{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} -- | This module handles all display of output to the console when -- propellor is ensuring Properties. -- -- When two threads both try to display a message concurrently, -- the messages will be displayed sequentially. module Propellor.Message ( getMessageHandle, isConsole, forceConsole, actionMessage, actionMessageOn, warningMessage, infoMessage, errorMessage, processChainOutput, messagesDone, createProcessConcurrent, ) where import System.Console.ANSI import System.IO import System.Posix.IO import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.IfElse import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified System.Process as P import Propellor.Types import Utility.PartialPrelude import Utility.Monad import Utility.Exception data MessageHandle = MessageHandle { isConsole :: Bool , outputLock :: MVar () -- ^ empty when locked , outputLockedBy :: MVar Locker } data Locker = GeneralLock | ProcessLock P.ProcessHandle -- | A shared global variable for the MessageHandle. {-# NOINLINE globalMessageHandle #-} globalMessageHandle :: MVar MessageHandle globalMessageHandle = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar =<< MessageHandle <$> hIsTerminalDevice stdout <*> newMVar () <*> newEmptyMVar -- | Gets the global MessageHandle. getMessageHandle :: IO MessageHandle getMessageHandle = readMVar globalMessageHandle -- | Takes a lock while performing an action. Any other threads -- that try to lockOutput at the same time will block. lockOutput :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m a -> m a lockOutput = bracket_ (liftIO takeOutputLock) (liftIO dropOutputLock) -- | Blocks until we have the output lock. takeOutputLock :: IO () takeOutputLock = void $ takeOutputLock' True -- | Tries to take the output lock, without blocking. tryTakeOutputLock :: IO Bool tryTakeOutputLock = takeOutputLock' False takeOutputLock' :: Bool -> IO Bool takeOutputLock' block = do lck <- outputLock <$> getMessageHandle go =<< tryTakeMVar lck where -- lck was full, and we've emptied it, so we hold the lock now. go (Just ()) = havelock -- lck is empty, so someone else is holding the lock. go Nothing = do lcker <- outputLockedBy <$> getMessageHandle v' <- tryTakeMVar lcker case v' of Just (ProcessLock h) -> -- if process has exited, lock is stale ifM (isJust <$> P.getProcessExitCode h) ( havelock , if block then do void $ P.waitForProcess h havelock else do putMVar lcker (ProcessLock h) return False ) Just GeneralLock -> do putMVar lcker GeneralLock whenblock waitlock Nothing -> whenblock waitlock havelock = do updateOutputLocker GeneralLock return True waitlock = do -- Wait for current lock holder to relinquish -- it and take the lock. lck <- outputLock <$> getMessageHandle takeMVar lck havelock whenblock a = if block then a else return False -- | Only safe to call after taking the output lock. dropOutputLock :: IO () dropOutputLock = do lcker <- outputLockedBy <$> getMessageHandle lck <- outputLock <$> getMessageHandle void $ takeMVar lcker putMVar lck () -- | Only safe to call after takeOutputLock; updates the Locker. updateOutputLocker :: Locker -> IO () updateOutputLocker l = do lcker <- outputLockedBy <$> getMessageHandle void $ tryTakeMVar lcker putMVar lcker l modifyMVar_ lcker (const $ return l) -- | Force console output. This can be used when stdout is not directly -- connected to a console, but is eventually going to be displayed at a -- console. forceConsole :: IO () forceConsole = modifyMVar_ globalMessageHandle $ \mh -> pure (mh { isConsole = True }) -- | Only performs the action when at the console, or when console -- output has been forced. whenConsole :: IO () -> IO () whenConsole a = whenM (isConsole <$> getMessageHandle) a -- | Shows a message while performing an action, with a colored status -- display. actionMessage :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ActionResult r) => Desc -> m r -> m r actionMessage = actionMessage' Nothing -- | Shows a message while performing an action on a specified host, -- with a colored status display. actionMessageOn :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ActionResult r) => HostName -> Desc -> m r -> m r actionMessageOn = actionMessage' . Just actionMessage' :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, ActionResult r) => Maybe HostName -> Desc -> m r -> m r actionMessage' mhn desc a = do liftIO $ whenConsole $ lockOutput $ do setTitle $ "propellor: " ++ desc hFlush stdout r <- a liftIO $ lockOutput $ do whenConsole $ setTitle "propellor: running" showhn mhn putStr $ desc ++ " ... " let (msg, intensity, color) = getActionResult r colorLine intensity color msg hFlush stdout return r where showhn Nothing = return () showhn (Just hn) = do whenConsole $ setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Cyan] putStr (hn ++ " ") whenConsole $ setSGR [] warningMessage :: MonadIO m => String -> m () warningMessage s = liftIO $ lockOutput $ colorLine Vivid Magenta $ "** warning: " ++ s infoMessage :: MonadIO m => [String] -> m () infoMessage ls = liftIO $ lockOutput $ mapM_ putStrLn ls errorMessage :: MonadIO m => String -> m a errorMessage s = liftIO $ lockOutput $ do colorLine Vivid Red $ "** error: " ++ s error "Cannot continue!" colorLine :: ColorIntensity -> Color -> String -> IO () colorLine intensity color msg = do whenConsole $ setSGR [SetColor Foreground intensity color] putStr msg whenConsole $ setSGR [] -- Note this comes after the color is reset, so that -- the color set and reset happen in the same line. putStrLn "" hFlush stdout -- | Reads and displays each line from the Handle, except for the last line -- which is a Result. processChainOutput :: Handle -> IO Result processChainOutput h = go Nothing where go lastline = do v <- catchMaybeIO (hGetLine h) case v of Nothing -> case lastline of Nothing -> do return FailedChange Just l -> case readish l of Just r -> pure r Nothing -> do lockOutput $ do putStrLn l hFlush stdout return FailedChange Just s -> do lockOutput $ do maybe noop (\l -> unless (null l) (putStrLn l)) lastline hFlush stdout go (Just s) -- | Called when all messages about properties have been printed. messagesDone :: IO () messagesDone = lockOutput $ do whenConsole $ setTitle "propellor: done" hFlush stdout -- | Wrapper around `System.Process.createProcess` that prevents processes -- that are running concurrently from writing to the stdout/stderr at the -- same time. -- -- The first process run by createProcess is allowed to write to -- stdout and stderr in the usual way. -- -- However, if a second createProcess runs concurrently with the -- first, any stdout or stderr that would have been displayed by it is -- instead buffered. The buffered output will be displayed the next time it -- is safe to do so (ie, after the first process exits). -- -- `Propellor.Property.Cmd` has some other useful actions for running -- commands, which are based on this. -- -- Also does debug logging of all commands run. createProcessConcurrent :: P.CreateProcess -> IO (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, P.ProcessHandle) createProcessConcurrent p | hasoutput (P.std_out p) || hasoutput (P.std_err p) = ifM tryTakeOutputLock ( firstprocess , concurrentprocess ) | otherwise = P.createProcess p where hasoutput P.Inherit = True hasoutput _ = False firstprocess = do r@(_, _, _, h) <- P.createProcess p `onException` dropOutputLock updateOutputLocker (ProcessLock h) -- Output lock is still held as we return; the process -- is running now, and once it exits the output lock will -- be stale and can then be taken by something else. return r concurrentprocess = do (toouth, fromouth) <- pipe (toerrh, fromerrh) <- pipe let p' = p { P.std_out = if hasoutput (P.std_out p) then P.UseHandle toouth else P.std_out p , P.std_err = if hasoutput (P.std_err p) then P.UseHandle toerrh else P.std_err p } r <- P.createProcess p' hClose toouth hClose toerrh buf <- newMVar [] void $ async $ outputDrainer fromouth stdout buf void $ async $ outputDrainer fromerrh stderr buf void $ async $ bufferWriter buf return r pipe = do (from, to) <- createPipe (,) <$> fdToHandle to <*> fdToHandle from type Buffer = [(Handle, Maybe B.ByteString)] -- Drain output from the handle, and buffer it in memory. outputDrainer :: Handle -> Handle -> MVar Buffer -> IO () outputDrainer fromh toh buf = do v <- tryIO $ B.hGetSome fromh 1024 case v of Right b | not (B.null b) -> do modifyMVar_ buf (pure . addBuffer (toh, Just b)) outputDrainer fromh toh buf _ -> do modifyMVar_ buf (pure . (++ [(toh, Nothing)])) hClose fromh -- Wait to lock output, and once we can, display everything -- that's put into buffer, until the end is signaled by Nothing -- for both stdout and stderr. bufferWriter :: MVar Buffer -> IO () bufferWriter buf = lockOutput (go [stdout, stderr]) where go [] = return () go hs = do l <- takeMVar buf forM_ l $ \(h, mb) -> do maybe noop (B.hPut h) mb hFlush h let hs' = filter (\h -> not (any (== (h, Nothing)) l)) hs putMVar buf [] go hs' -- The buffer can grow up to 1 mb in size, but after that point, -- it's truncated to avoid propellor using unbounded memory -- when a process outputs a whole lot of stuff. bufsz :: Int bufsz = 1000000 addBuffer :: (Handle, Maybe B.ByteString) -> Buffer -> Buffer addBuffer v@(_, Nothing) buf = buf ++ [v] addBuffer (toh, Just b) buf = (toh, Just b') : other where (this, other) = partition (\v -> fst v == toh && isJust (snd v)) buf b' = truncateBuffer $ B.concat (mapMaybe snd this) <> b -- Truncate a buffer by removing lines from the front until it's -- small enough. truncateBuffer :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString truncateBuffer b | B.length b <= bufsz = b | otherwise = truncateBuffer $ snd $ B.breakByte nl b where nl = fromIntegral (ord '\n')