path: root/AT91SAM7S256/Source/d_lowspeed.r
diff options
authorafanofosc2011-08-03 23:38:17 +0000
committerNicolas Schodet2012-02-01 00:20:26 +0100
commitc38f18c2a32e3c91a9d0b1c18c0a52ee3d47f12e (patch)
tree4b96a12a8cc885ccf96625c1cd3ab98901b670fc /AT91SAM7S256/Source/d_lowspeed.r
parent7514a2c489b810faf022a04321c894645e67f3df (diff)
Fast I2C support
Direct digital pin control support CommHSRead system call changes to support partial buffer reads git-svn-id: https://mindboards.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mindboards/lms_nbcnxc/branches/version_131@42 c9361245-7fe8-9947-84e8-057757c4e366
Diffstat (limited to 'AT91SAM7S256/Source/d_lowspeed.r')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/Source/d_lowspeed.r b/AT91SAM7S256/Source/d_lowspeed.r
index 93f0fb8..b82a208 100644
--- a/AT91SAM7S256/Source/d_lowspeed.r
+++ b/AT91SAM7S256/Source/d_lowspeed.r
@@ -711,7 +711,459 @@ __ramfunc void LowSpeedPwmIrqHandler(void)
+typedef enum {
+ I2C_STOP1,
+ I2C_STOP2,
+ I2C_STOP3,
+ I2C_END,
+} i2c_port_state;
+struct i2c_partial_transaction {
+ i2c_port_state state; // Initial state for this transaction
+ UWORD nbits; // N bits to transfer
+ UBYTE * data; // Data buffer
+#define I2C_ERR_INVALID_PORT -1
+#define I2C_ERR_BUSY -2
+#define I2C_ERR_FAULT -3
+#define I2C_ERR_BUS_BUSY -5
+#define I2C_BUF_SIZE 16
+#define I2C_HS_CLOCK 125000
+// Fast pulse stretch
+#define I2C_CLOCK_RETRY 5
+// Timeout for pulse stretch
+#define I2C_MAX_STRETCH 100
+#define I2C_N_PORTS 4
+#define TIME4US ((OSC/16)/250000L)
+#define IO_COMPLETE_MASK 0xf
+#define BUS_FREE_MASK 0xf00
+#define BUS_FREE_SHIFT 8
+// Take the clock line high but allow slave devices to extend the low clock
+// state by pulling the clock line low.
+static int rPulseStretch(ULONG scl_pin, SWORD * pDelay, i2c_port_state * pState)
+ // Allow pulse stretching, make clock line float
+ *AT91C_PIOA_ODR = scl_pin;
+ // Has the pulse been stretched too much? If so report an error
+ *pDelay -= 1;
+ if (*pDelay <= 0)
+ {
+ *pState = I2C_FAULT;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Implement a fast wait routine, to avoid having to wait for an entire
+ // clock cycle.
+ int i = 0;
+ while(!(*AT91C_PIOA_PDSR & scl_pin))
+ if (i++ >= I2C_CLOCK_RETRY)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+// Start a transaction.
+SBYTE rI2CFastStart(UBYTE port, UBYTE address, UBYTE *write_data, UBYTE write_len, UBYTE *pReadLen, UBYTE *data_out)
+ if (port >= I2C_N_PORTS)
+ return -1;
+ ULONG p_scl_pin;
+ ULONG p_sda_pin;
+ ULONG p_ready_mask;
+ UBYTE p_buffer[I2C_BUF_SIZE+2];
+ struct i2c_partial_transaction p_partial_transaction[I2C_MAX_PARTIAL_TRANSACTIONS];
+ struct i2c_partial_transaction *p_current_pt;
+ i2c_port_state p_state;
+ UBYTE *p_data;
+ ULONG p_nbits;
+ SWORD p_delay;
+ UBYTE p_bits;
+ UBYTE p_fault;
+ UBYTE p_lego_mode = FALSE;
+ UBYTE p_always_active = FALSE;
+ UBYTE p_no_release = FALSE;
+ UBYTE p_high_speed = TRUE;
+ ULONG pinmask;
+ // enable the port in hi speed mode
+ {
+ p_scl_pin = CLK_PINS[port];
+ p_sda_pin = DATA_PINS[port];
+ pinmask = CLK_OR_DATA_PINS[port];
+ p_state = I2C_IDLE;
+ // Set data & clock to be enabled for output with
+ // pullups disabled.
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = pinmask;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = pinmask;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_PPUDR = pinmask;
+// // If we are always active, we never drop below the ACTIVEIDLE state
+// p_lego_mode = ((mode & I2C_LEGO_MODE) ? 1 : 0);
+// p_no_release = ((mode & I2C_NO_RELEASE) ? 1 : 0);
+// p_always_active = ((mode & I2C_ALWAYS_ACTIVE) ? 1 : 0);
+ if (p_always_active)
+ p_state = I2C_ACTIVEIDLE;
+ // Select which lines to test to see if the bus is busy.
+ // If the clock line is being driven by us we do not test it.
+ if (p_lego_mode || p_no_release)
+ p_ready_mask = p_sda_pin;
+ else
+ p_ready_mask = pinmask;
+ // Release whichever lines we can
+ *AT91C_PIOA_ODR = p_ready_mask;
+ }
+ struct i2c_partial_transaction *pt;
+ UBYTE *data;
+ // check buffer size
+ if (*pReadLen > I2C_BUF_SIZE) return I2C_ERR_INVALID_LENGTH;
+ if (write_len > I2C_BUF_SIZE) return I2C_ERR_INVALID_LENGTH;
+ // must have some data to transfer
+ if (*pReadLen + write_len <= 0) return I2C_ERR_INVALID_LENGTH;
+ pt = p_partial_transaction;
+ p_current_pt = pt;
+ data = p_buffer;
+ // process the write data (if any)
+ if (write_len > 0){
+ *data++ = address; // This is a write
+ pt->nbits = (write_len + 1)*8;
+ // copy the write data
+ memcpy(data, write_data, write_len);
+ data += write_len;
+ pt->data = p_buffer;
+ pt->state = I2C_NEWSTART;
+ // We add an extra stop for the odd Lego i2c sensor, but only on a read
+ if (*pReadLen > 0 && p_lego_mode) {
+ pt++;
+ pt->state = I2C_STOP1;
+ }
+ pt++;
+ }
+ // now add the read transaction (if any)
+ if (*pReadLen > 0)
+ {
+ // first we have to write the device address
+ pt->state = (data != p_buffer ? I2C_NEWRESTART : I2C_NEWSTART);
+ pt->data = data;
+ *data++ = address | 1; // this is a read
+ pt->nbits = 8;
+ pt++;
+ // now we have the read
+ pt->state = I2C_NEWREAD;
+ pt->data = p_buffer;
+ pt->nbits = (*pReadLen)*8;
+ pt++;
+ }
+ // define what happens at the end of the operation
+ if (p_lego_mode)
+ pt->state = (*pReadLen > 0 ? I2C_ENDLEGO1 : I2C_ENDSTOP1);
+ else
+ pt->state = (p_no_release ? I2C_END : I2C_ENDSTOP1);
+// // We save the number of bytes to read for completion
+// p->read_len = read_len;
+ // Start the transaction
+ p_state = I2C_BEGIN;
+// if (!p_always_active)
+// build_active_list();
+ while(p_state != I2C_COMPLETE)
+ {
+ ULONG PitTmr = (*AT91C_PITC_PIIR);
+ // The main i2c state machine. Move the port state from one step to another
+ // toggling the clock line on alternate calls.
+ switch (p_state) {
+ default:
+ case I2C_DISABLED:
+ case I2C_IDLE: // Not in a transaction
+ case I2C_ACTIVEIDLE: // Not in a transaction but active
+ case I2C_COMPLETE: // Transaction completed
+ break;
+ case I2C_BEGIN:
+ // Start new transaction
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = p_sda_pin|p_scl_pin;
+ p_fault = 0;
+ p_state = p_current_pt->state;
+ break;
+ // restart a new partial transaction
+ // Take the clock low
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_scl_pin;
+ case I2C_NEWSTART:
+ // Start the current partial transaction
+ p_data = p_current_pt->data;
+ p_nbits = p_current_pt->nbits;
+ p_bits = *(p_data);
+ p_state = I2C_START1;
+ p_delay = I2C_MAX_STRETCH;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_sda_pin;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = p_sda_pin;
+ break;
+ case I2C_START1:
+ // SDA high, take SCL high
+ if (p_high_speed && rPulseStretch(p_scl_pin, &p_delay, &p_state))
+ break;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_scl_pin;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = p_scl_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_START2;
+ break;
+ case I2C_START2:
+ // Take SDA low while SCL is high
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_sda_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_TXDATA1;
+ break;
+ case I2C_DELAY:
+ if (p_delay == 0)
+ p_state = I2C_RXDATA1;
+ else
+ p_delay--;
+ break;
+ case I2C_TXDATA1:
+ // Take SCL low
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_scl_pin;
+ p_delay = I2C_MAX_STRETCH;
+ p_state = I2C_TXDATA2;
+ break;
+ case I2C_TXDATA2:
+ // set the data line
+ if (p_bits & 0x80)
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_sda_pin;
+ else
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_sda_pin;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = p_sda_pin;
+ if (p_high_speed && rPulseStretch(p_scl_pin, &p_delay, &p_state))
+ break;
+ p_bits <<= 1;
+ p_nbits--;
+ if((p_nbits & 7) == 0)
+ p_state = I2C_TXACK1;
+ else
+ p_state = I2C_TXDATA1;
+ // Take SCL high
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_scl_pin;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = p_scl_pin;
+ break;
+ case I2C_TXACK1:
+ // Take SCL low
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_scl_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_TXACK2;
+ // release the data line
+ *AT91C_PIOA_ODR = p_sda_pin;
+ break;
+ case I2C_TXACK2:
+ // Take SCL High
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_scl_pin;
+ if(*AT91C_PIOA_PDSR & p_sda_pin)
+ p_state = I2C_FAULT;
+ else if (p_nbits == 0)
+ {
+ p_current_pt++;
+ p_state = p_current_pt->state;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p_data++;
+ p_bits = *(p_data);
+ p_state = I2C_TXDATA1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case I2C_NEWREAD:
+ // Start the read partial transaction
+ p_data = p_current_pt->data;
+ p_nbits = p_current_pt->nbits;
+ p_bits = 0;
+ // Take SCL Low
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_scl_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_RXDATA1;
+ // get ready to read
+ *AT91C_PIOA_ODR = p_sda_pin;
+ break;
+ case I2C_RXDATA1:
+ p_delay = I2C_MAX_STRETCH;
+ p_state = I2C_RXDATA2;
+ // Fall through
+ case I2C_RXDATA2:
+ if (p_high_speed && rPulseStretch(p_scl_pin, &p_delay, &p_state))
+ break;
+ // Take SCL High
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_scl_pin;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = p_scl_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_RXDATA3;
+ break;
+ case I2C_RXDATA3:
+ // Receive a bit.
+ p_bits <<= 1;
+ if(*AT91C_PIOA_PDSR & p_sda_pin)
+ p_bits |= 1;
+ // Take SCL Low
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_scl_pin;
+ p_nbits--;
+ if((p_nbits & 7) == 0){
+ *(p_data) = p_bits;
+ if (p_nbits)
+ p_state = I2C_RXACK1;
+ else
+ p_state = I2C_RXENDACK;
+ }
+ else
+ p_state = I2C_RXDATA1;
+ break;
+ case I2C_RXACK1:
+ // take data low
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_sda_pin;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = p_sda_pin;
+ // Move on to next byte
+ p_data++;
+ p_bits = 0;
+ p_state = I2C_RXACK2;
+ // Clock high
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_scl_pin;
+ break;
+ case I2C_RXACK2:
+ // Take SCL Low
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_scl_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_RXDATA1;
+ // get ready to read
+ *AT91C_PIOA_ODR = p_sda_pin;
+ break;
+ case I2C_RXENDACK:
+ // take data high
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_sda_pin;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = p_sda_pin;
+ // get ready to move to the next state
+ p_current_pt++;
+ p_state = p_current_pt->state;
+ // Clock high data is already high
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_scl_pin;
+ break;
+ case I2C_STOP1:
+ // Issue a Stop state
+ // SCL is high, take it low
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_scl_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_STOP2;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_sda_pin;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = p_sda_pin;
+ break;
+ case I2C_STOP2:
+ // Take SCL high
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_scl_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_STOP3;
+ break;
+ case I2C_STOP3:
+ // Take SDA pin high while the clock is high
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_sda_pin;
+ // and move to the next state
+ p_current_pt++;
+ p_state = p_current_pt->state;
+ break;
+ case I2C_ENDLEGO1:
+ // Lego mode end case, does not issue stop. Used at end of rx
+ // Clock low data is already high, release the data line
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_scl_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_ENDLEGO2;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_ODR = p_sda_pin;
+ break;
+ case I2C_ENDLEGO2:
+ // Clock high, data is already high and we are done
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_scl_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_RELEASE;
+ break;
+ case I2C_END:
+ // End the transaction but hold onto the bus, keeping the clock low
+ // Clock low and keep it active
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_scl_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_RELEASE;
+ break;
+ case I2C_ENDSTOP1:
+ // Issue a Stop state
+ // SCL is high, take it low
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_scl_pin;
+ p_delay = I2C_MAX_STRETCH;
+ p_state = I2C_ENDSTOP2;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_CODR = p_sda_pin;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = p_sda_pin;
+ break;
+ case I2C_ENDSTOP2:
+ if (p_high_speed && rPulseStretch(p_scl_pin, &p_delay, &p_state))
+ break;
+ // Take SCL high
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_scl_pin;
+ *AT91C_PIOA_OER = p_scl_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_ENDSTOP3;
+ break;
+ case I2C_ENDSTOP3:
+ // Take SDA pin high while the clock is high
+ *AT91C_PIOA_SODR = p_sda_pin;
+ p_state = I2C_RELEASE;
+ break;
+ case I2C_FAULT:
+ p_fault = 1;
+ p_state = I2C_ENDSTOP1;
+ break;
+ case I2C_RELEASE:
+ // Release whichever lines we can
+ *AT91C_PIOA_ODR = p_ready_mask;
+ // All done
+ p_state = I2C_COMPLETE;
+ break;
+ }
+ while (((*AT91C_PITC_PIIR) - PitTmr) < TIME4US);
+ }
+ if (!p_always_active)
+ p_state = I2C_IDLE;
+ else
+ p_state = I2C_ACTIVEIDLE;
+ if (p_fault)
+ return I2C_ERR_FAULT;
+ if (*pReadLen > 0)
+ {
+ *pReadLen = (UBYTE)(p_data - p_buffer + 1);
+ if (data_out)
+ memcpy(data_out, p_buffer, *pReadLen);
+ }
+ return *pReadLen;
#ifdef PCWIN