path: root/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs
diff options
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54 files changed, 10201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..68b6f3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+# collect lines continued with a '\' into an array
+sub continuation {
+ my $fh = shift;
+ my @line;
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ my $s = $_;
+ $s =~ s/\\\s*$//;
+ #$s =~ s/#.*$//;
+ push @line, $s;
+ last unless (/\\\s*$/);
+ }
+ return @line;
+# regex && eval away unwanted strings from documentation
+sub beautify {
+ my $text = shift;
+ for (;;) {
+ my $text2 = $text;
+ $text =~ s/SKIP_\w+\(.*?"\s*\)//sxg;
+ $text =~ s/USE_\w+\(\s*?(.*?)"\s*\)/$1"/sxg;
+ $text =~ s/USAGE_\w+\(\s*?(.*?)"\s*\)/$1"/sxg;
+ last if ( $text2 eq $text );
+ }
+ $text =~ s/"\s*"//sg;
+ my @line = split("\n", $text);
+ $text = join('',
+ map {
+ s/^\s*"//;
+ s/"\s*$//;
+ s/%/%%/g;
+ s/\$/\\\$/g;
+ eval qq[ sprintf(qq{$_}) ]
+ } @line
+ );
+ return $text;
+# generate POD for an applet
+sub pod_for_usage {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $usage = shift;
+ # Sigh. Fixup the known odd-name applets.
+ $name =~ s/dpkg_deb/dpkg-deb/g;
+ $name =~ s/fsck_minix/fsck.minix/g;
+ $name =~ s/mkfs_minix/mkfs.minix/g;
+ $name =~ s/run_parts/run-parts/g;
+ $name =~ s/start_stop_daemon/start-stop-daemon/g;
+ # make options bold
+ my $trivial = $usage->{trivial};
+ if (!defined $usage->{trivial}) {
+ $trivial = "";
+ } else {
+ $trivial =~ s/(?<!\w)(-\w+)/B<$1>/sxg;
+ }
+ my @f0 =
+ map { $_ !~ /^\s/ && s/(?<!\w)(-\w+)/B<$1>/g; $_ }
+ split("\n", (defined $usage->{full} ? $usage->{full} : ""));
+ # add "\n" prior to certain lines to make indented
+ # lines look right
+ my @f1;
+ my $len = @f0;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
+ push @f1, $f0[$i];
+ if (($i+1) != $len && $f0[$i] !~ /^\s/ && $f0[$i+1] =~ /^\s/) {
+ next if ($f0[$i] =~ /^$/);
+ push(@f1, "") unless ($f0[$i+1] =~ /^\s*$/s);
+ }
+ }
+ my $full = join("\n", @f1);
+ # prepare notes if they exist
+ my $notes = (defined $usage->{notes})
+ ? "$usage->{notes}\n\n"
+ : "";
+ # prepare examples if they exist
+ my $example = (defined $usage->{example})
+ ?
+ "Example:\n\n" .
+ join ("\n",
+ map { "\t$_" }
+ split("\n", $usage->{example})) . "\n\n"
+ : "";
+ # Pad the name so that the applet name gets a line
+ # by itself in BusyBox.txt
+ my $spaces = 10 - length($name);
+ if ($spaces > 0) {
+ $name .= " " x $spaces;
+ }
+ return
+ "=item B<$name>".
+ "\n\n$name $trivial\n\n".
+ "$full\n\n" .
+ "$notes" .
+ "$example" .
+ "\n\n"
+ ;
+# the keys are applet names, and
+# the values will contain hashrefs of the form:
+# {
+# trivial => "...",
+# full => "...",
+# notes => "...",
+# example => "...",
+# }
+my %docs;
+# get command-line options
+my %opt;
+ \%opt,
+ "help|h",
+ "pod|p",
+ "verbose|v",
+if (defined $opt{help}) {
+ print
+ "$0 [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n",
+ "\t--help\n",
+ "\t--pod\n",
+ "\t--verbose\n",
+ ;
+ exit 1;
+# collect documenation into %docs
+foreach (@ARGV) {
+ open(USAGE, $_) || die("$0: $_: $!");
+ my $fh = *USAGE;
+ my ($applet, $type, @line);
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ if (/^#define (\w+)_(\w+)_usage/) {
+ $applet = $1;
+ $type = $2;
+ @line = continuation($fh);
+ my $doc = $docs{$applet} ||= { };
+ my $text = join("\n", @line);
+ $doc->{$type} = beautify($text);
+ }
+ }
+# generate structured documentation
+my $generator = \&pod_for_usage;
+my @names = sort keys %docs;
+my $line = "\t[, [[, ";
+for (my $i = 0; $i < $#names; $i++) {
+ if (length ($line.$names[$i]) >= 65) {
+ print "$line\n\t";
+ $line = "";
+ }
+ $line .= "$names[$i], ";
+print $line . $names[-1];
+print "\n\n=head1 COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS\n";
+print "\n=over 4\n\n";
+foreach my $applet (@names) {
+ print $generator->($applet, $docs{$applet});
+exit 0;
+=head1 NAME
+ - generate docs for busybox based on usage.h
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ [OPTION]... [FILE]...
+ ( cat docs/busybox_header.pod; \
+ docs/ usage.h; \
+ cat docs/busybox_footer.pod ) > docs/busybox.pod
+The purpose of this script is to automagically generate
+documentation for busybox using its usage.h as the original source
+for content. It used to be that same content has to be duplicated
+in 3 places in slightly different formats -- F<usage.h>,
+F<docs/busybox.pod>. This was tedious and error-prone, so it was
+decided that F<usage.h> would contain all the text in a
+machine-readable form, and scripts could be used to transform this
+text into other forms if necessary.
+F<> is one such script. It is based on a script by
+Erik Andersen <> which was in turn based on a
+script by Mark Whitley <>
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--help>
+This displays the help message.
+=item B<--pod>
+Generate POD (this is the default)
+=item B<--verbose>
+Be verbose (not implemented)
+=head1 FORMAT
+The following is an example of some data this script might parse.
+ #define length_trivial_usage \
+ #define length_full_usage \
+ "Prints out the length of the specified STRING."
+ #define length_example_usage \
+ "$ length Hello\n" \
+ "5\n"
+Each entry is a cpp macro that defines a string. The macros are
+named systematically in the form:
+ $name_$type_usage
+$name is the name of the applet. $type can be "trivial", "full", "notes",
+or "example". Every documentation macro must end with "_usage".
+The definition of the types is as follows:
+=over 4
+=item B<trivial>
+This should be a brief, one-line description of parameters that
+the command expects. This will be displayed when B<-h> is issued to
+a command. I<REQUIRED>
+=item B<full>
+This should contain descriptions of each option. This will also
+be displayed along with the trivial help if CONFIG_FEATURE_TRIVIAL_HELP
+is disabled. I<REQUIRED>
+=item B<notes>
+This is documentation that is intended to go in the POD or SGML, but
+not be printed when a B<-h> is given to a command. To see an example
+of notes being used, see init_notes_usage in F<usage.h>. I<OPTIONAL>
+=item B<example>
+This should be an example of how the command is actually used.
+This will not be printed when a B<-h> is given to a command -- it
+will only be included in the POD or SGML documentation. I<OPTIONAL>
+=head1 FILES
+Copyright (c) 2001 John BEPPU. All rights reserved. This program is
+free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
+terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+John BEPPU <>
diff --git a/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c07be90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,1108 @@
+<!--#include file="header.html" -->
+<h3>Frequently Asked Questions</h3>
+This is a collection of some of the more frequently asked questions
+about BusyBox. Some of the questions even have answers. If you
+have additions to this FAQ document, we would love to add them,
+<h2>General questions</h2>
+<li><a href="#getting_started">How can I get started using BusyBox?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#configure">How do I configure busybox?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#build_system">How do I build a BusyBox-based system?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#kernel">Which Linux kernel versions are supported?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#arch">Which architectures does BusyBox run on?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#libc">Which C libraries are supported?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#commercial">Can I include BusyBox as part of the software on my device?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#external">Where can I find other small utilities since busybox does not include the features I want?</a></li></li>
+<li><a href="#demanding">I demand that you to add &lt;favorite feature&gt; right now! How come you don't answer all my questions on the mailing list instantly? I demand that you help me with all of my problems <em>Right Now</em>!</a></li>
+<li><a href="#helpme">I need help with BusyBox! What should I do?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#contracts">I need you to add &lt;favorite feature&gt;! Are the BusyBox developers willing to be paid in order to fix bugs or add in &lt;favorite feature&gt;? Are you willing to provide support contracts?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#bugs">I think I found a bug in BusyBox! What should I do?!</a></li>
+<li><a href="#backporting">I'm using an ancient version from the dawn of time and something's broken. Can you backport fixes for free?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#init">Busybox init isn't working!</a></li>
+<li><a href="#sed">I can't configure busybox on my system.</a></li>
+<li><a href="#job_control">Why do I keep getting "sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" errors? Why doesn't Control-C work within my shell?</a></li>
+<h2>Programming questions</h2>
+ <li><a href="#goals">What are the goals of busybox?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#design">What is the design of busybox?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#source">How is the source code organized?</a></li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#source_applets">The applet directories.</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#source_libbb">The busybox shared library (libbb)</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <li><a href="#optimize">I want to make busybox even smaller, how do I go about it?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#adding">Adding an applet to busybox</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#standards">What standards does busybox adhere to?</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#portability">Portability.</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#tips">Tips and tricks.</a></li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#tips_encrypted_passwords">Encrypted Passwords</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#tips_vfork">Fork and vfork</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#tips_short_read">Short reads and writes</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#tips_memory">Memory used by relocatable code, PIC, and static linking.</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#tips_kernel_headers">Including Linux kernel headers.</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <li><a href="#who">Who are the BusyBox developers?</a></li>
+<h1>General questions</h1>
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="getting_started">How can I get started using BusyBox?</a></h2>
+<p> If you just want to try out busybox without installing it, download the
+ tarball, extract it, run "make defconfig", and then run "make".
+ This will create a busybox binary with almost all features enabled. To try
+ out a busybox applet, type "./busybox [appletname] [options]", for
+ example "./busybox ls -l" or "./busybox cat LICENSE". Type "./busybox"
+ to see a command list, and "busybox appletname --help" to see a brief
+ usage message for a given applet.
+ BusyBox uses the name it was invoked under to determine which applet is
+ being invoked. (Try "mv busybox ls" and then "./ls -l".) Installing
+ busybox consists of creating symlinks (or hardlinks) to the busybox
+ binary for each applet in busybox, and making sure these links are in
+ the shell's command $PATH. The special applet name "busybox" (or with
+ any optional suffix, such as "busybox-static") uses the first argument
+ to determine which applet to run, as shown above.
+ BusyBox also has a feature called the
+ <a name="standalone_shell">"standalone shell"</a>, where the busybox
+ shell runs any built-in applets before checking the command path. This
+ feature is also enabled by "make allyesconfig", and to try it out run
+ the command line "PATH= ./busybox ash". This will blank your command path
+ and run busybox as your command shell, so the only commands it can find
+ (without an explicit path such as /bin/ls) are the built-in busybox ones.
+ This is another good way to see what's built into busybox.
+ Note that the standalone shell requires CONFIG_BUSYBOX_EXEC_PATH
+ to be set appropriately, depending on whether or not /proc/self/exe is
+ available or not. If you do not have /proc, then point that config option
+ to the location of your busybox binary, usually /bin/busybox.
+ (So if you set it to /proc/self/exe, and happen to be able to chroot into
+ your rootfs, you must mount /proc beforehand.)
+ A typical indication that you set CONFIG_BUSYBOX_EXEC_PATH to proc but
+ forgot to mount proc is:
+$ /bin/echo $PATH
+$ echo $PATH
+/bin/sh: echo: not found
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="configure">How do I configure busybox?</a></h2>
+<p> Busybox is configured similarly to the linux kernel. Create a default
+ configuration and then run "make menuconfig" to modify it. The end
+ result is a .config file that tells the busybox build process what features
+ to include. So instead of "./configure; make; make install" the equivalent
+ busybox build would be "make defconfig; make; make install".
+<p> Busybox configured with all features enabled is a little under a megabyte
+ dynamically linked on x86. To create a smaller busybox, configure it with
+ fewer features. Individual busybox applets cost anywhere from a few
+ hundred bytes to tens of kilobytes. Disable unneeded applets to save,
+ space, using menuconfig.
+<p>The most important busybox configurators are:</p>
+<li><p>make <b>defconfig</b> - Create the maximum "sane" configuration. This
+enables almost all features, minus things like debugging options and features
+that require changes to the rest of the system to work (such as selinux or
+devfs device names). Use this if you want to start from a full-featured
+busybox and remove features until it's small enough.</p></li>
+<li><p>make <b>allnoconfig</b> - Disable everything. This creates a tiny version
+of busybox that doesn't do anything. Start here if you know exactly what
+you want and would like to select only those features.</p></li>
+<li><p>make <b>menuconfig</b> - Interactively modify a .config file through a
+multi-level menu interface. Use this after one of the previous two.</p></li>
+<p>Some other configuration options are:</p>
+<li><p>make <b>oldconfig</b> - Update an old .config file for a newer version
+of busybox.</p></li>
+<li><p>make <b>allyesconfig</b> - Select absolutely everything. This creates
+a statically linked version of busybox full of debug code, with dependencies on
+selinux, using devfs names... This makes sure everything compiles. Whether
+or not the result would do anything useful is an open question.</p></li>
+<li><p>make <b>allbareconfig</b> - Select all applets but disable all sub-features
+within each applet. More build coverage testing.</p></li>
+<li><p>make <b>randconfig</b> - Create a random configuration for test purposes.</p></li>
+<p> Menuconfig modifies your .config file through an interactive menu where you can enable or disable
+ busybox features, and get help about each feature.
+ To build a smaller busybox binary, run "make menuconfig" and disable the
+ features you don't need. (Or run "make allnoconfig" and then use
+ menuconfig to add just the features you need. Don't forget to recompile
+ with "make" once you've finished configuring.)
+<h2><a name="build_system">How do I build a BusyBox-based system?</a></h2>
+ BusyBox is a package that replaces a dozen standard packages, but it is
+ not by itself a complete bootable system. Building an entire Linux
+ distribution from source is a bit beyond the scope of this FAQ, but it
+ understandably keeps cropping up on the mailing list, so here are some
+ pointers.
+ Start by learning how to strip a working system down to the bare essentials
+ needed to run one or two commands, so you know what it is you actually
+ need. An excellent practical place to do
+ this is the <a href="">Linux
+ BootDisk Howto</a>, or for a more theoretical approach try
+ <a href="">From
+ PowerUp to Bash Prompt</a>.
+ To learn how to build a working Linux system entirely from source code,
+ the place to go is the <a href="">Linux
+ From Scratch</a> project. They have an entire book of step-by-step
+ instructions you can
+ <a href="">read online</a>
+ or
+ <a href="">download</a>.
+ Be sure to check out the other sections of their main page, including
+ Beyond Linux From Scratch, Hardened Linux From Scratch, their Hints
+ directory, and their LiveCD project. (They also have mailing lists which
+ are better sources of answers to Linux-system building questions than
+ the busybox list.)
+ If you want an automated yet customizable system builder which produces
+ a BusyBox and uClibc based system, try
+ <a href="">buildroot</a>, which is
+ another project by the maintainer of the uClibc (Erik Andersen).
+ Download the tarball, extract it, unset CC, make.
+ For more instructions, see the website.
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="kernel">Which Linux kernel versions are supported?</a></h2>
+ Full functionality requires Linux 2.4.x or better. (Earlier versions may
+ still work, but are no longer regularly tested.) A large fraction of the
+ code should run on just about anything. While the current code is fairly
+ Linux specific, it should be fairly easy to port the majority of the code
+ to support, say, FreeBSD or Solaris, or Mac OS X, or even Windows (if you
+ are into that sort of thing).
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="arch">Which architectures does BusyBox run on?</a></h2>
+ BusyBox in general will build on any architecture supported by gcc.
+ Kernel module loading for 2.4 Linux kernels is currently
+ limited to ARM, CRIS, H8/300, x86, ia64, x86_64, m68k, MIPS, PowerPC,
+ S390, SH3/4/5, Sparc, v850e, and x86_64 for 2.4.x kernels.
+ With 2.6.x kernels, module loading support should work on all architectures.
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="libc">Which C libraries are supported?</a></h2>
+ On Linux, BusyBox releases are tested against uClibc (0.9.27 or later) and
+ glibc (2.2 or later). Both should provide full functionality with busybox,
+ and if you find a bug we want to hear about it.
+ Linux-libc5 is no longer maintained (and has no known advantages over
+ uClibc), dietlibc is known to have numerous unfixed bugs, and klibc is
+ missing too many features to build BusyBox. If you require a small C
+ library for Linux, the busybox developers recommend uClibc.
+ Some BusyBox applets have been built and run under a combination
+ of newlib and libgloss (see
+ <a href="">this thread</a>).
+ This is still experimental, but may be supported in a future release.
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="commercial">Can I include BusyBox as part of the software on my device?</a></h2>
+ Yes. As long as you <a href="">fully comply
+ with the generous terms of the GPL BusyBox license</a> you can ship BusyBox
+ as part of the software on your device.
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="external">where can i find other small utilities since busybox
+ does not include the features i want?</a></h2>
+ we maintain such a <a href="tinyutils.html">list</a> on this site!
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="demanding">I demand that you to add &lt;favorite feature&gt; right now! How come you don't answer all my questions on the mailing list instantly? I demand that you help me with all of my problems <em>Right Now</em>!</a></h2>
+ You have not paid us a single cent and yet you still have the product of
+ many years of our work. We are not your slaves! We work on BusyBox
+ because we find it useful and interesting. If you go off flaming us, we
+ will ignore you.
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="helpme">I need help with BusyBox! What should I do?</a></h2>
+ If you find that you need help with BusyBox, you can ask for help on the
+ BusyBox mailing list at</p>
+<p> In addition to the mailing list, Erik Andersen (andersee), Manuel Nova
+ (mjn3), Rob Landley (landley), Mike Frysinger (SpanKY), Bernhard Fischer
+ (blindvt), and other long-time BusyBox developers are known to hang out
+ on the uClibc IRC channel: #uclibc on There is a
+ <a href="">web archive of
+ daily logs of the #uclibc IRC channel</a> going back to 2002.
+ <b>Please do not send private email to Rob, Erik, Manuel, or the other
+ BusyBox contributors asking for private help unless you are planning on
+ paying for consulting services.</b>
+ When we answer questions on the BusyBox mailing list, it helps everyone
+ since people with similar problems in the future will be able to get help
+ by searching the mailing list archives. Private help is reserved as a paid
+ service. If you need to use private communication, or if you are serious
+ about getting timely assistance with BusyBox, you should seriously consider
+ paying for consulting services.
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="contracts">I need you to add &lt;favorite feature&gt;! Are the BusyBox developers willing to be paid in order to fix bugs or add in &lt;favorite feature&gt;? Are you willing to provide support contracts?</a></h2>
+ Yes we are. The easy way to sponsor a new feature is to post an offer on
+ the mailing list to see who's interested. You can also email the project's
+ maintainer and ask them to recommend someone.
+<p> If you prefer to deal with an organization rather than an individual, Rob
+ Landley (the current BusyBox maintainer) works for
+ <a>TimeSys</a>, and Eric Andersen (the previous
+ busybox maintainer and current uClibc maintainer) owns
+ <a href="">CodePoet Consulting</a>. Both
+ companies offer support contracts and handle new development, and there
+ are plenty of other companies that do the same.
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="bugs">I think I found a bug in BusyBox! What should I do?</a></h2>
+ If you simply need help with using or configuring BusyBox, please submit a
+ detailed description of your problem to the BusyBox mailing list at <a
+ href=""></a>.
+ Please do not send email to individual developers asking
+ for private help unless you are planning on paying for consulting services.
+ When we answer questions on the BusyBox mailing list, it helps everyone,
+ while private answers help only you...
+ Bug reports and new feature patches sometimes get lost when posted to the
+ mailing list, because the developers of BusyBox are busy people and have
+ only so much they can keep in their brains at a time. You can post a
+ polite reminder after 2-3 days without offending anybody. If that doesn't
+ result in a solution, please use the
+ <a href="">BusyBox Bug
+ and Patch Tracking System</a> to submit a detailed explanation and we'll
+ get to it as soon as we can.
+ Note that bugs entered into the bug system without being mentioned on the
+ mailing list first may languish there for months before anyone even notices
+ them. We generally go through the bug system when preparing for new
+ development releases, to see what fell through the cracks while we were
+ off writing new features. (It's a fast/unreliable vs slow/reliable thing.
+ Saves retransits, but the latency sucks.)
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="backporting">I'm using an ancient version from the dawn of time and something's broken. Can you backport fixes for free?</h2>
+<p>Variants of this one get asked a lot.</p>
+<p>The purpose of the BusyBox mailing list is to develop and improve BusyBox,
+and we're happy to respond to our users' needs. But if you're coming to the
+list for free tech support we're going to ask you to upgrade to a current
+version before we try to diagnose your problem.</p>
+<p>If you're building BusyBox 0.50 with uClibc 0.9.19 and gcc 0.9.26 there's a
+fairly large chance that whatever problem you're seeing has already been fixed.
+To get that fix, all you have to do is upgrade to a newer version. If you
+don't at least _try_ that, you're wasting our time.</p>
+<p>The volunteers are happy to fix any bugs you point out in the current
+versions because doing so helps everybody and makes the project better. We
+want to make the current version work for you. But diagnosing, debugging, and
+backporting fixes to old versions isn't something we do for free, because it
+doesn't help anybody but you. The cost of volunteer tech support is using a
+reasonably current version of the project.</p>
+<p>If you don't want to upgrade, you have the complete source code and thus
+the ability to fix it yourself, or hire a consultant to do it for you. If you
+got your version from a vendor who still supports the older version, they can
+help you. But there are limits as to what the volunteers will feel obliged to
+do for you.</p>
+<p>As a rule of thumb, volunteers will generally answer polite questions about
+a given version for about three years after its release before it's so old
+we don't remember the answer off the top of our head. And if you want us to
+put any _effort_ into tracking it down, we want you to put in a little effort
+of your own by confirming it's still a problem with the current version. It's
+also hard for us to fix a problem of yours if we can't reproduce it because
+we don't have any systems running an environment that old.</p>
+<p>A consultant will happily set up a special environment just to reproduce
+your problem, and you can always ask on the list if any of the developers
+have consulting rates.</p>
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="init">Busybox init isn't working!</a></h2>
+ Init is the first program that runs, so it might be that no programs are
+ working on your new system because of a problem with your cross-compiler,
+ kernel, console settings, shared libraries, root filesystem... To rule all
+ that out, first build a statically linked version of the following "hello
+ world" program with your cross compiler toolchain:
+#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+int main(int argc, char *argv)
+ printf("Hello world!\n");
+ sleep(999999999);
+ Now try to boot your device with an "init=" argument pointing to your
+ hello world program. Did you see the hello world message? Until you
+ do, don't bother messing with busybox init.
+ Once you've got it working statically linked, try getting it to work
+ dynamically linked. Then read the FAQ entry <a href="#build_system">How
+ do I build a BusyBox-based system?</a>, and the
+ <a href="/downloads/BusyBox.html#item_init">documentation for BusyBox
+ init</a>.
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="sed">I can't configure busybox on my system.</a></h2>
+ Configuring Busybox depends on a recent version of sed. Older
+ distributions (Red Hat 7.2, Debian 3.0) may not come with a
+ usable version. Luckily BusyBox can use its own sed to configure itself,
+ although this leads to a bit of a chicken and egg problem.
+ You can work around this by hand-configuring busybox to build with just
+ sed, then putting that sed in your path to configure the rest of busybox
+ with, like so:
+ tar xvjf sources/busybox-x.x.x.tar.bz2
+ cd busybox-x.x.x
+ make allnoconfig
+ make include/bb_config.h
+ echo "CONFIG_SED=y" >> .config
+ echo "#undef ENABLE_SED" >> include/bb_config.h
+ echo "#define ENABLE_SED 1" >> include/bb_config.h
+ make
+ mv busybox sed
+ export PATH=`pwd`:"$PATH"
+<p>Then you can run "make defconfig" or "make menuconfig" normally.</p>
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="job_control">Why do I keep getting "sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" errors? Why doesn't Control-C work within my shell?</a></h2>
+ Job control will be turned off since your shell can not obtain a controlling
+ terminal. This typically happens when you run your shell on /dev/console.
+ The kernel will not provide a controlling terminal on the /dev/console
+ device. Your should run your shell on a normal tty such as tty1 or ttyS0
+ and everything will work perfectly. If you <em>REALLY</em> want your shell
+ to run on /dev/console, then you can hack your kernel (if you are into that
+ sortof thing) by changing drivers/char/tty_io.c to change the lines where
+ it sets "noctty = 1;" to instead set it to "0". I recommend you instead
+ run your shell on a real console...
+<h2><b><a name="goals">What are the goals of busybox?</a></b></h2>
+<p>Busybox aims to be the smallest and simplest correct implementation of the
+standard Linux command line tools. First and foremost, this means the
+smallest executable size we can manage. We also want to have the simplest
+and cleanest implementation we can manage, be <a href="#standards">standards
+compliant</a>, minimize run-time memory usage (heap and stack), run fast, and
+take over the world.</p>
+<h2><b><a name="design">What is the design of busybox?</a></b></h2>
+<p>Busybox is like a swiss army knife: one thing with many functions.
+The busybox executable can act like many different programs depending on
+the name used to invoke it. Normal practice is to create a bunch of symlinks
+pointing to the busybox binary, each of which triggers a different busybox
+function. (See <a href="FAQ.html#getting_started">getting started</a> in the
+FAQ for more information on usage, and <a href="BusyBox.html">the
+busybox documentation</a> for a list of symlink names and what they do.)
+<p>The "one binary to rule them all" approach is primarily for size reasons: a
+single multi-purpose executable is smaller then many small files could be.
+This way busybox only has one set of ELF headers, it can easily share code
+between different apps even when statically linked, it has better packing
+efficiency by avoding gaps between files or compression dictionary resets,
+and so on.</p>
+<p>Work is underway on new options such as "make standalone" to build separate
+binaries for each applet, and a "" to make the busybox common code
+available as a shared library. Neither is ready yet at the time of this
+<a name="source"></a>
+<h2><a name="source_applets"><b>The applet directories</b></a></h2>
+<p>The directory "applets" contains the busybox startup code (applets.c and
+busybox.c), and several subdirectories containing the code for the individual
+<p>Busybox execution starts with the main() function in applets/busybox.c,
+which sets the global variable applet_name to argv[0] and calls
+run_applet_by_name() in applets/applets.c. That uses the applets[] array
+(defined in include/busybox.h and filled out in include/applets.h) to
+transfer control to the appropriate APPLET_main() function (such as
+cat_main() or sed_main()). The individual applet takes it from there.</p>
+<p>This is why calling busybox under a different name triggers different
+functionality: main() looks up argv[0] in applets[] to get a function pointer
+to APPLET_main().</p>
+<p>Busybox applets may also be invoked through the multiplexor applet
+"busybox" (see busybox_main() in applets/busybox.c), and through the
+standalone shell (grep for STANDALONE_SHELL in applets/shell/*.c).
+See <a href="FAQ.html#getting_started">getting started</a> in the
+FAQ for more information on these alternate usage mechanisms, which are
+just different ways to reach the relevant APPLET_main() function.</p>
+<p>The applet subdirectories (archival, console-tools, coreutils,
+debianutils, e2fsprogs, editors, findutils, init, loginutils, miscutils,
+modutils, networking, procps, shell, sysklogd, and util-linux) correspond
+to the configuration sub-menus in menuconfig. Each subdirectory contains the
+code to implement the applets in that sub-menu, as well as a
+file defining that configuration sub-menu (with dependencies and help text
+for each applet), and the makefile segment ( for that
+<p>The run-time --help is stored in usage_messages[], which is initialized at
+the start of applets/applets.c and gets its help text from usage.h. During the
+build this help text is also used to generate the BusyBox documentation (in
+html, txt, and man page formats) in the docs directory. See
+<a href="#adding">adding an applet to busybox</a> for more
+<h2><a name="source_libbb"><b>libbb</b></a></h2>
+<p>Most non-setup code shared between busybox applets lives in the libbb
+directory. It's a mess that evolved over the years without much auditing
+or cleanup. For anybody looking for a great project to break into busybox
+development with, documenting libbb would be both incredibly useful and good
+<p>Common themes in libbb include allocation functions that test
+for failure and abort the program with an error message so the caller doesn't
+have to test the return value (xmalloc(), xstrdup(), etc), wrapped versions
+of open(), close(), read(), and write() that test for their own failures
+and/or retry automatically, linked list management functions (llist.c),
+command line argument parsing (getopt32.c), and a whole lot more.</p>
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="optimize">I want to make busybox even smaller, how do I go about it?</a></h2>
+ To conserve bytes it's good to know where they're being used, and the
+ size of the final executable isn't always a reliable indicator of
+ the size of the components (since various structures are rounded up,
+ so a small change may not even be visible by itself, but many small
+ savings add up).
+<p> The busybox Makefile builds two versions of busybox, one of which
+ (busybox_unstripped) has extra information that various analysis tools
+ can use. (This has nothing to do with CONFIG_DEBUG, leave that off
+ when trying to optimize for size.)
+<p> The <b>"make bloatcheck"</b> option uses Matt Mackall's bloat-o-meter
+ script to compare two versions of busybox (busybox_unstripped vs
+ busybox_old), and report which symbols changed size and by how much.
+ To use it, first build a base version with <b>"make baseline"</b>.
+ (This creates busybox_old, which should have the original sizes for
+ comparison purposes.) Then build the new version with your changes
+ and run "make bloatcheck" to see the size differences from the old
+ version.
+ The first line of output has totals: how many symbols were added or
+ removed, how many symbols grew or shrank, the number of bytes added
+ and number of bytes removed by these changes, and finally the total
+ number of bytes difference between the two files. The remaining
+ lines show each individual symbol, the old and new sizes, and the
+ increase or decrease in size (which results are sorted by).
+ The <b>"make sizes"</b> option produces raw symbol size information for
+ busybox_unstripped. This is the output from the "nm --size-sort"
+ command (see "man nm" for more information), and is the information
+ bloat-o-meter parses to produce the comparison report above. For
+ defconfig, this is a good way to find the largest symbols in the tree
+ (which is a good place to start when trying to shrink the code). To
+ take a closer look at individual applets, configure busybox with just
+ one applet (run "make allnoconfig" and then switch on a single applet
+ with menuconfig), and then use "make sizes" to see the size of that
+ applet's components.
+ The "showasm" command (in the scripts directory) produces an assembly
+ dump of a function, providing a closer look at what changed. Try
+ "scripts/showasm busybox_unstripped" to list available symbols, and
+ "scripts/showasm busybox_unstripped symbolname" to see the assembly
+ for a sepecific symbol.
+<hr />
+<h2><a name="adding"><b>Adding an applet to busybox</b></a></h2>
+<p>To add a new applet to busybox, first pick a name for the applet and
+a corresponding CONFIG_NAME. Then do this:</p>
+<li>Figure out where in the busybox source tree your applet best fits,
+and put your source code there. Be sure to use APPLET_main() instead
+of main(), where APPLET is the name of your applet.</li>
+<li>Add your applet to the relevant file (which file you add
+it to determines where it shows up in "make menuconfig"). This uses
+the same general format as the linux kernel's configuration system.</li>
+<li>Add your applet to the relevant file (in the same
+directory as the you chose), using the existing entries as a
+template and the same CONFIG symbol as you used for (Don't
+forget "needlibm" or "needcrypt" if your applet needs libm or
+<li>Add your applet to "include/applets.h", using one of the existing
+entries as a template. (Note: this is in alphabetical order. Applets
+are found via binary search, and if you add an applet out of order it
+won't work.)</li>
+<li>Add your applet's runtime help text to "include/usage.h". You need
+at least appname_trivial_usage (the minimal help text, always included
+in the busybox binary when this applet is enabled) and appname_full_usage
+(extra help text included in the busybox binary with
+CONFIG_FEATURE_VERBOSE_USAGE is enabled), or it won't compile.
+The other two help entry types (appname_example_usage and
+appname_notes_usage) are optional. They don't take up space in the binary,
+but instead show up in the generated documentation (BusyBox.html,
+BusyBox.txt, and the man page BusyBox.1).</li>
+<li>Run menuconfig, switch your applet on, compile, test, and fix the
+bugs. Be sure to try both "allyesconfig" and "allnoconfig" (and
+"allbareconfig" if relevant).</li>
+<h2><a name="standards">What standards does busybox adhere to?</a></h2>
+<p>The standard we're paying attention to is the "Shell and Utilities"
+portion of the <a href="">Open
+Group Base Standards</a> (also known as the Single Unix Specification version
+3 or SUSv3). Note that paying attention isn't necessarily the same thing as
+following it.</p>
+<p>SUSv3 doesn't even mention things like init, mount, tar, or losetup, nor
+commonly used options like echo's '-e' and '-n', or sed's '-i'. Busybox is
+driven by what real users actually need, not the fact the standard believes
+we should implement ed or sccs. For size reasons, we're unlikely to include
+much internationalization support beyond UTF-8, and on top of all that, our
+configuration menu lets developers chop out features to produce smaller but
+very non-standard utilities.</p>
+<p>Also, Busybox is aimed primarily at Linux. Unix standards are interesting
+because Linux tries to adhere to them, but portability to dozens of platforms
+is only interesting in terms of offering a restricted feature set that works
+everywhere, not growing dozens of platform-specific extensions. Busybox
+should be portable to all hardware platforms Linux supports, and any other
+similar operating systems that are easy to do and won't require much
+<p>In practice, standards compliance tends to be a clean-up step once an
+applet is otherwise finished. When polishing and testing a busybox applet,
+we ensure we have at least the option of full standards compliance, or else
+document where we (intentionally) fall short.</p>
+<h2><a name="portability">Portability.</a></h2>
+<p>Busybox is a Linux project, but that doesn't mean we don't have to worry
+about portability. First of all, there are different hardware platforms,
+different C library implementations, different versions of the kernel and
+build toolchain... The file "include/platform.h" exists to centralize and
+encapsulate various platform-specific things in one place, so most busybox
+code doesn't have to care where it's running.</p>
+<p>To start with, Linux runs on dozens of hardware platforms. We try to test
+each release on x86, x86-64, arm, power pc, and mips. (Since qemu can handle
+all of these, this isn't that hard.) This means we have to care about a number
+of portability issues like endianness, word size, and alignment, all of which
+belong in platform.h. That header handles conditional #includes and gives
+us macros we can use in the rest of our code. At some point in the future
+we might grow a platform.c, possibly even a platform subdirectory. As long
+as the applets themselves don't have to care.</p>
+<p>On a related note, we made the "default signedness of char varies" problem
+go away by feeding the compiler -funsigned-char. This gives us consistent
+behavior on all platforms, and defaults to 8-bit clean text processing (which
+gets us halfway to UTF-8 support). NOMMU support is less easily separated
+(see the tips section later in this document), but we're working on it.</p>
+<p>Another type of portability is build environments: we unapologetically use
+a number of gcc and glibc extensions (as does the Linux kernel), but these have
+been picked up by packages like uClibc, TCC, and Intel's C Compiler. As for
+gcc, we take advantage of newer compiler optimizations to get the smallest
+possible size, but we also regression test against an older build environment
+using the Red Hat 9 image at "". This has a
+2.4 kernel, gcc 3.2, make 3.79.1, and glibc 2.3, and is the oldest
+build/deployment environment we still put any effort into maintaining. (If
+anyone takes an interest in older kernels you're welcome to submit patches,
+but the effort would probably be better spent
+<a href="">trimming
+down the 2.6 kernel</a>.) Older gcc versions than that are uninteresting since
+we now use c99 features, although
+<a href="">tcc</a> might be worth a
+<p>We also test busybox against the current release of uClibc. Older versions
+of uClibc aren't very interesting (they were buggy, and uClibc wasn't really
+usable as a general-purpose C library before version 0.9.26 anyway).</p>
+<p>Other unix implementations are mostly uninteresting, since Linux binaries
+have become the new standard for portable Unix programs. Specifically,
+the ubiquity of Linux was cited as the main reason the Intel Binary
+Compatability Standard 2 died, by the standards group organized to name a
+successor to ibcs2: <a href="">the 86open
+project</a>. That project disbanded in 1999 with the endorsement of an
+existing standard: Linux ELF binaries. Since then, the major players at the
+time (such as <a
+href=>AIX</a>, <a
+href=>Solaris</a>, and
+<a href=>FreeBSD</a>)
+have all either grown Linux support or folded.</p>
+<p>The major exceptions are newcomer MacOS X, some embedded environments
+(such as newlib+libgloss) which provide a posix environment but not a full
+Linux environment, and environments like Cygwin that provide only partial Linux
+emulation. Also, some embedded Linux systems run a Linux kernel but amputate
+things like the /proc directory to save space.</p>
+<p>Supporting these systems is largely a question of providing a clean subset
+of BusyBox's functionality -- whichever applets can easily be made to
+work in that environment. Annotating the configuration system to
+indicate which applets require which prerequisites (such as procfs) is
+also welcome. Other efforts to support these systems (swapping #include
+files to build in different environments, adding adapter code to platform.h,
+adding more extensive special-case supporting infrastructure such as mount's
+legacy mtab support) are handled on a case-by-case basis. Support that can be
+cleanly hidden in platform.h is reasonably attractive, and failing that
+support that can be cleanly separated into a separate conditionally compiled
+file is at least worth a look. Special-case code in the body of an applet is
+something we're trying to avoid.</p>
+<h2><a name="tips" />Programming tips and tricks.</a></h2>
+<p>Various things busybox uses that aren't particularly well documented
+<h2><a name="tips_encrypted_passwords">Encrypted Passwords</a></h2>
+<p>Password fields in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow are in a special format.
+If the first character isn't '$', then it's an old DES style password. If
+the first character is '$' then the password is actually three fields
+separated by '$' characters:</p>
+ <b>$type$salt$encrypted_password</b>
+<p>The "type" indicates which encryption algorithm to use: 1 for MD5 and 2 for SHA1.</p>
+<p>The "salt" is a bunch of ramdom characters (generally 8) the encryption
+algorithm uses to perturb the password in a known and reproducible way (such
+as by appending the random data to the unencrypted password, or combining
+them with exclusive or). Salt is randomly generated when setting a password,
+and then the same salt value is re-used when checking the password. (Salt is
+thus stored unencrypted.)</p>
+<p>The advantage of using salt is that the same cleartext password encrypted
+with a different salt value produces a different encrypted value.
+If each encrypted password uses a different salt value, an attacker is forced
+to do the cryptographic math all over again for each password they want to
+check. Without salt, they could simply produce a big dictionary of commonly
+used passwords ahead of time, and look up each password in a stolen password
+file to see if it's a known value. (Even if there are billions of possible
+passwords in the dictionary, checking each one is just a binary search against
+a file only a few gigabytes long.) With salt they can't even tell if two
+different users share the same password without guessing what that password
+is and decrypting it. They also can't precompute the attack dictionary for
+a specific password until they know what the salt value is.</p>
+<p>The third field is the encrypted password (plus the salt). For md5 this
+is 22 bytes.</p>
+<p>The busybox function to handle all this is pw_encrypt(clear, salt) in
+"libbb/pw_encrypt.c". The first argument is the clear text password to be
+encrypted, and the second is a string in "$type$salt$password" format, from
+which the "type" and "salt" fields will be extracted to produce an encrypted
+value. (Only the first two fields are needed, the third $ is equivalent to
+the end of the string.) The return value is an encrypted password in
+/etc/passwd format, with all three $ separated fields. It's stored in
+a static buffer, 128 bytes long.</p>
+<p>So when checking an existing password, if pw_encrypt(text,
+old_encrypted_password) returns a string that compares identical to
+old_encrypted_password, you've got the right password. When setting a new
+password, generate a random 8 character salt string, put it in the right
+format with sprintf(buffer, "$%c$%s", type, salt), and feed buffer as the
+second argument to pw_encrypt(text,buffer).</p>
+<h2><a name="tips_vfork">Fork and vfork</a></h2>
+<p>On systems that haven't got a Memory Management Unit, fork() is unreasonably
+expensive to implement (and sometimes even impossible), so a less capable
+function called vfork() is used instead. (Using vfork() on a system with an
+MMU is like pounding a nail with a wrench. Not the best tool for the job, but
+it works.)</p>
+<p>Busybox hides the difference between fork() and vfork() in
+libbb/bb_fork_exec.c. If you ever want to fork and exec, use bb_fork_exec()
+(which returns a pid and takes the same arguments as execve(), although in
+this case envp can be NULL) and don't worry about it. This description is
+here in case you want to know why that does what it does.</p>
+<p>Implementing fork() depends on having a Memory Management Unit. With an
+MMU then you can simply set up a second set of page tables and share the
+physical memory via copy-on-write. So a fork() followed quickly by exec()
+only copies a few pages of the parent's memory, just the ones it changes
+before freeing them.</p>
+<p>With a very primitive MMU (using a base pointer plus length instead of page
+tables, which can provide virtual addresses and protect processes from each
+other, but no copy on write) you can still implement fork. But it's
+unreasonably expensive, because you have to copy all the parent process'
+memory into the new process (which could easily be several megabytes per fork).
+And you have to do this even though that memory gets freed again as soon as the
+exec happens. (This is not just slow and a waste of space but causes memory
+usage spikes that can easily cause the system to run out of memory.)</p>
+<p>Without even a primitive MMU, you have no virtual addresses. Every process
+can reach out and touch any other process' memory, because all pointers are to
+physical addresses with no protection. Even if you copy a process' memory to
+new physical addresses, all of its pointers point to the old objects in the
+old process. (Searching through the new copy's memory for pointers and
+redirect them to the new locations is not an easy problem.)</p>
+<p>So with a primitive or missing MMU, fork() is just not a good idea.</p>
+<p>In theory, vfork() is just a fork() that writeably shares the heap and stack
+rather than copying it (so what one process writes the other one sees). In
+practice, vfork() has to suspend the parent process until the child does exec,
+at which point the parent wakes up and resumes by returning from the call to
+vfork(). All modern kernel/libc combinations implement vfork() to put the
+parent to sleep until the child does its exec. There's just no other way to
+make it work: the parent has to know the child has done its exec() or exit()
+before it's safe to return from the function it's in, so it has to block
+until that happens. In fact without suspending the parent there's no way to
+even store separate copies of the return value (the pid) from the vfork() call
+itself: both assignments write into the same memory location.</p>
+<p>One way to understand (and in fact implement) vfork() is this: imagine
+the parent does a setjmp and then continues on (pretending to be the child)
+until the exec() comes around, then the _exec_ does the actual fork, and the
+parent does a longjmp back to the original vfork call and continues on from
+there. (It thus becomes obvious why the child can't return, or modify
+local variables it doesn't want the parent to see changed when it resumes.)
+<p>Note a common mistake: the need for vfork doesn't mean you can't have two
+processes running at the same time. It means you can't have two processes
+sharing the same memory without stomping all over each other. As soon as
+the child calls exec(), the parent resumes.</p>
+<p>If the child's attempt to call exec() fails, the child should call _exit()
+rather than a normal exit(). This avoids any atexit() code that might confuse
+the parent. (The parent should never call _exit(), only a vforked child that
+failed to exec.)</p>
+<p>(Now in theory, a nommu system could just copy the _stack_ when it forks
+(which presumably is much shorter than the heap), and leave the heap shared.
+Even with no MMU at all
+In practice, you've just wound up in a multi-threaded situation and you can't
+do a malloc() or free() on your heap without freeing the other process' memory
+(and if you don't have the proper locking for being threaded, corrupting the
+heap if both of you try to do it at the same time and wind up stomping on
+each other while traversing the free memory lists). The thing about vfork is
+that it's a big red flag warning "there be dragons here" rather than
+something subtle and thus even more dangerous.)</p>
+<h2><a name="tips_sort_read">Short reads and writes</a></h2>
+<p>Busybox has special functions, bb_full_read() and bb_full_write(), to
+check that all the data we asked for got read or written. Is this a real
+world consideration? Try the following:</p>
+<pre>while true; do echo hello; sleep 1; done | tee out.txt</pre>
+<p>If tee is implemented with bb_full_read(), tee doesn't display output
+in real time but blocks until its entire input buffer (generally a couple
+kilobytes) is read, then displays it all at once. In that case, we _want_
+the short read, for user interface reasons. (Note that read() should never
+return 0 unless it has hit the end of input, and an attempt to write 0
+bytes should be ignored by the OS.)</p>
+<p>As for short writes, play around with two processes piping data to each
+other on the command line (cat bigfile | gzip &gt; out.gz) and suspend and
+resume a few times (ctrl-z to suspend, "fg" to resume). The writer can
+experience short writes, which are especially dangerous because if you don't
+notice them you'll discard data. They can also happen when a system is under
+load and a fast process is piping to a slower one. (Such as an xterm waiting
+on x11 when the scheduler decides X is being a CPU hog with all that
+text console scrolling...)</p>
+<p>So will data always be read from the far end of a pipe at the
+same chunk sizes it was written in? Nope. Don't rely on that. For one
+counterexample, see <a href="">rfc 896
+for Nagle's algorithm</a>, which waits a fraction of a second or so before
+sending out small amounts of data through a TCP/IP connection in case more
+data comes in that can be merged into the same packet. (In case you were
+wondering why action games that use TCP/IP set TCP_NODELAY to lower the latency
+on their their sockets, now you know.)</p>
+<h2><a name="tips_memory">Memory used by relocatable code, PIC, and static linking.</a></h2>
+<p>The downside of standard dynamic linking is that it results in self-modifying
+code. Although each executable's pages are mmaped() into a process' address
+space from the executable file and are thus naturally shared between processes
+out of the page cache, the library loader ( or
+writes to these pages to supply addresses for relocatable symbols. This
+dirties the pages, triggering copy-on-write allocation of new memory for each
+processes' dirtied pages.</p>
+<p>One solution to this is Position Independent Code (PIC), a way of linking
+a file so all the relocations are grouped together. This dirties fewer
+pages (often just a single page) for each process' relocations. The down
+side is this results in larger executables, which take up more space on disk
+(and a correspondingly larger space in memory). But when many copies of the
+same program are running, PIC dynamic linking trades a larger disk footprint
+for a smaller memory footprint, by sharing more pages.</p>
+<p>A third solution is static linking. A statically linked program has no
+relocations, and thus the entire executable is shared between all running
+instances. This tends to have a significantly larger disk footprint, but
+on a system with only one or two executables, shared libraries aren't much
+of a win anyway.</p>
+<p>You can tell the glibc linker to display debugging information about its
+relocations with the environment variable "LD_DEBUG". Try
+"LD_DEBUG=help /bin/true" for a list of commands. Learning to interpret
+"LD_DEBUG=statistics cat /proc/self/statm" could be interesting.</p>
+<p>For more on this topic, here's Rich Felker:</p>
+<p>Dynamic linking (without fixed load addresses) fundamentally requires
+at least one dirty page per dso that uses symbols. Making calls (but
+never taking the address explicitly) to functions within the same dso
+does not require a dirty page by itself, but will with ELF unless you
+use -Bsymbolic or hidden symbols when linking.</p>
+<p>ELF uses significant additional stack space for the kernel to pass all
+the ELF data structures to the newly created process image. These are
+located above the argument list and environment. This normally adds 1
+dirty page to the process size.</p>
+<p>The ELF dynamic linker has its own data segment, adding one or more
+dirty pages. I believe it also performs relocations on itself.</p>
+<p>The ELF dynamic linker makes significant dynamic allocations to manage
+the global symbol table and the loaded dso's. This data is never
+freed. It will be needed again if libdl is used, so unconditionally
+freeing it is not possible, but normal programs do not use libdl. Of
+course with glibc all programs use libdl (due to nsswitch) so the
+issue was never addressed.</p>
+<p>ELF also has the issue that segments are not page-aligned on disk.
+This saves up to 4k on disk, but at the expense of using an additional
+dirty page in most cases, due to a large portion of the first data
+page being filled with a duplicate copy of the last text page.</p>
+<p>The above is just a partial list of the tiny memory penalties of ELF
+dynamic linking, which eventually add up to quite a bit. The smallest
+I've been able to get a process down to is 8 dirty pages, and the
+above factors seem to mostly account for it (but some were difficult
+to measure).</p>
+<h2><a name="tips_kernel_headers"></a>Including kernel headers</h2>
+<p>The "linux" or "asm" directories of /usr/include contain Linux kernel
+headers, so that the C library can talk directly to the Linux kernel. In
+a perfect world, applications shouldn't include these headers directly, but
+we don't live in a perfect world.</p>
+<p>For example, Busybox's losetup code wants linux/loop.c because nothing else
+#defines the structures to call the kernel's loopback device setup ioctls.
+Attempts to cut and paste the information into a local busybox header file
+proved incredibly painful, because portions of the loop_info structure vary by
+architecture, namely the type __kernel_dev_t has different sizes on alpha,
+arm, x86, and so on. Meaning we either #include <linux/posix_types.h> or
+we hardwire #ifdefs to check what platform we're building on and define this
+type appropriately for every single hardware architecture supported by
+Linux, which is simply unworkable.</p>
+<p>This is aside from the fact that the relevant type defined in
+posix_types.h was renamed to __kernel_old_dev_t during the 2.5 series, so
+to cut and paste the structure into our header we have to #include
+<linux/version.h> to figure out which name to use. (What we actually do is
+check if we're building on 2.6, and if so just use the new 64 bit structure
+instead to avoid the rename entirely.) But we still need the version
+check, since 2.4 didn't have the 64 bit structure.</p>
+<p>The BusyBox developers spent <u>two years</u> trying to figure
+out a clean way to do all this. There isn't one. The losetup in the
+util-linux package from isn't doing it cleanly either, they just
+hide the ugliness by nesting #include files. Their mount/loop.h
+#includes "my_dev_t.h", which #includes <linux/posix_types.h> and
+<linux/version.h> just like we do. There simply is no alternative.</p>
+<p>Just because directly #including kernel headers is sometimes
+unavoidable doesn't me we should include them when there's a better
+way to do it. However, block copying information out of the kernel headers
+is not a better way.</p>
+<h2><a name="who">Who are the BusyBox developers?</a></h2>
+<p>The following login accounts currently exist on (I.E. these
+people can commit <a href="">patches</a>
+into subversion for the BusyBox, uClibc, and buildroot projects.)</p>
+aldot :Bernhard Fischer
+andersen :Erik Andersen - uClibc and BuildRoot maintainer.
+bug1 :Glenn McGrath
+davidm :David McCullough
+gkajmowi :Garrett Kajmowicz - uClibc++ maintainer
+jbglaw :Jan-Benedict Glaw
+jocke :Joakim Tjernlund
+landley :Rob Landley - BusyBox maintainer
+lethal :Paul Mundt
+mjn3 :Manuel Novoa III
+osuadmin :osuadmin
+pgf :Paul Fox
+pkj :Peter Kjellerstedt
+prpplague :David Anders
+psm :Peter S. Mazinger
+russ :Russ Dill
+sandman :Robert Griebl
+sjhill :Steven J. Hill
+solar :Ned Ludd
+timr :Tim Riker
+tobiasa :Tobias Anderberg
+vapier :Mike Frysinger
+<p>The following accounts used to exist on, but don't anymore so
+I can't ask /etc/passwd for their names. Rob Wentworth <>
+asked Google and recovered the names:</p>
+aaronl :Aaron Lehmann
+beppu :John Beppu
+dwhedon :David Whedon
+erik :Erik Andersen
+gfeldman :Gennady Feldman
+jimg :Jim Gleason
+kraai :Matt Kraai
+markw :Mark Whitley
+miles :Miles Bader
+proski :Pavel Roskin
+rjune :Richard June
+tausq :Randolph Chung
+vodz :Vladimir N. Oleynik
+<!--#include file="footer.html" -->
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+<!--#include file="header.html" -->
+<h3>BusyBox: The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux</h3>
+<p>BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single
+small executable. It provides replacements for most of the utilities you
+usually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, etc. The utilities in BusyBox
+generally have fewer options than their full-featured GNU cousins; however,
+the options that are included provide the expected functionality and behave
+very much like their GNU counterparts. BusyBox provides a fairly complete
+environment for any small or embedded system.</p>
+<p>BusyBox has been written with size-optimization and limited resources in
+mind. It is also extremely modular so you can easily include or exclude
+commands (or features) at compile time. This makes it easy to customize
+your embedded systems. To create a working system, just add some device
+nodes in /dev, a few configuration files in /etc, and a Linux kernel.</p>
+<p>BusyBox is maintained by
+<a href="">Denis Vlasenko</a>,
+and licensed under the <a href="/license.html">GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE</a>
+version 2 or later.</p>
+<!--#include file="footer.html" -->
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+%%Creator: gnuplot 3.5 (pre 3.6) patchlevel beta 347
+%%CreationDate: Tue Apr 10 14:03:36 2001
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+/gnudict 120 dict def
+gnudict begin
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+/Solid true def
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+/userlinewidth gnulinewidth def
+/vshift -46 def
+/dl {10 mul} def
+/hpt_ 31.5 def
+/vpt_ 31.5 def
+/hpt hpt_ def
+/vpt vpt_ def
+/M {moveto} bind def
+/L {lineto} bind def
+/R {rmoveto} bind def
+/V {rlineto} bind def
+/vpt2 vpt 2 mul def
+/hpt2 hpt 2 mul def
+/Lshow { currentpoint stroke M
+ 0 vshift R show } def
+/Rshow { currentpoint stroke M
+ dup stringwidth pop neg vshift R show } def
+/Cshow { currentpoint stroke M
+ dup stringwidth pop -2 div vshift R show } def
+/UP { dup vpt_ mul /vpt exch def hpt_ mul /hpt exch def
+ /hpt2 hpt 2 mul def /vpt2 vpt 2 mul def } def
+/DL { Color {setrgbcolor Solid {pop []} if 0 setdash }
+ {pop pop pop Solid {pop []} if 0 setdash} ifelse } def
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+/LT2 { PL [2 dl 3 dl] 0 0 1 DL } def
+/LT3 { PL [1 dl 1.5 dl] 1 0 1 DL } def
+/LT4 { PL [5 dl 2 dl 1 dl 2 dl] 0 1 1 DL } def
+/LT5 { PL [4 dl 3 dl 1 dl 3 dl] 1 1 0 DL } def
+/LT6 { PL [2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 4 dl] 0 0 0 DL } def
+/LT7 { PL [2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 4 dl] 1 0.3 0 DL } def
+/LT8 { PL [2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 4 dl] 0.5 0.5 0.5 DL } def
+/Pnt { stroke [] 0 setdash
+ gsave 1 setlinecap M 0 0 V stroke grestore } def
+/Dia { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt add M
+ hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
+ hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V closepath stroke
+ Pnt } def
+/Pls { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt sub M 0 vpt2 V
+ currentpoint stroke M
+ hpt neg vpt neg R hpt2 0 V stroke
+ } def
+/Box { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
+ 0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
+ hpt2 neg 0 V closepath stroke
+ Pnt } def
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+ hpt2 vpt2 neg V currentpoint stroke M
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+ hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
+ hpt 2 mul 0 V
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+ Pnt } def
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+ 0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
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+ Pnt } def
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+ hpt 2 mul 0 V
+ hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V closepath fill} def
+/DiaF { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt add M
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+ translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
+ closepath stroke grestore Pnt } def
+/PentF { stroke [] 0 setdash gsave
+ translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
+ closepath fill grestore } def
+/Circle { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy
+ hpt 0 360 arc stroke Pnt } def
+/CircleF { stroke [] 0 setdash hpt 0 360 arc fill } def
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+ 2 copy vpt 0 90 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/C2 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 90 180 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/C3 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 0 180 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/C4 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 180 270 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/C5 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 0 90 arc
+ 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 180 270 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc } bind def
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+ 2 copy vpt 90 270 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/C7 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 0 270 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/C8 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 270 360 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/C9 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 270 450 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/C10 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy 2 copy moveto vpt 270 360 arc closepath fill
+ 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 90 180 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/C11 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 0 180 arc closepath fill
+ 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 270 360 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/C12 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 180 360 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/C13 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 0 90 arc closepath fill
+ 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 180 360 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/C14 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
+ 2 copy vpt 90 360 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc } bind def
+/C15 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt 0 360 arc closepath fill
+ vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
+/Rec { newpath 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto
+ neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def
+/Square { dup Rec } bind def
+/Bsquare { vpt sub exch vpt sub exch vpt2 Square } bind def
+/S0 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto 0 vpt rlineto BL Bsquare } bind def
+/S1 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
+/S2 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
+/S3 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt2 vpt Rec fill Bsquare } bind def
+/S4 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
+/S5 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy 2 copy vpt Square fill
+ exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
+/S6 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt vpt2 Rec fill Bsquare } bind def
+/S7 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt vpt2 Rec fill
+ 2 copy vpt Square fill
+ Bsquare } bind def
+/S8 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
+/S9 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt vpt2 Rec fill Bsquare } bind def
+/S10 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt Square fill 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt Square fill
+ Bsquare } bind def
+/S11 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt Square fill 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt2 vpt Rec fill
+ Bsquare } bind def
+/S12 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt2 vpt Rec fill Bsquare } bind def
+/S13 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt2 vpt Rec fill
+ 2 copy vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
+/S14 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt2 vpt Rec fill
+ 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
+/S15 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy Bsquare fill Bsquare } bind def
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+/D4 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S4 stroke grestore } bind def
+/D5 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S5 stroke grestore } bind def
+/D6 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S6 stroke grestore } bind def
+/D7 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S7 stroke grestore } bind def
+/D8 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S8 stroke grestore } bind def
+/D9 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S9 stroke grestore } bind def
+/D10 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S10 stroke grestore } bind def
+/D11 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S11 stroke grestore } bind def
+/D12 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S12 stroke grestore } bind def
+/D13 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S13 stroke grestore } bind def
+/D14 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S14 stroke grestore } bind def
+/D15 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S15 stroke grestore } bind def
+/DiaE { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt add M
+ hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
+ hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V closepath stroke } def
+/BoxE { stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
+ 0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
+ hpt2 neg 0 V closepath stroke } def
+/TriUE { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul add M
+ hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
+ hpt 2 mul 0 V
+ hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V closepath stroke } def
+/TriDE { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul sub M
+ hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
+ hpt 2 mul 0 V
+ hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V closepath stroke } def
+/PentE { stroke [] 0 setdash gsave
+ translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
+ closepath stroke grestore } def
+/CircE { stroke [] 0 setdash
+ hpt 0 360 arc stroke } def
+/Opaque { gsave closepath 1 setgray fill grestore 0 setgray closepath } def
+/DiaW { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt add M
+ hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
+ hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V Opaque stroke } def
+/BoxW { stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
+ 0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
+ hpt2 neg 0 V Opaque stroke } def
+/TriUW { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul add M
+ hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
+ hpt 2 mul 0 V
+ hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V Opaque stroke } def
+/TriDW { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul sub M
+ hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
+ hpt 2 mul 0 V
+ hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V Opaque stroke } def
+/PentW { stroke [] 0 setdash gsave
+ translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
+ Opaque stroke grestore } def
+/CircW { stroke [] 0 setdash
+ hpt 0 360 arc Opaque stroke } def
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+(100) Rshow
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+63 0 V
+6409 0 R
+-63 0 V
+-6493 0 R
+(200) Rshow
+560 2328 M
+63 0 V
+6409 0 R
+-63 0 V
+-6493 0 R
+(300) Rshow
+560 2964 M
+63 0 V
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+-63 0 V
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+currentpoint gsave translate 90 rotate 0 0 M
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+3796 140 M
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+0 27 V
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+39 0 V
+0 126 V
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+0 103 V
+52 0 V
+0 49 V
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+0 56 V
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+%%DocumentFonts: Helvetica
+%%Pages: 1
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+The code and graphics on this website (and it's mirror sites, if any) are
+Copyright (c) 1999-2004 by Erik Andersen. All rights reserved.
+Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Rob Landley.
+Documents on this Web site including their graphical elements, design, and
+layout are protected by trade dress and other laws and MAY BE COPIED OR
+You have been warned.
+You can contact the webmaster at <> if you have some sort
+of problem with this.
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new file mode 100644
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+<!--#include file="header.html" -->
+<h3>Morris Dancing</h3>
+<p>Subversion commit access requires an account on Morris. The server
+behind and If you want to be able to commit things to
+Subversion, first contribute some stuff to show you are serious, can handle
+some responsibility, and that your patches don't generally need a lot of
+cleanup. Then, very nicely ask one of us (<a href="">Rob
+Landley</a> for BusyBox, or <a href="">Erik
+Andersen</a> for uClibc) for an account.</p>
+<p>If you're approved for an account, you'll need to send an email from your
+preferred contact email address with the username you'd like to use when
+committing changes to SVN, and attach a public ssh key to access your account
+<p>If you don't currently have an ssh version 2 DSA key at least 1024 bits
+long (the default), you can generate a key using the
+command <b>ssh-keygen -t dsa</b> and hitting enter at the prompts. This
+will create the files <b>~/.ssh/id_dsa</b> and <b>~/.ssh/</b>
+You must then send the content of '' to me so I can set up your
+account. (The content of 'id_dsa' should of course be kept secret, anyone
+who has that can access any account that's installed your public key in
+its <b>.ssh/authorized_keys</b> file.)</p>
+<p>Note that if you would prefer to keep your communications with us
+private, you can encrypt your email using
+<a href="">Rob's public key</a> or
+<a href="">Erik's public
+<p>Once you are setup with an account, you will need to use your account to
+checkout a copy of BusyBox from Subversion:</p>
+<p><b>svn checkout svn+ssh://</b></p>
+<p><b>svn checkout svn+ssh://</b></p>
+<p>You must change <em>username</em> to your own username, or omit
+it if it's the same as your local username.</p>
+<p>You can then enter the newly checked out project directory, make changes,
+check your changes, diff your changes, revert your changes, and and commit your
+changes using commands such as:</p>
+svn diff
+svn status
+svn revert
+EDITOR=vi svn commit
+svn log -v -r PREV:HEAD
+svn help
+<p>For additional detail on how to use Subversion, please visit the
+<a href="">the Subversion website</a>.
+You might also want to read online or buy a copy of <a
+href="">the Subversion Book</a>...</p>
+<p>A morris account also gives you a personal web page
+( comes from ~/public_html on morris), and of
+course a shell prompt you can ssh into (as a regular user, root access is
+reserved for Erik and Rob). But keep in mind an account on Morris is a
+priviledge, not a requirement. Most contributors to busybox and uClibc
+haven't got one, and accounts are handed out to make the project maintainers'
+lives easier, not because "you deserve it".</p>
+<!--#include file="footer.html" -->
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+<!--#include file="header.html" -->
+Source for the latest release can always be
+downloaded from <a href="downloads"></a>.
+You can also obtain <a href= "downloads/snapshots/">Daily Snapshots</a> of
+the latest development source tree for those wishing to follow BusyBox development,
+but cannot or do not wish to use Subversion (svn).
+ <li> Click here to <a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/busybox/">browse the source tree</a>.
+ </li>
+ <li>Anonymous <a href="subversion.html">Subversion access</a> is available.
+ </li>
+ <li>For those that are actively contributing obtaining
+ <a href="developer.html">Subversion read/write access</a> is also possible.
+ </li>
+<!--#include file="footer.html" -->
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+ <b>About</b>
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+ <li><a href="about.html">About BusyBox</a></li>
+ <li><a href="screenshot.html">Screenshot</a></li>
+ <li><a href="news.html">Announcements</a></li>
+ <li><a href="downloads/news">BusyBox Weekly News</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <b>Documentation</b>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="FAQ.html">FAQ</a></li>
+ <li><a href="downloads/BusyBox.html">Command Help</a></li>
+ <li><a href="downloads/README">README</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <b>Get BusyBox</b>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="download.html">Download Source</a></li>
+ <li><a href="license.html">License</a></li>
+ <li><a href="products.html">Products</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <b>Development</b>
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+ <li><a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/busybox/">Browse Source</a></li>
+ <li><a href="subversion.html">Source Control</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/downloads/patches/recent.html">Recent Changes</a></li>
+ <li><a href="lists.html">Mailing Lists</a></li>
+ <li><a href="">Bug Tracking</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p><b>Links</b>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="links.html">Related Sites</a></li>
+ <li><a href="tinyutils.html">Tiny Utilities</a></li>
+ <li><a href="sponsors.html">Sponsors</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p><b>Developer Pages</b>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="">Rob</a></li>
+ <li><a href="">Bernhard</a></li>
+ <li><a href="">Denis</a></li>
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+<!--#include file="header.html" -->
+<h3>BusyBox is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2</h3>
+<p>BusyBox is licensed under <a href="">the
+GNU General Public License</a> version 2, which is often abbreviated as GPLv2.
+(This is the same license the Linux kernel is under, so you may be somewhat
+familiar with it by now.)</p>
+<p>A complete copy of the license text is included in the file LICENSE in
+the BusyBox source code.</p>
+<p><a href="/products.html">Anyone thinking of shipping BusyBox as part of a
+product</a> should be familiar with the licensing terms under which they are
+allowed to use and distribute BusyBox. Read the full test of the GPL (either
+through the above link, or in the file LICENSE in the busybox tarball), and
+also read the <a href="">Frequently
+Asked Questions about the GPL</a>.</p>
+<p>Basically, if you distribute GPL software the license requires that you also
+distribute the source code to that GPL-licensed software. So if you distribute
+BusyBox without making the source code to the version you distribute available,
+you violate the license terms, and thus infringe on the copyrights of BusyBox.
+(This requirement applies whether or not you modified BusyBox; either way the
+license terms still apply to you.) Read the license text for the details.</p>
+<h3>A note on GPL versions</h3>
+<p>Version 2 of the GPL is the only version of the GPL which current versions
+of BusyBox may be distributed under. New code added to the tree is licensed
+GPL version 2, and the project's license is GPL version 2.</p>
+<p>Older versions of BusyBox (versions 1.2.2 and earlier, up through about svn
+16112) included variants of the recommended "GPL version 2 or (at your option)
+later versions" boilerplate permission grant. Ancient versions of BusyBox
+(before svn 49) did not specify any version at all, and section 9 of GPLv2
+(the most recent version at the time) says those old versions may be
+redistributed under any version of GPL (including the obsolete V1). This was
+conceptually similar to a dual license, except that the different licenses were
+different versions of the GPL.</p>
+<p>However, BusyBox has apparently always contained chunks of code that were
+licensed under GPL version 2 only. Examples include applets written by Linus
+Torvalds (util-linux/mkfs_minix.c and util_linux/mkswap.c) which stated they
+"may be redistributed as per the Linux copyright" (which Linus clarified in the
+2.4.0-pre8 release announcement in 2000 was GPLv2 only), and Linux kernel code
+copied into libbb/loop.c (after Linus's announcement). There are probably
+more, because all we used to check was that the code was GPL, not which
+version. (Before the GPLv3 draft proceedings in 2006, it was a purely
+theoretical issue that didn't come up much.)</p>
+<p>To summarize: every version of BusyBox may be distributed under the terms of
+GPL version 2. New versions (after 1.2.2) may <b>only</b> be distributed under
+GPLv2, not under other versions of the GPL. Older versions of BusyBox might
+(or might not) be distributable under other versions of the GPL. If you
+want to use a GPL version other than 2, you should start with one of the old
+versions such as release 1.2.2 or SVN 16112, and do your own homework to
+identify and remove any code that can't be licensed under the GPL version you
+want to use. New development is all GPLv2.</p>
+<h3>License enforcement</h3>
+<p>BusyBox's copyrights are enforced by the <a
+href="">Software Freedom Law Center</a>
+(you can contact them at, which
+"accepts primary responsibility for enforcement of US copyrights on the
+software... and coordinates international copyright enforcement efforts for
+such works as necessary." If you distribute BusyBox in a way that doesn't
+comply with the terms of the license BusyBox is distributed under, expect to
+hear from these guys. Their entire reason for existing is to do pro-bono
+legal work for free/open source software projects. (We used to list people who
+violate the BusyBox license in <a href="/shame.html">The Hall of Shame</a>,
+but these days we find it much more effective to hand them over to the
+<p>Our enforcement efforts are aimed at bringing people into compliance with
+the BusyBox license. Open source software is under a different license from
+proprietary software, but if you violate that license you're still a software
+pirate and the law gives the vendor (us) some big sticks to play with. We
+don't want monetary awards, injunctions, or to generate bad PR for a company,
+unless that's the only way to get somebody that repeatedly ignores us to comply
+with the license on our code.</p>
+<h3>A Good Example</h3>
+<p>These days, <a href="">Linksys</a> is
+doing a good job at complying with the GPL, they get to be an
+example of how to do things right. Please take a moment and
+check out what they do with
+<a href="">
+distributing the firmware for their WRT54G Router.</a>
+Following their example would be a fine way to ensure that you
+have also fulfilled your licensing obligations.</p>
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+<!--#include file="header.html" -->
+<h3>Related Sites</h3>
+<br><a href=""></a>
+<br><a href="">uClibc++</a>
+<br><a href="">udhcp</a>
+<br><a href="">buildroot</a>
+<br><a href="">Scratchbox</a>
+<br><a href="">OpenEmbedded</a>
+<br><a href="">uCdot</a>
+<br><a href="">LinuxDevices</a>
+<br><a href="">Slashdot</a>
+<br><a href="">Freshmeat</a>
+<br><a href="">Linux Today</a>
+<br><a href="">Linux Weekly News</a>
+<br><a href="">Linux HOWTOs</a>
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+<!--#include file="header.html" -->
+<!-- Begin Introduction section -->
+<h3>Mailing List Information</h3>
+BusyBox has a <a href="/lists/busybox/">mailing list</a> for discussion and
+development. You can subscribe by visiting
+<a href="">this page</a>.
+Only subscribers to the BusyBox mailing list are allowed to post
+to this list.
+There is also a mailing list for <a href="/lists/busybox-cvs/">active developers</a>
+wishing to read the complete diff of each and every change to busybox -- not for the
+faint of heart. Active developers can subscribe by visiting
+<a href="">this page</a>.
+The Subversion server is the only one permtted to post to this list. And yes,
+this list name uses the word 'cvs' even though we don't use that anymore...
+<h3>Search the List Archives</h3>
+Please search the mailing list archives before asking questions on the mailing
+list, since there is a good chance someone else has asked the same question
+before. Checking the archives is a great way to avoid annoying everyone on the
+list with frequently asked questions...
+<form method="GET" action="">
+<input type="hidden" name="domains" value="">
+<input type="hidden" name="sitesearch" value="">
+<input type="text" name="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value="">
+<input type="submit" name="sa" value="search the mailing list archives">
+<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Google" height="32" width="75" align="middle"></a>
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+<!--#include file="header.html" -->
+ <li><b>18 March, 2007 -- BusyBox 1.4.2 (stable)</b>
+ <p><a href=>BusyBox 1.4.2</a>.
+ </p>
+ <p>This release includes only trivial fixes accumulated since 1.4.1.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li><b>25 January, 2007 -- BusyBox 1.4.1 (stable)</b>
+ <p><a href=>BusyBox 1.4.1</a>.
+ (<a href=>patches</a>)</p>
+ <p>This release includes only trivial fixes accumulated since 1.4.0.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li><b>20 January, 2007 -- BusyBox 1.4.0 (stable)</b>
+ <p><a href=>BusyBox 1.4.0</a>.
+ (<a href=>patches</a>)</p>
+ <p>Since this is a x.x.0 release, it probably is a bit less "stable"
+ than usual.</p>
+ <p>Changes since previous release:
+ <ul>
+ <li>e2fsprogs are mostly removed from busybox. Some smaller parts remain,
+ the rest of it sits disabled in e2fsprogs/old_e2fsprogs/*, because
+ it's too bloated. Really. I'm afraid it's about the only way we can
+ ever get e2fsprogs cleaned up.
+ <li>less: many improvements. Now can display binary files
+ (although I expect it to have trouble with displays where 8bit chars
+ don't have 1-to-1 char/glyph relationship). Regexp search is not buggy
+ anymore. Less does not read entire input up-front. Reads input
+ as it appears (yay!). Works rather nice as man pager. I recommend it
+ for general use now.
+ <li>IPv6: generic support is in place, many networking applets are
+ upgraded to be IPv6 capable. Probably some work remains, but it is
+ already much better than what we had previously.
+ <li>arp: new applet (thanks to Eric Spakman).
+ <li>fakeidentd: non-forking standalone server part was taking ~90%
+ of the applet. Factored it out (in fact, rewrote it).
+ <li>syslogd: mostly rewritten.
+ <li>decompress_unzip, gzip: sanitized a bit.
+ <li>sed: better hadling of NULs
+ <li>httpd: stop adding our own "Content-type:" to CGI output
+ <li>chown: user.grp works again.
+ <li>minor bugfixes to: passwd, date, tftp, start_stop_daemon, tar,
+ ps, ifupdown, time, su, stty, awk, ping[6], sort,...
+ </ul>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li><b>20 January, 2007 -- BusyBox 1.3.2 (stable)</b>
+ <p><a href=>BusyBox 1.3.2</a>.</p>
+ <p>This release includes only one trivial fix accumulated since 1.3.1
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li><b>27 December, 2006 -- BusyBox 1.3.1 (stable)</b>
+ <p><a href=>BusyBox 1.3.1</a>.
+ (<a href=>patches</a>)</p>
+ <p>Closing 2006 with new release. It includes only trivial fixes accumulated since 1.3.0
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li><b>14 December, 2006 -- BusyBox 1.3.0 (stable)</b>
+ <p><a href=>BusyBox 1.3.0</a>.
+ (<a href=>patches</a>)</p>
+ <p>This release has CONFIG_DESKTOP option which enables features
+ needed for busybox usage on desktop machine. For example, find, chmod
+ and chown get several less frequently used options, od is significantly
+ bigger but matches GNU coreutils, etc. Intended to eventually make
+ busybox a viable alternative for "standard" utilities for slightly
+ adventurous desktop users.
+ <p>Changes since previous release:
+ <ul>
+ <li>find: taking many more of standard options
+ <li>ps: POSIX-compliant -o implemented
+ <li>cp: added -s, -l
+ <li>grep: added -r, fixed -h
+ <li>watch: make it exec child like standard one does (was totally
+ incompatible)
+ <li>tar: fix limitations which were preventing bbox tar usage
+ on big directories: long names and linknames, pax headers
+ (Linux kernel tarballs have that). Fixed a number of obscure bugs.
+ Raised max file limit (now 64Gb). Security fixes (/../ attacks).
+ <li>httpd: added -i (inetd), -f (foreground), support for
+ directory indexer CGI (example is included), bugfixes.
+ <li>telnetd: fixed/improved IPv6 support, inetd+standalone support,
+ other fixes. Useful IPv6 stuff factored out into libbb.
+ <li>runit/*: new applets adapted from
+ (these are my personal favorite small-and-beautiful toys)
+ <li>minor bugfixes to: login, dd, mount, umount, chmod, chown, ln, udhcp,
+ fdisk, ifconfig, sort, tee, mkswap, wget, insmod.
+ </ul>
+ <p>Note that GnuPG key used to sign this release is different.
+ is also signed post-factum now. Sorry for the mess.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li><b>29 October, 2006 -- BusyBox (fix)</b>
+ <p><a href=>BusyBox</a>.</p>
+ <p>Added compile-time warning that static linking against glibc
+ produces buggy executables.
+ </li>
+ <li><b>24 October, 2006 -- BusyBox 1.2.2 (stable)</b>
+ <p>It's a bit overdue, but
+ <a href=>here is
+ BusyBox 1.2.2</a>.</p>
+ <p>This release has dozens of fixes backported from the ongoing development
+ branch. There are a couple of bugfixes to sed, two fixes to documentation
+ generation (BusyBox.html shouldn't have USE() macros in it anymore), fix
+ umount to report the right errno on failure and to umount block devices by
+ name with newer kernels, fix mount to handle symlinks properly, make mdev
+ delete device nodes when called for hotplug remove, fix a segfault
+ in traceroute, a minor portability fix to md5sum option parsing, a build
+ fix for httpd with old gccs, an options parsing tweak to hdparm, make test
+ fail gracefully when getgroups() returns -1, fix a race condition in
+ modprobe when two instances run at once (hotplug does this), make "tar xf
+ foo.tar dir/dir" extract all subdirectories, make our getty initialize the
+ terminal more like mingetty, an selinux build fix, an endianness fix in
+ ping6, fix for zcip defending addresses, clean up some global variables in
+ gzip to save memory, fix sulogin -tNNN, a help text tweak, several warning
+ fixes and build fixes, fixup dnsd a bit, and a partridge in a pear tree.</p>
+ <p>As <a href=>Linux Weekly News noted</a>,
+ this is my (Rob's) last release of BusyBox. The new maintainer is Denis
+ Vlasenko, I'm off to do <a href=>other things</a>.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li><b>29 September, 2006 -- New license email address.</b>
+ <p>The email address is now the recommended way to contact
+ the Software Freedom Law Center to report BusyBox license violations.</p>
+ <li><b>31 July 2006 -- BusyBox 1.2.1 (stable)</b>
+ <p>Since nobody seems to have objected too loudly over the weekend, I
+ might as well point you all at
+ <a href="">Busybox
+ 1.2.1</a>, a bugfix-only release with no new features.</p>
+ <p>It has three shell fixes (two to lash: going "var=value" without
+ saying "export" should now work, plus a missing null pointer check, and
+ one to ash when redirecting output to a file that fills up.) Fix three
+ embarassing thinkos in the new dmesg command. Two build tweaks
+ (dependencies for the compressed usage messages and running make in the
+ libbb subdirectory). One fix to tar so it can extract git-generated
+ tarballs (rather than barfing on the pax extensions). And a partridge
+ in a pear... Ahem.</p>
+ <p>But wait, there's more! A passwd changing fix so an empty
+ gecos field doesn't trigger a false objection that the new passwd contains
+ the gecos field. Make all our setuid() and setgid() calls check the return
+ value in case somebody's using per-process resource limits that prevent
+ a user from having too many processes (and thus prevent a process from
+ switching away from root, in which case the process will now _die_ rather
+ than continue with root privileges). A fix to adduser to make sure that
+ /etc/group gets updated. And a fix to modprobe to look for modules.conf
+ in the right place on 2.6 kernels.</p>
+ <li><b>30 June 2006 -- BusyBox 1.2.0</b>
+ <p>The -devel branch has been stabilized and the result is
+ <a href="">Busybox
+ 1.2.0</a>. Lots of stuff changed, I need to work up a decent changelog
+ over the weekend.</p>
+ <p>I'm still experimenting with how long is best for the development
+ cycle, and since we've got some largeish projects queued up I'm going to
+ try a longer one. Expect 1.3.0 in December. (Expect 1.2.1 any time
+ we fix enough bugs. :)</p>
+ <p>Update: Here are <a href="">the first few bug fixes</a> that will go into 1.2.1.</p>
+ <li><b>17 May 2006 -- BusyBox 1.1.3 (stable)</b>
+ <p><a href="">BusyBox
+ 1.1.3</a> is another bugfix release. It makes passwd use salt, fixes a
+ memory freeing bug in ls, fixes "build all sources at once" mode, makes
+ mount -a not abort on the first failure, fixes msh so ctrl-c doesn't kill
+ background processes, makes patch work with patch hunks that don't have a
+ timestamp, make less's text search a lot more robust (the old one could
+ segfault), and fixes readlink -f when built against uClibc.</p>
+ <p>Expect 1.2.0 sometime next month, which won't be a bugfix release.</p>
+ <li><b>10 April 2006 -- BusyBox 1.1.2 (stable)</b>
+ <p>You can now download <a href="">BusyBox 1.1.2</a>, a bug fix release consisting of 11 patches
+ backported from the development branch: Some build fixes, several fixes
+ for mount and nfsmount, a fix for insmod on big endian systems, a fix for
+ find -xdev, and a fix for comm. Check the file "changelog" in the tarball
+ for more info.</p>
+ <p>The next new development release (1.2.0) is slated for June. A 1.1.3
+ will be released before then if more bug fixes crop up. (The new plan is
+ to have a 1.x.0 new development release every 3 months, with 1.x.y stable
+ bugfix only releases based on that as appropriate.)</p>
+ <li><b>27 March 2006 -- Software Freedom Law Center representing BusyBox and uClibc</b>
+ <p>One issue Erik Andersen wanted to resolve when handing off BusyBox
+ maintainership to Rob Landley was license enforcement. BusyBox and
+ uClibc's existing license enforcement efforts (pro-bono representation
+ by Erik's father's law firm, and the
+ <a href="">Hall of Shame</a>), haven't
+ scaled to match the popularity of the projects. So we put our heads
+ together and did the obvious thing: ask Pamela Jones of
+ <a href="">Groklaw</a> for suggestions. She
+ referred us to the fine folks at</p>
+ <p>As a result, we're pleased to announce that the
+ <a href="">Software Freedom Law Center</a>
+ has agreed to represent BusyBox and uClibc. We join a number of other
+ free and open source software projects (such as
+ <a href=""></a>,
+ <a href="">Wine</a>, and
+ <a href="">Plone</a>
+ in being represented by a fairly cool bunch of lawyers, which is not a
+ phrase you get to use every day.</p>
+ <li><b>22 March 2006 -- BusyBox 1.1.1</b>
+ <p>The new maintainer is Rob Landley, and the new release is <a href="">BusyBox 1.1.1</a>. Expect a "what's new" document in a few days. (Also, Erik and I have have another announcement pending...)</p>
+ <p>Update: Rather than put out an endless stream of 1.1.1.x releases,
+ the various small fixes have been collected together into a
+ <a href="">patch</a>,
+ and new fixes will be appended to that as needed. Expect 1.1.2 around
+ June.</p>
+ </li>
+ <li><b>11 January 2006 -- 1.1.0 is out</b>
+ <p>The new stable release is
+ <a href="">BusyBox
+ 1.1.0</a>. It has a number of improvements, including several new applets.
+ (It also has <a href="">a few rough spots</a>,
+ but we're trying out a "release early, release often" strategy to see how
+ that works. Expect 1.1.1 sometime in March.)</p>
+ <li><b>Old News</b><p>
+ <a href="/oldnews.html">Click here to read older news</a>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+<!--#include file="footer.html" -->
diff --git a/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1017b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,1140 @@
+<!--#include file="header.html" -->
+ <li><b>31 October 2005 -- 1.1.0-pre1</b>
+ <p>The development branch of busybox is stable enough for wider testing, so
+ you can now
+ <a href="">download</a>,
+ the first prerelease of 1.1.0. This prerelease includes a lot of
+ <a href="">new
+ functionality</a>: new applets, new features, and extensive rewrites of
+ several existing applets. This prerelease should be noticeably more
+ <a href="">standards
+ compliant</a> than earlier versions of busybox, although we're
+ still working out the <a href="">bugs</a>.</p>
+ <li><b>16 August 2005 -- 1.01 is out</b>
+ <p>A new stable release (<a href="">BusyBox
+ 1.01</a>) is now available for download, containing over a hundred
+ <a href="">small
+ fixes</a> that have cropped up since the 1.00 release.</p>
+ <li><b>13 January 2005 -- Bug and Patch Tracking</b><p>
+ Bug reports sometimes get lost when posted to the mailing list. The
+ developers of BusyBox are busy people, and have only so much they can keep
+ in their brains at a time. In my case, I'm lucky if I can remember my own
+ name, much less a bug report posted last week... To prevent your bug report
+ from getting lost, if you find a bug in BusyBox, please use the
+ <a href="">shiny new Bug and Patch Tracking System</a>
+ to post all the gory details.
+ <p>
+ The same applies to patches... Regardless of whether your patch
+ is a bug fix or adds spiffy new features, please post your patch
+ to the Bug and Patch Tracking System to make certain it is
+ properly considered.
+ <p>
+ <li><b>13 October 2004 -- BusyBox 1.00 released</b><p>
+ When you take a careful look at nearly every embedded Linux device or
+ software distribution shipping today, you will find a copy of BusyBox.
+ With countless routers, set top boxes, wireless access points, PDAs, and
+ who knows what else, the future for Linux and BusyBox on embedded devices
+ is looking very bright.
+ <p>
+ It is therefore with great satisfaction that I declare each and every
+ device already shipping with BusyBox is now officially out of date.
+ The highly anticipated release of BusyBox 1.00 has arrived!
+ <p>
+ Over three years in development, BusyBox 1.00 represents a tremendous
+ improvement over the old 0.60.x stable series. Now featuring a Linux
+ KernelConf based configuration system (as used by the Linux kernel),
+ Linux 2.6 kernel support, many many new applets, and the development
+ work and testing of thousands of people from around the world.
+ <p>
+ If you are already using BusyBox, you are strongly encouraged to upgrade to
+ BusyBox 1.00. If you are considering developing an embedded Linux device
+ or software distribution, you may wish to investigate if using BusyBox is
+ right for your application. If you need help getting started using
+ BusyBox, if you wish to donate to help cover expenses, or if you find a bug
+ and need help reporting it, you are invited to visit the <a
+ href="FAQ.html">BusyBox FAQ</a>.
+ <p>
+ As usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <li><b>Old News</b><p>
+ <a href="/oldnews.html">Click here to read older news</a>
+ <li><b>16 August 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-rc3 released</b><p>
+ Here goes release candidate 3...
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all the details.
+ And as usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <li><b>26 July 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-rc2 released</b><p>
+ Here goes release candidate 2...
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all the details.
+ And as usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <li><b>20 July 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-rc1 released</b><p>
+ Here goes release candidate 1... This fixes all (most?) of the problems
+ that have turned up since -pre10. In particular, loading and unloading of
+ kernel modules with 2.6.x kernels should be working much better.
+ <p>
+ I <b>really</b> want to get BusyBox 1.0.0 released soon and I see no real
+ reason why the 1.0.0 release shouldn't happen with things pretty much as
+ is. BusyBox is in good shape at the moment, and it works nicely for
+ everything that I'm doing with it. And from the reports I've been getting,
+ it works nicely for what most everyone else is doing with it as well.
+ There will eventually be a 1.0.1 anyway, so we might as well get on with
+ it. No, BusyBox is not perfect. No piece of software ever is. And while
+ there is still plenty that can be done to improve things, most of that work
+ is waiting till we can get a solid 1.0.0 release out the door....
+ <p>
+ Please do not bother to send in patches adding cool new features at this
+ time. Only bug-fix patches will be accepted. If you have submitted a
+ bug-fixing patch to the busybox mailing list and no one has emailed you
+ explaining why your patch was rejected, it is safe to say that your patch
+ has been lost or forgotten. That happens sometimes. Please re-submit your
+ bug-fixing patch to the BusyBox mailing list, and be sure to put "[PATCH]"
+ at the beginning of the email subject line!
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all the details.
+ And as usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ On a less happy note, My 92 year old grandmother (my dad's mom) passed away
+ yesterday (June 19th). The funeral will be Thursday in a little town about
+ 2 hours south of my home. I've checked and there is absolutely no way I
+ could be back in time for the funeral if I attend <a
+ href="">OLS</a> and give my presentation
+ as scheduled.
+ <p>
+ As such, it is with great reluctance and sadness that I have come
+ to the conclusion I will have to make my appologies and skip OLS
+ this year.
+ <p>
+ <p>
+ <li><b>13 April 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre10 released</b><p>
+ Ok, I lied. It turns out that -pre9 will not be the final BusyBox
+ pre-release. With any luck however -pre10 will be, since I <b>really</b>
+ want to get BusyBox 1.0.0 released very soon. As usual, please do not
+ bother to send in patches adding cool new features at this time. Only
+ bug-fix patches will be accepted. It would also be <b>very</b> helpful if
+ people could continue to review the BusyBox documentation and submit
+ improvements.
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all the details.
+ And as usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <p>
+ <li><b>6 April 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre9 released</b><p>
+ Here goes the final BusyBox pre-release... This is your last chance for
+ bug fixes. With luck this will be released as BusyBox 1.0.0 later this
+ week. Please do not bother to send in patches adding cool new features at
+ this time. Only bug-fix patches will be accepted. It would also be
+ <b>very</b> helpful if people could help review the BusyBox documentation
+ and submit improvements. I've spent a lot of time updating the
+ documentation to make it better match reality, but I could really use some
+ assistance in checking that the features supported by the various applets
+ match the features listed in the documentation.
+ <p>
+ I had hoped to get this released a month ago, but
+ <a href="">
+ another release on 1 March 2004</a> has kept me busy...
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all the details.
+ And as usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <p>
+ <li><b>23 February 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre8 released</b><p>
+ Here goes yet another BusyBox pre-release... Please do not bother to send
+ in patches supplying new features at this time. Only bug-fix patches will
+ be accepted. If you have a cool new feature you would like to see
+ supported, or if you have an amazing new applet you would like to submit,
+ please wait and submit such things later. We really want to get a release
+ out we can all be proud of. We are still aiming to finish off the -pre
+ series in February and move on to the final 1.0.0 release... So if you
+ spot any bugs, now would be an excellent time to send in a fix to the
+ busybox mailing list. It would also be <b>very</b> helpful if people could
+ help review the BusyBox documentation and submit improvements. It would be
+ especially helpful if people could check that the features supported by the
+ various applets match the features listed in the documentation.
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all the details.
+ And as usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <li><b>4 February 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre7 released</b><p>
+ There was a bug in -pre6 that broke argument parsing for a
+ number of applets, since a variable was not being zeroed out
+ properly. This release is primarily intended to fix that one
+ problem. In addition, this release fixes several other
+ problems, including a rewrite by mjn3 of the code for parsing
+ the busybox.conf file used for suid handling, some shell updates
+ from vodz, and a scattering of other small fixes. We are still
+ aiming to finish off the -pre series in February and move on to
+ the final 1.0.0 release... If you see any problems, of have
+ suggestions to make, as always, please feel free to email the
+ busybox mailing list.
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all
+ the details. And as usual you can
+ <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <p>
+ <li><b>30 January 2004 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre6 released</b><p>
+ Here goes the next pre-release for the new BusyBox stable
+ series. This release adds a number of size optimizations,
+ updates udhcp, fixes up 2.6 modutils support, updates ash
+ and the shell command line editing, and the usual pile of
+ bug fixes both large and small. Things appear to be
+ settling down now, so with a bit of luck and some testing
+ perhaps we can finish off the -pre series in February and
+ move on to the final 1.0.0 release... If you see any
+ problems, of have suggestions to make, as always, please
+ feel free to email the busybox mailing list.
+ <p>
+ People who rely on the <a href= "downloads/snapshots/">daily BusyBox snapshots</a>
+ should be aware that snapshots of the old busybox 0.60.x
+ series are no longer available. Daily snapshots are now
+ only available for the BusyBox 1.0.0 series and now use
+ the naming scheme "busybox-&lt;date&gt;.tar.bz2". Please
+ adjust any build scripts using the old naming scheme accordingly.
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all
+ the details. And as usual you can
+ <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <p>
+ <li><b>23 December 2003 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre5 released</b><p>
+ Here goes the next pre-release for the new BusyBox stable
+ series. The most obvious thing in this release is a fix for
+ a terribly stupid bug in mount that prevented it from working
+ properly unless you specified the filesystem type. This
+ release also fixes a few compile problems, updates udhcp,
+ fixes a silly bug in fdisk, fixes ifup/ifdown to behave like
+ the Debian version, updates devfsd, updates the 2.6.x
+ modutils support, add a new 'rx' applet, removes the obsolete
+ 'loadacm' applet, fixes a few tar bugs, fixes a sed bug, and
+ a few other odd fixes.
+ <p>
+ If you see any problems, of have suggestions to make, as
+ always, please feel free to send an email to the busybox
+ mailing list.
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all
+ the details. And as usual you can
+ <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <li><b>10 December 2003 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre4 released</b><p>
+ Here goes the fourth pre-release for the new BusyBox stable
+ series. This release includes major rework to sed, lots of
+ rework on tar, a new tiny implementation of bunzip2, a new
+ devfsd applet, support for 2.6.x kernel modules, updates to
+ the ash shell, sha1sum and md5sum have been merged into a
+ common applet, the dpkg applets has been cleaned up, and tons
+ of random bugs have been fixed. Thanks everyone for all the
+ testing, bug reports, and patches! Once again, a big
+ thank-you goes to Glenn McGrath (bug1) for stepping in and
+ helping get patches merged!
+ <p>
+ And of course, if you are reading this, you might have noticed
+ the busybox website has been completely reworked. Hopefully
+ things are now somewhat easier to navigate... If you see any
+ problems, of have suggestions to make, as always, please feel
+ free to send an email to the busybox mailing list.
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all
+ the details. And as usual you can
+ <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <li><b>12 Sept 2003 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre3 released</b><p>
+ Here goes the third pre-release for the new BusyBox stable
+ series. The last prerelease has held up quite well under
+ testing, but a number of problems have turned up as the number
+ of people using it has increased. Thanks everyone for all
+ the testing, bug reports, and patches!
+ <p>
+ If you have submitted a patch or a bug report to the busybox
+ mailing list and no one has emailed you explaining why your
+ patch was rejected, it is safe to say that your patch has
+ somehow gotten lost or forgotten. That happens sometimes.
+ Please re-submit your patch or bug report to the BusyBox
+ mailing list!
+ <p>
+ The point of the "-preX" versions is to get a larger group of
+ people and vendors testing, so any problems that turn up can be
+ fixed prior to the final 1.0.0 release. The main feature
+ (besides additional testing) that is still still on the TODO
+ list before the final BusyBox 1.0.0 release is sorting out the
+ modutils issues. For the new 2.6.x kernels, we already have
+ patches adding insmod and rmmod support and those need to be
+ integrated. For 2.4.x kernels, for which busybox only supports
+ a limited number of architectures, we may want to invest a bit
+ more work before we cut 1.0.0. Or we may just leave 2.4.x
+ module loading alone.
+ <p>
+ I had hoped this release would be out a month ago. And of
+ course, it wasn't since Erik became busy getting a release of
+ <a href="">uClibc</a>
+ out the door. Many thanks to Glenn McGrath (bug1) for
+ stepping in and helping get a bunch of patches merged! I am
+ not even going to state a date for releasing BusyBox 1.0.0
+ -pre4 (or the final 1.0.0). We're aiming for late September...
+ But if this release proves as to be exceptionally stable (or
+ exceptionally unstable!), the next release may be very soon
+ indeed.
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all
+ the details. And as usual you can
+ <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <li><b>30 July 2003 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre2 released</b><p>
+ Here goes another pre release for the new BusyBox stable
+ series. The last prerelease (pre1) was given quite a lot of
+ testing (thanks everyone!) which has helped turn up a number of
+ bugs, and these problems have now been fixed.
+ <p>
+ Highlights of -pre2 include updating the 'ash' shell to sync up
+ with the Debian 'dash' shell, a new 'hdparm' applet was added,
+ init again supports pivot_root, The 'reboot' 'halt' and
+ 'poweroff' applets can now be used without using busybox init.
+ an ifconfig buffer overflow was fixed, losetup now allows
+ read-write loop devices, uClinux daemon support was added, the
+ 'watchdog', 'fdisk', and 'kill' applets were rewritten, there were
+ tons of doc updates, and there were many other bugs fixed.
+ <p>
+ If you have submitted a patch and it is not included in this
+ release and Erik has not emailed you explaining why your patch
+ was rejected, it is safe to say that he has lost your patch.
+ That happens sometimes. Please re-submit your patch to the
+ BusyBox mailing list.
+ <p>
+ The point of the "-preX" versions is to get a larger group of
+ people and vendors testing, so any problems that turn up can be
+ fixed prior to the final 1.0.0 release. The main feature that
+ is still still on the TODO list before the final BusyBox 1.0.0
+ release is adding module support for the new 2.6.x kernels. If
+ necessary, a -pre3 BusyBox release will happen on August 6th.
+ Hopefully (i.e. unless some horrible catastrophic problem
+ turns up) the final BusyBox 1.0.0 release will be ready by
+ then...
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all
+ the details. As usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <p>
+ <li><b>15 July 2003 -- BusyBox 1.0.0-pre1 released</b><p>
+ The busybox development series has been under construction for
+ nearly two years now. Which is just entirely too long... So
+ it is with great pleasure that I announce the imminent release
+ of a new stable series. Due to the huge number of changes
+ since the last stable release (and the usual mindless version
+ number inflation) I am branding this new stable series verison
+ 1.0.x...
+ <p>
+ The point of "-preX" versions is to get a larger group of
+ people and vendors testing, so any problems that turn up can be
+ fixed prior to the magic 1.0.0 release (which should happen
+ later this month)... I plan to release BusyBox 1.0.0-pre2 next
+ Monday (July 21st), and, if necessary, -pre3 on July 28th.
+ Hopefully (i.e. unless some horrible catastrophic problem turns
+ up) the final BusyBox 1.0.0 release should be ready by the end
+ of July.
+ <p>
+ If you have submitted patches, and they are not in this release
+ and I have not emailed you explaining why your patch was
+ rejected, it is safe to say that I have lost your patch. That
+ happens sometimes. Please do <B>NOT</b> send all your patches,
+ support questions, etc, directly to Erik. I get hundreds of
+ emails every day (which is why I end up losing patches
+ sometimes in the flood)... The busybox mailing list is the
+ right place to send your patches, support questions, etc.
+ <p>
+ I would like to especially thank Vladimir Oleynik (vodz), Glenn
+ McGrath (bug1), Robert Griebl (sandman), and Manuel Novoa III
+ (mjn3) for their significant efforts and contributions that
+ have made this release possible.
+ <p>
+ As usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ You don't really need to bother with the
+ <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a>, as the changes
+ vs the stable version are way too extensive to easily enumerate.
+ But you can take a look if you really want too.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <p>
+ <li><b>26 October 2002 -- BusyBox 0.60.5 released</b><p>
+ I am very pleased to announce that the BusyBox 0.60.5 (stable)
+ is now available for download. This is a bugfix release for
+ the stable series to address all the problems that have turned
+ up since the last release. Unfortunately, the previous release
+ had a few nasty bugs (i.e. init could deadlock, gunzip -c tried
+ to delete source files, cp -a wouldn't copy symlinks, and init
+ was not always providing controlling ttys when it should have).
+ I know I said that the previous release would be the end of the
+ 0.60.x series. Well, it turns out I'm a liar. But this time I
+ mean it (just like last time ;-). This will be the last
+ release for the 0.60.x series -- all further development work
+ will be done for the development busybox tree. Expect the development
+ version to have its first real release very very soon now...
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog.full">changelog</a> has all
+ the details. As usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <p>
+ <li><b>18 September 2002 -- BusyBox 0.60.4 released</b><p>
+ I am very pleased to announce that the BusyBox 0.60.4
+ (stable) is now available for download. This is primarily
+ a bugfix release for the stable series to address all
+ the problems that have turned up since the last
+ release. This will be the last release for the 0.60.x series.
+ I mean it this time -- all further development work will be done
+ on the development busybox tree, which is quite solid now and
+ should soon be getting its first real release.
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog.full">changelog</a> has all
+ the details. As usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <p>
+ <li><b>27 April 2002 -- BusyBox 0.60.3 released</b><p>
+ I am very pleased to announce that the BusyBox 0.60.3 (stable) is
+ now available for download. This is primarily a bugfix release
+ for the stable series. A number of problems have turned up since
+ the last release, and this should address most of those problems.
+ This should be the last release for the 0.60.x series. The
+ development busybox tree has been progressing nicely, and will
+ hopefully be ready to become the next stable release.
+ <p>
+ The <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all
+ the details. As usual you can <a href="downloads">download busybox here</a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+ <p>
+ <li><b>6 March 2002 -- now has mirrors!</b><p>
+ is now much more available, thanks to
+ the fine folks at <a href= ""></a>
+ who are providing hosting for and
+ In addition, we now have two mirrors:
+ <a href= ""></a>
+ in Canada and
+ <a href= ""></a>
+ in Germany. I hope this makes things much more
+ accessible for everyone!
+<b>3 January 2002 -- Welcome to!</b>
+<p>Thanks to the generosity of a number of busybox
+users, we have been able to purchase
+(which is where you are probably reading this).
+Right now, and are both
+living on my home system (at the end of my DSL
+line). I apologize for the abrupt move off of Unfortunately, I no longer have
+the access needed to keep that system updated (for
+example, you might notice the daily snapshots there
+stopped some time ago).</p>
+<p> is currently hosted on my home
+server, at the end of a DSL line. Unfortunately,
+the load on them is quite heavy. To address this,
+I'm trying to make arrangements to get
+co-located directly at an ISP. To assist in the
+co-location effort, <a href=
+"">Mark Whitley</a>
+(author of busybox sed, cut, and grep) has donated
+his <a href=
+"">NetWinder</a> computer
+for hosting and Once this
+system is co-located, the current speed problems
+should be completely eliminated. Hopefully, too,
+some of you will volunteer to set up some mirror
+sites, to help to distribute the load a bit.</p>
+ <center>
+ Click here to help support!
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
+ <input type="hidden" name="business" value="">
+ <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Support Busybox">
+ <input type="hidden" name="image_url" value="">
+ <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1">
+ <input type="image" src="images/donate.png" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make donation using PayPal">
+ </form>
+ </center>
+ -->
+ Since some people expressed concern over BusyBox
+donations, let me assure you that no one is getting
+rich here. All BusyBox and uClibc donations will be
+spent paying for bandwidth and needed hardware
+upgrades. For example, Mark's NetWinder currently
+has just 64Meg of memory. As demonstrated when
+google spidered the site the other day, 64 Megs in
+not enough, so I'm going to be ordering 256Megs of
+ram and a larger hard drive for the box today. So
+far, donations received have been sufficient to
+cover almost all expenses. In the future, we may
+have co-location fees to worry about, but for now
+we are ok. A <b>HUGE thank-you</b> goes out to
+everyone that has contributed!<br>
+ -Erik</p>
+<b>20 November 2001 -- BusyBox 0.60.2 released</b>
+<p>We am very pleased to announce that the BusyBox
+0.60.2 (stable) is now released to the world. This
+one is primarily a bugfix release for the stable
+series, and it should take care of most everyone's
+needs till we can get the nice new stuff we have
+been working on in CVS ready to release (with the
+wonderful new buildsystem). The biggest change in
+this release (beyond bugfixes) is the fact that msh
+(the minix shell) has been re-worked by Vladimir N.
+Oleynik (vodz) and so it no longer crashes when
+told to do complex things with backticks.</p>
+<p>This release has been tested on x86, ARM, and
+powerpc using glibc 2.2.4, libc5, and uClibc, so it
+should work with just about any Linux system you
+throw it at. See the <a href=
+"downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> for <small>most
+of</small> the details. The last release was
+<em>very</em> solid for people, and this one should
+be even better.</p>
+<p>As usual BusyBox 0.60.2 can be downloaded from
+<a href=
+<p>Have Fun.<br>
+ -Erik</p>
+<li> <b>18 November 2001 -- Help us buy!</b>
+<!-- Begin PayPal Logo -->
+Click here to help buy!
+<form action="" method="post">
+<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
+<input type="hidden" name="business" value="">
+<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Support Busybox">
+<input type="hidden" name="image_url" value="">
+<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1">
+<input type="image" src="images/donate.png" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make donation using PayPal">
+<!-- End PayPal Logo -->
+I've contacted the current owner of and he is willing
+to sell the domain name -- for $250. He also owns but
+will not part with it... I will then need to pay the registry fee
+for a couple of years and start paying for bandwidth, so this will
+initially cost about $300. I would like to host on my
+home machine ( so I have full control over the system,
+but to do that would require that I increase the level of bandwidth
+I am paying for. Did you know that so far this month, there
+have been over 1.4 Gigabytes of busybox ftp downloads? I don't
+even <em>know</em> how much CVS bandwidth it requires. For the
+time being, Lineo has continued to graciously provide this
+bandwidth, despite the fact that I no longer work for them. If I
+start running this all on my home machine, paying for the needed bandwidth
+will start costing some money.
+I was going to pay it all myself, but my wife didn't like that
+idea at all (big surprise). It turns out &lt;insert argument
+where she wins and I don't&gt; she has better ideas
+about what we should spend our money on that don't involve
+busybox. She suggested I should ask for contributions on the
+mailing list and web page. So...
+I am hoping that if everyone could contribute a bit, we could pick
+up the domain name and cover the bandwidth costs. I
+know that busybox is being used by a lot of companies as well as
+individuals -- hopefully people and companies that are willing to
+contribute back a bit. So if everyone could please help out, that
+would be wonderful!
+<li> <b>23 August 2001 -- BusyBox 0.60.1 released</b>
+ This is a relatively minor bug fixing release that fixes
+ up the bugs that have shown up in the stable release in
+ the last few weeks. Fortunately, nothing <em>too</em>
+ serious has shown up. This release only fixes bugs -- no
+ new features, no new applets. So without further ado,
+ here it is. Come and get it.
+ <p>
+ The
+ <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all
+ the details. As usual BusyBox 0.60.1 can be downloaded from
+ <a href="downloads"></a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+<li> <b>2 August 2001 -- BusyBox 0.60.0 released</b>
+ I am very pleased to announce the immediate availability of
+ BusyBox 0.60.0. I have personally tested this release with libc5, glibc,
+ and <a href="">uClibc</a> on
+ x86, ARM, and powerpc using linux 2.2 and 2.4, and I know a number
+ of people using it on everything from ia64 to m68k with great success.
+ Everything seems to be working very nicely now, so getting a nice
+ stable bug-free(tm) release out seems to be in order. This releases fixes
+ a memory leak in syslogd, a number of bugs in the ash and msh shells, and
+ cleans up a number of things.
+ <p>
+ Those wanting an easy way to test the 0.60.0 release with uClibc can
+ use <a href="">User-Mode Linux</a>
+ to give it a try by downloading and compiling
+ <a href="">buildroot.tar.gz</a>.
+ You don't have to be root or reboot your machine to run test this way.
+ Preconfigured User-Mode Linux kernel source is also on
+ <p>
+ Another cool thing is the nifty <a href="downloads/tutorial/index.html">
+ BusyBox Tutorial</a> contributed by K Computing. This requires
+ a ShockWave plugin (or standalone viewer), so you may want to grab the
+ the GPLed shockwave viewer from <a href="">here</a>
+ to view the tutorial.
+ <p>
+ Finally, In case you didn't notice anything odd about the
+ version number of this release, let me point out that this release
+ is <em>not</em> 0.53, because I bumped the version number up a
+ bit. This reflects the fact that this release is intended to form
+ a new stable BusyBox release series. If you need to rely on a
+ stable version of BusyBox, you should plan on using the stable
+ 0.60.x series. If bugs show up then I will release 0.60.1, then
+ 0.60.2, etc... This is also intended to deal with the fact that
+ the BusyBox build system will be getting a major overhaul for the
+ next release and I don't want that to break products that people
+ are shipping. To avoid that, the new build system will be
+ released as part of a new BusyBox development series that will
+ have some not-yet-decided-on odd version number. Once things
+ stabilize and the new build system is working for everyone, then
+ I will release that as a new stable release series.
+ <p>
+ The
+ <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> has all
+ the details. As usual BusyBox 0.60.0 can be downloaded from
+ <a href="downloads"></a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+<li> <b>7 July 2001 -- BusyBox 0.52 released</b>
+ I am very pleased to announce the immediate availability of
+ BusyBox 0.52 (the "new-and-improved rock-solid release"). This
+ release is the result of <em>many</em> hours of work and has tons
+ of bugfixes, optimizations, and cleanups. This release adds
+ several new applets, including several new shells (such as hush, msh,
+ and ash).
+ <p>
+ The
+ <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> covers
+ some of the more obvious details, but there are many many things that
+ are not mentioned, but have been improved in subtle ways. As usual,
+ BusyBox 0.52 can be downloaded from
+ <a href="downloads"></a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+<li> <b>10 April 2001 - Graph of Busybox Growth </b>
+The illustrious Larry Doolittle has made a PostScript chart of the growth
+of the Busybox tarball size over time. It is available for downloading /
+viewing <a href= ""> right here</a>.
+<p> (Note that while the number of applets in Busybox has increased, you
+can still configure Busybox to be as small as you want by selectively
+turning off whichever applets you don't need.)
+<li> <b>10 April 2001 -- BusyBox 0.51 released</b>
+ BusyBox 0.51 (the "rock-solid release") is now out there. This
+ release adds only 2 new applets: env and vi. The vi applet,
+ contributed by Sterling Huxley, is very functional, and is only
+ 22k. This release fixes 3 critical bugs in the 0.50 release.
+ There were 2 potential segfaults in lash (the busybox shell) in
+ the 0.50 release which are now fixed. Another critical bug in
+ 0.50 which is now fixed: syslogd from 0.50 could potentially
+ deadlock the init process and thereby break your entire system.
+ <p>
+ There are a number of improvements in this release as well. For
+ one thing, the wget applet is greatly improved. Dmitry Zakharov
+ added FTP support, and Laurence Anderson make wget fully RFC
+ compliant for HTTP 1.1. The mechanism for including utility
+ functions in previous releases was clumsy and error prone. Now
+ all utility functions are part of a new libbb library, which makes
+ maintaining utility functions much simpler. And BusyBox now
+ compiles on itanium systems (thanks to the Debian itanium porters
+ for letting me use their system!).
+ <p>
+ You can read the
+ <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> for
+ complete details. BusyBox 0.51 can be downloaded from
+ <a href="downloads"></a>.
+ <p>Have Fun!
+ <p>
+<li> <b>Busybox Boot-Floppy Image</b>
+<p>Because you asked for it, we have made available a <a href=
+"downloads/busybox.floppy.img"> Busybox boot floppy
+image</a>. Here's how you use it:
+ <li> <a href= "downloads/busybox.floppy.img">
+ Download the image</a>
+ <li> dd it onto a floppy like so: <tt> dd if=busybox.floppy.img
+ of=/dev/fd0 ; sync </tt>
+ <li> Pop it in a machine and boot up.
+<p> If you want to look at the contents of the initrd image, do this:
+ mount ./busybox.floppy.img /mnt -o loop -t msdos
+ cp /mnt/initrd.gz /tmp
+ umount /mnt
+ gunzip /tmp/initrd.gz
+ mount /tmp/initrd /mnt -o loop -t minix
+<li> <b>15 March 2001 -- BusyBox 0.50 released</b>
+ This release adds several new applets including ifconfig, route, pivot_root, stty,
+ and tftp, and also fixes tons of bugs. Tab completion in the
+ shell is now working very well, and the shell's environment variable
+ expansion was fixed. Tons of other things were fixed or made
+ smaller. For a fairly complete overview, see the
+ <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a>.
+ <p>
+ lash (the busybox shell) is still with us, fixed up a bit so it
+ now behaves itself quite nicely. It really is quite usable as
+ long as you don't expect it to provide Bourne shell grammer.
+ Standard things like pipes, redirects, command line editing, and
+ environment variable expansion work great. But we have found that
+ this shell, while very usable, does not provide an extensible
+ framework for adding in full Bourne shell behavior. So the first order of
+ business as we begin working on the next BusyBox release will be to merge in the new shell
+ currently in progress at
+ <a href="">Larry Doolittle's website</a>.
+ <p>
+<li> <b>27 January 2001 -- BusyBox 0.49 released</b>
+ Several new applets, lots of bug fixes, cleanups, and many smaller
+ things made nicer. Several cleanups and improvements to the shell.
+ For a list of the most interesting changes
+ you might want to look at the <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a>.
+ <p>
+ Special thanks go out to Matt Kraai and Larry Doolittle for all their
+ work on this release, and for keeping on top of things while I've been
+ out of town.
+ <p>
+ <em>Special Note</em><br>
+ BusyBox 0.49 was supposed to have replaced lash, the BusyBox
+ shell, with a new shell that understands full Bourne shell/Posix shell grammer.
+ Well, that simply didn't happen in time for this release. A new
+ shell that will eventually replace lash is already under
+ construction. This new shell is being developed by Larry
+ Doolittle, and could use all of our help. Please see the work in
+ progress on <a href="">Larry's website</a>
+ and help out if you can. This shell will be included in the next
+ release of BusyBox.
+ <p>
+<li> <b>13 December 2000 -- BusyBox 0.48 released</b>
+ This release fixes lots and lots of bugs. This has had some very
+ rigorous testing, and looks very, very clean. The usual tar
+ update of course: tar no longer breaks hardlinks, tar -xzf is
+ optionally supported, and the LRP folks will be pleased to know
+ that 'tar -X' and 'tar --exclude' are both now in. Applets are
+ now looked up using a binary search making lash (the busybox
+ shell) much faster. For the new debian-installer (for Debian
+ woody) a .udeb can now be generated.
+ <p>
+ The curious can get a list of some of the more interesting changes by reading
+ the <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a>.
+ <p>
+ Many thanks go out to the many many people that have contributed to
+ this release, especially Matt Kraai, Larry Doolittle, and Kent Robotti.
+ <p>
+<p> <li> <b>26 September 2000 -- BusyBox 0.47 released</b>
+ This release fixes lots of bugs (including an ugly bug in 0.46
+ syslogd that could fork-bomb your system). Added several new
+ apps: rdate, wget, getopt, dos2unix, unix2dos, reset, unrpm,
+ renice, xargs, and expr. syslogd now supports network logging.
+ There are the usual tar updates. Most apps now use getopt for
+ more correct option parsing.
+ See the <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a>
+ for complete details.
+<p> <li> <b>11 July 2000 -- BusyBox 0.46 released</b>
+ This release fixes several bugs (including a ugly bug in tar,
+ and fixes for NFSv3 mount support). Added a dumpkmap to allow
+ people to dump a binary keymaps for use with 'loadkmap', and a
+ completely reworked 'grep' and 'sed' which should behave better.
+ BusyBox shell can now also be used as a login shell.
+ See the <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a>
+ for complete details.
+<p> <li> <b>21 June 2000 -- BusyBox 0.45 released</b>
+ This release has been slow in coming, but is very solid at this
+ point. BusyBox now supports libc5 as well as GNU libc. This
+ release provides the following new apps: cut, tr, insmod, ar,
+ mktemp, setkeycodes, md5sum, uuencode, uudecode, which, and
+ telnet. There are bug fixes for just about every app as well (see
+ the <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> for
+ details).
+ <p>
+ Also, some exciting infrastructure news! Busybox now has its own
+ <a href="lists/busybox/">mailing list</a>,
+ publically browsable
+ <a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/busybox/">CVS tree</a>,
+ anonymous
+ <a href="cvs_anon.html">CVS access</a>, and
+ for those that are actively contributing there is even
+ <a href="cvs_write.html">CVS write access</a>.
+ I think this will be a huge help to the ongoing development of BusyBox.
+ <p>
+ Also, for the curious, there is no 0.44 release. Somehow 0.44 got announced
+ a few weeks ago prior to its actually being released. To avoid any confusion
+ we are just skipping 0.44.
+ <p>
+ Many thanks go out to the many people that have contributed to this release
+ of BusyBox (esp. Pavel Roskin)!
+<p> <li> <b>19 April 2000 -- syslogd bugfix</b>
+Turns out that there was still a bug in busybox syslogd.
+For example, with the following test app:
+#include &lt;syslog.h&gt;
+int do_log(char* msg, int delay)
+ openlog("testlog", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);
+ while(1) {
+ syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: testing one, two, three\n", msg);
+ sleep(delay);
+ }
+ closelog();
+ return(0);
+int main(void)
+ if (fork()==0)
+ do_log("A", 2);
+ do_log("B", 3);
+it should be logging stuff from both "A" and "B". As released in 0.43 only stuff
+from "A" would have been logged. This means that if init tries to log something
+while say ppp has the syslog open, init would block (which is bad, bad, bad).
+Karl M. Hegbloom has created a fix for the problem.
+Thanks Karl!
+<p> <li> <b>18 April 2000 -- BusyBox 0.43 released (finally!)</b>
+I have finally gotten everything into a state where I feel pretty
+good about things. This is definitely the most stable, solid release
+so far. A lot of bugs have been fixed, and the following new apps
+have been added: sh, basename, dirname, killall, uptime,
+freeramdisk, tr, echo, test, and usleep. Tar has been completely
+rewritten from scratch. Bss size has also been greatly reduced.
+More details are available in the
+<a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a>.
+Oh, and as a special bonus, I wrote some fairly comprehensive
+<em>documentation</em>, complete with examples and full usage information.
+Many thanks go out to the fine people that have helped by submitting patches
+and bug reports; particularly instrumental in helping for this release were
+Karl Hegbloom, Pavel Roskin, Friedrich Vedder, Emanuele Caratti,
+Bob Tinsley, Nicolas Pitre, Avery Pennarun, Arne Bernin, John Beppu, and Jim Gleason.
+There were others so if I somehow forgot to mention you, I'm very sorry.
+You can grab BusyBox 0.43 tarballs <a href="downloads">here</a>.
+<p> <li> <b>9 April 2000 -- BusyBox 0.43 pre release</b>
+Unfortunately, I have not yet finished all the things I want to
+do for BusyBox 0.43, so I am posting this pre-release for people
+to poke at. This contains my complete rewrite of tar, which now weighs in at
+5k (7k with all options turned on) and works for reading and writing
+tarballs (which it does correctly for everything I have been able to throw
+at it). Tar also (optionally) supports the "--exclude" option (mainly because
+the Linux Router Project folks asked for it). This also has a pre-release
+of the micro shell I have been writing. This pre-release should be stable
+enough for production use -- it just isn't a release since I have some structural
+changes I still want to make.
+The pre-release can be found <a href="downloads">here</a>.
+Please let me know ASAP if you find <em>any</em> bugs.
+<p> <li> <b>28 March 2000 -- Andersen Baby Boy release</b>
+I am pleased to announce that on Tuesday March 28th at 5:48pm, weighing in at 7
+lbs. 12 oz, Micah Erik Andersen was born at LDS Hospital here in Salt Lake City.
+He was born in the emergency room less then 5 minutes after we arrived -- and
+it was such a relief that we even made it to the hospital at all. Despite the
+fact that I was driving at an amazingly unlawful speed and honking at everybody
+and thinking decidedly unkind thoughts about the people in our way, my wife
+(inconsiderate of my feelings and complete lack of medical training) was lying
+down in the back seat saying things like "I think I need to start pushing now"
+(which she then proceeded to do despite my best encouraging statements to the
+Anyway, I'm glad to note that despite the much-faster-than-we-were-expecting
+labor, both Shaunalei and our new baby boy are doing wonderfully.
+So now that I am done with my excuse for the slow release cycle...
+Progress on the next release of BusyBox has been slow but steady. I expect
+to have a release sometime during the first week of April. This release will
+include a number of important changes, including the addition of a shell, a
+re-write of tar (to accommodate the Linux Router Project), and syslogd can now
+accept multiple concurrent connections, fixing lots of unexpected blocking
+<p> <li> <b>11 February 2000 -- BusyBox 0.42 released</b>
+ This is the most solid BusyBox release so far. Many, many
+ bugs have been fixed. See the
+ <a href="downloads/Changelog">changelog</a> for details.
+ Of particular interest, init will now cleanly unmount
+ filesystems on reboot, cp and mv have been rewritten and
+ behave much better, and mount and umount no longer leak
+ loop devices. Many thanks go out to Randolph Chung,
+ Karl M. Hegbloom, Taketoshi Sano, and Pavel Roskin for
+ their hard work on this release of BusyBox. Please pound
+ on it and let me know if you find any bugs.
+<p> <li> <b>19 January 2000 -- BusyBox 0.41 released</b>
+ This release includes bugfixes to cp, mv, logger, true, false,
+ mkdir, syslogd, and init. New apps include wc, hostid,
+ logname, tty, whoami, and yes. New features include loop device
+ support in mount and umount, and better TERM handling by init.
+ The changelog can be found <a href="downloads/Changelog">here</a>.
+<p> <li> <b>7 January 2000 -- BusyBox 0.40 released</b>
+ This release includes bugfixes to init (now includes inittab support),
+ syslogd, head, logger, du, grep, cp, mv, sed, dmesg, ls, kill, gunzip, and mknod.
+ New apps include sort, uniq, lsmod, rmmod, fbset, and loadacm.
+ In particular, this release fixes an important bug in tar which
+ in some cases produced serious security problems.
+ As always, the changelog can be found <a href="downloads/Changelog">here</a>.
+<p> <li> <b>11 December 1999 -- BusyBox Website</b>
+ I have received permission from Bruce Perens (the original author of BusyBox)
+ to set up this site as the new primary website for BusyBox. This website
+ will always contain pointers to the latest and greatest, and will also
+ contain the latest documentation on how to use BusyBox, what it can do,
+ what arguments its apps support, etc.
+<p> <li> <b>10 December 1999 -- BusyBox 0.39 released</b>
+ This release includes fixes to init, reboot, halt, kill, and ls, and contains
+ the new apps ping, hostname, mkfifo, free, tail, du, tee, and head. A full
+ changelog can be found <a href="downloads/Changelog">here</a>.
+<p> <li> <b>5 December 1999 -- BusyBox 0.38 released</b>
+ This release includes fixes to tar, cat, ls, dd, rm, umount, find, df,
+ and make install, and includes new apps syslogd/klogd and logger.
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+<h3>Products/Projects Using BusyBox</h3>
+Do you use BusyBox? I'd love to know about it and
+I'd be happy to link to you.
+I know of the following products and/or projects that use BusyBox --
+listed in the order I happen to add them to the web page:
+<li><a href="">buildroot</a><br>A configurable
+means for building your own busybox/uClibc based system systems, maintained
+by the uClibc developers.
+<li><a href="">OpenWrt</a> a Linux distribution for embedded
+devices, based on buildroot.
+<li><a href="">PTXdist</a><br>another
+configurable means for building your own busybox based system systems.
+</li><li><a href=
+Debian installer (boot floppies) project</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Red Hat installer</a>
+</li><li><a href=
+Slackware Installer</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Gentoo Linux install/boot CDs</a>
+</li><li><a href="">The Mandriva installer</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall</a><br>The sucessor of the Linux Router Project, supporting all sorts of embedded Linux gateways, routers, wireless routers, and firewalls.
+</li><li><a href=
+</li><li><a href="">Stormix
+</li><li><a href=
+"">EMAC Linux
+2.0 SBC</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Trinux</a>
+</li><li><a href="">ODDAS
+</li><li><a href="">Build Your
+Linux Disk</a>
+</li><li><a href=
+</li><li><a href="">AdTran -
+VPN/firewall VPN Linux Distribution</a>
+</li><li><a href="">mkCDrec - make
+CD-ROM recovery</a>
+</li><li><a href=
+"">Linux on
+</li><li><a href=
+</li><li><a href="">Linux Terminal
+Server Project</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Devil-Linux</a>
+</li><li><a href="">DutNux</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Mindi</a>
+</li><li><a href="">ttylinux</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Coyote Linux</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Partition
+</li><li><a href="">fli4l the on(e)-disk-router</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Tinfoil
+Hat Linux</a>
+</li><li><a href="">gp32linux</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Familiar Linux</a><br>A linux distribution for handheld computers
+</li><li><a href="">Timo's Rescue CD Set</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Netstation</a>
+</li><li><a href="">GNU/Fiwix Operating System</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Generations Linux</a>
+</li><li><a href="">SystemImager / System Installation Suite</a>
+</li><li><a href="">GENDIST distribution generator</a>
+</li><li><a href="">DIET-PC embedded Linux thin client distribution</a>
+</li><li><a href="">BYZantine Gnu/Linux</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Darik's Boot and Nuke</a>
+</li><li><a href="">TimeSys real-time Linux</a>
+</li><li><a href="">MoviX</a><br>Boots from CD and automatically plays every video file on the CD
+</li><li><a href="">katamaran</a><br>Linux, X11, xfce windowmanager, based on BusyBox
+</li><li><a href="">Prometheus SimplyGNUstep</a>
+</li><li><a href="">lowlife</a><br>A documentation project on how to make your own uClibc-based systems and floppy.
+</li><li><a href="">Metadistros</a><br>a project to allow you easily make Live-CD distributions.
+</li><li><a href="">Salvare</a><br>More Linux than tomsrtbt but less than Knoppix, aims to provide a useful workstation as well as a rescue disk.
+</li><li><a href="">stresslinux</a><br>minimal linux distribution running from a bootable cdrom or via PXE.
+</li><li><a href="">thinstation</a><br>convert standard PCs into full-featured diskless thinclients.
+</li><li><a href="">UHU-Linux Hungary</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Deep-Water Linux</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Freesco router</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Sentry Firewall CD</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Tuxscreen Linux Phone</a>
+</li><li><a href="">The Kerbango Internet Radio</a>
+</li><li><a href="">LinuxMagic VPN Firewall</a>
+</li><li><a href="">I-Silver Linux appliance servers</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Sharp Zaurus PDA</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Cyclades-TS and other Cyclades products</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Linksys WRT54G - Wireless-G Broadband Router</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Dell TrueMobile 1184</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Actiontec Dual PC Modem</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Kiss DP Series DVD players</a>
+</li><li><a href="">NetGear WG602 wireless router</a>
+ <br>with sources <a href="">here</a>
+</li><li><a href="">TRENDnet TEW-411BRP 802.11g Wireless AP/Router/Switch</a>
+ <br>Source for busybox and udhcp <a href=";B1=Search">here</a> though no kernel source is provided.
+</li><li><a href="">Buffalo WBR-G54 wireless router</a>
+ </li><li><a href="">ASUS WL-300g Wireless LAN Access Point</a>
+ <br>with source<a href="">here</a>
+ </li><li><a href=";Section_Id=201522&amp;pcount=&amp;Product_Id=136493">Belkin 54g Wireless DSL/Cable Gateway Router</a>
+ <br>with source<a href="">here</a>
+ <li><a href="">Acronis PartitionExpert 2003</a>
+ <br>includes a heavily modified BusyBox v0.60.5 with built in
+ cardmgr, device detection, gpm, lspci, etc. Also includes udhcp,
+ uClibc 0.9.26, a heavily patched up linux kernel, etc. Source
+ can only be obtained <a href="">here</a>
+</li><li><a href="">U.S. Robotics Sureconnect 4-port ADSL router</a><br>
+ with source <a href="">here</a>
+</li><li><a href="">
+ ActionTec GT701-WG Wireless Gateway/DSL Modem</a>
+ with source <a href="">here</a>
+</li><li><a href="">S.M.A.R.T. Linux</a>
+</li><li><a href="">DLink - Model GSL-G604T, DSL-300T, and possibly other models</a>
+ with source <a href="">here,</a>
+ with source <a href="">and here,</a>
+ and quite possibly other places as well. You may need to dig down a bit
+ to find the source, but it does seem to be there.
+</li><li><a href=",2241,de_de_0_42931_rArNrNrNrN,00.html">Siemens SE515 DSL router</a>
+ with source <a href="">here, I think...</a>
+ with some details <a href="">here.</a>
+</li><li><a href="">Free Remote Windows Terminal</a>
+</li><li><a href="">ZyXEL Routers</a>
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+<!-- Begin Screenshot -->
+<h3> Busybox Screenshot! </h3>
+Everybody loves to look at screenshots, so here is a live action screenshot of BusyBox.
+<pre style="background-color: black; color: lightgreen; padding: 5px;
+font-family: monospace; font-size: smaller;" width="100">
+$ ./busybox
+BusyBox v1.1.2 (2006.04.11-08:27+0000) multi-call binary
+Usage: busybox [function] [arguments]...
+ or: [function] [arguments]...
+ BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix
+ utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a
+ link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox
+ will act like whatever it was invoked as!
+Currently defined functions:
+ [, [[, addgroup, adduser, adjtimex, ar, arping, ash, awk, basename,
+ bbconfig, bunzip2, busybox, bzcat, cal, cat, chattr, chgrp, chmod,
+ chown, chroot, chvt, clear, cmp, comm, cp, cpio, crond, crontab,
+ cut, date, dc, dd, deallocvt, delgroup, deluser, devfsd, df, dirname,
+ dmesg, dnsd, dos2unix, dpkg, dpkg-deb, du, dumpkmap, dumpleases,
+ e2fsck, e2label, echo, egrep, eject, env, ether-wake, expr, fakeidentd,
+ false, fbset, fdflush, fdformat, fdisk, fgrep, find, findfs, fold,
+ free, freeramdisk, fsck, fsck.ext2, fsck.ext3, fsck.minix, ftpget,
+ ftpput, fuser, getopt, getty, grep, gunzip, gzip, halt, hdparm,
+ head, hexdump, hostid, hostname, httpd, hush, hwclock, id, ifconfig,
+ ifdown, ifup, inetd, init, insmod, install, ip, ipaddr, ipcalc,
+ ipcrm, ipcs, iplink, iproute, iptunnel, kill, killall, klogd,
+ lash, last, length, less, linux32, linux64, linuxrc, ln, loadfont,
+ loadkmap, logger, login, logname, logread, losetup, ls, lsattr,
+ lsmod, lzmacat, makedevs, md5sum, mdev, mesg, mkdir, mke2fs, mkfifo,
+ mkfs.ext2, mkfs.ext3, mkfs.minix, mknod, mkswap, mktemp, modprobe,
+ more, mount, mountpoint, msh, mt, mv, nameif, nc, netstat, nice,
+ nohup, nslookup, od, openvt, passwd, patch, pidof, ping, ping6,
+ pipe_progress, pivot_root, poweroff, printenv, printf, ps, pwd,
+ rdate, readlink, readprofile, realpath, reboot, renice, reset,
+ rm, rmdir, rmmod, route, rpm, rpm2cpio, run-parts, runlevel, rx,
+ sed, seq, setarch, setconsole, setkeycodes, setsid, sha1sum, sleep,
+ sort, start-stop-daemon, stat, strings, stty, su, sulogin, sum,
+ swapoff, swapon, switch_root, sync, sysctl, syslogd, tail, tar,
+ tee, telnet, telnetd, test, tftp, time, top, touch, tr, traceroute,
+ true, tty, tune2fs, udhcpc, udhcpd, umount, uname, uncompress,
+ uniq, unix2dos, unlzma, unzip, uptime, usleep, uudecode, uuencode,
+ vconfig, vi, vlock, watch, watchdog, wc, wget, which, who, whoami,
+ xargs, yes, zcat, zcip
+$ <span style="text-decoration:blink;">_</span>
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+<h3>Hall of Shame!!!</h3>
+<p>This page is no longer updated, these days we forward this sort of
+thing to the <a href="">Software Freedom Law
+Center</a> instead.</p>
+<p>The following products and/or projects appear to use BusyBox, but do not
+appear to release source code as required by the <a
+href="/license.html">BusyBox license</a>. This is a violation of the law!
+The distributors of these products are invited to contact <a href=
+"">Erik Andersen</a> if they have any confusion
+as to what is needed to bring their products into compliance, or if they have
+already brought their product into compliance and wish to be removed from the
+Hall of Shame.
+Here are the details of <a href="/license.html">exactly how to comply
+with the BusyBox license</a>, so there should be no question as to
+exactly what is expected.
+Complying with the Busybox license is easy and completely free, so the
+companies listed below should be ashamed of themselves. Furthermore, each
+product listed here is subject to being legally ordered to cease and desist
+distribution for violation of copyright law, and the distributor of each
+product is subject to being sued for statutory copyright infringement damages
+of up to $150,000 per work plus legal fees. Nobody wants to be sued, and <a
+href="">Erik</a> certainly would prefer to spend
+his time doing better things than sue people. But he will sue if forced to
+do so to maintain compliance.
+Do everyone a favor and don't break the law -- if you use busybox, comply with
+the busybox license by releasing the source code with your product.
+ <li><a href="">Tritton Technologies NAS120</a>
+ <br>see <a href="">here for details</a>
+ <li><a href="">Macsense HomePod</a>
+ <br>with details
+ <a href=";name=Forums&amp;file=viewtopic&amp;topic=123&amp;forum=7">here</a>
+ <li><a href="">Compex Wireless Products</a>
+ <br>appears to be running v0.60.5 with Linux version 2.4.20-uc0 on ColdFire,
+ but no source code is mentioned or offered.
+ <li><a href="">Inventel DW 200 wireless/ADSL router</a>
+ <li><a href="">Sweex DSL router</a>
+ <br>appears to be running BusyBox v1.00-pre2 and udhcpd, but no source
+ code is mentioned or offered.
+ <li><a href="">TRENDnet TEW-410APB</a>
+ </li><li><a href="">Hauppauge Media MVP</a>
+ <br>Hauppauge contacted me on 16 Dec 2003, and claims to be working on resolving this problem.
+ </li><li><a href="">TriCore</a>
+ </li><li><a href="">ALLNET 0186 wireless router</a>
+ </li><li><a href="">Dreambox DM7000S DVB Satellite Receiver</a>
+ <br> Dream Multimedia contacted me on 22 Dec 2003 and is working on resolving this problem.
+ <br> Source _may_ be here:
+ </li><li><a href="">Sigma Designs EM8500 based DVD players</a>
+ <br>Source for the Sigma Designs reference platform is found here<br>
+ <a href="">uClinux-2.4-sigma.tar.gz</a>, so while Sigma Designs itself appears to be in compliance, as far as I can tell,
+ no vendors of Sigma Designs EM8500 based devices actually comply with the GPL....
+ </li><li><a href="">Liteon LVD2001 DVD player using the Sigma Designs EM8500</a>
+ </li><li><a href="">Rimax DVD players using the Sigma Designs EM8500</a>
+ </li><li><a href="">Bravo DVD players using the Sigma Designs EM8500</a>
+ </li><li><a href="">H&amp;B DX3110 Divx player based on Sigma Designs EM8500</a>
+ </li><li><a href="">United *DVX4066 mpeg4 capable DVD players</a>
+ </li><li><a href="">Avaks alink Roadrunner 64</a>
+ <br> Partial source available, based on source distributed under NDA from <a href=""> LSILogic</a>. Why the NDA LSILogic, what are you hiding ?
+ <br>To verify the Avaks infrigment see my slashdot <a href="">journal</a>.
+ <br>The ZipIt wireless IM device appears to be using Busybox-1.00-pre1 in the ramdisk, however no source has been made available.
+ </li><li>Undoubtedly there are others... Please report them so we can shame them (or if necessary sue them) into compliance.
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+<p>Please visit our sponsors and thank them for their support! They have
+provided money for equipment and bandwidth. Next time you need help with a
+project, consider these fine companies!</p>
+ <li><a href="">OSU OSL</a><br>
+ OSU OSL kindly provides hosting for BusyBox and uClibc.
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="">Penguru Consulting</a><br>
+ Custom development for embedded Linux systems and multimedia platforms
+ </li>
+ <li><a href=""></a><br>
+ Embedded open source consulting in Europe.
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="">Codepoet Consulting</a><br>
+ Custom Linux, embedded Linux, BusyBox, and uClibc development.
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="">TimeSys</a><br>
+ Embedded Linux development, cross-compilers, real-time, KGDB, tsrpm and cygwin.
+ </li>
+<p>If you wish to be a sponsor, or if you have already contributed and would
+like your name added here, email <a href="">Rob</a>.</p>
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+<h3>Accessing Source</h3>
+<p>If you don't want to mess with subversion, you can download
+<a href="/downloads/patches/">all BusyBox patches</a> or check the
+<a href="/downloads/patches/recent.html">most recent patches</a>.
+<h3>Anonymous Subversion Access</h3>
+We allow anonymous (read-only) Subversion (svn) access to everyone. To
+grab a copy of the latest version of BusyBox using anonymous svn access:
+svn co svn://</pre>
+The current <em>stable branch</em> can be obtained with
+svn co svn://
+If you are not already familiar with using Subversion, I recommend you visit <a
+href="">the Subversion website</a>. You might
+also want to read online or buy a copy of <a
+href="">the Subversion Book</a>. If you are
+already comfortable with using CVS, you may want to skip ahead to the <a
+href="">Subversion for CVS Users</a>
+part of the Subversion Book.
+Once you've checked out a copy of the source tree, you can update your source
+tree at any time so it is in sync with the latest and greatest by entering your
+BusyBox directory and running the command:
+svn update</pre>
+Because you've only been granted anonymous access to the tree, you won't be
+able to commit any changes. Changes can be submitted for inclusion by posting
+them to the BusyBox mailing list. For those that are actively contributing
+<a href="developer.html">Subversion commit access</a> can be made available.
+<!--#include file="footer.html" -->
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+<!--#include file="header.html" -->
+<h3>External Tiny Utilities</h3>
+This is a list of tiny utilities whose functionality is not provided by
+busybox. If you have additional suggestions, please send an e-mail to our
+dev mailing list.
+<table border=1>
+ <th>Feature</th>
+ <th>Utilities</th>
+ <td>SSH</td>
+ <td><a href="">Dropbear</a> has both an ssh server and an ssh client that together come in around 100k. It has no external
+dependencies (I.E. it does not depend on OpenSSL, using a built-in copy of
+LibTomCrypt instead). It's actively maintained, with a quiet but responsive
+mailing list.</td>
+ <td>SMTP</td>
+ <td><a href="">ssmtp</a> is an extremely simple Mail Transfer Agent.</td>
+ <td>ntp</td>
+ <td><a href="">ntpclient</a> is a
+tiny ntp client. BusyBox has rdate to set the date from a remote server, but
+if you want a daemon to repeatedly adjust the clock over time, try that.</td>
+<p>In a gui environment, you'll probably want a web browser.
+<a href="">Konqueror Embedded</a> requires QT
+(or QT Embedded), but not KDE. The <a href="">Dillo</a>
+requires GTK+, but not Gnome. Or you can try the <a href="">graphical
+version of links</a>.</p>
+<p>Although busybox has built-in support for shell scripts, plenty of other
+small scripting languages are available on the net. A few examples:</p>
+<table border=1>
+<td> <a href=>microperl</a> </td>
+<td> A small standalone perl interpreter that can be built from the perl source
+s via "make -f Makefile.micro". If you really feel the need for perl on an embe
+dded system, this is where to start.
+<td><a href=>Lua</a></td>
+<td>If you just want a small embedded scripting language to write <em>new</en>
+code in, this Brazilian import is lightweight, fairly popular, and has
+a complete book about it online.</td>
+<td><a href=>rc</a></td>
+<td>The PLAN9 shell. Not compatible with conventional bourne shell syntax,
+but fairly lightweight and small.</td>
+<td><a href=>forth</a></td>
+<td>A well known language for fast and small programs, decades old but still
+in use for everything from OpenBIOS to computer controlled engine timing.</td>
+<p>For more information, you probably want to look at
+<a href=>buildroot</a> and
+<a href=>TinyGentoo</a>, which
+build and use tiny utilities for all sorts of things.</p>
+<!--#include file="footer.html" -->
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+=head1 LIBC NSS
+GNU Libc (glibc) uses the Name Service Switch (NSS) to configure the behavior
+of the C library for the local environment, and to configure how it reads
+system data, such as passwords and group information. This is implemented
+using an /etc/nsswitch.conf configuration file, and using one or more of the
+/lib/libnss_* libraries. BusyBox tries to avoid using any libc calls that make
+use of NSS. Some applets however, such as login and su, will use libc functions
+that require NSS.
+If you enable CONFIG_USE_BB_PWD_GRP, BusyBox will use internal functions to
+directly access the /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow files without
+using NSS. This may allow you to run your system without the need for
+installing any of the NSS configuration files and libraries.
+When used with glibc, the BusyBox 'networking' applets will similarly require
+that you install at least some of the glibc NSS stuff (in particular,
+/etc/nsswitch.conf, /lib/libnss_dns*, /lib/libnss_files*, and /lib/libresolv*).
+Shameless Plug: As an alternative, one could use a C library such as uClibc. In
+addition to making your system significantly smaller, uClibc does not require the
+use of any NSS support files or libraries.
+Denis Vlasenko <>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+The following people have contributed code to BusyBox whether they know it or
+not. If you have written code included in BusyBox, you should probably be
+listed here so you can obtain your bit of eternal glory. If you should be
+listed here, or the description of what you have done needs more detail, or is
+incorect, please send in an update.
+=for html <br>
+Emanuele Aina <>
+ run-parts
+=for html <br>
+Erik Andersen <>
+ Tons of new stuff, major rewrite of most of the
+ core apps, tons of new apps as noted in header files.
+ Lots of tedious effort writing these boring docs that
+ nobody is going to actually read.
+=for html <br>
+Laurence Anderson <>
+ rpm2cpio, unzip, get_header_cpio, read_gz interface, rpm
+=for html <br>
+Jeff Angielski <>
+ ftpput, ftpget
+=for html <br>
+Edward Betts <>
+ expr, hostid, logname, whoami
+=for html <br>
+John Beppu <>
+ du, nslookup, sort
+=for html <br>
+Brian Candler <>
+ tiny-ls(ls)
+=for html <br>
+Randolph Chung <>
+ fbset, ping, hostname
+=for html <br>
+Dave Cinege <>
+ more(v2), makedevs, dutmp, modularization, auto links file,
+ various fixes, Linux Router Project maintenance
+=for html <br>
+Jordan Crouse <>
+ ipcalc
+=for html <br>
+Magnus Damm <>
+ tftp client insmod powerpc support
+=for html <br>
+Larry Doolittle <>
+ pristine source directory compilation, lots of patches and fixes.
+=for html <br>
+Glenn Engel <>
+ httpd
+=for html <br>
+Gennady Feldman <>
+ Sysklogd (single threaded syslogd, IPC Circular buffer support,
+ logread), various fixes.
+=for html <br>
+Karl M. Hegbloom <>
+ cp_mv.c, the test suite, various fixes to utility.c, &c.
+=for html <br>
+Daniel Jacobowitz <>
+ mktemp.c
+=for html <br>
+Matt Kraai <>
+ documentation, bugfixes, test suite
+=for html <br>
+Stephan Linz <>
+ ipcalc, Red Hat equivalence
+=for html <br>
+John Lombardo <>
+ tr
+=for html <br>
+Glenn McGrath <>
+ Common unarchving code and unarchiving applets, ifupdown, ftpgetput,
+ nameif, sed, patch, fold, install, uudecode.
+ Various bugfixes, review and apply numerous patches.
+=for html <br>
+Manuel Novoa III <>
+ cat, head, mkfifo, mknod, rmdir, sleep, tee, tty, uniq, usleep, wc, yes,
+ mesg, vconfig, make_directory, parse_mode, dirname, mode_string,
+ get_last_path_component, simplify_path, and a number trivial libbb routines
+ also bug fixes, partial rewrites, and size optimizations in
+ ash, basename, cal, cmp, cp, df, du, echo, env, ln, logname, md5sum, mkdir,
+ mv, realpath, rm, sort, tail, touch, uname, watch, arith, human_readable,
+ interface, dutmp, ifconfig, route
+=for html <br>
+Vladimir Oleynik <>
+ cmdedit; xargs(current), httpd(current);
+ ports: ash, crond, fdisk, inetd, stty, traceroute, top;
+ locale, various fixes
+ and irreconcilable critic of everything not perfect.
+=for html <br>
+Bruce Perens <>
+ Original author of BusyBox in 1995, 1996. Some of his code can
+ still be found hiding here and there...
+=for html <br>
+Tim Riker <>
+ bug fixes, member of fan club
+=for html <br>
+Kent Robotti <>
+ reset, tons and tons of bug reports and patches.
+=for html <br>
+Chip Rosenthal <>, <>
+ wget - Contributed by permission of Covad Communications
+=for html <br>
+Pavel Roskin <>
+ Lots of bugs fixes and patches.
+=for html <br>
+Gyepi Sam <>
+ Remote logging feature for syslogd
+=for html <br>
+Linus Torvalds <>
+ mkswap, fsck.minix, mkfs.minix
+=for html <br>
+Mark Whitley <>
+ grep, sed, cut, xargs(previous),
+ style-guide, new-applet-HOWTO, bug fixes, etc.
+=for html <br>
+Charles P. Wright <>
+ gzip, mini-netcat(nc)
+=for html <br>
+Enrique Zanardi <>
+ tarcat (since removed), loadkmap, various fixes, Debian maintenance
+=for html <br>
+Tito Ragusa <>
+ devfsd and size optimizations in strings, openvt and deallocvt.
+# $LastChangedDate: 2007-01-22 18:12:56 +0100 (Пнд, 22 Янв 2007) $
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+# vi: set sw=4 ts=4:
+=head1 NAME
+BusyBox - The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux
+=head1 SYNTAX
+ BusyBox <function> [arguments...] # or
+ <function> [arguments...] # if symlinked
+BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single
+small executable. It provides minimalist replacements for most of the utilities
+you usually find in GNU coreutils, util-linux, etc. The utilities in BusyBox
+generally have fewer options than their full-featured GNU cousins; however, the
+options that are included provide the expected functionality and behave very
+much like their GNU counterparts.
+BusyBox has been written with size-optimization and limited resources in mind.
+It is also extremely modular so you can easily include or exclude commands (or
+features) at compile time. This makes it easy to customize your embedded
+systems. To create a working system, just add /dev, /etc, and a Linux kernel.
+BusyBox provides a fairly complete POSIX environment for any small or embedded
+BusyBox is extremely configurable. This allows you to include only the
+components you need, thereby reducing binary size. Run 'make config' or 'make
+menuconfig' to select the functionality that you wish to enable. Then run
+'make' to compile BusyBox using your configuration.
+After the compile has finished, you should use 'make install' to install
+BusyBox. This will install the 'bin/busybox' binary, in the target directory
+specified by CONFIG_PREFIX. CONFIG_PREFIX can be set when configuring BusyBox,
+or you can specify an alternative location at install time (i.e., with a
+command line like 'make CONFIG_PREFIX=/tmp/foo install'). If you enabled
+any applet installation scheme (either as symlinks or hardlinks), these will
+also be installed in the location pointed to by CONFIG_PREFIX.
+=head1 USAGE
+BusyBox is a multi-call binary. A multi-call binary is an executable program
+that performs the same job as more than one utility program. That means there
+is just a single BusyBox binary, but that single binary acts like a large
+number of utilities. This allows BusyBox to be smaller since all the built-in
+utility programs (we call them applets) can share code for many common operations.
+You can also invoke BusyBox by issuing a command as an argument on the
+command line. For example, entering
+ /bin/busybox ls
+will also cause BusyBox to behave as 'ls'.
+Of course, adding '/bin/busybox' into every command would be painful. So most
+people will invoke BusyBox using links to the BusyBox binary.
+For example, entering
+ ln -s /bin/busybox ls
+ ./ls
+will cause BusyBox to behave as 'ls' (if the 'ls' command has been compiled
+into BusyBox). Generally speaking, you should never need to make all these
+links yourself, as the BusyBox build system will do this for you when you run
+the 'make install' command.
+If you invoke BusyBox with no arguments, it will provide you with a list of the
+applets that have been compiled into your BusyBox binary.
+Most BusyBox commands support the B<--help> argument to provide a terse runtime
+description of their behavior. If the CONFIG_FEATURE_VERBOSE_USAGE option has
+been enabled, more detailed usage information will also be available.
+=head1 COMMANDS
+Currently defined functions include:
diff --git a/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/cgi/cl.html b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/cgi/cl.html
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+<html><head><title>CGI Command line options</title></head><body><h1><img alt="" src="cl_files/CGIlogo.gif"> CGI Command line options</h1>
+<hr> <p>
+The command line is only used in the case of an ISINDEX query. It is
+not used in the case of an HTML form or any as yet undefined query
+type. The server should search the query information (the <code>QUERY_STRING</code> environment variable) for a non-encoded
+= character to determine if the command line is to be used, if it
+finds one, the command line is not to be used. This trusts the clients
+to encode the = sign in ISINDEX queries, a practice which was
+considered safe at the time of the design of this specification. <p>
+For example, use the <a href="">finger script</a> and the ISINDEX interface to look up "httpd". You will see that the script will call itself with <code>/cgi-bin/finger?httpd</code> and will actually execute "finger httpd" on the command line and output the results to you.
+If the server does find a "=" in the <code>QUERY_STRING</code>,
+then the command line will not be used, and no decoding will be
+performed. The query then remains intact for processing by an
+appropriate FORM submission decoder.
+Again, as an example, use <a href="">this hyperlink</a> to submit <code>"httpd=name"</code> to the finger script. Since this <code>QUERY_STRING</code>
+contained an unencoded "=", nothing was decoded, the script didn't know
+it was being submitted a valid query, and just gave you the default
+finger form.
+If the server finds that it cannot send the string due to internal
+limitations (such as exec() or /bin/sh command line restrictions) the
+server should include NO command line information and provide the
+non-decoded query information in the environment
+variable <a href=""><code>QUERY_STRING</code></a>. </p><p>
+Examples of the command line usage are much better <a href="">demonstrated</a> than explained. For these
+examples, pay close attention to the script output which says what
+argc and argv are. <p>
+<a href=""><img alt="[Back]" src="cl_files/back.gif">Return to the
+interface specification</a> <p>
+CGI - Common Gateway Interface
+</p><address><a href=""></a></address>
+</body></html> \ No newline at end of file
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+<html><head><title>CGI Environment Variables</title></head><body><h1><img alt="" src="env_files/CGIlogo.gif"> CGI Environment Variables</h1>
+In order to pass data about the information request from the server to
+the script, the server uses command line arguments as well as
+environment variables. These environment variables are set when the
+server executes the gateway program. </p><p>
+ <p>
+The following environment variables are not request-specific and are
+set for all requests: </p><p>
+<li> <code>SERVER_SOFTWARE</code> <p>
+ The name and version of the information server software answering
+ the request (and running the gateway). Format: name/version </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>SERVER_NAME</code> <p>
+ The server's hostname, DNS alias, or IP address as it would appear
+ in self-referencing URLs. </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>GATEWAY_INTERFACE</code> <p>
+ The revision of the CGI specification to which this server
+ complies. Format: CGI/revision</p><p>
+The following environment variables are specific to the request being
+fulfilled by the gateway program: <p>
+<li> <a name="protocol"><code>SERVER_PROTOCOL</code></a> <p>
+ The name and revision of the information protcol this request came
+ in with. Format: protocol/revision </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>SERVER_PORT</code> <p>
+ The port number to which the request was sent. </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>REQUEST_METHOD</code> <p>
+ The method with which the request was made. For HTTP, this is
+ "GET", "HEAD", "POST", etc. </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>PATH_INFO</code> <p>
+ The extra path information, as given by the client. In other
+ words, scripts can be accessed by their virtual pathname, followed
+ by extra information at the end of this path. The extra
+ information is sent as PATH_INFO. This information should be
+ decoded by the server if it comes from a URL before it is passed
+ to the CGI script.</p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>PATH_TRANSLATED</code> <p>
+ The server provides a translated version of PATH_INFO, which takes
+ the path and does any virtual-to-physical mapping to it. </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>SCRIPT_NAME</code> <p>
+ A virtual path to the script being executed, used for
+ self-referencing URLs. </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <a name="query"><code>QUERY_STRING</code></a> <p>
+ The information which follows the ? in the <a href="">URL</a>
+ which referenced this script. This is the query information. It
+ should not be decoded in any fashion. This variable should always
+ be set when there is query information, regardless of <a href="">command line decoding</a>. </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>REMOTE_HOST</code> <p>
+ The hostname making the request. If the server does not have this
+ information, it should set REMOTE_ADDR and leave this unset.</p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>REMOTE_ADDR</code> <p>
+ The IP address of the remote host making the request. </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>AUTH_TYPE</code> <p>
+ If the server supports user authentication, and the script is
+ protects, this is the protocol-specific authentication method used
+ to validate the user. </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>REMOTE_USER</code> <p>
+ If the server supports user authentication, and the script is
+ protected, this is the username they have authenticated as. </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>REMOTE_IDENT</code> <p>
+ If the HTTP server supports RFC 931 identification, then this
+ variable will be set to the remote user name retrieved from the
+ server. Usage of this variable should be limited to logging only.
+ </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <a name="ct"><code>CONTENT_TYPE</code></a> <p>
+ For queries which have attached information, such as HTTP POST and
+ PUT, this is the content type of the data. </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <a name="cl"><code>CONTENT_LENGTH</code></a> <p>
+ The length of the said content as given by the client. </p><p>
+<a name="headers"><hr></a>
+In addition to these, the header lines received from the client, if
+any, are placed into the environment with the prefix HTTP_ followed by
+the header name. Any - characters in the header name are changed to _
+characters. The server may exclude any headers which it has already
+processed, such as Authorization, Content-type, and Content-length. If
+necessary, the server may choose to exclude any or all of these
+headers if including them would exceed any system environment
+limits. <p>
+An example of this is the HTTP_ACCEPT variable which was defined in
+CGI/1.0. Another example is the header User-Agent.</p><p>
+<li> <code>HTTP_ACCEPT</code> <p>
+ The MIME types which the client will accept, as given by HTTP
+ headers. Other protocols may need to get this information from
+ elsewhere. Each item in this list should be separated by commas as
+ per the HTTP spec. </p><p>
+ Format: type/subtype, type/subtype </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>HTTP_USER_AGENT</code><p>
+ The browser the client is using to send the request. General
+format: <code>software/version library/version</code>.</p><p>
+Examples of the setting of environment variables are really much better
+<a href="">demonstrated</a> than explained. <p>
+<a href=""><img alt="[Back]" src="env_files/back.gif">Return to the
+interface specification</a> <p>
+CGI - Common Gateway Interface
+</p><address><a href=""></a></address>
+</body></html> \ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<html><head><title>CGI Script input</title></head><body><h1><img alt="" src="in_files/CGIlogo.gif"> CGI Script Input</h1>
+For requests which have information attached after the header, such as
+HTTP POST or PUT, the information will be sent to the script on stdin.
+The server will send <a href="">CONTENT_LENGTH</a> bytes on
+this file descriptor. Remember that it will give the <a href="">CONTENT_TYPE</a> of the data as well. The server is
+in no way obligated to send end-of-file after the script reads
+<code>CONTENT_LENGTH</code> bytes. </p><p>
+Let's take a form with METHOD="POST" as an example. Let's say the form
+results are 7 bytes encoded, and look like <code>a=b&amp;b=c</code>.
+In this case, the server will set CONTENT_LENGTH to 7 and CONTENT_TYPE
+to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The first byte on the script's
+standard input will be "a", followed by the rest of the encoded string.</p><p>
+<a href=""><img alt="[Back]" src="in_files/back.gif">Return to the
+interface specification</a> <p>
+CGI - Common Gateway Interface
+</p><address><a href=""></a></address>
+</body></html> \ No newline at end of file
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+<html><head><title>The Common Gateway Interface Specification
+</title></head><body><h1><img alt="" src="interface_files/CGIlogo.gif"> The CGI Specification</h1>
+This is the specification for CGI version 1.1, or CGI/1.1. Further
+revisions of this protocol are guaranteed to be backward compatible.
+The server and the CGI script communicate in four major ways. Each of
+the following is a hotlink to graphic detail.</p><p>
+<li> <a href="env.html">Environment variables</a>
+</li><li> <a href="cl.html">The command line</a>
+</li><li> <a href="in.html">Standard input</a>
+</li><li> <a href="out.html">Standard output</a>
+<a href=""><img alt="[Back]" src="interface_files/back.gif">Return to the overview</a> <p>
+CGI - Common Gateway Interface
+</p><address><a href=""></a></address>
+</body></html> \ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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+<html><head><title>CGI Script output</title></head><body><h1><img alt="" src="out_files/CGIlogo.gif"> CGI Script Output</h1>
+<h2>Script output</h2>
+The script sends its output to stdout. This output can either be a
+document generated by the script, or instructions to the server for
+retrieving the desired output. <p>
+<h2>Script naming conventions</h2>
+Normally, scripts produce output which is interpreted and sent back to
+the client. An advantage of this is that the scripts do not need to
+send a full HTTP/1.0 header for every request. <p>
+<a name="nph">
+Some scripts may want to avoid the extra overhead of the server
+parsing their output, and talk directly to the client. In order to
+distinguish these scripts from the other scripts, CGI requires that
+the script name begins with nph- if a script does not want the server
+to parse its header. In this case, it is the script's responsibility
+to return a valid HTTP/1.0 (or HTTP/0.9) response to the client. </a></p><p>
+<h2><a name="nph">Parsed headers</a></h2>
+<a name="nph">The output of scripts begins with a small header. This header consists
+of text lines, in the same format as an </a><a href="">
+HTTP header</a>, terminated by a blank line (a line with only a
+linefeed or CR/LF). <p>
+Any headers which are not server directives are sent directly back to
+the client. Currently, this specification defines three server
+<li> <code>Content-type</code> <p>
+ This is the MIME type of the document you are returning. </p><p>
+</p></li><li> <code>Location</code> <p>
+ This is used to specify to the server that you are returning a
+ reference to a document rather than an actual document. </p><p>
+ If the argument to this is a URL, the server will issue a redirect
+ to the client. </p><p>
+ If the argument to this is a virtual path, the server will
+ retrieve the document specified as if the client had requested
+ that document originally. ? directives will work in here, but #
+ directives must be redirected back to the client.</p><p>
+</p></li><li> <a name="status"><code>Status</code></a><p>
+ This is used to give the server an HTTP/1.0 <a href="">status
+line</a> to send to the client. The format is <code>nnn xxxxx</code>,
+where <code>nnn</code> is the 3-digit status code, and
+<code>xxxxx</code> is the reason string, such as "Forbidden".</p><p>
+Let's say I have a fromgratz to HTML converter. When my converter is
+finished with its work, it will output the following on stdout (note
+that the lines beginning and ending with --- are just for illustration
+and would not be output): <p>
+</p><pre>--- start of output ---
+Content-type: text/html
+--- end of output ---
+Note the blank line after Content-type. <p>
+Now, let's say I have a script which, in certain instances, wants to
+return the document <code>/path/doc.txt</code> from this server just
+as if the user had actually requested
+<code>http://server:port/path/doc.txt</code> to begin with. In this
+case, the script would output: </p><p>
+</p><pre>--- start of output ---
+Location: /path/doc.txt
+--- end of output ---
+The server would then perform the request and send it to the client.
+Let's say that I have a script which wants to reference our gopher
+server. In this case, if the script wanted to refer the user to
+<code>gopher://</code>, it would output: </p><p>
+</p><pre>--- start of output ---
+Location: gopher://
+--- end of output ---
+Finally, I have a script which wants to talk to the client directly.
+In this case, if the script is referenced with <a href=""><code>SERVER_PROTOCOL</code></a> of HTTP/1.0,
+the script would output the following HTTP/1.0 response: <p>
+</p><pre>--- start of output ---
+HTTP/1.0 200 OK
+Server: NCSA/1.0a6
+Content-type: text/plain
+This is a plaintext document generated on the fly just for you.
+--- end of output ---
+<a href=""><img alt="[Back]" src="out_files/back.gif">Return to the
+interface specification</a> <p>
+CGI - Common Gateway Interface
+</p><address><a href=""></a></address>
+</body></html> \ No newline at end of file
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+Contributing To Busybox
+This document describes what you need to do to contribute to Busybox, where
+you can help, guidelines on testing, and how to submit a well-formed patch
+that is more likely to be accepted.
+The Busybox home page is at:
+Pre-Contribution Checklist
+So you want to contribute to Busybox, eh? Great, wonderful, glad you want to
+help. However, before you dive in, headlong and hotfoot, there are some things
+you need to do:
+Checkout the Latest Code from CVS
+This is a necessary first step. Please do not try to work with the last
+released version, as there is a good chance that somebody has already fixed
+the bug you found. Somebody might have even added the feature you had in mind.
+Don't make your work obsolete before you start!
+For information on how to check out Busybox from CVS, please look at the
+following links:
+Read the Mailing List
+No one is required to read the entire archives of the mailing list, but you
+should at least read up on what people have been talking about lately. If
+you've recently discovered a problem, chances are somebody else has too. If
+you're the first to discover a problem, post a message and let the rest of us
+Archives can be found here:
+If you have a serious interest in Busybox, i.e., you are using it day-to-day or
+as part of an embedded project, it would be a good idea to join the mailing
+A web-based sign-up form can be found here:
+Coordinate with the Applet Maintainer
+Some (not all) of the applets in Busybox are "owned" by a maintainer who has
+put significant effort into it and is probably more familiar with it than
+others. To find the maintainer of an applet, look at the top of the .c file
+for a name following the word 'Copyright' or 'Written by' or 'Maintainer'.
+Before plunging ahead, it's a good idea to send a message to the mailing list
+that says: "Hey, I was thinking about adding the 'transmogrify' feature to the
+'foo' applet. Would this be useful? Is anyone else working on it?" You might
+want to CC the maintainer (if any) with your question.
+Areas Where You Can Help
+Busybox can always use improvement! If you're looking for ways to help, there
+are a variety of areas where you could help.
+What Busybox Doesn't Need
+Before listing the areas where you _can_ help, it's worthwhile to mention the
+areas where you shouldn't bother. While Busybox strives to be the "Swiss Army
+Knife" of embedded Linux, there are some applets that will not be accepted:
+ - Any filesystem manipulation tools: Busybox is filesystem independent and
+ we do not want to start adding mkfs/fsck tools for every (or any)
+ filesystem under the sun. (fsck_minix.c and mkfs_minix.c are living on
+ borrowed time.) There are far too many of these tools out there. Use
+ the upstream version. Not everything has to be part of Busybox.
+ - Any partitioning tools: Partitioning a device is typically done once and
+ only once, and tools which do this generally do not need to reside on the
+ target device (esp a flash device). If you need a partitioning tool, grab
+ one (such as fdisk, sfdisk, or cfdisk from util-linux) and use that, but
+ don't try to merge it into busybox. These are nasty and complex and we
+ don't want to maintain them.
+ - Any disk, device, or media-specific tools: Use the -utils or -tools package
+ that was designed for your device; don't try to shoehorn them into Busybox.
+ - Any architecture specific tools: Busybox is (or should be) architecture
+ independent. Do not send us tools that cannot be used across multiple
+ platforms / arches.
+ - Any daemons that are not essential to basic system operation. To date, only
+ syslogd and klogd meet this requirement. We do not need a web server, an
+ ftp daemon, a dhcp server, a mail transport agent or a dns resolver. If you
+ need one of those, you are welcome to ask the folks on the mailing list for
+ recommendations, but please don't bloat up Busybox with any of these.
+Bug Reporting
+If you find bugs, please submit a detailed bug report to the busybox mailing
+list at A well-written bug report should include a
+transcript of a shell session that demonstrates the bad behavior and enables
+anyone else to duplicate the bug on their own machine. The following is such
+an example:
+ To:
+ From:
+ Subject: /bin/date doesn't work
+ Package: busybox
+ Version: 1.00
+ When I execute Busybox 'date' it produces unexpected results.
+ With GNU date I get the following output:
+ $ date
+ Wed Mar 21 14:19:41 MST 2001
+ But when I use BusyBox date I get this instead:
+ $ date
+ llegal instruction
+ I am using Debian unstable, kernel version 2.4.19-rmk1 on an Netwinder,
+ and the latest uClibc from CVS. Thanks for the wonderful program!
+ -Diligent
+Note the careful description and use of examples showing not only what BusyBox
+does, but also a counter example showing what an equivalent GNU app does. Bug
+reports lacking such detail may never be fixed... Thanks for understanding.
+Write Documentation
+Chances are, documentation in Busybox is either missing or needs improvement.
+Either way, help is welcome.
+Work is being done to automatically generate documentation from sources,
+especially from the usage.h file. If you want to correct the documentation,
+please make changes to the pre-generation parts, rather than the generated
+documentation. [More to come on this later...]
+It is preferred that modifications to documentation be submitted in patch
+format (more on this below), but we're a little more lenient when it comes to
+docs. You could, for example, just say "after the listing of the mount
+options, the following example would be helpful..."
+Consult Existing Sources
+For a quick listing of "needs work" spots in the sources, cd into the Busybox
+directory and run the following:
+ for i in TODO FIXME XXX; do find -name '*.[ch]'|xargs grep $i; done
+This will show all of the trouble spots or 'questionable' code. Pick a spot,
+any spot, these are all invitations for you to contribute.
+Add a New Applet
+If you want to add a new applet to Busybox, we'd love to see it. However,
+before you write any code, please ask beforehand on the mailing list something
+like "Do you think applet 'foo' would be useful in Busybox?" or "Would you
+guys accept applet 'foo' into Busybox if I were to write it?" If the answer is
+"no" by the folks on the mailing list, then you've saved yourself some time.
+Conversely, you could get some positive responses from folks who might be
+interested in helping you implement it, or can recommend the best approach.
+Perhaps most importantly, this is your way of calling "dibs" on something and
+avoiding duplication of effort.
+Also, before you write a line of code, please read the 'new-applet-HOWTO.txt'
+file in the docs/ directory.
+Janitorial Work
+These are dirty jobs, but somebody's gotta do 'em.
+ - Converting applets to use getopt() for option processing. Type 'find -name
+ '*.c'|grep -L getopt' to get a listing of the applets that currently don't
+ use getopt. If a .c file processes no options, it should have a line that
+ reads: /* no options, no getopt */ somewhere in the file.
+ - Replace any "naked" calls to malloc, calloc, realloc, str[n]dup, fopen with
+ the x* equivalents found in libbb/xfuncs.c.
+ - Security audits:
+ - Synthetic code removal: - This
+ is very Perl-specific, but the advice given in here applies equally well to
+ C.
+ - C library function use audits: Verifying that functions are being used
+ properly (called with the right args), replacing unsafe library functions
+ with safer versions, making sure return codes are being checked, etc.
+ - Where appropriate, replace preprocessor defined macros and values with
+ compile-time equivalents.
+ - Style guide compliance. See: docs/style-guide.txt
+ - Add testcases to tests/testcases.
+ - Makefile improvements:
+ (I think the recursive problems are pretty much taken care of at this point, non?)
+ - "Ten Commandments" compliance: (this is a "maybe", certainly not as
+ important as any of the previous items.)
+Other useful links:
+ - the comp.lang.c FAQ:
+Submitting Patches To Busybox
+Here are some guidelines on how to submit a patch to Busybox.
+Making A Patch
+If you've got anonymous CVS access set up, making a patch is simple. Just make
+sure you're in the busybox/ directory and type 'cvs diff -bwu > mychanges.patch'.
+You can send the resulting .patch file to the mailing list with a description
+of what it does. (But not before you test it! See the next section for some
+guidelines.) It is preferred that patches be sent as attachments, but it is
+not required.
+Also, feel free to help test other people's patches and reply to them with
+comments. You can apply a patch by saving it into your busybox/ directory and
+typing 'patch < mychanges.patch'. Then you can recompile, see if it runs, test
+if it works as advertised, and post your findings to the mailing list.
+NOTE: Please do not include extraneous or irrelevant changes in your patches.
+Please do not try to "bundle" two patches together into one. Make single,
+discreet changes on a per-patch basis. Sometimes you need to make a patch that
+touches code in many places, but these kind of patches are rare and should be
+coordinated with a maintainer.
+Testing Guidelines
+It's considered good form to test your new feature before you submit a patch
+to the mailing list, and especially before you commit a change to CVS. Here
+are some guidelines on how to test your changes.
+ - Always test Busybox applets against GNU counterparts and make sure the
+ behavior / output is identical between the two.
+ - Try several different permutations and combinations of the features you're
+ adding (i.e., different combinations of command-line switches) and make sure
+ they all work; make sure one feature does not interfere with another.
+ - Make sure you test compiling against the source both with the feature
+ turned on and turned off in Config.h and make sure Busybox compiles cleanly
+ both ways.
+ - Run the script in the tests directory and make sure
+ everything checks out OK. (Do this from within the busybox/ directory by
+ typing: 'tests/'.)
+Making Sure Your Patch Doesn't Get Lost
+If you don't want your patch to be lost or forgotten, send it to the busybox
+mailing list with a subject line something like this:
+ [PATCH] - Adds "transmogrify" feature to "foo"
+In the body, you should have a pseudo-header that looks like the following:
+ Package: busybox
+ Version: v1.01pre (or whatever the current version is)
+ Severity: wishlist
+The remainder of the body should read along these lines:
+ This patch adds the "transmogrify" feature to the "foo" applet. I have
+ tested this on [arch] system(s) and it works. I have tested it against the
+ GNU counterparts and the outputs are identical. I have run the scripts in
+ the 'tests' directory and nothing breaks.
+Improving Your Chances of Patch Acceptance
+Even after you send a brilliant patch to the mailing list, sometimes it can go
+unnoticed, un-replied-to, and sometimes (sigh) even lost. This is an
+unfortunate fact of life, but there are steps you can take to help your patch
+get noticed and convince a maintainer that it should be added:
+Be Succinct
+A patch that includes small, isolated, obvious changes is more likely to be
+accepted than a patch that touches code in lots of different places or makes
+sweeping, dubious changes.
+Back It Up
+Hard facts on why your patch is better than the existing code will go a long
+way toward convincing maintainers that your patch should be included.
+Specifically, patches are more likely to be accepted if they are provably more
+correct, smaller, faster, simpler, or more maintainable than the existing
+Conversely, any patch that is supported with nothing more than "I think this
+would be cool" or "this patch is good because I say it is and I've got a Phd
+in Computer Science" will likely be ignored.
+Follow The Style Guide
+It's considered good form to abide by the established coding style used in a
+project; Busybox is no exception. We have gone so far as to delineate the
+"elements of Busybox style" in the file docs/style-guide.txt. Please follow
+Work With Someone Else
+Working on a patch in isolation is less effective than working with someone
+else for a variety of reasons. If another Busybox user is interested in what
+you're doing, then it's two (or more) voices instead of one that can petition
+for inclusion of the patch. You'll also have more people that can test your
+changes, or even offer suggestions on better approaches you could take.
+Getting other folks interested follows as a natural course if you've received
+responses from queries to applet maintainer or positive responses from folks
+on the mailing list.
+We've made strident efforts to put a useful "collaboration" infrastructure in
+place in the form of mailing lists, the bug tracking system, and CVS. Please
+use these resources.
+Send Patches to the Bug Tracking System
+This was mentioned above in the "Making Sure Your Patch Doesn't Get Lost"
+section, but it is worth mentioning again. A patch sent to the mailing list
+might be unnoticed and forgotten. A patch sent to the bug tracking system will
+be stored and closely connected to the bug it fixes.
+Be Polite
+The old saying "You'll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar"
+applies when submitting patches to the mailing list for approval. The way you
+present your patch is sometimes just as important as the actual patch itself
+(if not more so). Being rude to the maintainers is not an effective way to
+convince them that your patch should be included; it will likely have the
+opposite effect.
+Committing Changes to CVS
+If you submit several patches that demonstrate that you are a skilled and wise
+coder, you may be invited to become a committer, thus enabling you to commit
+changes directly to CVS. This is nice because you don't have to wait for
+someone else to commit your change for you, you can just do it yourself.
+But note that this is a privilege that comes with some responsibilities. You
+should test your changes before you commit them. You should also talk to an
+applet maintainer before you make any kind of sweeping changes to somebody
+else's code. Big changes should still go to the mailing list first. Remember,
+being wise, polite, and discreet is more important than being clever.
+When To Commit
+Generally, you should feel free to commit a change if:
+ - Your changes are small and don't touch many files
+ - You are fixing a bug
+ - Somebody has told you that it's okay
+ - It's obviously the Right Thing
+The more of the above are true, the better it is to just commit a change
+directly to CVS.
+When Not To Commit
+Even if you have commit rights, you should probably still post a patch to the
+mailing list if:
+ - Your changes are broad and touch many different files
+ - You are adding a feature
+ - Your changes are speculative or experimental (i.e., trying a new algorithm)
+ - You are not the maintainer and your changes make the maintainer cringe
+The more of the above are true, the better it is to post a patch to the
+mailing list instead of committing.
+Final Words
+If all of this seems complicated, don't panic, it's really not that tough. If
+you're having difficulty following some of the steps outlined in this
+document don't worry, the folks on the Busybox mailing list are a fairly
+good-natured bunch and will work with you to help get your patches into shape
+or help you make contributions.
diff --git a/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/draft-coar-cgi-v11-03-clean.html b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/draft-coar-cgi-v11-03-clean.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52c9b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/draft-coar-cgi-v11-03-clean.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2674 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+ <HEAD>
+ <TITLE>Common Gateway Interface - 1.1 *Draft 03* []
+ </TITLE>
+<!--#if expr="$HTTP_USER_AGENT != /Lynx/" -->
+ <!--#set var="GUI" value="1" -->
+<!--#endif -->
+ <LINK HREF="mailto:Ken.Coar@Golux.Com" rev="revised">
+ <LINK REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="cgip-style-rfc.css" TYPE="text/css">
+ <META name="latexstyle" content="rfc">
+ <META name="author" content="Ken A L Coar">
+ <META name="institute" content="IBM Corporation">
+ <META name="date" content="25 June 1999">
+ <META name="expires" content="Expires 31 December 1999">
+ <META name="document" content="INTERNET-DRAFT">
+ <META name="file" content="&lt;draft-coar-cgi-v11-03.txt&gt;">
+ <META name="group" content="INTERNET-DRAFT">
+ There are a lot of BNF fragments in this document. To make it work
+ in all possible browsers (including Lynx, which is used to turn it
+ into text/plain), we handle these by using PREformatted blocks with
+ a universal internal margin of 2, inside one-level DL blocks.
+ -->
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY>
+ <!--
+ HTML doesn't do paper pagination, so we need to fake it out. Basing
+ our formatting upon RFC2068, there are four (4) lines of header and
+ four (4) lines of footer for each page.
+ <PRE>
+Coar, et al. CGI/1.1 Specification May, 1998
+INTERNET-DRAFT Expires 1 December 1998 [Page 2]
+ </PRE>
+ -->
+ <!--
+ The following weirdness wrt non-breaking spaces is to get Lynx
+ (which is barely TABLE-aware) to line the left/right justified
+ text up properly.
+ -->
+ INTERNET-DRAFT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ </TD>
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ken A L Coar
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ draft-coar-cgi-v11-03.{html,txt}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ </TD>
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IBM Corporation
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ </TD>
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;D.R.T. Robinson
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ </TD>
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;E*TRADE&nbsp;UK&nbsp;Ltd.
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ </TD>
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;25 June 1999
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ </DIV>
+ The WWW Common Gateway Interface
+ <BR>
+ Version 1.1
+ </H1>
+<!--#include virtual="I-D-statement" -->
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="Abstract">
+ Abstract
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <P>
+ The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a simple interface for running
+ external programs, software or gateways under an information server
+ in a platform-independent manner. Currently, the supported information
+ servers are HTTP servers.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The interface has been in use by the World-Wide Web since 1993. This
+ specification defines the
+ "current practice" parameters of the
+ 'CGI/1.1' interface developed and documented at the U.S. National
+ Centre for Supercomputing Applications [NCSA-CGI].
+ This document also defines the use of the CGI/1.1 interface
+ on the Unix and AmigaDOS(tm) systems.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Discussion of this draft occurs on the CGI-WG mailing list; see the
+ project Web page at
+ <SAMP>&lt;URL:<A HREF="http://CGI-Spec.Golux.Com/"
+ >http://CGI-Spec.Golux.Com/</A>&gt;</SAMP>
+ for details on the mailing list and the status of the project.
+ </P>
+<!--#if expr="$GUI" -->
+ <H2>
+ Revision History
+ </H2>
+ <P>
+ The revision history of this draft is being maintained using Web-based
+ GUI notation, such as struck-through characters and colour-coded
+ sections. The following legend describes how to determine the origin
+ of a particular revision according to the colour of the text:
+ </P>
+ <DT>Black
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Revision 00, released 28 May 1998
+ </DD>
+ <DT>Green
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Revision 01, released 28 December 1998
+ <BR>
+ Major structure change: Section 4, "Request Metadata (Meta-Variables)"
+ was moved entirely under <A HREF="#7.0">Section 7</A>, "Data Input to the
+ CGI Script."
+ Due to the size of this change, it is noted here and the text in its
+ former location does <EM>not</EM> appear as struckthrough. This has
+ caused major <A HREF="#6.0">sections 5</A> and following to decrement
+ by one. Other
+ large text movements are likewise not marked up. References to RFC
+ 1738 were changed to 2396 (1738's replacement).
+ </DD>
+ <DT>Red
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Revision 02, released 2 April, 1999
+ <BR>
+ Added text to <A HREF="#8.3">section 8.3</A> defining correct handling
+ of HTTP/1.1
+ requests using "chunked" Transfer-Encoding. Labelled metavariable
+ names in <A HREF="#8.0">section 8</A> with the appropriate detail section
+ numbers.
+ Clarified allowed usage of <SAMP>Status</SAMP> and
+ <SAMP>Location</SAMP> response header fields. Included new
+ Internet-Draft language.
+ </DD>
+ <DT>Fuchsia
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Revision 03, released 25 June 1999
+ <BR>
+ Changed references from "HTTP" to "Protocol-Specific" for the listing of
+ things like HTTP_ACCEPT. Changed 'entity-body' and 'content-body' to
+ 'message-body.' Added a note that response headers must comply with
+ requirements of the protocol level in use. Added a lot of stuff about
+ security (section 11). Clarified a bunch of productions. Pointed out
+ that zero-length and omitted values are indistinguishable in this
+ specification. Clarified production describing order of fields in
+ script response header. Clarified issues surrounding encoding of
+ data. Acknowledged additional contributors, and changed one of
+ the authors' addresses.
+ </DD>
+ </DL>
+<!--#endif -->
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="Contents">
+ Table of Contents
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <PRE>
+ 1 Introduction..............................................<A
+ HREF="#1.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 1.1 Purpose................................................<A
+ HREF="#1.1"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 1.2 Requirements...........................................<A
+ HREF="#1.2"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 1.3 Specifications.........................................<A
+ HREF="#1.3"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 1.4 Terminology............................................<A
+ HREF="#1.4"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 2 Notational Conventions and Generic Grammar................<A
+ HREF="#2.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 2.1 Augmented BNF..........................................<A
+ HREF="#2.1"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 2.2 Basic Rules............................................<A
+ HREF="#2.2"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 3 Protocol Parameters.......................................<A
+ HREF="#3.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 3.1 URL Encoding...........................................<A
+ HREF="#3.1"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 3.2 The Script-URI.........................................<A
+ HREF="#3.2"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 4 Invoking the Script.......................................<A
+ HREF="#4.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 5 The CGI Script Command Line...............................<A
+ HREF="#5.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6 Data Input to the CGI Script..............................<A
+ HREF="#6.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1 Request Metadata (Metavariables).......................<A
+ HREF="#6.1"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.1 AUTH_TYPE...........................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.1"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.2 CONTENT_LENGTH......................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.2"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.3 CONTENT_TYPE........................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.3"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.4 GATEWAY_INTERFACE...................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.4"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.5 Protocol-Specific Metavariables.....................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.5"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.6 PATH_INFO...........................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.6"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.7 PATH_TRANSLATED.....................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.7"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.8 QUERY_STRING........................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.8"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.9 REMOTE_ADDR.........................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.9"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.10 REMOTE_HOST........................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.10"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.11 REMOTE_IDENT.......................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.11"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.12 REMOTE_USER........................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.12"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.13 REQUEST_METHOD.....................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.13"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.14 SCRIPT_NAME........................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.14"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.15 SERVER_NAME........................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.15"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.16 SERVER_PORT........................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.16"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.17 SERVER_PROTOCOL....................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.17"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.1.18 SERVER_SOFTWARE....................................<A
+ HREF="#6.1.18"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 6.2 Request Message-Bodies................................<A
+ HREF="#6.2"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 7 Data Output from the CGI Script...........................<A
+ HREF="#7.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 7.1 Non-Parsed Header Output...............................<A
+ HREF="#7.1"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 7.2 Parsed Header Output...................................<A
+ HREF="#7.2"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 7.2.1 CGI header fields...................................<A
+ HREF="#7.2.1"
+ >TBD</A>
+ Content-Type.....................................<A
+ HREF="#"
+ >TBD</A>
+ Location.........................................<A
+ HREF="#"
+ >TBD</A>
+ Status...........................................<A
+ HREF="#"
+ >TBD</A>
+ Extension header fields..........................<A
+ HREF="#"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 7.2.2 HTTP header fields..................................<A
+ HREF="#7.2.2"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 8 Server Implementation.....................................<A
+ HREF="#8.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 8.1 Requirements for Servers...............................<A
+ HREF="#8.1"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 8.1.1 Script-URI..........................................<A
+ HREF="#8.1"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 8.1.2 Request Message-body Handling.......................<A
+ HREF="#8.1.2"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 8.1.3 Required Metavariables..............................<A
+ HREF="#8.1.3"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 8.1.4 Response Compliance.................................<A
+ HREF="#8.1.4"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 8.2 Recommendations for Servers............................<A
+ HREF="#8.2"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 8.3 Summary of Metavariables...............................<A
+ HREF="#8.3"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 9 Script Implementation.....................................<A
+ HREF="#9.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 9.1 Requirements for Scripts...............................<A
+ HREF="#9.1"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 9.2 Recommendations for Scripts............................<A
+ HREF="#9.2"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 10 System Specifications....................................<A
+ HREF="#10.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 10.1 AmigaDOS..............................................<A
+ HREF="#10.1"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 10.2 Unix..................................................<A
+ HREF="#10.2"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 11 Security Considerations..................................<A
+ HREF="#11.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 11.1 Safe Methods..........................................<A
+ HREF="#11.1"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 11.2 HTTP Header Fields Containing Sensitive Information...<A
+ HREF="#11.2"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 11.3 Script Interference with the Server...................<A
+ HREF="#11.3"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 11.4 Data Length and Buffering Considerations..............<A
+ HREF="#11.4"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 11.5 Stateless Processing..................................<A
+ HREF="#11.5"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 12 Acknowledgments..........................................<A
+ HREF="#12.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 13 References...............................................<A
+ HREF="#13.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ 14 Authors' Addresses.......................................<A
+ HREF="#14.0"
+ >TBD</A>
+ </PRE>
+ </DIV>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="1.0">
+ 1. Introduction
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="1.1">
+ 1.1. Purpose
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Together the HTTP [<A HREF="#[3]">3</A>,<A HREF="#[8]">8</A>] server
+ and the CGI script are responsible
+ for servicing a client
+ request by sending back responses. The client
+ request comprises a Universal Resource Identifier (URI)
+ [<A HREF="#[1]">1</A>], a
+ request method, and various ancillary
+ information about the request
+ provided by the transport mechanism.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The CGI defines the abstract parameters, known as
+ metavariables,
+ which describe the client's
+ request. Together with a
+ concrete programmer interface this specifies a platform-independent
+ interface between the script and the HTTP server.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="1.2">
+ 1.2. Requirements
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ This specification uses the same words as RFC 1123
+ [<A HREF="#[5]">5</A>] to define the
+ significance of each particular requirement. These are:
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <DL>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ This word or the adjective 'required' means that the item is an
+ absolute requirement of the specification.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ This word or the adjective 'recommended' means that there may
+ exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore this
+ item, but the full implications should be understood and the case
+ carefully weighed before choosing a different course.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><EM>MAY</EM>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ This word or the adjective 'optional' means that this item is
+ truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because
+ a particular marketplace requires it or because it enhances the
+ product, for example; another vendor may omit the same item.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ </DL>
+ <P>
+ An implementation is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or more
+ of the 'must' requirements for the protocols it implements. An
+ implementation that satisfies all of the 'must' and all of the
+ 'should' requirements for its features is said to be 'unconditionally
+ compliant'; one that satisfies all of the 'must' requirements but not
+ all of the 'should' requirements for its features is said to be
+ 'conditionally compliant.'
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="1.3">
+ 1.3. Specifications
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Not all of the functions and features of the CGI are defined in the
+ main part of this specification. The following phrases are used to
+ describe the features which are not specified:
+ </P>
+ <DL>
+ <DT><EM>system defined</EM>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ The feature may differ between systems, but must be the same for
+ different implementations using the same system. A system will
+ usually identify a class of operating-systems. Some systems are
+ defined in
+ <A HREF="#10.0"
+ >section 10</A> of this document.
+ New systems may be defined
+ by new specifications without revision of this document.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><EM>implementation defined</EM>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ The behaviour of the feature may vary from implementation to
+ implementation, but a particular implementation must document its
+ behaviour.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ </DL>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="1.4">
+ 1.4. Terminology
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ This specification uses many terms defined in the HTTP/1.1
+ specification [<A HREF="#[8]">8</A>]; however, the following terms are
+ used here in a
+ sense which may not accord with their definitions in that document,
+ or with their common meaning.
+ </P>
+ <DL>
+ <DT><EM>metavariable</EM>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ A named parameter that carries information from the server to the
+ script. It is not necessarily a variable in the operating-system's
+ environment, although that is the most common implementation.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><EM>script</EM>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ The software which is invoked by the server <EM>via</EM> this
+ interface. It
+ need not be a standalone program, but could be a
+ dynamically-loaded or shared library, or even a subroutine in the
+ server. It <EM>may</EM> be a set of statements
+ interpreted at run-time, as the term 'script' is frequently
+ understood, but that is not a requirement and within the context
+ of this specification the term has the broader definition stated.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><EM>server</EM>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ The application program which invokes the script in order to service
+ requests.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ </DL>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="2.0">
+ 2. Notational Conventions and Generic Grammar
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="2.1">
+ 2.1. Augmented BNF
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ All of the mechanisms specified in this document are described in
+ both prose and an augmented Backus-Naur Form (BNF) similar to that
+ used by RFC 822 [<A HREF="#[6]">6</A>]. This augmented BNF contains
+ the following constructs:
+ </P>
+ <DL>
+ <DT>name = definition
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ The
+ definition by the equal character ("="). Whitespace is only
+ significant in that continuation lines of a definition are
+ indented.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT>"literal"
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ Quotation marks (") surround literal text, except for a literal
+ quotation mark, which is surrounded by angle-brackets ("&lt;" and "&gt;").
+ Unless stated otherwise, the text is case-sensitive.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT>rule1 | rule2
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ Alternative rules are separated by a vertical bar ("|").
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT>(rule1 rule2 rule3)
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ Elements enclosed in parentheses are treated as a single element.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT>*rule
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ A rule preceded by an asterisk ("*") may have zero or more
+ occurrences. A rule preceded by an integer followed by an asterisk
+ must occur at least the specified number of times.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT>[rule]
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ An element enclosed in square
+ brackets ("[" and "]") is optional.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ </DL>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="2.2">
+ 2.2. Basic Rules
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ The following rules are used throughout this specification to
+ describe basic parsing constructs.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ alpha = lowalpha | hialpha
+ alphanum = alpha | digit
+ lowalpha = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h"
+ | "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p"
+ | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x"
+ | "y" | "z"
+ hialpha = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H"
+ | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P"
+ | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X"
+ | "Y" | "Z"
+ digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7"
+ | "8" | "9"
+ hex = digit | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "a"
+ | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f"
+ escaped = "%" hex hex
+ OCTET = &lt;any 8-bit sequence of data&gt;
+ CHAR = &lt;any US-ASCII character (octets 0 - 127)&gt;
+ CTL = &lt;any US-ASCII control character
+ (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)&gt;
+ CR = &lt;US-ASCII CR, carriage return (13)&gt;
+ LF = &lt;US-ASCII LF, linefeed (10)&gt;
+ SP = &lt;US-ASCII SP, space (32)&gt;
+ HT = &lt;US-ASCII HT, horizontal tab (9)&gt;
+ NL = CR | LF
+ LWSP = SP | HT | NL
+ tspecial = "(" | ")" | "@" | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | &lt;"&gt;
+ | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "&lt;" | "&gt;" | "{" | "}"
+ | SP | HT | NL
+ token = 1*&lt;any CHAR except CTLs or tspecials&gt;
+ quoted-string = ( &lt;"&gt; *qdtext &lt;"&gt; ) | ( "&lt;" *qatext "&gt;")
+ qdtext = &lt;any CHAR except &lt;"&gt; and CTLs but including LWSP&gt;
+ qatext = &lt;any CHAR except "&lt;", "&gt;" and CTLs but
+ including LWSP&gt;
+ mark = "-" | "_" | "." | "!" | "~" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")"
+ unreserved = alphanum | mark
+ reserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&amp;" | "=" |
+ "$" | ","
+ uric = reserved | unreserved | escaped
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ Note that newline (NL) need not be a single character, but can be a
+ character sequence.
+ </P>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="3.0">
+ 3. Protocol Parameters
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="3.1">
+ 3.1. URL Encoding
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Some variables and constructs used here are described as being
+ 'URL-encoded'. This encoding is described in section
+ 2 of RFC
+ 2396
+ [<A HREF="#[4]">4</A>].
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ An alternate "shortcut" encoding for representing the space
+ character exists and is in common use. Scripts MUST be prepared to
+ recognise both '+' and '%20' as an encoded space in a
+ URL-encoded value.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Note that some unsafe characters may have different semantics if
+ they are encoded. The definition of which characters are unsafe
+ depends on the context.
+ For example, the following two URLs do not
+ necessarily refer to the same resource:
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ See section
+ 2 of RFC
+ 2396 [<A HREF="#[4]">4</A>]
+ for authoritative treatment of this issue.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="3.2">
+ 3.2. The Script-URI
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ The 'Script-URI' is defined as the URI of the resource identified
+ by the metavariables. Often,
+ this URI will be the same as
+ the URI requested by the client (the 'Client-URI'); however, it need
+ not be. Instead, it could be a URI invented by the server, and so it
+ can only be used in the context of the server and its CGI interface.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The Script-URI has the syntax of generic-RL as defined in section 2.1
+ of RFC 1808 [<A HREF="#[7]">7</A>], with the exception that object
+ parameters and
+ fragment identifiers are not permitted:
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ &lt;scheme&gt;://&lt;host&gt;&lt;port&gt;/&lt;path&gt;?&lt;query&gt;
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ The various components of the
+ Script-URI
+ are defined by some of the
+ metavariables (see
+ <A HREF="#4.0">section 4</A>
+ below);
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ script-uri = protocol "://" SERVER_NAME ":" SERVER_PORT enc-script
+ enc-path-info "?" QUERY_STRING
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ where 'protocol' is obtained
+ from SERVER_PROTOCOL, 'enc-script' is a
+ URL-encoded version of SCRIPT_NAME and 'enc-path-info' is a
+ URL-encoded version of PATH_INFO. See
+ <A HREF="#4.6">section 4.6</A> for more information about the PATH_INFO
+ metavariable.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Note that the scheme and the protocol are <EM>not</EM> identical;
+ for instance, a resource accessed <EM>via</EM> an SSL mechanism
+ may have a Client-URI with a scheme of "<SAMP>https</SAMP>"
+ rather than "<SAMP>http</SAMP>". CGI/1.1 provides no means
+ for the script to reconstruct this, and therefore
+ the Script-URI includes the base protocol used.
+ </P>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="4.0">
+ 4. Invoking the Script
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <P>
+ The
+ script is invoked in a system defined manner. Unless specified
+ otherwise, the file containing the script will be invoked as an
+ executable program.
+ </P>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="5.0">
+ 5. The CGI Script Command Line
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <P>
+ Some systems support a method for supplying an array of strings to
+ the CGI script. This is only used in the case of an 'indexed' query.
+ This is identified by a "GET" or "HEAD" HTTP request with a URL
+ query
+ string not containing any unencoded "=" characters. For such a
+ request,
+ servers SHOULD parse the search string
+ into words, using the following rules:
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ search-string = search-word *( "+" search-word )
+ search-word = 1*schar
+ schar = xunreserved | escaped | xreserved
+ xunreserved = alpha | digit | xsafe | extra
+ xsafe = "$" | "-" | "_" | "."
+ xreserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&"
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ After parsing, each word is URL-decoded, optionally encoded in a
+ system defined manner,
+ and then the argument list is set to the list
+ of words.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ If the server cannot create any part of the argument list, then the
+ server SHOULD NOT generate any command line information. For example, the
+ number of arguments may be greater than operating system or server
+ limitations permit, or one of the words may not be representable as an
+ argument.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Scripts SHOULD check to see if the QUERY_STRING value contains an
+ unencoded "=" character, and SHOULD NOT use the command line arguments
+ if it does.
+ </P>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="6.0">
+ 6. Data Input to the CGI Script
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <P>
+ Information about a request comes from two different sources: the
+ request header, and any associated
+ message-body.
+ Servers MUST
+ make portions of this information available to
+ scripts.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="6.1">
+ 6.1. Request Metadata
+ (Metavariables)
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Each CGI server
+ implementation MUST define a mechanism
+ to pass data about the request from
+ the server to the script.
+ The metavariables containing these
+ data
+ are accessed by the script in a system
+ defined manner.
+ The
+ representation of the characters in the
+ metavariables is
+ system defined.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ This specification does not distinguish between the representation of
+ null values and missing ones. Whether null or missing values
+ (such as a query component of "?" or "", respectively) are represented
+ by undefined metavariables or by metavariables with values of "" is
+ implementation-defined.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Case is not significant in the
+ metavariable
+ names, in that there cannot be two
+ different variables
+ whose names differ in case only. Here they are
+ shown using a canonical representation of capitals plus underscore
+ ("_"). The actual representation of the names is system defined; for
+ a particular system the representation MAY be defined differently
+ than this.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Metavariable
+ values MUST be
+ considered case-sensitive except as noted
+ otherwise.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The canonical
+ metavariables
+ defined by this specification are:
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ Metavariables with names beginning with the protocol name (<EM>e.g.</EM>,
+ "HTTP_ACCEPT") are also canonical in their description of request header
+ fields. The number and meaning of these fields may change independently
+ of this specification. (See also <A HREF="#6.1.5">section 6.1.5</A>.)
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.1">
+ 6.1.1. AUTH_TYPE
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ This variable is specific to requests made
+ <EM>via</EM> the
+ "<CODE>http</CODE>"
+ scheme.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ If the Script-URI
+ required access authentication for external
+ access, then the server
+ MUST set
+ the value of
+ this variable
+ from the '<SAMP>auth-scheme</SAMP>' token in
+ the request's "<SAMP>Authorization</SAMP>" header
+ field.
+ Otherwise
+ it is
+ set to NULL.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ AUTH_TYPE = "" | auth-scheme
+ auth-scheme = "Basic" | "Digest" | token
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ HTTP access authentication schemes are described in section 11 of the
+ HTTP/1.1 specification [<A HREF="#[8]">8</A>]. The auth-scheme is
+ not case-sensitive.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers
+ provide this metavariable
+ to scripts if the request
+ header included an "<SAMP>Authorization</SAMP>" field
+ that was authenticated.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.2">
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ This
+ metavariable
+ is set to the
+ size of the message-body
+ entity attached to the request, if any, in decimal
+ number of octets. If no data are attached, then this
+ metavariable
+ is either NULL or not
+ defined. The syntax is
+ the same as for
+ the HTTP "<SAMP>Content-Length</SAMP>" header field (section 14.14, HTTP/1.1
+ specification [<A HREF="#[8]">8</A>]).
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ CONTENT_LENGTH = "" | 1*digit
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST provide this metavariable
+ to scripts if the request
+ was accompanied by a
+ message-body entity.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.3">
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ If the request includes a
+ message-body,
+ to
+ the Internet Media Type
+ [<A HREF="#[9]">9</A>] of the attached
+ entity if the type was provided <EM>via</EM>
+ a "<SAMP>Content-type</SAMP>" field in the
+ request header, or if the server can determine it in the absence
+ of a supplied "<SAMP>Content-type</SAMP>" field. The syntax is the
+ same as for the HTTP
+ "<SAMP>Content-Type</SAMP>" header field.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ CONTENT_TYPE = "" | media-type
+ media-type = type "/" subtype *( ";" parameter)
+ type = token
+ subtype = token
+ parameter = attribute "=" value
+ attribute = token
+ value = token | quoted-string
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ The type, subtype,
+ and parameter attribute names are not
+ case-sensitive. Parameter values MAY be case sensitive.
+ Media types and their use in HTTP are described
+ in section 3.7 of the
+ HTTP/1.1 specification [<A HREF="#[8]">8</A>].
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Example:
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ There is no default value for this variable. If and only if it is
+ unset, then the script MAY attempt to determine the media type from
+ the data received. If the type remains unknown, then
+ the script MAY choose to either assume a
+ content-type of
+ <SAMP>application/octet-stream</SAMP>
+ or reject the request with a 415 ("Unsupported Media Type")
+ error. See <A HREF="#">section</A>
+ for more information about returning error status values.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST provide this metavariable
+ to scripts if
+ a "<SAMP>Content-Type</SAMP>" field was present
+ in the original request header. If the server receives a request
+ with an attached entity but no "<SAMP>Content-Type</SAMP>"
+ header field, it MAY attempt to
+ determine the correct datatype, or it MAY omit this
+ metavariable when
+ communicating the request information to the script.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.4">
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ This
+ metavariable
+ is set to
+ the dialect of CGI being used
+ by the server to communicate with the script.
+ Syntax:
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ GATEWAY_INTERFACE = "CGI" "/" major "." minor
+ major = 1*digit
+ minor = 1*digit
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ Note that the major and minor numbers are treated as separate
+ integers and hence each may be
+ more than a single
+ digit. Thus CGI/2.4 is a lower version than CGI/2.13 which in turn
+ is lower than CGI/12.3. Leading zeros in either
+ the major or the minor number MUST be ignored by scripts and
+ SHOULD NOT be generated by servers.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ This document defines the 1.1 version of the CGI interface
+ ("CGI/1.1").
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST provide this metavariable
+ to scripts.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.5">
+ 6.1.5. Protocol-Specific Metavariables
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ These metavariables are specific to
+ the protocol
+ <EM>via</EM> which the request is made.
+ Interpretation of these variables depends on the value of
+ the
+ metavariable
+ (see
+ <A HREF="#6.1.17">section 6.1.17</A>).
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Metavariables
+ with names beginning with "HTTP_" contain
+ values from the request header, if the
+ scheme used was HTTP.
+ Each
+ HTTP header field name is converted to upper case, has all occurrences of
+ "-" replaced with "_",
+ and has "HTTP_" prepended to form
+ the metavariable name.
+ Similar transformations are applied for other
+ protocols.
+ The header data MAY be presented as sent
+ by the client, or MAY be rewritten in ways which do not change its
+ semantics. If multiple header fields with the same field-name are received
+ then the server
+ MUST rewrite them as though they
+ had been received as a single header field having the same
+ semantics before being represented in a
+ metavariable.
+ Similarly, a header field that is received on more than one line
+ MUST be merged into a single line. The server MUST, if necessary,
+ change the representation of the data (for example, the character
+ set) to be appropriate for a CGI
+ metavariable.
+ <!-- ###NOTE: See if 2068 describes this thoroughly, and
+ point there if so. -->
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers are
+ not required to create
+ metavariables for all
+ the request
+ header fields that they
+ receive. In particular,
+ they MAY
+ decline to make available any
+ header fields carrying authentication information, such as
+ "<SAMP>Authorization</SAMP>", or
+ which are available to the script
+ <EM>via</EM> other metavariables,
+ such as "<SAMP>Content-Length</SAMP>" and "<SAMP>Content-Type</SAMP>".
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.6">
+ 6.1.6. PATH_INFO
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ metavariable
+ specifies
+ a path to be interpreted by the CGI script. It identifies the
+ resource or sub-resource to be returned
+ by the CGI
+ script, and it is derived from the portion
+ of the URI path following the script name but preceding
+ any query data.
+ The syntax
+ and semantics are similar to a decoded HTTP URL
+ 'path' token
+ (defined in
+ RFC 2396
+ [<A HREF="#[4]">4</A>]), with the exception
+ that a PATH_INFO of "/"
+ represents a single void path segment.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ PATH_INFO = "" | ( "/" path )
+ path = segment *( "/" segment )
+ segment = *pchar
+ pchar = &lt;any CHAR except "/"&gt;
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ The PATH_INFO string is the trailing part of the &lt;path&gt; component of
+ the Script-URI
+ (see <A HREF="#3.2">section 3.2</A>)
+ that follows the SCRIPT_NAME
+ portion of the path.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MAY impose their own restrictions and
+ limitations on what values they will accept for PATH_INFO, and MAY
+ reject or edit any values they
+ consider objectionable before passing
+ them to the script.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST make this URI component available
+ to CGI scripts. The PATH_INFO
+ value is case-sensitive, and the
+ server MUST preserve the case of the PATH_INFO element of the URI
+ when making it available to scripts.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.7">
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ PATH_TRANSLATED is derived by taking any path-info component of the
+ request URI (see
+ <A HREF="#6.1.6">section 6.1.6</A>), decoding it
+ (see <A HREF="#3.1">section 3.1</A>), parsing it as a URI in its own
+ right, and performing any virtual-to-physical
+ translation appropriate to map it onto the
+ server's document repository structure.
+ If the request URI includes no path-info
+ component, the PATH_TRANSLATED metavariable SHOULD NOT be defined.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ For a request such as the following:
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ the PATH_INFO component would be decoded, and the result
+ parsed as though it were a request for the following:
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ This would then be translated to a
+ location in the server's document repository,
+ perhaps a filesystem path something
+ like this:
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ /usr/local/www/htdocs/
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ The result of the translation is the value of PATH_TRANSLATED.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The value of PATH_TRANSLATED may or may not map to a valid
+ repository
+ location.
+ Servers MUST preserve the case of the path-info
+ segment if and only if the underlying
+ repository
+ supports case-sensitive
+ names. If the
+ repository
+ is only case-aware, case-preserving, or case-blind
+ with regard to
+ document names,
+ servers are not required to preserve the
+ case of the original segment through the translation.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The
+ translation
+ algorithm the server uses to derive PATH_TRANSLATED is
+ implementation defined; CGI scripts which use this variable may
+ suffer limited portability.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers SHOULD provide this metavariable
+ to scripts if and only if the request URI includes a
+ path-info component.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.8">
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ A URL-encoded
+ string; the &lt;query&gt; part of the
+ Script-URI.
+ (See
+ <A HREF="#3.2">section 3.2</A>.)
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ QUERY_STRING = query-string
+ query-string = *uric
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ The URL syntax for a query
+ string is described in
+ section 3 of
+ RFC 2396
+ [<A HREF="#[4]">4</A>].
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST supply this value to scripts.
+ The QUERY_STRING value is case-sensitive.
+ If the Script-URI does not include a query component,
+ the QUERY_STRING metavariable MUST be defined as an empty string ("").
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.9">
+ 6.1.9. REMOTE_ADDR
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ The IP address of the client
+ sending the request to the server. This
+ is not necessarily that of the user
+ agent
+ (such as if the request came through a proxy).
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ REMOTE_ADDR = hostnumber
+ hostnumber = ipv4-address | ipv6-address
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ The definitions of <SAMP>ipv4-address</SAMP> and <SAMP>ipv6-address</SAMP>
+ are provided in Appendix B of RFC 2373 [<A HREF="#[13]">13</A>].
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST supply this value to scripts.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.10">
+ 6.1.10. REMOTE_HOST
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ The fully qualified domain name of the
+ client sending the request to
+ the server, if available, otherwise NULL.
+ (See <A HREF="#6.1.9">section 6.1.9</A>.)
+ Fully qualified domain names take the form as described in
+ section 3.5 of RFC 1034 [<A HREF="#[10]">10</A>] and section 2.1 of
+ RFC 1123 [<A HREF="#[5]">5</A>]. Domain names are not case sensitive.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers SHOULD provide this information to
+ scripts.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.11">
+ 6.1.11. REMOTE_IDENT
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ The identity information reported about the connection by a
+ RFC 1413 [<A HREF="#[11]">11</A>] request to the remote agent, if
+ available. Servers
+ MAY choose not
+ to support this feature, or not to request the data
+ for efficiency reasons.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ The data returned
+ may be used for authentication purposes, but the level
+ of trust reposed in them should be minimal.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MAY supply this information to scripts if the
+ RFC1413 [<A HREF="#[11]">11</A>] lookup is performed.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.12">
+ 6.1.12. REMOTE_USER
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ If the request required authentication using the "Basic"
+ mechanism (<EM>i.e.</EM>, the AUTH_TYPE
+ metavariable is set
+ to "Basic"), then the value of the REMOTE_USER
+ metavariable is set to the
+ user-ID supplied. In all other cases
+ the value of this metavariable
+ is undefined.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ This variable is specific to requests made <EM>via</EM> the
+ HTTP protocol.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers SHOULD provide this metavariable
+ to scripts.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.13">
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ metavariable
+ is set to the
+ method with which the request was made, as described in section
+ 5.1.1 of the HTTP/1.0 specification [<A HREF="#[3]">3</A>] and
+ section 5.1.1 of the
+ HTTP/1.1 specification [<A HREF="#[8]">8</A>].
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ REQUEST_METHOD = http-method
+ http-method = "GET" | "HEAD" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE"
+ | "OPTIONS" | "TRACE" | extension-method
+ extension-method = token
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ The method is case sensitive.
+ CGI/1.1 servers MAY choose to process some methods
+ directly rather than passing them to scripts.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ This variable is specific to requests made with HTTP.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST provide this metavariable
+ to scripts.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.14">
+ 6.1.14. SCRIPT_NAME
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ metavariable
+ is
+ set to a URL path that could identify the CGI script (rather than the
+ script's
+ output). The syntax and semantics are identical to a
+ decoded HTTP URL 'path' token
+ (see RFC 2396
+ [<A HREF="#[4]">4</A>]).
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ SCRIPT_NAME = "" | ( "/" [ path ] )
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ The SCRIPT_NAME string is some leading part of the &lt;path&gt; component
+ of the Script-URI derived in some
+ implementation defined manner.
+ (see sections <A HREF="#6.1.6">6.1.6</A> and
+ <A HREF="#6.1.8">6.1.8</A>) are included
+ in the SCRIPT_NAME value.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST provide this metavariable
+ to scripts.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.15">
+ 6.1.15. SERVER_NAME
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ metavariable
+ is set to the
+ name of the
+ server, as
+ derived from the &lt;host&gt; part of the
+ Script-URI
+ (see <A HREF="#3.2">section 3.2</A>).
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ SERVER_NAME = hostname | hostnumber
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST provide this metavariable
+ to scripts.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.16">
+ 6.1.16. SERVER_PORT
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ metavariable
+ is set to the
+ port on which the
+ request was received, as used in the &lt;port&gt;
+ part of the Script-URI.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ SERVER_PORT = 1*digit
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ If the &lt;port&gt; portion of the script-URI is blank, the actual
+ port number upon which the request was received MUST be supplied.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST provide this metavariable
+ to scripts.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.17">
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ metavariable
+ is set to
+ the
+ name and revision of the information protocol with which
+ the
+ request
+ arrived. This is not necessarily the same as the protocol version used by
+ the server in its response to the client.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP-Version | extension-version
+ | extension-token
+ HTTP-Version = "HTTP" "/" 1*digit "." 1*digit
+ extension-version = protocol "/" 1*digit "." 1*digit
+ protocol = 1*( alpha | digit | "+" | "-" | "." )
+ extension-token = token
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ 'protocol' is a version of the &lt;scheme&gt; part of the
+ Script-URI, but is
+ not identical to it. For example, the scheme of a request may be
+ "<SAMP>https</SAMP>" while the protocol remains "<SAMP>http</SAMP>".
+ The protocol is not case sensitive, but
+ by convention, 'protocol' is in
+ upper case.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ A well-known extension token value is "INCLUDED",
+ which signals that the current document is being included as part of
+ a composite document, rather than being the direct target of the
+ client request.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST provide this metavariable
+ to scripts.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="6.1.18">
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ metavariable
+ is set to the
+ name and version of the information server software answering the
+ request (and running the gateway).
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ SERVER_SOFTWARE = 1*product
+ product = token [ "/" product-version ]
+ product-version = token
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST provide this metavariable
+ to scripts.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="6.2">
+ 6.2. Request Message-Bodies
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ As there may be a data entity attached to the request, there MUST be
+ a system defined method for the script to read
+ these data. Unless
+ defined otherwise, this will be <EM>via</EM> the 'standard input' file
+ descriptor.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ If the CONTENT_LENGTH value (see <A HREF="#6.1.2">section 6.1.2</A>)
+ is non-NULL, the server MUST supply at least that many bytes to
+ scripts on the standard input stream.
+ Scripts are
+ not obliged to read the data.
+ Servers MAY signal an EOF condition after CONTENT_LENGTH bytes have been
+ read, but are
+ not obligated to do so. Therefore, scripts
+ attempt to read more than CONTENT_LENGTH bytes, even if more data
+ are available.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ For non-parsed header (NPH) scripts (see
+ <A HREF="#7.1">section 7.1</A>
+ below),
+ servers SHOULD
+ attempt to ensure that the data
+ supplied to the script are precisely
+ as supplied by the client and unaltered by
+ the server.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ <A HREF="#8.1.2">Section 8.1.2</A> describes the requirements of
+ servers with regard to requests that include
+ message-bodies.
+ </P>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="7.0">
+ 7. Data Output from the CGI Script
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <P>
+ There MUST be a system defined method for the script to send data
+ back to the server or client; a script MUST always return some data.
+ Unless defined otherwise, this will be <EM>via</EM> the 'standard
+ output' file descriptor.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ There are two forms of output that scripts can supply to servers: non-parsed
+ header (NPH) output, and parsed header output.
+ Servers MUST support parsed header
+ output and MAY support NPH output. The method of
+ distinguishing between the two
+ types of output (or scripts) is implementation defined.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MAY implement a timeout period within which data must be
+ received from scripts. If a server implementation defines such
+ a timeout and receives no data from a script within the timeout
+ period, the server MAY terminate the script process and SHOULD
+ abort the client request with
+ either a
+ '504 Gateway Timed Out' or a
+ '500 Internal Server Error' response.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="7.1">
+ 7.1. Non-Parsed Header Output
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Scripts using the NPH output form
+ MUST return a complete HTTP response message, as described
+ in Section 6 of the HTTP specifications
+ [<A HREF="#[3]">3</A>,<A HREF="#[8]">8</A>].
+ NPH scripts
+ MUST use the SERVER_PROTOCOL variable to determine the appropriate format
+ for a response.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers
+ SHOULD attempt to ensure that the script output is sent
+ directly to the client, with minimal
+ internal and no transport-visible
+ buffering.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="7.2">
+ 7.2. Parsed Header Output
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Scripts using the parsed header output form MUST supply
+ a CGI response message to the server
+ as follows:
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ CGI-Response = *optional-field CGI-Field *optional-field NL [ Message-Body ]
+ optional-field = ( CGI-Field | HTTP-Field )
+ CGI-Field = Content-type
+ | Location
+ | Status
+ | extension-header
+ </PRE>
+ <P><!-- ##### If HTTP defines x-headers, remove ours except x-cgi- -->
+ The response comprises a header and a body, separated by a blank line.
+ The body may be NULL.
+ The header fields are either CGI header fields to be interpreted by
+ the server, or HTTP header fields
+ to be included in the response returned
+ to the client
+ if the request method is HTTP. At least one
+ CGI-Field MUST be
+ supplied, but no CGI field name may be used more than once
+ in a response.
+ If a body is supplied, then a "<SAMP>Content-type</SAMP>"
+ header field MUST be
+ supplied by the script,
+ otherwise the script MUST send a "<SAMP>Location</SAMP>"
+ or "<SAMP>Status</SAMP>" header field. If a
+ <SAMP>Location</SAMP> CGI-Field
+ is returned, then the script MUST NOT supply
+ any HTTP-Fields.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Each header field in a CGI-Response MUST be specified on a single line;
+ CGI/1.1 does not support continuation lines.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="7.2.1">
+ 7.2.1. CGI header fields
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ The CGI header fields have the generic syntax:
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ generic-field = field-name ":" [ field-value ] NL
+ field-name = token
+ field-value = *( field-content | LWSP )
+ field-content = *( token | tspecial | quoted-string )
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ The field-name is not case sensitive; a NULL field value is
+ equivalent to the header field not being sent.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="">
+ Content-Type
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ The Internet Media Type [<A HREF="#[9]">9</A>] of the entity
+ body, which is to be sent unmodified to the client.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ Content-Type = "Content-Type" ":" media-type NL
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ This is actually an HTTP-Field
+ rather than a CGI-Field, but
+ it is listed here because of its importance in the CGI dialogue as
+ a member of the "one of these is required" set of header
+ fields.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="">
+ Location
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ This is used to specify to the server that the script is returning a
+ reference to a document rather than an actual document.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ Location = "Location" ":"
+ ( fragment-URI | rel-URL-abs-path ) NL
+ fragment-URI = URI [ # fragmentid ]
+ URI = scheme ":" *qchar
+ fragmentid = *qchar
+ rel-URL-abs-path = "/" [ hpath ] [ "?" query-string ]
+ hpath = fpsegment *( "/" psegment )
+ fpsegment = 1*hchar
+ psegment = *hchar
+ hchar = alpha | digit | safe | extra
+ | ":" | "@" | "& | "="
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ The Location
+ value is either an absolute URI with optional fragment,
+ as defined in RFC 1630 [<A HREF="#[1]">1</A>], or an absolute path
+ within the server's URI space (<EM>i.e.</EM>,
+ omitting the scheme and network-related fields) and optional
+ query-string. If an absolute URI is returned by the script,
+ then the
+ server MUST generate a
+ '302 redirect' HTTP response
+ message unless the script has supplied an
+ explicit Status response header field.
+ Scripts returning an absolute URI MAY choose to
+ provide a message-body. Servers MUST make any appropriate modifications
+ to the script's output to ensure the response to the user-agent complies
+ with the response protocol version.
+ If the Location value is a path, then the server
+ MUST generate
+ the response that it would have produced in response to a request
+ containing the URL
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ scheme "://" SERVER_NAME ":" SERVER_PORT rel-URL-abs-path
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ Note: If the request was accompanied by a
+ message-body
+ (such as for a POST request), and the script
+ redirects the request with a Location field, the
+ message-body
+ may not be
+ available to the resource that is the target of the redirect.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="">
+ Status
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ The "<SAMP>Status</SAMP>" header field is used to indicate to the server what
+ status code the server MUST use in the response message.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ Status = "Status" ":" digit digit digit SP reason-phrase NL
+ reason-phrase = *&lt;CHAR, excluding CTLs, NL&gt;
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ The valid status codes are listed in section 6.1.1 of the HTTP/1.0
+ specifications [<A HREF="#[3]">3</A>]. If the SERVER_PROTOCOL is
+ "HTTP/1.1", then the status codes defined in the HTTP/1.1
+ specification [<A HREF="#[8]">8</A>] may
+ be used. If the script does not return a "<SAMP>Status</SAMP>" header
+ field, then "200 OK" SHOULD be assumed by the server.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ If a script is being used to handle a particular error or condition
+ encountered by the server, such as a '404 Not Found' error, the script
+ SHOULD use the "<SAMP>Status</SAMP>" CGI header field to propagate the error
+ condition back to the client. <EM>E.g.</EM>, in the example mentioned it
+ SHOULD include a "Status:&nbsp;404&nbsp;Not&nbsp;Found" in the
+ header data returned to the server.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="">
+ Extension header fields
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ Scripts MAY include in their CGI response header additional fields
+ not defined in this or the HTTP specification.
+ These are called "extension" fields,
+ and have the syntax of a <SAMP>generic-field</SAMP> as defined in
+ <A HREF="#7.2.1">section 7.2.1</A>. The name of an extension field
+ MUST NOT conflict with a field name defined in this or any other
+ specification; extension field names SHOULD begin with "X-CGI-"
+ to ensure uniqueness.
+ </P>
+ <H4>
+ <A NAME="7.2.2">
+ 7.2.2. HTTP header fields
+ </A>
+ </H4>
+ <P>
+ The script MAY return any other header fields defined by the
+ specification
+ for the SERVER_PROTOCOL (HTTP/1.0 [<A HREF="#[3]">3</A>] or HTTP/1.1
+ [<A HREF="#[8]">8</A>]).
+ Servers MUST resolve conflicts beteen CGI header
+ and HTTP header formats or names (see <A HREF="#8.0">section 8</A>).
+ </P>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="8.0">
+ 8. Server Implementation
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <P>
+ This section defines the requirements that must be met by HTTP
+ servers in order to provide a coherent and correct CGI/1.1
+ environment in which scripts may function. It is intended
+ primarily for server implementors, but it is useful for
+ script authors to be familiar with the information as well.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="8.1">
+ 8.1. Requirements for Servers
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ In order to be considered CGI/1.1-compliant, a server must meet
+ certain basic criteria and provide certain minimal functionality.
+ The details of these requirements are described in the following sections.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="8.1.1">
+ 8.1.1. Script-URI
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST support the standard mechanism (described below) which
+ allows
+ script authors to determine
+ what URL to use in documents
+ which reference the script;
+ specifically, what URL to use in order to
+ achieve particular settings of the
+ metavariables. This
+ mechanism is as follows:
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The server
+ MUST translate the header data from the CGI header field syntax to
+ the HTTP
+ header field syntax if these differ. For example, the character
+ sequence for
+ newline (such as Unix's ASCII NL) used by CGI scripts may not be the
+ same as that used by HTTP (ASCII CR followed by LF). The server MUST
+ also resolve any conflicts between header fields returned by the script
+ and header fields that it would otherwise send itself.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="8.1.2">
+ 8.1.2. Request Message-body Handling
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ These are the requirements for server handling of message-bodies directed
+ to CGI/1.1 resources:
+ </P>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>The message-body the server provides to the CGI script MUST
+ have any transfer encodings removed.
+ </LI>
+ <LI>The server MUST derive and provide a value for the CONTENT_LENGTH
+ metavariable that reflects the length of the message-body after any
+ transfer decoding.
+ </LI>
+ <LI>The server MUST leave intact any content-encodings of the message-body.
+ </LI>
+ </OL>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="8.1.3">
+ 8.1.3. Required Metavariables
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST provide scripts with certain information and
+ metavariables
+ as described in <A HREF="#8.3">section 8.3</A>.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="8.1.4">
+ 8.1.4. Response Compliance
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST ensure that responses sent to the user-agent meet all
+ requirements of the protocol level in effect. This may involve
+ modifying, deleting, or augmenting any header
+ fields and/or message-body supplied by the script.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="8.2">
+ 8.2. Recommendations for Servers
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Servers SHOULD provide the "<SAMP>query</SAMP>" component of the script-URI
+ as command-line arguments to scripts if it does not
+ contain any unencoded '=' characters and the command-line arguments can
+ be generated in an unambiguous manner.
+ (See <A HREF="#5.0">section 5</A>.)
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers SHOULD set the AUTH_TYPE
+ metavariable to the value of the
+ '<SAMP>auth-scheme</SAMP>' token of the "<SAMP>Authorization</SAMP>"
+ field if it was supplied as part of the request header.
+ (See <A HREF="#6.1.1">section 6.1.1</A>.)
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Where applicable, servers SHOULD set the current working directory
+ to the directory in which the script is located before invoking
+ it.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MAY reject with error '404 Not Found'
+ any requests that would result in
+ an encoded "/" being decoded into PATH_INFO or SCRIPT_NAME, as this
+ might represent a loss of information to the script.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Although the server and the CGI script need not be consistent in
+ their handling of URL paths (client URLs and the PATH_INFO data,
+ respectively), server authors may wish to impose consistency.
+ So the server implementation SHOULD define its behaviour for the
+ following cases:
+ </P>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>define any restrictions on allowed characters, in particular
+ whether ASCII NUL is permitted;
+ </LI>
+ <LI>define any restrictions on allowed path segments, in particular
+ whether non-terminal NULL segments are permitted;
+ </LI>
+ <LI>define the behaviour for <SAMP>"."</SAMP> or <SAMP>".."</SAMP> path
+ segments; <EM>i.e.</EM>, whether they are prohibited, treated as
+ ordinary path
+ segments or interpreted in accordance with the relative URL
+ specification [<A HREF="#[7]">7</A>];
+ </LI>
+ <LI>define any limits of the implementation, including limits on path or
+ search string lengths, and limits on the volume of header data the server
+ will parse.
+ </LI><!-- ##### Move the field resolution/translation para below here -->
+ </OL>
+ <P>
+ Servers MAY generate the
+ Script-URI in
+ any way from the client URI,
+ or from any other data (but the behaviour SHOULD be documented).
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ For non-parsed header (NPH) scripts (see
+ <A HREF="#7.1">section 7.1</A>), servers SHOULD
+ attempt to ensure that the script input comes directly from the
+ client, with minimal buffering. For all scripts the data will be
+ as supplied by the client.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="8.3">
+ 8.3. Summary of
+ MetaVariables
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Servers MUST provide the following
+ metavariables to
+ scripts. See the individual descriptions for exceptions and semantics.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ CONTENT_LENGTH (section <A HREF="#6.1.2">6.1.2</A>)
+ CONTENT_TYPE (section <A HREF="#6.1.3">6.1.3</A>)
+ GATEWAY_INTERFACE (section <A HREF="#6.1.4">6.1.4</A>)
+ PATH_INFO (section <A HREF="#6.1.6">6.1.6</A>)
+ QUERY_STRING (section <A HREF="#6.1.8">6.1.8</A>)
+ REMOTE_ADDR (section <A HREF="#6.1.9">6.1.9</A>)
+ REQUEST_METHOD (section <A HREF="#6.1.13">6.1.13</A>)
+ SCRIPT_NAME (section <A HREF="#6.1.14">6.1.14</A>)
+ SERVER_NAME (section <A HREF="#6.1.15">6.1.15</A>)
+ SERVER_PORT (section <A HREF="#6.1.16">6.1.16</A>)
+ SERVER_PROTOCOL (section <A HREF="#6.1.17">6.1.17</A>)
+ SERVER_SOFTWARE (section <A HREF="#6.1.18">6.1.18</A>)
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ Servers SHOULD define the following
+ metavariables for scripts.
+ See the individual descriptions for exceptions and semantics.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ AUTH_TYPE (section <A HREF="#6.1.1">6.1.1</A>)
+ REMOTE_HOST (section <A HREF="#6.1.10">6.1.10</A>)
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ In addition, servers SHOULD provide
+ metavariables for all fields present
+ in the HTTP request header, with the exception of those involved with
+ access control. Servers MAY at their discretion provide
+ metavariables
+ for access control fields.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Servers MAY define the following
+ metavariables. See the individual
+ descriptions for exceptions and semantics.
+ </P><!--#if expr="! $GUI" -->
+ <P></P><!--#endif -->
+ <PRE>
+ PATH_TRANSLATED (section <A HREF="#6.1.7">6.1.7</A>)
+ REMOTE_IDENT (section <A HREF="#6.1.11">6.1.11</A>)
+ REMOTE_USER (section <A HREF="#6.1.12">6.1.12</A>)
+ </PRE>
+ <P>
+ Servers MAY
+ at their discretion define additional implementation-specific
+ extension metavariables
+ provided their names do not
+ conflict with defined header field names. Implementation-specific
+ metavariable names SHOULD
+ be prefixed with "X_" (<EM>e.g.</EM>,
+ "X_DBA") to avoid the potential for such conflicts.
+ </P>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="9.0">
+ 9.
+ Script Implementation
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <P>
+ This section defines the requirements and recommendations for scripts
+ that are intended to function in a CGI/1.1 environment. It is intended
+ primarily as a reference for script authors, but server implementors
+ should be familiar with these issues as well.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="9.1">
+ 9.1. Requirements for Scripts
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Scripts using the parsed-header method to communicate with servers
+ MUST supply a response header to the server.
+ (See <A HREF="#7.0">section 7</A>.)
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Scripts using the NPH method to communicate with servers MUST
+ provide complete HTTP responses, and MUST use the value of the
+ SERVER_PROTOCOL metavariable
+ to determine the appropriate format.
+ (See <A HREF="#7.1">section 7.1</A>.)
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Scripts MUST check the value of the REQUEST_METHOD
+ metavariable in order
+ to provide an appropriate response.
+ (See <A HREF="#6.1.13">section 6.1.13</A>.)
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Scripts MUST be prepared to handled URL-encoded values in
+ metavariables.
+ In addition, they MUST recognise both "+" and "%20" in URL-encoded
+ quantities as representing the space character.
+ (See <A HREF="#3.1">section 3.1</A>.)
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Scripts MUST ignore leading zeros in the major and minor version numbers
+ metavariable value. (See
+ <A HREF="#6.1.4">section 6.1.4</A>.)
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ When processing requests that include a
+ message-body, scripts
+ MUST NOT read more than CONTENT_LENGTH bytes from the input stream.
+ (See sections <A HREF="#6.1.2">6.1.2</A> and <A HREF="#6.2">6.2</A>.)
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="9.2">
+ 9.2. Recommendations for Scripts
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Servers may interrupt or terminate script execution at any time
+ and without warning, so scripts SHOULD be prepared to deal with
+ abnormal termination.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Scripts MUST
+ reject with
+ error '405 Method Not
+ Allowed' requests
+ made using methods that they do not support. If the script does
+ not intend
+ processing the PATH_INFO data, then it SHOULD reject the request with
+ '404 Not
+ Found' if PATH_INFO is not NULL.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ If a script is processing the output of a form, it SHOULD
+ verify that the CONTENT_TYPE
+ is "<SAMP>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</SAMP>" [<A HREF="#[2]">2</A>]
+ or whatever other media type is expected.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Scripts parsing PATH_INFO,
+ SHOULD be careful
+ of void path segments ("<SAMP>//</SAMP>") and special path segments
+ (<SAMP>"."</SAMP> and
+ <SAMP>".."</SAMP>). They SHOULD either be removed from the path before
+ use in OS
+ system calls, or the request SHOULD be rejected with
+ '404 Not Found'.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ As it is impossible for
+ scripts to determine the client URI that
+ initiated a
+ request without knowledge of the specific server in
+ use, the script SHOULD NOT return "<SAMP>text/html</SAMP>"
+ documents containing
+ relative URL links without including a "<SAMP>&lt;BASE&gt;</SAMP>"
+ tag in the document.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ When returning header fields,
+ scripts SHOULD try to send the CGI
+ header fields (see section
+ <A HREF="#7.2">7.2</A>) as soon as possible, and
+ SHOULD send them
+ before any HTTP header fields. This may
+ help reduce the server's memory requirements.
+ </P>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="10.0">
+ 10. System Specifications
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="10.1">
+ 10.1. AmigaDOS
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ The implementation of the CGI on an AmigaDOS operating system platform
+ SHOULD use environment variables as the mechanism of providing
+ request metadata to CGI scripts.
+ </P>
+ <DL>
+ <DT><STRONG>Environment variables</STRONG>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ These are accessed by the DOS library routine <SAMP>GetVar</SAMP>. The
+ flags argument SHOULD be 0. Case is ignored, but upper case is
+ recommended for compatibility with case-sensitive systems.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><STRONG>The current working directory</STRONG>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ The current working directory for the script is set to the directory
+ containing the script.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><STRONG>Character set</STRONG>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ The US-ASCII character set is used for the definition of environment
+ variable names and header
+ field names; the newline (NL) sequence is LF;
+ servers SHOULD also accept CR LF as a newline.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ </DL>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="10.2">
+ 10.2. Unix
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ The implementation of the CGI on a UNIX operating system platform
+ SHOULD use environment variables as the mechanism of providing
+ request metadata to CGI scripts.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ For Unix compatible operating systems, the following are defined:
+ </P>
+ <DL>
+ <DT><STRONG>Environment variables</STRONG>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ These are accessed by the C library routine <SAMP>getenv</SAMP>.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><STRONG>The command line</STRONG>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ This is accessed using the
+ <SAMP>argc</SAMP> and <SAMP>argv</SAMP>
+ arguments to <SAMP>main()</SAMP>. The words have any characters
+ that
+ are 'active' in the Bourne shell escaped with a backslash.
+ If the value of the QUERY_STRING
+ metavariable
+ contains an unencoded equals-sign '=', then the command line
+ SHOULD NOT be used by the script.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><STRONG>The current working directory</STRONG>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ The current working directory for the script
+ SHOULD be set to the directory
+ containing the script.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><STRONG>Character set</STRONG>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>
+ <P>
+ The US-ASCII character set is used for the definition of environment
+ variable names and header field names; the newline (NL) sequence is LF;
+ servers SHOULD also accept CR LF as a newline.
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ </DL>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="11.0">
+ 11. Security Considerations
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="11.1">
+ 11.1. Safe Methods
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ As discussed in the security considerations of the HTTP
+ specifications [<A HREF="#[3]">3</A>,<A HREF="#[8]">8</A>], the
+ convention has been established that the
+ GET and HEAD methods should be 'safe'; they should cause no
+ side-effects and only have the significance of resource retrieval.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ CGI scripts are responsible for enforcing any HTTP security considerations
+ [<A HREF="#[3]">3</A>,<A HREF="#[8]">8</A>]
+ with respect to the protocol version level of the request and
+ any side effects generated by the scripts on behalf of
+ the server. Primary
+ among these
+ are the considerations of safe and idempotent methods. Idempotent
+ requests are those that may be repeated an arbitrary number of times
+ and produce side effects identical to a single request.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="11.2">
+ 11.2. HTTP Header
+ Fields Containing Sensitive Information
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ Some HTTP header fields may carry sensitive information which the server
+ SHOULD NOT pass on to the script unless explicitly configured to do
+ so. For example, if the server protects the script using the
+ "<SAMP>Basic</SAMP>"
+ authentication scheme, then the client will send an
+ "<SAMP>Authorization</SAMP>"
+ header field containing a username and password. If the server, rather
+ than the script, validates this information then the password SHOULD
+ NOT be passed on to the script <EM>via</EM> the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION
+ metavariable
+ without careful consideration.
+ This also applies to the
+ Proxy-Authorization header field and the corresponding
+ metavariable.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="11.3">
+ 11.3. Script
+ Interference with the Server
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ The most common implementation of CGI invokes the script as a child
+ process using the same user and group as the server process. It
+ SHOULD therefore be ensured that the script cannot interfere with the
+ server process, its configuration, or documents.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ If the script is executed by calling a function linked in to the
+ server software (either at compile-time or run-time) then precautions
+ SHOULD be taken to protect the core memory of the server, or to
+ ensure that untrusted code cannot be executed.
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="11.4">
+ 11.4. Data Length and Buffering Considerations
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ This specification places no limits on the length of message-bodies
+ presented to the script. Scripts should not assume that statically
+ allocated buffers of any size are sufficient to contain the entire
+ submission at one time. Use of a fixed length buffer without careful
+ overflow checking may result in an attacker exploiting 'stack-smashing'
+ or 'stack-overflow' vulnerabilities of the operating system.
+ Scripts may spool large submissions to disk or other buffering media,
+ but a rapid succession of large submissions may result in denial of
+ service conditions. If the CONTENT_LENGTH of a message-body is larger
+ than resource considerations allow, scripts should respond with an
+ error status appropriate for the protocol version; potentially applicable
+ status codes include '503 Service Unavailable' (HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1),
+ '413 Request Entity Too Large' (HTTP/1.1), and
+ '414 Request-URI Too Long' (HTTP/1.1).
+ </P>
+ <H3>
+ <A NAME="11.5">
+ 11.5. Stateless Processing
+ </A>
+ </H3>
+ <P>
+ The stateless nature of the Web makes each script execution and resource
+ retrieval independent of all others even when multiple requests constitute a
+ single conceptual Web transaction. Because of this, a script should not
+ make any assumptions about the context of the user-agent submitting a
+ request. In particular, scripts should examine data obtained from the client
+ and verify that they are valid, both in form and content, before allowing
+ them to be used for sensitive purposes such as input to other
+ applications, commands, or operating system services. These uses
+ include, but are not
+ limited to: system call arguments, database writes, dynamically evaluated
+ source code, and input to billing or other secure processes. It is important
+ that applications be protected from invalid input regardless of whether
+ the invalidity is the result of user error, logic error, or malicious action.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Authors of scripts involved in multi-request transactions should be
+ particularly cautios about validating the state information;
+ undesirable effects may result from the substitution of dangerous
+ values for portions of the submission which might otherwise be
+ presumed safe. Subversion of this type occurs when alterations
+ are made to data from a prior stage of the transaction that were
+ not meant to be controlled by the client (<EM>e.g.</EM>, hidden
+ HTML form elements, cookies, embedded URLs, <EM>etc.</EM>).
+ </P>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="12.0">
+ 12. Acknowledgements
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <P>
+ This work is based on a draft published in 1997 by David R. Robinson,
+ which in turn was based on the original CGI interface that arose out of
+ discussions on the <EM>www-talk</EM> mailing list. In particular,
+ Rob McCool, John Franks, Ari Luotonen,
+ George Phillips and
+ Tony Sanders deserve special recognition for their efforts in
+ defining and implementing the early versions of this interface.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ This document has also greatly benefited from the comments and
+ suggestions made by Chris Adie, Dave Kristol,
+ Mike Meyer, David Morris, Jeremy Madea,
+ Patrick M<SUP>c</SUP>Manus, Adam Donahue,
+ Ross Patterson, and Harald Alvestrand.
+ </P>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="13.0">
+ 13. References
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <DT><A NAME="[1]">[1]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Berners-Lee, T., 'Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW: A
+ Unifying Syntax for the Expression of Names and Addresses of
+ Objects on the Network as used in the World-Wide Web', RFC 1630,
+ CERN, June 1994.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><A NAME="[2]">[2]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Berners-Lee, T. and Connolly, D., 'Hypertext Markup Language -
+ 2.0', RFC 1866, MIT/W3C, November 1995.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><A NAME="[3]">[3]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R. T. and Frystyk, H.,
+ 'Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0', RFC 1945, MIT/LCS,
+ UC Irvine, May 1996.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><A NAME="[4]">[4]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and Masinter, L., Editors,
+ 'Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax', RFC 2396,
+ MIT, U.C. Irvine, Xerox Corporation, August 1996.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><A NAME="[5]">[5]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Braden, R., Editor, 'Requirements for Internet Hosts --
+ Application and Support', STD 3, RFC 1123, IETF, October 1989.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><A NAME="[6]">[6]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Crocker, D.H., 'Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
+ Messages', STD 11, RFC 822, University of Delaware, August 1982.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><A NAME="[7]">[7]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Fielding, R., 'Relative Uniform Resource Locators', RFC 1808,
+ UC Irvine, June 1995.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><A NAME="[8]">[8]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H. and
+ Berners-Lee, T., 'Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1',
+ RFC 2068, UC Irvine, DEC,
+ MIT/LCS, January 1997.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><A NAME="[9]">[9]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Freed, N. and Borenstein N., 'Multipurpose Internet Mail
+ Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types', RFC 2046, Innosoft,
+ First Virtual, November 1996.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><A NAME="[10]">[10]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Mockapetris, P., 'Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities',
+ STD 13, RFC 1034, ISI, November 1987.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><A NAME="[11]">[11]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>St. Johns, M., 'Identification Protocol', RFC 1431, US
+ Department of Defense, February 1993.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><A NAME="[12]">[12]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>'Coded Character Set -- 7-bit American Standard Code for
+ Information Interchange', ANSI X3.4-1986.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ <DT><A NAME="[13]">[13]</A>
+ </DT>
+ <DD>Hinden, R. and Deering, S.,
+ 'IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture', RFC 2373,
+ Nokia, Cisco Systems,
+ July 1998.
+ <P>
+ </P>
+ </DD>
+ </DL>
+ <H2>
+ <A NAME="14.0">
+ 14. Authors' Addresses
+ </A>
+ </H2>
+ <P>
+ Ken A L Coar
+ <BR>
+ MeepZor Consulting
+ <BR>
+ 7824 Mayfaire Crest Lane, Suite 202
+ <BR>
+ Raleigh, NC 27615-4875
+ <BR>
+ U.S.A.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Tel: +1 (919) 254.4237
+ <BR>
+ Fax: +1 (919) 254.5250
+ <BR>
+ Email:
+ <A
+ HREF="mailto:Ken.Coar@Golux.Com"
+ ><SAMP>Ken.Coar@Golux.Com</SAMP></A>
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ David Robinson
+ <BR>
+ <BR>
+ Mount Pleasant House
+ <BR>
+ 2 Mount Pleasant
+ <BR>
+ Huntingdon Road
+ <BR>
+ Cambridge CB3 0RN
+ <BR>
+ UK
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Tel: +44 (1223) 566926
+ <BR>
+ Fax: +44 (1223) 506288
+ <BR>
+ Email:
+ <A
+ HREF=""
+ ><SAMP></SAMP></A>
+ </BODY>
diff --git a/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/ipv4_ipv6.txt b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/ipv4_ipv6.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92010b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/ipv4_ipv6.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+We need better network address conv helpers.
+This is what our applets want:
+ sockaddr -> hostname
+udhcp: hostname -> ipv4 addr
+nslookup: hostname -> list of names - done
+tftp: host,port -> sockaddr
+nc: host,port -> sockaddr
+inetd: ?
+traceroute: ?, hostname -> ipv4 addr
+arping hostname -> ipv4 addr
+ping6 hostname -> ipv6 addr
+ifconfig hostname -> ipv4 addr (FIXME error check?)
+ipcalc ipv4 addr -> hostname
+syslogd hostname -> sockaddr
+inet_common.c: buggy. hostname -> ipv4 addr
+mount hostname -> sockaddr_in
+HOWTO get rid of inet_ntoa/aton:
+foo.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(cp);
+inet_pton(AF_INET, cp, &foo.sin_addr);
+inet_aton(cp, &foo.sin_addr);
+inet_pton(AF_INET, cp, &foo.sin_addr);
+ptr = inet_ntoa(foo.sin_addr);
+ptr = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &foo.sin_addr, str, sizeof(str));
+ struct addrinfo {
+ int ai_flags;
+ int ai_family;
+ int ai_socktype;
+ int ai_protocol;
+ size_t ai_addrlen;
+ struct sockaddr *ai_addr;
+ char *ai_canonname;
+ struct addrinfo *ai_next;
+ };
+ int getaddrinfo(const char *node, const char *service,
+ const struct addrinfo *hints,
+ struct addrinfo **res);
+ void freeaddrinfo(struct addrinfo *res);
+ const char *gai_strerror(int errcode);
+ The members ai_family, ai_socktype, and ai_protocol have the same meaning
+ as the corresponding parameters in the socket(2) system call. The getad-
+ drinfo(3) function returns socket addresses in either IPv4 or IPv6 address
+ family, (ai_family will be set to either AF_INET or AF_INET6).
+ The hints parameter specifies the preferred socket type, or protocol. A
+ NULL hints specifies that any network address or protocol is acceptable.
+ If this parameter is not NULL it points to an addrinfo structure whose
+ ai_family, ai_socktype, and ai_protocol members specify the preferred
+ socket type. AF_UNSPEC in ai_family specifies any protocol family (either
+ IPv4 or IPv6, for example). 0 in ai_socktype or ai_protocol specifies
+ that any socket type or protocol is acceptable as well. The ai_flags mem-
+ ber specifies additional options, defined below. Multiple flags are spec-
+ ified by logically OR-ing them together. All the other members in the
+ hints parameter must contain either 0, or a null pointer.
+ The node or service parameter, but not both, may be NULL. node specifies
+ either a numerical network address (dotted-decimal format for IPv4, hex-
+ adecimal format for IPv6) or a network hostname, whose network addresses
+ are looked up and resolved. If hints.ai_flags contains the AI_NUMERICHOST
+ flag then the node parameter must be a numerical network address. The
+ AI_NUMERICHOST flag suppresses any potentially lengthy network host
+ address lookups.
+ The getaddrinfo(3) function creates a linked list of addrinfo structures,
+ one for each network address subject to any restrictions imposed by the
+ hints parameter. The ai_canonname field of the first of these addrinfo
+ structures is set to point to the official name of the host, if
+ hints.ai_flags includes the AI_CANONNAME flag. ai_family, ai_socktype,
+ and ai_protocol specify the socket creation parameters. A pointer to the
+ socket address is placed in the ai_addr member, and the length of the
+ socket address, in bytes, is placed in the ai_addrlen member.
+ If node is NULL, the network address in each socket structure is initial-
+ ized according to the AI_PASSIVE flag, which is set in hints.ai_flags.
+ The network address in each socket structure will be left unspecified if
+ AI_PASSIVE flag is set. This is used by server applications, which intend
+ to accept client connections on any network address. The network address
+ will be set to the loopback interface address if the AI_PASSIVE flag is
+ not set. This is used by client applications, which intend to connect to
+ a server running on the same network host.
+ If hints.ai_flags includes the AI_ADDRCONFIG flag, then IPv4 addresses are
+ returned in the list pointed to by result only if the local system has at
+ least has at least one IPv4 address configured, and IPv6 addresses are
+ only returned if the local system has at least one IPv6 address config-
+ ured.
+ If hint.ai_flags specifies the AI_V4MAPPED flag, and hints.ai_family was
+ specified as AF_INET6, and no matching IPv6 addresses could be found, then
+ return IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses in the list pointed to by result. If
+ both AI_V4MAPPED and AI_ALL are specified in hints.ai_family, then return
+ both IPv6 and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses in the list pointed to by result.
+ AI_ALL is ignored if AI_V4MAPPED is not also specified.
+ service sets the port number in the network address of each socket struc-
+ ture. If service is NULL the port number will be left uninitialized. If
+ AI_NUMERICSERV is specified in hints.ai_flags and service is not NULL,
+ then service must point to a string containing a numeric port number.
+ This flag is used to inhibit the invocation of a name resolution service
+ in cases where it is known not to be required.
+ int getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t salen,
+ char *host, size_t hostlen,
+ char *serv, size_t servlen, int flags);
+ The getnameinfo(3) function is defined for protocol-independent
+ address-to-nodename translation. It combines the functionality
+ of gethostbyaddr(3) and getservbyport(3) and is the inverse of
+ getaddrinfo(3). The sa argument is a pointer to a generic socket address
+ structure (of type sockaddr_in or sockaddr_in6) of size salen that
+ holds the input IP address and port number. The arguments host and
+ serv are pointers to buffers (of size hostlen and servlen respectively)
+ to hold the return values.
+ The caller can specify that no hostname (or no service name) is required
+ by providing a NULL host (or serv) argument or a zero hostlen (or servlen)
+ parameter. However, at least one of hostname or service name must be requested.
+ The flags argument modifies the behaviour of getnameinfo(3) as follows:
+ If set, return only the hostname part of the FQDN for local hosts.
+ If set, then the numeric form of the hostname is returned.
+ (When not set, this will still happen in case the node's name
+ cannot be looked up.)
+ If set, then a error is returned if the hostname cannot be looked up.
+ If set, then the service address is returned in numeric form,
+ for example by its port number.
+ If set, then the service is datagram (UDP) based rather than stream
+ (TCP) based. This is required for the few ports (512-514) that have different
+ services for UDP and TCP.
+Modified IPv6-aware C code:
+ struct addrinfo *res, *aip;
+ struct addrinfo hints;
+ int sock = -1;
+ int error;
+ /* Get host address. Any type of address will do. */
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
+ hints.ai_flags = AI_ALL|AI_ADDRCONFIG;
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
+ error = getaddrinfo(hostname, servicename, &hints, &res);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "getaddrinfo: %s for host %s service %s\n",
+ gai_strerror(error), hostname, servicename);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Try all returned addresses until one works */
+ for (aip = res; aip != NULL; aip = aip->ai_next) {
+ /*
+ * Open socket. The address type depends on what
+ * getaddrinfo() gave us.
+ */
+ sock = socket(aip->ai_family, aip->ai_socktype, aip->ai_protocol);
+ if (sock == -1) {
+ perror("socket");
+ freeaddrinfo(res);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Connect to the host. */
+ if (connect(sock, aip->ai_addr, aip->ai_addrlen) == -1) {
+ perror("connect");
+ (void) close(sock);
+ sock = -1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ freeaddrinfo(res);
+Note that for new applications, if you write address-family-agnostic data structures,
+there is no need for porting.
+However, when it comes to server-side programming in C/C++, there is an additional wrinkle.
+Namely, depending on whether your application is written for a dual-stack platform, such
+as Solaris or Linux, or a single-stack platform, such as Windows, you would need to
+structure the code differently.
+Here's the corresponding server C code for a dual-stack platform:
+ int ServSock, csock;
+ /* struct sockaddr is too small! */
+ struct sockaddr_storage addr, from;
+ ...
+ ServSock = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, PF_INET6);
+ bind(ServSock, &addr, sizeof(addr));
+ do {
+ csock = accept(ServSocket, &from, sizeof(from));
+ doClientStuff(csock);
+ } while (!finished);
diff --git a/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/keep_data_small.txt b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/keep_data_small.txt
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--- /dev/null
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+ Keeping data small
+When many applets are compiled into busybox, all rw data and
+bss for each applet are concatenated. Including those from libc,
+if static busybox is built. When busybox is started, _all_ this data
+is allocated, not just that one part for selected applet.
+What "allocated" exactly means, depends on arch.
+On NOMMU it's probably bites the most, actually using real
+RAM for rwdata and bss. On i386, bss is lazily allocated
+by COWed zero pages. Not sure about rwdata - also COW?
+In order to keep busybox NOMMU and small-mem systems friendly
+we should avoid large global data in our applets, and should
+minimize usage of libc functions which implicitly use
+such structures.
+Small experiment to measure "parasitic" bbox memory consumption:
+here we start 1000 "busybox sleep 10" in parallel.
+busybox binary is practically allyesconfig static one,
+built against uclibc. Run on x86-64 machine with 64-bit kernel:
+bash-3.2# nmeter '%t %c %m %p %[pn]'
+23:17:28 .......... 168M 0 147
+23:17:29 .......... 168M 0 147
+23:17:30 U......... 168M 1 147
+23:17:31 SU........ 181M 244 391
+23:17:32 SSSSUUU... 223M 757 1147
+23:17:33 UUU....... 223M 0 1147
+23:17:34 U......... 223M 1 1147
+23:17:35 .......... 223M 0 1147
+23:17:36 .......... 223M 0 1147
+23:17:37 S......... 223M 0 1147
+23:17:38 .......... 223M 1 1147
+23:17:39 .......... 223M 0 1147
+23:17:40 .......... 223M 0 1147
+23:17:41 .......... 210M 0 906
+23:17:42 .......... 168M 1 147
+23:17:43 .......... 168M 0 147
+This requires 55M of memory. Thus 1 trivial busybox applet
+takes 55k of memory on 64-bit x86 kernel.
+On 32-bit kernel we need ~26k per applet.
+(Data from NOMMU arches are sought. Provide 'size busybox' output too)
+ Example 1
+One example how to reduce global data usage is in
+/* This is somewhat complex-looking arrangement, but it allows
+ * to place decompressor state either in bss or in
+ * malloc'ed space simply by changing #defines below.
+ * Sizes on i386:
+ * text data bss dec hex
+ * 5256 0 108 5364 14f4 - bss
+ * 4915 0 0 4915 1333 - malloc
+ */
+#define STATE_IN_BSS 0
+#define STATE_IN_MALLOC 1
+(see the rest of the file to get the idea)
+This example completely eliminates globals in that module.
+Required memory is allocated in inflate_gunzip() [its main module]
+and then passed down to all subroutines which need to access 'globals'
+as a parameter.
+ Example 2
+In case you don't want to pass this additional parameter everywhere,
+take a look at archival/gzip.c. Here all global data is replaced by
+single global pointer (ptr_to_globals) to allocated storage.
+In order to not duplicate ptr_to_globals in every applet, you can
+reuse single common one. It is defined in libbb/messages.c
+as struct globals *const ptr_to_globals, but the struct globals is
+NOT defined in libbb.h. You first define your own struct:
+struct globals { int a; char buf[1000]; };
+and then declare that ptr_to_globals is a pointer to it:
+#define G (*ptr_to_globals)
+ptr_to_globals is declared as constant pointer.
+This helps gcc understand that it won't change, resulting in noticeably
+smaller code. In order to assign it, use PTR_TO_GLOBALS macro:
+ PTR_TO_GLOBALS = xzalloc(sizeof(G));
+Typically it is done in <applet>_main().
+Now you can reference "globals" by G.a, G.buf and so on, in any function.
+ bb_common_bufsiz1
+There is one big common buffer in bss - bb_common_bufsiz1. It is a much
+earlier mechanism to reduce bss usage. Each applet can use it for
+its needs. Library functions are prohibited from using it.
+'G.' trick can be done using bb_common_bufsiz1 instead of malloced buffer:
+#define G (*(struct globals*)&bb_common_bufsiz1)
+Be careful, though, and use it only if globals fit into bb_common_bufsiz1.
+Since bb_common_bufsiz1 is BUFSIZ + 1 bytes long and BUFSIZ can change
+from one libc to another, you have to add compile-time check for it:
+if(sizeof(struct globals) > sizeof(bb_common_bufsiz1))
+ BUG_<applet>_globals_too_big();
+ Drawbacks
+You have to initialize it by hand. xzalloc() can be helpful in clearing
+allocated storage to 0, but anything more must be done by hand.
+All global variables are prefixed by 'G.' now. If this makes code
+less readable, use #defines:
+#define dev_fd (G.dev_fd)
+#define sector (G.sector)
+ Word of caution
+If applet doesn't use much of global data, converting it to use
+one of above methods is not worth the resulting code obfuscation.
+If you have less than ~300 bytes of global data - don't bother.
+ gcc's data alignment problem
+The following attribute added in vi.c:
+static int tabstop;
+static struct termios term_orig __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));
+static struct termios term_vi __attribute__ ((aligned (4)));
+reduces bss size by 32 bytes, because gcc sometimes aligns structures to
+ridiculously large values. asm output diff for above example:
+ tabstop:
+ .zero 4
+ .section .bss.term_orig,"aw",@nobits
+- .align 32
++ .align 4
+ .type term_orig, @object
+ .size term_orig, 60
+ term_orig:
+ .zero 60
+ .section .bss.term_vi,"aw",@nobits
+- .align 32
++ .align 4
+ .type term_vi, @object
+ .size term_vi, 60
+gcc doesn't seem to have options for altering this behaviour.
+gcc 3.4.3 and 4.1.1 tested:
+char c = 1;
+// gcc aligns to 32 bytes if sizeof(struct) >= 32
+struct {
+ int a,b,c,d;
+ int i1,i2,i3;
+} s28 = { 1 }; // struct will be aligned to 4 bytes
+struct {
+ int a,b,c,d;
+ int i1,i2,i3,i4;
+} s32 = { 1 }; // struct will be aligned to 32 bytes
+// same for arrays
+char vc31[31] = { 1 }; // unaligned
+char vc32[32] = { 1 }; // aligned to 32 bytes
+-fpack-struct=1 reduces alignment of s28 to 1 (but probably
+will break layout of many libc structs) but s32 and vc32
+are still aligned to 32 bytes.
+I will try to cook up a patch to add a gcc option for disabling it.
+Meanwhile, this is where it can be disabled in gcc source:
+ix86_data_alignment (tree type, int align)
+#if 0
+ if (AGGREGATE_TYPE_P (type)
+ && TYPE_SIZE (type)
+ && (TREE_INT_CST_LOW (TYPE_SIZE (type)) >= 256
+ || TREE_INT_CST_HIGH (TYPE_SIZE (type))) && align < 256)
+ return 256;
+Result (non-static busybox built against glibc):
+# size /usr/srcdevel/bbox/fix/busybox.t0/busybox busybox
+ text data bss dec hex filename
+ 634416 2736 23856 661008 a1610 busybox
+ 632580 2672 22944 658196 a0b14 busybox_noalign
diff --git a/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/mdev.txt b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/mdev.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51c3f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/mdev.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ MDEV Primer
+For those of us who know how to use mdev, a primer might seem lame. For
+everyone else, mdev is a weird black box that they hear is awesome, but can't
+seem to get their head around how it works. Thus, a primer.
+ Basic Use
+Mdev has two primary uses: initial population and dynamic updates. Both
+require sysfs support in the kernel and have it mounted at /sys. For dynamic
+updates, you also need to have hotplugging enabled in your kernel.
+Here's a typical code snippet from the init script:
+[1] mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
+[2] echo /bin/mdev > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug
+[3] mdev -s
+Of course, a more "full" setup would entail executing this before the previous
+code snippet:
+[4] mount -t tmpfs mdev /dev
+[5] mkdir /dev/pts
+[6] mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts
+The simple explanation here is that [1] you need to have /sys mounted before
+executing mdev. Then you [2] instruct the kernel to execute /bin/mdev whenever
+a device is added or removed so that the device node can be created or
+destroyed. Then you [3] seed /dev with all the device nodes that were created
+while the system was booting.
+For the "full" setup, you want to [4] make sure /dev is a tmpfs filesystem
+(assuming you're running out of flash). Then you want to [5] create the
+/dev/pts mount point and finally [6] mount the devpts filesystem on it.
+ MDEV Config (/etc/mdev.conf)
+Mdev has an optional config file for controlling ownership/permissions of
+device nodes if your system needs something more than the default root/root
+660 permissions.
+The file has the format:
+ <device regex> <uid>:<gid> <octal permissions>
+For example:
+ hd[a-z][0-9]* 0:3 660
+The config file parsing stops at the first matching line. If no line is
+matched, then the default of 0:0 660 is used. To set your own default, simply
+create your own total match like so:
+ .* 1:1 777
+If you also enable support for executing your own commands, then the file has
+the format:
+ <device regex> <uid>:<gid> <octal permissions> [<@|$|*> <command>]
+The special characters have the meaning:
+ @ Run after creating the device.
+ $ Run before removing the device.
+ * Run both after creating and before removing the device.
+The command is executed via the system() function (which means you're giving a
+command to the shell), so make sure you have a shell installed at /bin/sh.
+For your convenience, the shell env var $MDEV is set to the device name. So if
+the device 'hdc' was matched, MDEV would be set to "hdc".
diff --git a/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/new-applet-HOWTO.txt b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/new-applet-HOWTO.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1e1035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/new-applet-HOWTO.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+How to Add a New Applet to BusyBox
+This document details the steps you must take to add a new applet to BusyBox.
+Matt Kraai - initial writeup
+Mark Whitley - the remix
+Thomas Lundquist - Added stuff for the new directory layout.
+Initial Write
+First, write your applet. Be sure to include copyright information at the top,
+such as who you stole the code from and so forth. Also include the mini-GPL
+boilerplate. Be sure to name the main function <applet>_main instead of main.
+And be sure to put it in <applet>.c. Usage does not have to be taken care of by
+your applet.
+Make sure to #include "busybox.h" as the first include file in your applet so
+the bb_config.h and appropriate platform specific files are included properly.
+For a new applet mu, here is the code that would go in mu.c:
+----begin example code------
+/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */
+ * Mini mu implementation for busybox
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) [YEAR] by [YOUR NAME] <YOUR EMAIL>
+ *
+ * Licensed under GPLv2 or later, see file LICENSE in this tarball for details.
+ */
+#include "busybox.h"
+#include <other.h>
+int mu_main(int argc, char **argv);
+int mu_main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int fd;
+ char mu;
+ fd = xopen("/dev/random", O_RDONLY);
+ if ((n = safe_read(fd, &mu, 1)) < 1)
+ bb_perror_msg_and_die("/dev/random");
+ return mu;
+----end example code------
+Coding Style
+Before you submit your applet for inclusion in BusyBox, (or better yet, before
+you _write_ your applet) please read through the style guide in the docs
+directory and make your program compliant.
+Some Words on libbb
+As you are writing your applet, please be aware of the body of pre-existing
+useful functions in libbb. Use these instead of reinventing the wheel.
+Additionally, if you have any useful, general-purpose functions in your
+applet that could be useful in other applets, consider putting them in libbb.
+Placement / Directory
+Find the appropriate directory for your new applet.
+Make sure you find the appropriate places in the files, the applets are
+sorted alphabetically.
+Add the applet to in the chosen directory:
+obj-$(CONFIG_MU) += mu.o
+Add the applet to in the chosen directory:
+config CONFIG_MU
+ bool "MU"
+ default n
+ help
+ Returns an indeterminate value.
+Usage String(s)
+Next, add usage information for you applet to include/usage.h.
+This should look like the following:
+ #define mu_trivial_usage \
+ "-[abcde] FILES"
+ #define mu_full_usage \
+ "Returns an indeterminate value.\n\n" \
+ "Options:\n" \
+ "\t-a\t\tfirst function\n" \
+ "\t-b\t\tsecond function\n" \
+ ...
+If your program supports flags, the flags should be mentioned on the first
+line (-[abcde]) and a detailed description of each flag should go in the
+mu_full_usage section, one flag per line. (Numerous examples of this
+currently exist in usage.h.)
+Header Files
+Next, add an entry to include/applets.h. Be *sure* to keep the list
+in alphabetical order, or else it will break the binary-search lookup
+algorithm in busybox.c and the Gods of BusyBox smite you. Yea, verily:
+ /* all programs above here are alphabetically "less than" 'mu' */
+ #ifdef CONFIG_MU
+ APPLET("mu", mu_main, _BB_DIR_USR_BIN, mu_usage)
+ #endif
+ /* all programs below here are alphabetically "greater than" 'mu' */
+If you're feeling especially nice, you should also document your applet in the
+docs directory (but nobody ever does that).
+Adding some text to docs/ is a nice start.
+The Grand Announcement
+Then create a diff -urN of the files you added and/or modified. Typically:
+ <appletdir>/<applet>.c
+ include/usage.c
+ include/applets.h
+ <appletdir>/
+ <appletdir>/
+and send it to the mailing list:
+Sending patches as attachments is preferred, but not required.
diff --git a/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/sigint.htm b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/sigint.htm
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/sigint.htm
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+<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="">
+<TITLE>Proper handling of SIGINT/SIGQUIT []</TITLE>
+<!-- Created by: GNU m4 using $Revision: 1.20 $ of crawww.m4lib on 11-Feb-2005 -->
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#fff8e1">
+<CENTER><H2>Proper handling of SIGINT/SIGQUIT</H2></CENTER>
+<img src=linie.png width="100%" alt=" ">
+<table border=1 cellpadding=4>
+<tr><th valign=top align=left>Abstract: </th>
+<td valign=top align=left>
+In UNIX terminal sessions, you usually have a key like
+<code>C-c</code> (Control-C) to immediately end whatever program you
+have running in the foreground. This should work even when the program
+you called has called other programs in turn. Everything should be
+aborted, giving you your command prompt back, no matter how deep the
+call stack is.
+<p>Basically, it's trivial. But the existence of interactive
+applications that use SIGINT and/or SIGQUIT for other purposes than a
+complete immediate abort make matters complicated, and - as was to
+expect - left us with several ways to solve the problems. Of course,
+existing shells and applications follow different ways.
+<P>This Web pages outlines different ways to solve the problem and
+argues that only one of them can do everything right, although it
+means that we have to fix some existing software.
+</td></tr><tr><th valign=top align=left>Intended audience: </th>
+<td valign=top align=left>Programmers who implement programs that catch SIGINT/SIGQUIT.
+<BR>Programmers who implements shells or shell-like programs that
+execute batches of programs.
+<p>Users who have problems problems getting rid of runaway shell
+scripts using <code>Control-C</code>. Or have interactive applications
+that don't behave right when sending SIGINT. Examples are emacs'es
+that die on Control-g or shellscript statements that sometimes are
+executed and sometimes not, apparently not determined by the user's
+</td></tr><tr><th valign=top align=left>Required knowledge: </th>
+<td valign=top align=left>You have to know what it means to catch SIGINT or SIGQUIT and how
+processes are waiting for other processes (childs) they spawned.
+<img src=linie.png width="100%" alt=" ">
+<H3>Basic concepts</H3>
+What technically happens when you press Control-C is that all programs
+running in the foreground in your current terminal (or virtual
+terminal) get the signal SIGINT sent.
+<p>You may change the key that triggers the signal using
+<code>stty</code> and running programs may remap the SIGINT-sending
+key at any time they like, without your intervention and without
+asking you first.
+<p>The usual reaction of a running program to SIGINT is to exit.
+However, not all program do an exit on SIGINT, programs are free to
+use the signal for other actions or to ignore it at all.
+<p>All programs running in the foreground receive the signal. This may
+be a nested "stack" of programs: You started a program that started
+another and the outer is waiting for the inner to exit. This nesting
+may be arbitrarily deep.
+<p>The innermost program is the one that decides what to do on SIGINT.
+It may exit, do something else or do nothing. Still, when the user hit
+SIGINT, all the outer programs are awaken, get the signal and may
+react on it.
+<H3>What we try to achieve</H3>
+The problem is with shell scripts (or similar programs that call
+several subprograms one after another).
+<p>Let us consider the most basic script:
+#! /bin/sh
+and the usual run looks like this:
+$ sh myscript
+[output of program1]
+[output of program2]
+<p>Let us assume that both programs do nothing special on SIGINT, they
+just exit.
+<p>Now imagine the user hits C-c while a shellscript is executing its
+first program. The following programs receive SIGINT: program1 and
+also the shell executing the script. program1 exits.
+<p>But what should the shell do? If we say that it is only the
+innermost's programs business to react on SIGINT, the shell will do
+nothing special (not exit) and it will continue the execution of the
+script and run program2. But this is wrong: The user's intention in
+hitting C-c is to abort the whole script, to get his prompt back. If
+he hits C-c while the first program is running, he does not want
+program2 to be even started.
+<p>here is what would happen if the shell doesn't do anything:
+$ sh myscript
+[first half of program1's output]
+C-c [users presses C-c]
+[second half of program1's output will not be displayed]
+[output of program2 will appear]
+<p>Consider a more annoying example:
+#! /bin/sh
+# let's assume there are 300 *.dat files
+for file in *.dat ; do
+ dat2ascii $dat
+If your shell wouldn't end if the user hits <code>C-c</code>,
+<code>C-c</code> would just end <strong>one</strong> dat2ascii run and
+the script would continue. Thus, you had to hit <code>C-c</code> up to
+300 times to end this script.
+<H3>Alternatives to do so</H3>
+<p>There are several ways to handle abortion of shell scripts when
+SIGINT is received while a foreground child runs:
+<li>As just outlined, the shellscript may just continue, ignoring the
+fact that the user hit <code>C-c</code>. That way, your shellscript -
+including any loops - would continue and you had no chance of aborting
+it except using the kill command after finding out the outermost
+shell's PID. This "solution" will not be discussed further, as it is
+obviously not desirable.
+<p><li>The shell itself exits immediately when it receives SIGINT. Not
+only the program called will exit, but the calling (the
+script-executing) shell. The first variant is to exit the shell (and
+therefore discontinuing execution of the script) immediately, while
+the background program may still be executing (remember that although
+the shell is just waiting for the called program to exit, it is woken
+up and may act). I will call the way of doing things the "IUE" (for
+"immediate unconditional exit") for the rest of this document.
+<p><li>As a variant of the former, when the shell receives SIGINT
+while it is waiting for a child to exit, the shell does not exit
+immediately. but it remembers the fact that a SIGINT happened. After
+the called program exits and the shell's wait ends, the shell will
+exit itself and hence discontinue the script. I will call the way of
+doing things the "WUE" (for "wait and unconditional exit") for the
+rest of this document.
+<p><li>There is also a way that the calling shell can tell whether the
+called program exited on SIGINT and if it ignored SIGINT (or used it
+for other purposes). As in the <sl>WUE</sl> way, the shell waits for
+the child to complete. It figures whether the program was ended on
+SIGINT and if so, it discontinue the script. If the program did any
+other exit, the script will be continued. I will call the way of doing
+things the "WCE" (for "wait and cooperative exit") for the rest of
+this document.
+<H3>The problem</H3>
+On first sight, all three solutions (IUE, WUE and WCE) all seem to do
+what we want: If C-c is hit while the first program of the shell
+script runs, the script is discontinued. The user gets his prompt back
+immediately. So what are the difference between these way of handling
+<p>There are programs that use the signal SIGINT for other purposes
+than exiting. They use it as a normal keystroke. The user is expected
+to use the key that sends SIGINT during a perfectly normal program
+run. As a result, the user sends SIGINT in situations where he/she
+does not want the program or the script to end.
+<p>The primary example is the emacs editor: C-g does what ESC does in
+other applications: It cancels a partially executed or prepared
+operation. Technically, emacs remaps the key that sends SIGINT from
+C-c to C-g and catches SIGINT.
+<p>Remember that the SIGINT is sent to all programs running in the
+foreground. If emacs is executing from a shell script, both emacs and
+the shell get SIGINT. emacs is the program that decides what to do:
+Exit on SIGINT or not. emacs decides not to exit. The problem arises
+when the shell draws its own conclusions from receiving SIGINT without
+consulting emacs for its opinion.
+<p>Consider this script:
+#! /bin/sh
+emacs /tmp/foo
+cp /tmp/foo /home/user/mail/sent
+<p>If C-g is used in emacs, both the shell and emacs will received
+SIGINT. Emacs will not exit, the user used C-g as a normal editing
+keystroke, he/she does not want the script to be aborted on C-g.
+<p>The central problem is that the second command (cp) may
+unintentionally be killed when the shell draws its own conclusion
+about the user's intention. The innermost program is the only one to
+<H3>One more example</H3>
+<p>Imagine a mail session using a curses mailer in a tty. You called
+your mailer and started to compose a message. Your mailer calls emacs.
+<code>C-g</code> is a normal editing key in emacs. Technically it
+sends SIGINT (it was <code>C-c</code>, but emacs remapped the key) to
+<li>the shell between your mailer and emacs, the one from your mailers
+ system("emacs /tmp/bla.44") command
+<li>the mailer itself
+<li>possibly another shell if your mailer was called by a shell script
+or from another application using system(3)
+<li>your interactive shell (which ignores it since it is interactive
+and hence is not relevant to this discussion)
+<p>If everyone just exits on SIGINT, you will be left with nothing but
+your login shell, without asking.
+<p>But for sure you don't want to be dropped out of your editor and
+out of your mailer back to the commandline, having your edited data
+and mailer status deleted.
+<p>Understand the difference: While <code>C-g</code> is used an a kind
+of abort key in emacs, it isn't the major "abort everything" key. When
+you use <code>C-g</code> in emacs, you want to end some internal emacs
+command. You don't want your whole emacs and mailer session to end.
+<p>So, if the shell exits immediately if the user sends SIGINT (the
+second of the four ways shown above), the parent of emacs would die,
+leaving emacs without the controlling tty. The user will lose it's
+editing session immediately and unrecoverable. If the "main" shell of
+the operating system defaults to this behavior, every editor session
+that is spawned from a mailer or such will break (because it is
+usually executed by system(3), which calls /bin/sh). This was the case
+in FreeBSD before I and Bruce Evans changed it in 1998.
+<p>If the shell recognized that SIGINT was sent and exits after the
+current foreground process exited (the third way of the four), the
+editor session will not be disturbed, but things will still not work
+<H3>A further look at the alternatives</H3>
+<p>Still considering this script to examine the shell's actions in the
+IUE, WUE and ICE way of handling SIGINT:
+#! /bin/sh
+emacs /tmp/foo
+cp /tmp/foo /home/user/mail/sent
+<p>The IUE ("immediate unconditional exit") way does not work at all:
+emacs wants to survive the SIGINT (it's a normal editing key for
+emacs), but its parent shell unconditionally thinks "We received
+SIGINT. Abort everything. Now.". The shell will exit even before emacs
+exits. But this will leave emacs in an unusable state, since the death
+of its calling shell will leave it without required resources (file
+descriptors). This way does not work at all for shellscripts that call
+programs that use SIGINT for other purposes than immediate exit. Even
+for programs that exit on SIGINT, but want to do some cleanup between
+the signal and the exit, may fail before they complete their cleanup.
+<p>It should be noted that this way has one advantage: If a child
+blocks SIGINT and does not exit at all, this way will get control back
+to the user's terminal. Since such programs should be banned from your
+system anyway, I don't think that weighs against the disadvantages.
+<p>WUE ("wait and unconditional exit") is a little more clever: If C-g
+was used in emacs, the shell will get SIGINT. It will not immediately
+exit, but remember the fact that a SIGINT happened. When emacs ends
+(maybe a long time after the SIGINT), it will say "Ok, a SIGINT
+happened sometime while the child was executing, the user wants the
+script to be discontinued". It will then exit. The cp will not be
+executed. But that's bad. The "cp" will be executed when the emacs
+session ended without the C-g key ever used, but it will not be
+executed when the user used C-g at least one time. That is clearly not
+desired. Since C-g is a normal editing key in emacs, the user expects
+the rest of the script to behave identically no matter what keys he
+<p>As a result, the "WUE" way is better than the "IUE" way in that it
+does not break SIGINT-using programs completely. The emacs session
+will end undisturbed. But it still does not support scripts where
+other actions should be performed after a program that use SIGINT for
+non-exit purposes. Since the behavior is basically undeterminable for
+the user, this can lead to nasty surprises.
+<p>The "WCE" way fixes this by "asking" the called program whether it
+exited on SIGINT or not. While emacs receives SIGINT, it does not exit
+on it and a calling shell waiting for its exit will not be told that
+it exited on SIGINT. (Although it receives SIGINT at some point in
+time, the system does not enforce that emacs will exit with
+"I-exited-on-SIGINT" status. This is under emacs' control, see below).
+<p>this still work for the normal script without SIGINT-using
+#! /bin/sh
+Unless program1 and program2 mess around with signal handling, the
+system will tell the calling shell whether the programs exited
+normally or as a result of SIGINT.
+<p>The "WCE" way then has an easy way to things right: When one called
+program exited with "I-exited-on-SIGINT" status, it will discontinue
+the script after this program. If the program ends without this
+status, the next command in the script is started.
+<p>It is important to understand that a shell in "WCE" modus does not
+need to listen to the SIGINT signal at all. Both in the
+"emacs-then-cp" script and in the "several-normal-programs" script, it
+will be woken up and receive SIGINT when the user hits the
+corresponding key. But the shell does not need to react on this event
+and it doesn't need to remember the event of any SIGINT, either.
+Telling whether the user wants to end a script is done by asking that
+program that has to decide, that program that interprets keystrokes
+from the user, the innermost program.
+<H3>So everything is well with WCE?</H3>
+Well, almost.
+<p>The problem with the "WCE" modus is that there are broken programs
+that do not properly communicate the required information up to the
+calling program.
+<p>Unless a program messes with signal handling, the system does this
+<p>There are programs that want to exit on SIGINT, but they don't let
+the system do the automatic exit, because they want to do some
+cleanup. To do so, they catch SIGINT, do the cleanup and then exit by
+<p>And here is where the problem arises: Once they catch the signal,
+the system will no longer communicate the "I-exited-on-SIGINT" status
+to the calling program automatically. Even if the program exit
+immediately in the signal handler of SIGINT. Once it catches the
+signal, it has to take care of communicating the signal status
+<p>Some programs don't do this. On SIGINT, they do cleanup and exit
+immediatly, but the calling shell isn't told about the non-normal exit
+and it will call the next program in the script.
+<p>As a result, the user hits SIGINT and while one program exits, the
+shellscript continues. To him/her it looks like the shell fails to
+obey to his abortion command.
+<p>Both IUE or WUE shell would not have this problem, since they
+discontinue the script on their own. But as I said, they don't support
+programs using SIGINT for non-exiting purposes, no matter whether
+these programs properly communicate their signal status to the calling
+shell or not.
+<p>Since some shell in wide use implement the WUE way (and some even
+IUE), there is a considerable number of broken programs out there that
+break WCE shells. The programmers just don't recognize it if their
+shell isn't WCE.
+<H3>How to be a proper program</H3>
+<p>(Short note in advance: What you need to achieve is that
+WIFSIGNALED(status) is true in the calling program and that
+WTERMSIG(status) returns SIGINT.)
+<p>If you don't catch SIGINT, the system automatically does the right
+thing for you: Your program exits and the calling program gets the
+right "I-exited-on-SIGINT" status after waiting for your exit.
+<p>But once you catch SIGINT, you have to act.
+<p>Decide whether the SIGINT is used for exit/abort purposes and hence
+a shellscript calling this program should discontinue. This is
+hopefully obvious. If you just need to do some cleanup on SIGINT, but
+then exit immediately, the answer is "yes".
+<p>If so, you have to tell the calling program about it by exiting
+with the "I-exited-on-SIGINT" status.
+<p>There is no other way of doing this than to kill yourself with a
+SIGINT signal. Do it by resetting the SIGINT handler to SIG_DFL, then
+send yourself the signal.
+void sigint_handler(int sig)
+ <do some cleanup>
+ signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
+ kill(getpid(), SIGINT);
+<LI>You cannot "fake" the proper exit status by an exit(3) with a
+special numeric value. People often assume this since the manuals for
+shells often list some return value for exactly this. But this is just
+a convention for your shell script. It does not work from one UNIX API
+program to another.
+<P>All that happens is that the shell sets the "$?" variable to a
+special numeric value for the convenience of your script, because your
+script does not have access to the lower-lever UNIX status evaluation
+functions. This is just an agreement between your script and the
+executing shell, it does not have any meaning in other contexts.
+<P><LI>Do not use kill(0, SIGINT) without consulting the manul for
+your OS implementation. I.e. on BSD, this would not send the signal to
+the current process, but to all processes in the group.
+<P><LI>POSIX 1003.1 allows all these calls to appear in signal
+handlers, so it is portable.
+<p>In a bourne shell script, you can catch signals using the
+<code>trap</code> command. Here, the same as for C programs apply. If
+the intention of SIGINT is to end your program, you have to exit in a
+way that the calling programs "sees" that you have been killed. If
+you don't catch SIGINT, this happend automatically, but of you catch
+SIGINT, i.e. to do cleanup work, you have to end the program by
+killing yourself, not by calling exit.
+<p>Consider this example from FreeBSD's <code>mkdep</code>, which is a
+bourne shell script.
+trap 'rm -f $TMP ; trap 2 ; kill -2 $$' 1 2 3 13 15
+Yes, you have to do it the hard way. It's even more annoying in shell
+scripts than in C programs since you can't "pre-delete" temporary
+files (which isn't really portable in C, though).
+<P>All this applies to programs in all languages, not only C and
+bourne shell. Every language implementation that lets you catch SIGINT
+should also give you the option to reset the signal and kill yourself.
+<P>It is always desireable to exit the right way, even if you don't
+expect your usual callers to depend on it, some unusual one will come
+along. This proper exit status will be needed for WCE and will not
+hurt when the calling shell uses IUE or WUE.
+<H3>How to be a proper shell</H3>
+All this applies only for the script-executing case. Most shells will
+also have interactive modes where things are different.
+<LI>Do nothing special when SIGINT appears while you wait for a child.
+You don't even have to remember that one happened.
+<P><LI>Wait for child to exit, get the exit status. Do not truncate it
+to type char.
+<P><LI>Look at WIFSIGNALED(status) and WTERMSIG(status) to tell
+whether the child says "I exited on SIGINT: in my opinion the user
+wants the shellscript to be discontinued".
+<P><LI>If the latter applies, discontinue the script.
+<P><LI>Exit. But since a shellscript may in turn be called by a
+shellscript, you need to make sure that you properly communicate the
+discontinue intention to the calling program. As in any other program
+(see above), do
+ signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
+ kill(getpid(), SIGINT);
+<H3>Other remarks</H3>
+Although this web page talks about SIGINT only, almost the same issues
+apply to SIGQUIT, including proper exiting by killing yourself after
+catching the signal and proper reaction on the WIFSIGNALED(status)
+value. One notable difference for SIGQUIT is that you have to make
+sure that not the whole call tree dumps core.
+<H3>What to fight</H3>
+Make sure all programs <em>really</em> kill themselves if they react
+to SIGINT or SIGQUIT and intend to abort their operation as a result
+of this signal. Programs that don't use SIGINT/SIGQUIT as a
+termination trigger - but as part of normal operation - don't kill
+themselves, but do a normal exit instead.
+<p>Make sure people understand why you can't fake an exit-on-signal by
+doing exit(...) using any numerical status.
+<p>Make sure you use a shell that behaves right. Especially if you
+develop programs, since it will help seeing problems.
+<H3>Concrete examples how to fix programs:</H3>
+<li>The fix for FreeBSD's
+<A HREF="">time(1)</A>. This fix is the best example, it's quite short and clear and
+it fixes a case where someone tried to fake signal exit status by a
+numerical value. And the complete program is small.
+<p><li>Fix for FreeBSD's
+<A HREF="">truss(1)</A>.
+<p><li>The fix for FreeBSD's
+<A HREF="">mkdep(1)</A>, a shell script.
+<p><li>Fix for FreeBSD's make(1), <A HREF="">part 1</A>,
+<A HREF="">part 2</A>.
+<H3>Testsuite for shells</H3>
+I have a collection of shellscripts that test shells for the
+behavior. See my <A HREF="download/">download dir</A> to get the newest
+"sh-interrupt" files, either as a tarfile or as individual file for
+online browsing. This isn't really documented, besides from the
+comments the scripts echo.
+<H3>Appendix 1 - table of implementation choices</H3>
+<table border cellpadding=2>
+<tr valign=top>
+<th>Method sign</th>
+<th>Does what?</th>
+<th>Example shells that implement it:</th>
+<th>What happens when a shellscript called emacs, the user used
+<code>C-g</code> and the script has additional commands in it?</th>
+<th>What happens when a shellscript called emacs, the user did not use
+<code>C-c</code> and the script has additional commands in it?</th>
+<th>What happens if a non-interactive child catches SIGINT?</th>
+<th>To behave properly, childs must do what?</th>
+<tr valign=top align=left>
+<td>The shell executing a script exits immediately if it receives
+<td>4.4BSD ash (ash), NetBSD, FreeBSD prior to 3.0/22.8</td>
+<td>The editor session is lost and subsequent commands are not
+<td>The editor continues as normal and the subsequent commands are
+executed. </td>
+<td>The scripts ends immediately, returning to the caller even before
+the current foreground child of the shell exits. </td>
+<td>It doesn't matter what the child does or how it exits, even if the
+child continues to operate, the shell returns. </td>
+<tr valign=top align=left>
+<td>If the shell executing a script received SIGINT while a foreground
+process was running, it will exit after that child's exit.</td>
+<td>pdksh (OpenBSD /bin/sh)</td>
+<td>The editor continues as normal, but subsequent commands from the
+script are not executed.</td>
+<td>The editor continues as normal and subsequent commands are
+executed. </td>
+<td>The scripts returns to its caller after the current foreground
+child exits, no matter how the child exited. </td>
+<td>It doesn't matter how the child exits (signal status or not), but
+if it doesn't return at all, the shell will not return. In no case
+will further commands from the script be executed. </td>
+<tr valign=top align=left>
+<td>The shell exits if a child signaled that it was killed on a
+signal (either it had the default handler for SIGINT or it killed
+itself). </td>
+<td>bash (Linux /bin/sh), most commercial /bin/sh, FreeBSD /bin/sh
+from 3.0/2.2.8.</td>
+<td>The editor continues as normal and subsequent commands are
+executed. </td>
+<td>The editor continues as normal and subsequent commands are
+executed. </td>
+<td>The scripts returns to its caller after the current foreground
+child exits, but only if the child exited with signal status. If
+the child did a normal exit (even if it received SIGINT, but catches
+it), the script will continue. </td>
+<td>The child must be implemented right, or the user will not be able
+to break shell scripts reliably.</td>
+<P><img src=linie.png width="100%" alt=" ">
+<BR>&copy;2005 Martin Cracauer &lt;cracauer @;
+<A HREF=""></A>
+<BR>Last changed: $Date: 2005/02/11 21:44:43 $
diff --git a/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/style-guide.txt b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/style-guide.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba0cdba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/style-guide.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+Busybox Style Guide
+This document describes the coding style conventions used in Busybox. If you
+add a new file to Busybox or are editing an existing file, please format your
+code according to this style. If you are the maintainer of a file that does
+not follow these guidelines, please -- at your own convenience -- modify the
+file(s) you maintain to bring them into conformance with this style guide.
+Please note that this is a low priority task.
+To help you format the whitespace of your programs, an "" file is
+included in the main Busybox source directory that contains option flags to
+format code as per this style guide. This way you can run GNU indent on your
+files by typing 'indent myfile.c myfile.h' and it will magically apply all the
+right formatting rules to your file. Please _do_not_ run this on all the files
+in the directory, just your own.
+Declaration Order
+Here is the order in which code should be laid out in a file:
+ - commented program name and one-line description
+ - commented author name and email address(es)
+ - commented GPL boilerplate
+ - commented longer description / notes for the program (if needed)
+ - #includes of .h files with angle brackets (<>) around them
+ - #includes of .h files with quotes ("") around them
+ - #defines (if any, note the section below titled "Avoid the Preprocessor")
+ - const and global variables
+ - function declarations (if necessary)
+ - function implementations
+Whitespace and Formatting
+This is everybody's favorite flame topic so let's get it out of the way right
+up front.
+Tabs vs. Spaces in Line Indentation
+The preference in Busybox is to indent lines with tabs. Do not indent lines
+with spaces and do not indents lines using a mixture of tabs and spaces. (The
+indentation style in the Apache and Postfix source does this sort of thing:
+\s\s\s\sif (expr) {\n\tstmt; --ick.) The only exception to this rule is
+multi-line comments that use an asterisk at the beginning of each line, i.e.:
+ \t/*
+ \t * This is a block comment.
+ \t * Note that it has multiple lines
+ \t * and that the beginning of each line has a tab plus a space
+ \t * except for the opening '/*' line where the slash
+ \t * is used instead of a space.
+ \t */
+Furthermore, The preference is that tabs be set to display at four spaces
+wide, but the beauty of using only tabs (and not spaces) at the beginning of
+lines is that you can set your editor to display tabs at *whatever* number of
+spaces is desired and the code will still look fine.
+Operator Spacing
+Put spaces between terms and operators. Example:
+ Don't do this:
+ for(i=0;i<num_items;i++){
+ Do this instead:
+ for (i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
+ While it extends the line a bit longer, the spaced version is more
+ readable. An allowable exception to this rule is the situation where
+ excluding the spacing makes it more obvious that we are dealing with a
+ single term (even if it is a compound term) such as:
+ if (str[idx] == '/' && str[idx-1] != '\\')
+ or
+ if ((argc-1) - (optind+1) > 0)
+Bracket Spacing
+If an opening bracket starts a function, it should be on the
+next line with no spacing before it. However, if a bracket follows an opening
+control block, it should be on the same line with a single space (not a tab)
+between it and the opening control block statement. Examples:
+ Don't do this:
+ while (!done)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ Don't do this either:
+ while (!done){
+ do{
+ And for heaven's sake, don't do this:
+ while (!done)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ Do this instead:
+ while (!done) {
+ do {
+ - if you have long logic statements that need to be wrapped, then uncuddling
+ the bracket to improve readability is allowed:
+ if (some_really_long_checks && some_other_really_long_checks \
+ && some_more_really_long_checks)
+ {
+ do_foo_now;
+Spacing around Parentheses
+Put a space between C keywords and left parens, but not between function names
+and the left paren that starts it's parameter list (whether it is being
+declared or called). Examples:
+ Don't do this:
+ while(foo) {
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ Do this instead:
+ while (foo) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ But do functions like this:
+ static int my_func(int foo, char bar)
+ ...
+ baz = my_func(1, 2);
+Also, don't put a space between the left paren and the first term, nor between
+the last arg and the right paren.
+ Don't do this:
+ if ( x < 1 )
+ strcmp( thisstr, thatstr )
+ Do this instead:
+ if (x < 1)
+ strcmp(thisstr, thatstr)
+Cuddled Elses
+Also, please "cuddle" your else statements by putting the else keyword on the
+same line after the right bracket that closes an 'if' statement.
+ Don't do this:
+ if (foo) {
+ stmt;
+ }
+ else {
+ stmt;
+ }
+ Do this instead:
+ if (foo) {
+ stmt;
+ } else {
+ stmt;
+ }
+The exception to this rule is if you want to include a comment before the else
+block. Example:
+ if (foo) {
+ stmts...
+ }
+ /* otherwise, we're just kidding ourselves, so re-frob the input */
+ else {
+ other_stmts...
+ }
+Variable and Function Names
+Use the K&R style with names in all lower-case and underscores occasionally
+used to separate words (e.g., "variable_name" and "numchars" are both
+acceptable). Using underscores makes variable and function names more readable
+because it looks like whitespace; using lower-case is easy on the eyes.
+ Frowned upon:
+ hitList
+ TotalChars
+ szFileName
+ pf_Nfol_TriState
+ Preferred:
+ hit_list
+ total_chars
+ file_name
+ sensible_name
+ - Enums, macros, and constant variables are occasionally written in all
+ upper-case with words optionally seperatedy by underscores (i.e. FIFOTYPE,
+ - Nobody is going to get mad at you for using 'pvar' as the name of a
+ variable that is a pointer to 'var'.
+Converting to K&R
+The Busybox codebase is very much a mixture of code gathered from a variety of
+sources. This explains why the current codebase contains such a hodge-podge of
+different naming styles (Java, Pascal, K&R, just-plain-weird, etc.). The K&R
+guideline explained above should therefore be used on new files that are added
+to the repository. Furthermore, the maintainer of an existing file that uses
+alternate naming conventions should, at his own convenience, convert those
+names over to K&R style. Converting variable names is a very low priority
+If you want to do a search-and-replace of a single variable name in different
+files, you can do the following in the busybox directory:
+ $ perl -pi -e 's/\bOldVar\b/new_var/g' *.[ch]
+If you want to convert all the non-K&R vars in your file all at once, follow
+these steps:
+ - In the busybox directory type 'examples/ files-to-convert'. This
+ does not do the actual conversion, rather, it generates a script called
+ '' that shows what will be converted, giving you a chance to
+ review the changes beforehand.
+ - Review the '' script that gets generated in the busybox
+ directory and remove / edit any of the substitutions in there. Please
+ especially check for false positives (strings that should not be
+ converted).
+ - Type './ same-files-as-before' to perform the actual
+ conversion.
+ - Compile and see if everything still works.
+Please be aware of changes that have cascading effects into other files. For
+example, if you're changing the name of something in, say utility.c, you
+should probably run 'examples/ utility.c' at first, but when you run
+the '' script you should run it on _all_ files like so:
+'./ *.[ch]'.
+Avoid The Preprocessor
+At best, the preprocessor is a necessary evil, helping us account for platform
+and architecture differences. Using the preprocessor unnecessarily is just
+plain evil.
+The Folly of #define
+Use 'const <type> var' for declaring constants.
+ Don't do this:
+ #define var 80
+ Do this instead, when the variable is in a header file and will be used in
+ several source files:
+ const int var = 80;
+ Or do this when the variable is used only in a single source file:
+ static const int var = 80;
+Declaring variables as '[static] const' gives variables an actual type and
+makes the compiler do type checking for you; the preprocessor does _no_ type
+checking whatsoever, making it much more error prone. Declaring variables with
+'[static] const' also makes debugging programs much easier since the value of
+the variable can be easily queried and displayed.
+The Folly of Macros
+Use 'static inline' instead of a macro.
+ Don't do this:
+ #define mini_func(param1, param2) (param1 << param2)
+ Do this instead:
+ static inline int mini_func(int param1, param2)
+ {
+ return (param1 << param2);
+ }
+Static inline functions are greatly preferred over macros. They provide type
+safety, have no length limitations, no formatting limitations, have an actual
+return value, and under gcc they are as cheap as macros. Besides, really long
+macros with backslashes at the end of each line are ugly as sin.
+The Folly of #ifdef
+Code cluttered with ifdefs is difficult to read and maintain. Don't do it.
+Instead, put your ifdefs at the top of your .c file (or in a header), and
+conditionally define 'static inline' functions, (or *maybe* macros), which are
+used in the code.
+ Don't do this:
+ ret = my_func(bar, baz);
+ if (!ret)
+ return -1;
+ maybe_do_funky_stuff(bar, baz);
+ #endif
+ Do this instead:
+ (in .h header file)
+ static inline void maybe_do_funky_stuff (int bar, int baz)
+ {
+ /* lotsa code in here */
+ }
+ #else
+ static inline void maybe_do_funky_stuff (int bar, int baz) {}
+ #endif
+ (in the .c source file)
+ ret = my_func(bar, baz);
+ if (!ret)
+ return -1;
+ maybe_do_funky_stuff(bar, baz);
+The great thing about this approach is that the compiler will optimize away
+the "no-op" case (the empty function) when the feature is turned off.
+Note also the use of the word 'maybe' in the function name to indicate
+conditional execution.
+Notes on Strings
+Strings in C can get a little thorny. Here's some guidelines for dealing with
+strings in Busybox. (There is surely more that could be added to this
+String Files
+Put all help/usage messages in usage.c. Put other strings in messages.c.
+Putting these strings into their own file is a calculated decision designed to
+confine spelling errors to a single place and aid internationalization
+efforts, if needed. (Side Note: we might want to use a single file - maybe
+called 'strings.c' - instead of two, food for thought).
+Testing String Equivalence
+There's a right way and a wrong way to test for sting equivalence with
+ The wrong way:
+ if (!strcmp(string, "foo")) {
+ ...
+ The right way:
+ if (strcmp(string, "foo") == 0){
+ ...
+The use of the "equals" (==) operator in the latter example makes it much more
+obvious that you are testing for equivalence. The former example with the
+"not" (!) operator makes it look like you are testing for an error. In a more
+perfect world, we would have a streq() function in the string library, but
+that ain't the world we're living in.
+Avoid Dangerous String Functions
+Unfortunately, the way C handles strings makes them prone to overruns when
+certain library functions are (mis)used. The following table offers a summary
+of some of the more notorious troublemakers:
+function overflows preferred
+strcpy dest string strncpy
+strcat dest string strncat
+gets string it gets fgets
+getwd buf string getcwd
+[v]sprintf str buffer [v]snprintf
+realpath path buffer use with pathconf
+[vf]scanf its arguments just avoid it
+The above is by no means a complete list. Be careful out there.
+Avoid Big Static Buffers
+First, some background to put this discussion in context: Static buffers look
+like this in code:
+ /* in a .c file outside any functions */
+ static char buffer[BUFSIZ]; /* happily used by any function in this file,
+ but ick! big! */
+The problem with these is that any time any busybox app is run, you pay a
+memory penalty for this buffer, even if the applet that uses said buffer is
+not run. This can be fixed, thusly:
+ static char *buffer;
+ ...
+ other_func()
+ {
+ strcpy(buffer, lotsa_chars); /* happily uses global *buffer */
+ ...
+ foo_main()
+ {
+ buffer = xmalloc(sizeof(char)*BUFSIZ);
+ ...
+However, this approach trades bss segment for text segment. Rather than
+mallocing the buffers (and thus growing the text size), buffers can be
+declared on the stack in the *_main() function and made available globally by
+assigning them to a global pointer thusly:
+ static char *pbuffer;
+ ...
+ other_func()
+ {
+ strcpy(pbuffer, lotsa_chars); /* happily uses global *pbuffer */
+ ...
+ foo_main()
+ {
+ char *buffer[BUFSIZ]; /* declared locally, on stack */
+ pbuffer = buffer; /* but available globally */
+ ...
+This last approach has some advantages (low code size, space not used until
+it's needed), but can be a problem in some low resource machines that have
+very limited stack space (e.g., uCLinux).
+A macro is declared in busybox.h that implements compile-time selection
+between xmalloc() and stack creation, so you can code the line in question as
+and the right thing will happen, based on your configuration.
+Miscellaneous Coding Guidelines
+The following are important items that don't fit into any of the above
+Model Busybox Applets After GNU Counterparts
+When in doubt about the proper behavior of a Busybox program (output,
+formatting, options, etc.), model it after the equivalent GNU program.
+Doesn't matter how that program behaves on some other flavor of *NIX; doesn't
+matter what the POSIX standard says or doesn't say, just model Busybox
+programs after their GNU counterparts and it will make life easier on (nearly)
+The only time we deviate from emulating the GNU behavior is when:
+ - We are deliberately not supporting a feature (such as a command line
+ switch)
+ - Emulating the GNU behavior is prohibitively expensive (lots more code
+ would be required, lots more memory would be used, etc.)
+ - The difference is minor or cosmetic
+A note on the 'cosmetic' case: Output differences might be considered
+cosmetic, but if the output is significant enough to break other scripts that
+use the output, it should really be fixed.
+If a const variable is used only in a single source file, put it in the source
+file and not in a header file. Likewise, if a const variable is used in only
+one function, do not make it global to the file. Instead, declare it inside
+the function body. Bottom line: Make a conscious effort to limit declarations
+to the smallest scope possible.
+Inside applet files, all functions should be declared static so as to keep the
+global name space clean. The only exception to this rule is the "applet_main"
+function which must be declared extern.
+If you write a function that performs a task that could be useful outside the
+immediate file, turn it into a general-purpose function with no ties to any
+applet and put it in the utility.c file instead.
+Brackets Are Your Friends
+Please use brackets on all if and else statements, even if it is only one
+line. Example:
+ Don't do this:
+ if (foo)
+ stmt1;
+ stmt2
+ stmt3;
+ Do this instead:
+ if (foo) {
+ stmt1;
+ }
+ stmt2
+ stmt3;
+The "bracketless" approach is error prone because someday you might add a line
+like this:
+ if (foo)
+ stmt1;
+ new_line();
+ stmt2
+ stmt3;
+And the resulting behavior of your program would totally bewilder you. (Don't
+laugh, it happens to us all.) Remember folks, this is C, not Python.
+Function Declarations
+Do not use old-style function declarations that declare variable types between
+the parameter list and opening bracket. Example:
+ Don't do this:
+ int foo(parm1, parm2)
+ char parm1;
+ float parm2;
+ {
+ ....
+ Do this instead:
+ int foo(char parm1, float parm2)
+ {
+ ....
+The only time you would ever need to use the old declaration syntax is to
+support ancient, antediluvian compilers. To our good fortune, we have access
+to more modern compilers and the old declaration syntax is neither necessary
+nor desired.
+Emphasizing Logical Blocks
+Organization and readability are improved by putting extra newlines around
+blocks of code that perform a single task. These are typically blocks that
+begin with a C keyword, but not always.
+Furthermore, you should put a single comment (not necessarily one line, just
+one comment) before the block, rather than commenting each and every line.
+There is an optimal amount of commenting that a program can have; you can
+comment too much as well as too little.
+A picture is really worth a thousand words here, the following example
+illustrates how to emphasize logical blocks:
+ while (line = get_line_from_file(fp)) {
+ /* eat the newline, if any */
+ chomp(line);
+ /* ignore blank lines */
+ if (strlen(file_to_act_on) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* if the search string is in this line, print it,
+ * unless we were told to be quiet */
+ if (strstr(line, search) && !be_quiet) {
+ puts(line);
+ }
+ /* clean up */
+ free(line);
+ }
+Processing Options with getopt
+If your applet needs to process command-line switches, please use getopt() to
+do so. Numerous examples can be seen in many of the existing applets, but
+basically it boils down to two things: at the top of the .c file, have this
+line in the midst of your #includes:
+ #include <getopt.h>
+And a code block similar to the following near the top of your applet_main()
+ while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "abc")) > 0) {
+ switch (opt) {
+ case 'a':
+ do_a_opt = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ do_b_opt = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ do_c_opt = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ show_usage(); /* in utility.c */
+ }
+ }
+If your applet takes no options (such as 'init'), there should be a line
+somewhere in the file reads:
+ /* no options, no getopt */
+That way, when people go grepping to see which applets need to be converted to
+use getopt, they won't get false positives.
+Additional Note: Do not use the getopt_long library function and do not try to
+hand-roll your own long option parsing. Busybox applets should only support
+short options. Explanations and examples of the short options should be
+documented in usage.h.
diff --git a/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/tar_pax.txt b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/tar_pax.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e56c27b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i/pc104/initrd/conf/busybox/docs/tar_pax.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+'pax headers' is POSIX 2003 (iirc) addition designed to fix
+tar format limitations - older tar format has fixed fields
+for everything (filename, uid, filesize etc) which can overflow.
+pax Header Block
+The pax header block shall be identical to the ustar header block
+described in ustar Interchange Format, except that two additional
+typeflag values are defined:
+ Represents extended header records for the following file in
+the archive (which shall have its own ustar header block).
+ Represents global extended header records for the following
+files in the archive. Each value shall affect all subsequent files
+that do not override that value in their own extended header
+record and until another global extended header record is reached
+that provides another value for the same field. The typeflag g
+global headers should not be used with interchange media that
+could suffer partial data loss in transporting the archive.
+For both of these types, the size field shall be the size of the
+extended header records in octets. The other fields in the header
+block are not meaningful to this version of the pax utility.
+However, if this archive is read by a pax utility conforming to
+the ISO POSIX-2:1993 standard, the header block fields are used to
+create a regular file that contains the extended header records as
+data. Therefore, header block field values should be selected to
+provide reasonable file access to this regular file.
+A further difference from the ustar header block is that data
+blocks for files of typeflag 1 (the digit one) (hard link) may be
+included, which means that the size field may be greater than
+pax Extended Header
+An extended header shall consist of one or more records, each
+constructed as follows:
+"%d %s=%s\n", <length>, <keyword>, <value>
+The <length> field shall be the decimal length of the extended
+header record in octets, including length string itself and the
+trailing <newline>.
+ The file access time for the following file(s), equivalent to
+the value of the st_atime member of the stat structure for a file,
+as described by the stat() function. The access time shall be
+restored if the process has the appropriate privilege required to
+do so. The format of the <value> shall be as described in pax
+Extended Header File Times.
+ The name of the character set used to encode the data in the
+following file(s).
+ The encoding is included in an extended header for information
+only; when pax is used as described in IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, it
+shall not translate the file data into any other encoding. The
+BINARY entry indicates unencoded binary data.
+ When used in write or copy mode, it is implementation-defined
+whether pax includes a charset extended header record for a file.
+ A series of characters used as a comment. All characters in
+the <value> field shall be ignored by pax.
+ The group ID of the group that owns the file, expressed as a
+decimal number using digits from the ISO/IEC 646:1991 standard.
+This record shall override the gid field in the following header
+block(s). When used in write or copy mode, pax shall include a gid
+extended header record for each file whose group ID is greater
+than 2097151 (octal 7777777).
+ The group of the file(s), formatted as a group name in the
+group database. This record shall override the gid and gname
+fields in the following header block(s), and any gid extended
+header record. When used in read, copy, or list mode, pax shall
+translate the name from the UTF-8 encoding in the header record to
+the character set appropriate for the group database on the
+receiving system. If any of the UTF-8 characters cannot be
+translated, and if the -o invalid= UTF-8 option is not specified,
+the results are implementation-defined. When used in write or copy
+mode, pax shall include a gname extended header record for each
+file whose group name cannot be represented entirely with the
+letters and digits of the portable character set.
+ The pathname of a link being created to another file, of any
+type, previously archived. This record shall override the linkname
+field in the following ustar header block(s). The following ustar
+header block shall determine the type of link created. If typeflag
+of the following header block is 1, it shall be a hard link. If
+typeflag is 2, it shall be a symbolic link and the linkpath value
+shall be the contents of the symbolic link. The pax utility shall
+translate the name of the link (contents of the symbolic link)
+from the UTF-8 encoding to the character set appropriate for the
+local file system. When used in write or copy mode, pax shall
+include a linkpath extended header record for each link whose
+pathname cannot be represented entirely with the members of the
+portable character set other than NUL.
+ The file modification time of the following file(s),
+equivalent to the value of the st_mtime member of the stat
+structure for a file, as described in the stat() function. This
+record shall override the mtime field in the following header
+block(s). The modification time shall be restored if the process
+has the appropriate privilege required to do so. The format of the
+<value> shall be as described in pax Extended Header File Times.
+ The pathname of the following file(s). This record shall
+override the name and prefix fields in the following header
+block(s). The pax utility shall translate the pathname of the file
+from the UTF-8 encoding to the character set appropriate for the
+local file system.
+ When used in write or copy mode, pax shall include a path
+extended header record for each file whose pathname cannot be
+represented entirely with the members of the portable character
+set other than NUL.
+ The keywords prefixed by "realtime." are reserved for future
+ The keywords prefixed by "security." are reserved for future
+ The size of the file in octets, expressed as a decimal number
+using digits from the ISO/IEC 646:1991 standard. This record shall
+override the size field in the following header block(s). When
+used in write or copy mode, pax shall include a size extended
+header record for each file with a size value greater than
+8589934591 (octal 77777777777).
+ The user ID of the file owner, expressed as a decimal number
+using digits from the ISO/IEC 646:1991 standard. This record shall
+override the uid field in the following header block(s). When used
+in write or copy mode, pax shall include a uid extended header
+record for each file whose owner ID is greater than 2097151 (octal
+ The owner of the following file(s), formatted as a user name
+in the user database. This record shall override the uid and uname
+fields in the following header block(s), and any uid extended
+header record. When used in read, copy, or list mode, pax shall
+translate the name from the UTF-8 encoding in the header record to
+the character set appropriate for the user database on the
+receiving system. If any of the UTF-8 characters cannot be
+translated, and if the -o invalid= UTF-8 option is not specified,
+the results are implementation-defined. When used in write or copy
+mode, pax shall include a uname extended header record for each
+file whose user name cannot be represented entirely with the
+letters and digits of the portable character set.
+If the <value> field is zero length, it shall delete any header
+block field, previously entered extended header value, or global
+extended header value of the same name.
+If a keyword in an extended header record (or in a -o
+option-argument) overrides or deletes a corresponding field in the
+ustar header block, pax shall ignore the contents of that header
+block field.
+Unlike the ustar header block fields, NULs shall not delimit
+<value>s; all characters within the <value> field shall be
+considered data for the field. None of the length limitations of
+the ustar header block fields in ustar Header Block shall apply to
+the extended header records.
+pax Extended Header File Times
+Time records shall be formatted as a decimal representation of the
+time in seconds since the Epoch. If a period ( '.' ) decimal point
+character is present, the digits to the right of the point shall
+represent the units of a subsecond timing granularity. In read or
+copy mode, the pax utility shall truncate the time of a file to
+the greatest value that is not greater than the input header
+file time. In write or copy mode, the pax utility shall output a
+time exactly if it can be represented exactly as a decimal number,
+and otherwise shall generate only enough digits so that the same
+time shall be recovered if the file is extracted on a system whose
+underlying implementation supports the same time granularity.
+Example from Linux kernel archive tarball:
+00000000 70 61 78 5f 67 6c 6f 62 61 6c 5f 68 65 61 64 65 |pax_global_heade|
+00000010 72 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |r...............|
+00000020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+00000030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+00000050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+00000060 00 00 00 00 30 30 30 30 36 36 36 00 30 30 30 30 |....0000666.0000|
+00000070 30 30 30 00 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00 30 30 30 30 |000.0000000.0000|
+00000080 30 30 30 30 30 36 34 00 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 |0000064.00000000|
+00000090 30 30 30 00 30 30 31 34 30 35 33 00 67 00 00 00 |000.0014053.g...|
+000000a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+000000b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+000000c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+000000d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+000000e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+000000f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+00000100 00 75 73 74 61 72 00 30 30 67 69 74 00 00 00 00 |.ustar.00git....|
+00000110 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+00000120 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 67 69 74 00 00 00 00 |.........git....|
+00000130 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+00000140 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 |.........0000000|
+00000150 00 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.0000000........|
+00000160 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+00000170 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+00000180 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+00000190 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+000001a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+000001b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+000001c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+000001d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+000001e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+000001f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
+00000200 35 32 20 63 6f 6d 6d 65 6e 74 3d 62 31 30 35 30 |52 comment=b1050|
+00000210 32 62 32 32 61 31 32 30 39 64 36 62 34 37 36 33 |2b22a1209d6b4763|
+00000220 39 64 38 38 62 38 31 32 62 32 31 66 62 35 39 34 |9d88b812b21fb594|
+00000230 39 65 34 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |9e4.............|
+00000240 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|