{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Propellor.Property.Apt where import Data.Maybe import Data.List import System.IO import Control.Monad import Control.Applicative import Prelude import Propellor.Base import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service import Propellor.Property.File (Line) sourcesList :: FilePath sourcesList = "/etc/apt/sources.list" type Url = String type Section = String type SourcesGenerator = DebianSuite -> [Line] showSuite :: DebianSuite -> String showSuite (Stable s) = s showSuite Testing = "testing" showSuite Unstable = "unstable" showSuite Experimental = "experimental" backportSuite :: DebianSuite -> Maybe String backportSuite (Stable s) = Just (s ++ "-backports") backportSuite _ = Nothing stableUpdatesSuite :: DebianSuite -> Maybe String stableUpdatesSuite (Stable s) = Just (s ++ "-updates") stableUpdatesSuite _ = Nothing debLine :: String -> Url -> [Section] -> Line debLine suite mirror sections = unwords $ ["deb", mirror, suite] ++ sections srcLine :: Line -> Line srcLine l = case words l of ("deb":rest) -> unwords $ "deb-src" : rest _ -> "" stdSections :: [Section] stdSections = ["main", "contrib", "non-free"] binandsrc :: String -> SourcesGenerator binandsrc url suite = catMaybes [ Just l , Just $ srcLine l , bl , srcLine <$> bl ] where l = debLine (showSuite suite) url stdSections bl = do bs <- backportSuite suite return $ debLine bs url stdSections debCdn :: SourcesGenerator debCdn = binandsrc "http://httpredir.debian.org/debian" kernelOrg :: SourcesGenerator kernelOrg = binandsrc "http://mirrors.kernel.org/debian" -- | Only available for Stable and Testing securityUpdates :: SourcesGenerator securityUpdates suite | isStable suite || suite == Testing = let l = "deb http://security.debian.org/ " ++ showSuite suite ++ "/updates " ++ unwords stdSections in [l, srcLine l] | otherwise = [] -- | Makes sources.list have a standard content using the Debian mirror CDN, -- with the Debian suite configured by the os. -- -- Since the CDN is sometimes unreliable, also adds backup lines using -- kernel.org. stdSourcesList :: Property Debian stdSourcesList = withOS "standard sources.list" $ \w o -> case o of (Just (System (Debian _ suite) _)) -> ensureProperty w $ stdSourcesListFor suite _ -> unsupportedOS' stdSourcesListFor :: DebianSuite -> Property Debian stdSourcesListFor suite = stdSourcesList' suite [] -- | Adds additional sources.list generators. -- -- Note that if a Property needs to enable an apt source, it's better -- to do so via a separate file in stdSourcesList' :: DebianSuite -> [SourcesGenerator] -> Property Debian stdSourcesList' suite more = tightenTargets $ setSourcesList (concatMap (\gen -> gen suite) generators) `describe` ("standard sources.list for " ++ show suite) where generators = [debCdn, kernelOrg, securityUpdates] ++ more type PinPriority = Int -- | Adds an apt source for a suite, and pins that suite to a given pin value -- (see apt_preferences(5)). Revert to drop the source and unpin the suite. -- -- If the requested suite is the host's OS suite, the suite is pinned, but no -- source is added. That apt source should already be available, or you can use -- a property like 'Apt.stdSourcesList'. suiteAvailablePinned :: DebianSuite -> PinPriority -> RevertableProperty Debian Debian suiteAvailablePinned s pin = available unavailable where available :: Property Debian available = tightenTargets $ combineProperties (desc True) $ props & File.hasContent prefFile [ "Package: *" , "Pin: release " ++ suitePin s , "Pin-Priority: " ++ show pin ] & setSourcesFile unavailable :: Property Debian unavailable = tightenTargets $ combineProperties (desc False) $ props & File.notPresent sourcesFile `onChange` update & File.notPresent prefFile setSourcesFile :: Property Debian setSourcesFile = withOS (desc True) $ \w o -> case o of (Just (System (Debian _ hostSuite) _)) | s /= hostSuite -> ensureProperty w $ File.hasContent sourcesFile sources `onChange` update _ -> noChange -- Unless we are pinning a backports suite, filter out any backports -- sources that were added by our generators. The user probably doesn't -- want those to be pinned to the same value sources = dropBackports $ concatMap (\gen -> gen s) generators where dropBackports | "-backports" `isSuffixOf` (showSuite s) = id | otherwise = filter (not . isInfixOf "-backports") generators = [debCdn, kernelOrg, securityUpdates] prefFile = "/etc/apt/preferences.d/20" ++ showSuite s ++ ".pref" sourcesFile = "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" ++ showSuite s ++ ".list" desc True = "Debian " ++ showSuite s ++ " pinned, priority " ++ show pin desc False = "Debian " ++ showSuite s ++ " not pinned" setSourcesList :: [Line] -> Property DebianLike setSourcesList ls = sourcesList `File.hasContent` ls `onChange` update setSourcesListD :: [Line] -> FilePath -> Property DebianLike setSourcesListD ls basename = f `File.hasContent` ls `onChange` update where f = "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" ++ basename ++ ".list" runApt :: [String] -> UncheckedProperty DebianLike runApt ps = tightenTargets $ cmdPropertyEnv "apt-get" ps noninteractiveEnv noninteractiveEnv :: [(String, String)] noninteractiveEnv = [ ("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive") , ("APT_LISTCHANGES_FRONTEND", "none") ] -- | Have apt update its lists of packages, but without upgrading anything. update :: Property DebianLike update = combineProperties ("apt update") $ props & pendingConfigured & runApt ["update"] `assume` MadeChange -- | Have apt upgrade packages, adding new packages and removing old as -- necessary. Often used in combination with the `update` property. upgrade :: Property DebianLike upgrade = upgrade' "dist-upgrade" upgrade' :: String -> Property DebianLike upgrade' p = combineProperties ("apt " ++ p) $ props & pendingConfigured & runApt ["-y", p] `assume` MadeChange -- | Have apt upgrade packages, but never add new packages or remove -- old packages. Not suitable for upgrading acrocess major versions -- of the distribution. safeUpgrade :: Property DebianLike safeUpgrade = upgrade' "upgrade" -- | Have dpkg try to configure any packages that are not fully configured. pendingConfigured :: Property DebianLike pendingConfigured = tightenTargets $ cmdPropertyEnv "dpkg" ["--configure", "--pending"] noninteractiveEnv `assume` MadeChange `describe` "dpkg configured pending" type Package = String installed :: [Package] -> Property DebianLike installed = installed' ["-y"] installed' :: [String] -> [Package] -> Property DebianLike installed' params ps = robustly $ check (not <$> isInstalled' ps) go `describe` unwords ("apt installed":ps) where go = runApt (params ++ ["install"] ++ ps) installedBackport :: [Package] -> Property Debian installedBackport ps = withOS desc $ \w o -> case o of (Just (System (Debian _ suite) _)) -> case backportSuite suite of Nothing -> unsupportedOS' Just bs -> ensureProperty w $ runApt (["install", "-t", bs, "-y"] ++ ps) `changesFile` dpkgStatus _ -> unsupportedOS' where desc = unwords ("apt installed backport":ps) -- | Minimal install of package, without recommends. installedMin :: [Package] -> Property DebianLike installedMin = installed' ["--no-install-recommends", "-y"] removed :: [Package] -> Property DebianLike removed ps = check (any (== IsInstalled) <$> getInstallStatus ps) (runApt (["-y", "remove"] ++ ps)) `describe` unwords ("apt removed":ps) buildDep :: [Package] -> Property DebianLike buildDep ps = robustly $ go `changesFile` dpkgStatus `describe` unwords ("apt build-dep":ps) where go = runApt $ ["-y", "build-dep"] ++ ps -- | Installs the build deps for the source package unpacked -- in the specifed directory, with a dummy package also -- installed so that autoRemove won't remove them. buildDepIn :: FilePath -> Property DebianLike buildDepIn dir = cmdPropertyEnv "sh" ["-c", cmd] noninteractiveEnv `changesFile` dpkgStatus `requires` installedMin ["devscripts", "equivs"] where cmd = "cd '" ++ dir ++ "' && mk-build-deps debian/control --install --tool 'apt-get -y --no-install-recommends' --remove" -- | The name of a package, a glob to match the names of packages, or a regexp -- surrounded by slashes to match the names of packages. See -- apt_preferences(5), "Regular expressions and glob(7) syntax" type AptPrefPackage = String -- | Pins a list of packages, package wildcards and/or regular expressions to a -- given suite with a given pin priority (see apt_preferences(5)). Revert to -- unpin. -- -- Note that this will have no effect unless there is an apt source for the -- suite. One way to add an apt source is 'Apt.suiteAvailablePinned'. -- -- For example, to obtain all Emacs Lisp addon packages from sid, you could use -- -- > & Apt.suiteAvailablePinned Unstable (-10) -- > & ["elpa-*"] `Apt.pinnedTo` (Unstable, 990) pinnedTo :: [AptPrefPackage] -> (DebianSuite, PinPriority) -> RevertableProperty UnixLike UnixLike pinnedTo ps (suite, pin) = (\p -> pinnedTo' p (suite, pin)) `applyToList` ps `describe` unwords (("pinned to " ++ showSuite suite):ps) pinnedTo' :: AptPrefPackage -> (DebianSuite, PinPriority) -> RevertableProperty UnixLike UnixLike pinnedTo' p (suite, pin) = (prefFile `File.hasContent` prefs) File.notPresent prefFile where prefs = [ "Package: " ++ p , "Pin: release " ++ suitePin suite , "Pin-Priority: " ++ show pin , "" ] prefFile = "/etc/apt/preferences.d/10propellor_" ++ File.configFileName p <.> "pref" -- TODO should be RevertableProperty Debian Debian -- | Package installation may fail becuse the archive has changed. -- Run an update in that case and retry. robustly :: Property DebianLike -> Property DebianLike robustly p = p `fallback` (update `before` p) isInstalled :: Package -> IO Bool isInstalled p = isInstalled' [p] isInstalled' :: [Package] -> IO Bool isInstalled' ps = all (== IsInstalled) <$> getInstallStatus ps data InstallStatus = IsInstalled | NotInstalled deriving (Show, Eq) {- Returns the InstallStatus of packages that are installed - or known and not installed. If a package is not known at all to apt - or dpkg, it is not included in the list. -} getInstallStatus :: [Package] -> IO [InstallStatus] getInstallStatus ps = mapMaybe parse . lines <$> policy where parse l | "Installed: (none)" `isInfixOf` l = Just NotInstalled | "Installed: " `isInfixOf` l = Just IsInstalled | otherwise = Nothing policy = do environ <- addEntry "LANG" "C" <$> getEnvironment readProcessEnv "apt-cache" ("policy":ps) (Just environ) autoRemove :: Property DebianLike autoRemove = runApt ["-y", "autoremove"] `changesFile` dpkgStatus `describe` "apt autoremove" -- | Enables unattended upgrades. Revert to disable. unattendedUpgrades :: RevertableProperty DebianLike DebianLike unattendedUpgrades = enable disable where enable = setup True `before` Service.running "cron" `before` configure -- work around http://bugs.debian.org/812380 `before` File.notPresent "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist" disable = setup False setup enabled = (if enabled then installed else removed) ["unattended-upgrades"] `onChange` reConfigure "unattended-upgrades" [("unattended-upgrades/enable_auto_updates" , "boolean", v)] `describe` ("unattended upgrades " ++ v) where v | enabled = "true" | otherwise = "false" configure :: Property DebianLike configure = propertyList "unattended upgrades configured" $ props & enableupgrading & unattendedconfig `File.containsLine` "Unattended-Upgrade::Mail \"root\";" where enableupgrading :: Property DebianLike enableupgrading = withOS "unattended upgrades configured" $ \w o -> case o of -- the package defaults to only upgrading stable (Just (System (Debian _ suite) _)) | not (isStable suite) -> ensureProperty w $ unattendedconfig `File.containsLine` ("Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern { \"o=Debian,a="++showSuite suite++"\"; };") _ -> noChange unattendedconfig = "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades" -- | Enable periodic updates (but not upgrades), including download -- of packages. periodicUpdates :: Property DebianLike periodicUpdates = tightenTargets $ "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02periodic" `File.hasContent` [ "APT::Periodic::Enable \"1\";" , "APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists \"1\";" , "APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages \"1\";" , "APT::Periodic::Verbose \"1\";" ] type DebconfTemplate = String type DebconfTemplateType = String type DebconfTemplateValue = String -- | Preseeds debconf values and reconfigures the package so it takes -- effect. reConfigure :: Package -> [(DebconfTemplate, DebconfTemplateType, DebconfTemplateValue)] -> Property DebianLike reConfigure package vals = tightenTargets $ reconfigure `requires` setselections `describe` ("reconfigure " ++ package) where setselections :: Property DebianLike setselections = property "preseed" $ if null vals then noChange else makeChange $ withHandle StdinHandle createProcessSuccess (proc "debconf-set-selections" []) $ \h -> do forM_ vals $ \(tmpl, tmpltype, value) -> hPutStrLn h $ unwords [package, tmpl, tmpltype, value] hClose h reconfigure = cmdPropertyEnv "dpkg-reconfigure" ["-fnone", package] noninteractiveEnv `assume` MadeChange -- | Ensures that a service is installed and running. -- -- Assumes that there is a 1:1 mapping between service names and apt -- package names. serviceInstalledRunning :: Package -> Property DebianLike serviceInstalledRunning svc = Service.running svc `requires` installed [svc] data AptKey = AptKey { keyname :: String , pubkey :: String } trustsKey :: AptKey -> RevertableProperty DebianLike DebianLike trustsKey k = trustsKey' k untrustKey k trustsKey' :: AptKey -> Property DebianLike trustsKey' k = check (not <$> doesFileExist f) $ property desc $ makeChange $ do withHandle StdinHandle createProcessSuccess (proc "gpg" ["--no-default-keyring", "--keyring", f, "--import", "-"]) $ \h -> do hPutStr h (pubkey k) hClose h nukeFile $ f ++ "~" -- gpg dropping where desc = "apt trusts key " ++ keyname k f = aptKeyFile k untrustKey :: AptKey -> Property DebianLike untrustKey = tightenTargets . File.notPresent . aptKeyFile aptKeyFile :: AptKey -> FilePath aptKeyFile k = "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d" keyname k ++ ".gpg" -- | Cleans apt's cache of downloaded packages to avoid using up disk -- space. cacheCleaned :: Property DebianLike cacheCleaned = tightenTargets $ cmdProperty "apt-get" ["clean"] `assume` NoChange `describe` "apt cache cleaned" -- | Add a foreign architecture to dpkg and apt. hasForeignArch :: String -> Property DebianLike hasForeignArch arch = check notAdded (add `before` update) `describe` ("dpkg has foreign architecture " ++ arch) where notAdded = (notElem arch . lines) <$> readProcess "dpkg" ["--print-foreign-architectures"] add = cmdProperty "dpkg" ["--add-architecture", arch] `assume` MadeChange -- | Disable the use of PDiffs for machines with high-bandwidth connections. noPDiffs :: Property DebianLike noPDiffs = tightenTargets $ "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20pdiffs" `File.hasContent` [ "Acquire::PDiffs \"false\";" ] suitePin :: DebianSuite -> String suitePin s = prefix s ++ showSuite s where prefix (Stable _) = "n=" prefix _ = "a=" dpkgStatus :: FilePath dpkgStatus = "/var/lib/dpkg/status"