path: root/digital/avr/modules/usb/lufa/Projects/AVRISP_Programmer/AVRISP_Firmware_Design.txt
diff options
authorNicolas Schodet2009-04-10 01:15:42 +0200
committerNicolas Schodet2009-04-10 01:15:42 +0200
commit74298f8ca11dc8d3b0359d1d4e124d6494c3eeac (patch)
tree4c3d2147b99686805d8654dd9552191eab080f1a /digital/avr/modules/usb/lufa/Projects/AVRISP_Programmer/AVRISP_Firmware_Design.txt
parent1431438a2b0f3fafbafb61a4a15296164dadf5e1 (diff)
* digital/avr/modules/usb:
- imported LUFA.
Diffstat (limited to 'digital/avr/modules/usb/lufa/Projects/AVRISP_Programmer/AVRISP_Firmware_Design.txt')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/digital/avr/modules/usb/lufa/Projects/AVRISP_Programmer/AVRISP_Firmware_Design.txt b/digital/avr/modules/usb/lufa/Projects/AVRISP_Programmer/AVRISP_Firmware_Design.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..643454d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/digital/avr/modules/usb/lufa/Projects/AVRISP_Programmer/AVRISP_Firmware_Design.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+Instructions for converting the LUFA USBtoSerial Demo to an AVR ISP Programmer.
+By Opendous Inc., Copyright under the Creative Commons Attribution License:
+1) Start with the LUFA/Demos/USBtoSerial firmware.
+ - rename USBtoSerial.c, USBtoSerial.h, and USBtoSerial.aps to
+ AVRISP_Programmer.*
+ - edit AVRISP_Programmer.aps and rename all instances of "USBtoSerial" to
+ "AVRISP_Programmer"
+ - copy AVRISP_Programmer.txt from an older version of AVRISP_Programmer
+2) Edit makefile by changing TARGET from "USBtoSerial" to "AVRISP_Programmer"
+3) Edit AVRISP_Programmer.h:
+ - change ifdef _USB_TO_SERIAL_H to _AVRISP_PROGRAMMER_H_
+ - rename ReconfigureUSART(void) to ReconfigureSPI(void)
+ - add void processHostSPIRequest(void); & void delay_ms(uint8_t dly);
+ - replace the define for Serial.h with one for SPI.h:
+ #include <libs/LUFA/Drivers/AT90USBXXX/SPI.h>
+4) Make alterations to Descriptors.c
+ - change manufacturer string to "", length=19
+ - change product string to "LUFA-Based AVR ISP Programmer", length=29
+5) Edit Ringbuff.h to enable the Peek Command: #define BUFF_USEPEEK
+6) Edit AVRISP_Programmer.c:
+ - change #include "USBtoSerial.h" to #include "AVRISP_Programmer.h"
+ - change BUTTLOADTAG(ProjName to "LUFA AVR910 ISP Programmer"
+ - in main(), rename ReconfigureUSART() to Reconfigure();
+ - in EVENT_HANDLER(USB_UnhandledControlPacket), rename ReconfigureUSART
+ - delete the ISRs: ISR(USART1_RX_vect) & ISR(USART1_TX_vect)
+ - delete ReconfigureUSART(void)
+ - add void ReconfigureSPI(void), void processHostSPIRequest(void),
+ and void delay_ms(uint8_t dly) from a previous version
+ - add Timer1 and SPI initialization code to main():
+ /* Hardware Initialization */
+ //LEDs_Init();
+ DDRB = 0;
+ PORTB = 0;
+ DDRC |= ((1 << PC2) | (1 << PC4) | (1 << PC5) | (1 << PC6) | (1 << PC7)); //AT90USBxx2
+ // PC2 is also used for RESET, so set it HIGH initially - note 'P' command sets it to LOW (Active)
+ PORTC |= ((1 << PC2) | (1 << PC4) | (1 << PC5) | (1 << PC6) | (1 << PC7)); //AT90USBxx2
+ DDRD = 0;
+ PORTD = (1 << PB7); // only PB7(HWB) should be High as this is the bootloader pin
+ // Prepare PortB for SPI - set PB0(^SS), PB1(SCK), PB2(MOSI) as output as well as all other pins except PB3(MISO)
+ DDRB = (1 << PB0) | (1 << PB1) | (1 << PB2) | (0 << PB3) | (1 << PB4) | (1 << PB5) | (1 << PB6) | (1 << PB7);
+ PORTB |= (1 << PB0);
+ // initialize Timer1 for use in delay function
+ TCCR1A = 0;
+ //TCCR1B = (1 << CS10); // no prescaling, use CLK
+ TCCR1B = ((1 << CS12) | (1 << CS10)); // prescale by CLK/1024
+ // 8MHz/1024 = 7813 ticks per second --> ~8 ticks per millisecond (ms)
+ timerval = TCNT1; // start timer1
+ - In TASK(CDC_Task) in the
+ if (USB_IsConnected) {
+ if (Endpoint_ReadWriteAllowed()) {
+ while (Endpoint_BytesInEndpoint()) {
+ ...
+ structure, after Buffer_StoreElement(&Rx_Buffer, Endpoint_Read_Byte()):
+ /* Each time there is an element, check which comand should be
+ run and if enough data is available to run that command.
+ There are 1-byte, 2-byte, 3-byte, 4-byte commands, and 5-byte commands
+ Remember that the "which command" byte counts as 1 */
+ if (Rx_Buffer.Elements == 0) {
+ // do nothing, wait for data
+ } else {
+ tempByte = Buffer_PeekElement(&Rx_Buffer); // peek at first element
+ /* make sure the issued command and associated data are all ready */
+ if (Rx_Buffer.Elements == 1) { // zero data byte command
+ if ((tempByte == 'P') | (tempByte == 'a') | (tempByte == 'm') |
+ (tempByte == 'R') | (tempByte == 'd') | (tempByte == 'e') |
+ (tempByte == 'L') | (tempByte == 's') | (tempByte == 't') |
+ (tempByte == 'S') | (tempByte == 'V') | (tempByte == 'v') |
+ (tempByte == 'p') | (tempByte == 'F')) {
+ processHostSPIRequest(); // command has enough data, process it
+ }
+ } else if (Rx_Buffer.Elements == 2) { // one data byte command
+ if ((tempByte == 'T') | (tempByte == 'c') | (tempByte == 'C') |
+ (tempByte == 'D') | (tempByte == 'l') | (tempByte == 'f') |
+ (tempByte == 'x') | (tempByte == 'y')) {
+ processHostSPIRequest(); // command has enough data, process it
+ }
+ } else if (Rx_Buffer.Elements == 3) { // two data byte command
+ if ((tempByte == 'A') | (tempByte == 'Z')) {
+ processHostSPIRequest(); // command has enough data, process it
+ }
+ } else if (Rx_Buffer.Elements == 4) { // three data byte command
+ if ((tempByte == ':')) {
+ processHostSPIRequest(); // command has enough data, process it
+ }
+ } else if (Rx_Buffer.Elements == 5) { // four data byte command
+ if ((tempByte == '.')) {
+ processHostSPIRequest(); // command has enough data, process it
+ }
+ } else {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ }
+ - need to add code to flush the buffer. Change:
+ /* Check if Rx buffer contains data */
+ if (Rx_Buffer.Elements)
+ {
+ /* Initiate the transmission of the buffer contents if USART idle*/
+ if (!(Transmitting))
+ {
+ Transmitting = true;
+ Serial_TxByte(Buffer_GetElement(&Rx_Buffer));
+ }
+ }
+ To:
+ /* Check if Rx buffer contains data */
+ if (Rx_Buffer.Elements)
+ {
+ /* Initiate the transmission of the buffer contents if USART idle*/
+ if (!(Transmitting))
+ {
+ Transmitting = true;
+ /* The following flushes the receive buffer to prepare for new
+ data and commands. Need to flush the buffer as the command
+ byte which is peeked above needs to be dealt with, otherwise
+ the command bytes will overflow the buffer eventually */
+ //Buffer_GetElement(&Rx_Buffer); // also works
+ Buffer_Initialize(&Rx_Buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ - need to add the following defines and globals:
+ #define RESETPIN PB0
+ #define RESETPIN2 PC2
+ #define CR_HEX '\r'
+ #define DELAY_VERYSHORT 0x01
+ #define DELAY_SHORT 0x02
+ #define DELAY_MEDIUM 0x03
+ #define DELAY_LONG 0x05
+ #define DELAY_MULTIPLE 0x04
+ /* AVR Device Codes - Can have a maximum of 14 but can be any you want.
+ Note that these are completely irrelevent. If AVRdude supports a
+ device, then that device is programmable. Use -F switch to ignore
+ device codes. */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE01 0x55 /* ATtiny12 */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE02 0x56 /* ATtiny15 */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE03 0x5E /* ATtiny261 */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE04 0x76 /* ATmega8 */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE05 0x74 /* ATmega16 */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE06 0x72 /* ATmega32 */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE07 0x45 /* ATmega64 */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE08 0x74 /* ATmega644 */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE09 0x43 /* ATmega128 */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE10 0x63 /* ATmega162 */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE11 0x78 /* ATmega169 */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE12 0x6C /* AT90S4434 */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE13 0x38 /* AT90S8515A */
+ #define AVRDEVCODE14 0x65 /* AT90S8555 */
+ /* some global variables used throughout */
+ uint8_t tempIOreg = 0;
+ uint8_t tempIOreg2 = 0;
+ uint8_t tempIOreg3 = 0;
+ uint8_t tempIOreg4 = 0;
+ uint8_t dataWidth = 0;
+ uint8_t firstRun = 1;
+ uint8_t deviceCode = 0;
+ uint8_t tempByte = 0;
+ uint16_t currAddress = 0;
+ uint16_t timerval = 0;