# -*- mode: python -*- ############################################################### # This scons build script is used to check the armdebug project # code for syntax errors. It does not build working executable # code since it links to external routines. ############################################################### import os import os.path import new from glob import glob ############################################################### # Utility functions. ############################################################### # Similar to env.WhereIs, but always searches os.environ. def find_on_path(filename): paths = os.environ.get('PATH') if not paths: return None for p in paths.split(':'): path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p, filename)) if os.path.isfile(path): return p return None # Run the given gcc binary, and parses its output to work out the gcc # version. def determine_gcc_version(gcc_binary): stdout = os.popen('%s --version' % gcc_binary) gcc_output = stdout.read().split() stdout.close() grab_next = False for token in gcc_output: if grab_next: return token elif token[-1] == ')': grab_next = True return None # Check that a given cross-compiler tool exists. If it does, the path is # added to the build environment, and the given environment variable is # set to the tool name. # # This is used to check for the presence of a working cross-compiler # toolchain, and to properly set up the environment to do it. See below # in the configuration section for details. def CheckTool(context, envname, toolname=None, hostprefix=None): toolname = toolname or envname.lower() if hostprefix is None: hostprefix = '%s-' % context.env['CROSS_COMPILE_HOST'] toolname = '%s%s' % (hostprefix, toolname) context.Message("Checking for %s..." % toolname) toolpath = find_on_path(toolname) if not toolpath: context.Result('not found') return False else: context.Result('ok') context.env[envname] = toolname context.env.AppendENVPath('PATH', toolpath) return True # Find the correct variant and version of libgcc.a in the cross-compiler # toolchain. def CheckLibGcc(context, gccname): context.Message("Locating a cross-compiled libgcc...") toolpath = find_on_path(gccname) if not toolpath: context.Result("%s not found" % toolname) return False gcc_version = determine_gcc_version(gccname) if not gcc_version: context.Result("Could not determine gcc version") return False gcc_install_dir = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(toolpath))[0] for libdir in ['interwork', 'thumb', '']: libgcc_path = os.path.join(gcc_install_dir, 'lib', 'gcc', context.env['CROSS_COMPILE_HOST'], gcc_version, libdir, 'libgcc.a') if os.path.isfile(libgcc_path): break if not os.path.isfile(libgcc_path): context.Result("libgcc.a not found") return False context.Result("ok - " + libgcc_path) context.env.Append(LIBGCC=libgcc_path) return True def CheckDoxygen(context): context.Message("Looking for Doxygen...") doxypath = find_on_path('doxygen') if doxypath: context.Result("ok") context.env.AppendENVPath('PATH', doxypath) context.env['WITH_DOXYGEN'] = True else: context.Result("not found") context.env['WITH_DOXYGEN'] = False ############################################################### # Options that can be provided on the commandline ############################################################### opts = Variables('scons.options', ARGUMENTS) opts.Add(PathVariable('gccprefix', 'Prefix of the cross-gcc to use (by default arm-none-eabi)', 'arm-none-eabi', PathVariable.PathAccept)) Help(''' Type: 'scons' to build object files. - To use another cross-gcc than arm-none-eabi-gcc: scons gccprefix=arm-softfloat-eabi Options are saved persistent in the file 'scons.options'. That means after you have called e.g. 'scons gccprefix=arm-softfloat-eabi' it's enough to call only 'scons' to build both using the new gcc version again. ''') ############################################################### # Construct and configure a cross-compiler environment ############################################################### env = Environment(options = opts, tools = ['gcc', 'as', 'gnulink', 'ar'], toolpath = ['scons_tools'], LIBGCC = [], CPPPATH = '#', WITH_DOXYGEN = False) opts.Update(env) opts.Save('scons.options', env) if not env.GetOption('clean'): conf = Configure(env, custom_tests = {'CheckTool': CheckTool, 'CheckLibGcc': CheckLibGcc, 'CheckDoxygen': CheckDoxygen}) conf.env['CROSS_COMPILE_HOST'] = env['gccprefix'] if not (conf.CheckTool('CC', 'gcc') and conf.CheckTool('AR') and conf.CheckTool('OBJCOPY') and conf.CheckTool('LINK', 'ld') and conf.CheckLibGcc(conf.env['CC'])): print "Missing or incomplete arm-elf toolchain, cannot continue!" Exit(1) env = conf.Finish() mycflags = ['-mcpu=arm7tdmi', '-Os', '-Wextra', '-Wall', '-Werror', '-Wno-div-by-zero', '-Wfloat-equal', '-Wshadow', '-Wpointer-arith', '-Wbad-function-cast', '-Wmissing-prototypes', '-ffreestanding', '-fsigned-char', '-ffunction-sections', '-std=gnu99', '-fdata-sections', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-msoft-float'] myasflags = ['-Wall', '-Werror', '-Os']; if str(env['LIBGCC']).find('interwork') != -1: mycflags.append('-mthumb-interwork') myasflags.append('-Wa,-mcpu=arm7tdmi,-mfpu=softfpa,-mthumb-interwork') elif str(env['LIBGCC']).find('thumb') != -1: mycflags.append('-mthumb') myasflags.append('-Wa,-mcpu=arm7tdmi,-mfpu=softfpa,-mthumb') else: myasflags.append('-Wa,-mcpu=arm7tdmi,-mfpu=softfpa') mycflags.append('-g') mycflags.append('-ggdb') # Big Endian Output (disabled by default) #mycflags.append('-D__BIG_ENDIAN__') # Test build for NXT Firmware first #mycflags.append('-D__NXOS__') myasflags.append('-g') myasflags.append('-ggdb') # Big Endian Output (disabled by default) #mycflags.append('-D__BIG_ENDIAN__') # Test build for NXT Firmware first #myasflags.append('-D__NXOS__') env.Replace(CCFLAGS = mycflags, ASFLAGS = myasflags ) # Build the baseplate, and all selected application kernels. numProcs = os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN') SConscript(['SConscript'], 'numProcs env CheckTool')