from distutils.core import setup, Extension import sys import os def getextensions(): mac_ext = Extension("FantomModule", define_macros=[('PYFANTOM_DEBUG', '0')], # set to '1' to print debug messges include_dirs=['.'], extra_compile_args=["-Wno-strict-prototypes"], extra_link_args=["-framework Fantom"], sources=["FantomModule.cpp"] ) return [mac_ext] # Must specify i386 arch via environment variable since Fantom libraries are i386 only # Order of gcc flags is important, it can't be specified via Extension() module os.environ['ARCHFLAGS'] = '-arch i386' # install the main library setup(name="pyfantom", version="0.1", author="Tat-Chee Wan", author_email="", url="", description="Python Extension to call Fantom Driver", long_description="Python Wrapper for Fantom Driver on Mac OS X.", license="GPL", packages=["pyfantom"], ext_modules=getextensions(), classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", "Intended Audience :: Developers", # Need to confirm Fantom / NI-VISA license compatibility # "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)", # "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2", "Programming Language :: C++", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries", "Topic :: System :: Networking", "Topic :: Communications", "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X" ] )