path: root/cesar/ecos/packages/ecosadmin.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cesar/ecos/packages/ecosadmin.tcl')
1 files changed, 1369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cesar/ecos/packages/ecosadmin.tcl b/cesar/ecos/packages/ecosadmin.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50cbc7c898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cesar/ecos/packages/ecosadmin.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1369 @@
+# restart using a Tcl shell \
+ exec sh -c 'for tclshell in tclsh tclsh83 cygtclsh80 ; do \
+ ( echo | $tclshell ) 2> /dev/null && exec $tclshell "`( cygpath -w \"$0\" ) 2> /dev/null || echo $0`" "$@" ; \
+ done ; \
+ echo "ecosadmin.tcl: cannot find Tcl shell" ; exit 1' "$0" "$@"
+# {{{ Banner
+# ecosadmin.tcl
+# A package install/uninstall tool.
+## -------------------------------------------
+## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
+## Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
+## Copyright (C) 2003 John Dallaway
+## Copyright (C) 2004 eCosCentric Limited
+## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+## for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+## with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+## As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
+## or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
+## with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
+## by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
+## License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
+## in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
+## This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
+## this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+## Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
+## at
+## -------------------------------------------
+# Author(s): jld
+# Contributors: bartv
+# Date: 1999-06-18
+# Purpose: To install and uninstall packages from an eCos component
+# repository
+# Description:
+# Usage:
+# }}}
+# {{{ Version check
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ecosadmin.tcl requires at least version 8.0 of Tcl, since it makes use of
+# namespaces. It is possible that some users still have older versions.
+if { [info tclversion] < 8.0 } {
+ puts "This script requires Tcl 8.0 or later. You are running Tcl [info patchlevel]."
+ return
+# }}}
+# {{{ Namespace definition
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Namespaces. All code and variables in this script are kept in the namespace
+# "ecosadmin". This is not really necessary for stand-alone operation, but if it
+# ever becomes desirable to embed this script in a larger application then
+# using a namespace is a lot easier.
+# As a fringe benefit, all global variables can be declared inside this
+# namespace and initialised.
+namespace eval ecosadmin {
+ # Is this program running under Windows ?
+ variable windows_host [expr {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"}]
+ variable null_device ""
+ if { $windows_host != 0 } {
+ set ecosadmin::null_device "nul"
+ } else {
+ set ecosadmin::null_device "/dev/null"
+ }
+ # Where is the component repository ? The following input sources
+ # are available:
+ # 1) the environment variable ECOS_REPOSITORY.
+ # 2) $argv0 should correspond to the location of the ecosadmin.tcl
+ # script.
+ #
+ variable component_repository ""
+ if { [info exists ::env(ECOS_REPOSITORY)] } {
+ # override the calculation of the repository location using the
+ # (undocumented) ECOS_REPOSITORY environment variable
+ set component_repository $::env(ECOS_REPOSITORY)
+ } else {
+ set component_repository [pwd]
+ if { [file dirname $argv0] != "." } {
+ set component_repository [file join $component_repository [file dirname $argv0]]
+ }
+ }
+ # Details of the command line arguments, if any.
+ variable list_packages_arg 0; # list
+ variable accept_license_arg 0; # --accept_license
+ variable extract_license_arg 0; # --extract_license
+ variable add_package ""; # add FILE
+ variable remove_package ""; # remove PACKAGE
+ variable merge_repository ""; # merge REPOSITORY
+ variable version_arg ""; # --version VER
+ # Details of all known packages, targets and templates
+ # read from the ecos.db file
+ variable known_packages ""
+ variable known_targets ""
+ variable known_templates ""
+ array set package_data {};
+ array set target_data {};
+ array set template_data {};
+ # List of packages merged from another repository
+ variable merge_packages ""
+ # What routines should be invoked for outputting fatal errors and
+ # for warning messages ?
+ variable fatal_error_handler ecosadmin::cli_fatal_error
+ variable warning_handler ecosadmin::cli_warning
+ variable report_handler ecosadmin::cli_report
+ # Keep or remove the CVS directories?
+ variable keep_cvs 0
+# }}}
+# {{{ Infrastructure
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Minimal infrastructure support.
+# There must be some way of reporting fatal errors, of outputting warnings,
+# and of generating report messages. The implementation of these things
+# obviously depends on whether or not TK is present. In addition, if this
+# script is being run inside a larger application then that larger
+# application must be able to install its own versions of the routines.
+# Once it is possible to report fatal errors, an assertion facility becomes
+# feasible.
+# These routines output fatal errors, warnings or miscellaneous messages.
+# Their implementations depend on the mode in which this script is operating.
+proc ecosadmin::fatal_error { msg } {
+ $ecosadmin::fatal_error_handler "$msg"
+proc ecosadmin::warning { msg } {
+ $ecosadmin::warning_handler "$msg"
+proc ecosadmin::report { msg } {
+ $ecosadmin::report_handler "$msg"
+# Command line versions.
+# NOTE: some formatting so that there are linebreaks at ~72 columns would be
+# a good idea.
+proc ecosadmin::cli_fatal_error_handler { msg } {
+ error "$msg"
+proc ecosadmin::cli_warning_handler { msg } {
+ puts "ecosadmin warning: $msg"
+proc ecosadmin::cli_report_handler { msg } {
+ puts "$msg"
+# Determine the default destination for warnings and for fatal errors.
+# After the first call to this function it is possible to use assertions.
+proc ecosadmin::initialise_error_handling { } {
+ set ecosadmin::fatal_error_handler ecosadmin::cli_fatal_error_handler
+ set ecosadmin::warning_handler ecosadmin::cli_warning_handler
+ set ecosadmin::report_handler ecosadmin::cli_report_handler
+# These routines can be used by containing programs to provide their
+# own error handling.
+proc ecosadmin::set_fatal_error_handler { fn } {
+ ASSERT { $fn != "" }
+ set ecosadmin::fatal_error_handler $fn
+proc ecosadmin::set_warning_handler { fn } {
+ ASSERT { $fn != "" }
+ set ecosadmin::warning_handler $fn
+proc ecosadmin::set_report_handler { fn } {
+ ASSERT { $fn != "" }
+ set ecosadmin::report_handler $fn
+# A very simple assertion facility. It takes a single argument, an expression
+# that should be evaluated in the calling function's scope, and on failure it
+# should generate a fatal error.
+proc ecosadmin::ASSERT { condition } {
+ set result [uplevel 1 [list expr $condition]]
+ if { $result == 0 } {
+ fatal_error "assertion predicate \"$condition\"\nin \"[info level -1]\""
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ Utilities
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# cdl_compare_version. This is a partial implementation of the full
+# cdl_compare_version facility defined in the product specification. Its
+# purpose is to order the various versions of a given package with
+# the most recent version first. As a special case, "current" is
+# always considered the most recent.
+# There are similarities between cdl_compare_version and with Tcl's
+# package vcompare, but cdl_compare_version is more general.
+proc ecosadmin::cdl_compare_version { arg1 arg2 } {
+ if { $arg1 == $arg2 } {
+ return 0
+ }
+ if { $arg1 == "current"} {
+ return -1
+ }
+ if { $arg2 == "current" } {
+ return 1
+ }
+ set index1 0
+ set index2 0
+ set ch1 ""
+ set ch2 ""
+ set num1 ""
+ set num2 ""
+ while { 1 } {
+ set ch1 [string index $arg1 $index1]
+ set ch2 [string index $arg2 $index2]
+ set num1 ""
+ set num2 ""
+ if { ($ch1 == "") && ($ch2 == "") } {
+ # Both strings have terminated at the same time. There may have
+ # been some spurious leading zeroes in numbers.
+ return 0
+ } elseif { $ch1 == "" } {
+ # The first string has ended first. If ch2 is a separator then
+ # arg2 is a derived version, e.g. v0.3.p1 and hence newer. Otherwise ch2
+ # is an experimental version v0.3beta and hence older.
+ if { [string match \[-._\] $ch2] } {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ return -1
+ }
+ } elseif { $ch2 == "" } {
+ # Equivalent to the above.
+ if { [string match \[-._\] $ch1] } {
+ return -1
+ } else {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ # There is still data to be processed.
+ # Check for both strings containing numbers at the current index.
+ if { ( [string match \[0-9\] $ch1] ) && ( [string match \[0-9\] $ch2] ) } {
+ # Extract the entire numbers from the version string.
+ while { [string match \[0-9\] $ch1] } {
+ set num1 "$num1$ch1"
+ incr index1
+ set ch1 [string index $arg1 $index1]
+ }
+ while { [string match \[0-9\] $ch2] } {
+ set num2 "$num2$ch2"
+ incr index2
+ set ch2 [string index $arg2 $index2]
+ }
+ if { $num1 < $num2 } {
+ return 1
+ } elseif { $num1 > $num2 } {
+ return -1
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ # This is not numerical data. If the two characters are the same then
+ # move on.
+ if { $ch1 == $ch2 } {
+ incr index1
+ incr index2
+ continue
+ }
+ # Next check if both strings are at a separator. All separators can be
+ # used interchangeably.
+ if { ( [string match \[-._\] $ch1] ) && ( [string match \[-._\] $ch2] ) } {
+ incr index1
+ incr index2
+ continue
+ }
+ # There are differences in the characters and they are not interchangeable.
+ # Just return a standard string comparison.
+ return [string compare $ch1 $ch2]
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ Argument parsing
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# The argv0 argument should be the name of this script. It can be used
+# to get at the component repository location. If this script has been
+# run incorrectly then currently it will fail: in future it may be
+# desirable to check an environment variable instead.
+# The argv argument is a string containing the rest of the arguments.
+# If any of the arguments contain spaces then this argument will be
+# surrounded by braces. If any of the arguments contain braces then
+# things will break.
+proc ecosadmin::parse_arguments { argv0 argv } {
+ if { $argv != "" } {
+ # There are arguments. If any of the arguments contained
+ # spaces then these arguments will have been surrounded
+ # by braces, which is a nuisance. So start by turning the
+ # arguments into a numerically indexed array.
+ set argc 0
+ array set args { }
+ foreach arg $argv {
+ set args([incr argc]) $arg
+ }
+ # Now examine each argument with regular expressions. It is
+ # useful to have some variables filled in by the regexp
+ # matching.
+ set dummy ""
+ set match1 ""
+ set match2 ""
+ for { set i 1 } { $i <= $argc } { incr i } {
+ # Check for --list and the other simple ones.
+ if { [regexp -- {^-?-?list$} $args($i)] == 1 } {
+ set ecosadmin::list_packages_arg 1
+ continue
+ }
+ # check for --version
+ if { [regexp -- {^-?-version=?(.*)$} $args($i) dummy match1] == 1 } {
+ if { $match1 != "" } {
+ set ecosadmin::version_arg $match1
+ } else {
+ if { $i == $argc } {
+ fatal_error "missing argument after --version"
+ } else {
+ set ecosadmin::version_arg $args([incr i])
+ }
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ # check for --accept_license
+ if { [regexp -- {^-?-accept_license$} $args($i)] == 1 } {
+ set ecosadmin::accept_license_arg 1
+ continue
+ }
+ # check for --extract_license
+ if { [regexp -- {^-?-extract_license$} $args($i)] == 1 } {
+ set ecosadmin::extract_license_arg 1
+ continue
+ }
+ # check for the add command
+ if { [regexp -- {^-?-?add=?(.*)$} $args($i) dummy match1] == 1 } {
+ if { $match1 != "" } {
+ set ecosadmin::add_package $match1
+ } else {
+ if { $i == $argc } {
+ fatal_error "missing argument after add"
+ } else {
+ set ecosadmin::add_package $args([incr i])
+ }
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ # check for the merge command
+ if { [regexp -- {^-?-?merge=?(.*)$} $args($i) dummy match1] == 1 } {
+ if { $match1 != "" } {
+ set ecosadmin::merge_repository $match1
+ } else {
+ if { $i == $argc } {
+ fatal_error "missing argument after merge"
+ } else {
+ set ecosadmin::merge_repository $args([incr i])
+ }
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ # check for the remove command
+ if { [regexp -- {^-?-?remove=?(.*)$} $args($i) dummy match1] == 1 } {
+ if { $match1 != "" } {
+ set ecosadmin::remove_package $match1
+ } else {
+ if { $i == $argc } {
+ fatal_error "missing argument after remove"
+ } else {
+ set ecosadmin::remove_package $args([incr i])
+ }
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ # Check for --srcdir
+ if { [regexp -- {^-?-srcdir=?([ \.\\/:_a-zA-Z0-9-]*)$} $args($i) dummy match1] == 1 } {
+ if { $match1 == "" } {
+ if { $i == $argc } {
+ puts "ecosrelease: missing argument after --srcdir"
+ exit 1
+ } else {
+ set match1 $args([incr i])
+ }
+ }
+ set ecosadmin::component_repository $match1
+ continue
+ }
+ # An unrecognised argument.
+ fatal_error "invalid argument $args($i)"
+ }
+ }
+ # Convert user-specified UNIX-style Cygwin pathnames to Windows Tcl-style as necessary
+ set ecosadmin::component_repository [get_pathname_for_tcl $ecosadmin::component_repository]
+ set ecosadmin::add_package [get_pathname_for_tcl $ecosadmin::add_package]
+ set ecosadmin::merge_repository [get_pathname_for_tcl $ecosadmin::merge_repository]
+# Display help information if the user has typed --help, -H, --H, or -help.
+# The help text uses two hyphens for consistency with configure.
+# Arguably this should change.
+proc ecosadmin::argument_help { } {
+ puts "Usage: ecosadmin \[ command \]"
+ puts " commands are:"
+ puts " list : list packages"
+ puts " add FILE : add packages"
+ puts " remove PACKAGE \[ --version VER \] : remove a package"
+# }}}
+# {{{ Packages file
+proc ecosadmin::read_data { silentflag } {
+ ASSERT { $ecosadmin::component_repository != "" }
+ set ecosadmin::known_packages ""
+ set ecosadmin::known_targets ""
+ set ecosadmin::known_templates ""
+ # A safe interpreter is used to process the packages file.
+ # This is somewhat overcautious, but it is also harmless.
+ # The following two commands are made accessible to the slave
+ # interpreter and are responsible for updating the actual data.
+ proc add_known_package { name } {
+ lappend ::ecosadmin::known_packages $name
+ }
+ proc add_known_target { name } {
+ lappend ::ecosadmin::known_targets $name
+ }
+ proc add_known_template { name } {
+ lappend ::ecosadmin::known_templates $name
+ }
+ proc set_package_data { name value } {
+ set ::ecosadmin::package_data($name) $value
+ }
+ proc set_target_data { name value } {
+ set ::ecosadmin::target_data($name) $value
+ }
+ proc set_template_data { name value } {
+ set ::ecosadmin::template_data($name) $value
+ }
+ # Create the parser, add the aliased commands, and then define
+ # the routines that do the real work.
+ set parser [interp create -safe]
+ $parser alias add_known_package ecosadmin::add_known_package
+ $parser alias add_known_target ecosadmin::add_known_target
+ $parser alias add_known_template ecosadmin::add_known_template
+ $parser alias set_package_data ecosadmin::set_package_data
+ $parser alias set_target_data ecosadmin::set_target_data
+ $parser alias set_template_data ecosadmin::set_template_data
+ $parser eval {
+ set current_package ""
+ set current_target ""
+ set current_template ""
+ proc package { name body } {
+ add_known_package $name
+ set_package_data "$name,alias" ""
+ set_package_data "$name,versions" ""
+ set_package_data "$name,dir" ""
+ set_package_data "$name,hardware" 0
+ set ::current_package $name
+ eval $body
+ set ::current_package ""
+ }
+ proc target { name body } {
+ add_known_target $name
+ set_target_data "$name,packages" ""
+ set ::current_target $name
+ eval $body
+ set ::current_target ""
+ }
+#if 0
+ # templates are no longer specified in the package database
+ proc template { name body } {
+ add_known_template $name
+ set_template_data "$name,packages" ""
+ set ::current_template $name
+ eval $body
+ set ::current_template ""
+ }
+ proc packages { str } {
+ if { $::current_template != "" } {
+ set_template_data "$::current_template,packages" $str
+ } elseif { $::current_target != "" } {
+ set_target_data "$::current_target,packages" $str
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ proc directory { dir } {
+ set_package_data "$::current_package,dir" $dir
+ }
+ proc alias { str } {
+ if { $::current_package != "" } {
+ set_package_data "$::current_package,alias" $str
+ }
+ }
+ proc hardware { } {
+ set_package_data "$::current_package,hardware" 1
+ }
+ proc description { str } { }
+ proc disable { str } { }
+ proc enable { str } { }
+ proc script { str } { }
+ proc set_value { str1 str2 } { }
+ }
+ # The parser is ready to evaluate the script. To avoid having to give the
+ # safe interpreter file I/O capabilities, the file is actually read in
+ # here and then evaluated.
+ set filename [file join $ecosadmin::component_repository "ecos.db"]
+ set status [ catch {
+ set fd [open $filename r]
+ set script [read $fd]
+ close $fd
+ $parser eval $script
+} message ]
+ if { $status != 0 } {
+ ecosadmin::fatal_error "parsing $filename:\n$message"
+ }
+ # The interpreter and the aliased commands are no longer required.
+ rename set_package_data {}
+ rename set_target_data {}
+ rename set_template_data {}
+ rename add_known_package {}
+ interp delete $parser
+ # At this stage the packages file has been read in. It is a good idea to
+ # check that all of these packages are present and correct, and incidentally
+ # figure out which versions are present.
+ foreach pkg $ecosadmin::known_packages {
+ set pkgdir [file join $ecosadmin::component_repository $ecosadmin::package_data($pkg,dir)]
+ if { ![file exists $pkgdir] || ![file isdir $pkgdir] } {
+ if { "" == $silentflag } {
+ warning "package $pkg at $pkgdir missing"
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Each subdirectory should correspond to a release. A utility routine
+ # is available for this.
+ set ecosadmin::package_data($pkg,versions) [locate_subdirs $pkgdir]
+ if { $ecosadmin::package_data($pkg,versions) == "" } {
+ fatal_error "package $pkg has no version directories"
+ }
+ }
+ # Sort all the versions using a version-aware comparison version
+ set ecosadmin::package_data($pkg,versions) [
+ lsort -command ecosadmin::cdl_compare_version $ecosadmin::package_data($pkg,versions)
+ ]
+ }
+# Given a package name as supplied by the user, return the internal package name.
+# This involves searching through the list of aliases.
+proc ecosadmin::find_package { name } {
+ foreach pkg $ecosadmin::known_packages {
+ if { [string toupper $pkg] == [string toupper $name] } {
+ return $pkg
+ }
+ foreach alias $ecosadmin::package_data($pkg,alias) {
+ if { [string toupper $alias] == [string toupper $name] } {
+ return $pkg
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+# }}}
+# {{{ Directory and file utilities
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Start with a number of utility routines to access all files in
+# a directory, stripping out well-known files such as
+# The routines take an optional pattern argument if only certain
+# files are of interest.
+# Note that symbolic links are returned as well as files.
+proc ecosadmin::locate_files { dir { pattern "*"} } {
+ ASSERT { $dir != "" }
+ # Start by getting a list of all the files.
+ set filelist [glob -nocomplain -- [file join $dir $pattern]]
+ if { $pattern == "*" } {
+ # For "everything", include ".*" files, but excluding .
+ # and .. directories
+ lappend filelist [glob -nocomplain -- [file join $dir ".\[a-zA-Z0-9\]*"]]
+ }
+ # Eliminate the pathnames from all of these files
+ set filenames ""
+ foreach file $filelist {
+ if { [string range $file end end] != "~" } {
+ lappend filenames [file tail $file]
+ }
+ }
+ # Eliminate any subdirectories.
+ set subdirs ""
+ foreach name $filenames {
+ if { [file isdir [file join $dir $name]] } {
+ lappend subdirs $name
+ }
+ }
+ foreach subdir $subdirs {
+ set index [lsearch -exact $filenames $subdir]
+ set filenames [lreplace $filenames $index $index]
+ }
+ return $filenames
+# This utility returns all sub-directories, as opposed to all files.
+# A variant glob pattern is used here. This version is not recursive.
+proc ecosadmin::locate_subdirs { dir { pattern "*" }} {
+ ASSERT { $dir != "" }
+ set dirlist [glob -nocomplain -- [file join $dir $pattern "."]]
+ # Eliminate the pathnames and the spurious /. at the end of each entry
+ set dirnames ""
+ foreach dir $dirlist {
+ lappend dirnames [file tail [file dirname $dir]]
+ }
+ # Get rid of the CVS directory, if any
+ if { $ecosadmin::keep_cvs == 0 } {
+ set index [lsearch -exact $dirnames "CVS"]
+ if { $index != -1 } {
+ set dirnames [lreplace $dirnames $index $index]
+ }
+ }
+ # That should be it.
+ return $dirnames
+# A variant which is recursive. This one does not support a pattern.
+proc ecosadmin::locate_all_subdirs { dir } {
+ ASSERT { $dir != "" }
+ set result ""
+ foreach subdir [locate_subdirs $dir] {
+ lappend result $subdir
+ foreach x [locate_all_subdirs [file join $dir $subdir]] {
+ lappend result [file join $subdir $x]
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+# This routine returns a list of all the files in a given directory and in
+# all subdirectories, preserving the subdirectory name.
+proc ecosadmin::locate_all_files { dir { pattern "*" } } {
+ ASSERT { $dir != "" }
+ set files [locate_files $dir $pattern]
+ set subdirs [locate_subdirs $dir]
+ foreach subdir $subdirs {
+ set subfiles [locate_all_files [file join $dir $subdir] $pattern]
+ foreach file $subfiles {
+ lappend files [file join $subdir $file]
+ }
+ }
+ return $files
+# Sometimes a directory may be empty, or contain just a CVS subdirectory,
+# in which case there is no point in copying it across.
+proc ecosadmin::is_empty_directory { dir } {
+ ASSERT { $dir != "" }
+ set contents [glob -nocomplain -- [file join $dir "*"]]
+ if { [llength $contents] == 0 } {
+ return 1
+ }
+ if { ([llength $contents] == 1) && [string match {*CVS} $contents] } {
+ return 1
+ }
+ return 0
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Take a cygwin32 filename such as //d/tmp/pkgobj and turn it into something
+# acceptable to Tcl, i.e. d:/tmp/pkgobj. There are a few other complications...
+proc ecosadmin::get_pathname_for_tcl { name } {
+ if { ( $ecosadmin::windows_host ) && ( $name != "" ) } {
+ # If there is no logical drive letter specified
+ if { [ string match "?:*" $name ] == 0 } {
+ # Invoke cygpath to resolve the POSIX-style path
+ if { [ catch { exec cygpath -w $name } result ] != 0 } {
+ fatal_error "processing filepath $name:\n$result"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set result $name
+ }
+ # Convert backslashes to forward slashes
+ regsub -all -- {\\} $result "/" name
+ }
+ return $name
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Make sure that a newly created or copied file is writable. This operation
+# is platform-specific. Under Unix at most the current user is given
+# permission, since there does not seem to be any easy way to get hold
+# of the real umask.
+proc ecosadmin::make_writable { name } {
+ ASSERT { $name != "" }
+ ASSERT { [file isfile $name] }
+ if { [file writable $name] == 0 } {
+ if { $ecosadmin::windows_host != 0 } {
+ file attributes $name -readonly 0
+ } else {
+ set mask [file attributes $name -permissions]
+ set mask [expr $mask | 0200]
+ file attributes $name -permissions $mask
+ }
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ main()
+# Procedure target_requires_missing_package determines whether a
+# target entry is dependent on missing packages. It is called when
+# filtering templates out of the database
+proc ecosadmin::target_requires_missing_package { target } {
+ foreach package $ecosadmin::target_data($target,packages) {
+ if { [ lsearch $ecosadmin::known_packages $package ] == -1 } {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+# Procedure template_requires_missing_package determines whether a
+# template entry is dependent on missing packages. It is called when
+# filtering templates out of the database
+proc ecosadmin::template_requires_missing_package { template } {
+ foreach package $ecosadmin::template_data($template,packages) {
+ if { [ lsearch $ecosadmin::known_packages $package ] == -1 } {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+# Procedure target_requires_any_package determines whether a target entry
+# is dependent on specified packages. It is called when removing packages
+# to determine whether a target should also be removed
+proc ecosadmin::target_requires_any_package { target packages } {
+ foreach package $packages {
+ if { [ lsearch $ecosadmin::target_data($target,packages) $package ] != -1 } {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+# Procedure template_requires_any_package determines whether a template entry
+# is dependent on specified packages. It is called when removing packages
+# to determine whether a template should also be removed
+proc ecosadmin::template_requires_any_package { template packages } {
+ foreach package $packages {
+ if { [ lsearch $ecosadmin::template_data($template,packages) $package ] != -1 } {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+# Procedure merge_new_packages adds any entries in the specified data
+# file to the eCos repository database iff they are not already present
+proc ecosadmin::merge_new_packages { datafile } {
+ # open the eCos database file for appending
+ set ecosfile [ file join $ecosadmin::component_repository "ecos.db" ]
+ variable outfile [ open $ecosfile a+ ]
+ # initialize the list of merged packages
+ set ecosadmin::merge_packages ""
+ # this procedure is called when the interpreter encounters a
+ # package command in the datafile
+ proc merge { command name body } {
+ ecosadmin::report "processing $command $name"
+ # append the new package/target/template only if it is not already known
+ if { ( ( $command == "package" ) && ( [ lsearch -exact $ecosadmin::known_packages $name ] == -1 ) ) ||
+ ( ( $command == "target" ) && ( [ lsearch -exact $ecosadmin::known_targets $name ] == -1 ) ) ||
+ ( ( $command == "template" ) && ( [ lsearch -exact $ecosadmin::known_templates $name ] == -1 ) ) } {
+ puts $ecosadmin::outfile "$command $name {$body}\n"
+ }
+ # add new packages to the list of merged packages
+ if { ( "package" == $command ) } {
+ lappend ecosadmin::merge_packages $name
+ }
+ }
+ # Create the parser, add the aliased commands, and then define
+ # the routines that do the real work.
+ set parser [ interp create -safe ]
+ $parser alias merge ecosadmin::merge
+ $parser eval {
+ proc package { name body } {
+ merge "package" $name $body
+ }
+ proc template { name body } {
+ merge "template" $name $body
+ }
+ proc target { name body } {
+ merge "target" $name $body
+ }
+ }
+ # The parser is ready to evaluate the script. To avoid having to give the
+ # safe interpreter file I/O capabilities, the file is actually read in
+ # here and then evaluated.
+ set status [ catch {
+ set fd [ open $datafile r ]
+ set script [ read $fd ]
+ close $fd
+ $parser eval $script
+ } message ]
+ # The interpreter and the aliased commands are no longer required.
+ rename merge {}
+ interp delete $parser
+ # close the eCos database file
+ close $outfile
+ # report errors
+ if { $status != 0 } {
+ ecosadmin::fatal_error "parsing $datafile:\n$message"
+ }
+# Procedure filter_old_packages removes the specified packages/versions
+# from the eCos repository database. Any targets and templates dependent
+# on the removed packages are also removed.
+proc ecosadmin::filter_old_packages { old_packages } {
+ # open the new eCos database file for writing
+ set ecosfile [ file join $ecosadmin::component_repository "" ]
+ variable outfile [ open $ecosfile w ]
+ variable filter_list $old_packages
+ variable removed_packages ""
+ # this procedure is called when the interpreter encounters a command in the datafile on the first pass
+ # it generates a list of packages which will be removed on the second pass
+ proc removelist { command name body } {
+ if { [ lsearch $ecosadmin::filter_list $name ] != -1 } {
+ # the package is in the filter list
+ if { ( $ecosadmin::version_arg == "" ) || ( [ llength $ecosadmin::package_data($name,versions) ] == 1 ) } {
+ # there is no version argument or only one version so add the package to the remove list
+ set ::ecosadmin::removed_packages [ lappend ::ecosadmin::removed_packages $name ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # this procedure is called when the interpreter encounters a command in the datafile on the second pass
+ proc filter { command name body } {
+ if { ( $command == "target" ) && ( ( [ target_requires_any_package $name $ecosadmin::removed_packages ] != 0 ) || ( [ target_requires_missing_package $name ] != 0 ) ) } {
+ # the target requires a package which has been removed so remove the target
+ ecosadmin::report "removing target $name"
+ } elseif { ( $command == "template" ) && ( ( [ template_requires_any_package $name $ecosadmin::removed_packages ] != 0 ) || ( [ template_requires_missing_package $name ] != 0 ) ) } {
+ # the template requires a package which has been removed so remove the template
+ ecosadmin::report "removing template $name"
+ } elseif { [ lsearch $ecosadmin::filter_list $name ] == -1 } {
+ # the package is not in the filter list so copy the data to the new database
+ puts $ecosadmin::outfile "$command $name {$body}\n"
+ } else {
+ # the package is in the filter list
+ set package_dir [ file join $ecosadmin::component_repository $ecosadmin::package_data($name,dir) ]
+ if { ( $ecosadmin::version_arg != "" ) && ( [ llength $ecosadmin::package_data($name,versions) ] > 1 ) } {
+ # there are multiple versions and only one version will be removed
+ # so copy the data to the new database and only remove one version directory
+ set package_dir [ file join $package_dir $ecosadmin::version_arg ]
+ ecosadmin::report "removing package $name $ecosadmin::version_arg"
+ puts $ecosadmin::outfile "$command $name {$body}\n"
+ } else {
+ # there is no version argument or only one version so delete the package directory
+ ecosadmin::report "removing package $name"
+ }
+ if { [ catch { file delete -force -- $package_dir } message ] != 0 } {
+ # issue a warning if package deletion failed - this is not fatal
+ ecosadmin::warning $message
+ }
+ set dir [ file dirname $package_dir ]
+ while { [ llength [ glob -nocomplain -- [ file join $dir "*" ] ] ] == 0 } {
+ # the parent of the deleted directory is now empty so delete it
+ if { [ catch { file delete -- $dir } message ] != 0 } {
+ # issue a warning if empty directory deletion failed - this is not fatal
+ ecosadmin::warning $message
+ }
+ set dir [ file dirname $dir ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Create the parser, add the aliased commands, and then define
+ # the routines that do the real work.
+ set parser [ interp create -safe ]
+ $parser eval {
+ proc package { name body } {
+ filter "package" $name $body
+ }
+ proc template { name body } {
+ filter "template" $name $body
+ }
+ proc target { name body } {
+ filter "target" $name $body
+ }
+ }
+ # The parser is ready to evaluate the script. To avoid having to give the
+ # safe interpreter file I/O capabilities, the file is actually read in
+ # here and then evaluated.
+ set filename [ file join $ecosadmin::component_repository "ecos.db" ]
+ set status [ catch {
+ set fd [ open $filename r ]
+ set script [ read $fd ]
+ close $fd
+ # first pass to generate a list of packages which will be removed
+ $parser alias filter ecosadmin::removelist
+ $parser eval $script
+ # second pass to remove the packages, targets and templates
+ $parser alias filter ecosadmin::filter
+ $parser eval $script
+ } message ]
+ # The interpreter and the aliased commands are no longer required.
+ rename filter {}
+ interp delete $parser
+ # close the new eCos database file
+ close $outfile
+ # report errors
+ if { $status != 0 } {
+ ecosadmin::fatal_error "parsing $filename:\n$message"
+ }
+ # replace the old eCos database file with the new one
+ file rename -force $ecosfile $filename
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Process_add_packages. This routine is responsible for installing packages
+# into the eCos repository using the gzip and tar tools which must be on
+# the path
+proc ecosadmin::process_add_package { } {
+ ASSERT { $ecosadmin::add_package != "" }
+ ASSERT { $ecosadmin::component_repository != "" }
+ # calculate the absolute path of the specified package archive
+ # since we must change directory before extracting files
+ # note that we cannot use "tar -C" to avoid changing directory
+ # since "tar -C" only accepts relative paths
+ set abs_package [ file join [ pwd ] $ecosadmin::add_package ]
+ set datafile "pkgadd.db"
+ set licensefile "pkgadd.txt"
+ set logfile "pkgadd.log"
+ cd $ecosadmin::component_repository
+ # check for --extract_license on command line
+ if { $ecosadmin::extract_license_arg == 1 } {
+ # extract the license file (if any) from the specified gzipped tar archive
+ file delete $licensefile
+ catch { exec > $ecosadmin::null_device gzip -d < $abs_package | tar xf - $licensefile }
+ return
+ }
+ # extract the package data file from the specified gzipped tar archive
+ if { [ catch { exec > $ecosadmin::null_device gzip -d < $abs_package | tar xf - $datafile } message ] != 0 } {
+ fatal_error "extracting $datafile:\n$message"
+ }
+ # obtain license acceptance
+ if { [ ecosadmin::accept_license $abs_package $licensefile ] != "y" } {
+ file delete $datafile
+ file delete $licensefile
+ fatal_error "license agreement not accepted"
+ }
+ # extract the remaining package contents and generate a list of extracted files
+ if { [ catch { exec gzip -d < $abs_package | tar xvf - > $logfile } message ] != 0 } {
+ file delete $logfile
+ fatal_error "extracting files:\n$message"
+ }
+ # read the list of extracted files from the log file
+ set fd [ open $logfile r ]
+ set message [ read $fd ]
+ close $fd
+ file delete $logfile
+ # convert extracted text files to use the line-ending convention of the host
+ set filelist [ split $message "\n" ]
+ set binary_extension ".bin"
+ foreach filename $filelist {
+ if { [ file isfile $filename ] != 0 } {
+ if { [ file extension $filename ] == $binary_extension } {
+ # a binary file - so remove the binary extension
+ file rename -force -- $filename [ file rootname $filename ]
+ } else {
+ # a text file - so convert file to use native line-endings
+ # read in the file (line-ending conversion is implicit)
+ set fd [ open $filename "r" ]
+ set filetext [ read $fd ]
+ close $fd
+ # write the file out again
+ set fd [ open $filename "w" ]
+ puts -nonewline $fd $filetext
+ close $fd
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # merge the new package information into the eCos database file as necessary
+ ecosadmin::merge_new_packages [ file join $ecosadmin::component_repository $datafile ]
+ # delete the database and license files
+ file delete $datafile
+ file delete $licensefile
+ # read the revised database back in and remove any
+ # targets and templates with missing packages
+ read_data ""
+ filter_old_packages ""
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Process_remove_package. This routine is responsible for uninstalling a
+# package from the eCos repository
+proc ecosadmin::process_remove_package { } {
+ ASSERT { $ecosadmin::remove_package != "" }
+ # get the formal package name
+ set package_name [ ecosadmin::find_package $ecosadmin::remove_package ]
+ if { $package_name == "" } {
+ # package not found
+ fatal_error "package not found"
+ } elseif { $ecosadmin::version_arg == "" } {
+ # version not specified
+# if { [ llength $ecosadmin::package_data($package_name,versions) ] > 1 } {
+# fatal_error "multiple versions, use --version"
+# }
+ } elseif { [ lsearch $ecosadmin::package_data($package_name,versions) $ecosadmin::version_arg ] == -1 } {
+ # specified version not found
+ fatal_error "version not found"
+ }
+ # filter out the old package from the eCos database file
+ filter_old_packages $package_name
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Process_merge_repository. This routine is responsible for merging packages
+# from another repository into the eCos repository
+proc ecosadmin::process_merge_repository { } {
+ ASSERT { $ecosadmin::merge_repository != "" }
+ ASSERT { $ecosadmin::component_repository != "" }
+ # merge new package and target information into the eCos database file as necessary
+ # names of packages to be merged are placed in $ecosadmin::merge_packages
+ ecosadmin::merge_new_packages [ file join $ecosadmin::merge_repository "ecos.db" ]
+ # read the revised database back in to pick up new package paths, but ignore missing package directories
+ read_data "silent"
+ # copy package directories into the repository as necessary
+ # existing packages are never replaced but a another version may be added
+ foreach pkg $ecosadmin::merge_packages {
+ set newpkgdir [file join $ecosadmin::merge_repository $ecosadmin::package_data($pkg,dir)]
+ foreach newpkgver [locate_subdirs $newpkgdir] {
+ if { [lsearch $ecosadmin::package_data($pkg,versions) $newpkgver] == -1 } {
+ ecosadmin::report "copying $pkg $newpkgver"
+ file mkdir [ file join $ecosadmin::component_repository $ecosadmin::package_data($pkg,dir) ]
+ file copy [ file join $newpkgdir $newpkgver ] [ file join $ecosadmin::component_repository $ecosadmin::package_data($pkg,dir) $newpkgver ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # read the revised database again to deliver warnings of missing package directories if necessary
+ read_data ""
+ # copy new files from the pkgconf and templates directory hierarchies into the repository as necessary
+ foreach topdir { pkgconf templates } {
+ set repository_files [ ecosadmin::locate_all_files [ file join $ecosadmin::component_repository $topdir ] ]
+ set merge_files [ ecosadmin::locate_all_files [ file join $ecosadmin::merge_repository $topdir ] ]
+ foreach filename $merge_files {
+ if { [lsearch $repository_files $filename] == -1 } {
+ ecosadmin::report "copying $topdir file $filename"
+ file mkdir [ file join $ecosadmin::component_repository $topdir [ file dirname $filename ] ]
+ file copy [ file join $ecosadmin::merge_repository $topdir $filename ] [ file join $ecosadmin::component_repository $topdir $filename ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # copy files from the top level packages directory into the repository as necessary
+ foreach filename [ glob -nocomplain -directory $ecosadmin::merge_repository -type f * ] {
+ set destination [ file join $ecosadmin::component_repository [ file tail $filename ] ]
+ if { 0 == [ file exists $destination ] } {
+ ecosadmin::report "copying file [file tail $filename]"
+ file copy $filename $destination
+ }
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Accept_license. This routine is responsible for displaying the package
+# license and obtaining user acceptance. It returns "y" if the license is
+# accepted.
+proc ecosadmin::accept_license { archivename filename } {
+ ASSERT { $ecosadmin::add_package != "" }
+ # check for --accept_license on command line
+ if { $ecosadmin::accept_license_arg == 1 } {
+ # --accept_license specified so do not prompt for acceptance
+ return "y"
+ }
+ # extract the specified license file from the specified gzipped tar archive
+ if { [ catch { exec > $ecosadmin::null_device gzip -d < $archivename | tar xf - $filename } message ] != 0 } {
+ # no license file
+ return "y"
+ }
+ # read in the file and output to the user
+ set fd [ open $filename "r" ]
+ set filetext [ read $fd ]
+ close $fd
+ puts $filetext
+ # prompt for acceptance
+ puts -nonewline "Do you accept all the terms of the preceding license agreement? (y/n) "
+ flush "stdout"
+ gets "stdin" response
+ # return the first character of the response in lowercase
+ return [ string tolower [ string index $response 0 ] ]
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Main(). This code only runs if the script is being run stand-alone rather
+# than as part of a larger application. The controlling predicate is the
+# existence of the variable ecosadmin_not_standalone which can be set by
+# the containing program if any.
+if { ! [info exists ecosadmin_not_standalone] } {
+ # Decide where warnings and fatal errors should go.
+ ecosadmin::initialise_error_handling
+ # First, check for --help or any of the variants. If this script
+ # is running in a larger program then it is assumed that the
+ # containing program will not pass --help as an argument.
+ if { ( $argv == "--help" ) || ( $argv == "-help" ) ||
+ ( $argv == "--H" ) || ( $argv == "-H" ) || ($argv == "" ) } {
+ ecosadmin::argument_help
+ return
+ }
+ # catch any errors while processing the specified command
+ if { [ catch {
+ # Parse the arguments and set the global variables appropriately.
+ ecosadmin::parse_arguments $argv0 $argv
+ # Read in the eCos repository database.
+ ecosadmin::read_data ""
+ # Process the ecosadmin command
+ if { $ecosadmin::list_packages_arg != 0 } {
+ foreach pkg $ecosadmin::known_packages {
+ ecosadmin::report "$pkg: $ecosadmin::package_data($pkg,versions)"
+ }
+ } elseif { $ecosadmin::add_package != "" } {
+ ecosadmin::process_add_package
+ } elseif { $ecosadmin::remove_package != "" } {
+ ecosadmin::process_remove_package
+ } elseif { $ecosadmin::merge_repository != "" } {
+ ecosadmin::process_merge_repository
+ }
+ } error_message ] != 0 } {
+ # handle error message
+ if { [ info exists gui_mode ] } {
+ return $error_message
+ }
+ puts "ecosadmin error: $error_message"
+ }
+ return
+# }}}