"""NXT Fantom driver wrapper.""" # pyfantom is dual-licensed. You can use at your option the GNU General Public # License version 2 or any later version, or the Mozilla Public License # version 2.0. # # Copyright (C) 2011 Tat-Chee Wan # Copyright (C) 2011 Nicolas Schodet # # -------------- # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # -------------- # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # from ctypes import c_int, c_uint, c_ushort, c_ubyte, c_char_p, c_char, byref, POINTER, Structure, cast import ctypes.util import platform import collections kMaxFileNameLength = 101 BT_PIN = "1234" VI_ERROR_IO = -0x4000ffc2 # Equivalent to 0xBFFF003E DEBUG = True # Check platform. if platform.system() == 'Darwin': import sys if sys.maxsize > 2**32: raise RuntimeError("fantom drivers not available in 64 bit mode.\n" "You can run python in 32 bit mode using:\n" "arch -i386 python2.6\n") libpath = '/Library/Frameworks/Fantom.framework/Fantom' from AppKit import NSAutoreleasePool, NSApplication #libpath = ctypes.util.find_library('Fantom') else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported platform') # Load library. dll = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libpath) dll.nFANTOM100_createNXTIterator.argtypes = [c_ushort, c_uint, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_createNXTIterator.restype = c_uint dll.nFANTOM100_destroyNXTIterator.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_destroyNXTIterator.restype = None dll.nFANTOM100_iNXTIterator_advance.argtypes = [c_uint, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_iNXTIterator_advance.restype = None dll.nFANTOM100_iNXTIterator_getNXT.argtypes = [c_uint, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_iNXTIterator_getNXT.restype = c_uint dll.nFANTOM100_iNXTIterator_getName.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_iNXTIterator_getName.restype = None dll.nFANTOM100_createNXT.argtypes = [c_char_p, POINTER(c_int), c_ushort] dll.nFANTOM100_createNXT.restype = c_uint dll.nFANTOM100_destroyNXT.argtypes = [c_uint, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_destroyNXT.restype = None dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_getFirmwareVersion.argtypes = [c_uint, POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_getFirmwareVersion.argtypes = None dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_getDeviceInfo.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p, POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_ubyte), POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_write.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p, c_uint, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_write.restype = c_uint dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_read.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p, c_uint, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_read.restype = c_uint dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_pollAvailableLength.argtypes = [c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_pollAvailableLength.restype = c_uint dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_readBufferData.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p, c_uint, c_uint, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_readBufferData.restype = c_uint dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_sendDirectCommand.argtypes = [c_uint, c_ushort, c_char_p, c_uint, c_char_p, c_uint, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_sendDirectCommand.restype = c_uint dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_getDeviceInfo.restype = None dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_getResourceString.argtypes = [c_uint, c_char_p, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_getResourceString.restype = None dll.nFANTOM100_pairBluetooth.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_pairBluetooth.restype = None dll.nFANTOM100_unpairBluetooth.argtypes = [c_char_p, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_unpairBluetooth.restype = None dll.nFANTOM100_isPaired.argtypes = [c_char_p, POINTER(c_int)] dll.nFANTOM100_isPaired.restype = c_ushort class FantomException(RuntimeError): """Exception thrown on Fantom library error.""" pass class Status: """Status codes used by Fantom library.""" # Status codes. {{{ Success = 0 Offset = -142000 PairingFailed = Offset - 5 BluetoothSearchFailed = Offset - 6 SystemLibraryNotFound = Offset - 7 UnpairingFailed = Offset - 8 InvalidFilename = Offset - 9 InvalidIteratorDereference = Offset - 10 LockOperationFailed = Offset - 11 SizeUnknown = Offset - 12 DuplicateOpen = Offset - 13 EmptyFile = Offset - 14 FirmwareDownloadFailed = Offset - 15 PortNotFound = Offset - 16 NoMoreItemsFound = Offset - 17 TooManyUnconfiguredDevices = Offset - 18 CommandMismatch = Offset - 19 IllegalOperation = Offset - 20 BluetoothCacheUpdateFailed = Offset - 21 NonNXTDeviceSelected = Offset - 22 RetryConnection = Offset - 23 PowerCycleNXT = Offset - 24 FeatureNotImplemented = Offset - 99 FWIllegalHandle = Offset - 189 FWIllegalFileName = Offset - 190 FWOutOfBounds = Offset - 191 FWModuleNotFound = Offset - 192 FWFileExists = Offset - 193 FWFileIsFull = Offset - 194 FWAppendNotPossible = Offset - 195 FWNoWriteBuffers = Offset - 196 FWFileIsBusy = Offset - 197 FWUndefinedError = Offset - 198 FWNoLinearSpace = Offset - 199 FWHandleAlreadyClosed = Offset - 200 FWFileNotFound = Offset - 201 FWNotLinearFile = Offset - 202 FWEndOfFile = Offset - 203 FWEndOfFileExpected = Offset - 204 FWNoMoreFiles = Offset - 205 FWNoSpace = Offset - 206 FWNoMoreHandles = Offset - 207 FWUnknownErrorCode = Offset - 208 # }}} # Text description. {{{ description = { Success: "No error", PairingFailed: "Bluetooth pairing operation failed.", BluetoothSearchFailed: "Bluetooth search failed.", SystemLibraryNotFound: "System library not found.", UnpairingFailed: "Bluetooth unpairing operation failed.", InvalidFilename: "Invalid filename specified.", InvalidIteratorDereference: "Invalid iterator dereference.", LockOperationFailed: "Resource locking operation failed.", SizeUnknown: "Could not determine the requested size.", DuplicateOpen: "Cannot open two objects at once.", EmptyFile: "File is empty.", FirmwareDownloadFailed: "Firmware download failed.", PortNotFound: "Could not locate virtual serial port.", NoMoreItemsFound: "No more items found.", TooManyUnconfiguredDevices: "Too many unconfigured devices.", CommandMismatch: "Command mismatch in firmware response.", IllegalOperation: "Illegal operation.", BluetoothCacheUpdateFailed: "Could not update local Bluetooth" " cache with new name.", NonNXTDeviceSelected: "Selected device is not an NXT.", RetryConnection: "Communication error. Retry the operation.", PowerCycleNXT: "Could not connect to NXT. Turn the NXT off and" " then back on before continuing.", FeatureNotImplemented: "This feature is not yet implemented.", FWIllegalHandle: "Firmware reported an illegal handle.", FWIllegalFileName: "Firmware reported an illegal file name.", FWOutOfBounds: "Firmware reported an out of bounds reference.", FWModuleNotFound: "Firmware could not find module.", FWFileExists: "Firmware reported that the file already exists.", FWFileIsFull: "Firmware reported that the file is full.", FWAppendNotPossible: "Firmware reported the append operation is" " not possible.", FWNoWriteBuffers: "Firmware has no write buffers available.", FWFileIsBusy: "Firmware reported that file is busy.", FWUndefinedError: "Firmware reported the undefined error.", FWNoLinearSpace: "Firmware reported that no linear space is" " available.", FWHandleAlreadyClosed: "Firmware reported that handle has already" " been closed.", FWFileNotFound: "Firmware could not find file.", FWNotLinearFile: "Firmware reported that the requested file is" " not linear.", FWEndOfFile: "Firmware reached the end of the file.", FWEndOfFileExpected: "Firmware expected an end of file.", FWNoMoreFiles: "Firmware cannot handle more files.", FWNoSpace: "Firmware reported the NXT is out of space.", FWNoMoreHandles: "Firmware could not create a handle.", FWUnknownErrorCode: "Firmware reported an unknown error code.", } # }}} @staticmethod def check(status): """Check status, raise on error.""" if status.value < Status.Success: if status.value in Status.description: description = Status.description[status.value] else: description = 'error %x (hex)' % status.value raise FantomException(description) class StatusVar(Structure): """Python wrapper for tStatus.""" _fields_ = [("value", c_int), ("_fileName", c_char * kMaxFileNameLength), ("_lineNumber", c_int)] def __init__(self, code=0): """Initialize Status Variable.""" self.value = code def __str__(self): return str(self.value) class NXTIterator: """Interface to an iterator, to find connected NXT.""" def __init__(self, search_bluetooth, bluetooth_search_timeout_s=5): """Initialize iterator.""" self.debug = DEBUG self.search_bluetooth = search_bluetooth self.bluetooth_search_timeout_s = bluetooth_search_timeout_s self.handle = None self.stop = False self.nsapp = None self.pool = None if platform.system() == 'Darwin': self.nsapp = NSApplication.sharedApplication() self.pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init() def destroy(): """To be used in destructor.""" if self.debug: print "pyfantom: Destroying NXTIterator." status = StatusVar(0) dll.nFANTOM100_destroyNXTIterator(self.handle, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) Status.check(status) if self.pool is not None: del self.pool self.pool = None if self.nsapp is not None: del self.nsapp self.nsapp = None if self.debug: print "pyfantom: NXTIterator destroyed." self.__destroy = destroy def __iter__(self): """Return the iterator object itself.""" return self def next(self): """Implement the iterator protocol.""" if self.stop: raise StopIteration() # Find first, or find next. status = StatusVar(0) if self.handle is None: handle = dll.nFANTOM100_createNXTIterator(self.search_bluetooth, self.bluetooth_search_timeout_s, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) else: handle = self.handle dll.nFANTOM100_iNXTIterator_advance(handle, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) # Check result. if status.value == Status.NoMoreItemsFound: self.stop = True raise StopIteration() Status.check(status) self.handle = handle # Return itself (not part of the protocol, but it has get_nxt and # get_name). return self def get_nxt(self): """Get the NXT instance.""" if self.handle is None or self.stop: raise FantomException('invalid iterator') status = StatusVar(0) handle = dll.nFANTOM100_iNXTIterator_getNXT(self.handle, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) Status.check(status) return NXT(handle, self.search_bluetooth) def get_name(self): """Get the NXT resource name.""" if self.handle is None or self.stop: raise FantomException('invalid iterator') status = StatusVar(0) name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256) dll.nFANTOM100_iNXTIterator_getName(self.handle, name, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) Status.check(status) name = name.value return name.upper() get_resource_string = get_name def __del__(self): """Destroy iterator.""" if self.handle is not None: self.__destroy() else: if self.debug: print "pyfantom: No NXTIterator in __del__." class NXT: """Interface to the NXT brick.""" DeviceInfo = collections.namedtuple('DeviceInfo', 'name bluetooth_address signal_strength available_flash') def __init__(self, name_or_handle, bluetooth=False, pin=BT_PIN): """Initialize interface.""" self.debug = DEBUG self.handle = None self.isBTLink = bluetooth # Not used for now self.pool = None if isinstance(name_or_handle, basestring): status = StatusVar(0) handle = dll.nFANTOM100_createNXT(name_or_handle, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int)), True) Status.check(status) self.handle = handle else: self.handle = name_or_handle if platform.system() == 'Darwin': # Initialize self.pool here to avoid dll.nFANTOM100_createNXT() triggering # an autorelease pool error message if it failed self.pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init() def destroy(): """To be used in destructor.""" if self.debug: print "pyfantom: Destroying NXT." if self.handle is not None: status = StatusVar(0) dll.nFANTOM100_destroyNXT(self.handle, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) Status.check(status) self.handle = None if self.debug: print "pyfantom: NXT destroyed." if self.pool is not None: del self.pool self.pool = None else: if self.debug: print "pyfantom: NXT handle is None!" self.__destroy = destroy def get_firmware_version(self): """Get protocol and firmware versions installed on this NXT.""" status = StatusVar(0) protocol_major = c_ubyte(0) protocol_minor = c_ubyte(0) firmware_major = c_ubyte(0) firmware_minor = c_ubyte(0) dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_getFirmwareVersion(self.handle, byref(protocol_major), byref(protocol_minor), byref(firmware_major), byref(firmware_minor), cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) Status.check(status) return (protocol_major.value, protocol_minor.value, firmware_major.value, firmware_minor.value) def write(self, data): """Write, in a generic fashion, to this NXT.""" status = StatusVar(0) data_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(data) ret = dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_write(self.handle, data_buffer, len(data), cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) if self.debug: print "pyfantom: write() sent ", ret, " of ", len(data), " bytes." Status.check(status) return ret def read(self, length): """Read, in a generic fashion, from this NXT.""" status = StatusVar(0) data_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) ret = dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_read(self.handle, data_buffer, length, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) if self.debug: print "pyfantom: read() returned ", ret, " of ", length, " bytes." try: Status.check(status) except FantomException as err: if status.value != VI_ERROR_IO: raise err assert ret <= length return data_buffer.raw[0:ret] def send_direct_command(self, data, responseLength=0, requireResponse=False): """Sends the specified direct command to this NXT.""" """Note: responseLength MUST be set to the exact Data Length or else I/O Error will result.""" status = StatusVar(0) data_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(data) response_buffer = None if requireResponse: response_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(responseLength) ret = dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_sendDirectCommand(self.handle, requireResponse, data_buffer, len(data), response_buffer, responseLength, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) Status.check(status) if requireResponse: if self.debug: print "send_direct_command() response: ", struct.unpack('%dB' % len(response_buffer), response_buffer) return response_buffer.raw[0:ret-1] # ret count includes Status byte, but Status byte is not included in message buffer else: return "" def poll_command_length(self, buffer=0): """Polls the data buffer on this NXT for the number of bytes available to be read.""" buffer_selector = c_uint(buffer) status = StatusVar(0) ret = dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_pollAvailableLength(self.handle, buffer_selector, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) Status.check(status) return ret def poll_command(self, length, buffer=0): """Reads data from the data buffer on this NXT.""" status = StatusVar(0) buffer_selector = c_uint(buffer) data_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) ret = dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_readBufferData(self.handle, data_buffer, buffer_selector, length, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) Status.check(status) assert ret <= length return data_buffer.raw[0:ret] def get_device_info(self): """Get basic information about this NXT.""" status = StatusVar(0) name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(16) bluetooth_address = (c_ubyte * 7)() signal_strength = (c_ubyte * 4)() available_flash = c_uint(0) dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_getDeviceInfo(self.handle, name, bluetooth_address, signal_strength, byref(available_flash), cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) name = name.value bluetooth_address = ':'.join('%02x' % c for c in bluetooth_address[0:6]) return self.DeviceInfo( name = name.upper(), bluetooth_address = bluetooth_address.upper(), signal_strength = tuple(c for c in signal_strength), available_flash = available_flash.value, ) def get_resource_string(self): """Get the NXT resource name.""" status = StatusVar(0) name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256) dll.nFANTOM100_iNXT_getResourceString(self.handle, name, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) Status.check(status) name = name.value return name.upper() def close(self): if self.debug: print "pyfantom: close()" if self.handle is not None: self.__destroy() else: if self.debug: print "pyfantom: No NXT in close()." def pair_bluetooth(self, resource, pin=BT_PIN): btpin = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256) btpin.value = pin paired_name = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256) status = StatusVar(0) dll.nFANTOM100_pairBluetooth(resource, btpin, paired_name, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) Status.check(status) paired_name = paired_name.value return paired_name.upper() def unpair_bluetooth(self, resource): status = StatusVar(0) dll.nFANTOM100_pairBluetooth(resource, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) Status.check(status) def ispaired_bluetooth(self, resource): status = StatusVar(0) paired = dll.nFANTOM100_isPaired(resource, cast(byref(status), POINTER(c_int))) Status.check(status) return paired def __del__(self): """Destroy interface.""" if self.handle is not None: self.__destroy() else: if self.debug: print "pyfantom: No NXT in __del__." if __name__ == '__main__': import struct import time MAXBUFLEN = 64 def get_nxt_from_iterator(searchBT): devicelist = [] for i in NXTIterator(searchBT): devicelist.append(i.get_nxt()) return devicelist def get_resource_string_from_iterator(searchBT): resourcelist = [] for i in NXTIterator(searchBT): resourcelist.append(i.get_name()) return resourcelist def get_nxt_from_resource_string(rs): return NXT(rs) def get_nxt_info(i): print "resource string:", i.get_resource_string() print " firmware version:", i.get_firmware_version() print " get device info:", i.get_device_info() def play_tone_nxt(i): # Play Tone using Send Direct Command print "send direct command (tone)..." cmd = struct.pack('5B', 0x03, 0x00, 0x08, 0x10, 0x00) rep = i.send_direct_command(cmd) print "direct command returned ", len(rep), " data bytes" time.sleep(1) # Play Tone using Send Raw Command print "send raw command (tone)..." cmd = struct.pack('6B', 0x80, 0x03, 0x00, 0x18, 0x10, 0x00) r = i.write(cmd) def get_nxt_battery(i): # Use Direct Command to read Battery level # Write GETBATTERYLEVEL DIRECT_CMD. # Query: # DIRECT_CMD: 0x00 (response required: not included in command string) # BATT_LEVEL: 0x0B # Response (4 data bytes): # REPLY_CMD: 0x02 (not included in reply string) # BATT_LEVEL: 0x0B # VOLTAGE milivolts # VOLTAGE milivolts print "send direct command (battery level)..." cmd = struct.pack('1B', 0x0B) rep = i.send_direct_command(cmd, 4, True) print "direct command returned ", len(rep), " data bytes" print "Battery Level", struct.unpack('%dB' % len(rep), rep) # Use Send Raw Command to read Battery level # Write GETBATTERYLEVEL DIRECT_CMD. # Query: # DIRECT_CMD: 0x00 (response required) # BATT_LEVEL: 0x0B # Response (4 data bytes): # REPLY_CMD: 0x02 # BATT_LEVEL: 0x0B # VOLTAGE milivolts # VOLTAGE milivolts print "send raw command (battery level)..." cmd = struct.pack('2B', 0x00, 0x0B) r = i.write(cmd) print "wrote", r rep = i.read(MAXBUFLEN) print "Battery Level", struct.unpack('%dB' % len(rep), rep) def write_read_nxt(i, readbuflen=MAXBUFLEN): # Test Variable Sized Reads of reply message # Write VERSION SYS_CMD. # Query: # SYS_CMD: 0x01 # VERSION: 0x88 print "send raw command (version system command)..." cmd = struct.pack('2B', 0x01, 0x88) r = i.write(cmd) print "wrote", r # Response (7 data bytes): # REPLY_CMD: 0x02 # VERSION: 0x88 # SUCCESS: 0x00 # PROTOCOL_VERSION minor # PROTOCOL_VERSION major # FIRMWARE_VERSION minor # FIRMWARE_VERSION major rep = i.read(readbuflen) print "read", struct.unpack('%dB' % len(rep), rep) def read_emptybuf_nxt(i, readbuflen=MAXBUFLEN): rep = i.read(readbuflen) print "read", struct.unpack('%dB' % len(rep), rep) # check_bt == True: Bluetooth Interface # check_bt == False: USB Interface check_bt = True get_info = True play_tone = True get_battery = True write_read = True empty_readbuf = False print "Retrieving list of NXT objects" nxtlist = get_nxt_from_iterator(check_bt) for i in nxtlist: print "nxtlist: ", i if get_info: get_nxt_info(i) if play_tone: play_tone_nxt(i) if get_battery: get_nxt_battery(i) if write_read: write_read_nxt(i) if empty_readbuf: read_emptybuf_nxt(i) i.close() del i print "Creating NXT objects from list of Resource Strings" nxtresourcelist = get_resource_string_from_iterator(check_bt) for rs in nxtresourcelist: print "nxtresourcelist: ", rs i = NXT(rs, check_bt) if get_info: get_nxt_info(i) if play_tone: play_tone_nxt(i) if get_battery: get_nxt_battery(i) if write_read: write_read_nxt(i) if empty_readbuf: read_emptybuf_nxt(i) i.close() del i exit (0)