path: root/common/ipmbox
diff options
authorIPMbox Team2012-02-03 14:32:28 +0100
committerNicolas Schodet2012-02-20 10:08:46 +0100
commit3ed571f9d933e5c5dadef650c07e20e8aad06213 (patch)
tree761bfe80d4660605e00f52afb8532d9a2ef847b6 /common/ipmbox
parent89328e8cc096f8c9f340a3eb8910d06748a3e572 (diff)
cesar, cleopatre, common: new ipmbox design, closes #848
Diffstat (limited to 'common/ipmbox')
10 files changed, 1601 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/ipmbox/Module b/common/ipmbox/Module
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d1af1d099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/ipmbox/Module
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+SOURCES = queue.c
diff --git a/common/ipmbox/doc/Makefile b/common/ipmbox/doc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0027813ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/ipmbox/doc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+DOCUMENTS = ipmbox
+GEN_IMAGES = flow_tx.png flow_rx.png rpc.png
+all: html
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+%.html: %.txt images
+ rst2html $< $@
+pdf: $(DOCUMENTS:%=%.pdf)
+%.pdf: %.txt images
+ rst2pdf $< -o $@
+images: $(GEN_IMAGES)
+flow_%.png: flow.svg
+ inkscape $< --export-png=$@ -i g$*
+%.png: %.msc
+ mscgen -T png -i $< -o $@
+ rm $(GEN_IMAGES) $(DOCUMENTS:%=%.html) $(DOCUMENTS:%=%.pdf)
diff --git a/common/ipmbox/doc/flow.svg b/common/ipmbox/doc/flow.svg
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
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+ y="134.28906">IPMBox RX part</tspan></text>
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+ id="tspan3639">Buf</tspan><tspan
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+ id="tspan3637">A2L</tspan></text>
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+ y="349.23621">MBX</tspan><tspan
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+ sodipodi:role="line">Send to Linux</tspan><tspan
+ id="tspan3723"
+ y="553.27625"
+ x="319.49902"
+ sodipodi:role="line">network layer</tspan><tspan
+ id="tspan3725"
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+ sodipodi:role="line">(NAPI)</tspan></text>
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+ sodipodi:role="line">Send to netlink</tspan><tspan
+ id="tspan5728"
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+ x="460.00293"
+ sodipodi:role="line">(managerd/plcd)</tspan><tspan
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+ id="text5763"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
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+ y="893.1731">Buf</tspan><tspan
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+ id="tspan5767">Mgr</tspan></text>
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+ y="926.73035"
+ id="text6599"><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ id="tspan6601"
+ x="439.69238"
+ y="926.73035">CP/Interface</tspan></text>
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+ style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-dashoffset:0;marker-end:url(#Arrow1Lend)"
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+ xml:space="preserve"><tspan
+ y="903.97943"
+ x="579.70703"
+ id="tspan7383"
+ sodipodi:role="line">From hle/tools</tspan></text>
+ </g>
+ </g>
diff --git a/common/ipmbox/doc/ipmbox.txt b/common/ipmbox/doc/ipmbox.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..916e417d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/ipmbox/doc/ipmbox.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+IPMBox specifications
+This document contains Inter Processor MailBox (IPMBox) specifications. Its
+goals are :
+- to describe how works the IPMBox, the queues and the messages it uses
+- to provide description of interfaces used to communicate with other parts.
+====== ==========================
+Term Definition
+====== ==========================
+IPMBox Inter Processor MailBox
+HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer
+MME Management Message Entity
+RPC Remote Procedure Call
+====== ==========================
+IPMBox (Inter Processor MailBox)
+Communication between Cesar and Cleopatre is done through an Hardware
+Abstraction Layer (HAL) interface named IPMBox.
+This interface provides all functions to send/receive an Ethernet packet,
+Message Management Entity (MME) or other messages to/from Cleopatre without
+knowing how the hardware part is implemented : this allows to use the same
+Higher Layer Entity (HLE) for both real (LEON) and simulated (Maximus)
+Hardware implementation relies on interrupt based mechanism. For example, on
+the reception layer part, when a data packet is received, an interrupt is
+triggered, which leads to the execution of the interrupt handler:
+- acknowledge the interrupt
+- get a copy of pending message descriptors into a dedicated descriptor buffer
+- update the queue head pointer
+- process copy of message descriptor one after one (several messages may have
+ been received).
+IPMBox hardware implementation
+The hardware is responsible to provide mechanisms to:
+- trigger interrupt
+- acknowledge interrupt
+- mask interrupt.
+Those mechanisms should be provided for both directions, independently.
+The current hardware implementation also provides registers to store head and
+tail queue's pointers for two queues. As we need more of them, some pointers
+are stored on shared memory (accessible by both processors). Thus, those
+registers are not a mandatory part of the implementation.
+Each queue is implemented as a circular buffer, with an head and tail pointer.
+The writer can only update tail, the reader can only update head. When head
+and tail pointers are equal, the buffer is empty. Only the writer can write to
+the buffer. Current implementation takes measures not to be affected by
+processor cache. The complete message, including its parameters are written in
+the buffer.
+Queues are provided by pair, one for each direction:
+- data: to transmit messages with an attached payload,
+- empty buffer: to transmit messages to be filled or cleared,
+- mailbox: to transmit messages for management (MME, debug dump, RPC).
+It also contains base and end pointers to improve management of the rollover.
+Interrupt handshake
+To trigger an interrupt, the writer writes a one in the interrupt trigger bit,
+this will set the interrupt flag bit to one. The interrupt is asserted on the
+reader as long as it is one. To acknowledge the interrupt, the reader must
+write a one to the interrupt flag bit. Writing a zero does not affect the
+The interrupt can be masked by clearing the interrupt enable bit.
+Initialisation protocol
+Both CPUs need to know and share some queues informations like queue's sizes
+and start of shared memory zone.
+A protocol is defined to:
+- exchange those information,
+- prevent incompatible changes between both Cleopatre and Cesar IPMBox's
+ implementation
+- know when Cesar is ready and IPMBox has been setup on both sides.
+Information flow
+TX flows
+.. figure:: flow_tx.png
+Data frames are sent on the data queue, private MMEs are sent on the mailbox
+queue. Once the buffer has been used by the corresponding Cesar entity, it is
+sent back to Cleopatre.
+The number of buffers sent to Cesar is limited so that the empty buffer queue
+can never overflow.
+All other messages (RPC and debug dump) are sent on the mailbox queue.
+RX flows
+Cleoaptre is responsible to feed the bufmgr with a pool of empty buffer. When
+a Cesar entity needs a buffer, it requests it to the bufmgr, fills it and
+sends it to Cleopatre using the data queue, or the mailbox queue for private
+The number of empty buffers provided by Cleopatre is limited so that the RX
+queues can never overflow.
+All other messages (RPC and debug dump) are sent on the mailbox queue.
+.. figure:: flow_rx.png
+Messages nomenclature
+Empty buf
+This message only contains the address of the empty buffer. It is only sent on
+the empty buf queues.
+Buffers coming from Cleopatre are supposed to contain enough room to put any
+Ethernet frame.
+Size of buffers coming from Cesar is unspecified. Cleopatre is supposed to
+known this information as it previously sent the buffer to Cesar.
+This message is only sent on the data queues. It contains:
+- data buffer address,
+- data length,
+- VLAN prio (see IEEE P802.1p), used by Cesar to classify the data frame.
+MME priv
+This message contains a private MME and is only sent on the mailbox queues. It
+- the message type (IPMBOX_MSG_MBX_TYPE_MME_PRIV),
+- MME buffer address,
+- MME length.
+Debug dump
+This message is used to retrieve debug information dump from Cesar. It is only
+sent on mailbox queues.
+When sent to Cesar, the message contains:
+- the message type (IPMBOX_MSG_MBX_TYPE_DEBUG_DUMP),
+- an empty buffer address,
+- the number of bytes available in the provided buffer.
+Cesar is expected to reply with the same message which contains:
+- the message type (IPMBOX_MSG_MBX_TYPE_DEBUG_DUMP),
+- the same buffer address,
+- the number of bytes written in the buffer.
+This message is used to implement a remote procedure call to Cesar. It is only
+sent on mailbox queues.
+When sent to Cesar, the message contains:
+- the message type (IPMBOX_MSG_MBX_TYPE_RPC),
+- an exchange buffer address,
+- a forward length, which is the length of readable data in the exchange
+ buffer,
+- a reverse length in kilobyte, which is the available length in the exchange
+ buffer for writing,
+- a cookie to identify the request.
+If reverse length is 0, Cesar can not reply, it should wait the next message
+which will contain more information.
+If forward length is 0, Cesar is supposed to continue a previous exchange by
+sending more information.
+When sent from Cesar, the message contains:
+- the message type (IPMBOX_MSG_MBX_TYPE_RPC),
+- the same exchange buffer address,
+- a forward length, which is the length of readable data in the exchange
+ buffer, this can be zero,
+- a more_data flag to request more buffer to continue the exchange,
+- the same cookie as the request message.
+.. figure:: rpc.png
+ Example: Cleopatre send a RPC message of 1166 bytes, Cesar reply with 1184
+ bytes, with a buffer of 1024 bytes.
diff --git a/common/ipmbox/doc/rpc.msc b/common/ipmbox/doc/rpc.msc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e662080e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/ipmbox/doc/rpc.msc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# MSC for RPC exchanges.
+msc {
+ a [ label = "Cleopatre" ], b [ label = "Cesar" ];
+ a->b [ label = "forward length = 1024, revese length = 0" ];
+ a->b [ label = "forward length = 142, revese length = 1k" ];
+ a<-b [ label = "forward length = 1024, more data" ];
+ a->b [ label = "forward length = 0, revese length = 1k" ];
+ a<-b [ label = "forward length = 160" ];
diff --git a/common/ipmbox/msg.h b/common/ipmbox/msg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..caa0674393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/ipmbox/msg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#ifndef common_ipmbox_msg_h
+#define common_ipmbox_msg_h
+/* Cesar project {{{
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Spidcom
+ *
+ * <<<Licence>>>
+ *
+ * }}} */
+ * \file common/ipmbox/msg.h
+ * \brief IPMBox message format.
+ */
+#include "common/universe.h"
+ * MBX message types.
+ */
+enum ipmbox_msg_mbx_type_t
+ * Number of words for one message on each queue.
+ */
+ (sizeof (ipmbox_msg_mbx_t) / sizeof (u32))
+ (sizeof (ipmbox_msg_empty_buf_t) / sizeof (u32))
+ (sizeof (ipmbox_msg_data_t) / sizeof (u32))
+ * Structure of an empty buffer message.
+ */
+typedef struct ipmbox_msg_empty_buf_t
+ /** Buffer address (physical). */
+ u32 buffer_addr;
+} ipmbox_msg_empty_buf_t;
+ * Structure of a data message.
+ */
+typedef struct ipmbox_msg_data_t
+ /** Message header. */
+ u32 header;
+ /** Buffer address (physical). */
+ u32 buffer_addr;
+} ipmbox_msg_data_t;
+ * Structure of a mailbox message.
+ */
+typedef struct ipmbox_msg_mbx_t
+ /** Message header. */
+ u32 header;
+ /** Buffer address (physical). */
+ u32 buffer_addr;
+} ipmbox_msg_mbx_t;
+ * Build an header for data type.
+ * \param length length of data frame
+ * \param prio_tag VLAN priority tag
+ * \return the built header
+ */
+extern inline u32
+ipmbox_msg_create_header_data (unsigned int length, unsigned int prio_tag)
+ dbg_claim (length && length < (1 << 11));
+ dbg_claim (prio_tag < (1 << 3));
+ return length | (prio_tag << 11);
+/** Get length from data header. */
+extern inline unsigned int
+ipmbox_msg_get_data_length (u32 header)
+ return header & ((1 << 11) - 1);
+/** Get prio_tag from data header. */
+extern inline unsigned int
+ipmbox_msg_get_data_prio_tag (u32 header)
+ return (header >> 11) & ((1 << 3) - 1);
+/** Get message type from mbx header. */
+extern inline unsigned int
+ipmbox_msg_get_mbx_type (u32 header)
+ return header & ((1 << 8) - 1);
+ * Build an header for private MME type.
+ * \param length length of data frame
+ * \return the built header
+ */
+extern inline u32
+ipmbox_msg_create_header_mme_priv (unsigned int length)
+ dbg_assert (length && length < (1 << 11));
+ return IPMBOX_MSG_MBX_TYPE_MME_PRIV | (length << 8);
+/** Get length from mme_priv header. */
+extern inline unsigned int
+ipmbox_msg_get_mme_priv_length (u32 header)
+ return (header >> 8) & ((1 << 11) - 1);
+ * Build an header for debug dump type.
+ * \param length length of data frame
+ * \return the built header
+ */
+extern inline u32
+ipmbox_msg_create_header_debug_dump (unsigned int length)
+ dbg_assert (length < (1 << 16));
+ return IPMBOX_MSG_MBX_TYPE_DEBUG_DUMP | (length << 8);
+/** Get length from debug dump header. */
+extern inline unsigned int
+ipmbox_msg_get_debug_dump_length (u32 header)
+ return (header >> 8) & ((1 << 16) - 1);
+ * Build an header for RPC request type (A2L).
+ * \param forward_length length of readable data in buffer
+ * \param reverse_length_kb length of writable space in buffer in kilobyte
+ * \param cookie cookie to identify request
+ */
+extern inline u32
+ipmbox_msg_create_header_rpc_a2l (unsigned int forward_length,
+ unsigned int reverse_length_kb,
+ unsigned int cookie)
+ dbg_assert (forward_length < (1 << 13));
+ dbg_assert (reverse_length_kb < (1 << 3));
+ dbg_assert (cookie < (1 << 4));
+ return IPMBOX_MSG_MBX_TYPE_RPC | (forward_length << 8)
+ | (reverse_length_kb << (8 + 13)) | (cookie << (8 + 13 + 3));
+ * Build an header for RPC response type (L2A).
+ * \param forward_length length of readable data in buffer
+ * \param more_data 1 if more data is to be read
+ * \param cookie cookie to identify response
+ */
+extern inline u32
+ipmbox_msg_create_header_rpc_l2a (unsigned int forward_length,
+ bool more_data,
+ unsigned int cookie)
+ dbg_assert (forward_length < (1 << 13));
+ dbg_assert (cookie < (1 << 4));
+ return IPMBOX_MSG_MBX_TYPE_RPC | (forward_length << 8)
+ | (more_data ? (1 << (8 + 13)) : 0)
+ | 0 /* 2 padding bits */
+ | (cookie << (8 + 13 + 1 + 2));
+/** Get length from RPC header. */
+extern inline unsigned int
+ipmbox_msg_get_rpc_forward_length (u32 header)
+ return (header >> 8) & ((1 << 13) - 1);
+/** Get reverse length from RPC request header. */
+extern inline unsigned int
+ipmbox_msg_get_rpc_a2l_reverse_length_kb (u32 header)
+ return (header >> (8 + 13)) & ((1 << 3) - 1);
+/** Get more_data from RPC response header. */
+extern inline bool
+ipmbox_msg_get_rpc_l2a_more_data (u32 header)
+ return ((header >> (8 + 13)) & 1) ? true : false;
+/** Get cookie from RPC header. */
+extern inline unsigned int
+ipmbox_msg_get_rpc_cookie (u32 header)
+ return (header >> (8 + 13 + 3)) & ((1 << 4) - 1);
+#endif /* common_ipmbox_msg_h */
diff --git a/common/ipmbox/protocol.h b/common/ipmbox/protocol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af310d36cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/ipmbox/protocol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#ifndef common_ipmbox_protocol_h
+#define common_ipmbox_protocol_h
+/* Cesar project {{{
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Spidcom
+ *
+ * <<<Licence>>>
+ *
+ * }}} */
+ * \file common/ipmbox/protocol.h
+ * \brief IPMbox protocol defines
+ */
+#include "queue.h"
+#include "msg.h"
+ * Protocol version.
+ * It must be changed when protocol is modified and is not compatible with
+ * previous version. It is stored on a 32 bits.
+ */
+ * Queues sizes in words.
+ * On the TX side (A2L MBX & DATA, L2A EMPTY BUF):
+ * On the RX side (L2A MBX & DATA, A2L EMPTY BUF):
+ * - L2A_MBX / MSG_MBX_WORDS = A2L_EMPTY_BUF (but this is a worst case, in
+ * real life things are not that bad, we take the risk)
+ */
+ * Initialisation of IPMbox structure.
+ */
+typedef struct ipmbox_protocol_init_t
+ /** Version. */
+ u32 version;
+ /** Pointer to shared memory. */
+ volatile ipmbox_queue_ptr_t *shared_mem;
+ /** Table of queues size. */
+} ipmbox_protocol_init_t;
+#endif /* common_ipmbox_protocol_h */
diff --git a/common/ipmbox/queue.h b/common/ipmbox/queue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c5a4e6482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/ipmbox/queue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#ifndef common_ipmbox_queue_h
+#define common_ipmbox_queue_h
+/* Cesar project {{{
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Spidcom
+ *
+ * <<<Licence>>>
+ *
+ * }}} */
+ * \file common/ipmbox/queue.h
+ * \brief IPMbox queue management
+ *
+ * This file contains interfaces used to access the different queues for
+ * IPMbox.
+ */
+#include "common/universe.h"
+ * Shared queue management pointers.
+ * They must follow each others in memory. A structure is used to prevent too
+ * much indirections when accessing those pointers.
+ * Order of pointers is important and must not be changed (otherwise
+ * everything will fail).
+ * Only contains physical address.
+ */
+typedef struct ipmbox_queue_ptr_t
+ unsigned long tail;
+ unsigned long head;
+} ipmbox_queue_ptr_t;
+ * A queue (implemented as a circular ring).
+ */
+typedef struct ipmbox_queue_t
+ /** Base address of start of the queue. */
+ u32 *base_ptr;
+ /** End of the queue (past the queue). */
+ u32 *end_ptr;
+#if !CESAR
+ /** Virtual to physical address offset. */
+ u32 virt_to_phys_offset;
+ /** Pointers of queue. */
+ volatile ipmbox_queue_ptr_t *ptr;
+ /** Queue size in words. */
+ unsigned int size;
+} ipmbox_queue_t;
+ * List of queues in the IPMBox.
+ */
+typedef enum ipmbox_queue_type_t
+ /** All other types of messages (MME, RPC, debug types). */
+ /** Empty buffer to free or for storing message (empty buf only). */
+ /** Data (PLC frame) queue (type data only). */
+} ipmbox_queue_type_t;
+ * IPMbox direction.
+ */
+typedef enum ipmbox_queue_direction_t
+ /** ARM to Leon. */
+ IPMBOX_A2L = 0,
+ /** Leon to ARM. */
+} ipmbox_queue_direction_t;
+ * Convert virtual address to physical address for a pointer into a queue.
+ * \param queue queue context
+ * \param virt virtual address
+ * \return physical address
+ */
+extern inline u32
+ipmbox_queue_virt_to_phys (ipmbox_queue_t *queue, void *virt)
+#if CESAR
+ return (u32) virt;
+ return (u32) virt + queue->virt_to_phys_offset;
+ * Convert physical address to virtual address for a pointer into a queue.
+ * \param queue queue context
+ * \param phys physical address
+ * \return virtual address
+ */
+extern inline void *
+ipmbox_queue_phys_to_virt (ipmbox_queue_t *queue, u32 phys)
+#if CESAR
+ return (void *) phys;
+ return (void *) (phys - queue->virt_to_phys_offset);
+ * Get free space in a queue.
+ * \param queue queue to check
+ * \return free size in words
+ */
+extern inline unsigned int
+ipmbox_queue_get_free_space (ipmbox_queue_t *queue)
+ u32 *tail, *head;
+ /* Check parameter. */
+ dbg_claim (queue);
+ tail = (u32 *) queue->ptr->tail;
+ head = (u32 *) queue->ptr->head;
+ if (tail >= head)
+ return queue->size - (tail - head) - 1;
+ else
+ return head - tail - 1;
+ * Get used space in a queue.
+ * \param queue queue to check
+ * \return used size in words
+ */
+extern inline unsigned int
+ipmbox_queue_get_used_space (ipmbox_queue_t *queue)
+ u32 *tail, *head;
+ /* Check parameter. */
+ dbg_claim (queue);
+ tail = (u32 *) queue->ptr->tail;
+ head = (u32 *) queue->ptr->head;
+ if (tail >= head)
+ return tail - head;
+ else
+ return queue->size + tail - head;
+ * Copy data to a queue.
+ * \param queue queue in which to add data
+ * \param data pointer to the data
+ * \param size data size in words
+ *
+ * \warning callee is responsible to check there is enough space in queue
+ * to copy data.
+ */
+ipmbox_queue_copy_to (ipmbox_queue_t *queue, u32 *data,
+ unsigned int size);
+ * Copy data from a queue.
+ * \param queue queue in which to get data from
+ * \param data pointer to the data where to store them
+ * \param size data size in words (space available in data buffer)
+ *
+ * \warning Callee is responsible to check that size is in sync with current
+ * queue size: size must be inferior or equal to used space in queue (never
+ * over queue size - 1).
+ */
+ipmbox_queue_copy_from (ipmbox_queue_t *queue, u32 *data,
+ unsigned int size);
+#endif /* common_ipmbox_queue_h */
diff --git a/common/ipmbox/registers.h b/common/ipmbox/registers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a6a83df7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/ipmbox/registers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#ifndef common_ipmbox_registers_h
+#define common_ipmbox_registers_h
+/* Cesar project {{{
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Spidcom
+ *
+ * <<<Licence>>>
+ *
+ * }}} */
+ * \file common/ipmbox/registers.h
+ * \brief IPMbox registers
+ */
+#include "common/universe.h"
+/** Bit fields for A2L_IT register. */
+#define IPMBOX_A2L_IT (1 << 0)
+#define IPMBOX_A2L_IT_ACK (1 << 1)
+/** Bit fields for L2A_IT register. */
+#define IPMBOX_L2A_IT (1 << 0)
+#define IPMBOX_L2A_IT_ACK (1 << 1)
+#define IPMBOX_L2A_IT_WKP (1 << 2)
+#define IPMBOX_L2A_IT_WD (1 << 3)
+ * Organisation of the registers.
+ * You need to map this structure to the base address of the IPMbox.
+ * \see IPMbox specification document.
+ */
+typedef struct ipmbox_registers_t
+ u32 a2l_it;
+ u32 a2l_it_mask;
+ u32 l2a_it;
+ u32 l2a_it_mask;
+ u32 a2l_tail;
+ u32 a2l_head;
+ u32 l2a_tail;
+ u32 l2a_head;
+} ipmbox_registers_t;
+#endif /* common_ipmbox_registers_h */
diff --git a/common/ipmbox/src/queue.c b/common/ipmbox/src/queue.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d899db24c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/ipmbox/src/queue.c
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/* Cesar project {{{
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Spidcom
+ *
+ * <<<Licence>>>
+ *
+ * }}} */
+ * \file common/ipmbox/src/queue.c
+ * \brief IPMbox queue management
+ */
+#include "common/universe.h"
+#include "common/ipmbox/queue.h"
+ipmbox_queue_copy_to (ipmbox_queue_t *queue, u32 *data,
+ unsigned int size)
+ u32 *end, *tail;
+ /* Check parameters. */
+ dbg_claim (queue);
+ dbg_claim (data);
+ dbg_claim (size && size < queue->size);
+ /* Initialize local pointers. */
+ end = queue->end_ptr;
+ tail = ipmbox_queue_phys_to_virt (queue, queue->ptr->tail);
+ /* Copy each data. */
+ while (size--)
+ {
+ /* Copy data. */
+ *tail++ = *data++;
+ /* If we reach end of queue, rollover. */
+ if (tail == end)
+ tail = queue->base_ptr;
+ }
+ /* Update tail pointer. */
+ arch_reorder_barrier ();
+ queue->ptr->tail = ipmbox_queue_virt_to_phys (queue, tail);
+ipmbox_queue_copy_from (ipmbox_queue_t *queue, u32 *data,
+ unsigned int size)
+ u32 *end, *head;
+ /* Check parameters. */
+ dbg_claim (queue);
+ dbg_claim (data);
+ dbg_claim (size && size < queue->size);
+ /* Initialize local queue pointer. */
+ head = ipmbox_queue_phys_to_virt (queue, queue->ptr->head);
+ end = queue->end_ptr;
+ /* Get data. */
+ while (size--)
+ {
+ /* Get data. */
+ *data++ = *head++;
+ /* If we reach end of queue, rollover. */
+ if (head == end)
+ head = queue->base_ptr;
+ }
+ /* Update head pointer. */
+ arch_reorder_barrier ();
+ queue->ptr->head = ipmbox_queue_virt_to_phys (queue, head);