diff options
2 files changed, 453 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/ni/theme.lua b/ni/theme.lua
index 158b5d1..433aa8c 100644
--- a/ni/theme.lua
+++ b/ni/theme.lua
@@ -2,65 +2,72 @@
-- Ni awesome theme --
-theme_dir = awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/ni"
+local awful = require("awful")
+theme_dir = awful.util.getdir("config") .. "ni/"
-theme = {}
+local theme = {}
theme.font = "terminus 9"
-theme.wibox_height = 12
+theme.wibar_height = 12
theme.bg_normal = "#222222"
theme.bg_focus = "#535d6c"
theme.bg_urgent = "#ff0000"
theme.bg_minimize = "#444444"
+theme.bg_systray = theme.bg_normal
theme.fg_normal = "#aaaaaa"
theme.fg_focus = "#ffffff"
theme.fg_urgent = "#ffffff"
theme.fg_minimize = "#ffffff"
-theme.border_width = "0"
+theme.useless_gap = 0
+theme.border_width = 0
theme.border_normal = "#000000"
theme.border_focus = "#535d6c"
theme.border_marked = "#91231c"
-theme.fg_widget = theme.fg_normal
-theme.bg_widget = theme.bg_normal
-theme.fg_bat_hi_widget = "green"
-theme.fg_bat_mi_widget = theme.fg_normal
-theme.fg_bat_lo_widget = "red"
-- There are other variable sets
-- overriding the default one when
-- defined, the sets are:
--- [taglist|tasklist]_[bg|fg]_[focus|urgent]
+-- taglist_[bg|fg]_[focus|urgent|occupied|empty]
+-- tasklist_[bg|fg]_[focus|urgent]
-- titlebar_[bg|fg]_[normal|focus]
-- tooltip_[font|opacity|fg_color|bg_color|border_width|border_color]
-- mouse_finder_[color|timeout|animate_timeout|radius|factor]
-- Example:
--theme.taglist_bg_focus = "#ff0000"
-theme.tooltip_fg_color = theme.fg_normal
-theme.tooltip_bg_color = theme.bg_normal
-- Display the taglist squares
-theme.taglist_squares_sel = theme_dir .. "/icons/taglist/sel.png"
-theme.taglist_squares_unsel = theme_dir .. "/icons/taglist/unsel.png"
-theme.tasklist_floating_icon = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/tasklist/floatingw.png"
+theme.taglist_squares_sel = theme_dir .. "icons/taglist/sel.png"
+theme.taglist_squares_unsel = theme_dir .. "icons/taglist/unsel.png"
-- Variables set for theming the menu:
-- menu_[bg|fg]_[normal|focus]
-- menu_[border_color|border_width]
theme.menu_submenu_icon = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/submenu.png"
-theme.menu_height = "15"
-theme.menu_width = "100"
+theme.menu_height = 15
+theme.menu_width = 100
+-- You can add as many variables as
+-- you wish and access them by using
+-- beautiful.variable in your rc.lua
+--theme.bg_widget = "#cc0000"
+theme.fg_widget = theme.fg_normal
+theme.bg_widget = theme.bg_normal
+theme.fg_bat_hi_widget = "green"
+theme.fg_bat_mi_widget = theme.fg_normal
+theme.fg_bat_lo_widget = "red"
-- Define the image to load
theme.titlebar_close_button_normal = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/titlebar/close_normal.png"
theme.titlebar_close_button_focus = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/titlebar/close_focus.png"
+theme.titlebar_minimize_button_normal = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/titlebar/minimize_normal.png"
+theme.titlebar_minimize_button_focus = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/titlebar/minimize_focus.png"
theme.titlebar_ontop_button_normal_inactive = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/titlebar/ontop_normal_inactive.png"
theme.titlebar_ontop_button_focus_inactive = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/titlebar/ontop_focus_inactive.png"
theme.titlebar_ontop_button_normal_active = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/titlebar/ontop_normal_active.png"
@@ -81,27 +88,34 @@ theme.titlebar_maximized_button_focus_inactive = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/def
theme.titlebar_maximized_button_normal_active = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/titlebar/maximized_normal_active.png"
theme.titlebar_maximized_button_focus_active = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/titlebar/maximized_focus_active.png"
--- You can use your own command to set your wallpaper
-theme.wallpaper_cmd = { "awsetbg " .. theme_dir .. "/background.jpeg" }
+theme.wallpaper = theme_dir .. "background.jpeg"
-- You can use your own layout icons like this:
-theme.layout_fairh = theme_dir .. "/icons/layouts/fairh.png"
-theme.layout_fairv = theme_dir .. "/icons/layouts/fairv.png"
-theme.layout_floating = theme_dir .. "/icons/layouts/floating.png"
-theme.layout_magnifier = theme_dir .. "/icons/layouts/magnifier.png"
-theme.layout_max = theme_dir .. "/icons/layouts/max.png"
-theme.layout_fullscreen = theme_dir .. "/icons/layouts/fullscreen.png"
-theme.layout_tilebottom = theme_dir .. "/icons/layouts/tilebottom.png"
-theme.layout_tileleft = theme_dir .. "/icons/layouts/tileleft.png"
-theme.layout_tile = theme_dir .. "/icons/layouts/tile.png"
-theme.layout_tiletop = theme_dir .. "/icons/layouts/tiletop.png"
-theme.layout_spiral = theme_dir .. "/icons/layouts/spiral.png"
-theme.layout_dwindle = theme_dir .. "/icons/layouts/dwindle.png"
-theme.awesome_icon = theme_dir .. "/icons/awesome.png"
-theme.widget_sep = theme_dir .. "/icons/separator.png"
-theme.widget_vol = theme_dir .. "/icons/vol.png"
-theme.widget_bat = theme_dir .. "/icons/bat.png"
+theme.layout_fairh = theme_dir .. "icons/layouts/fairh.png"
+theme.layout_fairv = theme_dir .. "icons/layouts/fairv.png"
+theme.layout_floating = theme_dir .. "icons/layouts/floating.png"
+theme.layout_magnifier = theme_dir .. "icons/layouts/magnifier.png"
+theme.layout_max = theme_dir .. "icons/layouts/max.png"
+theme.layout_fullscreen = theme_dir .. "icons/layouts/fullscreen.png"
+theme.layout_tilebottom = theme_dir .. "icons/layouts/tilebottom.png"
+theme.layout_tileleft = theme_dir .. "icons/layouts/tileleft.png"
+theme.layout_tile = theme_dir .. "icons/layouts/tile.png"
+theme.layout_tiletop = theme_dir .. "icons/layouts/tiletop.png"
+theme.layout_spiral = theme_dir .. "icons/layouts/spiral.png"
+theme.layout_dwindle = theme_dir .. "icons/layouts/dwindle.png"
+theme.layout_cornernw = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/cornernww.png"
+theme.layout_cornerne = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/cornernew.png"
+theme.layout_cornersw = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/cornersww.png"
+theme.layout_cornerse = "/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/layouts/cornersew.png"
+theme.awesome_icon = theme_dir .. "icons/awesome.png"
+theme.widget_sep = theme_dir .. "icons/separator.png"
+theme.widget_vol = theme_dir .. "icons/vol.png"
+theme.widget_bat = theme_dir .. "icons/bat.png"
+-- Define the icon theme for application icons. If not set then the icons
+-- from /usr/share/icons and /usr/share/icons/hicolor will be used.
+theme.icon_theme = nil
return theme
diff --git a/rc.lua b/rc.lua
index 9983bd1..b5b6ff2 100644
--- a/rc.lua
+++ b/rc.lua
@@ -1,22 +1,51 @@
-- Standard awesome library
+local gears = require("gears")
+local awful = require("awful")
+-- Widget and layout library
+local wibox = require("wibox")
-- Theme handling library
+local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-- Notification library
+local naughty = require("naughty")
+local menubar = require("menubar")
+local hotkeys_popup = require("awful.hotkeys_popup").widget
-- Load Debian menu entries
+-- {{{ Error handling
+-- Check if awesome encountered an error during startup and fell back to
+-- another config (This code will only ever execute for the fallback config)
+if awesome.startup_errors then
+ naughty.notify({ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
+ title = "Oops, there were errors during startup!",
+ text = awesome.startup_errors })
+-- Handle runtime errors after startup
+ local in_error = false
+ awesome.connect_signal("debug::error", function (err)
+ -- Make sure we don't go into an endless error loop
+ if in_error then return end
+ in_error = true
+ naughty.notify({ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
+ title = "Oops, an error happened!",
+ text = tostring(err) })
+ in_error = false
+ end)
+-- }}}
-- Load my modules
-- {{{ Variable definitions
--- Themes define colours, icons, and wallpapers
+-- Themes define colours, icons, font and wallpapers.
beautiful.init(awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/ni/theme.lua")
-- This is used later as the default terminal and editor to run.
@@ -35,39 +64,50 @@ calc = terminal .. " -sh 70 -name calc -e orpie"
modkey = "Mod4"
-- Table of layouts to cover with, order matters.
-layouts =
+awful.layout.layouts = {
-- awful.layout.suit.tile.left,
- awful.layout.suit.floating,
-- awful.layout.suit.fair,
-- awful.layout.suit.fair.horizontal,
-- awful.layout.suit.spiral,
-- awful.layout.suit.spiral.dwindle,
+ -- awful.layout.suit.max,
-- awful.layout.suit.max.fullscreen,
- -- awful.layout.suit.magnifier
+ -- awful.layout.suit.magnifier,
+ -- awful.layout.suit.corner.nw,
+ --,
+ -- awful.layout.suit.corner.sw,
+ --,
+ awful.layout.suit.floating,
-- }}}
--- {{{ Tags
--- Define a tag table which hold all screen tags.
-tags = {}
-for s = 1, screen.count() do
- -- Each screen has its own tag table.
- tags[s] = awful.tag({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, s, layouts[1])
+-- {{{ Helper functions
+local function client_menu_toggle_fn()
+ local instance = nil
+ return function ()
+ if instance and instance.wibox.visible then
+ instance:hide()
+ instance = nil
+ else
+ instance ={ theme = { width = 250 } })
+ end
+ end
-- }}}
-- {{{ Menu
--- Create a laucher widget and a main menu
+-- Create a launcher widget and a main menu
myawesomemenu = {
+ { "hotkeys", function() return false, hotkeys_popup.show_help end},
{ "manual", terminal .. " -e man awesome" },
- { "edit config", editor_cmd .. " " .. awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/rc.lua" },
+ { "edit config", editor_cmd .. " " .. awesome.conffile },
{ "restart", awesome.restart },
- { "quit", awesome.quit }
+ { "quit", function() awesome.quit() end}
mymainmenu ={ items = { { "awesome", myawesomemenu, beautiful.awesome_icon },
@@ -76,24 +116,30 @@ mymainmenu ={ items = { { "awesome", myawesomemenu, beautiful.awesom
-mylauncher = awful.widget.launcher({ image = image(beautiful.awesome_icon),
+mylauncher = awful.widget.launcher({ image = beautiful.awesome_icon,
menu = mymainmenu })
+-- Menubar configuration
+menubar.utils.terminal = terminal -- Set the terminal for applications that require it
-- }}}
--- {{{ Wibox
--- Create a textclock widget
-mytextclock = awful.widget.textclock({ align = "right" })
+-- Keyboard map indicator and switcher
+mykeyboardlayout = awful.widget.keyboardlayout()
--- Create a systray
-mysystray = widget({ type = "systray" })
+-- {{{ Wibar
+-- Create a textclock widget
+mytextclock = wibox.widget.textclock()
-- Create my widgets
myvolume = widgets.volume()
myvolumeicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
myvolumeicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_vol)
myvolumeicon:buttons (myvolume:buttons ())
mybat = widget({ type = "textbox" })
mybaticon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
mybaticon.image = image(beautiful.widget_bat)
@@ -118,88 +164,117 @@ vicious.register(mybat, vicious.widgets.bat, function (widget, args)
return string.format('<span color="%s">%d%%</span>', color, args[2])
end, 60, "BAT0")
myseparator = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
myseparator.image = image(beautiful.widget_sep)
-- Create a wibox for each screen and add it
-mywibox = {}
-mypromptbox = {}
-mylayoutbox = {}
-mytaglist = {}
-mytaglist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
- awful.button({ }, 1, awful.tag.viewonly),
- awful.button({ modkey }, 1, awful.client.movetotag),
+local taglist_buttons = awful.util.table.join(
+ awful.button({ }, 1, function(t) t:view_only() end),
+ awful.button({ modkey }, 1, function(t)
+ if client.focus then
+ client.focus:move_to_tag(t)
+ end
+ end),
awful.button({ }, 3, awful.tag.viewtoggle),
- awful.button({ modkey }, 3, awful.client.toggletag),
- awful.button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
- awful.button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev)
- )
-mytasklist = {}
-mytasklist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
- awful.button({ }, 1, function (c)
- if not c:isvisible() then
- awful.tag.viewonly(c:tags()[1])
+ awful.button({ modkey }, 3, function(t)
+ if client.focus then
+ client.focus:toggle_tag(t)
- client.focus = c
- c:raise()
- awful.button({ }, 3, function ()
- if instance then
- instance:hide()
- instance = nil
+ awful.button({ }, 4, function(t) awful.tag.viewnext(t.screen) end),
+ awful.button({ }, 5, function(t) awful.tag.viewprev(t.screen) end)
+ )
+local tasklist_buttons = awful.util.table.join(
+ awful.button({ }, 1, function (c)
+ if c == client.focus then
+ c.minimized = true
- instance ={ width=250 })
+ -- Without this, the following
+ -- :isvisible() makes no sense
+ c.minimized = false
+ if not c:isvisible() and c.first_tag then
+ c.first_tag:view_only()
+ end
+ -- This will also un-minimize
+ -- the client, if needed
+ client.focus = c
+ c:raise()
+ awful.button({ }, 3, client_menu_toggle_fn()),
awful.button({ }, 4, function ()
- if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
awful.button({ }, 5, function ()
- if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
-for s = 1, screen.count() do
+local function set_wallpaper(s)
+ -- Wallpaper
+ if beautiful.wallpaper then
+ local wallpaper = beautiful.wallpaper
+ -- If wallpaper is a function, call it with the screen
+ if type(wallpaper) == "function" then
+ wallpaper = wallpaper(s)
+ end
+ gears.wallpaper.maximized(wallpaper, s, true)
+ end
+-- Re-set wallpaper when a screen's geometry changes (e.g. different resolution)
+screen.connect_signal("property::geometry", set_wallpaper)
+ -- Wallpaper
+ set_wallpaper(s)
+ -- Each screen has its own tag table.
+ awful.tag({ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }, s, awful.layout.layouts[1])
-- Create a promptbox for each screen
- mypromptbox[s] = awful.widget.prompt({ layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.leftright })
+ s.mypromptbox = awful.widget.prompt()
-- Create an imagebox widget which will contains an icon indicating which layout we're using.
-- We need one layoutbox per screen.
- mylayoutbox[s] = awful.widget.layoutbox(s)
- mylayoutbox[s]:buttons(awful.util.table.join(
- awful.button({ }, 1, function (), 1) end),
- awful.button({ }, 3, function (), -1) end),
- awful.button({ }, 4, function (), 1) end),
- awful.button({ }, 5, function (), -1) end)))
+ s.mylayoutbox = awful.widget.layoutbox(s)
+ s.mylayoutbox:buttons(awful.util.table.join(
+ awful.button({ }, 1, function () 1) end),
+ awful.button({ }, 3, function () end),
+ awful.button({ }, 4, function () 1) end),
+ awful.button({ }, 5, function () end)))
-- Create a taglist widget
- mytaglist[s] = awful.widget.taglist(s, awful.widget.taglist.label.all, mytaglist.buttons)
+ s.mytaglist = awful.widget.taglist(s, awful.widget.taglist.filter.all, taglist_buttons)
-- Create a tasklist widget
- mytasklist[s] = awful.widget.tasklist(function(c)
- return awful.widget.tasklist.label.currenttags(c, s)
- end, mytasklist.buttons)
+ s.mytasklist = awful.widget.tasklist(s, awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags, tasklist_buttons)
-- Create the wibox
- mywibox[s] = awful.wibox({ position = "bottom", screen = s, height = beautiful.wibox_height })
- -- Add widgets to the wibox - order matters
- mywibox[s].widgets = {
- {
+ s.mywibox = awful.wibar({ position = "bottom", screen = s, height =
+ beautiful.wibar_height })
+ -- Add widgets to the wibox
+ s.mywibox:setup {
+ layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal,
+ { -- Left widgets
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
- mytaglist[s],
- mypromptbox[s],
- layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.leftright
+ s.mytaglist,
+ s.mypromptbox,
+ },
+ s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
+ { -- Right widgets
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
+ mykeyboardlayout,
+ wibox.widget.systray(),
+ mytextclock,
+ s.mylayoutbox,
- mylayoutbox[s],
- myvolume, myvolumeicon,
- mybat, mybaticon,
- myseparator,
- mytextclock,
- s == 1 and mysystray or nil,
- mytasklist[s],
- layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.rightleft
-- }}}
-- {{{ Mouse bindings
@@ -212,118 +287,188 @@ root.buttons(awful.util.table.join(
-- {{{ Key bindings
globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "Left", awful.tag.viewprev ),
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "Right", awful.tag.viewnext ),
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "Escape", awful.tag.history.restore),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "s", hotkeys_popup.show_help,
+ {description="show help", group="awesome"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "Left", awful.tag.viewprev,
+ {description = "view previous", group = "tag"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "Right", awful.tag.viewnext,
+ {description = "view next", group = "tag"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "Escape", awful.tag.history.restore,
+ {description = "go back", group = "tag"}),
awful.key({ modkey, }, "j",
function ()
awful.client.focus.byidx( 1)
- if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
- end),
+ end,
+ {description = "focus next by index", group = "client"}
+ ),
awful.key({ modkey, }, "k",
function ()
- if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
- end),
+ end,
+ {description = "focus previous by index", group = "client"}
+ ),
-- Layout manipulation
- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "j", function () awful.client.swap.byidx( 1) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "k", function () awful.client.swap.byidx( -1) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "j", function () awful.screen.focus_relative( 1) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "k", function () awful.screen.focus_relative(-1) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "u", awful.client.urgent.jumpto),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "j", function () awful.client.swap.byidx( 1) end,
+ {description = "swap with next client by index", group = "client"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "k", function () awful.client.swap.byidx( -1) end,
+ {description = "swap with previous client by index", group = "client"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "j", function () awful.screen.focus_relative( 1) end,
+ {description = "focus the next screen", group = "screen"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "k", function () awful.screen.focus_relative(-1) end,
+ {description = "focus the previous screen", group = "screen"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "u", awful.client.urgent.jumpto,
+ {description = "jump to urgent client", group = "client"}),
awful.key({ modkey, }, "Tab",
function ()
if client.focus then
- end),
+ end,
+ {description = "go back", group = "client"}),
-- Standard program
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "Return", function () awful.util.spawn(terminal) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Return", function () awful.util.spawn(terminal_small) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "v", function () awful.util.spawn(lock) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "c", function () awful.util.spawn(calc) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "r", awesome.restart),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "q", awesome.quit),
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "l", function () awful.tag.incmwfact( 0.05) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "h", function () awful.tag.incmwfact(-0.05) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "h", function () awful.tag.incnmaster( 1) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "l", function () awful.tag.incnmaster(-1) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "h", function () awful.tag.incncol( 1) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "l", function () awful.tag.incncol(-1) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "space", function (), 1) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "space", function (), -1) end),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "Return", function () awful.spawn(terminal) end,
+ {description = "open a terminal", group = "launcher"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "r", awesome.restart,
+ {description = "reload awesome", group = "awesome"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "q", awesome.quit,
+ {description = "quit awesome", group = "awesome"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "d", function () awful.spawn("doc", false) end),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Return", function () awful.spawn(terminal_small) end),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "v", function () awful.spawn(lock) end),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "c", function () awful.spawn(calc) end),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "l", function () awful.tag.incmwfact( 0.05) end,
+ {description = "increase master width factor", group = "layout"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "h", function () awful.tag.incmwfact(-0.05) end,
+ {description = "decrease master width factor", group = "layout"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "h", function () awful.tag.incnmaster( 1, nil, true) end,
+ {description = "increase the number of master clients", group = "layout"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "l", function () awful.tag.incnmaster(-1, nil, true) end,
+ {description = "decrease the number of master clients", group = "layout"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "h", function () awful.tag.incncol( 1, nil, true) end,
+ {description = "increase the number of columns", group = "layout"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "l", function () awful.tag.incncol(-1, nil, true) end,
+ {description = "decrease the number of columns", group = "layout"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "space", function () 1) end,
+ {description = "select next", group = "layout"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "space", function () end,
+ {description = "select previous", group = "layout"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "n",
+ function ()
+ local c = awful.client.restore()
+ -- Focus restored client
+ if c then
+ client.focus = c
+ c:raise()
+ end
+ end,
+ {description = "restore minimized", group = "client"}),
-- Prompt
- awful.key({ modkey }, "r", function () mypromptbox[mouse.screen]:run() end),
+ awful.key({ modkey }, "r", function () awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox:run() end,
+ {description = "run prompt", group = "launcher"}),
awful.key({ modkey }, "x",
function ()
-{ prompt = "Run Lua code: " },
- mypromptbox[mouse.screen].widget,
- awful.util.eval, nil,
- awful.util.getdir("cache") .. "/history_eval")
- end)
+ {
+ prompt = "Run Lua code: ",
+ textbox = awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox.widget,
+ exe_callback = awful.util.eval,
+ history_path = awful.util.get_cache_dir() .. "/history_eval"
+ }
+ end,
+ {description = "lua execute prompt", group = "awesome"}),
+ -- Menubar
+ awful.key({ modkey }, "p", function() end,
+ {description = "show the menubar", group = "launcher"})
clientkeys = awful.util.table.join(
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "f", function (c) c.fullscreen = not c.fullscreen end),
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "w", function (c) c:kill() end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "c", function (c) c:kill() end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "space", awful.client.floating.toggle ),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "Return", function (c) c:swap(awful.client.getmaster()) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "o", awful.client.movetoscreen ),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "r", function (c) c:redraw() end),
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "t", function (c) c.ontop = not c.ontop end),
- awful.key({ modkey, }, "n", function (c) c.minimized = not c.minimized end),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "f",
+ function (c)
+ c.fullscreen = not c.fullscreen
+ c:raise()
+ end,
+ {description = "toggle fullscreen", group = "client"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "w", function (c) c:kill() end,
+ {description = "close", group = "client"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "space", awful.client.floating.toggle ,
+ {description = "toggle floating", group = "client"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "Return", function (c) c:swap(awful.client.getmaster()) end,
+ {description = "move to master", group = "client"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "o", function (c) c:move_to_screen() end,
+ {description = "move to screen", group = "client"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "t", function (c) c.ontop = not c.ontop end,
+ {description = "toggle keep on top", group = "client"}),
+ awful.key({ modkey, }, "n",
+ function (c)
+ -- The client currently has the input focus, so it cannot be
+ -- minimized, since minimized clients can't have the focus.
+ c.minimized = true
+ end ,
+ {description = "minimize", group = "client"}),
awful.key({ modkey, }, "m",
function (c)
- c.maximized_horizontal = not c.maximized_horizontal
- c.maximized_vertical = not c.maximized_vertical
- end)
+ c.maximized = not c.maximized
+ c:raise()
+ end ,
+ {description = "maximize", group = "client"})
--- Compute the maximum number of digit we need, limited to 9
-keynumber = 0
-for s = 1, screen.count() do
- keynumber = math.min(9, math.max(#tags[s], keynumber));
-- Bind all key numbers to tags.
-- Be careful: we use keycodes to make it works on any keyboard layout.
-- This should map on the top row of your keyboard, usually 1 to 9.
-for i = 1, keynumber do
+for i = 1, 9 do
globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(globalkeys,
+ -- View tag only.
awful.key({ modkey }, "#" .. i + 9,
function ()
- local screen = mouse.screen
- if tags[screen][i] then
- awful.tag.viewonly(tags[screen][i])
+ local screen = awful.screen.focused()
+ local tag = screen.tags[i]
+ if tag then
+ tag:view_only()
- end),
+ end,
+ {description = "view tag #"..i, group = "tag"}),
+ -- Toggle tag display.
awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "#" .. i + 9,
function ()
- local screen = mouse.screen
- if tags[screen][i] then
- awful.tag.viewtoggle(tags[screen][i])
+ local screen = awful.screen.focused()
+ local tag = screen.tags[i]
+ if tag then
+ awful.tag.viewtoggle(tag)
- end),
+ end,
+ {description = "toggle tag #" .. i, group = "tag"}),
+ -- Move client to tag.
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "#" .. i + 9,
function ()
- if client.focus and tags[client.focus.screen][i] then
- awful.client.movetotag(tags[client.focus.screen][i])
- end
- end),
+ if client.focus then
+ local tag = client.focus.screen.tags[i]
+ if tag then
+ client.focus:move_to_tag(tag)
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ {description = "move focused client to tag #"..i, group = "tag"}),
+ -- Toggle tag on focused client.
awful.key({ modkey, "Control", "Shift" }, "#" .. i + 9,
function ()
- if client.focus and tags[client.focus.screen][i] then
- awful.client.toggletag(tags[client.focus.screen][i])
+ if client.focus then
+ local tag = client.focus.screen.tags[i]
+ if tag then
+ client.focus:toggle_tag(tag)
+ end
- end))
+ end,
+ {description = "toggle focused client on tag #" .. i, group = "tag"})
+ )
clientbuttons = awful.util.table.join(
@@ -336,23 +481,60 @@ root.keys(globalkeys)
-- }}}
-- {{{ Rules
+-- Rules to apply to new clients (through the "manage" signal).
awful.rules.rules = {
-- All clients will match this rule.
{ rule = { },
properties = { border_width = beautiful.border_width,
border_color = beautiful.border_normal,
- focus = true,
+ focus = awful.client.focus.filter,
+ raise = true,
keys = clientkeys,
- buttons = clientbuttons } },
- { rule = { class = "MPlayer" },
- properties = { floating = true } },
+ buttons = clientbuttons,
+ screen = awful.screen.preferred,
+ placement = awful.placement.no_overlap+awful.placement.no_offscreen
+ }
+ },
+ -- Floating clients.
+ { rule_any = {
+ instance = {
+ "DTA", -- Firefox addon DownThemAll.
+ "copyq", -- Includes session name in class.
+ },
+ class = {
+ "Arandr",
+ "Gpick",
+ "Kruler",
+ "MessageWin", -- kalarm.
+ "Sxiv",
+ "Wpa_gui",
+ "pinentry",
+ "veromix",
+ "xtightvncviewer"},
+ name = {
+ "Event Tester", -- xev.
+ },
+ role = {
+ "AlarmWindow", -- Thunderbird's calendar.
+ "pop-up", -- e.g. Google Chrome's (detached) Developer Tools.
+ }
+ }, properties = { floating = true }},
+ -- Add titlebars to normal clients and dialogs
+ -- { rule_any = {type = { "normal", "dialog" } },
+ -- properties = { titlebars_enabled = true } },
+ -- Set Firefox to always map on the tag named "2" on screen 1.
+ -- { rule = { class = "Firefox" },
+ -- properties = { screen = 1, tag = "2" } },
{ rule = { class = "Gimp" },
- properties = { tag = tags[1][3] } },
- { rule = { class = "Iceweasel" },
- properties = { tag = tags[1][2] } },
+ properties = { screen = 1, tag = "3" } },
+ { rule = { class = "Firefox" },
+ properties = { screen = 1, tag = "2" } },
{ rule = { name = "LibreOffice" },
- properties = { tag = tags[1][4] } },
+ properties = { screen = 1, tag = "4" } },
{ rule = { class = "Display" },
properties = { floating = true } },
{ rule = { name = "orpie" },
@@ -362,31 +544,69 @@ awful.rules.rules = {
-- {{{ Signals
-- Signal function to execute when a new client appears.
-client.add_signal("manage", function (c, startup)
- -- Add a titlebar
- -- awful.titlebar.add(c, { modkey = modkey })
- -- Enable sloppy focus
- c:add_signal("mouse::enter", function(c)
- if awful.layout.get(c.screen) ~= awful.layout.suit.magnifier
- and awful.client.focus.filter(c) then
+client.connect_signal("manage", function (c)
+ -- Set the windows at the slave,
+ -- i.e. put it at the end of others instead of setting it master.
+ -- if not awesome.startup then awful.client.setslave(c) end
+ if awesome.startup and
+ not c.size_hints.user_position
+ and not c.size_hints.program_position then
+ -- Prevent clients from being unreachable after screen count changes.
+ awful.placement.no_offscreen(c)
+ end
+-- Add a titlebar if titlebars_enabled is set to true in the rules.
+client.connect_signal("request::titlebars", function(c)
+ -- buttons for the titlebar
+ local buttons = awful.util.table.join(
+ awful.button({ }, 1, function()
client.focus = c
- end
- end)
+ c:raise()
+ awful.mouse.client.move(c)
+ end),
+ awful.button({ }, 3, function()
+ client.focus = c
+ c:raise()
+ awful.mouse.client.resize(c)
+ end)
+ )
- if not startup then
- -- Set the windows at the slave,
- -- i.e. put it at the end of others instead of setting it master.
- -- awful.client.setslave(c)
+ awful.titlebar(c) : setup {
+ { -- Left
+ awful.titlebar.widget.iconwidget(c),
+ buttons = buttons,
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal
+ },
+ { -- Middle
+ { -- Title
+ align = "center",
+ widget = awful.titlebar.widget.titlewidget(c)
+ },
+ buttons = buttons,
+ layout = wibox.layout.flex.horizontal
+ },
+ { -- Right
+ awful.titlebar.widget.floatingbutton (c),
+ awful.titlebar.widget.maximizedbutton(c),
+ awful.titlebar.widget.stickybutton (c),
+ awful.titlebar.widget.ontopbutton (c),
+ awful.titlebar.widget.closebutton (c),
+ layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
+ },
+ layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal
+ }
- -- Put windows in a smart way, only if they does not set an initial position.
- if not c.size_hints.user_position and not c.size_hints.program_position then
- awful.placement.no_overlap(c)
- awful.placement.no_offscreen(c)
- end
+-- Enable sloppy focus, so that focus follows mouse.
+client.connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(c)
+ if awful.layout.get(c.screen) ~= awful.layout.suit.magnifier
+ and awful.client.focus.filter(c) then
+ client.focus = c
-client.add_signal("focus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus end)
-client.add_signal("unfocus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal end)
+client.connect_signal("focus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus end)
+client.connect_signal("unfocus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal end)
-- }}}