path: root/AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/stdlib.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/stdlib.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/stdlib.h b/AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/stdlib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eda811d..0000000
--- a/AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/stdlib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-/* stdlib.h standard header */
-#ifndef _STDLIB
-#define _STDLIB
-#ifndef _SYSTEM_BUILD
- #pragma system_include
-#ifndef _YVALS
- #include <yvals.h>
-#include <ysizet.h>
-#include <xencoding_limits.h>
- /* MACROS */
-#ifndef NULL
- #define NULL _NULL
-#endif /* NULL */
-#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
-#if _ILONG
- #define RAND_MAX 0x3fffffff
-#else /* _ILONG */
- #define RAND_MAX 0x7fff
-#endif /* _ILONG */
-#ifndef _WCHART
- #define _WCHART
- typedef _Wchart wchar_t;
-#endif /* _WCHART */
-typedef struct
-{ /* result of int divide */
- int quot;
- int rem;
-} div_t;
-typedef struct
-{ /* result of long divide */
- long quot;
- long rem;
-} ldiv_t;
- #ifdef _LONGLONG
- typedef struct
- { /* result of long long divide */
- _Longlong quot;
- _Longlong rem;
- } lldiv_t;
-#endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
-_EXTERN_C /* low-level functions */
-__INTRINSIC int atexit(void (*)(void));
- #pragma object_attribute = __noreturn
- __INTRINSIC void _Exit(int) _NO_RETURN; /* added with C99 */
-#endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
-#pragma object_attribute = __noreturn
-__INTRINSIC void exit(int) _NO_RETURN;
-__INTRINSIC char * getenv(const char *);
-__INTRINSIC int system(const char *);
-#pragma object_attribute = __noreturn
-__INTRINSIC void abort(void) _NO_RETURN;
-__INTRINSIC int abs(int);
-__INTRINSIC void * calloc(size_t, size_t);
-__INTRINSIC div_t div(int, int);
-__INTRINSIC void free(void *);
-__INTRINSIC long labs(long);
-__INTRINSIC ldiv_t ldiv(long, long);
- #ifdef _LONGLONG
- __INTRINSIC long long llabs(long long);
- __INTRINSIC lldiv_t lldiv(long long, long long);
- #endif
-#endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
-__INTRINSIC void * malloc(size_t);
-__INTRINSIC int mblen(const char *, size_t);
-__INTRINSIC size_t mbstowcs(wchar_t *, const char *, size_t);
-__INTRINSIC int mbtowc(wchar_t *, const char *, size_t);
-__INTRINSIC int rand(void);
-__INTRINSIC void srand(unsigned int);
-__INTRINSIC void * realloc(void *, size_t);
-__INTRINSIC long strtol(const char *, char **, int);
-__INTRINSIC unsigned long strtoul(const char *, char **, int);
-__INTRINSIC size_t wcstombs(char *, const wchar_t *, size_t);
-__INTRINSIC int wctomb(char *, wchar_t);
- #ifdef _LONGLONG
- __INTRINSIC long long strtoll(const char *, char **, int);
- __INTRINSIC unsigned long long strtoull(const char *, char **, int);
- #endif
-#endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
-#pragma language=save
-#pragma language=extended
-#define __HEAP_MEM_HELPER1__(M, I) \
-__INTRINSIC void M##_free(void M *); \
-__INTRINSIC void M * M##_malloc(M##_size_t); \
-__INTRINSIC void M * M##_calloc(M##_size_t, M##_size_t); \
-__INTRINSIC void M * M##_realloc(void M *, M##_size_t);
-#undef __HEAP_MEM_HELPER1__
-#pragma inline
-void free(void * _P)
- _GLUE(__DEF_PTR_MEM__,_free(_P));
-#pragma inline
-void * malloc(size_t _S)
- return _GLUE(__DEF_PTR_MEM__,_malloc(_S));
-#pragma inline
-void * realloc(void * _P, size_t _S)
- return _GLUE(__DEF_PTR_MEM__,_realloc(_P, _S));
-#pragma inline
-void * calloc(size_t _N, size_t _S)
- return _GLUE(__DEF_PTR_MEM__,_calloc(_N, _S));
-#pragma language=restore
-__INTRINSIC unsigned long _Stoul(const char *, char **, int);
-__INTRINSIC float _Stof(const char *, char **, long);
-__INTRINSIC double _Stod(const char *, char **, long);
-__INTRINSIC long double _Stold(const char *, char **, long);
-#ifdef _LONGLONG
- __INTRINSIC _Longlong _Stoll(const char *, char **, int);
- __INTRINSIC _ULonglong _Stoull(const char *, char **, int);
-typedef int _Cmpfun(const void *, const void *);
-__INTRINSIC void * bsearch(const void *, const void *, size_t, size_t,
- _Cmpfun *);
-__INTRINSIC void qsort(void *, size_t, size_t, _Cmpfun *);
-__INTRINSIC void __qsortbbl(void *, size_t, size_t, _Cmpfun *);
-__INTRINSIC double atof(const char *);
-__INTRINSIC int atoi(const char *);
-__INTRINSIC long atol(const char *);
- #ifdef _LONGLONG
- __INTRINSIC long long atoll(const char *);
- #endif
- __INTRINSIC float strtof(const char *, char **);
- __INTRINSIC long double strtold(const char *, char **);
-#endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
-__INTRINSIC double strtod(const char *, char **);
-__INTRINSIC size_t _Mbcurmax(void);
- typedef void _Atexfun(void);
- #if _HAS_STRICT_LINKAGE && defined(__cplusplus)
- typedef int _Cmpfun2(const void *, const void *);
- #pragma inline
- int atexit(void (*_Pfn)(void))
- { // register a function to call at exit
- return (atexit((_Atexfun *)_Pfn));
- }
- #pragma inline
- void * bsearch(const void *_Key, const void *_Base,
- size_t _Nelem, size_t _Size, _Cmpfun2 *_Cmp)
- { // search by binary chop
- return (bsearch(_Key, _Base, _Nelem, _Size, (_Cmpfun *)_Cmp));
- }
- #pragma inline
- void qsort(void *_Base, size_t _Nelem, size_t _Size, _Cmpfun2 *_Cmp)
- { // sort
- qsort(_Base, _Nelem, _Size, (_Cmpfun *)_Cmp);
- }
- #endif /* _HAS_STRICT_LINKAGE */
- /* INLINES, FOR C and C++ */
- #pragma inline
- double atof(const char *_S)
- { /* convert string to double */
- return (_Stod(_S, 0, 0));
- }
- #pragma inline
- int atoi(const char *_S)
- { /* convert string to int */
- return ((int)_Stoul(_S, 0, 10));
- }
- #pragma inline
- long atol(const char *_S)
- { /* convert string to long */
- return ((long)_Stoul(_S, 0, 10));
- }
- #ifdef _LONGLONG
- #pragma inline
- long long atoll(const char *_S)
- { /* convert string to long long */
- return ((long long)_Stoull(_S, 0, 10));
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
- #pragma inline
- double strtod(const char *_S, char **_Endptr)
- { /* convert string to double, with checking */
- return (_Stod(_S, _Endptr, 0));
- }
- #pragma inline
- float strtof(const char *_S, char **_Endptr)
- { /* convert string to float, with checking */
- return (_Stof(_S, _Endptr, 0));
- }
- #pragma inline
- long double strtold(const char *_S, char **_Endptr)
- { /* convert string to long double, with checking */
- return (_Stold(_S, _Endptr, 0));
- }
- #endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
- #pragma inline
- unsigned long strtoul(const char *_S, char **_Endptr, int _Base)
- { /* convert string to unsigned long, with checking */
- return (_Stoul(_S, _Endptr, _Base));
- }
- #ifdef _LONGLONG
- #pragma inline
- long long strtoll(const char *_S, char **_Endptr, int _Base)
- { /* convert string to long long, with checking */
- return (_Stoll(_S, _Endptr, _Base));
- }
- #pragma inline
- unsigned long long strtoull(const char *_S, char **_Endptr, int _Base)
- { /* convert string to unsigned long long, with checking */
- return (_Stoull(_S, _Endptr, _Base));
- }
- #endif /* _LONGLONG */
- #endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
- #pragma inline
- int abs(int i)
- { /* compute absolute value of int argument */
- return (i < 0 ? -i : i);
- }
- #pragma inline
- long labs(long i)
- { /* compute absolute value of long argument */
- return (i < 0 ? -i : i);
- }
- #ifdef _LONGLONG
- #pragma inline
- long long llabs(long long i)
- { /* compute absolute value of long long argument */
- return (i < 0 ? -i : i);
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- #pragma inline
- long abs(long _X) /* OVERLOADS */
- { /* compute abs */
- return (labs(_X));
- }
- #pragma inline
- ldiv_t div(long _X, long _Y)
- { /* compute quotient and remainder */
- return (ldiv(_X, _Y));
- }
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* _STDLIB */
-#if defined(_STD_USING) && defined(__cplusplus)
- using _CSTD div_t; using _CSTD ldiv_t;
- using _CSTD abort; using _CSTD abs; using _CSTD atexit;
- using _CSTD atof; using _CSTD atoi; using _CSTD atol;
- using _CSTD bsearch; using _CSTD calloc; using _CSTD div;
- using _CSTD exit; using _CSTD free; using _CSTD getenv;
- using _CSTD labs; using _CSTD ldiv; using _CSTD malloc;
- using _CSTD mblen; using _CSTD mbstowcs; using _CSTD mbtowc;
- using _CSTD qsort; using _CSTD rand; using _CSTD realloc;
- using _CSTD srand; using _CSTD strtod;
- using _CSTD strtol; using _CSTD strtoul; using _CSTD system;
- using _CSTD wcstombs; using _CSTD wctomb;
- using _CSTD strtold; using _CSTD strtof;
- #ifdef _LONGLONG
- using _CSTD lldiv_t;
- using _CSTD atoll; using _CSTD strtoll; using _CSTD strtoull;
- using _CSTD llabs; using _CSTD lldiv;
- #endif
- #endif /* _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */
-#endif /* defined(_STD_USING) && defined(__cplusplus) */
- * Copyright (c) 1992-2002 by P.J. Plauger. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
- * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
-V3.12:0576 */