path: root/src/nrf51.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-04-11nrf51: use new flash interface.Gareth McMullin
2015-03-29nrf51: use cortexm_run_stub.Gareth McMullin
2015-03-29nrf51: Use generated stub.Gareth McMullin
2015-03-28Consistently use 'target *t' for target var.Gareth McMullin
2015-03-28target: Remove pc_read/pc_write methods.Gareth McMullin
2015-03-15Replace adiv5_ap_mem* functions with inline wrappers to target mem*.Gareth McMullin
2015-03-15Consolidate target_mem_read* and target_mem_write* methods.Gareth McMullin
2015-03-14Use size_t for sizes in flash functions. Fix all sign compare warnings.Gareth McMullin
2015-03-01Clean up includes everywhere.Gareth McMullin
2015-01-09Fix to move stubs into rodata.Marc Singer
2014-07-30Merge branch 'nrf51-uicr' of https://github.com/richardeoin/blackmagic into r...Gareth McMullin
2014-06-11Support erasing + flashing the User Information Configuration Registers (UICRs)Richard Eoin Meadows
2014-06-11Added monitor commands for reading various nRF51 device parametersRichard Eoin Meadows
2014-05-01Nordic nRF51 series supportMike