path: root/2004/n/fpga/src/pwm/tb_toppwm3.vhd
diff options
authorgalmes2004-04-18 16:24:25 +0000
committergalmes2004-04-18 16:24:25 +0000
commit998849bbda87a0c255d6e689c41491332cae722a (patch)
treead110f944c7e157e7ae4fdfcefb0b8ff3fb0d17b /2004/n/fpga/src/pwm/tb_toppwm3.vhd
parent93581ac081cd839fc23b61dcc8ea5ddffd8ab072 (diff)
pwm : suppression des tb de la version de Fidèle !
Diffstat (limited to '2004/n/fpga/src/pwm/tb_toppwm3.vhd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/2004/n/fpga/src/pwm/tb_toppwm3.vhd b/2004/n/fpga/src/pwm/tb_toppwm3.vhd
deleted file mode 100644
index 5775d18..0000000
--- a/2004/n/fpga/src/pwm/tb_toppwm3.vhd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
---simulation sur 82 ms environ
-library IEEE;
-use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
-use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
-use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
-library work;
-library synopsys;
-use synopsys.bv_arithmetic.all;
-entity tb_toppwm3 is
-end tb_toppwm3;
-architecture sim1 of tb_toppwm3 is
- component toppwm3
- port(
- RST :in std_logic;
- CLK :in std_logic;
- DATA :in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
- OUTPWM :out std_logic
- );
- end component;
--- declaration des signaux
-signal RST : std_logic;
-signal CLK : std_logic:='0';
-signal DATA: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
-signal OUTPWM: std_logic;
---constant ENVLP_PERIOD : time := 20 ms;
---constant DATA_MAX : integer := 15;
---constant CLK_PERIOD : time := (ENVLP_PERIOD/DATA_MAX);
---constant CLK1_FREQ :integer:= 30E+6;--car freq de 30MHz
---constant tcmax :integer:= 600E3;
---constant seconde :time := 1 sec;
---constant CLK_PERIOD :time := (seconde/CLK1_FREQ) ;
---constant CLK1US_PERIOD :time:= 992 ns;
---constant tcmax :integer:= 20161; --pour le clk1us
-constant CLK_PERIOD :time := 32 ns ;
- begin
- U1toppwm3: toppwm3 port map (
- );
- RST <= '1','0' after(CLK_PERIOD/6);
- clk<= not clk after (CLK_PERIOD/2);
- data<="00000011", "00011001" after 17 ms, --0 25
- -- "00000000", "00011001" after 17 ms, --0 25
- "00000000" after 38 ms, -- 0
- "11111111" after 58 ms, -- 255
- "01111111" after 78 ms; -- 127
- --"00000000", "00011001" after ((tcmax*CLK1US_PERIOD)-(CLK1US_PERIOD/6)),
- --"00000000" after (2*(tcmax*CLK1US_PERIOD)-(CLK1US_PERIOD/6)),
- --"11111111" after (3*(tcmax*CLK1US_PERIOD)-(CLK1US_PERIOD/6)),
- --"00011100" after (4*(tcmax*CLK1US_PERIOD)-(CLK1US_PERIOD/6));
- --"00000000",--10
- -- "01100101" after 25 ms,--5
- -- "00000000" after 30 ms,--vérifier que cette donnée est bien perdue
- -- "11111111" after 38 ms,
- -- "00100000" after 50 ms;
-end sim1;
-configuration cfg_tb_toppwm3 of tb_toppwm3 is
- for sim1
- -- for U1toppwm3 : toppwm3 use entity work.toppwm3(RTL);end for;
- for all : toppwm3 use entity work.toppwm3(RTL);end for;
-end for;
-end cfg_tb_toppwm3;