path: root/nxt-python-fantom/PKG-INFO
diff options
authorTat-Chee Wan (USM)2011-06-03 12:09:02 +0800
committerTat-Chee Wan (USM)2011-06-03 12:09:02 +0800
commita79dc637d60b33032e951f5338fdd9b6a47a5b46 (patch)
tree0630e7277c7f89a3fdf9df35ce637c97c3c295b9 /nxt-python-fantom/PKG-INFO
parente4ee512ec341cb349d51c7671092d203472b840a (diff)
removed nxt-python-fantom hack, it is committed upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'nxt-python-fantom/PKG-INFO')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/nxt-python-fantom/PKG-INFO b/nxt-python-fantom/PKG-INFO
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e0e361..0000000
--- a/nxt-python-fantom/PKG-INFO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.0
-Name: nxt-python
-Version: 2.1.0
-Summary: LEGO Mindstorms NXT Control Package
-Author: Marcus Wanner
-License: Gnu GPL v3
-Description: NXT-Python is a package for controlling a LEGO NXT robot using the Python
- programming language. It can communicate using either USB or Bluetooth. It is
- available under the Gnu GPL license. It is based on NXT_Python, where releases
- halted in May 2007.
- Requirements:
- * Python 2.6 (
- And at least one comm library:
- * Bluetooth communications:
- Linux/Windows: PyBluez (
- (package python-bluez in deb-based linuxes)
- Mac: LightBlue (
- * USB communications:
- PyUSB (
- Installation (if using source package):
- * Untar/unzip source package
- * In package directory, run "python install" (as root), or if
- under windows, double-click install.bat.
- * To use USB on Linux as non-superuser, at a root terminal type:
- groupadd lego
- usermod -a -G lego [username]
- echo 'BUS=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0694", GROUP="lego", MODE="0660"' \
- > /etc/udev/rules.d/70-lego.rules
- Getting Started:
- Take a look at the examples directory. Feel free to copy that code into your
- scripts and don't be afraid to experiment! If you are having trouble with
- something, you may find the solution in the docstrings (for example,
- help('nxt.sensor.Ultrasonic')) or even in the source code (especially for
- digital sensors).
- Notes/FAQ:
- (I have tried to put the most important stuff first, but it would be a good
- idea to read the whole section. In any case, read it all the way through
- before asking for help. Thanks!)
- -=-=-About v2-=-=-
- This version is part of the 2.x series of releases. Programs designed for
- NXT_Python or for the 1.x series of nxt-python will not work with this version.
- If you are trying to get an old program to work, it most likely needs a 1.x
- series release, which can be downloaded from the nxt-python downloads page at
- googlecode. New projects should use a 2.x series release (hint: this is one!)
- due to the new features and API improvements. Converting old projects is
- somewhat difficult and not officially supported, though as always you're
- welcome to ask for help.
- -=-=-Problems and Their Solutions-=-=-
- Support for a number of sensors has not been tested at all, due to lack of
- hardware. I have started a project to test this code, but the going is slow
- and I have decided to go ahead and release rather than waiting several more
- months. If you have a problem with a digital sensor, see the troubleshooting
- guide below and don't forget to report your trouble!
- The Synchronized Motor support has not been extensively tested for accuracy.
- It seems to mostly work well but the accuracy of the braking function and the
- closeness of the two motors to each other have not been assesed.
- NXT-Python has not been tested and may not work with custom nxt firmware
- versions (if you don't know what that means, you don't need to worry about it).
- However, if the firmware uses the standard USB/BT communications protocol,
- everything should more or less work. NXT-Python has been tested with bricks
- using LEGO firmware version up to 1.29 and is compatible with protocol version
- 1.124 (used by most if not all of the official firmwares). It has also been
- reported working with LeJOS.
- -=-=-If you co'd the SVN...-=-=-
- The Arduino directory of an svn checkout (not included with release
- packages) contains a digital sensor unit test system called nxtduemu. It is
- intended for developers and advanced users who are looking to experiment with
- sensors and the digital sensor framework and classes. See Arduino/README for
- more info and usage instructions.
- Specific Stability Status:
- nxt.brick, nxt.telegram,, and nxt.system:
- Hardly changed since NXT_Python; very, very stable.
- USB Communication System (nxt.usbsock)
- On Linux: Very stable and extensively tested.
- On Windows: Somewhat tested; seems to work pretty well.
- On Mac: Should be working, though I have not heard either way.
- BlueTooth Communication System (nxt.bluesock, nxt.lightblueglue)
- On Linux: Stable; well tested.
- On Windows: Stable; working last I checked.
- On Mac: Reported working.
- nxt.locator:
- Stable, somewhat tested. One developer reported problems.
- nxt.motor:
- Stable except for Synchronized Motor support, which is experimental at
- this stage and has not been extensively tested.
- nxt.sensor:
- Code not specific to a particular sensor is well tested and working
- great. More than half of the sensor classes were last reported working;
- the rest have not to my knowlege been tested and were written blindly
- from the manuacturers' specifications.
- nxt.error:
- If there's a problem with this one, I'm gonna cry.
- Contact:
- NXT-Python's Head Developer:
- Marcus Wanner (
- The support and development mailing list:
- Report bugs and suggest new features at:
- Thanks to:
- Doug Lau for writing NXT_Python, our starting point.
- rhn for creating what would become v2, making lots of smaller changes, and
- reviewing tons of code.
- (esp. Ryan Kneip) for helping out with the code for a lot of
- their sensors and expanding the sensors covered by the type checking
- database.
- HiTechnic for providing identification information for their sensors. I note
- that they have now included this information in their website. ;)
- Linus Atorf, Samuel Leeman-Munk, melducky, Simon Levy, Steve Castellotti,
- Paulo Vieira, zonedabone, migpics, and anyone else I forgot for various
- fixes and additions.
- All our users for their interest and support!
- Troubleshooting Digital Sensors (don't read unless you have problems):
- If you are getting errors, strange behavor, or incorrect values from a digital
- sensor, chances are that there is a bug in our code. Follow these instructions
- to try and find out what's wrong:
- 1. Test the sensor with a different access library to make sure it's working
- right.
- 2. Check your code again. There are some weird "features" in the interfaces
- of some of the sensors; make sure you are doing things right.
- 3. Locate the sensor class's source code in nxt-python. It should be
- somewhere in nxt/sensor/<manufacturer>.py, under the heading "class SensorName(
- BaseDigitalSensor):". Read any comments for instructions on certain things.
- If you get to here and are still having a problem, you can either go ahead and
- report it now or continue to try and find and fix the problem and then report
- it (or not report it at all, but that wouldn't be very nice...).
- Python experience required beyond this point.
- 4. Get the sensor's specifications from the manufacturer's website. Make
- sure it includes a table of I2C registers and instructions for using them.
- 5. Pick one of the following depending on what the problem is:
- ####Errors:
- Cause: We screwed up.
- Solution: Check the line mentioned in the error for incorrect syntax or
- other problem. A bit of python experience and maybe some googling is needed
- here.
- ####Strange Behavior (in sensors with modes/commands):
- Cause: nxt-python's command enumerations are incorrect.
- Solution: Verify them using the sensor's specs, and correct any problems.
- See "Incorrect Values" for more.
- ####Incorrect Values:
- Cause: nxt-python is processing the value wrong.
- Solution: Check what goes on in the sampling method against what the spec
- says should be done. If there is an inconsistency, try to fix it.
- Cause: nxt-python has an incorrect register number or type in I2C_ADDRESS.
- Solution: Verify the address (the number) and the string (the struct format
- string). To verify the address, use the spec. To verify the struct format, you
- wil
-Platform: UNKNOWN