{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-| Maintainer: Sean Whitton Build and maintain schroots for use with sbuild. Suggested usage in @config.hs@: > & Apt.installed ["piuparts"] > & Sbuild.builtFor (System (Debian Unstable) X86_32) > & Sbuild.piupartsConfFor (System (Debian Unstable) X86_32) > & Sbuild.updatedFor (System (Debian Unstable) X86_32) `period` Weekly 1 > & Sbuild.usableBy (User "spwhitton") > & Sbuild.shareAptCache > & Schroot.overlaysInTmpfs In @~/.sbuildrc@: > $run_piuparts = 1; > $piuparts_opts = [ > '--schroot', > 'unstable-i386-piuparts', > '--fail-if-inadequate', > '--fail-on-broken-symlinks', > ]; > > $external_commands = { > 'post-build-commands' => [ > [ > 'adt-run', > '--changes', '%c', > '---', > 'schroot', 'unstable-i386-sbuild;', > > # if adt-run's exit code is 8 then the package had no tests but > # this isn't a failure, so catch it > 'adtexit=$?;', > 'if', 'test', '$adtexit', '=', '8;', 'then', > 'exit', '0;', 'else', 'exit', '$adtexit;', 'fi' > ], > ], > }; We use @sbuild-createchroot(1)@ to create a chroot to the specification of @sbuild-setup(7)@. This differs from the approach taken by picca's Sbuild.hs, which uses 'Propellor.Property.Debootstrap' to construct the chroot. This is because we don't want to run propellor inside the chroot in order to keep the sbuild environment as standard as possible. -} -- If you wanted to do it with Propellor.Property.Debootstrap, note that -- sbuild-createchroot has a --setup-only option module Propellor.Property.Sbuild ( -- * Creating and updating sbuild schroots SbuildSchroot(..), builtFor, built, updated, updatedFor, piupartsConfFor, piupartsConf, -- * Global sbuild configuration -- blockNetwork, installed, keypairGenerated, keypairInsecurelyGenerated, shareAptCache, usableBy, ) where import Propellor.Base import Propellor.Property.Debootstrap (extractSuite) import Propellor.Property.Chroot.Util import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt import qualified Propellor.Property.Ccache as Ccache import qualified Propellor.Property.ConfFile as ConfFile import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File -- import qualified Propellor.Property.Firewall as Firewall import qualified Propellor.Property.User as User import Utility.FileMode import Data.List import Data.List.Utils type Suite = String -- | An sbuild schroot, such as would be listed by @schroot -l@ -- -- Parts of the sbuild toolchain cannot distinguish between schroots with both -- the same suite and the same architecture, so neither do we data SbuildSchroot = SbuildSchroot Suite Architecture instance Show SbuildSchroot where show (SbuildSchroot suite arch) = suite ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString arch -- | Build and configure a schroot for use with sbuild using a distribution's -- standard mirror -- -- This function is a convenience wrapper around 'Sbuild.builtFor', allowing the -- user to identify the schroot and distribution using the 'System' type builtFor :: System -> RevertableProperty DebianLike UnixLike builtFor sys = go deleted where go = property' ("sbuild schroot for " ++ show sys) $ \w -> case (schrootFromSystem sys, stdMirror sys) of (Just s, Just u) -> ensureProperty w $ setupRevertableProperty $ built s u _ -> errorMessage ("don't know how to debootstrap " ++ show sys) deleted = property' ("no sbuild schroot for " ++ show sys) $ \w -> case schrootFromSystem sys of Just s -> ensureProperty w $ undoRevertableProperty $ built s "dummy" Nothing -> noChange -- | Build and configure a schroot for use with sbuild built :: SbuildSchroot -> Apt.Url -> RevertableProperty DebianLike UnixLike built s@(SbuildSchroot suite arch) mirror = (go `requires` keypairGenerated `requires` ccachePrepared `requires` installed) deleted where go :: Property DebianLike go = check (unpopulated (schrootRoot s) <||> ispartial) $ property' ("built sbuild schroot for " ++ show s) make make w = do de <- liftIO standardPathEnv let params = Param <$> [ "--arch=" ++ architectureToDebianArchString arch , "--chroot-suffix=-propellor" , "--include=eatmydata,ccache" , suite , schrootRoot s , mirror ] ifM (liftIO $ boolSystemEnv "sbuild-createchroot" params (Just de)) ( ensureProperty w $ fixConfFile s `before` aliasesLine `before` commandPrefix , return FailedChange ) deleted = check (not <$> unpopulated (schrootRoot s)) $ property ("no sbuild schroot for " ++ show s) $ do liftIO $ removeChroot $ schrootRoot s liftIO $ nukeFile ("/etc/sbuild/chroot" show s ++ "-sbuild") makeChange $ nukeFile (schrootConf s) -- if we're building a sid chroot, add useful aliases -- In order to avoid more than one schroot getting the same aliases, we -- only do this if the arch of the chroot equals the host arch. aliasesLine :: Property UnixLike aliasesLine = property' "maybe set aliases line" $ \w -> do maybeOS <- getOS case maybeOS of Nothing -> return NoChange Just (System _ hostArch) -> if suite == "unstable" && hostArch == arch then ensureProperty w $ schrootConf s `File.containsLine` aliases else return NoChange -- enable ccache and eatmydata for speed commandPrefix = File.containsLine (schrootConf s) "command-prefix=/var/cache/ccache-sbuild/sbuild-setup,eatmydata" -- A failed debootstrap run will leave a debootstrap directory; -- recover by deleting it and trying again. ispartial = ifM (doesDirectoryExist (schrootRoot s "debootstrap")) ( do removeChroot $ schrootRoot s return True , return False ) aliases = "aliases=UNRELEASED,sid,rc-buggy,experimental" -- | Ensure that an sbuild schroot's packages and apt indexes are updated -- -- This function is a convenience wrapper around 'Sbuild.updated', allowing the -- user to identify the schroot using the 'System' type updatedFor :: System -> Property DebianLike updatedFor system = property' ("updated sbuild schroot for " ++ show system) $ \w -> case schrootFromSystem system of Just s -> ensureProperty w $ updated s Nothing -> errorMessage ("don't know how to debootstrap " ++ show system) -- | Ensure that an sbuild schroot's packages and apt indexes are updated updated :: SbuildSchroot -> Property DebianLike updated s@(SbuildSchroot suite arch) = check (doesDirectoryExist (schrootRoot s)) $ go `describe` ("updated schroot for " ++ show s) `requires` keypairGenerated `requires` installed where go :: Property DebianLike go = tightenTargets $ cmdProperty "sbuild-update" ["-udr", suite ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString arch] `assume` MadeChange -- Find the conf file that sbuild-createchroot(1) made when we passed it -- --chroot-suffix=propellor, and edit and rename such that it is as if we -- passed --chroot-suffix=sbuild (the default). Replace the random suffix with -- 'propellor'. -- -- We had to pass --chroot-suffix=propellor in order that we can find a unique -- config file for the schroot we just built, despite the random suffix. -- -- The properties in this module only permit the creation of one chroot for a -- given suite and architecture, so we don't need the suffix to be random. fixConfFile :: SbuildSchroot -> Property UnixLike fixConfFile s@(SbuildSchroot suite arch) = property' ("schroot for " ++ show s ++ " config file fixed") $ \w -> do confs <- liftIO $ dirContents dir let old = concat $ filter (tempPrefix `isPrefixOf`) confs liftIO $ moveFile old new liftIO $ moveFile ("/etc/sbuild/chroot" show s ++ "-propellor") ("/etc/sbuild/chroot" show s ++ "-sbuild") ensureProperty w $ File.fileProperty "replace dummy suffix" (map munge) new where new = schrootConf s dir = takeDirectory new tempPrefix = dir suite ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString arch ++ "-propellor-" munge = replace "-propellor]" "-sbuild]" -- | Create a corresponding schroot config file for use with piuparts -- -- This function is a convenience wrapper around 'Sbuild.piupartsConf', allowing -- the user to identify the schroot using the 'System' type. See that -- function's documentation for why you might want to use this property, and -- sample config. piupartsConfFor :: System -> Property DebianLike piupartsConfFor sys = property' ("piuparts schroot conf for " ++ show sys) $ \w -> case (schrootFromSystem sys, stdMirror sys) of (Just s, Just u) -> ensureProperty w $ piupartsConf s u _ -> errorMessage ("don't know how to debootstrap " ++ show sys) -- | Create a corresponding schroot config file for use with piuparts -- -- This is useful because: -- -- - piuparts will clear out the apt cache which makes 'Sbuild.shareAptCache' -- much less useful -- -- - piuparts itself invokes eatmydata, so the command-prefix setting in our -- regular schroot config would force the user to pass --no-eatmydata to -- piuparts in their @~/.sbuildrc@, which is inconvenient. -- -- To make use of this new schroot config, you can put something like this in -- your ~/.sbuildrc: -- -- > $run_piuparts = 1; -- > $piuparts_opts = [ -- > '--schroot', -- > 'unstable-i386-piuparts', -- > '--fail-if-inadequate', -- > '--fail-on-broken-symlinks', -- > ]; piupartsConf :: SbuildSchroot -> Apt.Url -> Property DebianLike piupartsConf s u = go `requires` (setupRevertableProperty $ built s u) `describe` ("piuparts schroot conf for " ++ show s) where go :: Property DebianLike go = tightenTargets $ check (not <$> doesFileExist f) (File.basedOn f (schrootConf s, map munge)) `before` ConfFile.containsIniSetting f (sec, "profile", "piuparts") `before` ConfFile.containsIniSetting f (sec, "aliases", "") `before` ConfFile.containsIniSetting f (sec, "command-prefix", "") `before` File.dirExists dir `before` File.isSymlinkedTo (dir "copyfiles") (File.LinkTarget $ orig "copyfiles") `before` File.isSymlinkedTo (dir "nssdatabases") (File.LinkTarget $ orig "nssdatabases") `before` File.basedOn (dir "fstab") (orig "fstab", filter (/= aptCacheLine)) orig = "/etc/schroot/sbuild" dir = "/etc/schroot/piuparts" sec = show s ++ "-piuparts" f = schrootPiupartsConf s munge = replace "-sbuild]" "-piuparts]" -- | Bind-mount @/var/cache/apt/archives@ in all sbuild chroots so that the host -- system and the chroot share the apt cache -- -- This speeds up builds by avoiding unnecessary downloads of build -- dependencies. shareAptCache :: Property DebianLike shareAptCache = File.containsLine "/etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab" aptCacheLine `requires` installed `describe` "sbuild schroots share host apt cache" aptCacheLine :: String aptCacheLine = "/var/cache/apt/archives /var/cache/apt/archives none rw,bind 0 0" -- | Ensure that sbuild is installed installed :: Property DebianLike installed = Apt.installed ["sbuild"] -- | Add an user to the sbuild group in order to use sbuild usableBy :: User -> Property DebianLike usableBy u = User.hasGroup u (Group "sbuild") `requires` installed -- | Generate the apt keys needed by sbuild keypairGenerated :: Property DebianLike keypairGenerated = check (not <$> doesFileExist secKeyFile) $ go `requires` installed where go :: Property DebianLike go = tightenTargets $ cmdProperty "sbuild-update" ["--keygen"] `assume` MadeChange secKeyFile :: FilePath secKeyFile = "/var/lib/sbuild/apt-keys/sbuild-key.sec" -- | Generate the apt keys needed by sbuild using a low-quality source of -- randomness -- -- Useful on throwaway build VMs. keypairInsecurelyGenerated :: Property DebianLike keypairInsecurelyGenerated = check (not <$> doesFileExist secKeyFile) go where go :: Property DebianLike go = combineProperties "sbuild keyring insecurely generated" $ props & Apt.installed ["rng-tools"] & cmdProperty "rngd" ["-r", "/dev/urandom"] `assume` MadeChange & keypairGenerated -- another script from wiki.d.o/sbuild ccachePrepared :: Property DebianLike ccachePrepared = propertyList "sbuild group ccache configured" $ props -- We only set a limit on the cache if it doesn't already exist, so the -- user can override our default limit & check (not <$> doesDirectoryExist "/var/cache/ccache-sbuild") (Ccache.hasLimits "/var/cache/ccache-sbuild" (Ccache.MaxSize "2G")) `before` Ccache.hasCache (Group "sbuild") Ccache.NoLimit & "/etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab" `File.containsLine` "/var/cache/ccache-sbuild /var/cache/ccache-sbuild none rw,bind 0 0" `describe` "ccache mounted in sbuild schroots" & "/var/cache/ccache-sbuild/sbuild-setup" `File.hasContent` [ "#!/bin/sh" , "" , "export CCACHE_DIR=/var/cache/ccache-sbuild" , "export CCACHE_UMASK=002" , "export CCACHE_COMPRESS=1" , "unset CCACHE_HARDLINK" , "export PATH=\"/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH\"" , "" , "exec \"$@\"" ] & File.mode "/var/cache/ccache-sbuild/sbuild-setup" (combineModes (readModes ++ executeModes)) -- This doesn't seem to work with the current version of sbuild -- -- | Block network access during builds -- -- -- -- This is a hack from until #802850 and -- -- #802849 are resolved. -- blockNetwork :: Property Linux -- blockNetwork = Firewall.rule Firewall.OUTPUT Firewall.Filter Firewall.DROP -- (Firewall.GroupOwner (Group "sbuild") -- <> Firewall.NotDestination -- [Firewall.IPWithNumMask (IPv4 "") 8]) -- `requires` installed -- sbuild group must exist -- ==== utility functions ==== schrootFromSystem :: System -> Maybe SbuildSchroot schrootFromSystem system@(System _ arch) = extractSuite system >>= \suite -> return $ SbuildSchroot suite arch stdMirror :: System -> Maybe Apt.Url stdMirror (System (Debian _ _) _) = Just "http://httpredir.debian.org/debian" stdMirror (System (Buntish _) _) = Just "mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/" stdMirror _ = Nothing schrootRoot :: SbuildSchroot -> FilePath schrootRoot (SbuildSchroot s a) = "/srv/chroot" s ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString a schrootConf :: SbuildSchroot -> FilePath schrootConf (SbuildSchroot s a) = "/etc/schroot/chroot.d" s ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString a ++ "-sbuild-propellor" schrootPiupartsConf :: SbuildSchroot -> FilePath schrootPiupartsConf (SbuildSchroot s a) = "/etc/schroot/chroot.d" s ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString a ++ "-piuparts-propellor"