path: root/lib/cm3/vector.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-03-19Add support for static constructors and destructorsinit-fini-2Nicolas Schodet
2013-02-26Fixed all warnings for examples.Piotr Esden-Tempski
2013-01-16Remove assembly forcing stack.Karl Palsson
2012-11-28Add __attribute__ ((naked)) to reset_handler()Norbert Braun
2012-10-18fix bug resulting from equally named fileschrysn
2012-10-18integrate irq2nvic_h script in buildprocesschrysn
2012-10-18split irq.yaml output in nvic.h and vector_nvic.hchrysn
2012-10-18drop two-line vector.c dispatchers in favor of central dispatchchrysn
2012-10-05unified vector table initializationchrysn