDU types (for example,
- Get, GetNext, GetBulk, and Set PDU types). These deal with
- requesting or modifying information located within a particular
- context.
- - Those containing Notification-Class PDU types (for example,
- SNMPv2-Trap and Inform PDU types). These deal with notifications
- concerning information located within a particular context.
- - Those containing a Response-Class PDU type. Forwarding of
- Response-Class PDUs always occurs as a result of receiving a
- response to a previously forwarded message.
- - Those containing Internal-Class PDU types (for example, a Report
- PDU). Forwarding of Internal-Class PDU types always occurs as a
- result of receiving an Internal-Class PDU in response to a
- previously forwarded message.
- For the first type, the proxy forwarder's role is to deliver a
- request for management information to an SNMP engine which is
- "closer" or "downstream in the path" to the SNMP engine which has
- access to that information, and to deliver the response containing
- the information back to the SNMP engine from which the request was
- received. The context information in a request is used to determine
- which SNMP engine has access to the requested information, and this
- is used to determine where and how to forward the request.
- For the second type, the proxy forwarder's role is to determine which
- SNMP engines should receive notifications about management
- information from a particular location. The context information in a
- notification message determines the location to which the information
- contained in the notification applies. This is used to determine
- which SNMP engines should receive notification about this
- information.
- For the third type, the proxy forwarder's role is to determine which
- previously forwarded request or notification (if any) the response
- matches, and to forward the response back to the initiator of the
- request or notification.
- For the fourth type, the proxy forwarder's role is to determine which
- previously forwarded request or notification (if any) the Internal-
- Class PDU matches, and to forward the Internal-Class PDU back to the
- initiator of the request or notification.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 20]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- When forwarding messages, a proxy forwarder application must perform
- a translation of incoming management target information into outgoing
- management target information. How this translation is performed is
- implementation specific. In many cases, this will be driven by a
- preconfigured translation table. If a proxy forwarder application
- makes the contents of this table SNMP manageable, it MUST use the
- SNMP-PROXY-MIB module defined in this document.
-3.5.1. Request Forwarding
- There are two phases for request forwarding. First, the incoming
- request needs to be passed through the proxy application. Then, the
- resulting response needs to be passed back. These phases are
- described in the following two sections.
- Processing an Incoming Request
- A proxy forwarder application that wishes to forward request messages
- must first register with the Dispatcher using the
- registerContextEngineID abstract service interface. The proxy
- forwarder must register each contextEngineID for which it wishes to
- forward messages, as well as for each pduType. Note that as the
- configuration of a proxy forwarder is changed, the particular
- contextEngineID values for which it is forwarding may change. The
- proxy forwarder should call the registerContextEngineID and
- unregisterContextEngineID abstract service interfaces as needed to
- reflect its current configuration.
- A proxy forwarder application should never attempt to register a
- value of contextEngineID which is equal to the snmpEngineID of the
- SNMP engine to which the proxy forwarder is associated.
- Once the proxy forwarder has registered for the appropriate
- contextEngineID values, it can start processing messages. The
- following procedure is used:
- (1) A message is received using the processPdu abstract service
- interface. The incoming management target information received
- from the processPdu interface is translated into outgoing
- management target information. Note that this translation may
- vary for different values of contextEngineID and/or contextName.
- The translation should result in a single management target.
- (2) If appropriate outgoing management target information cannot be
- found, the proxy forwarder increments the snmpProxyDrops counter
- [RFC1907], and then calls the Dispatcher using the
- returnResponsePdu abstract service interface. Parameters are:
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 21]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- - The messageProcessingModel is the value from the processPdu
- call.
- - The securityModel is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The securityName is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The securityLevel is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The contextEngineID is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The contextName is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The pduVersion is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The PDU is an undefined value.
- - The maxSizeResponseScopedPDU is a local value indicating the
- maximum size of a ScopedPDU that the application can accept.
- - The stateReference is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The statusInformation indicates that an error occurred and
- includes the OID and value of the snmpProxyDrops object.
- Processing of the message stops at this point. Otherwise,
- (3) A new PDU is constructed. A unique value of request-id should be
- used in the new PDU (this value will enable a subsequent response
- message to be correlated with this request). The remainder of
- the new PDU is identical to the received PDU, unless the incoming
- SNMP version and the outgoing SNMP version support different PDU
- versions, in which case the proxy forwarder may need to perform a
- translation on the PDU. (A method for performing such a
- translation is described in [RFC2576].)
- (4) The proxy forwarder calls the Dispatcher to generate the
- forwarded message, using the sendPdu abstract service interface.
- The parameters are:
- - The transportDomain is that of the outgoing management target.
- - The transportAddress is that of the outgoing management target.
- - The messageProcessingModel is that of the outgoing management
- target.
- - The securityModel is that of the outgoing management target.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 22]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- - The securityName is that of the outgoing management target.
- - The securityLevel is that of the outgoing management target.
- - The contextEngineID is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The contextName is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The pduVersion is the version of the PDU to be sent.
- - The PDU is the value constructed in step (3) above.
- - The expectResponse argument indicates that a response is
- expected. If the sendPdu call is unsuccessful, the proxy
- forwarder performs the steps described in (2) above.
- Otherwise:
- (5) The proxy forwarder caches the following information in order to
- match an incoming response to the forwarded request:
- - The sendPduHandle returned from the call to sendPdu,
- - The request-id from the received PDU.
- - The contextEngineID,
- - The contextName,
- - The stateReference,
- - The incoming management target information,
- - The outgoing management information,
- - Any other information needed to match an incoming response to
- the forwarded request.
- If this information cannot be cached (possibly due to a lack of
- resources), the proxy forwarder performs the steps described in
- (2) above. Otherwise:
- (6) Processing of the request stops until a response to the forwarded
- request is received, or until an appropriate time interval has
- expired. If this time interval expires before a response has
- been received, the cached information about this request is
- removed.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 23]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- Processing an Incoming Response
- A proxy forwarder follows the following procedure when an
- incoming response is received:
- (1) The incoming response is received using the processResponsePdu
- interface. The proxy forwarder uses the received parameters to
- locate an entry in its cache of pending forwarded requests. This
- is done by matching the received parameters with the cached
- values of sendPduHandle, contextEngineID, contextName, outgoing
- management target information, and the request-id contained in
- the received PDU (the proxy forwarder must extract the request-id
- for this purpose). If an appropriate cache entry cannot be
- found, processing of the response is halted. Otherwise:
- (2) The cache information is extracted, and removed from the cache.
- (3) A new Response-Class PDU is constructed, using the request-id
- value from the original forwarded request (as extracted from the
- cache). All other values are identical to those in the received
- Response-Class PDU, unless the incoming SNMP version and the
- outgoing SNMP version support different PDU versions, in which
- case the proxy forwarder may need to perform a translation on the
- PDU. (A method for performing such a translation is described in
- [RFC2576].)
- (4) The proxy forwarder calls the Dispatcher using the
- returnResponsePdu abstract service interface. Parameters are:
- - The messageProcessingModel indicates the Message Processing
- Model by which the original incoming message was processed.
- - The securityModel is that of the original incoming management
- target extracted from the cache.
- - The securityName is that of the original incoming management
- target extracted from the cache.
- - The securityLevel is that of the original incoming management
- target extracted from the cache.
- - The contextEngineID is the value extracted from the cache.
- - The contextName is the value extracted from the cache.
- - The pduVersion indicates the version of the PDU to be returned.
- - The PDU is the (possibly translated) Response PDU.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 24]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- - The maxSizeResponseScopedPDU is a local value indicating the
- maximum size of a ScopedPDU that the application can accept.
- - The stateReference is the value extracted from the cache.
- - The statusInformation indicates that no error occurred and that
- a Response PDU message should be generated.
- Processing an Incoming Internal-Class PDU
- A proxy forwarder follows the following procedure when an incoming
- Internal-Class PDU is received:
- (1) The incoming Internal-Class PDU is received using the
- processResponsePdu interface. The proxy forwarder uses the
- received parameters to locate an entry in its cache of pending
- forwarded requests. This is done by matching the received
- parameters with the cached values of sendPduHandle. If an
- appropriate cache entry cannot be found, processing of the
- Internal-Class PDU is halted. Otherwise:
- (2) The cache information is extracted, and removed from the cache.
- (3) If the original incoming management target information indicates
- an SNMP version which does not support Report PDUs, processing of
- the Internal-Class PDU is halted.
- (4) The proxy forwarder calls the Dispatcher using the
- returnResponsePdu abstract service interface. Parameters are:
- - The messageProcessingModel indicates the Message Processing
- Model by which the original incoming message was processed.
- - The securityModel is that of the original incoming management
- target extracted from the cache.
- - The securityName is that of the original incoming management
- target extracted from the cache.
- - The securityLevel is that of the original incoming management
- target extracted from the cache.
- - The contextEngineID is the value extracted from the cache.
- - The contextName is the value extracted from the cache.
- - The pduVersion indicates the version of the PDU to be returned.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 25]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- - The PDU is unused.
- - The maxSizeResponseScopedPDU is a local value indicating the
- maximum size of a ScopedPDU that the application can accept.
- - The stateReference is the value extracted from the cache.
- - The statusInformation contains values specific to the
- Internal-Class PDU type (for example, for a Report PDU, the
- statusInformation contains the contextEngineID, contextName,
- counter OID, and counter value received in the incoming Report
- PDU).
-3.5.2. Notification Forwarding
- A proxy forwarder receives notifications in the same manner as a
- notification receiver application, using the processPdu abstract
- service interface. The following procedure is used when a
- notification is received:
- (1) The incoming management target information received from the
- processPdu interface is translated into outgoing management
- target information. Note that this translation may vary for
- different values of contextEngineID and/or contextName. The
- translation may result in multiple management targets.
- (2) If appropriate outgoing management target information cannot be
- found and the notification was an Unconfirmed-Class PDU,
- processing of the notification is halted. If appropriate
- outgoing management target information cannot be found and the
- notification was a Confirmed-Class PDU, the proxy forwarder
- increments the snmpProxyDrops object, and calls the Dispatcher
- using the returnResponsePdu abstract service interface. The
- parameters are:
- - The messageProcessingModel is the value from the processPdu
- call.
- - The securityModel is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The securityName is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The securityLevel is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The contextEngineID is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The contextName is the value from the processPdu call.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 26]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- - The pduVersion is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The PDU is an undefined and unused value.
- - The maxSizeResponseScopedPDU is a local value indicating the
- maximum size of a ScopedPDU that the application can accept.
- - The stateReference is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The statusInformation indicates that an error occurred and that
- a Report message should be generated.
- Processing of the message stops at this point. Otherwise,
- (3) The proxy forwarder generates a notification using the procedures
- described in the preceding section on Notification Originators,
- with the following exceptions:
- - The contextEngineID and contextName values from the original
- received notification are used.
- - The outgoing management targets previously determined are used.
- - No filtering mechanisms are applied.
- - The variable-bindings from the original received notification
- are used, rather than retrieving variable-bindings from local
- MIB instrumentation. In particular, no access-control is
- applied to these variable-bindings, nor to the value of the
- variable-binding containing snmpTrapOID.0.
- - If the original notification contains a Confirmed-Class PDU,
- then any outgoing management targets for which the outgoing
- SNMP version does not support any PDU types that are both
- Notification-Class and Confirmed-Class PDUs will not be used
- when generating the forwarded notifications.
- - If, for any of the outgoing management targets, the incoming
- SNMP version and the outgoing SNMP version support different
- PDU versions, the proxy forwarder may need to perform a
- translation on the PDU. (A method for performing such a
- translation is described in [RFC2576].)
- (4) If the original received notification contains an
- Unconfirmed-Class PDU, processing of the notification is now
- completed. Otherwise, the original received notification must
- contain Confirmed-Class PDU, and processing continues.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 27]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- (5) If the forwarded notifications included any Confirmed-Class PDUs,
- processing continues when the procedures described in the section
- for Notification Originators determine that either:
- - None of the generated notifications containing Confirmed-Class
- PDUs have been successfully acknowledged within the longest of
- the time intervals, in which case processing of the original
- notification is halted, or,
- - At least one of the generated notifications containing
- Confirmed-Class PDUs is successfully acknowledged, in which
- case a response to the original received notification
- containing an Confirmed-Class PDU is generated as described in
- the following steps.
- (6) A Response-Class PDU is constructed, using the values of
- request-id and variable-bindings from the original received
- Notification-Class PDU, and error-status and error-index values
- of 0.
- (7) The Dispatcher is called using the returnResponsePdu abstract
- service interface. Parameters are:
- - The messageProcessingModel is the value from the processPdu
- call.
- - The securityModel is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The securityName is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The securityLevel is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The contextEngineID is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The contextName is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The pduVersion indicates the version of the PDU constructed in
- step (6) above.
- - The PDU is the value constructed in step (6) above.
- - The maxSizeResponseScopedPDU is a local value indicating the
- maximum size of a ScopedPDU that the application can accept.
- - The stateReference is the value from the processPdu call.
- - The statusInformation indicates that no error occurred and that
- a Response-Class PDU message should be generated.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 28]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
-4. The Structure of the MIB Modules
- There are three separate MIB modules described in this document, the
- management target MIB, the notification MIB, and the proxy MIB. The
- following sections describe the structure of these three MIB modules.
- The use of these MIBs by particular types of applications is
- described later in this document:
- - The use of the management target MIB and the notification MIB in
- notification originator applications is described in section 5.
- - The use of the notification MIB for filtering notifications in
- notification originator applications is described in section 6.
- - The use of the management target MIB and the proxy MIB in proxy
- forwarding applications is described in section 7.
-4.1. The Management Target MIB Module
- The SNMP-TARGET-MIB module contains objects for defining management
- targets. It consists of two tables and conformance/compliance
- statements.
- The first table, the snmpTargetAddrTable, contains information about
- transport domains and addresses. It also contains an object,
- snmpTargetAddrTagList, which provides a mechanism for grouping
- entries.
- The second table, the snmpTargetParamsTable, contains information
- about SNMP version and security information to be used when sending
- messages to particular transport domains and addresses.
- The Management Target MIB is intended to provide a general-purpose
- mechanism for specifying transport address, and for specifying
- parameters of SNMP messages generated by an SNMP entity. It is used
- within this document for generation of notifications and for proxy
- forwarding. However, it may be used for other purposes. If another
- document makes use of this MIB, that document is responsible for
- specifying how it is used. For example, [RFC2576] uses this MIB for
- source address validation of SNMPv1 messages.
-4.1.1. Tag Lists
- The snmpTargetAddrTagList object is used for grouping entries in the
- snmpTargetAddrTable. The value of this object contains a list of tag
- values which are used to select target addresses to be used for a
- particular operation.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 29]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- A tag value, which may also be used in MIB objects other than
- snmpTargetAddrTagList, is an arbitrary string of octets, but may not
- contain a delimiter character. Delimiter characters are defined to
- be one of the following characters:
- - An ASCII space character (0x20).
- - An ASCII TAB character (0x09).
- - An ASCII carriage return (CR) character (0x0D).
- - An ASCII line feed (LF) character (0x0A).
- In addition, a tag value within a tag list may not have a zero
- length. Generally, a particular MIB object may contain either
- - a zero-length octet string representing an empty list, or
- - a single tag value, in which case the value of the MIB object may
- not contain a delimiter character, or
- - a list of tag values, separated by single delimiter characters.
- For a list of tag values, these constraints imply certain
- restrictions on the value of a MIB object:
- - There cannot be a leading or trailing delimiter character.
- - There cannot be multiple adjacent delimiter characters.
-4.1.2. Definitions
- snmpModules,
- Counter32,
- Integer32
- TDomain,
- TAddress,
- TimeInterval,
- RowStatus,
- StorageType,
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 30]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- TestAndIncr
- SnmpSecurityModel,
- SnmpMessageProcessingModel,
- SnmpSecurityLevel,
- SnmpAdminString
- LAST-UPDATED "200210140000Z"
- "WG-email:
- Subscribe:
- In message body: subscribe snmpv3
- Co-Chair: Russ Mundy
- Network Associates Laboratories
- Postal: 15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
- Rockville, MD 20850-4601
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 301-947-7107
- Co-Chair: David Harrington
- Enterasys Networks
- Postal: 35 Industrial Way
- P. O. Box 5004
- Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 603-337-2614
- Co-editor: David B. Levi
- Nortel Networks
- Postal: 3505 Kesterwood Drive
- Knoxville, Tennessee 37918
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 865 686 0432
- Co-editor: Paul Meyer
- Secure Computing Corporation
- Postal: 2675 Long Lake Road
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 31]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- Roseville, Minnesota 55113
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 651 628 1592
- Co-editor: Bob Stewart
- Retired"
- "This MIB module defines MIB objects which provide
- mechanisms to remotely configure the parameters used
- by an SNMP entity for the generation of SNMP messages.
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
- version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3413;
- see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
- "
- REVISION "200210140000Z" -- 14 October 2002
- DESCRIPTION "Fixed DISPLAY-HINTS for UTF-8 strings, fixed hex
- value of LF characters, clarified meaning of zero
- length tag values, improved tag list examples.
- Published as RFC 3413."
- REVISION "199808040000Z" -- 4 August 1998
- DESCRIPTION "Clarifications, published as
- RFC 2573."
- REVISION "199707140000Z" -- 14 July 1997
- DESCRIPTION "The initial revision, published as RFC2273."
- ::= { snmpModules 12 }
- snmpTargetObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpTargetMIB 1 }
- snmpTargetConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpTargetMIB 3 }
- STATUS current
- "An octet string containing a tag value.
- Tag values are preferably in human-readable form.
- To facilitate internationalization, this information
- is represented using the ISO/IEC IS 10646-1 character
- set, encoded as an octet string using the UTF-8
- character encoding scheme described in RFC 2279.
- Since additional code points are added by amendments
- to the 10646 standard from time to time,
- implementations must be prepared to encounter any code
- point from 0x00000000 to 0x7fffffff.
- The use of control codes should be avoided, and certain
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 32]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- control codes are not allowed as described below.
- For code points not directly supported by user
- interface hardware or software, an alternative means
- of entry and display, such as hexadecimal, may be
- provided.
- For information encoded in 7-bit US-ASCII, the UTF-8
- representation is identical to the US-ASCII encoding.
- Note that when this TC is used for an object that
- is used or envisioned to be used as an index, then a
- SIZE restriction must be specified so that the number
- of sub-identifiers for any object instance does not
- exceed the limit of 128, as defined by [RFC1905].
- An object of this type contains a single tag value
- which is used to select a set of entries in a table.
- A tag value is an arbitrary string of octets, but
- may not contain a delimiter character. Delimiter
- characters are defined to be one of the following:
- - An ASCII space character (0x20).
- - An ASCII TAB character (0x09).
- - An ASCII carriage return (CR) character (0x0D).
- - An ASCII line feed (LF) character (0x0A).
- Delimiter characters are used to separate tag values
- in a tag list. An object of this type may only
- contain a single tag value, and so delimiter
- characters are not allowed in a value of this type.
- Note that a tag value of 0 length means that no tag is
- defined. In other words, a tag value of 0 length would
- never match anything in a tag list, and would never
- select any table entries.
- Some examples of valid tag values are:
- - 'acme'
- - 'router'
- - 'host'
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 33]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- The use of a tag value to select table entries is
- application and MIB specific."
- STATUS current
- "An octet string containing a list of tag values.
- Tag values are preferably in human-readable form.
- To facilitate internationalization, this information
- is represented using the ISO/IEC IS 10646-1 character
- set, encoded as an octet string using the UTF-8
- character encoding scheme described in RFC 2279.
- Since additional code points are added by amendments
- to the 10646 standard from time to time,
- implementations must be prepared to encounter any code
- point from 0x00000000 to 0x7fffffff.
- The use of control codes should be avoided, except as
- described below.
- For code points not directly supported by user
- interface hardware or software, an alternative means
- of entry and display, such as hexadecimal, may be
- provided.
- For information encoded in 7-bit US-ASCII, the UTF-8
- representation is identical to the US-ASCII encoding.
- An object of this type contains a list of tag values
- which are used to select a set of entries in a table.
- A tag value is an arbitrary string of octets, but
- may not contain a delimiter character. Delimiter
- characters are defined to be one of the following:
- - An ASCII space character (0x20).
- - An ASCII TAB character (0x09).
- - An ASCII carriage return (CR) character (0x0D).
- - An ASCII line feed (LF) character (0x0A).
- Delimiter characters are used to separate tag values
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 34]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- in a tag list. Only a single delimiter character may
- occur between two tag values. A tag value may not
- have a zero length. These constraints imply certain
- restrictions on the contents of this object:
- - There cannot be a leading or trailing delimiter
- character.
- - There cannot be multiple adjacent delimiter
- characters.
- Some examples of valid tag lists are:
- - '' -- an empty list
- - 'acme' -- list of one tag
- - 'host router bridge' -- list of several tags
- Note that although a tag value may not have a length of
- zero, an empty string is still valid. This indicates
- an empty list (i.e. there are no tag values in the list).
- The use of the tag list to select table entries is
- application and MIB specific. Typically, an application
- will provide one or more tag values, and any entry
- which contains some combination of these tag values
- will be selected."
- --
- --
- -- The snmpTargetObjects group
- --
- --
- snmpTargetSpinLock OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX TestAndIncr
- MAX-ACCESS read-write
- STATUS current
- "This object is used to facilitate modification of table
- entries in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB module by multiple
- managers. In particular, it is useful when modifying
- the value of the snmpTargetAddrTagList object.
- The procedure for modifying the snmpTargetAddrTagList
- object is as follows:
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 35]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- 1. Retrieve the value of snmpTargetSpinLock and
- of snmpTargetAddrTagList.
- 2. Generate a new value for snmpTargetAddrTagList.
- 3. Set the value of snmpTargetSpinLock to the
- retrieved value, and the value of
- snmpTargetAddrTagList to the new value. If
- the set fails for the snmpTargetSpinLock
- object, go back to step 1."
- ::= { snmpTargetObjects 1 }
- snmpTargetAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SnmpTargetAddrEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "A table of transport addresses to be used in the generation
- of SNMP messages."
- ::= { snmpTargetObjects 2 }
- snmpTargetAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpTargetAddrEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "A transport address to be used in the generation
- of SNMP operations.
- Entries in the snmpTargetAddrTable are created and
- deleted using the snmpTargetAddrRowStatus object."
- INDEX { IMPLIED snmpTargetAddrName }
- ::= { snmpTargetAddrTable 1 }
- SnmpTargetAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- snmpTargetAddrName SnmpAdminString,
- snmpTargetAddrTDomain TDomain,
- snmpTargetAddrTAddress TAddress,
- snmpTargetAddrTimeout TimeInterval,
- snmpTargetAddrRetryCount Integer32,
- snmpTargetAddrTagList SnmpTagList,
- snmpTargetAddrParams SnmpAdminString,
- snmpTargetAddrStorageType StorageType,
- snmpTargetAddrRowStatus RowStatus
- }
- snmpTargetAddrName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 36]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
- with this snmpTargetAddrEntry."
- ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 1 }
- snmpTargetAddrTDomain OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX TDomain
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object indicates the transport type of the address
- contained in the snmpTargetAddrTAddress object."
- ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 2 }
- snmpTargetAddrTAddress OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX TAddress
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object contains a transport address. The format of
- this address depends on the value of the
- snmpTargetAddrTDomain object."
- ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 3 }
- snmpTargetAddrTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX TimeInterval
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object should reflect the expected maximum round
- trip time for communicating with the transport address
- defined by this row. When a message is sent to this
- address, and a response (if one is expected) is not
- received within this time period, an implementation
- may assume that the response will not be delivered.
- Note that the time interval that an application waits
- for a response may actually be derived from the value
- of this object. The method for deriving the actual time
- interval is implementation dependent. One such method
- is to derive the expected round trip time based on a
- particular retransmission algorithm and on the number
- of timeouts which have occurred. The type of message may
- also be considered when deriving expected round trip
- times for retransmissions. For example, if a message is
- being sent with a securityLevel that indicates both
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 37]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- authentication and privacy, the derived value may be
- increased to compensate for extra processing time spent
- during authentication and encryption processing."
- DEFVAL { 1500 }
- ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 4 }
- snmpTargetAddrRetryCount OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255)
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object specifies a default number of retries to be
- attempted when a response is not received for a generated
- message. An application may provide its own retry count,
- in which case the value of this object is ignored."
- DEFVAL { 3 }
- ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 5 }
- snmpTargetAddrTagList OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpTagList
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object contains a list of tag values which are
- used to select target addresses for a particular
- operation."
- DEFVAL { "" }
- ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 6 }
- snmpTargetAddrParams OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The value of this object identifies an entry in the
- snmpTargetParamsTable. The identified entry
- contains SNMP parameters to be used when generating
- messages to be sent to this transport address."
- ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 7 }
- snmpTargetAddrStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX StorageType
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The storage type for this conceptual row.
- Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
- allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 38]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
- ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 8 }
- snmpTargetAddrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX RowStatus
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The status of this conceptual row.
- To create a row in this table, a manager must
- set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
- createAndWait(5).
- Until instances of all corresponding columns are
- appropriately configured, the value of the
- corresponding instance of the snmpTargetAddrRowStatus
- column is 'notReady'.
- In particular, a newly created row cannot be made
- active until the corresponding instances of
- snmpTargetAddrTDomain, snmpTargetAddrTAddress, and
- snmpTargetAddrParams have all been set.
- The following objects may not be modified while the
- value of this object is active(1):
- - snmpTargetAddrTDomain
- - snmpTargetAddrTAddress
- An attempt to set these objects while the value of
- snmpTargetAddrRowStatus is active(1) will result in
- an inconsistentValue error."
- ::= { snmpTargetAddrEntry 9 }
- snmpTargetParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SnmpTargetParamsEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "A table of SNMP target information to be used
- in the generation of SNMP messages."
- ::= { snmpTargetObjects 3 }
- snmpTargetParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpTargetParamsEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "A set of SNMP target information.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 39]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- Entries in the snmpTargetParamsTable are created and
- deleted using the snmpTargetParamsRowStatus object."
- INDEX { IMPLIED snmpTargetParamsName }
- ::= { snmpTargetParamsTable 1 }
- SnmpTargetParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- snmpTargetParamsName SnmpAdminString,
- snmpTargetParamsMPModel SnmpMessageProcessingModel,
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel SnmpSecurityModel,
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityName SnmpAdminString,
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel SnmpSecurityLevel,
- snmpTargetParamsStorageType StorageType,
- snmpTargetParamsRowStatus RowStatus
- }
- snmpTargetParamsName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
- with this snmpTargetParamsEntry."
- ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 1 }
- snmpTargetParamsMPModel OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpMessageProcessingModel
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The Message Processing Model to be used when generating
- SNMP messages using this entry."
- ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 2 }
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpSecurityModel (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The Security Model to be used when generating SNMP
- messages using this entry. An implementation may
- choose to return an inconsistentValue error if an
- attempt is made to set this variable to a value
- for a security model which the implementation does
- not support."
- ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 3 }
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 40]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The securityName which identifies the Principal on
- whose behalf SNMP messages will be generated using
- this entry."
- ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 4 }
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpSecurityLevel
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The Level of Security to be used when generating
- SNMP messages using this entry."
- ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 5 }
- snmpTargetParamsStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX StorageType
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The storage type for this conceptual row.
- Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
- allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
- DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
- ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 6 }
- snmpTargetParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX RowStatus
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The status of this conceptual row.
- To create a row in this table, a manager must
- set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
- createAndWait(5).
- Until instances of all corresponding columns are
- appropriately configured, the value of the
- corresponding instance of the snmpTargetParamsRowStatus
- column is 'notReady'.
- In particular, a newly created row cannot be made
- active until the corresponding
- snmpTargetParamsMPModel,
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel,
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 41]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityName,
- and snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel have all been set.
- The following objects may not be modified while the
- value of this object is active(1):
- - snmpTargetParamsMPModel
- - snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel
- - snmpTargetParamsSecurityName
- - snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel
- An attempt to set these objects while the value of
- snmpTargetParamsRowStatus is active(1) will result in
- an inconsistentValue error."
- ::= { snmpTargetParamsEntry 7 }
- snmpUnavailableContexts OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
- engine which were dropped because the context
- contained in the message was unavailable."
- ::= { snmpTargetObjects 4 }
- snmpUnknownContexts OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Counter32
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The total number of packets received by the SNMP
- engine which were dropped because the context
- contained in the message was unknown."
- ::= { snmpTargetObjects 5 }
- --
- --
- -- Conformance information
- --
- --
- snmpTargetCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
- { snmpTargetConformance 1 }
- snmpTargetGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
- { snmpTargetConformance 2 }
- --
- --
- -- Compliance statements
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 42]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- --
- --
- snmpTargetCommandResponderCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
- STATUS current
- "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which include
- a command responder application."
- MODULE -- This Module
- MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup }
- ::= { snmpTargetCompliances 1 }
- snmpTargetBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
- snmpTargetSpinLock,
- snmpTargetAddrTDomain,
- snmpTargetAddrTAddress,
- snmpTargetAddrTagList,
- snmpTargetAddrParams,
- snmpTargetAddrStorageType,
- snmpTargetAddrRowStatus,
- snmpTargetParamsMPModel,
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel,
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityName,
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel,
- snmpTargetParamsStorageType,
- snmpTargetParamsRowStatus
- }
- STATUS current
- "A collection of objects providing basic remote
- configuration of management targets."
- ::= { snmpTargetGroups 1 }
- snmpTargetResponseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
- snmpTargetAddrTimeout,
- snmpTargetAddrRetryCount
- }
- STATUS current
- "A collection of objects providing remote configuration
- of management targets for applications which generate
- SNMP messages for which a response message would be
- expected."
- ::= { snmpTargetGroups 2 }
- snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup OBJECT-GROUP
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 43]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- snmpUnavailableContexts,
- snmpUnknownContexts
- }
- STATUS current
- "A collection of objects required for command responder
- applications, used for counting error conditions."
- ::= { snmpTargetGroups 3 }
-4.2. The Notification MIB Module
- The SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB module contains objects for the remote
- configuration of the parameters used by an SNMP entity for the
- generation of notifications. It consists of three tables and
- conformance/compliance statements. The first table, the
- snmpNotifyTable, contains entries which select which entries in the
- snmpTargetAddrTable should be used for generating notifications, and
- the type of notifications to be generated.
- The second table, the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable, sparsely augments
- the snmpTargetParamsTable with an object which is used to associate a
- set of filters with a particular management target.
- The third table, the snmpNotifyFilterTable, defines filters which are
- used to limit the number of notifications which are generated using
- particular management targets.
-4.2.1. Definitions
- snmpModules
- RowStatus,
- StorageType
- SnmpAdminString
- SnmpTagValue,
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 44]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- snmpTargetParamsName
- snmpNotificationMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
- LAST-UPDATED "200210140000Z"
- "WG-email:
- Subscribe:
- In message body: subscribe snmpv3
- Co-Chair: Russ Mundy
- Network Associates Laboratories
- Postal: 15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
- Rockville, MD 20850-4601
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 301-947-7107
- Co-Chair: David Harrington
- Enterasys Networks
- Postal: 35 Industrial Way
- P. O. Box 5004
- Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 603-337-2614
- Co-editor: David B. Levi
- Nortel Networks
- Postal: 3505 Kesterwood Drive
- Knoxville, Tennessee 37918
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 865 686 0432
- Co-editor: Paul Meyer
- Secure Computing Corporation
- Postal: 2675 Long Lake Road
- Roseville, Minnesota 55113
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 651 628 1592
- Co-editor: Bob Stewart
- Retired"
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 45]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- "This MIB module defines MIB objects which provide
- mechanisms to remotely configure the parameters
- used by an SNMP entity for the generation of
- notifications.
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
- version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3413;
- see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
- "
- REVISION "200210140000Z" -- 14 October 2002
- DESCRIPTION "Clarifications, published as
- RFC 3413."
- REVISION "199808040000Z" -- 4 August 1998
- DESCRIPTION "Clarifications, published as
- RFC 2573."
- REVISION "199707140000Z" -- 14 July 1997
- DESCRIPTION "The initial revision, published as RFC2273."
- ::= { snmpModules 13 }
- snmpNotifyObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
- { snmpNotificationMIB 1 }
- snmpNotifyConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
- { snmpNotificationMIB 3 }
- --
- --
- -- The snmpNotifyObjects group
- --
- --
- snmpNotifyTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "This table is used to select management targets which should
- receive notifications, as well as the type of notification
- which should be sent to each selected management target."
- ::= { snmpNotifyObjects 1 }
- snmpNotifyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpNotifyEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "An entry in this table selects a set of management targets
- which should receive notifications, as well as the type of
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 46]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- notification which should be sent to each selected
- management target.
- Entries in the snmpNotifyTable are created and
- deleted using the snmpNotifyRowStatus object."
- INDEX { IMPLIED snmpNotifyName }
- ::= { snmpNotifyTable 1 }
- SnmpNotifyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- snmpNotifyName SnmpAdminString,
- snmpNotifyTag SnmpTagValue,
- snmpNotifyType INTEGER,
- snmpNotifyStorageType StorageType,
- snmpNotifyRowStatus RowStatus
- }
- snmpNotifyName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
- with this snmpNotifyEntry."
- ::= { snmpNotifyEntry 1 }
- snmpNotifyTag OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpTagValue
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object contains a single tag value which is used
- to select entries in the snmpTargetAddrTable. Any entry
- in the snmpTargetAddrTable which contains a tag value
- which is equal to the value of an instance of this
- object is selected. If this object contains a value
- of zero length, no entries are selected."
- DEFVAL { "" }
- ::= { snmpNotifyEntry 2 }
- snmpNotifyType OBJECT-TYPE
- trap(1),
- inform(2)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object determines the type of notification to
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 47]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- be generated for entries in the snmpTargetAddrTable
- selected by the corresponding instance of
- snmpNotifyTag. This value is only used when
- generating notifications, and is ignored when
- using the snmpTargetAddrTable for other purposes.
- If the value of this object is trap(1), then any
- messages generated for selected rows will contain
- Unconfirmed-Class PDUs.
- If the value of this object is inform(2), then any
- messages generated for selected rows will contain
- Confirmed-Class PDUs.
- Note that if an SNMP entity only supports
- generation of Unconfirmed-Class PDUs (and not
- Confirmed-Class PDUs), then this object may be
- read-only."
- DEFVAL { trap }
- ::= { snmpNotifyEntry 3 }
- snmpNotifyStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX StorageType
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The storage type for this conceptual row.
- Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
- allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
- DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
- ::= { snmpNotifyEntry 4 }
- snmpNotifyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX RowStatus
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The status of this conceptual row.
- To create a row in this table, a manager must
- set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
- createAndWait(5)."
- ::= { snmpNotifyEntry 5 }
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SnmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 48]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- "This table is used to associate a notification filter
- profile with a particular set of target parameters."
- ::= { snmpNotifyObjects 2 }
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "An entry in this table indicates the name of the filter
- profile to be used when generating notifications using
- the corresponding entry in the snmpTargetParamsTable.
- Entries in the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable are created
- and deleted using the snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus
- object."
- INDEX { IMPLIED snmpTargetParamsName }
- ::= { snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable 1 }
- SnmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileName SnmpAdminString,
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType StorageType,
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus RowStatus
- }
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The name of the filter profile to be used when generating
- notifications using the corresponding entry in the
- snmpTargetAddrTable."
- ::= { snmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry 1 }
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX StorageType
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The storage type for this conceptual row.
- Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
- allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
- DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
- ::= { snmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry 2 }
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 49]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- SYNTAX RowStatus
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The status of this conceptual row.
- To create a row in this table, a manager must
- set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
- createAndWait(5).
- Until instances of all corresponding columns are
- appropriately configured, the value of the
- corresponding instance of the
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus column is 'notReady'.
- In particular, a newly created row cannot be made
- active until the corresponding instance of
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileName has been set."
- ::= { snmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry 3 }
- snmpNotifyFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SnmpNotifyFilterEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The table of filter profiles. Filter profiles are used
- to determine whether particular management targets should
- receive particular notifications.
- When a notification is generated, it must be compared
- with the filters associated with each management target
- which is configured to receive notifications, in order to
- determine whether it may be sent to each such management
- target.
- A more complete discussion of notification filtering
- can be found in section 6. of [SNMP-APPL]."
- ::= { snmpNotifyObjects 3 }
- snmpNotifyFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpNotifyFilterEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "An element of a filter profile.
- Entries in the snmpNotifyFilterTable are created and
- deleted using the snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus object."
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 50]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- INDEX { snmpNotifyFilterProfileName,
- IMPLIED snmpNotifyFilterSubtree }
- ::= { snmpNotifyFilterTable 1 }
- SnmpNotifyFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- snmpNotifyFilterSubtree OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- snmpNotifyFilterMask OCTET STRING,
- snmpNotifyFilterType INTEGER,
- snmpNotifyFilterStorageType StorageType,
- snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus RowStatus
- }
- snmpNotifyFilterSubtree OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The MIB subtree which, when combined with the corresponding
- instance of snmpNotifyFilterMask, defines a family of
- subtrees which are included in or excluded from the
- filter profile."
- ::= { snmpNotifyFilterEntry 1 }
- snmpNotifyFilterMask OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The bit mask which, in combination with the corresponding
- instance of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree, defines a family of
- subtrees which are included in or excluded from the
- filter profile.
- Each bit of this bit mask corresponds to a
- sub-identifier of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree, with the
- most significant bit of the i-th octet of this octet
- string value (extended if necessary, see below)
- corresponding to the (8*i - 7)-th sub-identifier, and
- the least significant bit of the i-th octet of this
- octet string corresponding to the (8*i)-th
- sub-identifier, where i is in the range 1 through 16.
- Each bit of this bit mask specifies whether or not
- the corresponding sub-identifiers must match when
- determining if an OBJECT IDENTIFIER matches this
- family of filter subtrees; a '1' indicates that an
- exact match must occur; a '0' indicates 'wild card',
- i.e., any sub-identifier value matches.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 51]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- Thus, the OBJECT IDENTIFIER X of an object instance
- is contained in a family of filter subtrees if, for
- each sub-identifier of the value of
- snmpNotifyFilterSubtree, either:
- the i-th bit of snmpNotifyFilterMask is 0, or
- the i-th sub-identifier of X is equal to the i-th
- sub-identifier of the value of
- snmpNotifyFilterSubtree.
- If the value of this bit mask is M bits long and
- there are more than M sub-identifiers in the
- corresponding instance of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree,
- then the bit mask is extended with 1's to be the
- required length.
- Note that when the value of this object is the
- zero-length string, this extension rule results in
- a mask of all-1's being used (i.e., no 'wild card'),
- and the family of filter subtrees is the one
- subtree uniquely identified by the corresponding
- instance of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree."
- DEFVAL { ''H }
- ::= { snmpNotifyFilterEntry 2 }
- snmpNotifyFilterType OBJECT-TYPE
- included(1),
- excluded(2)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object indicates whether the family of filter subtrees
- defined by this entry are included in or excluded from a
- filter. A more detailed discussion of the use of this
- object can be found in section 6. of [SNMP-APPL]."
- DEFVAL { included }
- ::= { snmpNotifyFilterEntry 3 }
- snmpNotifyFilterStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX StorageType
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The storage type for this conceptual row.
- Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 52]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
- DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
- ::= { snmpNotifyFilterEntry 4 }
- snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX RowStatus
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The status of this conceptual row.
- To create a row in this table, a manager must
- set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
- createAndWait(5)."
- ::= { snmpNotifyFilterEntry 5 }
- --
- --
- -- Conformance information
- --
- --
- snmpNotifyCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
- { snmpNotifyConformance 1 }
- snmpNotifyGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
- { snmpNotifyConformance 2 }
- --
- --
- -- Compliance statements
- --
- --
- snmpNotifyBasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
- STATUS current
- "The compliance statement for minimal SNMP entities which
- implement only SNMP Unconfirmed-Class notifications and
- read-create operations on only the snmpTargetAddrTable."
- MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpTargetBasicGroup }
- OBJECT snmpTargetParamsMPModel
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Create/delete/modify access is not required."
- OBJECT snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 53]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Create/delete/modify access is not required."
- OBJECT snmpTargetParamsSecurityName
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Create/delete/modify access is not required."
- OBJECT snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Create/delete/modify access is not required."
- OBJECT snmpTargetParamsStorageType
- readOnly(5)
- }
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Create/delete/modify access is not required.
- Support of the values other(1), volatile(2),
- nonVolatile(3), and permanent(4) is not required."
- OBJECT snmpTargetParamsRowStatus
- active(1)
- }
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Create/delete/modify access to the
- snmpTargetParamsTable is not required.
- Support of the values notInService(2), notReady(3),
- createAndGo(4), createAndWait(5), and destroy(6) is
- not required."
- MODULE -- This Module
- MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpNotifyGroup }
- OBJECT snmpNotifyTag
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Create/delete/modify access is not required."
- OBJECT snmpNotifyType
- trap(1)
- }
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 54]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Create/delete/modify access is not required.
- Support of the value notify(2) is not required."
- OBJECT snmpNotifyStorageType
- readOnly(5)
- }
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Create/delete/modify access is not required.
- Support of the values other(1), volatile(2),
- nonVolatile(3), and permanent(4) is not required."
- OBJECT snmpNotifyRowStatus
- active(1)
- }
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Create/delete/modify access to the
- snmpNotifyTable is not required.
- Support of the values notInService(2), notReady(3),
- createAndGo(4), createAndWait(5), and destroy(6) is
- not required."
- ::= { snmpNotifyCompliances 1 }
- snmpNotifyBasicFiltersCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
- STATUS current
- "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
- SNMP Unconfirmed-Class notifications with filtering, and
- read-create operations on all related tables."
- MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpTargetBasicGroup }
- MODULE -- This Module
- MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpNotifyGroup,
- snmpNotifyFilterGroup }
- ::= { snmpNotifyCompliances 2 }
- snmpNotifyFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
- STATUS current
- "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which either
- implement only SNMP Confirmed-Class notifications, or both
- SNMP Unconfirmed-Class and Confirmed-Class notifications,
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 55]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- plus filtering and read-create operations on all related
- tables."
- MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpTargetBasicGroup,
- snmpTargetResponseGroup }
- MODULE -- This Module
- MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpNotifyGroup,
- snmpNotifyFilterGroup }
- ::= { snmpNotifyCompliances 3 }
- snmpNotifyGroup OBJECT-GROUP
- snmpNotifyTag,
- snmpNotifyType,
- snmpNotifyStorageType,
- snmpNotifyRowStatus
- }
- STATUS current
- "A collection of objects for selecting which management
- targets are used for generating notifications, and the
- type of notification to be generated for each selected
- management target."
- ::= { snmpNotifyGroups 1 }
- snmpNotifyFilterGroup OBJECT-GROUP
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileName,
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType,
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus,
- snmpNotifyFilterMask,
- snmpNotifyFilterType,
- snmpNotifyFilterStorageType,
- snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus
- }
- STATUS current
- "A collection of objects providing remote configuration
- of notification filters."
- ::= { snmpNotifyGroups 2 }
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 56]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
-4.3. The Proxy MIB Module
- The SNMP-PROXY-MIB module, which defines MIB objects that provide
- mechanisms to remotely configure the parameters used by an SNMP
- entity for proxy forwarding operations, contains a single table.
- This table, snmpProxyTable, is used to define translations between
- management targets for use when forwarding messages.
-4.3.1. Definitions
- snmpModules
- RowStatus,
- StorageType
- SnmpEngineID,
- SnmpAdminString
- SnmpTagValue
- LAST-UPDATED "200210140000Z"
- "WG-email:
- Subscribe:
- In message body: subscribe snmpv3
- Co-Chair: Russ Mundy
- Network Associates Laboratories
- Postal: 15204 Omega Drive, Suite 300
- Rockville, MD 20850-4601
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 301-947-7107
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 57]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- Co-Chair: David Harrington
- Enterasys Networks
- Postal: 35 Industrial Way
- P. O. Box 5004
- Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 603-337-2614
- Co-editor: David B. Levi
- Nortel Networks
- Postal: 3505 Kesterwood Drive
- Knoxville, Tennessee 37918
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 865 686 0432
- Co-editor: Paul Meyer
- Secure Computing Corporation
- Postal: 2675 Long Lake Road
- Roseville, Minnesota 55113
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 651 628 1592
- Co-editor: Bob Stewart
- Retired"
- "This MIB module defines MIB objects which provide
- mechanisms to remotely configure the parameters
- used by a proxy forwarding application.
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). This
- version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3413;
- see the RFC itself for full legal notices.
- "
- REVISION "200210140000Z" -- 14 October 2002
- DESCRIPTION "Clarifications, published as
- RFC 3413."
- REVISION "199808040000Z" -- 4 August 1998
- DESCRIPTION "Clarifications, published as
- RFC 2573."
- REVISION "199707140000Z" -- 14 July 1997
- DESCRIPTION "The initial revision, published as RFC2273."
- ::= { snmpModules 14 }
- snmpProxyObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpProxyMIB 1 }
- snmpProxyConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpProxyMIB 3 }
- --
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 58]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- --
- -- The snmpProxyObjects group
- --
- --
- snmpProxyTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The table of translation parameters used by proxy forwarder
- applications for forwarding SNMP messages."
- ::= { snmpProxyObjects 2 }
- snmpProxyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpProxyEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "A set of translation parameters used by a proxy forwarder
- application for forwarding SNMP messages.
- Entries in the snmpProxyTable are created and deleted
- using the snmpProxyRowStatus object."
- INDEX { IMPLIED snmpProxyName }
- ::= { snmpProxyTable 1 }
- SnmpProxyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- snmpProxyName SnmpAdminString,
- snmpProxyType INTEGER,
- snmpProxyContextEngineID SnmpEngineID,
- snmpProxyContextName SnmpAdminString,
- snmpProxyTargetParamsIn SnmpAdminString,
- snmpProxySingleTargetOut SnmpAdminString,
- snmpProxyMultipleTargetOut SnmpTagValue,
- snmpProxyStorageType StorageType,
- snmpProxyRowStatus RowStatus
- }
- snmpProxyName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
- with this snmpProxyEntry."
- ::= { snmpProxyEntry 1 }
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 59]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- snmpProxyType OBJECT-TYPE
- read(1),
- write(2),
- trap(3),
- inform(4)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The type of message that may be forwarded using
- the translation parameters defined by this entry."
- ::= { snmpProxyEntry 2 }
- snmpProxyContextEngineID OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpEngineID
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The contextEngineID contained in messages that
- may be forwarded using the translation parameters
- defined by this entry."
- ::= { snmpProxyEntry 3 }
- snmpProxyContextName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The contextName contained in messages that may be
- forwarded using the translation parameters defined
- by this entry.
- This object is optional, and if not supported, the
- contextName contained in a message is ignored when
- selecting an entry in the snmpProxyTable."
- ::= { snmpProxyEntry 4 }
- snmpProxyTargetParamsIn OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object selects an entry in the snmpTargetParamsTable.
- The selected entry is used to determine which row of the
- snmpProxyTable to use for forwarding received messages."
- ::= { snmpProxyEntry 5 }
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 60]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- snmpProxySingleTargetOut OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object selects a management target defined in the
- snmpTargetAddrTable (in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB). The
- selected target is defined by an entry in the
- snmpTargetAddrTable whose index value (snmpTargetAddrName)
- is equal to this object.
- This object is only used when selection of a single
- target is required (i.e. when forwarding an incoming
- read or write request)."
- ::= { snmpProxyEntry 6 }
- snmpProxyMultipleTargetOut OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpTagValue
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object selects a set of management targets defined
- in the snmpTargetAddrTable (in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB).
- This object is only used when selection of multiple
- targets is required (i.e. when forwarding an incoming
- notification)."
- ::= { snmpProxyEntry 7 }
- snmpProxyStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX StorageType
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The storage type of this conceptual row.
- Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not
- allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row."
- DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
- ::= { snmpProxyEntry 8 }
- snmpProxyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX RowStatus
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The status of this conceptual row.
- To create a row in this table, a manager must
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 61]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- set this object to either createAndGo(4) or
- createAndWait(5).
- The following objects may not be modified while the
- value of this object is active(1):
- - snmpProxyType
- - snmpProxyContextEngineID
- - snmpProxyContextName
- - snmpProxyTargetParamsIn
- - snmpProxySingleTargetOut
- - snmpProxyMultipleTargetOut"
- ::= { snmpProxyEntry 9 }
- --
- --
- -- Conformance information
- --
- --
- snmpProxyCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
- { snmpProxyConformance 1 }
- snmpProxyGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
- { snmpProxyConformance 2 }
- --
- --
- -- Compliance statements
- --
- --
- snmpProxyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
- STATUS current
- "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which include
- a proxy forwarding application."
- MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpTargetBasicGroup,
- snmpTargetResponseGroup }
- MODULE -- This Module
- MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpProxyGroup }
- ::= { snmpProxyCompliances 1 }
- snmpProxyGroup OBJECT-GROUP
- snmpProxyType,
- snmpProxyContextEngineID,
- snmpProxyContextName,
- snmpProxyTargetParamsIn,
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 62]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- snmpProxySingleTargetOut,
- snmpProxyMultipleTargetOut,
- snmpProxyStorageType,
- snmpProxyRowStatus
- }
- STATUS current
- "A collection of objects providing remote configuration of
- management target translation parameters for use by
- proxy forwarder applications."
- ::= { snmpProxyGroups 3 }
-5. Identification of Management Targets in Notification Originators
- This section describes the mechanisms used by a notification
- originator application when using the MIB module described in this
- document to determine the set of management targets to be used when
- generating a notification.
- A notification originator uses all active entries in the
- snmpNotifyTable to find the management targets to be used for
- generating notifications. Each active entry in this table selects
- zero or more entries in the snmpTargetAddrTable. When a notification
- is generated, it is sent to all of the targets specified by the
- selected snmpTargetAddrTable entries (subject to the application of
- access control and notification filtering).
- Any entry in the snmpTargetAddrTable whose snmpTargetAddrTagList
- object contains a tag value which is equal to a value of
- snmpNotifyTag is selected by the snmpNotifyEntry which contains that
- instance of snmpNotifyTag. Note that a particular
- snmpTargetAddrEntry may be selected by multiple entries in the
- snmpNotifyTable, resulting in multiple notifications being generated
- using that snmpTargetAddrEntry (this allows, for example, both traps
- and informs to be sent to the same target).
- Each snmpTargetAddrEntry contains a pointer to the
- snmpTargetParamsTable (snmpTargetAddrParams). This pointer selects a
- set of SNMP parameters to be used for generating notifications. If
- the selected entry in the snmpTargetParamsTable does not exist, the
- management target is not used to generate notifications.
- The decision as to whether a notification should contain an
- Unconfirmed-Class or a Confirmed-Class PDU is determined by the value
- of the snmpNotifyType object. If the value of this object is
- trap(1), the notification should contain an Unconfirmed-Class PDU.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 63]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- If the value of this object is inform(2), then the notification
- should contain a Confirmed-Class PDU, and the timeout time and number
- of retries for the notification are the value of
- snmpTargetAddrTimeout and snmpTargetAddrRetryCount. Note that the
- exception to these rules is when the snmpTargetParamsMPModel object
- indicates an SNMP version which supports a different PDU version. In
- this case, the notification may be sent using a different PDU type
- ([RFC2576] defines the PDU type in the case where the outgoing SNMP
- version is SNMPv1).
-6. Notification Filtering
- This section describes the mechanisms used by a notification
- originator application when using the MIB module described in this
- document to filter generation of notifications.
- A notification originator uses the snmpNotifyFilterTable to filter
- notifications. A notification filter profile may be associated with
- a particular entry in the snmpTargetParamsTable. The associated
- filter profile is identified by an entry in the
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable whose index is equal to the index of the
- entry in the snmpTargetParamsTable. If no such entry exists in the
- snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable, no filtering is performed for that
- management target.
- If such an entry does exist, the value of snmpNotifyFilterProfileName
- of the entry is compared with the corresponding portion of the index
- of all active entries in the snmpNotifyFilterTable. All such entries
- for which this comparison results in an exact match are used for
- filtering a notification generated using the associated
- snmpTargetParamsEntry. If no such entries exist, no filtering is
- performed, and a notification may be sent to the management target.
- Otherwise, if matching entries do exist, a notification may be sent
- if the NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECT IDENTIFIER of the notification (this
- is the value of the element of the variable bindings whose name is
- snmpTrapOID.0, i.e., the second variable binding) is specifically
- included, and none of the object instances to be included in the
- variable-bindings of the notification are specifically excluded by
- the matching entries.
- Each set of snmpNotifyFilterTable entries is divided into two
- collections of filter subtrees: the included filter subtrees, and
- the excluded filter subtrees. The snmpNotifyFilterType object
- defines the collection to which each matching entry belongs.
- To determine whether a particular notification name or object
- instance is excluded by the set of matching entries, compare the
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 64]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- notification name's or object instance's OBJECT IDENTIFIER with each
- of the matching entries. For a notification name, if none match,
- then the notification name is considered excluded, and the
- notification should not be sent to this management target. For an
- object instance, if none match, the object instance is considered
- included, and the notification may be sent to this management target.
- If one or more match, then the notification name or object instance
- is included or excluded, according to the value of
- snmpNotifyFilterType in the entry whose value of
- snmpNotifyFilterSubtree has the most sub-identifiers. If multiple
- entries match and have the same number of sub-identifiers, then the
- value of snmpNotifyFilterType, in the entry among those which match,
- and whose instance is lexicographically the largest, determines the
- inclusion or exclusion.
- A notification name or object instance's OBJECT IDENTIFIER X matches
- an entry in the snmpNotifyFilterTable when the number of sub-
- identifiers in X is at least as many as in the value of
- snmpNotifyFilterSubtree for the entry, and each sub-identifier in the
- value of snmpNotifyFilterSubtree matches its corresponding sub-
- identifier in X. Two sub-identifiers match either if the
- corresponding bit of snmpNotifyFilterMask is zero (the 'wild card'
- value), or if the two sub-identifiers are equal.
-7. Management Target Translation in Proxy Forwarder Applications
- This section describes the mechanisms used by a proxy forwarder
- application when using the MIB module described in this document to
- translate incoming management target information into outgoing
- management target information for the purpose of forwarding messages.
- There are actually two mechanisms a proxy forwarder may use, one for
- forwarding request messages, and one for forwarding notification
- messages.
-7.1. Management Target Translation for Request Forwarding
- When forwarding request messages, the proxy forwarder will select a
- single entry in the snmpProxyTable. To select this entry, it will
- perform the following comparisons:
- - The snmpProxyType must be read(1) if the request is a Read-Class
- PDU. The snmpProxyType must be write(2) if the request is a
- Write-Class PDU.
- - The contextEngineID must equal the snmpProxyContextEngineID object.
- - If the snmpProxyContextName object is supported, it must equal the
- contextName.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 65]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- - The snmpProxyTargetParamsIn object identifies an entry in the
- snmpTargetParamsTable. The messageProcessingModel, security model,
- securityName, and securityLevel must match the values of
- snmpTargetParamsMPModel, snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel,
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityName, and snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel of
- the identified entry in the snmpTargetParamsTable.
- There may be multiple entries in the snmpProxyTable for which these
- comparisons succeed. The entry whose snmpProxyName has the
- lexicographically smallest value and for which the comparisons
- succeed will be selected by the proxy forwarder.
- The outgoing management target information is identified by the value
- of the snmpProxySingleTargetOut object of the selected entry. This
- object identifies an entry in the snmpTargetAddrTable. The
- identified entry in the snmpTargetAddrTable also contains a reference
- to the snmpTargetParamsTable (snmpTargetAddrParams). If either the
- identified entry in the snmpTargetAddrTable does not exist, or the
- identified entry in the snmpTargetParamsTable does not exist, then
- this snmpProxyEntry does not identify valid forwarding information,
- and the proxy forwarder should attempt to identify another row.
- If there is no entry in the snmpProxyTable for which all of the
- conditions above may be met, then there is no appropriate forwarding
- information, and the proxy forwarder should take appropriate actions.
- Otherwise, The snmpTargetAddrTDomain, snmpTargetAddrTAddress,
- snmpTargetAddrTimeout, and snmpTargetRetryCount of the identified
- snmpTargetAddrEntry, and the snmpTargetParamsMPModel,
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel, snmpTargetParamsSecurityName, and
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel of the identified snmpTargetParamsEntry
- are used as the destination management target.
-7.2. Management Target Translation for Notification Forwarding
- When forwarding notification messages, the proxy forwarder will
- select multiple entries in the snmpProxyTable. To select these
- entries, it will perform the following comparisons:
- - The snmpProxyType must be trap(3) if the notification is an
- Unconfirmed-Class PDU. The snmpProxyType must be inform(4) if the
- request is a Confirmed-Class PDU.
- - The contextEngineID must equal the snmpProxyContextEngineID object.
- - If the snmpProxyContextName object is supported, it must equal the
- contextName.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 66]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- - The snmpProxyTargetParamsIn object identifies an entry in the
- snmpTargetParamsTable. The messageProcessingModel, security model,
- securityName, and securityLevel must match the values of
- snmpTargetParamsMPModel, snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel,
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityName, and snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel of
- the identified entry in the snmpTargetParamsTable.
- All entries for which these conditions are met are selected. The
- snmpProxyMultipleTargetOut object of each such entry is used to
- select a set of entries in the snmpTargetAddrTable. Any
- snmpTargetAddrEntry whose snmpTargetAddrTagList object contains a tag
- value equal to the value of snmpProxyMultipleTargetOut, and whose
- snmpTargetAddrParams object references an existing entry in the
- snmpTargetParamsTable, is selected as a destination for the forwarded
- notification.
-8. Intellectual Property
- The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
- intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to
- pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
- this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
- might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it
- has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the
- IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and
- standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11. Copies of
- claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of
- licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to
- obtain a general license or permission for the use of such
- proprietary rights by implementors or users of this specification can
- be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.
- The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
- copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
- rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice
- this standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive
- Director.
-9. Acknowledgments
- This document is the result of the efforts of the SNMPv3 Working
- Group. Some special thanks are in order to the following SNMPv3 WG
- members:
- Harald Tveit Alvestrand (Maxware)
- Dave Battle (SNMP Research, Inc.)
- Alan Beard (Disney Worldwide Services)
- Paul Berrevoets (SWI Systemware/Halcyon Inc.)
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 67]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- Martin Bjorklund (Ericsson)
- Uri Blumenthal (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
- Jeff Case (SNMP Research, Inc.)
- John Curran (BBN)
- Mike Daniele (Compaq Computer Corporation)
- T. Max Devlin (Eltrax Systems)
- John Flick (Hewlett Packard)
- Rob Frye (MCI)
- Wes Hardaker (U.C.Davis, Information Technology - D.C.A.S.)
- David Harrington (Enterasys Networks)
- Lauren Heintz (BMC Software, Inc.)
- N.C. Hien (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
- Michael Kirkham (InterWorking Labs, Inc.)
- Dave Levi (Nortel Networks)
- Louis A Mamakos (UUNET Technologies Inc.)
- Joe Marzot (Nortel Networks)
- Paul Meyer (Secure Computing Corporation)
- Keith McCloghrie (Cisco Systems)
- Bob Moore (IBM)
- Russ Mundy (TIS Labs at Network Associates)
- Bob Natale (ACE*COMM Corporation)
- Mike O'Dell (UUNET Technologies Inc.)
- Dave Perkins (DeskTalk)
- Peter Polkinghorne (Brunel University)
- Randy Presuhn (BMC Software, Inc.)
- David Reeder (TIS Labs at Network Associates)
- David Reid (SNMP Research, Inc.)
- Aleksey Romanov (Quality Quorum)
- Shawn Routhier (Epilogue)
- Juergen Schoenwaelder (TU Braunschweig)
- Bob Stewart (Cisco Systems)
- Mike Thatcher (Independent Consultant)
- Bert Wijnen (Lucent Technologies)
- The document is based on recommendations of the IETF Security and
- Administrative Framework Evolution for SNMP Advisory Team. Members of
- that Advisory Team were:
- David Harrington (Enterasys Networks)
- Jeff Johnson (Cisco Systems)
- David Levi (Nortel Networks)
- John Linn (Openvision)
- Russ Mundy (Trusted Information Systems) chair
- Shawn Routhier (Epilogue)
- Glenn Waters (Nortel)
- Bert Wijnen (Lucent Technologies)
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 68]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- As recommended by the Advisory Team and the SNMPv3 Working Group
- Charter, the design incorporates as much as practical from previous
- RFCs and drafts. As a result, special thanks are due to the authors
- of previous designs known as SNMPv2u and SNMPv2*:
- Jeff Case (SNMP Research, Inc.)
- David Harrington (Enterasys Networks)
- David Levi (Nortel Networks)
- Keith McCloghrie (Cisco Systems)
- Brian O'Keefe (Hewlett Packard)
- Marshall T. Rose (Dover Beach Consulting)
- Jon Saperia (BGS Systems Inc.)
- Steve Waldbusser (International Network Services)
- Glenn W. Waters (Bell-Northern Research Ltd.)
-10. Security Considerations
- The SNMP applications described in this document typically have
- direct access to MIB instrumentation. Thus, it is very important
- that these applications be strict in their application of access
- control as described in this document.
- In addition, there may be some types of notification generator
- applications which, rather than accessing MIB instrumentation using
- access control, will obtain MIB information through other means (such
- as from a command line). The implementors and users of such
- applications must be responsible for not divulging MIB information
- that normally would be inaccessible due to access control.
- Finally, the MIBs described in this document contain potentially
- sensitive information. A security administrator may wish to limit
- access to these MIBs.
-11. References
-11.1 Normative References
- [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
- Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
- [RFC2578] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J.,
- Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Structure of Management
- Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April
- 1999.
- [RFC2579] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J.,
- Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Textual Conventions for
- SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.
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-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- [RFC2580] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J.,
- Rose, M. and S. Waldbusser, "Conformance Statements for
- SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999.
- [RFC3411] Harrington, D., Presuhn, R. and B. Wijnen, "An
- Architecture for describing Simple Network Management
- Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62, RFC 3411,
- December 2002.
- [RFC3412] Case, J., Harrington, D., Presuhn, R. and B. Wijnen,
- "Message Processing and Dispatching for the Simple
- Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62, RFC 3412,
- December 2002.
- [RFC3415] Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R. and K. McCloghrie, "View-based
- Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network
- Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62, RFC 3415, December
- 2002.
- [RFC3416] Presuhn, R., Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S.
- Waldbusser, "Protocol Operations for the Simple Network
- Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62, RFC 3416, December
- 2002.
- [RFC3418] Presuhn, R., Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and S.
- Waldbusser, "Management Information Base (MIB) for the
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62, RFC
- 3418, December 2002.
-11.2 Informative References
- [RFC1157] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M. and J. Davin,
- "Simple Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC 1157,
- May 1990.
- [RFC1213] McCloghrie, K. and M. Rose, Editors, "Management
- Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based
- internets: MIB-II", STD 17, RFC 1213, March 1991.
- [RFC2576] Frye, R.,Levi, D., Routhier, S. and B. Wijnen,
- "Coexistence between Version 1, Version 2, and Version 3
- of the Internet-standard Network Management Framework",
- RFC 2576, February 1999.
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-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
-Appendix A - Trap Configuration Example
- This section describes an example configuration for a Notification
- Generator application which implements the snmpNotifyBasicCompliance
- level. The example configuration specifies that the Notification
- Generator should send notifications to 3 separate managers, using
- authentication and no privacy for the first 2 managers, and using
- both authentication and privacy for the third manager.
- The configuration consists of three rows in the snmpTargetAddrTable,
- two rows in the snmpTargetTable, and two rows in the snmpNotifyTable.
- * snmpTargetAddrName = "addr1"
- snmpTargetAddrTDomain = snmpUDPDomain
- snmpTargetAddrTAddress =
- snmpTargetAddrTagList = "group1"
- snmpTargetAddrParams = "AuthNoPriv-joe"
- snmpTargetAddrStorageType = readOnly(5)
- snmpTargetAddrRowStatus = active(1)
- * snmpTargetAddrName = "addr2"
- snmpTargetAddrTDomain = snmpUDPDomain
- snmpTargetAddrTAddress =
- snmpTargetAddrTagList = "group1"
- snmpTargetAddrParams = "AuthNoPriv-joe"
- snmpTargetAddrStorageType = readOnly(5)
- snmpTargetAddrRowStatus = active(1)
- * snmpTargetAddrName = "addr3"
- snmpTargetAddrTDomain = snmpUDPDomain
- snmpTargetAddrTAddress =
- snmpTargetAddrTagList = "group2"
- snmpTargetAddrParams = "AuthPriv-bob"
- snmpTargetAddrStorageType = readOnly(5)
- snmpTargetAddrRowStatus = active(1)
- * snmpTargetParamsName = "AuthNoPriv-joe"
- snmpTargetParamsMPModel = 3
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel = 3 (USM)
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityName = "joe"
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel = authNoPriv(2)
- snmpTargetParamsStorageType = readOnly(5)
- snmpTargetParamsRowStatus = active(1)
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-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
- * snmpTargetParamsName = "AuthPriv-bob"
- snmpTargetParamsMPModel = 3
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel = 3 (USM)
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityName = "bob"
- snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel = authPriv(3)
- snmpTargetParamsStorageType = readOnly(5)
- snmpTargetParamsRowStatus = active(1)
- * snmpNotifyName = "group1"
- snmpNotifyTag = "group1"
- snmpNotifyType = trap(1)
- snmpNotifyStorageType = readOnly(5)
- snmpNotifyRowStatus = active(1)
- * snmpNotifyName = "group2"
- snmpNotifyTag = "group2"
- snmpNotifyType = trap(1)
- snmpNotifyStorageType = readOnly(5)
- snmpNotifyRowStatus = active(1)
- These entries define two groups of management targets. The first
- group contains two management targets:
- first target second target
- ------------ -------------
- messageProcessingModel SNMPv3 SNMPv3
- securityModel 3 (USM) 3 (USM)
- securityName "joe" "joe"
- securityLevel authNoPriv(2) authNoPriv(2)
- transportDomain snmpUDPDomain snmpUDPDomain
- transportAddress
- And the second group contains a single management target:
- messageProcessingModel SNMPv3
- securityLevel authPriv(3)
- securityModel 3 (USM)
- securityName "bob"
- transportDomain snmpUDPDomain
- transportAddress
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-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
-Editors' Addresses
- David B. Levi
- Nortel Networks
- 3505 Kesterwood Drive
- Knoxville, TN 37918
- U.S.A.
- Phone: +1 865 686 0432
- EMail:
- Paul Meyer
- Secure Computing Corporation
- 2675 Long Lake Road
- Roseville, MN 55113
- U.S.A.
- Phone: +1 651 628 1592
- EMail:
- Bob Stewart
- Retired
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 73]
-RFC 3413 SNMP Applications December 2002
-Full Copyright Statement
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.
- This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
- others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
- or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
- and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
- kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
- document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
- the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
- Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
- developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
- copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
- followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
- English.
- The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
- revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
- This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
- Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
- Internet Society.
-Levi, et. al. Standards Track [Page 74]