path: root/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart
diff options
authorprot2004-02-28 12:03:41 +0000
committerprot2004-02-28 12:03:41 +0000
commit62ba8e5964a3178c67f5f6d775719e7ae3386d1e (patch)
tree21e0301f3ec97b82bac29a80c2835d2be57de3ef /2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart
parentfa12e44e41281809367270019488d54c0665a26c (diff)
MAJ avec elix
Diffstat (limited to '2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart')
7 files changed, 1026 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/RxUnit.vhd b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/RxUnit.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..148abde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/RxUnit.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E miniUART C O R E
+-- www.OpenCores.Org - January 2000
+-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
+-- Design units : miniUART core for the OCRP-1
+-- File name : RxUnit.vhd
+-- Purpose : Implements an miniUART device for communication purposes
+-- between the OR1K processor and the Host computer through
+-- an RS-232 communication protocol.
+-- Library : uart_lib.vhd
+-- Dependencies : IEEE.Std_Logic_1164
+-- Revision list
+-- Version Author Date Changes
+-- 0.1 Ovidiu Lupas 15 January 2000 New model
+-- 2.0 Ovidiu Lupas 17 April 2000 samples counter cleared for bit 0
+-- Description : Implements the receive unit of the miniUART core. Samples
+-- 16 times the RxD line and retain the value in the middle of
+-- the time interval.
+-- Entity for Receive Unit - 9600 baudrate --
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.UART_Def.all;
+-- Receive unit
+entity RxUnit is
+ port (
+ Clk : in Std_Logic; -- system clock signal
+ Reset : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
+ Enable : in Std_Logic; -- Enable input
+ RxD : in Std_Logic; -- RS-232 data input
+ RD : in Std_Logic; -- Read data signal
+ FErr : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
+ OErr : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
+ DRdy : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
+ DataIn : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0));
+end entity; --================== End of entity ==============================--
+-- Architecture for receive Unit
+architecture Behaviour of RxUnit is
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Signals
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ signal Start : Std_Logic; -- Syncro signal
+ signal tmpRxD : Std_Logic; -- RxD buffer
+ signal tmpDRdy : Std_Logic; -- Data ready buffer
+ signal outErr : Std_Logic; --
+ signal frameErr : Std_Logic; --
+ signal BitCnt : Unsigned(3 downto 0); --
+ signal SampleCnt : Unsigned(3 downto 0); -- samples on one bit counter
+ signal ShtReg : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); --
+ signal DOut : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Receiver process
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ RcvProc : process(Clk,Reset,Enable,RxD)
+ variable tmpBitCnt : Integer range 0 to 15;
+ variable tmpSampleCnt : Integer range 0 to 15;
+ constant CntOne : Unsigned(3 downto 0):="0001";
+ begin
+ if Rising_Edge(Clk) then
+ tmpBitCnt := ToInteger(BitCnt);
+ tmpSampleCnt := ToInteger(SampleCnt);
+ if Reset = '0' then
+ BitCnt <= "0000";
+ SampleCnt <= "0000";
+ Start <= '0';
+ tmpDRdy <= '0';
+ frameErr <= '0';
+ outErr <= '0';
+ ShtReg <= "00000000"; --
+ DOut <= "00000000"; --
+ else
+ if RD = '1' then
+ tmpDRdy <= '0'; -- Data was read
+ end if;
+ if Enable = '1' then
+ if Start = '0' then
+ if RxD = '0' then -- Start bit,
+ SampleCnt <= SampleCnt + CntOne;
+ Start <= '1';
+ end if;
+ else
+ if tmpSampleCnt = 8 then -- reads the RxD line
+ tmpRxD <= RxD;
+ SampleCnt <= SampleCnt + CntOne;
+ elsif tmpSampleCnt = 15 then
+ case tmpBitCnt is
+ when 0 =>
+ if tmpRxD = '1' then -- Start Bit
+ Start <= '0';
+ else
+ BitCnt <= BitCnt + CntOne;
+ end if;
+ SampleCnt <= SampleCnt + CntOne;
+ when 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8 =>
+ BitCnt <= BitCnt + CntOne;
+ SampleCnt <= SampleCnt + CntOne;
+ ShtReg <= tmpRxD & ShtReg(7 downto 1);
+ when 9 =>
+ if tmpRxD = '0' then -- stop bit expected
+ frameErr <= '1';
+ else
+ frameErr <= '0';
+ end if;
+ if tmpDRdy = '1' then --
+ outErr <= '1';
+ else
+ outErr <= '0';
+ end if;
+ tmpDRdy <= '1';
+ DOut <= ShtReg;
+ BitCnt <= "0000";
+ Start <= '0';
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ else
+ SampleCnt <= SampleCnt + CntOne;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ DRdy <= tmpDRdy;
+ DataIn <= DOut;
+ FErr <= frameErr;
+ OErr <= outErr;
+end Behaviour; --==================== End of architecture ====================
diff --git a/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/TxUnit.vhd b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/TxUnit.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..424beeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/TxUnit.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E miniUART C O R E
+-- www.OpenCores.Org - January 2000
+-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
+-- Design units : miniUART core for the OCRP-1
+-- File name : TxUnit.vhd
+-- Purpose : Implements an miniUART device for communication purposes
+-- between the OR1K processor and the Host computer through
+-- an RS-232 communication protocol.
+-- Library : uart_lib.vhd
+-- Dependencies : IEEE.Std_Logic_1164
+-- Revision list
+-- Version Author Date Changes
+-- 0.1 Ovidiu Lupas 15 January 2000 New model
+-- 2.0 Ovidiu Lupas 17 April 2000 unnecessary variable removed
+-- Description :
+-- Entity for the Tx Unit --
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+use work.Uart_Def.all;
+-- Transmitter unit
+entity TxUnit is
+ port (
+ Clk : in Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
+ Reset : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
+ Enable : in Std_Logic; -- Enable input
+ Load : in Std_Logic; -- Load transmit data
+ TxD : out Std_Logic; -- RS-232 data output
+ TRegE : out Std_Logic; -- Tx register empty
+ TBufE : out Std_Logic; -- Tx buffer empty
+ DataO : in Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0));
+end entity; --================== End of entity ==============================--
+-- Architecture for TxUnit
+architecture Behaviour of TxUnit is
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Signals
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ signal TBuff : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- transmit buffer
+ signal TReg : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- transmit register
+ signal BitCnt : Unsigned(3 downto 0); -- bit counter
+ signal tmpTRegE : Std_Logic; --
+ signal tmpTBufE : Std_Logic; --
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Implements the Tx unit
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ process(Clk,Reset,Enable,Load,DataO,TBuff,TReg,tmpTRegE,tmpTBufE)
+ variable tmp_TRegE : Std_Logic;
+ constant CntOne : Unsigned(3 downto 0):="0001";
+ begin
+ if Rising_Edge(Clk) then
+ if Reset = '0' then
+ tmpTRegE <= '1';
+ tmpTBufE <= '1';
+ TxD <= '1';
+ BitCnt <= "0000";
+ elsif Load = '1' then
+ TBuff <= DataO;
+ tmpTBufE <= '0';
+ elsif Enable = '1' then
+ if ( tmpTBufE = '0') and (tmpTRegE = '1') then
+ TReg <= TBuff;
+ tmpTRegE <= '0';
+-- tmp_TRegE := '0';
+ tmpTBufE <= '1';
+-- else
+-- tmp_TRegE := tmpTRegE;
+ end if;
+ if tmpTRegE = '0' then
+ case BitCnt is
+ when "0000" =>
+ TxD <= '0';
+ BitCnt <= BitCnt + CntOne;
+ when "0001" | "0010" | "0011" |
+ "0100" | "0101" | "0110" |
+ "0111" | "1000" =>
+ TxD <= TReg(0);
+ TReg <= '1' & TReg(7 downto 1);
+ BitCnt <= BitCnt + CntOne;
+ when "1001" =>
+ TxD <= '1';
+ TReg <= '1' & TReg(7 downto 1);
+ BitCnt <= "0000";
+ tmpTRegE <= '1';
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ TRegE <= tmpTRegE;
+ TBufE <= tmpTBufE;
+end Behaviour; --=================== End of architecture ====================-- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/UARTtest.vhd b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/UARTtest.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1533126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/UARTtest.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+-- Design units : TestBench for miniUART device.
+-- File name : UARTTest.vhd
+-- Purpose : Implements the test bench for miniUART device.
+-- Library : uart_Lib.vhd
+-- Dependencies : IEEE.Std_Logic_1164
+-- Revision list
+-- Version Author Date Changes
+-- 0.1 Ovidiu Lupas December 1999 New model
+-- Clock generator
+library IEEE,work;
+use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
+entity ClkGen is
+ port (
+ Clk : out Std_Logic); -- Oscillator clock
+end ClkGen;--==================== End of entity ==============================--
+-- Architecture for clock and reset signals generator
+architecture Behaviour of ClkGen is
+begin --========================== Architecture ==============================--
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Provide the system clock signal
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ClkDriver : process
+ variable clktmp : Std_Logic := '1';
+ variable tpw_CI_posedge : Time := 12 ns; -- ~40 MHz
+ begin
+ Clk <= clktmp;
+ clktmp := not clktmp;
+ wait for tpw_CI_posedge;
+ end process;
+end Behaviour; --=================== End of architecure =====================--
+-- LoopBack Device
+library IEEE,work;
+use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
+entity LoopBack is
+ port (
+ Clk : in Std_Logic; -- Oscillator clock
+ RxWr : in Std_Logic; -- Rx line
+ TxWr : out Std_Logic); -- Tx line
+end LoopBack; --==================== End of entity ==========================--
+-- Architecture for clock and reset signals generator
+architecture Behaviour of LoopBack is
+begin --========================== Architecture ==============================--
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Provide the external clock signal
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ClkTrig : process(Clk)
+ begin
+ TxWr <= RxWr;
+ end process;
+end Behaviour; --=================== End of architecure =====================--
+-- Testbench for UART device
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+use work.Uart_Def.all;
+entity UARTTEST is
+architecture stimulus of UARTTEST is
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Signals
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ signal Reset : Std_Logic; -- Synchro signal
+ signal Clk : Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
+ signal DataIn : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal DataOut : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal RxD : Std_Logic; -- RS-232 data input
+ signal TxD : Std_Logic; -- RS-232 data output
+ signal CS_N : Std_Logic;
+ signal RD_N : Std_Logic;
+ signal WR_N : Std_Logic;
+ signal IntRx_N : Std_Logic; -- Receive interrupt
+ signal IntTx_N : Std_Logic; -- Transmit interrupt
+ signal Addr : Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0); --
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Clock Divider
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ component ClkGen is
+ port (
+ Clk : out Std_Logic); -- Oscillator clock
+ end component;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- LoopBack Device
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ component LoopBack is
+ port (
+ Clk : in Std_Logic; -- Oscillator clock
+ RxWr : in Std_Logic; -- Rx line
+ TxWr : out Std_Logic); -- Tx line
+ end component;
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- UART Device
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ component miniUART is
+ port (
+ SysClk : in Std_Logic; -- System Clock
+ Reset : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
+ CS_N : in Std_Logic;
+ RD_N : in Std_Logic;
+ WR_N : in Std_Logic;
+ RxD : in Std_Logic;
+ TxD : out Std_Logic;
+ IntRx_N : out Std_Logic; -- Receive interrupt
+ IntTx_N : out Std_Logic; -- Transmit interrupt
+ Addr : in Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0); --
+ DataIn : in Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); --
+ DataOut : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0)); --
+ end component;
+begin --======================== Architecture ========================--
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Instantiation of components
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Clock : ClkGen port map (Clk);
+ LoopDev : LoopBack port map (Clk,TxD,RxD);
+ miniUARTDev : miniUART port map (Clk,Reset,CS_N,RD_N,WR_N,RxD,TxD,
+ IntRx_N,IntTx_N,Addr,DataIn,DataOut);
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Reset cycle
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ RstCyc : process
+ begin
+ Reset <= '1';
+ wait for 5 ns;
+ Reset <= '0';
+ wait for 250 ns;
+ Reset <= '1';
+ wait;
+ end process;
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ProcCyc : process(Clk,IntRx_N,IntTx_N,Reset)
+ variable counter : unsigned(3 downto 0);
+ constant cone : unsigned(3 downto 0):= "0001";
+ variable temp : bit := '0';
+ begin
+ if Rising_Edge(Reset) then
+ counter := "0000";
+ WR_N <= '1';
+ RD_N <= '1';
+ CS_N <= '1';
+ elsif Rising_Edge(Clk) then
+ if IntTx_N = '0' then
+ if temp = '0' then
+ temp := '1';
+ case counter is
+ when "0000" =>
+ Addr <= "00";
+ DataIn <= x"AA";
+ WR_N <= '0';
+ CS_N <= '0';
+ counter := counter + cone;
+ when "0001" =>
+ Addr <= "00";
+ DataIn <= x"AF";
+ WR_N <= '0';
+ CS_N <= '0';
+ counter := counter + cone;
+ when "0010" =>
+ Addr <= "00";
+ DataIn <= x"55";
+ WR_N <= '0';
+ CS_N <= '0';
+ counter := counter + cone;
+ when "0011" =>
+ Addr <= "00";
+ DataIn <= x"E8";
+ WR_N <= '0';
+ CS_N <= '0';
+ counter := "0000";
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ elsif temp = '1' then
+ temp := '0';
+ end if;
+ elsif IntRx_N = '0' then
+ Addr <= "00";
+ RD_N <= '0';
+ CS_N <= '0';
+ else
+ RD_N <= '1';
+ CS_N <= '1';
+ WR_N <= '1';
+ DataIn <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+end stimulus; --================== End of TestBench ==================
diff --git a/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/bch_txserie.vhd b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/bch_txserie.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1aa1e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/bch_txserie.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+-- modele.vhd
+-- Eurobot 2004 : APB Team
+-- Auteur : Pierre-André Galmes
+-- Fichier modèle pour la déclaration de module.
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
+use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+use work.nono_const.all;
+entity bch_txserie is
+end bch_txserie;
+architecture sim1 of bch_txserie is
+ component txserie
+ generic (
+ -- adresses des différents registres du module.
+ -- si autre choses à déclarer...
+ );
+ port (
+ rst : in std_logic;
+ clk : in std_logic;
+ rw : in std_logic; -- read (0) / write (1)
+ bus_data : inout T_DATA;
+ bus_address : in T_ADDRESS;
+ masterck: in std_logic;
+ txout: out std_logic;
+ minIRQ: out std_logic
+ );
+ end component;
+-- définiton des signaux
+signal rst : std_logic;
+signal clk : std_logic := '0';
+signal simclk : std_logic := '0';
+signal rw : std_logic; -- read / write
+signal bus_data : T_DATA:="00000000";
+signal bus_address : T_ADDRESS;
+signal masterck: std_logic:='0';
+signal txout: std_logic;
+signal minIRQ: std_logic;
+signal state_next:integer:=0;
+ U1 : txserie
+ generic map (
+ -- Définition des addresses.
+ A_DATA => "0000000001",
+ A_CONFIG => "0000000010",
+ A_FLAG => "0000000011"
+ )
+ port map (
+ rst => rst,
+ clk => clk,
+ rw => rw,
+ bus_data => bus_data,
+ bus_address => bus_address,
+ masterck=> masterck,
+ txout=> txout,
+ minIRQ=> minIRQ
+ );
+ masterck<= not masterck after (CK_PERIOD/11);
+ simclk<= not simclk after (CK_PERIOD/2);
+ process(simclk)
+ begin
+ if(simclk'event and simclk='1') then
+ state_next<=(state_next + 1);
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ process(state_next)
+ begin
+ bus_address<="0000000000";
+ clk<='0';
+ rst<='0';
+ bus_data<=(others =>'Z');
+ case state_next is
+ when 1 => bus_address<="0000000010";
+ bus_data<="00010111";
+ rw<='0';
+ when 2 => bus_address<="0000000010";
+ bus_data<="00010111";
+ rw<='0';
+ clk<='1';
+ when 3 => null;
+ when 4 => bus_address<="0000000001";
+ bus_data<="00010111";
+ rw<='0';
+ when 5 => bus_address<="0000000001";
+ bus_data<="00010111";
+ rw<='0';
+ clk<='1';
+ when 6 => null;
+ when 7 => bus_address<="0000000011";
+ rw<='1';
+ when 8 => bus_address<="0000000011";
+ rw<='1';
+ clk<='1';
+ when 9 => null;
+ when 10 => bus_address<="0000000010";
+ rw<='1';
+ when 11 => bus_address<="0000000010";
+ rw<='1';
+ clk<='1';
+ when 12 => null;
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ end process;
+end sim1;
+configuration cf1_bch_txserie of bch_txserie is
+ for sim1
+ for all : txserie use entity work.txserie(rtl); end for;
+ end for;
+end cf1_bch_txserie;
diff --git a/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/clkUnit.vhd b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/clkUnit.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e42617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/clkUnit.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E miniUART C O R E
+-- www.OpenCores.Org - January 2000
+-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
+-- Design units : miniUART core for the OCRP-1
+-- File name : clkUnit.vhd
+-- Purpose : Implements an miniUART device for communication purposes
+-- between the OR1K processor and the Host computer through
+-- an RS-232 communication protocol.
+-- Library : uart_lib.vhd
+-- Dependencies : IEEE.Std_Logic_1164
+-- Revision list
+-- Version Author Date Changes
+-- 1.0 Ovidiu Lupas 15 January 2000 New model
+-- 1.1 Ovidiu Lupas 28 May 2000 EnableRx/EnableTx ratio corrected
+-- Description : Generates the Baud clock and enable signals for RX & TX
+-- units.
+-- Entity for Baud rate generator Unit - 9600 baudrate --
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.UART_Def.all;
+-- Baud rate generator
+entity ClkUnit is
+ port (
+ SysClk : in Std_Logic; -- System Clock
+ EnableRx : out Std_Logic; -- Control signal
+ EnableTx : out Std_Logic; -- Control signal
+ Reset : in Std_Logic); -- Reset input
+end entity; --================== End of entity ==============================--
+-- Architecture for Baud rate generator Unit
+architecture Behaviour of ClkUnit is
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Signals
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ signal ClkDiv26 : Std_Logic;
+ signal tmpEnRX : Std_Logic;
+ signal tmpEnTX : Std_Logic;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Divides the system clock of 40 MHz by 26
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ DivClk26 : process(SysClk,Reset)
+ constant CntOne : unsigned(4 downto 0) := "00001";
+ variable Cnt26 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if Rising_Edge(SysClk) then
+ if Reset = '0' then
+ Cnt26 := "00000";
+ ClkDiv26 <= '0';
+ else
+ Cnt26 := Cnt26 + CntOne;
+ case Cnt26 is
+-- when "11010" =>
+ when "00001" =>
+ ClkDiv26 <= '1';
+ Cnt26 := "00000";
+ when others =>
+ ClkDiv26 <= '0';
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Provides the EnableRX signal, at ~ 155 KHz
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ DivClk10 : process(SysClk,Reset,Clkdiv26)
+ constant CntOne : unsigned(3 downto 0) := "0001";
+ variable Cnt10 : unsigned(3 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if Rising_Edge(SysClk) then
+ if Reset = '0' then
+ Cnt10 := "0000";
+ tmpEnRX <= '0';
+ elsif ClkDiv26 = '1' then
+ Cnt10 := Cnt10 + CntOne;
+ end if;
+ case Cnt10 is
+ when "1010" =>
+ tmpEnRX <= '1';
+ Cnt10 := "0000";
+ when others =>
+ tmpEnRX <= '0';
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Provides the EnableTX signal, at 9.6 KHz
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ DivClk16 : process(SysClk,Reset,tmpEnRX)
+ constant CntOne : unsigned(4 downto 0) := "00001";
+ variable Cnt16 : unsigned(4 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if Rising_Edge(SysClk) then
+ if Reset = '0' then
+ Cnt16 := "00000";
+ tmpEnTX <= '0';
+ elsif tmpEnRX = '1' then
+ Cnt16 := Cnt16 + CntOne;
+ end if;
+ case Cnt16 is
+ when "01111" =>
+ tmpEnTX <= '1';
+ Cnt16 := Cnt16 + CntOne;
+ when "10001" =>
+ Cnt16 := "00000";
+ tmpEnTX <= '0';
+ when others =>
+ tmpEnTX <= '0';
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ EnableRX <= tmpEnRX;
+ EnableTX <= tmpEnTX;
+end Behaviour; --==================== End of architecture ===================
diff --git a/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/miniUART.vhd b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/miniUART.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a4840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/miniUART.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E miniUART C O R E
+-- www.OpenCores.Org - January 2000
+-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
+-- Design units : miniUART core for the OCRP-1
+-- File name : miniuart.vhd
+-- Purpose : Implements an miniUART device for communication purposes
+-- between the OR1K processor and the Host computer through
+-- an RS-232 communication protocol.
+-- Library : uart_lib.vhd
+-- Dependencies : IEEE.Std_Logic_1164
+-- Simulator : ModelSim PE/PLUS version 4.7b on a Windows95 PC
+-- Revision list
+-- Version Author Date Changes
+-- 0.1 Ovidiu Lupas 15 January 2000 New model
+-- 1.0 Ovidiu Lupas January 2000 Synthesis optimizations
+-- 2.0 Ovidiu Lupas April 2000 Bugs removed - RSBusCtrl
+-- the RSBusCtrl did not process all possible situations
+-- Description : The memory consists of a dual-port memory addressed by
+-- two counters (RdCnt & WrCnt). The third counter (StatCnt)
+-- sets the status signals and keeps a track of the data flow.
+-- Entity for miniUART Unit - 9600 baudrate --
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.UART_Def.all;
+entity miniUART is
+ port (
+ SysClk : in Std_Logic; -- System Clock
+ Reset : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
+ CS_N : in Std_Logic;
+ RD_N : in Std_Logic;
+ WR_N : in Std_Logic;
+ RxD : in Std_Logic;
+ TxD : out Std_Logic;
+ IntRx_N : out Std_Logic; -- Receive interrupt
+ IntTx_N : out Std_Logic; -- Transmit interrupt
+ Addr : in Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0); --
+ DataIn : in Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); --
+ DataOut : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0)); --
+end entity; --================== End of entity ==============================--
+-- Architecture for miniUART Controller Unit
+architecture uart of miniUART is
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Signals
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ signal RxData : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); --
+ signal TxData : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); --
+ signal CSReg : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Ctrl & status register
+ -- CSReg detailed
+ -----------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ -- CSReg(7)|CSReg(6)|CSReg(5)|CSReg(4)|CSReg(3)|CSReg(2)|CSReg(1)|CSReg(0)|
+ -- Res | Res | Res | Res | UndRun | OvrRun | FErr | OErr |
+ -----------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
+ signal EnabRx : Std_Logic; -- Enable RX unit
+ signal EnabTx : Std_Logic; -- Enable TX unit
+ signal DRdy : Std_Logic; -- Receive Data ready
+ signal TRegE : Std_Logic; -- Transmit register empty
+ signal TBufE : Std_Logic; -- Transmit buffer empty
+ signal FErr : Std_Logic; -- Frame error
+ signal OErr : Std_Logic; -- Output error
+ signal Read : Std_Logic; -- Read receive buffer
+ signal Load : Std_Logic; -- Load transmit buffer
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Baud rate Generator
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ component ClkUnit is
+ port (
+ SysClk : in Std_Logic; -- System Clock
+ EnableRX : out Std_Logic; -- Control signal
+ EnableTX : out Std_Logic; -- Control signal
+ Reset : in Std_Logic); -- Reset input
+ end component;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Receive Unit
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ component RxUnit is
+ port (
+ Clk : in Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
+ Reset : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
+ Enable : in Std_Logic; -- Enable input
+ RxD : in Std_Logic; -- RS-232 data input
+ RD : in Std_Logic; -- Read data signal
+ FErr : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
+ OErr : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
+ DRdy : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
+ DataIn : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0));
+ end component;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Transmitter Unit
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ component TxUnit is
+ port (
+ Clk : in Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
+ Reset : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input
+ Enable : in Std_Logic; -- Enable input
+ Load : in Std_Logic; -- Load transmit data
+ TxD : out Std_Logic; -- RS-232 data output
+ TRegE : out Std_Logic; -- Tx register empty
+ TBufE : out Std_Logic; -- Tx buffer empty
+ DataO : in Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0));
+ end component;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Instantiation of internal components
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ClkDiv : ClkUnit port map (SysClk,EnabRX,EnabTX,Reset);
+ TxDev : TxUnit port map (SysClk,Reset,EnabTX,Load,TxD,TRegE,TBufE,TxData);
+ RxDev : RxUnit port map (SysClk,Reset,EnabRX,RxD,Read,FErr,OErr,DRdy,RxData);
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Implements the controller for Rx&Tx units
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ RSBusCtrl : process(SysClk,Reset,Read,Load)
+ variable StatM : Std_Logic_Vector(4 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if Rising_Edge(SysClk) then
+ if Reset = '0' then
+ StatM := "00000";
+ IntTx_N <= '1';
+ IntRx_N <= '1';
+ CSReg <= "11110000";
+ else
+ StatM(0) := DRdy;
+ StatM(1) := FErr;
+ StatM(2) := OErr;
+ StatM(3) := TBufE;
+ StatM(4) := TRegE;
+ end if;
+ case StatM is
+ when "00001" =>
+ IntRx_N <= '0';
+ CSReg(2) <= '1';
+ when "10001" =>
+ IntRx_N <= '0';
+ CSReg(2) <= '1';
+ when "01000" =>
+ IntTx_N <= '0';
+ when "11000" =>
+ IntTx_N <= '0';
+ CSReg(3) <= '1';
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ if Read = '1' then
+ CSReg(2) <= '0';
+ IntRx_N <= '1';
+ end if;
+ if Load = '1' then
+ CSReg(3) <= '0';
+ IntTx_N <= '1';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Combinational section
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ process(SysClk)
+ begin
+ if (CS_N = '0' and RD_N = '0') then
+ Read <= '1';
+ else Read <= '0';
+ end if;
+ if (CS_N = '0' and WR_N = '0') then
+ Load <= '1';
+ else Load <= '0';
+ end if;
+ if Read = '0' then
+ DataOut <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
+ elsif (Read = '1' and Addr = "00") then
+ DataOut <= RxData;
+ elsif (Read = '1' and Addr = "01") then
+ DataOut <= CSReg;
+ end if;
+ if Load = '0' then
+ TxData <= "ZZZZZZZZ";
+ elsif (Load = '1' and Addr = "00") then
+ TxData <= DataIn;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+end uart; --===================== End of architecture =======================
diff --git a/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/uart_lib.vhd b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/uart_lib.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d458c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2004/n/fpga/src/portserie/uart/uart_lib.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E miniUART C O R E
+-- www.OpenCores.Org - January 2000
+-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
+-- Design units : UART_Def
+-- File name : uart_lib.vhd
+-- Purpose : Implements an miniUART device for communication purposes
+-- between the OR1K processor and the Host computer through
+-- an RS-232 communication protocol.
+-- Library : uart_lib.vhd
+-- Dependencies : IEEE.Std_Logic_1164
+-- Revision list
+-- Version Author Date Changes
+-- 0.1 Ovidiu Lupas 15 January 2000 New model
+-- package UART_Def
+library IEEE,STD;
+use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.Numeric_Std.all;
+package UART_Def is
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Converts unsigned Std_LOGIC_Vector to Integer, leftmost bit is MSB
+ -- Error message for unknowns (U, X, W, Z, -), converted to 0
+ -- Verifies whether vector is too long (> 16 bits)
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function ToInteger (
+ Invector : in Unsigned(3 downto 0))
+ return Integer;
+end UART_Def; --==================== End of package header ======================--
+package body UART_Def is
+ function ToInteger (
+ InVector : in Unsigned(3 downto 0))
+ return Integer is
+ constant HeaderMsg : String := "To_Integer:";
+ constant MsgSeverity : Severity_Level := Warning;
+ variable Value : Integer := 0;
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to 3 loop
+ if (InVector(i) = '1') then
+ Value := Value + (2**I);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Value;
+ end ToInteger;
+end UART_Def; --================ End of package body ================