#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2011 the NxOS developers # # Module Developed by: Nicolas Schodet # TC Wan # # See AUTHORS for a full list of the developers. # # See COPYING for redistribution license # # Exchange GDB messages with the NXT brick. # # Every message is encapsulated with the debug command and message length. # This can be used by the firmware to make the distinction between debug # messages and regular messages. # import nxt.locator import socket import optparse import select import usb import struct DEFAULT_PORT = 2828 SELECT_TIMEOUT = 0.1 DEBUG = True class NXTGDBServer: # Maximum message size. pack_size = 62 # Debug command header, no reply. debug_command = 0x8d segment_no = 0 def __init__ (self, port): """Initialise server.""" self.port = port def pack (self, data): """Return packed data to send to NXT.""" # Insert command and length. assert len (data) <= self.pack_size return struct.pack ('BBB', self.debug_command, self.segment_no, len (data)) + data def unpack (self, data): """Return unpacked data from NXT.""" # May be improved, for now, check command and announced length. if len (data) < 2: return '' header, segment_no, body = data[0:3], data[3:] command, self.segment_no, length = struct.unpack ('BBB', header) if command != self.debug_command or length != len (body) or (self.segment_no != 0): return '' return body def run (self): """Endless run loop.""" # Create the listening socket. s = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind (('', self.port)) s.listen (1) # Open connection to the NXT brick. brick = nxt.locator.find_one_brick () brick.sock.debug = DEBUG print "Waiting for GDB connection on port %s..." % self.port while True: # Wait for a connection. client, addr = s.accept () print "Client from", addr # Work loop, wait for a message from client socket or NXT brick. while client is not None: # Wait for a message from client or timeout. rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select ([ client ], [ ], [ ], SELECT_TIMEOUT) for c in rlist: assert c is client # Data from client, read it and forward it to NXT brick. data = client.recv (self.pack_size) if data: brick.sock.send (self.pack (data)) else: client.close () client = None # Is there something from NXT brick? try: data = self.unpack (brick.sock.recv ()) if data: client.send (data) except usb.USBError as e: # Some pyusb are buggy, ignore some "errors". if e.args != ('No error', ): raise e print "Connection closed, waiting for GDB connection on port %s..." % self.port if __name__ == '__main__': # Read options from command line. parser = optparse.OptionParser (description = """ Gateway between the GNU debugger and a NXT brick. """) parser.add_option ('-p', '--port', type = 'int', default = DEFAULT_PORT, help = "server listening port (default: %default)", metavar = "PORT") (options, args) = parser.parse_args () if args: parser.error ("Too many arguments") # Run. s = NXTGDBServer (options.port) s.run ()