path: root/cesar/ecos/packages/fs/ram/current/src
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1 files changed, 2396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cesar/ecos/packages/fs/ram/current/src/ramfs.c b/cesar/ecos/packages/fs/ram/current/src/ramfs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1d456f747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cesar/ecos/packages/fs/ram/current/src/ramfs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2396 @@
+// ramfs.c
+// RAM file system
+// -------------------------------------------
+// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
+// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
+// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+// for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
+// or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
+// with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
+// by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
+// License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
+// in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
+// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
+// this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+// Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
+// at
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Author(s): nickg
+// Contributors: nickg
+// Date: 2000-07-25
+// Purpose: RAM file system
+// Description: This is a RAM filesystem for eCos. It attempts to
+// provide full POSIX-compatible filesystem behaviour
+// while at the same time being efficient in terms of
+// time and space used.
+// General Description
+// ===================
+// This is an implementation of a RAM filesystem for eCos. Its goal is
+// to provide a working example of a filesystem that provides most of
+// the required POSIX functionality. And obviously it may also be
+// useful in its own right.
+// Nodes
+// -----
+// All files and directories are represented by node objects. Each
+// ramfs_node structure contains the following fields:
+// mode - Node type, file or directory.
+// refcnt - Number of references to this node. For files each open counts as
+// a reference and for directories a node is referenced when it is made
+// current directory, or is opened for reading.
+// nlink - Number of links to this node. Each directory entry that references
+// this node is a link.
+// size - Size of the data in this node in bytes.
+// atime - Last time this node was accessed.
+// mtime - Last time the data in this node was modified.
+// ctime - Last time the status information in this node was changed.
+// The data storage in a node is controlled by the configuration and
+// can take two forms. These will be described later.
+// Directories
+// -----------
+// A directory is a node whose data is a list of directory entries. To
+// simplify management of these, long directory entries are split into
+// a chain of fixed size ramfs_dirent structures. These contain the
+// following fields:
+// node - Pointer to node referenced by this entry. This is present in
+// every directory entry fragment
+// inuse - Set to 1 if this entry is in use, zero if it is free.
+// first - Set to 1 if this is the first fragment of a directory entry.
+// last - Set to 1 if this is the last fragment of a directory entry.
+// namelen - The size of the whole file name.
+// fraglen - The number of bytes of the file name that are stored in this
+// fragment.
+// next - The offset of the next fragment of this directory entry.
+// name - The characters of the fragment of the file name stored in this
+// entry.
+// Small file names are stored in a single fragment. Longer names are
+// stored in a chain of fragments.
+// Data Storage
+// ------------
+// Two data storage mechanisms may be configured, the SIMPLE and the
+// BLOCKS mechanisms.
+// SIMPLE Data Storage
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// This mechanism simply uses malloc() and free() to allocate the
+// memory for both nodes and file data. File data is stored in a
+// single malloced vector that is realloced as necessary to acquire
+// more space.
+// The advantage of this approach is that the RAM filesystem only uses
+// as much memory as it needs, the rest is available for use by other
+// components. It also requires much simpler data structures and code
+// in the filesystem to manage. However, if any files get to be a
+// significant proportion of the size of the heap, there is the danger
+// that fragmentation will prevent any further extension of some
+// files, even if there is enough memory in total. It also requires an
+// implementation of malloc() to be present. If this needs to be
+// present for other components,then this is not a significant
+// overhead, but including it just for use by this filesystem
+// represents a major addition of code and data structures.
+// BLOCKS Data Storage
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// This mechanism divides the memory used for file storage into fixed
+// sized blocks. These blocks may either be allocated using
+// malloc()/free(), or may be obtained from a array of blocks reserved
+// for the purpose. Configuration allows the block size to be
+// selected, as well as the allocation mechanism, and in the case of a
+// block array, whether it is defined here or by an external
+// component.
+// Data storage in nodes is arranges in three arrays of pointers to
+// blocks. The first array points directly to data blocks, the second
+// to blocks which themselves contain pointers to data blocks, and the
+// third to blocks which contain pointers to blocks which contain
+// pointers to data blocks. In the default configuration These last
+// two arrays have only one element each.
+// The following shows how the data is arranged in a fully populated
+// file with a 256 byte block size using the default configuration.
+// Node
+// ~ ~
+// | |
+// | |
+// +------------+
+// | *------+--------> data block 0
+// +------------+
+// | *------+--------> data block 1
+// +------------+
+// | *------+--------> data block 2
+// +------------+
+// | *------+--------> data block 3
+// +------------+
+// | *------+--------> data block 4
+// +------------+
+// | *------+--------> data block 5
+// +------------+
+// | *------+--------> data block 6
+// +------------+
+// | *------+--------> data block 7
+// +------------+
+// | *------+--------> +------------+
+// +------------+ | *------+--------> data block 8
+// | *------+----+ +------------+
+// +------------+ | | |
+// | ~ ~
+// | | |
+// | +------------+
+// | | *------+--------> data block 71
+// | +------------+
+// |
+// +---->+------------+ +------------+
+// | *------+-------->| *------+---->data block 72
+// +------------+ +------------+
+// | | | |
+// ~ ~ ~ ~
+// | | | |
+// +------------+ +------------+
+// | *------+---+ | *------+----> data block 135
+// +------------+ | +------------+
+// |
+// | +------------+
+// +---->| *------+----> data block 4104
+// +------------+
+// | |
+// ~ ~
+// | |
+// +------------+
+// | *------+----> data block 4167
+// +------------+
+// The advantages of this approach are that, first, memory usage is
+// divided into discreet fixed size blocks which are easier to
+// manage. When using malloc() to allocate them, they will fit into
+// any free memory of at least the right size. Using the block array
+// option removes the need to have a malloc() implementation at all.
+// The disadvantages of this mechanism are that, first, when using
+// malloc() to allocate blocks, the per-block memory allocator
+// overhead is paid for each block, rather than per file. This may
+// result in less memory overall being available for data
+// storage. When using the block array, it is permanently reserved for
+// use by the ram filesystem, and is not available for use by other
+// components.
+#include <pkgconf/system.h>
+#include <pkgconf/hal.h>
+#include <pkgconf/kernel.h>
+#include <pkgconf/io_fileio.h>
+#include <pkgconf/fs_ram.h>
+#include <cyg/kernel/ktypes.h> // base kernel types
+#include <cyg/infra/cyg_trac.h> // tracing macros
+#include <cyg/infra/cyg_ass.h> // assertion macros
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <cyg/fileio/fileio.h>
+#include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
+#include <cyg/infra/diag.h>
+// Sizes derived from configuration
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Simple malloc based allocator parameters
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Block allocator parameters
+// The number of nodes per block
+// The number of indirect pointers that can be stored in a single data block
+// The number of directory entries that can be stored in a single data block
+#define RAMFS_DIRENT_PER_BLOCK (CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(ramfs_dirent))
+// Number of bytes contained in a one level indirect block
+// number of bytes contained in a two level indirect block
+// The maximum data offset for data directly accessed from the node
+// The maximum data offset for data accessed from the single level indirect blocks
+// The maximum data offset for data accessed from the two level indirect blocks
+// The maximum size of a file
+// Forward definitions
+// Filesystem operations
+static int ramfs_mount ( cyg_fstab_entry *fste, cyg_mtab_entry *mte );
+static int ramfs_umount ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte );
+static int ramfs_open ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
+ int mode, cyg_file *fte );
+static int ramfs_unlink ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name );
+static int ramfs_mkdir ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name );
+static int ramfs_rmdir ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name );
+static int ramfs_rename ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir1, const char *name1,
+ cyg_dir dir2, const char *name2 );
+static int ramfs_link ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir1, const char *name1,
+ cyg_dir dir2, const char *name2, int type );
+static int ramfs_opendir ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
+ cyg_file *fte );
+static int ramfs_chdir ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
+ cyg_dir *dir_out );
+static int ramfs_stat ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
+ struct stat *buf);
+static int ramfs_getinfo ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
+ int key, void *buf, int len );
+static int ramfs_setinfo ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
+ int key, void *buf, int len );
+// File operations
+static int ramfs_fo_read (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct CYG_UIO_TAG *uio);
+static int ramfs_fo_write (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct CYG_UIO_TAG *uio);
+static int ramfs_fo_lseek (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, off_t *pos, int whence );
+static int ramfs_fo_ioctl (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, CYG_ADDRWORD com,
+static int ramfs_fo_fsync (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, int mode );
+static int ramfs_fo_close (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp);
+static int ramfs_fo_fstat (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct stat *buf );
+static int ramfs_fo_getinfo (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, int key, void *buf, int len );
+static int ramfs_fo_setinfo (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, int key, void *buf, int len );
+// Directory operations
+static int ramfs_fo_dirread (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct CYG_UIO_TAG *uio);
+static int ramfs_fo_dirlseek (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, off_t *pos, int whence );
+// Filesystem table entries
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Fstab entry.
+// This defines the entry in the filesystem table.
+// For simplicity we use _FILESYSTEM synchronization for all accesses since
+// we should never block in any filesystem operations.
+FSTAB_ENTRY( ramfs_fste, "ramfs", 0,
+ ramfs_mount,
+ ramfs_umount,
+ ramfs_open,
+ ramfs_unlink,
+ ramfs_mkdir,
+ ramfs_rmdir,
+ ramfs_rename,
+ ramfs_link,
+ ramfs_opendir,
+ ramfs_chdir,
+ ramfs_stat,
+ ramfs_getinfo,
+ ramfs_setinfo);
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// File operations.
+// This set of file operations are used for normal open files.
+static cyg_fileops ramfs_fileops =
+ ramfs_fo_read,
+ ramfs_fo_write,
+ ramfs_fo_lseek,
+ ramfs_fo_ioctl,
+ cyg_fileio_seltrue,
+ ramfs_fo_fsync,
+ ramfs_fo_close,
+ ramfs_fo_fstat,
+ ramfs_fo_getinfo,
+ ramfs_fo_setinfo
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Directory file operations.
+// This set of operations are used for open directories. Most entries
+// point to error-returning stub functions. Only the read, lseek and
+// close entries are functional.
+static cyg_fileops ramfs_dirops =
+ ramfs_fo_dirread,
+ (cyg_fileop_write *)cyg_fileio_enosys,
+ ramfs_fo_dirlseek,
+ (cyg_fileop_ioctl *)cyg_fileio_enosys,
+ cyg_fileio_seltrue,
+ (cyg_fileop_fsync *)cyg_fileio_enosys,
+ ramfs_fo_close,
+ (cyg_fileop_fstat *)cyg_fileio_enosys,
+ (cyg_fileop_getinfo *)cyg_fileio_enosys,
+ (cyg_fileop_setinfo *)cyg_fileio_enosys
+// Data typedefs
+// Some forward typedefs for the main data structures.
+struct ramfs_node;
+typedef struct ramfs_node ramfs_node;
+struct ramfs_dirent;
+typedef struct ramfs_dirent ramfs_dirent;
+typedef cyg_uint8 ramfs_block[CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCK_SIZE];
+// File and directory node
+// This data structure represents a file or directory.
+struct ramfs_node
+ mode_t mode; // node type
+ cyg_ucount32 refcnt; // open file/current dir references
+ nlink_t nlink; // number of links to this node
+ size_t size; // size of file in bytes
+ time_t atime; // last access time
+ time_t mtime; // last modified time
+ time_t ctime; // last changed status time
+ // The data storage in this case consists of a single
+ // malloced memory block, together with its size.
+ size_t datasize; // size of data block
+ cyg_uint8 *data; // malloced data buffer
+ // The data storage in this case consists of arrays of pointers
+ // to data blocks.
+ // Directly accessible blocks from the inode.
+ ramfs_block *direct[CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCKS_DIRECT];
+ // Single level indirection
+ ramfs_block **indirect1[CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCKS_INDIRECT1];
+ // Two level indirection
+ ramfs_block ***indirect2[CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCKS_INDIRECT2];
+// Directory entry.
+// Fixed sized entry containing a fragment of the name of a file/directory.
+struct ramfs_dirent
+ ramfs_node *node; // pointer to node
+ unsigned int inuse:1, // entry in use?
+ first:1, // first directory entry fragment?
+ last:1, // last directory entry fragment?
+ namelen:8, // bytes in whole name
+ fraglen:8; // bytes in name fragment
+ off_t next; // offset of next dirent
+ // Name fragment, fills rest of entry.
+ sizeof(ramfs_node *)-
+ sizeof( cyg_uint32)-
+ sizeof(off_t)];
+// Directory search data
+// Parameters for a directory search. The fields of this structure are
+// updated as we follow a pathname through the directory tree.
+struct ramfs_dirsearch
+ ramfs_node *dir; // directory to search
+ const char *path; // path to follow
+ ramfs_node *node; // Node found
+ const char *name; // last name fragment used
+ int namelen; // name fragment length
+ cyg_bool last; // last name in path?
+typedef struct ramfs_dirsearch ramfs_dirsearch;
+// Forward defs
+static int del_direntry( ramfs_node *dir, const char *name, int namelen );
+// Block array
+// This is used for block allocation when malloc is not being used.
+// Array is defined externally with a user-supplied name
+// Translate into a usable common name
+#define ramfs_block_array CYGPKG_FS_RAM_BLOCKS_ARRAY_NAME
+# else
+// Array is defined here
+static ramfs_block cyg_ramfs_block_array[CYGNUM_FS_RAM_BLOCKS_ARRAY_SIZE];
+#define ramfs_block_array cyg_ramfs_block_array
+# endif
+// Pointer to list of free blocks
+static ramfs_block *block_free_list = NULL;
+// Block allocation
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// block_init()
+// Initialize the block allocator by chaining them all together on
+// block_free_list.
+static void block_init(void)
+ static cyg_bool initialized = false;
+ int i;
+ if( !initialized )
+ {
+ for( i = 0; i < CYGNUM_FS_RAM_BLOCKS_ARRAY_SIZE; i++ )
+ {
+ ramfs_block *b = &ramfs_block_array[i];
+ *(ramfs_block **)b = block_free_list;
+ block_free_list = b;
+ }
+ initialized = true;
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// block_alloc()
+// Allocate a block for data storage.
+// If we have a block array, just pick the first off the free list.
+// If we are mallocing, call malloc() to get it.
+static ramfs_block *block_alloc(void)
+ ramfs_block *b;
+ block_init(); // Check blocks are initialized
+ // pick first block off free list.
+ b = block_free_list;
+ // and advance list
+ if( b != NULL )
+ block_free_list = *(ramfs_block **)b;
+ // Clear the block to zero if it was allocated
+ if( b != NULL )
+ memset( b, 0, CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCK_SIZE );
+ return b;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// block_free()
+// Free a block. Depending on the configuration send it back to the
+// heap or put it back on free list.
+static void block_free( ramfs_block *b )
+ // Put the block back on the free list
+ *(ramfs_block **)b = block_free_list;
+ block_free_list = b;
+ // Call free() to return it to the memory pool
+ free( b );
+// Node buffer management
+// There are two versions of this, one for the _SIMPLE variant and one for
+// the _BLOCKS variant. In both cases the interface to this code is via the
+// findbuffer_node() and freebuffer_node() functions.
+// SIMPLE buffer management.
+// Each node has a data buffer pointer and a size. This buffer is
+// realloc()ed as needed.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// findbuffer_node()
+// return a pointer to the data at the indicated file position, extending
+// the buffer if required.
+static int findbuffer_node( ramfs_node *node, // node pointer
+ off_t pos, // data position to get
+ cyg_uint8 **buffer, // returned buffer pointer
+ size_t *size, // returned buffer size
+ cyg_bool alloc) // extend allocation?
+ if( alloc && (pos == node->datasize || node->datasize == 0) )
+ {
+ // If we are allowed to alloc new data, and we are at the end of the
+ // current data allocation, or there is no data present, allocate or
+ // extend the data buffer.
+ cyg_uint8 *newdata;
+ if( node->data == NULL )
+ else
+ newdata = realloc( node->data, pos+CYGNUM_RAMFS_REALLOC_INCREMENT );
+ if( newdata == NULL ) return ENOSPC;
+ else memset( newdata+pos, 0, CYGNUM_RAMFS_REALLOC_INCREMENT );
+ node->data = newdata;
+ node->datasize = pos+CYGNUM_RAMFS_REALLOC_INCREMENT;
+ }
+ else if( pos > node->datasize )
+ {
+ // Indicate end of data.
+ *size = 0;
+ return ENOERR;
+ }
+ *buffer = node->data+pos;
+ *size = node->datasize-pos;
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// freebuffer_node()
+// Empty out the data storage from the node.
+static int freebuffer_node( ramfs_node *node )
+ if( node->data != NULL )
+ {
+ free( node->data );
+ }
+ node->data = NULL;
+ node->datasize = 0;
+ return ENOERR;
+// _BLOCKS storage management.
+// Data storage in the node is by means of a set of arrays of pointers to
+// blocks. The first array points directly to the data blocks. Subsequent
+// arrays point to single and double indirect blocks respectively.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// findbuffer_direct()
+// Indexes into an array of block pointers and extracts a pointer to the
+// data at offset _pos_, allocating new blocks if required.
+static int findbuffer_direct( off_t pos,
+ ramfs_block **blocks,
+ int nblocks,
+ cyg_uint8 **buffer,
+ size_t *size,
+ cyg_bool alloc)
+ int bi = pos / CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ int bpos = pos % CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ ramfs_block *b;
+ *buffer = NULL;
+ *size = 0;
+ if( bi >= nblocks )
+ return ENOERR;
+ b = blocks[bi];
+ if( b == NULL )
+ {
+ // There is no block there. If _alloc_ is true we can fill the
+ // slot in with a new block. If it is false, we indicate end of
+ // data with a zero size result.
+ if( alloc )
+ {
+ b = block_alloc();
+ if( b == NULL )
+ return ENOSPC;
+ blocks[bi] = b;
+ }
+ else return ENOERR;
+ }
+ *buffer = &((*b)[bpos]);
+ *size = CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCK_SIZE - bpos;
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// findbuffer_indirect1()
+// Indexes into an array of pointers to blocks containing pointers to
+// blocks and extracts a pointer to the data at offset _pos_,
+// allocating new blocks if required.
+static int findbuffer_indirect1( off_t pos,
+ ramfs_block ***blocks,
+ int nblocks,
+ cyg_uint8 **buffer,
+ size_t *size,
+ cyg_bool alloc)
+ int bpos = pos % RAMFS_INDIRECT1_BLOCK_EXTENT;
+ int err;
+ cyg_uint8 *b;
+ size_t sz;
+ // Use findbuffer_direct() to index and allocate
+ // the first level indirect block.
+ err = findbuffer_direct( bi*CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCK_SIZE,
+ (ramfs_block **)blocks,
+ nblocks,
+ &b,
+ &sz,
+ alloc);
+ if( err != ENOERR )
+ return err;
+ if( sz == 0 )
+ {
+ *size = 0;
+ return ENOERR;
+ }
+ // Use findbuffer_direct() on the first level indirect
+ // block to allocate and return the data pointer.
+ return findbuffer_direct( bpos,
+ blocks[bi],
+ buffer,
+ size,
+ alloc);
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// findbuffer_indirect1()
+// Indexes into an array of pointers to blocks containing pointers to
+// blocks containing pointers to blocks (!) and extracts a pointer to
+// the data at offset _pos_, allocating new blocks if required.
+static int findbuffer_indirect2( off_t pos,
+ ramfs_block ****blocks,
+ int nblocks,
+ cyg_uint8 **buffer,
+ size_t *size,
+ cyg_bool alloc)
+ int bpos = pos % RAMFS_INDIRECT2_BLOCK_EXTENT;
+ int err;
+ cyg_uint8 *b;
+ size_t sz;
+ // Use findbuffer_direct() to index and allocate
+ // the first level indirect block.
+ err = findbuffer_direct( bi*CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCK_SIZE,
+ (ramfs_block **)blocks,
+ nblocks,
+ &b,
+ &sz,
+ alloc);
+ if( err != ENOERR )
+ return err;
+ if( sz == 0 )
+ {
+ *size = 0;
+ return ENOERR;
+ }
+ // Use findbuffer_indirect1() on the first level indirect block to
+ // index and allocate the next level indirect block and the data
+ // block.
+ return findbuffer_indirect1( bpos,
+ blocks[bi],
+ buffer,
+ size,
+ alloc);
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// findbuffer_node()
+// Depending on the offset and configuration, call the appropriate
+// function to get the buffer pointer.
+static int findbuffer_node( ramfs_node *node,
+ off_t pos,
+ cyg_uint8 **buffer,
+ size_t *size,
+ cyg_bool alloc)
+ if( pos < RAMFS_DIRECT_MAX )
+ return findbuffer_direct( pos,
+ node->direct,
+ buffer,
+ size,
+ alloc);
+ if( pos < RAMFS_INDIRECT1_MAX )
+ return findbuffer_indirect1( pos - RAMFS_DIRECT_MAX,
+ node->indirect1,
+ buffer,
+ size,
+ alloc);
+ if( pos < RAMFS_INDIRECT2_MAX )
+ return findbuffer_indirect2( pos - RAMFS_INDIRECT1_MAX,
+ node->indirect2,
+ buffer,
+ size,
+ alloc);
+ return ENOSPC;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// freeblock_list()
+// Free a list of data blocks.
+static void freeblock_list( ramfs_block *blocks[],int nblocks )
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < nblocks ; i++ )
+ {
+ if( blocks[i] != NULL )
+ {
+ block_free( blocks[i] );
+ blocks[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// freebuffer_node()
+// Free all the data blocks in the node and clear the pointers.
+static int freebuffer_node( ramfs_node *node )
+ freeblock_list( node->direct, CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCKS_DIRECT );
+ {
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCKS_INDIRECT1 ; i++ )
+ {
+ if( node->indirect1[i] != NULL )
+ {
+ freeblock_list( (ramfs_block **)node->indirect1[i], RAMFS_INDIRECT_PER_BLOCK );
+ block_free( (ramfs_block *)node->indirect1[i] );
+ node->indirect1[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < CYGNUM_RAMFS_BLOCKS_INDIRECT2 ; i++ )
+ {
+ if( node->indirect2[i] != NULL )
+ {
+ ramfs_block ***b = node->indirect2[i];
+ int j;
+ for( j = 0; j < RAMFS_INDIRECT_PER_BLOCK ; j++ )
+ {
+ if( b[j] != NULL )
+ {
+ freeblock_list( (ramfs_block **)b[j], RAMFS_INDIRECT_PER_BLOCK );
+ block_free( (ramfs_block *)b[j] );
+ b[j] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ block_free( (ramfs_block *)node->indirect2[i] );
+ node->indirect2[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ENOERR;
+// Node allocation
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// alloc_node()
+// Allocate a node and initialize it.
+// For the _SIMPLE allocation option, we just malloc it. For the
+// _BLOCKS option we allocate a block and use that. In theory we could
+// pack several nodes into a single block, but we don't at present due
+// to sheer lazyness.
+static ramfs_node *alloc_node( mode_t mode )
+ ramfs_node *node = malloc( sizeof( ramfs_node ) );
+ if( node == NULL )
+ return NULL;
+ ramfs_block *b = block_alloc();
+ ramfs_node *node;
+ if( b == NULL )
+ return NULL;
+ node = (ramfs_node *)b;
+ memset( node, 0, sizeof(ramfs_node) );
+ node->mode = mode;
+ node->refcnt = 0;
+ node->nlink = 0;
+ node->size = 0;
+ node->atime =
+ node->mtime =
+ node->ctime = cyg_timestamp();
+ node->datasize = 0;
+ node->data = NULL;
+ // The node is already all zero
+ return node;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// free_node()
+// Release a node either back to the free pool or back into the block
+// pool.
+static void free_node( ramfs_node *node )
+ free( node );
+ block_free( (ramfs_block *)node );
+// Ref count and nlink management
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// dec_refcnt()
+// Decrment the reference count on a node. If this makes the ref count
+// zero, and the number of links is either zero for a file or one for
+// a node, then this node is detached from the directory tree and can
+// be freed.
+static int dec_refcnt( ramfs_node *node )
+ int err = ENOERR;
+ node->refcnt--;
+ if( node->refcnt == 0 &&
+ ((S_ISREG(node->mode) && node->nlink == 0 ) ||
+ (S_ISDIR(node->mode) && node->nlink == 1) )
+ )
+ {
+ // This node it now totally detached from the directory tree,
+ // so delete it.
+ if( S_ISDIR(node->mode) )
+ {
+ del_direntry( node, ".", 1 );
+ del_direntry( node, "..", 2 );
+ }
+ err = freebuffer_node( node );
+ if( err == ENOERR )
+ free_node( node );
+ }
+ return err;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// dec_nlink()
+// Decrement a node's link count. Since this has to do all the same
+// work as dec_refcnt() we implement this using that function by
+// essentially transferring the count to refcnt and then decrement
+// that.
+static int dec_nlink( ramfs_node *node )
+ node->refcnt++;
+ node->nlink--;
+ return dec_refcnt( node );
+// Directory operations
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// add_direntry()
+// Add an entry to a directory. This is added as a chain of entry
+// fragments until the name is exhausted.
+static int add_direntry( ramfs_node *dir, // dir to add to
+ const char *name, // name to add
+ int namelen, // length of name
+ ramfs_node *node // node to reference
+ )
+ off_t pos = 0;
+ ramfs_dirent *d = NULL, *dp = NULL;
+ cyg_bool isfirst = true;
+ // Loop inserting fragments of the name into the directory until we
+ // have found a home for them all.
+ while( namelen > 0 )
+ {
+ int fraglen = namelen;
+ if( fraglen > sizeof(d->name) )
+ fraglen = sizeof(d->name);
+ // Find a free fragment
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ cyg_uint8 *buf;
+ size_t size;
+ int err = findbuffer_node( dir, pos, &buf, &size, true );
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ d = (ramfs_dirent *)buf;
+ if( size < sizeof(ramfs_dirent) || d->inuse )
+ {
+ pos += sizeof(ramfs_dirent);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // d now points to a free dirent structure
+ d->node = node;
+ d->inuse = 1;
+ d->first = isfirst;
+ d->namelen = namelen;
+ d->fraglen = fraglen;
+ if( dp ) dp->next = pos;
+ memcpy( d->name, name, fraglen );
+ name += fraglen;
+ namelen -= fraglen;
+ pos += sizeof(ramfs_dirent);
+ dp = d;
+ isfirst = false;
+ }
+ d->last = 1; // Mark last fragment
+ // Update directory times
+ dir->mtime =
+ dir->ctime = cyg_timestamp();
+ // Extend dir size if necessary
+ if( pos > dir->size )
+ dir->size = pos;
+ // Count the new link
+ node->nlink++;
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// find_direntry()
+// Find a directory entry for the name and return a pointer to the first
+// entry fragment.
+static ramfs_dirent *find_direntry( ramfs_node *dir, const char *name, int namelen )
+ ramfs_dirent *first = NULL;
+ off_t pos = 0;
+ int err;
+ // Loop over all the entries until a match is found or we run out
+ // of data.
+ while( pos < dir->size )
+ {
+ const char *frag = name;
+ ramfs_dirent *d;
+ cyg_uint8 *buf;
+ size_t size;
+ // look for a first name fragment
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ err = findbuffer_node( dir, pos, &buf, &size, false );
+ if( err != ENOERR || size == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ d = (ramfs_dirent *)buf;
+ if( size < sizeof(ramfs_dirent) || !d->inuse || !d->first )
+ {
+ pos += sizeof(ramfs_dirent);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Here we have got a first fragment of a name, check it
+ // against the name we are looking for. First check that they
+ // are the same length.
+ if( d->namelen == namelen )
+ {
+ // We have a potential candidate here...
+ first = d; // Save it for later
+ // Now check that all the name fragments match
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ int fraglen = namelen-(frag-name);
+ if( fraglen > d->fraglen )
+ fraglen = d->fraglen;
+ // compare strings, if different, look for another
+ if( memcmp( frag, d->name, fraglen ) != 0 )
+ break;
+ frag += fraglen;
+ // If we are at the last fragment, then the whole name string
+ // has matched and we have a successful search.
+ if( d->last )
+ return first;
+ // Otherwise move on to next entry in chain
+ err = findbuffer_node( dir, d->next, &buf, &size, false );
+ if( err != ENOERR )
+ return NULL;
+ d = (ramfs_dirent *)buf;
+ }
+ }
+ pos += sizeof(ramfs_dirent);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// del_direntry()
+// Delete a named directory entry. Find it and then follow the chain
+// deleting the fragments as we go.
+static int del_direntry( ramfs_node *dir, const char *name, int namelen )
+ ramfs_dirent *d = find_direntry( dir, name, namelen );
+ if( d == NULL )
+ return ENOENT;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ int err;
+ cyg_uint8 *buf;
+ size_t size;
+ d->inuse = 0;
+ if( d->last ) break;
+ err = findbuffer_node( dir, d->next, &buf, &size, false );
+ if( err != ENOERR )
+ return ENOENT;
+ d = (ramfs_dirent *)buf;
+ }
+ dec_nlink( d->node );
+ return ENOERR;
+// Directory search
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// init_dirsearch()
+// Initialize a dirsearch object to start a search
+static void init_dirsearch( ramfs_dirsearch *ds,
+ ramfs_node *dir,
+ const char *name)
+ ds->dir = dir;
+ ds->path = name;
+ ds->node = dir;
+ ds->name = name;
+ ds->namelen = 0;
+ ds->last = false;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// find_entry()
+// Search a single directory for the next name in a path and update the
+// dirsearch object appropriately.
+static int find_entry( ramfs_dirsearch *ds )
+ ramfs_node *dir = ds->dir;
+ const char *name = ds->path;
+ const char *n = name;
+ char namelen = 0;
+ ramfs_dirent *d;
+ // check that we really have a directory
+ if( !S_ISDIR(dir->mode) )
+ return ENOTDIR;
+ // Isolate the next element of the path name.
+ while( *n != '\0' && *n != '/' )
+ n++, namelen++;
+ // Check if this is the last path element.
+ while( *n == '/') n++;
+ if( *n == '\0' )
+ ds->last = true;
+ // update name in dirsearch object
+ ds->name = name;
+ ds->namelen = namelen;
+ // Here we have the name and its length set up.
+ // Search the directory for a matching entry
+ d = find_direntry( dir, name, namelen );
+ if( d == NULL )
+ return ENOENT;
+ // pass back the node we have found
+ ds->node = d->node;
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_find()
+// Main interface to directory search code. This is used in all file
+// level operations to locate the object named by the pathname.
+static int ramfs_find( ramfs_dirsearch *d )
+ int err;
+ // Short circuit empty paths
+ if( *(d->path) == '\0' )
+ return ENOERR;
+ // iterate down directory tree until we find the object
+ // we want.
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ err = find_entry( d );
+ if( err != ENOERR )
+ return err;
+ if( d->last )
+ return ENOERR;
+ // Update dirsearch object to search next directory.
+ d->dir = d->node;
+ d->path += d->namelen;
+ while( *(d->path) == '/' ) d->path++; // skip dirname separators
+ }
+// Pathconf support
+// This function provides support for pathconf() and fpathconf().
+static int ramfs_pathconf( ramfs_node *node, struct cyg_pathconf_info *info )
+ int err = ENOERR;
+ switch( info->name )
+ {
+ case _PC_LINK_MAX:
+ info->value = LINK_MAX;
+ break;
+ case _PC_MAX_CANON:
+ info->value = -1; // not supported
+ err = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ case _PC_MAX_INPUT:
+ info->value = -1; // not supported
+ err = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ case _PC_NAME_MAX:
+ info->value = NAME_MAX;
+ break;
+ case _PC_PATH_MAX:
+ info->value = PATH_MAX;
+ break;
+ case _PC_PIPE_BUF:
+ info->value = -1; // not supported
+ err = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ case _PC_ASYNC_IO:
+ info->value = -1; // not supported
+ err = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ info->value = -1; // not supported
+ err = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ case _PC_NO_TRUNC:
+ info->value = 0;
+ break;
+ case _PC_PRIO_IO:
+ info->value = 0;
+ break;
+ case _PC_SYNC_IO:
+ info->value = 0;
+ break;
+ case _PC_VDISABLE:
+ info->value = -1; // not supported
+ err = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ err = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return err;
+// Filesystem operations
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_mount()
+// Process a mount request. This mainly creates a root for the
+// filesystem.
+static int ramfs_mount ( cyg_fstab_entry *fste, cyg_mtab_entry *mte )
+ ramfs_node *root;
+ int err;
+ // Allocate a node to be the root of this filesystem and initialize it.
+ root = alloc_node(__stat_mode_DIR);
+ if( root == NULL )
+ return ENOSPC;
+ // Add . and .. entries back to self.
+ err = add_direntry( root, ".", 1, root );
+ if( err == ENOERR )
+ err = add_direntry( root, "..", 2, root );
+ if( err != ENOERR )
+ {
+ free_node( root );
+ return err;
+ }
+ mte->root = (cyg_dir)root;
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_umount()
+// Unmount the filesystem. This will currently only succeed if the
+// filesystem is empty.
+static int ramfs_umount ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte )
+ ramfs_node *root = (ramfs_node *)mte->root;
+ // Check for open/inuse root
+ if( root->refcnt != 0 )
+ return EBUSY;
+ // Check that root directory is clear of extra links.
+ if( root->nlink != 2 )
+ return EBUSY;
+ // Just return it to free pool
+ free_node( root );
+ // Clear root pointer
+ mte->root = CYG_DIR_NULL;
+ // That's all folks.
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_open()
+// Open a file for reading or writing.
+static int ramfs_open ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
+ int mode, cyg_file *file )
+ ramfs_dirsearch ds;
+ ramfs_node *node = NULL;
+ int err;
+ init_dirsearch( &ds, (ramfs_node *)dir, name );
+ err = ramfs_find( &ds );
+ if( err == ENOENT )
+ {
+ if( ds.last && (mode & O_CREAT) )
+ {
+ // No node there, if the O_CREAT bit is set then we must
+ // create a new one. The dir and name fields of the dirsearch
+ // object will have been updated so we know where to put it.
+ node = alloc_node( __stat_mode_REG );
+ if( node == NULL )
+ return ENOSPC;
+ err = add_direntry( ds.dir,, ds.namelen, node );
+ if( err != ENOERR )
+ {
+ free_node( node );
+ return err;
+ }
+ err = ENOERR;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( err == ENOERR )
+ {
+ // The node exists. If the O_CREAT and O_EXCL bits are set, we
+ // must fail the open.
+ if( (mode & (O_CREAT|O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT|O_EXCL) )
+ err = EEXIST;
+ else node = ds.node;
+ }
+ if( err == ENOERR && (mode & O_TRUNC ) )
+ {
+ // If the O_TRUNC bit is set we must clean out the file data.
+ err = freebuffer_node( node );
+ node->size = 0;
+ // Update file times
+ node->ctime =
+ node->mtime = cyg_timestamp();
+ }
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ // Check that we actually have a file here
+ if( S_ISDIR(node->mode) ) return EISDIR;
+ node->refcnt++; // Count successful open
+ // Initialize the file object
+ file->f_flag |= mode & CYG_FILE_MODE_MASK;
+ file->f_type = CYG_FILE_TYPE_FILE;
+ file->f_ops = &ramfs_fileops;
+ file->f_offset = (mode&O_APPEND) ? node->size : 0;
+ file->f_data = (CYG_ADDRWORD)node;
+ file->f_xops = 0;
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_unlink()
+// Remove a file link from its directory.
+static int ramfs_unlink ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name )
+ ramfs_dirsearch ds;
+ int err;
+ init_dirsearch( &ds, (ramfs_node *)dir, name );
+ err = ramfs_find( &ds );
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ // Cannot unlink directories, use rmdir() instead
+ if( S_ISDIR(ds.node->mode) )
+ return EPERM;
+ // Delete it from its directory
+ err = del_direntry( ds.dir,, ds.namelen );
+ return err;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_mkdir()
+// Create a new directory.
+static int ramfs_mkdir ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name )
+ ramfs_dirsearch ds;
+ ramfs_node *node = NULL;
+ int err;
+ init_dirsearch( &ds, (ramfs_node *)dir, name );
+ err = ramfs_find( &ds );
+ if( err == ENOENT )
+ {
+ if( ds.last )
+ {
+ // The entry does not exist, and it is the last element in
+ // the pathname, so we can create it here.
+ int doterr, dotdoterr, direrr;
+ node = alloc_node( __stat_mode_DIR );
+ if( node == NULL )
+ return ENOSPC;
+ // Add "." and ".." entries.
+ doterr = add_direntry( node, ".", 1, node );
+ dotdoterr = add_direntry( node, "..", 2, ds.dir );
+ // And add to parent directory.
+ direrr = add_direntry( ds.dir,, ds.namelen, node );
+ // check for any errors in that...
+ if( doterr+dotdoterr+direrr != ENOERR )
+ {
+ // For each of the add_direntry() calls that succeeded,
+ // we must now undo it.
+ if( doterr == ENOERR )
+ del_direntry( node, ".", 1 );
+ else err = doterr;
+ if( dotdoterr == ENOERR )
+ del_direntry( node, "..", 2 );
+ else err = dotdoterr;
+ if( direrr == ENOERR )
+ del_direntry( ds.dir,, ds.namelen );
+ else err = direrr;
+ // Free the data and the node itself.
+ freebuffer_node( node );
+ free_node( node );
+ }
+ else err = ENOERR;
+ }
+ // If this was not the last element, then and intermediate
+ // directory does not exist.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If there we no error, something already exists with that
+ // name, so we cannot create another one.
+ if( err == ENOERR )
+ err = EEXIST;
+ }
+ return err;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_rmdir()
+// Remove a directory.
+static int ramfs_rmdir ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name )
+ ramfs_dirsearch ds;
+ int err;
+ init_dirsearch( &ds, (ramfs_node *)dir, name );
+ err = ramfs_find( &ds );
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ // Check that this is actually a directory.
+ if( !S_ISDIR(ds.node->mode) )
+ return EPERM;
+ // Delete the entry. This will adjust the link values
+ // accordingly and if the directory is now unreferenced,
+ // will cause it to be deleted.
+ err = del_direntry( ds.dir,, ds.namelen );
+ return err;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_rename()
+// Rename a file/dir.
+static int ramfs_rename ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir1, const char *name1,
+ cyg_dir dir2, const char *name2 )
+ ramfs_dirsearch ds1, ds2;
+ int err;
+ init_dirsearch( &ds1, (ramfs_node *)dir1, name1 );
+ err = ramfs_find( &ds1 );
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ init_dirsearch( &ds2, (ramfs_node *)dir2, name2 );
+ err = ramfs_find( &ds2 );
+ // Allow through renames to non-existent objects.
+ if( ds2.last && err == ENOENT )
+ ds2.node = NULL, err = ENOERR;
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ // Null rename, just return
+ if( ds1.node == ds2.node )
+ return ENOERR;
+ // First deal with any entry that is at the destination
+ if( ds2.node )
+ {
+ // Check that we are renaming like-for-like
+ if( !S_ISDIR(ds1.node->mode) && S_ISDIR(ds2.node->mode) )
+ return EISDIR;
+ if( S_ISDIR(ds1.node->mode) && !S_ISDIR(ds2.node->mode) )
+ return ENOTDIR;
+ // Now delete the destination directory entry
+ err = del_direntry( ds2.dir,, ds2.namelen );
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ }
+ // Now we know that there is no clashing node at the destination,
+ // make a new direntry at the destination and delete the old entry
+ // at the source.
+ err = add_direntry( ds2.dir,, ds2.namelen, ds1.node );
+ if( err == ENOERR )
+ err = del_direntry( ds1.dir,, ds1.namelen );
+ // Update directory times
+ if( err == ENOERR )
+ ds1.dir->ctime =
+ ds1.dir->mtime =
+ ds2.dir->ctime =
+ ds2.dir->mtime = cyg_timestamp();
+ return err;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_link()
+// Make a new directory entry for a file.
+static int ramfs_link ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir1, const char *name1,
+ cyg_dir dir2, const char *name2, int type )
+ ramfs_dirsearch ds1, ds2;
+ int err;
+ // Only do hard links for now in this filesystem
+ if( type != CYG_FSLINK_HARD )
+ return EINVAL;
+ init_dirsearch( &ds1, (ramfs_node *)dir1, name1 );
+ err = ramfs_find( &ds1 );
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ init_dirsearch( &ds2, (ramfs_node *)dir2, name2 );
+ err = ramfs_find( &ds2 );
+ // Don't allow links to existing objects
+ if( err == ENOERR ) return EEXIST;
+ // Allow through links to non-existing terminal objects
+ if( ds2.last && err == ENOENT )
+ ds2.node = NULL, err = ENOERR;
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ // Now we know that there is no existing node at the destination,
+ // make a new direntry at the destination.
+ err = add_direntry( ds2.dir,, ds2.namelen, ds1.node );
+ if( err == ENOERR )
+ ds1.node->ctime =
+ ds2.dir->ctime =
+ ds2.dir->mtime = cyg_timestamp();
+ return err;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_opendir()
+// Open a directory for reading.
+static int ramfs_opendir ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
+ cyg_file *file )
+ ramfs_dirsearch ds;
+ int err;
+ init_dirsearch( &ds, (ramfs_node *)dir, name );
+ err = ramfs_find( &ds );
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ // check it is really a directory.
+ if( !S_ISDIR(ds.node->mode) ) return ENOTDIR;
+ ds.node->refcnt++; // Count successful open
+ // Initialize the file object, setting the f_ops field to a
+ // special set of file ops.
+ file->f_type = CYG_FILE_TYPE_FILE;
+ file->f_ops = &ramfs_dirops;
+ file->f_offset = 0;
+ file->f_data = (CYG_ADDRWORD)ds.node;
+ file->f_xops = 0;
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_chdir()
+// Change directory support.
+static int ramfs_chdir ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
+ cyg_dir *dir_out )
+ if( dir_out != NULL )
+ {
+ // This is a request to get a new directory pointer in
+ // *dir_out.
+ ramfs_dirsearch ds;
+ int err;
+ init_dirsearch( &ds, (ramfs_node *)dir, name );
+ err = ramfs_find( &ds );
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ // check it is a directory
+ if( !S_ISDIR(ds.node->mode) )
+ return ENOTDIR;
+ // Increment ref count to keep this directory in existent
+ // while it is the current cdir.
+ ds.node->refcnt++;
+ // Pass it out
+ *dir_out = (cyg_dir)ds.node;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If no output dir is required, this means that the mte and
+ // dir arguments are the current cdir setting and we should
+ // forget this fact.
+ ramfs_node *node = (ramfs_node *)dir;
+ // Just decrement directory reference count.
+ dec_refcnt( node );
+ }
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_stat()
+// Get struct stat info for named object.
+static int ramfs_stat ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
+ struct stat *buf)
+ ramfs_dirsearch ds;
+ int err;
+ init_dirsearch( &ds, (ramfs_node *)dir, name );
+ err = ramfs_find( &ds );
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ // Fill in the status
+ buf->st_mode = ds.node->mode;
+ buf->st_ino = (ino_t)ds.node;
+ buf->st_dev = 0;
+ buf->st_nlink = ds.node->nlink;
+ buf->st_uid = 0;
+ buf->st_gid = 0;
+ buf->st_size = ds.node->size;
+ buf->st_atime = ds.node->atime;
+ buf->st_mtime = ds.node->mtime;
+ buf->st_ctime = ds.node->ctime;
+ return err;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_getinfo()
+// Getinfo. Currently only support pathconf().
+static int ramfs_getinfo ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
+ int key, void *buf, int len )
+ ramfs_dirsearch ds;
+ int err;
+ init_dirsearch( &ds, (ramfs_node *)dir, name );
+ err = ramfs_find( &ds );
+ if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
+ switch( key )
+ {
+ case FS_INFO_CONF:
+ err = ramfs_pathconf( ds.node, (struct cyg_pathconf_info *)buf );
+ break;
+ default:
+ err = EINVAL;
+ }
+ return err;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_setinfo()
+// Setinfo. Nothing to support here at present.
+static int ramfs_setinfo ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
+ int key, void *buf, int len )
+ // No setinfo keys supported at present
+ return EINVAL;
+// File operations
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_fo_read()
+// Read data from the file.
+static int ramfs_fo_read (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct CYG_UIO_TAG *uio)
+ ramfs_node *node = (ramfs_node *)fp->f_data;
+ int i;
+ off_t pos = fp->f_offset;
+ ssize_t resid = uio->uio_resid;
+ // Loop over the io vectors until there are none left
+ for( i = 0; i < uio->uio_iovcnt; i++ )
+ {
+ cyg_iovec *iov = &uio->uio_iov[i];
+ char *buf = (char *)iov->iov_base;
+ off_t len = iov->iov_len;
+ // Loop over each vector filling it with data from the file.
+ while( len > 0 && pos < node->size )
+ {
+ cyg_uint8 *fbuf;
+ size_t bsize;
+ off_t l = len;
+ int err;
+ // Get a pointer to the data at offset _pos_.
+ err = findbuffer_node( node, pos, &fbuf, &bsize, false );
+ if( err != ENOERR )
+ return err;
+ // adjust size to end of file if necessary
+ if( l > node->size-pos )
+ l = node->size-pos;
+ // adjust size to the amount of contiguous data we can see
+ // at present.
+ if( l > bsize )
+ l = bsize;
+ // copy data out
+ memcpy( buf, fbuf, l );
+ // Update working vars
+ len -= l;
+ buf += l;
+ pos += l;
+ resid -= l;
+ }
+ }
+ // We successfully read some data, update the node's access time
+ // and update the file offset and transfer residue.
+ node->atime = cyg_timestamp();
+ uio->uio_resid = resid;
+ fp->f_offset = pos;
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_fo_write()
+// Write data to file.
+static int ramfs_fo_write (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct CYG_UIO_TAG *uio)
+ ramfs_node *node = (ramfs_node *)fp->f_data;
+ off_t pos = fp->f_offset;
+ ssize_t resid = uio->uio_resid;
+ int err = ENOERR;
+ int i;
+ // If the APPEND mode bit was supplied, force all writes to
+ // the end of the file.
+ if( fp->f_flag & CYG_FAPPEND )
+ pos = fp->f_offset = node->size;
+ // Check that pos is within current file size, or at the very end.
+ if( pos < 0 || pos > node->size )
+ return EINVAL;
+ // Now loop over the iovecs until they are all done, or
+ // we get an error.
+ for( i = 0; i < uio->uio_iovcnt; i++ )
+ {
+ cyg_iovec *iov = &uio->uio_iov[i];
+ char *buf = (char *)iov->iov_base;
+ off_t len = iov->iov_len;
+ // loop over the vector writing it to the file until it has
+ // all been done.
+ while( len > 0 )
+ {
+ cyg_uint8 *fbuf;
+ size_t bsize;
+ off_t l = len;
+ err = findbuffer_node( node, pos, &fbuf, &bsize, true );
+ // Stop writing if there is no more space in the file and
+ // indicate end of data.
+ if( err == ENOSPC )
+ break;
+ if( err != ENOERR )
+ return err;
+ // adjust size to this block
+ if( l > bsize )
+ l = bsize;
+ // copy data in
+ memcpy( fbuf, buf, l );
+ // Update working vars
+ len -= l;
+ buf += l;
+ pos += l;
+ resid -= l;
+ }
+ }
+ // We wrote some data successfully, update the modified and access
+ // times of the node, increase its size appropriately, and update
+ // the file offset and transfer residue.
+ node->mtime =
+ node->ctime = cyg_timestamp();
+ if( pos > node->size )
+ node->size = pos;
+ uio->uio_resid = resid;
+ fp->f_offset = pos;
+ return err;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_fo_lseek()
+// Seek to a new file position.
+static int ramfs_fo_lseek (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, off_t *apos, int whence )
+ ramfs_node *node = (ramfs_node *)fp->f_data;
+ off_t pos = *apos;
+ switch( whence )
+ {
+ case SEEK_SET:
+ // Pos is already where we want to be.
+ break;
+ case SEEK_CUR:
+ // Add pos to current offset.
+ pos += fp->f_offset;
+ break;
+ case SEEK_END:
+ // Add pos to file size.
+ pos += node->size;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ // Check that pos is still within current file size, or at the
+ // very end.
+ if( pos < 0 || pos > node->size )
+ return EINVAL;
+ // All OK, set fp offset and return new position.
+ *apos = fp->f_offset = pos;
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_fo_ioctl()
+// Handle ioctls. Currently none are defined.
+static int ramfs_fo_ioctl (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, CYG_ADDRWORD com,
+ // No Ioctls currenly defined.
+ return EINVAL;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_fo_fsync().
+// Force the file out to data storage.
+static int ramfs_fo_fsync (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, int mode )
+ // Data is always permanently where it belongs, nothing to do
+ // here.
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_fo_close()
+// Close a file. We just decrement the refcnt and let it go away if
+// that is all that is keeping it here.
+static int ramfs_fo_close (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp)
+ ramfs_node *node = (ramfs_node *)fp->f_data;
+ dec_refcnt( node );
+ fp->f_data = 0; // zero data pointer
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get file status.
+static int ramfs_fo_fstat (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct stat *buf )
+ ramfs_node *node = (ramfs_node *)fp->f_data;
+ // Fill in the status
+ buf->st_mode = node->mode;
+ buf->st_ino = (ino_t)node;
+ buf->st_dev = 0;
+ buf->st_nlink = node->nlink;
+ buf->st_uid = 0;
+ buf->st_gid = 0;
+ buf->st_size = node->size;
+ buf->st_atime = node->atime;
+ buf->st_mtime = node->mtime;
+ buf->st_ctime = node->ctime;
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_fo_getinfo()
+// Get info. Currently only supports fpathconf().
+static int ramfs_fo_getinfo (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, int key, void *buf, int len )
+ ramfs_node *node = (ramfs_node *)fp->f_data;
+ int err;
+ switch( key )
+ {
+ case FS_INFO_CONF:
+ err = ramfs_pathconf( node, (struct cyg_pathconf_info *)buf );
+ break;
+ default:
+ err = EINVAL;
+ }
+ return err;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_fo_setinfo()
+// Set info. Nothing supported here.
+static int ramfs_fo_setinfo (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, int key, void *buf, int len )
+ // No setinfo key supported at present
+ return ENOERR;
+// Directory operations
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_fo_dirread()
+// Read a single directory entry from a file.
+static int ramfs_fo_dirread (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct CYG_UIO_TAG *uio)
+ ramfs_node *dir = (ramfs_node *)fp->f_data;
+ off_t pos = fp->f_offset;
+ int err = ENOERR;
+ struct dirent *ent = (struct dirent *)uio->uio_iov[0].iov_base;
+ char *nbuf = ent->d_name;
+ int nlen = sizeof(ent->d_name)-1;
+ off_t len = uio->uio_iov[0].iov_len;
+ ramfs_dirent *d = NULL;
+ cyg_uint8 *buf;
+ size_t size;
+ if( len < sizeof(struct dirent) )
+ return EINVAL;
+ // look for a first name fragment
+ while( pos < dir->size )
+ {
+ err = findbuffer_node( dir, pos, &buf, &size, false );
+ if( err != ENOERR || size == 0)
+ break;
+ d = (ramfs_dirent *)buf;
+ if( size < sizeof(ramfs_dirent) || !d->inuse || !d->first )
+ {
+ pos += sizeof(ramfs_dirent);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Check we have not exceeded the size of the directory.
+ if( pos == dir->size )
+ return err;
+ // Here we have the first fragment of a directory entry.
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ int fraglen = d->fraglen;
+ // adjust to allow for remaining space in dirent struct
+ if( fraglen > nlen )
+ fraglen = nlen;
+ memcpy( nbuf, d->name, fraglen);
+ nbuf += fraglen;
+ nlen -= fraglen;
+ // if we hit the last entry, we have a successful transfer
+ if( d->last || nlen == 0)
+ break;
+ // Otherwise move on to next entry in chain
+ err = findbuffer_node( dir, d->next, &buf, &size, false );
+ if( err != ENOERR )
+ return err;
+ d = (ramfs_dirent *)buf;
+ }
+ // A successful read. Terminate the entry name with a NUL, set the
+ // residue and set the file offset to restart at the next
+ // directory entry.
+ *nbuf = '\0';
+ uio->uio_resid -= sizeof(struct dirent);
+ fp->f_offset = pos+sizeof(ramfs_dirent);
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ramfs_fo_dirlseek()
+// Seek directory to start.
+static int ramfs_fo_dirlseek (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, off_t *pos, int whence )
+ // Only allow SEEK_SET to zero
+ if( whence != SEEK_SET || *pos != 0)
+ return EINVAL;
+ *pos = fp->f_offset = 0;
+ return ENOERR;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// EOF ramfs.c