path: root/AT91SAM7S256/Source/c_ui.iom
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Diffstat (limited to 'AT91SAM7S256/Source/c_ui.iom')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/Source/c_ui.iom b/AT91SAM7S256/Source/c_ui.iom
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cfe925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AT91SAM7S256/Source/c_ui.iom
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+// Programmer
+// Date init 14.12.2004
+// Reviser $Author:: Dkandlun $
+// Revision date $Date:: 10-06-08 9:26 $
+// Filename $Workfile:: c_ui.iom $
+// Version $Revision:: 4 $
+// Archive $Archive:: /LMS2006/Sys01/Main_V02/Firmware/Source/c_ui.i $
+// Platform C
+#ifndef CUI_IOM
+#define CUI_IOM
+#define pMapUi ((IOMAPUI*)(pHeaders[ENTRY_UI]->pIOMap))
+// Various filenames without extension
+#define UI_NONVOLATILE "NVConfig" // Ui non volatile config filename
+#ifndef STRIPPED
+#define UI_PROGRAM_DEFAULT "Untitled" // On brick programming default filename
+#define UI_PROGRAM_TEMP "Program" // On brick programming tmp filename
+#define UI_PROGRAM_READER "RPGReader" // On brick programming script reader filename
+#ifndef STRIPPED
+#define UI_DATALOG_FILENAME "OBD_" // On brick datalog filename
+#define UI_DATALOG_DEFAULT "Untitled" // On brick datalog default name
+#define UI_DATALOG_TEMP "Tmp" // On brick datalog tmp filename
+#define UI_STARTUP_SOUND "! Startup" // Sound file activated when the menu system starts up
+#define UI_KEYCLICK_SOUND "! Click" // Sound file activated when key pressed in the menu system
+#define UI_ATTENTION_SOUND "! Attention" // Sound file activated when incomming BT requests attention
+#define UI_STARTUP_PROGRAM "! Startup.rxe" // Program file activated when the NXT boots
+// Various text strings
+#define UI_NAME_DEFAULT "NXT" // Default blue tooth name
+#define UI_PINCODE_DEFAULT "1234" // Default blue tooth pin code
+#define UI_PINCODE_NONE_OUT "????" // Fake pin code to deney outgoing request
+#define UI_PINCODE_NONE_IN "????" // Fake pin code to deney incomming request
+// Constants related to Flags
+ UI_UPDATE = 0x01, // W - Make changes take effect
+ UI_DISABLE_LEFT_RIGHT_ENTER = 0x02, // RW - Disable left, right and enter button
+ UI_DISABLE_EXIT = 0x04, // RW - Disable exit button
+ UI_REDRAW_STATUS = 0x08, // W - Redraw entire status line
+ UI_RESET_SLEEP_TIMER = 0x10, // W - Reset sleep timeout timer
+ UI_EXECUTE_LMS_FILE = 0x20, // W - Execute LMS file in "LMSfilename" (Try It)
+ UI_BUSY = 0x40, // R - UI busy running or datalogging (popup disabled)
+ UI_ENABLE_STATUS_UPDATE = 0x80 // W - Enable status line to be updated
+// Constants related to State
+ INIT_DISPLAY, // RW - Init display and load font, menu etc.
+ INIT_LOW_BATTERY, // R - Low battery voltage at power on
+ INIT_INTRO, // R - Display intro
+ INIT_WAIT, // RW - Wait for initialization end
+ INIT_MENU, // RW - Init menu system
+ NEXT_MENU, // RW - Next menu icons ready for drawing
+ DRAW_MENU, // RW - Execute function and draw menu icons
+ TEST_BUTTONS, // RW - Wait for buttons to be pressed
+ LEFT_PRESSED, // RW - Load selected function and next menu id
+ RIGHT_PRESSED, // RW - Load selected function and next menu id
+ ENTER_PRESSED, // RW - Load selected function and next menu id
+ EXIT_PRESSED, // RW - Load selected function and next menu id
+ CONNECT_REQUEST, // RW - Request for connection accept
+ EXECUTE_FILE, // RW - Execute file in "LMSfilename"
+ EXECUTING_FILE, // R - Executing file in "LMSfilename"
+ LOW_BATTERY, // R - Low battery at runtime
+ BT_ERROR // R - BT error
+// Constants related to Button
+ BUTTON_NONE, // R - Button inserted are executed
+ BUTTON_LEFT, // W - Insert left arrow button
+ BUTTON_ENTER, // W - Insert enter button
+ BUTTON_RIGHT, // W - Insert right arrow button
+ BUTTON_EXIT // W - Insert exit button
+// Constants related to BlueToothState
+ BT_STATE_VISIBLE = 0x01, // RW - BT visible
+ BT_STATE_CONNECTED = 0x02, // RW - BT connected to something
+ BT_STATE_OFF = 0x04, // RW - BT power off
+ BT_ERROR_ATTENTION = 0x08, // W - BT error attention
+ BT_CONNECT_REQUEST = 0x40, // RW - BT get connect accept in progress
+ BT_PIN_REQUEST = 0x80 // RW - BT get pin code
+typedef struct
+ MENU *pMenu; // W - Pointer to menu file
+ UWORD BatteryVoltage; // R - Battery voltage in millivolts
+ UBYTE LMSfilename[FILENAME_LENGTH + 1]; // W - LMS filename to execute (Try It)
+ UBYTE Flags; // RW - Update command flags (flags enumerated above)
+ UBYTE State; // RW - UI state (states enumerated above)
+ UBYTE Button; // RW - Insert button (buttons enumerated above)
+ UBYTE RunState; // W - VM Run state (0 = stopped, 1 = running)
+ UBYTE BatteryState; // W - Battery state (0..4 capacity)
+ UBYTE BluetoothState; // W - Bluetooth state (0=on, 1=visible, 2=conn, 3=conn.visible, 4=off, 5=dfu)
+ UBYTE UsbState; // W - Usb state (0=disconnected, 1=connected, 2=working)
+ UBYTE SleepTimeout; // RW - Sleep timeout time (min)
+ UBYTE SleepTimer; // RW - Sleep timer (min)
+ UBYTE Rechargeable; // R - Rechargeable battery (0 = no, 1 = yes)
+ UBYTE Volume; // RW - Volume used in UI (0 - 4)
+ UBYTE Error; // W - Error code
+ UBYTE OBPPointer; // W - Actual OBP step (0 - 4)
+ UBYTE ForceOff; // W - Force off (> 0 = off)
+ UBYTE AbortFlag; // RW - Abort on this button state