{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, PolyKinds, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-} module Propellor.Types.Target ( Target(..), Targeting(..), target, UnixLike, unixLike, DebianOnly, debian, BuntishOnly, buntish, FreeBSDOnly, freeBSD, includeTarget, intersectTarget, ) where import Network.BSD (HostName) import Data.Typeable import Data.String data Property target = Property target (IO ()) mkProperty :: IO () -> Property UnixLike mkProperty a = Property unixLike a -- | Changes the target of a property. -- -- This can only tighten the target list to contain fewer targets. target :: (newtarget' ~ IntersectTarget oldtarget newtarget, CannotCombineTargets oldtarget newtarget newtarget' ~ CanCombineTargets) => Targeting newtarget -> Property (Targeting oldtarget) -> Property (Targeting newtarget') target newtarget (Property oldtarget a) = Property (intersectTarget oldtarget newtarget) a ----- DEMO ---------- -- Intentionally a type error! :) foo :: Property (Targeting '[OSDebian, OSFreeBSD]) foo = Property supportedos $ do ensureProperty supportedos jail where supportedos = includeTarget debian freeBSD jail :: Property FreeBSDOnly jail = target freeBSD $ mkProperty $ do return () ----- END DEMO ---------- -- | A Target system, where a Property is indended to be used. data Target = OSDebian | OSBuntish | OSFreeBSD deriving (Show, Eq) -- | A type-level and value-level list of targets. data Targeting (os :: [Target]) = Targeting [Target] deriving (Show, Eq) type UnixLike = Targeting '[OSDebian, OSBuntish, OSFreeBSD] unixLike :: UnixLike unixLike = Targeting [OSDebian, OSBuntish, OSFreeBSD] type DebianOnly = Targeting '[OSDebian] debian :: DebianOnly debian = targeting OSDebian type BuntishOnly = Targeting '[OSBuntish] buntish :: BuntishOnly buntish = targeting OSBuntish type FreeBSDOnly = Targeting '[OSFreeBSD] freeBSD :: FreeBSDOnly freeBSD = targeting OSFreeBSD targeting :: Target -> Targeting os targeting o = Targeting [o] -- FIXME: Wrong for eg, inner [Debian] vs outer [Debian,FreeBSD], since -- they interesect to [Debian]. All things in the outer *must* be present -- in the inner. ensureProperty :: (CannotCombineTargets outertarget innertarget (IntersectTarget outertarget innertarget) ~ CanCombineTargets) => Targeting outertarget -> Property (Targeting innertarget) -> IO () ensureProperty outeros (Property inneros a) = a -- | Adds to a list of targets. includeTarget :: (r ~ ConcatTargeting l1 l2) => Targeting l1 -> Targeting l2 -> Targeting r includeTarget (Targeting l1) (Targeting l2) = Targeting (l1 ++ l2) -- | Type level concat for Targeting. type family ConcatTargeting (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] type instance ConcatTargeting '[] list2 = list2 type instance ConcatTargeting (a ': rest) list2 = a ': ConcatTargeting rest list2 -- | The intersection between two lists of Targets. intersectTarget :: (r ~ IntersectTarget l1 l2, CannotCombineTargets l1 l2 r ~ CanCombineTargets) => Targeting l1 -> Targeting l2 -> Targeting r intersectTarget (Targeting l1) (Targeting l2) = Targeting (filter (`elem` l2) l1) -- | Detect intersection of two lists that don't have any common OS. -- -- The name of this was chosen to make type errors a more understandable. type family CannotCombineTargets (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) (listr :: [a]) :: CheckIntersection type instance CannotCombineTargets l1 l2 '[] = 'CannotCombineTargets type instance CannotCombineTargets l1 l2 (a ': rest) = 'CanCombineTargets data CheckIntersection = CannotCombineTargets | CanCombineTargets -- | Type level intersection for Targeting type family IntersectTarget (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] type instance IntersectTarget '[] list2 = '[] type instance IntersectTarget (a ': rest) list2 = If (ElemTargeting a list2) (a ': IntersectTarget rest list2) (IntersectTarget rest list2) -- | Type level elem for Targeting type family ElemTargeting (a :: Target) (list :: [Target]) :: Bool type instance ElemTargeting a '[] = 'False type instance ElemTargeting a (b ': bs) = EqTarget a b || ElemTargeting a bs -- | Type level equality for Target -- -- This is a very clumsy implmentation, but it works back to ghc 7.6. type family EqTarget (a :: Target) (b :: Target) :: Bool type instance EqTarget OSDebian OSDebian = 'True type instance EqTarget OSBuntish OSBuntish = 'True type instance EqTarget OSFreeBSD OSFreeBSD = 'True type instance EqTarget OSDebian OSBuntish = 'False type instance EqTarget OSDebian OSFreeBSD = 'False type instance EqTarget OSBuntish OSDebian = 'False type instance EqTarget OSBuntish OSFreeBSD = 'False type instance EqTarget OSFreeBSD OSDebian = 'False type instance EqTarget OSFreeBSD OSBuntish = 'False -- More modern version if the combinatiorial explosion gets too bad later: -- -- type family EqTarget (a :: Target) (b :: Target) where -- EqTarget a a = True -- EqTarget a b = False -- | This is in Data.Type.Bool with modern versions of ghc, but is included -- here to support ghc 7.6. type family If (cond :: Bool) (tru :: a) (fls :: a) :: a type instance If 'True tru fls = tru type instance If 'False tru fls = fls type family (a :: Bool) || (b :: Bool) :: Bool type instance 'False || 'False = 'False type instance 'True || 'True = 'True type instance 'True || 'False = 'True type instance 'False || 'True = 'True