/* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 the NxOS developers * * Module Developed by: TC Wan * * See AUTHORS for a full list of the developers. * * Redistribution of this file is permitted under * the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL) version 2. */ #define __ASSEMBLY__ #include "debug_stub.h" #define MODE_SVC 0x13 /* Supervisor mode. */ .text .code 32 .align 0 .extern dbg__thumb_bkpt_handler .extern dbg__arm_bkpt_handler .global undef_handler undef_handler: /* Remote GDB Debugger relies on BKPT instruction being trapped here In ARMv4t, it is an Illegal (Undefined) Instruction. On triggering, lr (R14) contains the previous mode's pc (R15). Based on example in Hohl, "ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques" Chapter 11, Example 11.1. Note: The handler is not AAPCS compliant (8 byte-alignment and stack, etc.) */ /* We assume that the UNDEF stack has been setup previously On entry, LR_undef points to one instruction past the UNDEF instruction */ ldr sp, =__debugger_stack__ stmfd sp, {r0-r15}^ /* Save workspace, user mode's pc via 'S' flag */ sub sp, sp, #(4*16) /* Need to manually update SP(undef) */ mrs r1, spsr /* Copy SPSR to r0 */ tst r1, #CPSR_THUMB /* Check for Thumb Mode */ beq _is_arm /* Clear, so it's ARM mode */ _is_thumb: sub r0, lr, #-2 /* LR points to instruction after UNDEF instruction */ stmfd sp!, {r0,r1} /* Save UNDEF instruction addr and previous mode's CPSR to stack */ ldrh r0, [r0] /* load UNDEF instruction into r0 */ ldr r1, =BKPT16_ENUM_MASK /* Thumb BKPT enum mask */ bic r2, r0, r1 /* leave only opcode */ ldr r1, =BKPT16_INSTR /* check for Thumb Breakpoint Instruction */ teq r2, r1 bne default_undef_handler ldr r1, =BKPT16_ENUM_MASK /* get Thumb BKPT Enum Mask */ and r0, r1, r0 /* Keep index value */ msr cpsr_c, #(MODE_SVC) /* Configure Supervisor Mode */ ldr lr, =dbg__thumb_bkpt_handler /* handle BKPT, BKPT index in r0 */ mov pc, lr /* Invoke Debugger State (Supervisor Mode) */ _is_arm: sub r0, lr, #-4 /* LR points to instruction after UNDEF instruction */ stmfd sp!, {r0,r1} /* Save UNDEF instruction addr and previous mode's CPSR to stack */ ldr r0, [r0] /* load UNDEF instruction into r0 */ ldr r1, =BKPT32_ENUM_MASK /* ARM BKPT enum mask */ bic r2, r0, r1 /* leave only opcode */ ldr r1, =BKPT32_INSTR /* check for ARM Breakpoint Instruction */ teq r2, r1 bne default_undef_handler ldr r1, =BKPT32_ENUM_MASK /* get ARM BKPT Enum Mask */ and r0, r1, r0 /* Keep index value */ msr cpsr_c, #(MODE_SVC) /* Configure Supervisor Mode */ ldr lr, =dbg__arm_bkpt_handler /* handle BKPT, BKPT index in r0 */ mov pc, lr /* Invoke Debugger State (Supervisor Mode) */ default_undef_handler: b default_undef_handler /* Infinite loop */