path: root/host/simu/view/
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Diffstat (limited to 'host/simu/view/')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/host/simu/view/ b/host/simu/view/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37d4ce16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/simu/view/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# simu - Robot simulation. {{{
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Nicolas Schodet
+# APBTeam:
+# Web:
+# Email: team AT apbteam DOT org
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# }}}
+"""Eurobot 2009 table."""
+from simu.inter.drawable import Drawable
+from simu.utils.trans_matrix import TransMatrix
+from math import pi
+GREEN = '#62b656'
+RED = '#ff1f1f'
+BLUE = '#0f84c9'
+BLACK = '#404040'
+BROWN = '#c96a16'
+PLEXI = '#99bbbb'
+puck_attr = { False: dict (fill = GREEN),
+ True: dict (fill = RED) }
+class Puck (Drawable):
+ def __init__ (self, onto, attr, model):
+ Drawable.__init__ (self, onto)
+ self.attr = attr
+ self.model = model
+ self.model.register (self.__notified)
+ self.__notified ()
+ def __notified (self):
+ self.pos = self.model.pos
+ self.update ()
+ def draw (self):
+ self.reset ()
+ if self.pos:
+ self.trans_translate (self.pos)
+ self.draw_circle ((0, 0), self.model.radius, **self.attr)
+ Drawable.draw (self)
+class Table (Drawable):
+ """The table and its elements."""
+ def __init__ (self, onto, model):
+ Drawable.__init__ (self, onto)
+ self.model = model
+ for p in model.pucks:
+ Puck (self, puck_attr[p.color], p)
+ def draw (self):
+ # Redraw.
+ self.reset ()
+ # Table.
+ self.draw_rectangle ((-22, 0), (3000 + 22, 2100 + 22), fill = 'white')
+ self.draw_rectangle ((-22, -10), (3000 + 22, 0), fill = PLEXI)
+ self.draw_rectangle ((0, 0), (3000, 2100), fill = BLUE)
+ self.draw_rectangle ((0, 2100 - 500), (500, 2100), fill = GREEN)
+ self.draw_rectangle ((3000 - 500, 2100 - 500), (3000, 2100), fill = RED)
+ # Axes.
+ self.draw_line ((0, 200), (0, 0), (200, 0), arrow = 'both')
+ # Beacons.
+ self.draw_rectangle ((-22, 2100 + 22), (-22 - 80, 2100 + 22 + 80), fill = BLACK)
+ self.draw_rectangle ((-22, 1050 - 40), (-22 - 80, 1050 + 40), fill = BLACK)
+ self.draw_rectangle ((-22, -80 - 10), (-22 - 80, -10), fill = BLACK)
+ self.draw_rectangle ((3000 + 22, 2100 + 22), (3000 + 22 + 80, 2100 + 22 + 80), fill = BLACK)
+ self.draw_rectangle ((3000 + 22, 1050 - 40), (3000 + 22 + 80, 1050 + 40), fill = BLACK)
+ self.draw_rectangle ((3000 + 22, -80 - 10), (3000 + 22 + 80, -10), fill = BLACK)
+ # Building areas.
+ self.draw_circle ((1500, 1050), 150, fill = BROWN)
+ self.draw_rectangle ((1500 - 900, 0), (1500 + 900, 100), fill = BROWN)
+ self.draw_rectangle ((1500 - 300, 0), (1500 + 300, 100), fill = BROWN)
+ self.draw_rectangle ((1500 - 900 - 22, 0), (1500 - 900, 100), fill = 'white')
+ self.draw_rectangle ((1500 + 900 + 22, 0), (1500 + 900, 100), fill = 'white')
+ for bx in (-600, 0, +600):
+ for dx in (-130 - 65, -65, +65, +130 + 65):
+ x = 1500 + bx + dx
+ self.draw_rectangle ((x - 7.5, 100), (x + 7.5, 100 + 250), fill = BLACK)
+ # Lintel dispensers.
+ for x in (1500 - 600, 1500 - 200, 1500 + 200, 1500 + 600):
+ self.draw_rectangle ((x - 100, 2100), (x + 100, 2100 + 70 + 22), fill = BLACK)
+ if x < 1500:
+ color = GREEN
+ else:
+ color = RED
+ self.draw_rectangle ((x - 100, 2100), (x + 100, 2100 + 70), fill = color)
+ self.draw_rectangle ((x - 7.5, 2100), (x + 7.5, 2100 - 250), fill = BLACK)
+ # Vertical dispensers.
+ if self.model.dispensers_card == 1:
+ ds = -250
+ else:
+ ds = +250
+ for dpos, dangle, dcolor in (
+ ((289, 40), pi / 2, RED),
+ ((3000 - 289, 40), pi / 2, GREEN),
+ ((40, 1050 + ds), 0, RED),
+ ((3000 - 40, 1050 + ds), pi, GREEN),
+ ):
+ dtm = TransMatrix ()
+ dtm.rotate (dangle)
+ dtm.translate (dpos)
+ if dpos[1] == 40:
+ a = 55
+ else:
+ a = 67
+ self.draw_rectangle (dtm.apply ((-a, -25)), dtm.apply ((0, 25)), fill = PLEXI)
+ self.draw_rectangle (dtm.apply ((-40, -40)), dtm.apply ((40, 40)), fill = PLEXI)
+ self.draw_circle (dtm.apply ((0, 0)), 35, fill = PLEXI, outline = dcolor)
+ self.draw_rectangle (dtm.apply ((-40, -40)), dtm.apply ((40, 40)), fill = '')
+ # Pucks.
+ for m, color in ((-1, GREEN), (1, RED)):
+ for x in (400, 650, 900):
+ for y in (-125, 75, 275, 475):
+ self.draw_circle ((1500 + m * x, 1050 + y), 35, outline = color)
+ # Children.
+ Drawable.draw (self)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from simu.inter.inter import Inter
+ import simu.model.table_eurobot2009 as model
+ app = Inter ()
+ m = model.Table ()
+ Table (app.table_view, m)
+ app.mainloop ()