path: root/cleopatre/application/spidgoahead/umui.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cleopatre/application/spidgoahead/umui.c')
1 files changed, 642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cleopatre/application/spidgoahead/umui.c b/cleopatre/application/spidgoahead/umui.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..411adf35aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleopatre/application/spidgoahead/umui.c
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+ * umui.c -- User Management GoForm Processing
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) GoAhead Software Inc., 1995-2000. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * See the file "license.txt" for usage and redistribution license requirements
+ *
+ * $Id: umui.c,v 1.2 2002/10/24 14:44:50 bporter Exp $
+ */
+/******************************** Description *********************************/
+ * This module provides GoForm functions for User management
+ */
+/********************************* Includes ***********************************/
+#include "wsIntrn.h"
+#include "um.h"
+/********************************* Defines ************************************/
+#define NONE_OPTION T("<NONE>")
+#define MSG_START T("<body><h2>")
+#define MSG_END T("</h2></body>")
+/**************************** Forward Declarations ****************************/
+static void formAddUser(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query);
+static void formDeleteUser(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query);
+static void formDisplayUser(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query);
+static int aspGenerateUserList(int eid, webs_t wp,
+ int argc, char_t **argv);
+static void formAddGroup(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query);
+static void formDeleteGroup(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query);
+static int aspGenerateGroupList(int eid, webs_t wp,
+ int argc, char_t **argv);
+static void formAddAccessLimit(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query);
+static void formDeleteAccessLimit(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query);
+static int aspGenerateAccessLimitList(int eid, webs_t wp,
+ int argc, char_t **argv);
+static int aspGenerateAccessMethodList(int eid, webs_t wp,
+ int argc, char_t **argv);
+static int aspGeneratePrivilegeList(int eid, webs_t wp,
+ int argc, char_t **argv);
+static void formSaveUserManagement(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query);
+static void formLoadUserManagement(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query);
+static void websMsgStart(webs_t wp);
+static void websMsgEnd(webs_t wp);
+/*********************************** Code *************************************/
+ * Set up the User Management form handlers
+ */
+void formDefineUserMgmt(void)
+ websAspDefine(T("MakeGroupList"), aspGenerateGroupList);
+ websAspDefine(T("MakeUserList"), aspGenerateUserList);
+ websAspDefine(T("MakeAccessLimitList"), aspGenerateAccessLimitList);
+ websAspDefine(T("MakeAccessMethodList"), aspGenerateAccessMethodList);
+ websAspDefine(T("MakePrivilegeList"), aspGeneratePrivilegeList);
+ websFormDefine(T("AddUser"), formAddUser);
+ websFormDefine(T("DeleteUser"), formDeleteUser);
+ websFormDefine(T("DisplayUser"), formDisplayUser);
+ websFormDefine(T("AddGroup"), formAddGroup);
+ websFormDefine(T("DeleteGroup"), formDeleteGroup);
+ websFormDefine(T("AddAccessLimit"), formAddAccessLimit);
+ websFormDefine(T("DeleteAccessLimit"), formDeleteAccessLimit);
+ websFormDefine(T("SaveUserManagement"), formSaveUserManagement);
+ websFormDefine(T("LoadUserManagement"), formLoadUserManagement);
+ * Add a user
+ */
+static void formAddUser(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query)
+ char_t *userid, *pass1, *pass2, *group, *enabled, *ok;
+ bool_t bDisable;
+ int nCheck;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ userid = websGetVar(wp, T("user"), T(""));
+ pass1 = websGetVar(wp, T("password"), T(""));
+ pass2 = websGetVar(wp, T("passconf"), T(""));
+ group = websGetVar(wp, T("group"), T(""));
+ enabled = websGetVar(wp, T("enabled"), T(""));
+ ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T(""));
+ websHeader(wp);
+ websMsgStart(wp);
+ if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Add User Cancelled"));
+ } else if (gstrcmp(pass1, pass2) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Confirmation Password did not match."));
+ } else {
+ if (enabled && *enabled && (gstrcmp(enabled, T("on")) == 0)) {
+ bDisable = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ bDisable = TRUE;
+ }
+ nCheck = umAddUser(userid, pass1, group, 0, bDisable);
+ if (nCheck != 0) {
+ char_t * strError;
+ switch (nCheck) {
+ strError = T("User already exists.");
+ break;
+ strError = T("Invalid user name.");
+ break;
+ strError = T("Invalid password.");
+ break;
+ strError = T("Invalid or unselected group.");
+ break;
+ default:
+ strError = T("Error writing user record.");
+ break;
+ }
+ websWrite(wp, T("Unable to add user, \"%s\". %s"),
+ userid, strError);
+ } else {
+ websWrite(wp, T("User, \"%s\" was successfully added."),
+ userid);
+ }
+ }
+ websMsgEnd(wp);
+ websFooter(wp);
+ websDone(wp, 200);
+ * Delete a user
+ */
+static void formDeleteUser(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query)
+ char_t *userid, *ok;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ userid = websGetVar(wp, T("user"), T(""));
+ ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T(""));
+ websHeader(wp);
+ websMsgStart(wp);
+ if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Delete User Cancelled"));
+ } else if (umUserExists(userid) == FALSE) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: User \"%s\" not found"), userid);
+ } else if (umGetUserProtected(userid)) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: User, \"%s\" is delete-protected."), userid);
+ } else if (umDeleteUser(userid) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Unable to delete user, \"%s\" "), userid);
+ } else {
+ websWrite(wp, T("User, \"%s\" was successfully deleted."), userid);
+ }
+ websMsgEnd(wp);
+ websFooter(wp);
+ websDone(wp, 200);
+ * Display the user info
+ */
+static void formDisplayUser(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query)
+ char_t *userid, *ok, *temp;
+ bool_t enabled;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ userid = websGetVar(wp, T("user"), T(""));
+ ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T(""));
+ websHeader(wp);
+ websWrite(wp, T("<body>"));
+ if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Display User Cancelled"));
+ } else if (umUserExists(userid) == FALSE) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: User <b>%s</b> not found.\n"), userid);
+ } else {
+ websWrite(wp, T("<h2>User ID: <b>%s</b></h2>\n"), userid);
+ temp = umGetUserGroup(userid);
+ websWrite(wp, T("<h3>User Group: <b>%s</b></h3>\n"), temp);
+ enabled = umGetUserEnabled(userid);
+ websWrite(wp, T("<h3>Enabled: <b>%d</b></h3>\n"), enabled);
+ }
+ websWrite(wp, T("</body>\n"));
+ websFooter(wp);
+ websDone(wp, 200);
+ * Generate HTML to create a list box containing the users
+ */
+static int aspGenerateUserList(int eid, webs_t wp, int argc, char_t **argv)
+ char_t *userid;
+ int row, nBytesSent, nBytes;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ nBytes = websWrite(wp,
+ T("<SELECT NAME=\"user\" SIZE=\"3\" TITLE=\"Select a User\">"));
+ row = 0;
+ userid = umGetFirstUser();
+ nBytesSent = 0;
+ while (userid && (nBytes > 0)) {
+ nBytes = websWrite(wp, T("<OPTION VALUE=\"%s\">%s\n"),
+ userid, userid);
+ userid = umGetNextUser(userid);
+ nBytesSent += nBytes;
+ }
+ nBytesSent += websWrite(wp, T("</SELECT>"));
+ return nBytesSent;
+ * Add a group
+ */
+static void formAddGroup(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query)
+ char_t *group, *enabled, *privilege, *method, *ok, *pChar;
+ int nCheck;
+ short priv;
+ accessMeth_t am;
+ bool_t bDisable;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ group = websGetVar(wp, T("group"), T(""));
+ method = websGetVar(wp, T("method"), T(""));
+ enabled = websGetVar(wp, T("enabled"), T(""));
+ privilege = websGetVar(wp, T("privilege"), T(""));
+ ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T(""));
+ websHeader(wp);
+ websMsgStart(wp);
+ if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Add Group Cancelled."));
+ } else if ((group == NULL) || (*group == 0)) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("No Group Name was entered."));
+ } else if (umGroupExists(group)) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Group, \"%s\" already exists."), group);
+ } else {
+ if (privilege && *privilege) {
+ * privilege is a mulitple <SELECT> var, and must be parsed.
+ * Values for these variables are space delimited.
+ */
+ priv = 0;
+ for (pChar = privilege; *pChar; pChar++) {
+ if (*pChar == ' ') {
+ *pChar = '\0';
+ priv |= gatoi(privilege);
+ *pChar = ' ';
+ privilege = pChar + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ priv |= gatoi(privilege);
+ } else {
+ priv = 0;
+ }
+ if (method && *method) {
+ am = (accessMeth_t) gatoi(method);
+ } else {
+ am = AM_FULL;
+ }
+ if (enabled && *enabled && (gstrcmp(enabled, T("on")) == 0)) {
+ bDisable = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ bDisable = TRUE;
+ }
+ nCheck = umAddGroup(group, priv, am, 0, bDisable);
+ if (nCheck != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Unable to add group, \"%s\", code: %d "),
+ group, nCheck);
+ } else {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Group, \"%s\" was successfully added."),
+ group);
+ }
+ }
+ websMsgEnd(wp);
+ websFooter(wp);
+ websDone(wp, 200);
+ * Delete a group
+ */
+static void formDeleteGroup(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query)
+ char_t *group, *ok;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ group = websGetVar(wp, T("group"), T(""));
+ ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T(""));
+ websHeader(wp);
+ websMsgStart(wp);
+ if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Delete Group Cancelled."));
+ } else if ((group == NULL) || (*group == '\0')) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: No group was selected."));
+ } else if (umGetGroupProtected(group)) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Group, \"%s\" is delete-protected."), group);
+ } else if (umGetGroupInUse(group)) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Group, \"%s\" is being used."), group);
+ } else if (umDeleteGroup(group) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Unable to delete group, \"%s\" "), group);
+ } else {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Group, \"%s\" was successfully deleted."), group);
+ }
+ websMsgEnd(wp);
+ websFooter(wp);
+ websDone(wp, 200);
+ * Generate HTML to create a list box containing the groups
+ */
+static int aspGenerateGroupList(int eid, webs_t wp, int argc, char_t **argv)
+ char_t *group;
+ int row, nBytesSent, nBytes;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ row = 0;
+ nBytesSent = 0;
+ nBytes = websWrite(wp,
+ T("<SELECT NAME=\"group\" SIZE=\"3\" TITLE=\"Select a Group\">"));
+ * Add a special "<NONE>" element to allow de-selection
+ */
+ nBytes = websWrite(wp, T("<OPTION VALUE=\"\">[NONE]\n"));
+ group = umGetFirstGroup();
+ while (group && (nBytes > 0)) {
+ nBytes = websWrite(wp, T("<OPTION VALUE=\"%s\">%s\n"), group, group);
+ group = umGetNextGroup(group);
+ nBytesSent += nBytes;
+ }
+ nBytesSent += websWrite(wp, T("</SELECT>"));
+ return nBytesSent;
+ * Add an access limit
+ */
+static void formAddAccessLimit(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query)
+ char_t *url, *method, *group, *secure, *ok;
+ int nCheck;
+ accessMeth_t am;
+ short nSecure;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ url = websGetVar(wp, T("url"), T(""));
+ group = websGetVar(wp, T("group"), T(""));
+ method = websGetVar(wp, T("method"), T(""));
+ secure = websGetVar(wp, T("secure"), T(""));
+ ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T(""));
+ websHeader(wp);
+ websMsgStart(wp);
+ if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Add Access Limit Cancelled."));
+ } else if ((url == NULL) || (*url == 0)) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: No URL was entered."));
+ } else if (umAccessLimitExists(url)) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: An Access Limit for [%s] already exists."),
+ url);
+ } else {
+ if (method && *method) {
+ am = (accessMeth_t) gatoi(method);
+ } else {
+ am = AM_FULL;
+ }
+ if (secure && *secure) {
+ nSecure = (short) gatoi(secure);
+ } else {
+ nSecure = 0;
+ }
+ nCheck = umAddAccessLimit(url, am, nSecure, group);
+ if (nCheck != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Unable to add Access Limit for [%s]"), url);
+ } else {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Access limit for [%s], was successfully added."),
+ url);
+ }
+ }
+ websMsgEnd(wp);
+ websFooter(wp);
+ websDone(wp, 200);
+ * Delete an Access Limit
+ */
+static void formDeleteAccessLimit(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query)
+ char_t *url, *ok;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ url = websGetVar(wp, T("url"), T(""));
+ ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T(""));
+ websHeader(wp);
+ websMsgStart(wp);
+ if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Delete Access Limit Cancelled"));
+ } else if (umDeleteAccessLimit(url) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Unable to delete Access Limit for [%s]"),
+ url);
+ } else {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Access Limit for [%s], was successfully deleted."),
+ url);
+ }
+ websMsgEnd(wp);
+ websFooter(wp);
+ websDone(wp, 200);
+ * Generate HTML to create a list box containing the access limits
+ */
+static int aspGenerateAccessLimitList(int eid, webs_t wp,
+ int argc, char_t **argv)
+ char_t *url;
+ int row, nBytesSent, nBytes;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ row = nBytesSent = 0;
+ url = umGetFirstAccessLimit();
+ nBytes = websWrite(wp,
+ T("<SELECT NAME=\"url\" SIZE=\"3\" TITLE=\"Select a URL\">"));
+ while (url && (nBytes > 0)) {
+ nBytes = websWrite(wp, T("<OPTION VALUE=\"%s\">%s\n"), url, url);
+ url = umGetNextAccessLimit(url);
+ nBytesSent += nBytes;
+ }
+ nBytesSent += websWrite(wp, T("</SELECT>"));
+ return nBytesSent;
+ * Generate HTML to create a list box containing the access methods
+ */
+static int aspGenerateAccessMethodList(int eid, webs_t wp,
+ int argc, char_t **argv)
+ int nBytes;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ nBytes = websWrite(wp,
+ T("<SELECT NAME=\"method\" SIZE=\"3\" TITLE=\"Select a Method\">"));
+ nBytes += websWrite(wp, T("<OPTION VALUE=\"%d\">FULL ACCESS\n"),
+ nBytes += websWrite(wp, T("<OPTION VALUE=\"%d\">BASIC ACCESS\n"),
+ nBytes += websWrite(wp, T("<OPTION VALUE=\"%d\" SELECTED>DIGEST ACCESS\n"),
+ nBytes += websWrite(wp, T("<OPTION VALUE=\"%d\">NO ACCESS\n"),
+ nBytes += websWrite(wp, T("</SELECT>"));
+ return nBytes;
+ * Generate HTML to create a list box containing privileges
+ */
+static int aspGeneratePrivilegeList(int eid, webs_t wp,
+ int argc, char_t **argv)
+ int nBytes;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ nBytes = websWrite(wp, T("<SELECT NAME=\"privilege\" SIZE=\"3\" "));
+ nBytes += websWrite(wp, T("MULTIPLE TITLE=\"Choose Privileges\">"));
+ nBytes += websWrite(wp, T("<OPTION VALUE=\"%d\">READ\n"), PRIV_READ);
+ nBytes += websWrite(wp, T("<OPTION VALUE=\"%d\">EXECUTE\n"), PRIV_WRITE);
+ nBytes += websWrite(wp, T("<OPTION VALUE=\"%d\">ADMINISTRATE\n"),
+ nBytes += websWrite(wp, T("</SELECT>"));
+ return nBytes;
+ * Save the user management configuration to a file
+ */
+static void formSaveUserManagement(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query)
+ char_t *ok;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T(""));
+ websHeader(wp);
+ websMsgStart(wp);
+ if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Save Cancelled."));
+ } else if (umCommit(NULL) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Unable to save user configuration."));
+ } else {
+ websWrite(wp, T("User configuration was saved successfully."));
+ }
+ websMsgEnd(wp);
+ websFooter(wp);
+ websDone(wp, 200);
+ * Load the user management configuration from a file
+ */
+static void formLoadUserManagement(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query)
+ char_t *ok;
+ a_assert(wp);
+ ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T(""));
+ websHeader(wp);
+ websMsgStart(wp);
+ if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("Load Cancelled."));
+ } else if (umRestore(NULL) != 0) {
+ websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Unable to load user configuration."));
+ } else {
+ websWrite(wp, T("User configuration was re-loaded successfully."));
+ }
+ websMsgEnd(wp);
+ websFooter(wp);
+ websDone(wp, 200);
+ * Message start and end convenience functions
+ */
+static void websMsgStart(webs_t wp)
+ websWrite(wp, MSG_START);
+static void websMsgEnd(webs_t wp)
+ websWrite(wp, MSG_END);