/* ctype.h standard header */ #ifndef _CTYPE #define _CTYPE #ifndef _SYSTEM_BUILD #pragma system_include #endif #ifndef _YVALS #include #endif #include _C_STD_BEGIN _C_LIB_DECL __INTRINSIC int isalnum(int); __INTRINSIC int isalpha(int); #if _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS __INTRINSIC int isblank(int); #endif /* _DLIB__ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */ __INTRINSIC int iscntrl(int); __INTRINSIC int isdigit(int); __INTRINSIC int isgraph(int); __INTRINSIC int islower(int); __INTRINSIC int isprint(int); __INTRINSIC int ispunct(int); __INTRINSIC int isspace(int); __INTRINSIC int isupper(int); __INTRINSIC int isxdigit(int); __INTRINSIC int tolower(int); __INTRINSIC int toupper(int); _END_C_LIB_DECL #if _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS #pragma inline int isblank(int _C) { return ( _C == ' ' || _C == '\t' || isspace(_C)); } #endif /* _DLIB__ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */ #pragma inline int isdigit(int _C) { return _C >= '0' && _C <= '9'; } #pragma inline int isxdigit(int _C) { return ( (_C >= 'a' && _C <= 'f') || (_C >= 'A' && _C <= 'F') || isdigit(_C)); } #pragma inline int isalnum(int _C) { return ( isalpha(_C) || isdigit(_C)); } #pragma inline int isprint(int _C) { return ( (_C >= ' ' && _C <= '\x7e') || isalpha(_C) || ispunct(_C)); } #pragma inline int isgraph(int _C) { return ( _C != ' ' && isprint(_C)); } #if _DLIB_FULL_LOCALE_SUPPORT /* In full support locale mode proxy functions are defined in each * source file. */ #else /* _DLIB_FULL_LOCALE_SUPPORT */ /* In non-full mode we redirect the corresponding locale function. */ _EXTERN_C extern int _LOCALE_WITH_USED(toupper)(int); extern int _LOCALE_WITH_USED(tolower)(int); extern int _LOCALE_WITH_USED(isalpha)(int); extern int _LOCALE_WITH_USED(iscntrl)(int); extern int _LOCALE_WITH_USED(islower)(int); extern int _LOCALE_WITH_USED(ispunct)(int); extern int _LOCALE_WITH_USED(isspace)(int); extern int _LOCALE_WITH_USED(isupper)(int); _END_EXTERN_C #pragma inline int toupper(int _C) { return _LOCALE_WITH_USED(toupper)(_C); } #pragma inline int tolower(int _C) { return _LOCALE_WITH_USED(tolower)(_C); } #pragma inline int isalpha(int _C) { return _LOCALE_WITH_USED(isalpha)(_C); } #pragma inline int iscntrl(int _C) { return _LOCALE_WITH_USED(iscntrl)(_C); } #pragma inline int islower(int _C) { return _LOCALE_WITH_USED(islower)(_C); } #pragma inline int ispunct(int _C) { return _LOCALE_WITH_USED(ispunct)(_C); } #pragma inline int isspace(int _C) { return _LOCALE_WITH_USED(isspace)(_C); } #pragma inline int isupper(int _C) { return _LOCALE_WITH_USED(isupper)(_C); } #endif /* _DLIB_FULL_LOCALE_SUPPORT */ _C_STD_END #endif /* _CTYPE */ #ifdef _STD_USING using _CSTD isalnum; using _CSTD isalpha; using _CSTD iscntrl; using _CSTD isdigit; using _CSTD isgraph; using _CSTD islower; using _CSTD isprint; using _CSTD ispunct; using _CSTD isspace; using _CSTD isupper; using _CSTD isxdigit; using _CSTD tolower; using _CSTD toupper; #if _DLIB_ADD_C99_SYMBOLS uisng _CSTD isblank; #endif /* _DLIB__ADD_C99_SYMBOLS */ #endif /* _STD_USING */ /* * Copyright (c) 1992-2002 by P.J. Plauger. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions. V3.12:0576 */