module Propellor.Property.ConfFile ( -- * Generic conffiles with sections SectionStart, SectionPast, AdjustSection, InsertSection, adjustSection, -- * Windows .ini files IniSection, IniKey, containsIniSetting, lacksIniSection, ) where import Propellor import Propellor.Property.File import Data.List (isPrefixOf, foldl') -- | find the line that is the start of the wanted section (eg, == "") type SectionStart = Line -> Bool -- | find a line that indicates we are past the section -- (eg, a new section header) type SectionPast = Line -> Bool -- | run on all lines in the section, including the SectionStart line; -- can add/delete/modify lines, or even delete entire section type AdjustSection = [Line] -> [Line] -- | if SectionStart does not find the section in the file, this is used to -- insert the section somewhere within it type InsertSection = [Line] -> [Line] -- | Adjusts a section of conffile. adjustSection :: Desc -> SectionStart -> SectionPast -> AdjustSection -> InsertSection -> FilePath -> Property NoInfo adjustSection desc start past adjust insert f = fileProperty desc go f where go ls = let (pre, wanted, post) = foldl' find ([], [], []) ls in if null wanted then insert ls else pre ++ (adjust wanted) ++ post find (pre, wanted, post) l | null wanted && null post && (not . start) l = (pre ++ [l], wanted, post) | (start l && null wanted && null post) || ((not . null) wanted && null post && (not . past) l) = (pre, wanted ++ [l], post) | otherwise = (pre, wanted, post ++ [l]) -- | Name of a section of an .ini file. This value is put -- in square braces to generate the section header. type IniSection = String -- | Name of a configuration setting within a .ini file. type IniKey = String iniHeader :: IniSection -> String iniHeader header = '[' : header ++ "]" adjustIniSection :: Desc -> IniSection -> AdjustSection -> InsertSection -> FilePath -> Property NoInfo adjustIniSection desc header = adjustSection desc (== iniHeader header) ("[" `isPrefixOf`) -- | Ensures that a .ini file exists and contains a section -- with a key=value setting. containsIniSetting :: FilePath -> (IniSection, IniKey, String) -> Property NoInfo containsIniSetting f (header, key, value) = adjustIniSection (f ++ " section [" ++ header ++ "] contains " ++ key ++ "=" ++ value) header go (++ [confheader, confline]) -- add missing section at end f where confheader = iniHeader header confline = key ++ "=" ++ value go [] = [confline] go (l:ls) = if isKeyVal l then confline : ls else l : (go ls) isKeyVal x = (filter (/= ' ') . takeWhile (/= '=')) x `elem` [key, '#':key] -- | Ensures that a .ini file does not contain the specified section. lacksIniSection :: FilePath -> IniSection -> Property NoInfo lacksIniSection f header = adjustIniSection (f ++ " lacks section [" ++ header ++ "]") header (const []) -- remove all lines of section id -- add no lines if section is missing f