path: root/AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include
diff options
authorNicolas Schodet2010-01-17 19:12:14 +0100
committerNicolas Schodet2010-08-20 00:18:22 +0200
commitcac894d81ab8ad88fafa069622308a027966f159 (patch)
treecec2055f77ff54939eb67e58aa7141ff23d9a315 /AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include
parent5b74fd2352297c6f97042b42b946f04c3d55ba11 (diff)
gcc: import Cstartup.S from winarm
Diffstat (limited to 'AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/Cstartup.S b/AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/Cstartup.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..830916b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AT91SAM7S256/SAM7S256/Include/Cstartup.S
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+//*- ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
+//* The software is delivered "AS IS" without warranty or condition of any
+//* kind, either express, implied or statutory. This includes without
+//* limitation any warranty or condition with respect to merchantability or
+//* fitness for any particular purpose, or against the infringements of
+//* intellectual property rights of others.
+//*- File source : Cstartup.s
+//*- Object : Generic CStartup for KEIL and GCC
+//*- Compilation flag : None
+//*- 1.0 18/Oct/04 JPP : Creation
+//*- 1.1 21/Feb/05 JPP : Set Interrupt
+//*- 1.1 01/Apr/05 JPP : save SPSR
+//*- WinARM/arm-elf-gcc-version by Martin Thomas - Modifications:
+//* remapping-support, vector-location, stack-position and more...
+ 20060902 (mth) : moved IRQ-Handler from section .vect* to
+ .init/.fastrun
+ 20061101 (mth) : update IRQ-Handler
+ FIQ-stack init
+/* check configuration-options and map to "assembler symbols": */
+/*#include "AT91SAM7S256_inc.h"*/
+#ifdef ROM_RUN
+.set RAM_MODE, 0
+.set REMAP, 1
+.set REMAP, 0
+#ifdef RAM_RUN
+.set RAM_MODE, 1
+.set REMAP, 1
+.if (RAM_MODE)
+.print "RAM_MODE enabled"
+.print "ROM_MODE enabled"
+.if (REMAP)
+.print "remapping enabled"
+.print "Vectors at start of RAM"
+.print "Vectors at start of Code"
+ .equ AIC_IVR, (256)
+ .equ AIC_FVR, (260)
+ .equ AIC_EOICR, (304)
+ .equ AT91C_BASE_AIC, (0xFFFFF000)
+//*- Exception vectors
+//*- These vectors can be read at address 0 or at RAM address
+//*- They ABSOLUTELY requires to be in relative addresssing mode in order to
+//*- guarantee a valid jump. For the moment, all are just looping.
+//*- If an exception occurs before remap, this would result in an infinite loop.
+//*- To ensure if a exeption occurs before start application to infinite loop.
+.print "Vectors in section .vectmapped -> .data"
+.section .vectmapped, "ax"
+.print "Vectors in section .vectorg -> .text"
+.section .vectorg, "ax"
+ LDR PC,Reset_Addr /* 0x00 Reset handler */
+ LDR PC,Undef_Addr /* 0x04 Undefined Instruction */
+ LDR PC,SWI_Addr /* 0x08 Software Interrupt */
+ LDR PC,PAbt_Addr /* 0x0C Prefetch Abort */
+ LDR PC,DAbt_Addr /* 0x10 Data Abort */
+ NOP /* 0x14 reserved */
+ LDR PC,IRQ_Addr /* 0x18 IRQ */
+fiqvec: /* 0x1c FIQ */
+//*- Function : FIQ_Handler_Entry
+//*- Treatments : FIQ Controller Interrupt Handler.
+//*- Called Functions : AIC_FVR[interrupt]
+/*- Switch in SVC/User Mode to allow User Stack access for C code */
+/* because the FIQ is not yet acknowledged*/
+/*- Save and r0 in FIQ_Register */
+ mov r9,r0
+ ldr r0 , [r8, #AIC_FVR]
+/*- Save scratch/used registers and LR in User Stack */
+ stmfd sp!, { r1-r3, r12, lr}
+/*- Branch to the routine pointed by the AIC_FVR */
+ mov r14, pc
+ bx r0
+/*- Restore scratch/used registers and LR from User Stack */
+ ldmia sp!, { r1-r3, r12, lr}
+/*- Leave Interrupts disabled and switch back in FIQ mode */
+/*- Restore the R0 ARM_MODE_SVC register */
+ mov r0,r9
+/*- Restore the Program Counter using the LR_fiq directly in the PC */
+ subs pc,lr,#4
+/* end of fiqhandler */
+Reset_Addr: .word InitReset
+Undef_Addr: .word Undef_Handler
+SWI_Addr: .word SWI_Handler
+/*SWI_Addr: .word SoftwareInterruptASM*/ /*in swi_handler.S */
+PAbt_Addr: .word PAbt_Handler
+DAbt_Addr: .word DAbt_Handler
+IRQ_Addr: .word IRQ_Handler_Entry
+Undef_Handler: B Undef_Handler
+SWI_Handler: B SWI_Handler
+PAbt_Handler: B PAbt_Handler
+DAbt_Handler: B DAbt_Handler
+ .arm
+ .section .init, "ax"
+ .global _startup
+ .func _startup
+/* mthomas: Dummy used during startup */
+ LDR PC,=Reset_Addr_F
+ NOP /*.word 0xdeadbeef*/ /* Reserved Address */
+Reset_Addr_F: .word InitReset
+ .word __TOP_STACK
+/*- Remapping
+ .print "RCR setting for remapping enabled"
+ .equ MC_BASE,0xFFFFFF00 /* MC Base Address */
+ .equ MC_RCR, 0x00 /* MC_RCR Offset */
+ /* store first word in RAM into r4 */
+ ldr r0,=__FIRST_IN_RAM
+ ldr r4,[r0]
+ /* load value at address 0 into R2 */
+ ldr r1,=0x00000000
+ ldr r2,[r1]
+ /* xor value from address 0 (flip all bits), store in R3 */
+ ldr r3,=0xffffffff
+ eor r3, r2, r3
+ /* write xored value to first word in RAM
+ if already remapped this will also change
+ the value at 0 */
+ str r3,[r0]
+ /* load from address 0 again into R3 */
+ ldr r3,[r1]
+ /* restore first value in RAM */
+ str r4,[r0]
+ /* compare */
+ cmp r3, r2
+ bne already_remapped
+ /* if both values have been equal the change of the
+ RAM-value had no effect on the value at 0x00000000
+ so we are not remapping yet -> remap now: */
+ MOV R1, #1
+ STR R1, [R0, #MC_RCR]
+/*- Low level Init (PMC, AIC, ? ....) by C function AT91F_LowLevelInit
+ .extern AT91F_LowLevelInit
+/*- minumum C initialization */
+/*- call AT91F_LowLevelInit( void) */
+ ldr sp, .RAM_TOP /* temporary stack in internal RAM (**) */
+/*--Call Low level init function in ABSOLUTE through the Interworking */
+ ldr r0,=AT91F_LowLevelInit
+ mov lr, pc
+ bx r0
+//*- Stack Sizes Definition
+//*- Interrupt Stack requires 2 words x 8 priority level x 4 bytes when using
+//*- the vectoring. This assume that the IRQ management.
+//*- The Interrupt Stack must be adjusted depending on the interrupt handlers.
+//*- Fast Interrupt not requires stack If in your application it required you must
+//*- be definehere.
+//*- The System stack size is not defined and is limited by the free internal
+//*- SRAM.
+//*- Top of Stack Definition
+//*- Interrupt and Supervisor Stack are located at the top of internal memory in
+//*- order to speed the exception handling context saving and restoring.
+//*- ARM_MODE_SVC (Application, C) Stack is located at the top of the external memory.
+ .EQU IRQ_STACK_SIZE, (3*8*4)
+ .EQU FIQ_STACK_SIZE, (3*8*4)
+ .EQU I_BIT, 0x80
+ .EQU F_BIT, 0x40
+//*- Setup the stack for each mode
+ mov r0, sp /* see (**) */
+/*- Set up Fast Interrupt Mode and set FIQ Mode Stack*/
+ mov sp, r0
+ sub r0, r0, #FIQ_STACK_SIZE
+/*- Init the FIQ register*/
+ ldr r8, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
+/*- Set up Interrupt Mode and set IRQ Mode Stack*/
+ mov sp, r0 /* Init stack IRQ */
+ sub r0, r0, #IRQ_STACK_SIZE
+/*- Set up Supervisor Mode and set Supervisor Mode Stack*/
+// /* start with INT and FIQ enabled */
+ /* start with INT and FIQ disabled */
+// msr CPSR_c, #ARM_MODE_SVC | I_BIT | F_BIT
+ mov sp, r0 /* Init stack Sup */
+/*- Enable interrupt & Set up Supervisor Mode and set Supervisor Mode Stack*/
+/* Relocate .data section (Copy from ROM to RAM)
+ This will also copy the .vectmapped and .fastrun */
+ LDR R1, =_etext
+ LDR R2, =_data
+ LDR R3, =_edata
+LoopRel: CMP R2, R3
+ LDRLO R0, [R1], #4
+ STRLO R0, [R2], #4
+ BLO LoopRel
+/* Clear .bss section (Zero init) */
+ MOV R0, #0
+ LDR R1, =__bss_start__
+ LDR R2, =__bss_end__
+LoopZI: CMP R1, R2
+ STRLO R0, [R1], #4
+ BLO LoopZI
+/* call C++ constructors of global objects */
+ LDR r0, =__ctors_start__
+ LDR r1, =__ctors_end__
+ CMP r0, r1
+ BEQ ctor_end
+ LDR r2, [r0], #4
+ STMFD sp!, {r0-r1}
+ MOV lr, pc
+/* MOV pc, r2 */
+ BX r2 /* mthomas 8/2006 */
+ LDMFD sp!, {r0-r1}
+ B ctor_loop
+/* call main() */
+ ldr lr,=exit
+ ldr r0,=main
+ bx r0
+ .size _startup, . - _startup
+ .endfunc
+/* "exit" dummy added by mthomas to avoid sbrk write read etc. needed
+ by the newlib default "exit" */
+ .global exit
+ .func exit
+ b .
+ .size exit, . - exit
+ .endfunc
+//*- Manage exception
+//*- This module The exception must be ensure in ARM mode
+//*- Function : IRQ_Handler_Entry
+//*- Treatments : IRQ Controller Interrupt Handler.
+//*- Called Functions : AIC_IVR[interrupt]
+.print "IRQ_Handler_Entry in section .fastrun -> .data"
+.section .fastrun, "ax"
+.print "IRQ_Handler_Entry in section .init -> .text"
+.section .init, "ax"
+ .global IRQ_Handler_Entry
+ .func IRQ_Handler_Entry
+/*---- Adjust and save return address on the stack */
+ sub lr, lr, #4
+ stmfd sp!, {lr}
+/*---- Save r0 and SPSR on the stack */
+ mrs r14, SPSR
+ stmfd sp!, {r0, r14}
+/*---- Write in the IVR to support Protect mode */
+/*---- No effect in Normal Mode */
+/*---- De-assert NIRQ and clear the source in Protect mode */
+ ldr r14, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
+ ldr r0, [r14, #AIC_IVR]
+ str r14, [r14, #AIC_IVR]
+/*---- Enable nested interrupts and switch to Supervisor mode */
+/*---- Save scratch/used registers and LR on the stack */
+ stmfd sp!, {r1-r3, r12, r14}
+/*---- Branch to the routine pointed by AIC_IVR */
+ mov r14, pc
+ bx r0
+/*---- Restore scratch/used registers and LR from the stack */
+ ldmia sp!, {r1-r3, r12, r14}
+/*---- Disable nested interrupts and switch back to IRQ mode */
+/*---- Acknowledge interrupt by writing AIC_EOICR */
+ ldr r14, =AT91C_BASE_AIC
+ str r14, [r14, #AIC_EOICR]
+/*---- Restore SPSR and r0 from the stack */
+ ldmia sp!, {r0, r14}
+ msr SPSR_cxsf, r14
+/*---- Return from interrupt handler */
+ ldmia sp!, {pc}^
+ .size IRQ_Handler_Entry, . - IRQ_Handler_Entry
+ .endfunc
+//* This module is only linked if needed for closing files.
+ .global AT91F_Default_FIQ_handler
+ .func AT91F_Default_FIQ_handler
+ b AT91F_Default_FIQ_handler
+ .size AT91F_Default_FIQ_handler, . - AT91F_Default_FIQ_handler
+ .endfunc
+ .global AT91F_Default_IRQ_handler
+ .func AT91F_Default_IRQ_handler
+ b AT91F_Default_IRQ_handler
+ .size AT91F_Default_IRQ_handler, . - AT91F_Default_IRQ_handler
+ .endfunc
+ .global AT91F_Spurious_handler
+ .func AT91F_Spurious_handler
+ b AT91F_Spurious_handler
+ .size AT91F_Spurious_handler, . - AT91F_Spurious_handler
+ .endfunc
+ .end