path: root/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples
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authorTat-Chee Wan (USM)2011-06-03 12:11:27 +0800
committerTat-Chee Wan (USM)2011-06-03 12:11:27 +0800
commit724f0cab2008109102428c6a7393f1ec85281574 (patch)
tree7484bad0c0c44ae0042a5c9885f59391bd164f14 /AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples
parentb45fb85344d2299d3948191cbbf0bae18dc5a946 (diff)
parenta79dc637d60b33032e951f5338fdd9b6a47a5b46 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://svc.cs.usm.my/~/gitrepo-bare/armdebug
Diffstat (limited to 'AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/alpharex.py b/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/alpharex.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 13c5979..0000000
--- a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/alpharex.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-r'''Alpha Rex API
- A high-level, object-oriented programming interface to Lego MINDSTORMS
- NXT's "Alpha Rex" model (see [1] for assembling instructions), along with a
- small collection of functions demonstrating obvious usage scenarios.
- 1. http://www.active-robots.com/products/mindstorms4schools/building-instructions.shtml
-from time import sleep
-from nxt.brick import Brick
-from nxt.locator import find_one_brick
-from nxt.motor import Motor, PORT_A, PORT_B, PORT_C
-from nxt.sensor import Light, Sound, Touch, Ultrasonic
-from nxt.sensor import PORT_1, PORT_2, PORT_3, PORT_4
-FORTH = 100
-BACK = -100
-class AlphaRex(object):
- r'''A high-level controller for the Alpha Rex model.
- This class implements methods for the most obvious actions performable
- by Alpha Rex, such as walk, wave its arms, and retrieve sensor samples.
- Additionally, it also allows direct access to the robot's components
- through public attributes.
- '''
- def __init__(self, brick='NXT'):
- r'''Creates a new Alpha Rex controller.
- brick
- Either an nxt.brick.Brick object, or an NXT brick's name as a
- string. If omitted, a Brick named 'NXT' is looked up.
- '''
- if isinstance(brick, basestring):
- brick = find_one_brick(name=brick)
- self.brick = brick
- self.arms = Motor(brick, PORT_A)
- self.legs = [Motor(brick, PORT_B), Motor(brick, PORT_C)]
- self.touch = Touch(brick, PORT_1)
- self.sound = Sound(brick, PORT_2)
- self.light = Light(brick, PORT_3)
- self.ultrasonic = Ultrasonic(brick, PORT_4)
- def echolocate(self):
- r'''Reads the Ultrasonic sensor's output.
- '''
- return self.ultrasonic.get_sample()
- def feel(self):
- r'''Reads the Touch sensor's output.
- '''
- return self.touch.get_sample()
- def hear(self):
- r'''Reads the Sound sensor's output.
- '''
- return self.sound.get_sample()
- def say(self, line, times=1):
- r'''Plays a sound file named (line + '.rso'), which is expected to be
- stored in the brick. The file is played (times) times.
- line
- The name of a sound file stored in the brick.
- times
- How many times the sound file will be played before this method
- returns.
- '''
- for i in range(0, times):
- self.brick.play_sound_file(False, line + '.rso')
- sleep(1)
- def see(self):
- r'''Reads the Light sensor's output.
- '''
- return self.light.get_sample()
- def walk(self, secs, power=FORTH):
- r'''Simultaneously activates the leg motors, causing Alpha Rex to walk.
- secs
- How long the motors will rotate.
- power
- The strength effected by the motors. Positive values will cause
- Alpha Rex to walk forward, while negative values will cause it
- to walk backwards. If you are unsure about how much force to
- apply, the special values FORTH and BACK provide reasonable
- defaults. If omitted, FORTH is used.
- '''
- for motor in self.legs:
- motor.run(power=power)
- sleep(secs)
- for motor in self.legs:
- motor.idle()
- def wave(self, secs, power=100):
- r'''Make Alpha Rex move its arms.
- secs
- How long the arms' motor will rotate.
- power
- The strength effected by the motor. If omitted, (100) is used.
- '''
- self.arms.run(power=power)
- sleep(secs)
- self.arms.idle()
-def wave_and_talk():
- r'''Connects to a nearby Alpha Rex, then commands it to wave its arms and
- play the sound file 'Object.rso'.
- '''
- robot = AlphaRex()
- robot.wave(1)
- robot.say('Object')
-def walk_forth_and_back():
- r'''Connects to a nearby Alpha Rex, then commands it to walk forward and
- then backwards.
- '''
- robot = AlphaRex()
- robot.walk(10, FORTH)
- robot.walk(10, BACK)
-def walk_to_object():
- r'''Connects to a nearby Alpha Rex, then commands it to walk until it
- approaches an obstacle, then stop and say 'Object' three times.
- '''
- robot = AlphaRex()
- while robot.echolocate() > 10:
- robot.walk(1, FORTH)
- robot.say('Object', 3)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- walk_to_object()
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/cnc.py b/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/cnc.py
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index 456cf92..0000000
--- a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/cnc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#Script to control a NXT 2-axis CNC "Pancake maker"
-#Illustrates controlling more than one motor at the same time without trying to
-#sync them. Uses the thread module.
-#Written 2/3/11 by Marcus Wanner
-#For more info and warnings see:
-import nxt, thread, time
-b = nxt.find_one_brick(name = 'MyNXT')
-mx = nxt.Motor(b, nxt.PORT_A)
-my = nxt.Motor(b, nxt.PORT_B)
-motors = [mx, my]
-def turnmotor(m, power, degrees):
- m.turn(power, degrees)
-#here are the instructions...
-#the first value is the time to start the instruction
-#the second is the axis (0 for x, 1 for y)
-#the third is the power
-#the fourth is the degrees
-#it's probably not a good idea to run simultaneous turn
-#functions on a single motor, so be careful with this
-instructions = (
- [0, 0, 80, 180],
- [0, 1, -40, 1080],
- [1, 0, -80, 180],
- [2, 0, 80, 180],
- [3, 1, 100, 360],
- [3, 0, -100, 360],
-#how long from start until the last instruction is ended
-length = 5
-def runinstruction(i):
- motorid, speed, degrees = i
- thread.start_new_thread(
- turnmotor,
- (motors[motorid], speed, degrees))
-#main loop
-seconds = 0
-while 1:
- print "Tick %d" % seconds
- for i in instructions:
- if i[0] == seconds:
- runinstruction(i[1:])
- seconds = seconds + 1
- if seconds >= length:
- break
- time.sleep(1)
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/latency.py b/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/latency.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b4b1f26..0000000
--- a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/latency.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import time
-import nxt.locator
-from nxt.sensor import *
-b = nxt.locator.find_one_brick()
-#Touch sensor latency test
-touch = Touch(b, PORT_1)
-start = time.time()
-for i in range(100):
- touch.get_sample()
-stop = time.time()
-print 'touch latency: %s ms' % (1000 * (stop - start) / 100.0)
-#Ultrasonic sensor latency test
-ultrasonic = Ultrasonic(b, PORT_4)
-start = time.time()
-for i in range(100):
- ultrasonic.get_sample()
-stop = time.time()
-print 'ultrasonic latency: %s ms' % (1000 * (stop - start) / 100.0)
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/mary.py b/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/mary.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 907cc23..0000000
--- a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/mary.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Converted from mary.rb found in ruby_nxt package
-# Plays "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
-# Author: Christopher Continanza <christopher.continanza@villanova.edu>
-from time import sleep
-import nxt.locator
-FREQ_C = 523
-FREQ_D = 587
-FREQ_E = 659
-FREQ_G = 784
-b = nxt.locator.find_one_brick()
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_D, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_C, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_D, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_D, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_D, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_D, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_G, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_G, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_D, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_C, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_D, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_D, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_D, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_D, 500)
-b.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_C, 750)
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/message_test.py b/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/message_test.py
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index c2fbda7..0000000
--- a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/message_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#During this test you need to run any program on the brick
-#which doesn't use the messaging system. Most programs fit
-#this requirement.
-import nxt.locator
-b = nxt.locator.find_one_brick()
-for box in range(10):
- b.message_write(box, 'message test %d' % box)
-for box in range(10):
- local_box, message = b.message_read(box, box, True)
- print local_box, message
-print 'Test succeeded!'
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/spin.py b/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/spin.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fc7cb2c..0000000
--- a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/spin.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import nxt.locator
-from nxt.motor import *
-def spin_around(b):
- m_left = Motor(b, PORT_B)
- m_left.turn(100, 360)
- m_right = Motor(b, PORT_C)
- m_right.turn(-100, 360)
-b = nxt.locator.find_one_brick()
diff --git a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/test_sensors.py b/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/test_sensors.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c8d249..0000000
--- a/AT91SAM7S256/armdebug/nxt-python-fantom/examples/test_sensors.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import nxt.locator
-from nxt.sensor import *
-b = nxt.locator.find_one_brick()
-print 'Touch:', Touch(b, PORT_1).get_sample()
-print 'Sound:', Sound(b, PORT_2).get_sample()
-print 'Light:', Light(b, PORT_3).get_sample()
-print 'Ultrasonic:', Ultrasonic(b, PORT_4).get_sample()