// ucoolib - Microcontroller object oriented library. {{{ // // Copyright (C) 2015 Nicolas Schodet // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // }}} #include "ucoo/math/vect3d.hh" #include "ucoo/math/quaternion.hh" #include "ucoo/arch/arch.hh" #include "ucoo/base/test/test.hh" #include "ucoo/common.hh" #include #include template bool almost_eq (T a, double b); template<> bool almost_eq (int a, double b) { return a == (int) b; } template<> bool almost_eq (float a, double b) { float fb = b; float pfb = std::fabs (fb); float diff = std::fabs (a - fb); if (pfb >= FLT_MIN) return diff <= pfb * 4 * FLT_EPSILON; else return diff <= 4 * FLT_EPSILON; } template<> bool almost_eq (double a, double b) { double pb = std::fabs (b); double diff = std::fabs (a - b); if (pb >= DBL_MIN) return diff <= pb * 4 * DBL_EPSILON; else return diff <= 4 * DBL_EPSILON; } template bool almost_eq_vect (const ucoo::vect3d v, T x, T y, T z) { return almost_eq (v.x, x) && almost_eq (v.y, y) && almost_eq (v.z, z); } template void test_group_vect3d (ucoo::TestSuite &tsuite, const char *tname) { tsuite.group (tname); ucoo::vect3d a (1, 2, 3); ucoo::vect3d b (4, 6, 8); do { ucoo::Test test (tsuite, "constructor add sub"); test_fail_break_unless (test, a.x == 1 && a.y == 2 && a.z == 3); test_fail_break_unless (test, b.x == 4 && b.y == 6 && b.z == 8); ucoo::vect3d c (a, b); test_fail_break_unless (test, c.x == 3 && c.y == 4 && c.z == 5); ucoo::vect3d d (b + a); test_fail_break_unless (test, d.x == 5 && d.y == 8 && d.z == 11); d = b; test_fail_break_unless (test, d.x == 4 && d.y == 6 && d.z == 8); d += a; test_fail_break_unless (test, d.x == 5 && d.y == 8 && d.z == 11); d = b - a; test_fail_break_unless (test, d.x == 3 && d.y == 4 && d.z == 5); d = b; d -= a; test_fail_break_unless (test, d.x == 3 && d.y == 4 && d.z == 5); d -= d; test_fail_break_unless (test, d.x == 0 && d.y == 0 && d.z == 0); test_fail_break_unless (test, a.x == 1 && a.y == 2 && a.z == 3); test_fail_break_unless (test, b.x == 4 && b.y == 6 && b.z == 8); } while (0); do { ucoo::Test test (tsuite, "scaling"); ucoo::vect3d c (a * 2); test_fail_break_unless (test, c.x == 2 && c.y == 4 && c.z == 6); c = a; c *= 3; test_fail_break_unless (test, c.x == 3 && c.y == 6 && c.z == 9); c = b / 2; test_fail_break_unless (test, c.x == 2 && c.y == 3 && c.z == 4); c = b; c /= 2; test_fail_break_unless (test, c.x == 2 && c.y == 3 && c.z == 4); test_fail_break_unless (test, a.x == 1 && a.y == 2 && a.z == 3); test_fail_break_unless (test, b.x == 4 && b.y == 6 && b.z == 8); } while (0); do { ucoo::Test test (tsuite, "dot product"); T d = a.dot (a); test_fail_break_unless (test, d == 14); d = a.dot (b); test_fail_break_unless (test, d == 40); test_fail_break_unless (test, a.x == 1 && a.y == 2 && a.z == 3); test_fail_break_unless (test, b.x == 4 && b.y == 6 && b.z == 8); } while (0); do { ucoo::Test test (tsuite, "cross product"); ucoo::vect3d c = a.cross (b); test_fail_break_unless (test, c.x == -2 && c.y == 4 && c.z == -2); c = a.cross (a); test_fail_break_unless (test, c.x == 0 && c.y == 0 && c.z == 0); test_fail_break_unless (test, a.x == 1 && a.y == 2 && a.z == 3); test_fail_break_unless (test, b.x == 4 && b.y == 6 && b.z == 8); } while (0); do { ucoo::Test test (tsuite, "norm"); T n = a.norm (); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq (n, 3.74165738677394)); } while (0); do { ucoo::Test test (tsuite, "unit int"); ucoo::vect3d c (42, 0, 0); c = c.unit (); test_fail_break_unless (test, c.x == 1 && c.y == 0 && c.z == 0); } while (0); if (static_cast (0.1) != 0) { do { ucoo::Test test (tsuite, "unit"); ucoo::vect3d c = a.unit (); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq (c.x, 0.2672612419124244) && almost_eq (c.y, 0.53452248382484879) && almost_eq (c.z, 0.80178372573727319)); } while (0); } } template void test_group_quaternion (ucoo::TestSuite &tsuite, const char *tname) { tsuite.group (tname); ucoo::vect3d x (1, 0, 0); ucoo::vect3d y (0, 1, 0); ucoo::vect3d z (0, 0, 1); do { ucoo::Test test (tsuite, "rotate x"); ucoo::Quaternion q (ucoo::YawPitchRoll (0, 0, M_PI_2)); ucoo::vect3d r; r = q.rotate (x); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq_vect (r, 1, 0, 0)); r = q.rotate (y); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq_vect (r, 0, 0, 1)); r = q.rotate (z); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq_vect (r, 0, -1, 0)); } while (0); do { ucoo::Test test (tsuite, "rotate y"); ucoo::Quaternion q (ucoo::YawPitchRoll (0, M_PI_2, 0)); ucoo::vect3d r; r = q.rotate (x); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq_vect (r, 0, 0, -1)); r = q.rotate (y); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq_vect (r, 0, 1, 0)); r = q.rotate (z); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq_vect (r, 1, 0, 0)); } while (0); do { ucoo::Test test (tsuite, "rotate z"); ucoo::Quaternion q (ucoo::YawPitchRoll (M_PI_2, 0, 0)); ucoo::vect3d r; r = q.rotate (x); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq_vect (r, 0, 1, 0)); r = q.rotate (y); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq_vect (r, -1, 0, 0)); r = q.rotate (z); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq_vect (r, 0, 0, 1)); } while (0); do { ucoo::Test test (tsuite, "rotate zyx"); ucoo::Quaternion q (ucoo::YawPitchRoll (M_PI_2, M_PI_2, M_PI_2)); ucoo::vect3d r; r = q.rotate (x); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq_vect (r, 0, 0, -1)); r = q.rotate (y); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq_vect (r, 0, 1, 0)); r = q.rotate (z); test_fail_break_unless (test, almost_eq_vect (r, 1, 0, 0)); } while (0); } int main (int argc, const char **argv) { ucoo::arch_init (argc, argv); ucoo::TestSuite tsuite ("math"); test_group_vect3d (tsuite, "vect3d int"); test_group_vect3d (tsuite, "vect3d float"); test_group_vect3d (tsuite, "vect3d double"); test_group_quaternion (tsuite, "quaternion float"); test_group_quaternion (tsuite, "quaternion double"); return tsuite.report () ? 0 : 1; }