// // Date init 14.12.2004 // // Revision date $Date:: 8/26/05 4:17p $ // // Filename $Workfile:: c_cmd.c $ // // Version $Revision:: 35 $ // // Archive $Archive:: /LMS2006/Sys01/Main/Firmware/Source/c_cmd_drawing.c $ // // Platform C // //absolute value of a #define ABS(a) (((a)<0) ? -(a) : (a)) //take binary sign of a, either -1, or 1 if >= 0 #define SGN(a) (((a)<0) ? -1 : 1) #define DISP_BUFFER_P ((UBYTE*)&(pMapDisplay->Normal)) //------------------------------------------------------------------ // cCmdClearScreenIfNeeded - Clear entire sceen buffer if explicitly requested or implicitly required. void cCmdClearScreenIfNeeded(ULONG DrawOptions); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // cCmdRestorDefaultScreen - Restore screen to default 'Running' screen void cCmdRestoreDefaultScreen(void); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // cCmdDrawString - Draw string to display buffer void cCmdDrawString(UBYTE *pString, ULONG X, ULONG Y); // OP codes supported by RIC files enum { IMG_DESCRIPTION_ID = 0, // Ignored at this time IMG_SPRITE_ID = 1, IMG_VARMAP_ID = 2, IMG_COPYBITS_ID = 3, IMG_PIXEL_ID = 4, IMG_LINE_ID = 5, IMG_RECTANGLE_ID = 6, IMG_CIRCLE_ID = 7, IMG_NUMBOX_ID = 8 }; #define IMG_SYMB_USEARGS(_v) (_v & (SWORD)0xF000) #define IMG_SYMB_MAP(_v) ((_v & 0x0F00) >> 8) #define IMG_SYMB_ARG(_v) (_v & 0x000F) // DrawingOptions #define DRAW_OPT_CLEAR_WHOLE_SCREEN (0x0001) #define DRAW_OPT_CLEAR_EXCEPT_STATUS_SCREEN (0x0002) #define DRAW_OPT_CLEAR_MODE(_v) ((_v) & 0x0003) // Clear Before Drawing Modes for Draw functions enum { DO_NOT_CLEAR = 0, CLEAR_B4_DRAW = 1 }; // Screen Modes for SetScreenMode function enum { RESTORE_NXT_SCREEN = 0 }; #define IMG_COMMON_FIELDS UWORD OpSize; UWORD OpCode; #define TRANSLATE_Y(_y) ((DISPLAY_HEIGHT-1) - (_y)) typedef struct { SWORD X, Y; } IMG_PT; typedef struct { IMG_PT Pt; SWORD Width, Height; } IMG_RECT; typedef struct { IMG_COMMON_FIELDS } IMG_OP_CORE; typedef struct { IMG_COMMON_FIELDS UWORD Options; UWORD Width; UWORD Height; } IMG_OP_DESCRIPTION; typedef struct { IMG_COMMON_FIELDS UWORD DataAddr; //Address sprite handle will be stored in. UWORD Rows; //Second deminsion of the array below. UWORD RowBytes; //The actual size of the following array. Must be even. UBYTE Bytes[2]; //Minimum of two for alignment purposes } IMG_OP_SPRITE; typedef struct { IMG_COMMON_FIELDS UWORD DataAddr; //Address sprite handle will be stored in. UWORD MapCount; //The actual size of the following array. Must be even. struct { //Minimum of two for alignment purposes UWORD Domain; UWORD Range; } MapElt[1]; } IMG_OP_VARMAP; typedef struct { IMG_COMMON_FIELDS UWORD CopyOptions; // Copy, CopyNot, Or, BitClear; UWORD DataAddr; // Address of an already defined sprite IMG_RECT Src; // Source rectangle IMG_PT Dst; // Destination left top } IMG_OP_COPYBITS; typedef struct { IMG_COMMON_FIELDS UWORD CopyOptions; IMG_PT Pt; UWORD Value; // typically mapped to an argument } IMG_OP_PIXEL; typedef struct { IMG_COMMON_FIELDS UWORD CopyOptions; IMG_PT Pt1; IMG_PT Pt2; } IMG_OP_LINE; typedef struct { IMG_COMMON_FIELDS UWORD CopyOptions; IMG_PT Pt; SWORD Width, Height; } IMG_OP_RECT; typedef struct { IMG_COMMON_FIELDS UWORD CopyOptions; IMG_PT Pt; UWORD Radius; } IMG_OP_CIRCLE; typedef struct { IMG_COMMON_FIELDS UWORD CopyOptions; IMG_PT Pt; UWORD Value; // typically mapped to an argument } IMG_OP_NUMBOX; typedef union { IMG_OP_CORE Core; IMG_OP_DESCRIPTION Desc; IMG_OP_SPRITE Sprite; IMG_OP_VARMAP VarMap; IMG_OP_COPYBITS CopyBits; IMG_OP_PIXEL Pixel; IMG_OP_LINE Line; IMG_OP_RECT Rect; IMG_OP_CIRCLE Circle; IMG_OP_NUMBOX NumBox; } IMG_OP_UNION; // Variables for DrawImage #define IMG_MAX_DATA 11 IMG_OP_UNION * gpImgData[IMG_MAX_DATA]; SLONG * gpPassedImgVars; SWORD gPassedVarsCount; // Private Prototypes void cCmdDrawLine(SLONG x1, SLONG y1, SLONG x2, SLONG y2); void cCmdDrawRect(SLONG left, SLONG bottom, SLONG width, SLONG hieght); void cCmdCopyBitMapBits(SLONG dst_x, SLONG dst_y, SLONG src_x, SLONG src_y, SLONG src_width, SLONG src_height, IMG_OP_SPRITE * pSprite); SLONG cCmdResolveValue(SWORD Value); void cCmdSetPixel(SLONG X, SLONG Y, ULONG Val); //----------------------------------------------------------------- //cCmdWrapDrawText //ArgV[0]: (Function return) Status byte, SBYTE //ArgV[1]: Location (IMG_PT *) //ArgV[2]: Text (CStr) //ArgV[3]: Options (ULONG) // NXT_STATUS cCmdWrapDrawText(UBYTE * ArgV[]) { IMG_PT * pPt = (IMG_PT*) ArgV[1]; ArgV[2] = (UBYTE*)cCmdDVPtr(*(DV_INDEX *)(ArgV[2])); //Resolve array argument cCmdClearScreenIfNeeded(*(ULONG*)ArgV[3]); // Display the String cCmdDrawString(ArgV[2], (UBYTE)pPt->X, (UBYTE)(pPt->Y)); pMapDisplay->UpdateMask |= SCREEN_BIT(SCREEN_BACKGROUND); // Set return value *((SBYTE*)(ArgV[0])) = NO_ERR; return NO_ERR; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- //cCmdWrapDrawPoint //ArgV[0]: (Function return) Status byte, SBYTE //ArgV[1]: Location (IMG_PT *) //ArgV[2]: Options (ULONG) NXT_STATUS cCmdWrapDrawPoint(UBYTE * ArgV[]) { IMG_PT * pPt = (IMG_PT*) ArgV[1]; cCmdClearScreenIfNeeded(*(ULONG*)ArgV[2]); // Display the String cCmdSetPixel(pPt->X, pPt->Y, TRUE); pMapDisplay->UpdateMask |= SCREEN_BIT(SCREEN_BACKGROUND); // Set return value *((SBYTE*)(ArgV[0])) = NO_ERR; return NO_ERR; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- //cCmdWrapDrawLine //ArgV[0]: (Function return) Status byte, SBYTE //ArgV[1]: Start Location (IMG_PT *) //ArgV[2]: End Location (IMG_PT *) //ArgV[3]: Options (ULONG) NXT_STATUS cCmdWrapDrawLine(UBYTE * ArgV[]) { IMG_PT * pPt1 = (IMG_PT*) ArgV[1]; IMG_PT * pPt2 = (IMG_PT*) ArgV[2]; cCmdClearScreenIfNeeded(*(ULONG*)ArgV[3]); cCmdDrawLine(pPt1->X, pPt1->Y, pPt2->X, pPt2->Y); pMapDisplay->UpdateMask |= SCREEN_BIT(SCREEN_BACKGROUND); // Set return value *((SBYTE*)(ArgV[0])) = NO_ERR; return NO_ERR; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- //cCmdWrapDrawCircle //ArgV[0]: (Function return) Status byte, SBYTE //ArgV[1]: Start Location (IMG_PT *) //ArgV[2]: Radius (U8) //ArgV[3]: Options (ULONG) NXT_STATUS cCmdWrapDrawCircle(UBYTE * ArgV[]) { SLONG x, x1, y1, y, dp, delta; IMG_PT * pPt = (IMG_PT*) ArgV[1]; SLONG radius = *(UBYTE*)ArgV[2]; cCmdClearScreenIfNeeded(*(ULONG*)ArgV[3]); x1 = pPt->X; y1 = pPt->Y; x = 0; y = radius; dp=2*(1-radius); while(y >= 0) { cCmdSetPixel((x+x1), (y+y1), TRUE); cCmdSetPixel((-x+x1),(-y+y1), TRUE); cCmdSetPixel((x+x1), (-y+y1), TRUE); cCmdSetPixel((-x+x1),(y+y1), TRUE); if(dp<0) { delta = 2*dp + 2*y - 1; if (delta > 0) { x++; y--; dp += 2*x - 2*y + 2; } else { x++; dp += 2*x + 1; } } else if (dp > 0) { delta = 2*dp - 2*x - 1; if (delta > 0) { y--; dp += 1 - 2*y; } else { x++; y--; dp += 2*x - 2*y + 2; } } else { x++; y--; dp += 2*x - 2*y +2; } } pMapDisplay->UpdateMask |= SCREEN_BIT(SCREEN_BACKGROUND); // Set return value *((SBYTE*)(ArgV[0])) = NO_ERR; return NO_ERR; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- //cCmdWrapDrawRect //ArgV[0]: (Function return) Status byte, SBYTE //ArgV[1]: TopLeft (IMG_PT *) //ArgV[2]: BottomRight (IMG_PT *) //ArgV[3]: Options (ULONG) NXT_STATUS cCmdWrapDrawRect(UBYTE * ArgV[]) { IMG_PT * pPt1 = (IMG_PT*) ArgV[1]; IMG_PT * pPt2 = (IMG_PT*) ArgV[2]; // Second point is actually (width, height) cCmdClearScreenIfNeeded(*(ULONG*)ArgV[3]); cCmdDrawRect(pPt1->X, pPt1->Y, pPt2->X, pPt2->Y); pMapDisplay->UpdateMask |= SCREEN_BIT(SCREEN_BACKGROUND); // Set return value *((SBYTE*)(ArgV[0])) = NO_ERR; return NO_ERR; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- IMG_OP_UNION * cCmdGetIMGData(ULONG DataAddr) { if (DataAddr >= IMG_MAX_DATA) return NULL; else return gpImgData[DataAddr]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- void cCmdSetIMGData(ULONG DataAddr, IMG_OP_UNION * pSprite) { if ((DataAddr >= 1) && (DataAddr < IMG_MAX_DATA)) gpImgData[DataAddr] = pSprite; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- SLONG cCmdResolveValue(SWORD Value) { if (!IMG_SYMB_USEARGS(Value)) { return Value; } else { IMG_OP_VARMAP * pVarMap; SLONG Arg; pVarMap = (IMG_OP_VARMAP *) cCmdGetIMGData((SWORD)IMG_SYMB_MAP(Value)); Arg = gpPassedImgVars[IMG_SYMB_ARG(Value)]; if (!pVarMap) { // No map, this implies a 1:1 mapping. return Arg; } else { // Scan through the list finding the pair the Arg lies between // Then linearly interpolate the mapping. SLONG i, DCur, RCur, DSpread, VSpread, RSpread; SLONG Count = pVarMap->MapCount; SLONG DPrev = pVarMap->MapElt[0].Domain; SLONG RPrev = pVarMap->MapElt[0].Range; if (Arg <= DPrev) { // Too small, map it to the first point return RPrev; } for (i = 1; i < Count; i++) { DCur = pVarMap->MapElt[i].Domain; RCur = pVarMap->MapElt[i].Range; if (Arg < DCur) { DSpread = DCur - DPrev; VSpread = Arg - DPrev; RSpread = RCur - RPrev; // Found the point and mapped, it return. return (RPrev+((VSpread*RSpread)/DSpread)); } DPrev = DCur; RPrev = RCur; } // If we get this far then it is too large, map it to the last point. return RCur; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- //cCmdWrapDrawGraphic //ArgV[0]: (Function return) Status Byte, SBYTE //ArgV[1]: Left Top (IMG_PT *) //ArgV[2]: Filename, CStr //ArgV[3]: Variables, array of I32 //ArgV[4]: Options (ULONG) NXT_STATUS cCmdWrapDrawPicture(UBYTE * ArgV[]) { SBYTE * pReturnVal = (SBYTE*)(ArgV[0]); LOADER_STATUS LStatus; NXT_STATUS DStatus = NO_ERR; ULONG DataSize; SLONG OpSize; IMG_PT Pt; // Where to draw the picture at (up and to the right) UBYTE ImageHandle; IMG_OP_UNION * pImage; //Resolve array argument ArgV[2] = (UBYTE*)cCmdDVPtr(*(DV_INDEX *)(ArgV[2])); ArgV[3] = (UBYTE*)cCmdDVPtr(*(DV_INDEX *)(ArgV[3])); cCmdClearScreenIfNeeded(*(ULONG*)ArgV[4]); //Open the file in memory map mode. return if failure. LStatus = pMapLoader->pFunc(OPENREADLINEAR, ArgV[2], (UBYTE*)(&pImage), &DataSize); ImageHandle = LOADER_HANDLE(LStatus); //If error opening file, give up and write loader status back to user. if (LOADER_ERR(LStatus) != SUCCESS || pImage == NULL) { *pReturnVal = (SBYTE)(LOADER_ERR_BYTE(LStatus)); return (NO_ERR); } //Else, start interpretting the file else { // Read the ArgV params, Clear the data table. Pt = *(IMG_PT*)ArgV[1]; //!!! Unsafe assumption that array is non-empty. Should check and avoid using pointer if empty. gpPassedImgVars = (SLONG*)ArgV[3]; memset(gpImgData,0,sizeof(gpImgData)); // Run through the op codes. while(!IS_ERR(DStatus)) { // Setup to look at an opcode, make sure it looke reasonable. if (DataSize < sizeof(IMG_OP_CORE)) { DStatus = ERR_FILE; break; // Too small to look at, somethings wrong. } OpSize = pImage->Core.OpSize + sizeof(UWORD); if (OpSize & 0x01) { DStatus = ERR_FILE; break; // Odd sizes not allowed. } switch(pImage->Core.OpCode) { case IMG_SPRITE_ID: { if (OpSize >= (SLONG)sizeof(IMG_OP_SPRITE)) cCmdSetIMGData(pImage->Sprite.DataAddr, pImage); } break; case IMG_VARMAP_ID: { if (OpSize >= (SLONG)sizeof(IMG_OP_VARMAP)) cCmdSetIMGData(pImage->VarMap.DataAddr, pImage); } break; case IMG_COPYBITS_ID: { if (OpSize >= (SLONG)sizeof(IMG_OP_COPYBITS)) { IMG_OP_COPYBITS * pCB = &(pImage->CopyBits); cCmdCopyBitMapBits( (cCmdResolveValue(pCB->Dst.X) + Pt.X), (cCmdResolveValue(pCB->Dst.Y) + Pt.Y), cCmdResolveValue((pCB->Src.Pt.X)), cCmdResolveValue((pCB->Src.Pt.Y)), cCmdResolveValue((pCB->Src.Width)), cCmdResolveValue((pCB->Src.Height)), (IMG_OP_SPRITE*)cCmdGetIMGData(cCmdResolveValue(pCB->DataAddr))); } } break; case IMG_LINE_ID: { if (OpSize >= (SLONG)sizeof(IMG_OP_LINE)) { IMG_OP_LINE * pL = &(pImage->Line); cCmdDrawLine( (cCmdResolveValue(pL->Pt1.X)+Pt.X), (cCmdResolveValue(pL->Pt1.Y)+Pt.Y), (cCmdResolveValue(pL->Pt2.X)+Pt.X), (cCmdResolveValue(pL->Pt2.Y)+Pt.Y) ); } } break; case IMG_RECTANGLE_ID: { if (OpSize >= (SLONG)sizeof(IMG_OP_LINE)) { IMG_OP_RECT * pL = &(pImage->Rect); cCmdDrawRect( (SWORD)(cCmdResolveValue(pL->Pt.X)+Pt.X), (SWORD)(cCmdResolveValue(pL->Pt.Y)+Pt.Y), (SWORD)(cCmdResolveValue(pL->Width)), (SWORD)(cCmdResolveValue(pL->Height)) ); } } break; case IMG_PIXEL_ID: { if (OpSize >= (SLONG)sizeof(IMG_OP_PIXEL)) { cCmdSetPixel( (cCmdResolveValue(pImage->Pixel.Pt.X) + Pt.X), (cCmdResolveValue(pImage->Pixel.Pt.Y) + Pt.Y), TRUE); } } break; case IMG_NUMBOX_ID: { if (OpSize >= (SLONG)sizeof(IMG_OP_NUMBOX)) { UBYTE NumStr[20]; IMG_OP_NUMBOX * pNB = &(pImage->NumBox); sprintf((PSZ)NumStr, "%d", cCmdResolveValue(pNB->Value)); cCmdDrawString( NumStr, (UBYTE) (cCmdResolveValue(pNB->Pt.X) + Pt.X), (UBYTE) (cCmdResolveValue(pNB->Pt.Y) + Pt.Y)); } } break; case IMG_DESCRIPTION_ID: { //No-op } break; default: { //Unrecognized opcode, pass an error back to the user. DStatus = ERR_FILE; } break; } DataSize -= OpSize; pImage = (IMG_OP_UNION*) ((UBYTE*)pImage + OpSize); } pMapDisplay->UpdateMask |= SCREEN_BIT(SCREEN_BACKGROUND); } // Set return value, close file and return *pReturnVal = DStatus; pMapLoader->pFunc(CLOSE, &ImageHandle, NULL, NULL); return (NO_ERR); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // cCmdDrawLine - draw a line. All clipping is done by the set pixel function. void cCmdDrawLine( SLONG x1, SLONG y1, SLONG x2, SLONG y2) { SLONG d,x,y,ax,ay,sx,sy,dx,dy; // Initialize variables dx = x2-x1; ax = ABS(dx)<<1; sx = SGN(dx); dy = y2-y1; ay = ABS(dy)<<1; sy = SGN(dy); x = x1; y = y1; if (ax>ay) { /* x dominant */ d = ay-(ax>>1); for (;;) { cCmdSetPixel(x, y, TRUE); if (x==x2) return; if (d>=0) { y += sy; d -= ax; } x += sx; d += ay; } } else { /* y dominant */ d = ax-(ay>>1); for (;;) { cCmdSetPixel(x, y, TRUE); if (y==y2) return; if (d>=0) { x += sx; d -= ay; } y += sy; d += ax; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // cCmdDrawRect - draw a rectangle. All clipping is done by the set pixel function. void cCmdDrawRect( SLONG left, SLONG bottom, SLONG width, SLONG height) { SLONG right = left + width; SLONG top = bottom + height; // Draw the four line segments cCmdDrawLine(left, top, right, top); cCmdDrawLine(right, top, right, bottom); cCmdDrawLine(right, bottom, left, bottom); cCmdDrawLine(left, bottom, left, top); } #ifndef DISPLAY_REALWIDTH #define DISPLAY_REALWIDTH DISPLAY_WIDTH #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------- //cCmdCopyBitMapBits void cCmdCopyBitMapBits( SLONG dst_x, // left pixel on LCD SLONG dst_y, // bottom pixel on LCD SLONG src_x, // starting pixel x coordinate from source map SLONG src_y, // starting pixel y coordinate from source map SLONG src_width, // width in pixels to the right (negative implies to the left) SLONG src_height, // height in pixels down (negative implies down) IMG_OP_SPRITE * pSprite) { SLONG dy; // Location in the destination pixmap , the screen that is SLONG sx; SLONG sy; // Location in the source pixmap. SLONG trim, last_x, last_y, rowbytes; UBYTE *pSrcByte; UBYTE *pDstBytes; UBYTE *pDstByte, *pFirstDstByte; UBYTE *pLastDstByte; UBYTE bit_y, not_bit_y; UBYTE masks[8] = {0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01}; // Data in the image file is row major 8 pixels per byte.top row first. // src and dst coordinates treat the bottom left most pixel as (0,0) if (!pSprite || pSprite->OpCode!=IMG_SPRITE_ID) return; pDstBytes = DISP_BUFFER_P; // Clip the edges. Modify the source and width as well. if (dst_x < 0) { // bounds check start of x trim = (0 - dst_x); dst_x = 0; src_x += trim; src_width -= trim; } last_x = dst_x + src_width; if (last_x > DISPLAY_WIDTH) // bound check end of x last_x = DISPLAY_WIDTH; if (dst_y < 0) { // bound check start of y trim = (0 - dst_y); dst_y = 0; src_y += trim; // fix up source as well since we are clipping the start of the loop src_height -= trim; } last_y = dst_y + src_height; if (last_y > DISPLAY_HEIGHT) // bound check end of y last_y = DISPLAY_HEIGHT; // Convert the 0,0 bottom left origin to the top left 0,0 used by the actual // buffer last_y = TRANSLATE_Y(last_y); dst_y = TRANSLATE_Y(dst_y); // The last row is the top most scan line in the LCD Buffer // so limit if the copy would copy into memory before the buffer. // The first row copied will be the one closest to the bottom of the LCD // If that is off screen then limit as well and adjust the start point on the start // Copy bits top to top moving down. sy = src_y; rowbytes = pSprite->RowBytes; pSrcByte = pSprite->Bytes + ((pSprite->Rows - 1 - sy) * rowbytes); pFirstDstByte = pDstBytes + ((dst_y >> 3) * DISPLAY_REALWIDTH) + dst_x; for (dy = dst_y; dy > last_y; dy--) { sx = src_x; bit_y = masks[7 - (dy & 0x07)]; not_bit_y = ~ bit_y; pDstByte = pFirstDstByte; pLastDstByte = pDstByte + (last_x - dst_x); for (; pDstByte < pLastDstByte; pDstByte++) { if ( *(pSrcByte + (sx >> 3)) & masks[sx & 0x07] ){ *pDstByte |= bit_y; } else { *pDstByte &= not_bit_y; } sx ++; } pSrcByte -= rowbytes; sy ++; if ((dy & 0x07) == 0) // bump back the scan line start point at rollover pFirstDstByte -= DISPLAY_REALWIDTH; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // cCmdSetPixel - Set or clear a pixel based on Val void cCmdSetPixel(SLONG X, SLONG Y, ULONG Val) { Y = TRANSLATE_Y(Y); pMapDisplay->pFunc(DISPLAY_PIXEL, (UBYTE)Val, (UBYTE)X, (UBYTE)Y, 0, 0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------- //cCmdWrapSetScreenMode //ArgV[0]: (Function return) Status code, SBYTE //ArgV[1]: ScreenMode ULONG NXT_STATUS cCmdWrapSetScreenMode(UBYTE * ArgV[]) { ULONG ScreenMode = (ULONG)(*ArgV[1]); if (ScreenMode == RESTORE_NXT_SCREEN) { cCmdRestoreDefaultScreen(); } // Set return value *(SBYTE*)(ArgV[0]) = NO_ERR; return NO_ERR; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // cCmdClearScreenIfNeeded - Clear entire sceen buffer if explicitly requested or implicitly required. void cCmdClearScreenIfNeeded(ULONG DrawOptions) { //If we are the first drawing command, clear the screen and record that we've done so if (VarsCmd.DirtyDisplay == FALSE) { VarsCmd.DirtyDisplay = TRUE; pMapUi->Flags &= ~UI_ENABLE_STATUS_UPDATE; //Override DrawOptions because we have to clear anyway DrawOptions = DRAW_OPT_CLEAR_WHOLE_SCREEN; } if (DRAW_OPT_CLEAR_MODE(DrawOptions)) { pMapDisplay->pFunc(DISPLAY_ERASE_ALL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //Clear UpdateMask to kill any pending updates pMapDisplay->UpdateMask = 0; } return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // cCmdDrawString - Draw string to display buffer // Properly uses 'Normal' display buffer to avoid conflicts with popup buffer // Clips text at bottom and right hand edges of the screen buffer //!!! Function copied and modified from cDisplayString void cCmdDrawString(UBYTE *pString, ULONG X, ULONG Y) { UBYTE *pSource; UBYTE *pDestination; FONT *pFont; ULONG FontWidth; ULONG Items; ULONG Item; ULONG Line; //Get current font information pFont = pMapDisplay->pFont; Items = pFont->ItemsX * pFont->ItemsY; //Invert Y coordinate to match display buffer Y = TRANSLATE_Y(Y); Line = (Y & 0xF8) / 8; //If text line is out of bounds, do nothing. if (Line >= TEXTLINES) return; //Calculate pointer to first byte of drawing destination pDestination = &(DISP_BUFFER_P[Line * DISPLAY_WIDTH + X]); while (*pString) { FontWidth = pFont->ItemPixelsX; //Calculate X coordinate of the right edge of this character. //If it will extend past the right edge, clip the string. X += FontWidth; if (X >= DISPLAY_WIDTH) break; //If Item is defined by the font, display it. Else, ignore it. Item = *pString - ' '; if (Item < Items) { pSource = (UBYTE*)&(pFont->Data[Item * FontWidth]); while (FontWidth--) { *pDestination = *pSource; pDestination++; pSource++; } } pString++; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // cCmdRestoreDefaultScreen - Restore to Default 'Running' screen void cCmdRestoreDefaultScreen(void) { //If this program has taken over the display, reset it for the UI if (VarsCmd.DirtyDisplay == TRUE) { VarsCmd.DirtyDisplay = FALSE; pMapDisplay->pFunc(DISPLAY_ERASE_ALL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); pMapDisplay->UpdateMask = SCREEN_BIT(SCREEN_BACKGROUND); pMapUi->Flags |= UI_ENABLE_STATUS_UPDATE | UI_REDRAW_STATUS; } }