-- This is the live config file used by propellor's author. -- https://propellor.branchable.com/ module Main where import Propellor import Propellor.Property.Scheduled import Propellor.Property.DiskImage import Propellor.Property.Chroot import Propellor.Property.Machine import Propellor.Property.Bootstrap import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt import qualified Propellor.Property.Network as Network import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service import qualified Propellor.Property.Ssh as Ssh import qualified Propellor.Property.Cron as Cron import qualified Propellor.Property.Sudo as Sudo import qualified Propellor.Property.User as User import qualified Propellor.Property.Hostname as Hostname import qualified Propellor.Property.Fstab as Fstab import qualified Propellor.Property.Tor as Tor import qualified Propellor.Property.Dns as Dns import qualified Propellor.Property.OpenId as OpenId import qualified Propellor.Property.Git as Git import qualified Propellor.Property.Postfix as Postfix import qualified Propellor.Property.Apache as Apache import qualified Propellor.Property.LetsEncrypt as LetsEncrypt import qualified Propellor.Property.Locale as Locale import qualified Propellor.Property.Grub as Grub import qualified Propellor.Property.FlashKernel as FlashKernel import qualified Propellor.Property.Borg as Borg import qualified Propellor.Property.Gpg as Gpg import qualified Propellor.Property.Systemd as Systemd import qualified Propellor.Property.Journald as Journald import qualified Propellor.Property.Fail2Ban as Fail2Ban import qualified Propellor.Property.OS as OS import qualified Propellor.Property.HostingProvider.CloudAtCost as CloudAtCost import qualified Propellor.Property.HostingProvider.Linode as Linode import qualified Propellor.Property.HostingProvider.DigitalOcean as DigitalOcean import qualified Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.GitHome as GitHome import qualified Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.GitAnnexBuilder as GitAnnexBuilder import qualified Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.Branchable as Branchable import qualified Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.JoeySites as JoeySites main :: IO () -- _ ______`| ,-.__ main = defaultMain hosts -- / \___-=O`/|O`/__| (____.' {- Propellor -- \ / | / ) _.-"-._ Deployed -} -- `/-==__ _/__|/__=-| ( \_ hosts :: [Host] -- * \ | | '--------' hosts = -- (o) ` [ darkstar , gnu , dragon , clam , orca , baleen , honeybee , kite , elephant , beaver , mouse , peregrine , pell , keysafe ] ++ monsters testvm :: Host testvm = host "testvm.kitenet.net" $ props & osDebian Unstable X86_64 & OS.cleanInstallOnce (OS.Confirmed "testvm.kitenet.net") `onChange` postinstall & Hostname.sane & Hostname.searchDomain & Apt.installed ["linux-image-amd64"] & Apt.installed ["ssh"] & User.hasPassword (User "root") where postinstall :: Property (HasInfo + DebianLike) postinstall = propertyList "fixing up after clean install" $ props & OS.preserveRootSshAuthorized & OS.preserveResolvConf & Apt.update & Grub.boots "/dev/sda" `requires` Grub.installed Grub.PC darkstar :: Host darkstar = host "darkstar.kitenet.net" $ props & osDebian Unstable X86_64 & ipv6 "2001:4830:1600:187::2" & Hostname.sane & Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "swapspace" & Grub.cmdline_Linux "i915.enable_psr=1" ! Grub.cmdline_Linux "quiet" & JoeySites.dkimMilter & JoeySites.postfixSaslPasswordClient -- & JoeySites.alarmClock "*-*-* 7:30" (User "joey") -- "/usr/bin/timeout 45m /home/joey/bin/goodmorning" & JoeySites.laptopSoftware & JoeySites.userDirHtml & Ssh.userKeys (User "joey") hostContext [ (SshRsa, "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1YoyHxZwG5Eg0yiMTJLSWJ/+dMM6zZkZiR4JJ0iUfP+tT2bm/lxYompbSqBeiCq+PYcSC67mALxp1vfmdOV//LWlbXfotpxtyxbdTcQbHhdz4num9rJQz1tjsOsxTEheX5jKirFNC5OiKhqwIuNydKWDS9qHGqsKcZQ8p+n1g9Lr3nJVGY7eRRXzw/HopTpwmGmAmb9IXY6DC2k91KReRZAlOrk0287LaK3eCe1z0bu7LYzqqS+w99iXZ/Qs0m9OqAPnHZjWQQ0fN4xn5JQpZSJ7sqO38TBAimM+IHPmy2FTNVVn9zGM+vN1O2xr3l796QmaUG1+XLL0shfR/OZbb joey@darkstar") ] -- & imageBuiltFor honeybee -- (RawDiskImage "/srv/honeybee.img") -- (Debootstrapped mempty) gnu :: Host gnu = host "gnu.kitenet.net" $ props & Postfix.satellite dragon :: Host dragon = host "dragon.kitenet.net" $ props & ipv6 "2001:4830:1600:187::2" & JoeySites.dkimMilter & JoeySites.postfixSaslPasswordClient clam :: Host clam = host "clam.kitenet.net" $ props & standardSystem Unstable X86_64 ["Unreliable server. Anything here may be lost at any time!" ] & ipv4 "" & CloudAtCost.decruft & Ssh.hostKeys hostContext [ (SshDsa, "ssh-dss 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") , (SshRsa, "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDJybAjUPUWIhvVMmer8K5ZgdfI54DM6vc8Mzw+5KmVKL0TwkvzbR1HAB4heyMGtN1F8YzkWhsI3/Txh+MQUJ+i4u8SvSYc6D1q3j3ZyCi06wZ3DJS25tZrOM/thOOA1DFA4Hhb0uI/1Kg8PguNNNSMXn8F7q3F6cFQizYgszs6z6ktiST/BTC+IXWovhcnn2vQXXU8FTcTsqBFqA5dEjZbp1WDzqp3km84ZyXGmoVlpqzXeMvlkWTIshYiQjXIwPOkALzlGYjp1lw1OaxPVI1IGFcgCbIWQQWoCReb+genX2VaR+odAYXjaOdRx0lQj7UCPTBCpqMyzBMLtT5Yiaqh") , (SshEcdsa, "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBPhfvcOuw0Yt+MnsFc4TI2gWkKi62Eajxz+TgbHMO/uRTYF8c5V8fOI3o+J/3m5+lT0S5o8j8a7xIC3COvi+AVw=") ] & Apt.unattendedUpgrades & Systemd.persistentJournal & Journald.systemMaxUse "50MiB" & Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "swapspace" & Tor.isRelay & Tor.named "kite1" & Tor.bandwidthRate (Tor.PerMonth "400 GB") & Systemd.nspawned oldusenetShellBox & JoeySites.scrollBox & alias "scroll.joeyh.name" & alias "us.scroll.joeyh.name" baleen :: Host baleen = host "baleen.kitenet.net" $ props & standardSystem Unstable X86_64 [ "New git-annex build box." ] -- Not on public network; ssh access via bounce host. & ipv4 "" -- The root filesystem content may be lost if the VM is resized. -- /dev/vdb contains persistent storage. & Fstab.mounted "auto" "/dev/vdb" "/var/lib/container" mempty & Apt.unattendedUpgrades & Postfix.satellite & Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "ntp" & Systemd.persistentJournal orca :: Host orca = host "orca.kitenet.net" $ props & standardSystem Unstable X86_64 [ "Main git-annex build box." ] & ipv4 "" & Apt.unattendedUpgrades & Postfix.satellite & Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "ntp" & Systemd.persistentJournal & Systemd.nspawned (GitAnnexBuilder.autoBuilderContainer GitAnnexBuilder.standardAutoBuilder Unstable X86_64 Nothing (Cron.Times "15 * * * *") "2h") & Systemd.nspawned (GitAnnexBuilder.autoBuilderContainer GitAnnexBuilder.standardAutoBuilder Unstable X86_32 Nothing (Cron.Times "30 * * * *") "2h") & Systemd.nspawned (GitAnnexBuilder.autoBuilderContainer GitAnnexBuilder.stackAutoBuilder (Stable "jessie") X86_32 (Just "ancient") (Cron.Times "45 * * * *") "2h") & Systemd.nspawned (GitAnnexBuilder.androidAutoBuilderContainer (Cron.Times "1 1 * * *") "3h") honeybee :: Host honeybee = host "honeybee.kitenet.net" $ props & standardSystem Testing ARMHF [ "Home router and arm git-annex build box." ] & cubietech_Cubietruck & hasPartition ( partition EXT4 `mountedAt` "/" `setSize` MegaBytes 8000 ) & File.hasPrivContentExposed "/etc/flash-kernel/dtbs/sun7i-a20-cubietruck.dtb" (Context "cubietruck gpio") `onChange` FlashKernel.flashKernel & Apt.installed ["firmware-brcm80211"] -- Workaround for https://bugs.debian.org/844056 `requires` File.hasPrivContent "/lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43362-sdio.txt" anyContext `requires` File.dirExists "/lib/firmware/brcm" & "/etc/default/rcS" `File.containsLine` "FSCKFIX=yes" & Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "ntp" -- no hardware clock & bootstrappedFrom GitRepoOutsideChroot & Ssh.hostKeys hostContext [ (SshEd25519, "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIS/hDYq1MAxfOBf49htym3BOYlx4Gk9SDpiHjv7u6IC") ] & JoeySites.homePowerMonitor (User "joey") hosts (Context "homepower.joeyh.name") (SshEd25519, "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMAmVYddg/RgCbIj+cLcEiddeFXaYFnbEJ3uGj9G/EyV joey@honeybee") & JoeySites.homeRouter & Apt.installed ["mtr-tiny", "iftop", "screen"] & Postfix.satellite & check (not <$> inChroot) (setupRevertableProperty autobuilder) -- In case compiler needs more than available ram & Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "swapspace" where autobuilder = Systemd.nspawned $ GitAnnexBuilder.autoBuilderContainer GitAnnexBuilder.armAutoBuilder Unstable ARMEL Nothing (Cron.Times "15 10 * * *") "10h" -- This is not a complete description of kite, since it's a -- multiuser system with eg, user passwords that are not deployed -- with propellor. kite :: Host kite = host "kite.kitenet.net" $ props & standardSystemUnhardened Testing X86_64 [ "Welcome to kite!" ] & ipv4 "" & ipv6 "2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe73:b0d2" & alias "kitenet.net" & alias "wren.kitenet.net" -- temporary & Ssh.hostKeys (Context "kitenet.net") [ (SshDsa, "ssh-dss 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") , (SshRsa, "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA2QAJEuvbTmaN9ex9i9bjPhMGj+PHUYq2keIiaIImJ+8mo+yKSaGUxebG4tpuDPx6KZjdycyJt74IXfn1voGUrfzwaEY9NkqOP3v6OWTC3QeUGqDCeJ2ipslbEd9Ep9XBp+/ldDQm60D0XsIZdmDeN6MrHSbKF4fXv1bqpUoUILk=") , (SshEcdsa, "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBLF+dzqBJZix+CWUkAd3Bd3cofFCKwHMNRIfwx1G7dL4XFe6fMKxmrNetQcodo2edyufwoPmCPr3NmnwON9vyh0=") , (SshEd25519, "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFZftKMnH/zH29BHMKbcBO4QsgTrstYFVhbrzrlRzBO3") ] & Network.preserveStatic "eth0" `requires` Network.cleanInterfacesFile & Apt.installed ["linux-image-amd64"] & Linode.serialGrub & Linode.mlocateEnabled & Apt.unattendedUpgrades & Systemd.installed & Systemd.persistentJournal & Journald.systemMaxUse "500MiB" & Ssh.passwordAuthentication True & Fail2Ban.installed -- since ssh password authentication is allowed -- Allow ssh -R to forward ports via kite & Ssh.setSshdConfig "GatewayPorts" "clientspecified" & Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "ntp" & "/etc/timezone" `File.hasContent` ["US/Eastern"] & Borg.backup "/" (Borg.BorgRepo "joey@eubackup.kitenet.net:/home/joey/lib/backup/kite/kite.borg") Cron.Daily [ "--exclude=/proc/*" , "--exclude=/sys/*" , "--exclude=/run/*" , "--exclude=/tmp/*" , "--exclude=/var/tmp/*" , "--exclude=/var/cache/*" , "--exclude=/home/joey/lib" -- These directories are backed up and restored separately. , "--exclude=/srv/git" , "--exclude=/var/spool/oldusenet" ] [ Borg.KeepDays 7 , Borg.KeepWeeks 4 , Borg.KeepMonths 6 ] `requires` Ssh.knownHost hosts "eubackup.kitenet.net" (User "root") `requires` Ssh.userKeys (User "root") (Context "kite.kitenet.net") [ (SshRsa, "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC5Gza2sNqSKfNtUN4dN/Z3rlqw18nijmXFx6df2GtBoZbkIak73uQfDuZLP+AXlyfHocwdkdHEf/zrxgXS4EokQMGLZhJ37Pr3edrEn/NEnqroiffw7kyd7EqaziA6UOezcLTjWGv+Zqg9JhitYs4WWTpNzrPH3yQf1V9FunZnkzb4gJGndts13wGmPEwSuf+QHbgQvjMOMCJwWSNcJGdhDR66hFlxfG26xx50uIczXYAbgLfHp5W6WuR/lcaS9J6i7HAPwcsPDA04XDinrcpl29QwsMW1HyGS/4FSCgrDqNZ2jzP49Bka78iCLRqfl1efyYas/Zo1jQ0x+pxq2RMr root@kite") ] & alias "smtp.kitenet.net" & alias "imap.kitenet.net" & alias "pop.kitenet.net" & alias "mail.kitenet.net" & JoeySites.kiteMailServer & JoeySites.legacyWebSites & File.ownerGroup "/srv/web" (User "joey") (Group "joey") & Apt.installed ["analog"] & alias "git.kitenet.net" & alias "git.joeyh.name" & JoeySites.gitServer hosts & JoeySites.downloads hosts & JoeySites.gitAnnexDistributor & JoeySites.tmp & alias "bitlbee.kitenet.net" & Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "bitlbee" & "/etc/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf" `File.hasContent` [ "[settings]" , "User = bitlbee" , "AuthMode = Registered" , "[defaults]" ] `onChange` Service.restarted "bitlbee" & "/etc/default/bitlbee" `File.containsLine` "BITLBEE_PORT=\"6767\"" `onChange` Service.restarted "bitlbee" & Apt.installed [ "git-annex", "myrepos" , "build-essential", "make" , "rss2email", "archivemail" , "devscripts" -- Some users have zsh as their login shell. , "zsh" ] & alias "nntp.olduse.net" & JoeySites.oldUseNetServer hosts & alias "ns4.kitenet.net" & myDnsPrimary True "kitenet.net" [ (RelDomain "mouse-onion", CNAME $ AbsDomain "htieo6yu2qtcn2j3.onion") , (RelDomain "beaver-onion", CNAME $ AbsDomain "tl4xsvaxryjylgxs.onion") , (RelDomain "peregrine-onion", CNAME $ AbsDomain "ahw47zqw6qszoufl.onion") ] & myDnsPrimary True "joeyh.name" [] & myDnsPrimary True "ikiwiki.info" [] & myDnsPrimary True "olduse.net" [ (RelDomain "article", CNAME $ AbsDomain "virgil.koldfront.dk") ] & alias "ns4.branchable.com" & branchableSecondary & Dns.secondaryFor ["animx"] hosts "animx.eu.org" -- Use its own name server (amoung other things this avoids -- spamassassin URIBL_BLOCKED. & "/etc/resolv.conf" `File.hasContent` [ "nameserver" , "domain kitenet.net" , "search kitenet.net" ] & alias "debug-me.joeyh.name" -- debug-me installed manually until package is available & Systemd.enabled "debug-me" -- testing & Apache.httpsVirtualHost "letsencrypt.joeyh.name" "/var/www/html" (LetsEncrypt.AgreeTOS (Just "id@joeyh.name")) & alias "letsencrypt.joeyh.name" where elephant :: Host elephant = host "elephant.kitenet.net" $ props & standardSystem Unstable X86_64 [ "Storage, big data, and backups, omnomnom!" , "(Encrypt all data stored here.)" ] & ipv4 "" & Ssh.hostKeys hostContext [ (SshDsa, "ssh-dss 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") , (SshRsa, "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCrEQ7aNmRYyLKY7xHILQsyV/w0B3++D98vn5IvjHkDnitrUWjB+vPxlS7LYKLzN9Jx7Hb14R2lg7+wdgtFMxLZZukA8b0tqFpTdRFBvBYGh8IM8Id1iE/6io/NZl+hTQEDp0LJP+RljH1CLfz7J3qtc+v6NbfTP5cOgH104mWYoLWzJGaZ4p53jz6THRWnVXy5nPO3dSBr2f/SQgRuJQWHNIh0jicRGD8H2kzOQzilpo+Y46PWtkufl3Yu3UsP5UMAyLRIXwZ6nNRZqRiVWrX44hoNfDbooTdFobbHlqMl+y6291bOXaOA6PACk8B4IVcC89/gmc9Oe4EaDuszU5kD") , (SshEcdsa, "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBAJkoPRhUGT8EId6m37uBdYEtq42VNwslKnc9mmO+89ody066q6seHKeFY6ImfwjcyIjM30RTzEwftuVNQnbEB0=") , (SshEd25519, "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIB6VtXi0uygxZeCo26n6PuCTlSFCBcwRifv6N8HdWh2Z") ] & Grub.chainPVGrub "hd0,0" "xen/xvda1" 30 & Postfix.satellite & Apt.unattendedUpgrades & Systemd.installed & Systemd.persistentJournal & Ssh.userKeys (User "joey") hostContext [ (SshRsa, "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC4wJuQEGno+nJvtE75IKL6JQ08sJHZ9Bzs9Dvu0zuxSEZE30MWK98/twNwCH9PVf2N9m4apfN7f9GHgHTUongfo8xnLAk4PuBSTV74YgKyOCvNYqANuKKa+76PsS/vFf/or3ct++uTEWsRyYD29cQndufwKA4rthAqHG+fifbLDC53AjcldI0zI1RckpPzT+AMazlnSBFMlpKvGD2uzSXALVRXa3vSqWkWd0z7qmIkpmpq0AAgbDLwrGBcUGV/h0rOa2s8zSeirA0tLmHNROl4cZsX0T/6VBGfBRkrHSxL67xJziATw4WPq6spYlxg84pC/5qJVr9SC5HosppbDqgj joey@elephant") ] & Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "swapspace" & alias "eubackup.kitenet.net" & Apt.installed ["sshfs", "rsync", "borgbackup"] & JoeySites.githubBackup & JoeySites.rsyncNetBackup hosts & alias "podcatcher.kitenet.net" & JoeySites.podcatcher & alias "znc.kitenet.net" & JoeySites.ircBouncer & alias "kgb.kitenet.net" & JoeySites.kgbServer & alias "ns3.kitenet.net" & myDnsSecondary & Systemd.nspawned oldusenetShellBox & Systemd.nspawned ancientKitenet & Systemd.nspawned openidProvider `requires` Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "ntp" & JoeySites.scrollBox & alias "scroll.joeyh.name" & alias "eu.scroll.joeyh.name" -- For https port 443, shellinabox with ssh login to -- kitenet.net & alias "shell.kitenet.net" & Systemd.nspawned kiteShellBox -- Nothing is using http port 80, so listen on -- that port for ssh, for traveling on bad networks that -- block 22. & Ssh.listenPort (Port 80) beaver :: Host beaver = host "beaver.kitenet.net" $ props & ipv6 "2001:4830:1600:195::2" & Apt.installed ["ssh"] & Ssh.hostPubKey SshDsa "ssh-dss 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" & Tor.installed & Tor.hiddenServiceAvailable "ssh" (Port 22) & alias "usbackup.kitenet.net" & JoeySites.backupsBackedupFrom hosts "eubackup.kitenet.net" "/home/joey/lib/backup" & Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "anacron" & Cron.niceJob "system disk backed up" Cron.Weekly (User "root") "/" "rsync -a -x / /home/joey/lib/backup/beaver.kitenet.net/" mouse :: Host mouse = host "mouse.kitenet.net" $ props & ipv4 "" & Apt.installed ["ssh"] & Tor.installed & Tor.hiddenServiceAvailable "ssh" (Port 22) peregrine :: Host peregrine = host "peregrine.kitenet.net" $ props & Apt.installed ["ssh"] & Tor.installed & Tor.hiddenServiceAvailable "ssh" (Port 22) -- Branchable is not completely deployed with propellor yet. pell :: Host pell = host "pell.branchable.com" $ props & alias "branchable.com" & ipv4 "" & ipv6 "2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:c0e5" -- All the websites I host at branchable that don't use -- branchable.com dns. & alias "olduse.net" & alias "www.olduse.net" & alias "www.kitenet.net" & alias "joeyh.name" & alias "www.joeyh.name" & alias "campaign.joeyh.name" & alias "ikiwiki.info" & alias "www.ikiwiki.info" & alias "git.ikiwiki.info" & alias "l10n.ikiwiki.info" & alias "dist-bugs.kitenet.net" & alias "family.kitenet.net" & osDebian (Stable "stretch") X86_64 & Apt.installed ["linux-image-686-pae"] & Apt.unattendedUpgrades & Branchable.server hosts & Linode.serialGrub -- See https://joeyh.name/code/keysafe/servers/ for requirements. keysafe :: Host keysafe = host "keysafe.joeyh.name" $ props & ipv4 "" & Hostname.sane & osDebian (Stable "stretch") X86_64 & Apt.stdSourcesList `onChange` Apt.upgrade & Apt.unattendedUpgrades & DigitalOcean.distroKernel -- This is a 500 mb VM, so need more ram to build propellor. & Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "swapspace" & Cron.runPropellor (Cron.Times "30 * * * *") & Apt.installed ["etckeeper", "sudo"] & Apt.removed ["nfs-common", "exim4", "exim4-base", "exim4-daemon-light", "rsyslog", "acpid", "rpcbind", "at"] & User.hasSomePassword (User "root") & User.accountFor (User "joey") & User.hasSomePassword (User "joey") & Sudo.enabledFor (User "joey") & Ssh.installed & Ssh.randomHostKeys & User "root" `Ssh.authorizedKeysFrom` (User "joey", darkstar) & User "joey" `Ssh.authorizedKeysFrom` (User "joey", darkstar) & Ssh.noPasswords & Tor.installed & Tor.hiddenServiceAvailable "keysafe" (Port 4242) `requires` Tor.hiddenServiceData "keysafe" hostContext & Tor.bandwidthRate (Tor.PerMonth "750 GB") -- keysafe installed manually until package is available & Systemd.enabled "keysafe" & Gpg.keyImported (Gpg.GpgKeyId "CECE11AE") (User "root") & Ssh.knownHost hosts "usw-s002.rsync.net" (User "root") & Ssh.userKeys (User "root") (Context "keysafe.joeyh.name") [ (SshEd25519, "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIEx8bK9ZbXVEgEvxQeXLjnr9cGa/QvoB459aglP529My root@keysafe") ] -- Note that this is not an incremental backup; it uploads the -- whole content every time. So, only run weekly. & Cron.niceJob "keysafe backup" Cron.Weekly (User "root") "/" backupcmd `requires` Apt.installed ["rsync"] where datadir = "/var/lib/keysafe" backupdir = "/var/backups/keysafe" rsyncnetbackup = "2318@usw-s002.rsync.net:keysafe" backupcmd = unwords [ "keysafe --store-directory", datadir, "--backup-server", backupdir , "&& rsync -a --delete --max-delete 3 ", backupdir , rsyncnetbackup ] --' __|II| ,. ---- __|II|II|__ ( \_,/\ --'-------'\o/-'-.-'-.-'-.- __|II|II|II|II|___/ __/ -'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'- -------------------------- | [Containers] / -------------------------- -------------------------- : / --------------------------- --------------------------- \____, o ,' ---------------------------- ---------------------------- '--,___________,' ----------------------------- -- My own openid provider. Uses php, so containerized for security -- and administrative sanity. openidProvider :: Systemd.Container openidProvider = Systemd.debContainer "openid-provider" $ props & standardContainer (Stable "stretch") & alias hn & OpenId.providerFor [User "joey", User "liw"] hn (Just (Port 8081)) where hn = "openid.kitenet.net" -- Exhibit: kite's 90's website on port 1994. ancientKitenet :: Systemd.Container ancientKitenet = Systemd.debContainer "ancient-kitenet" $ props & standardContainer (Stable "stretch") & alias hn & Git.cloned (User "root") "git://kitenet-net.branchable.com/" "/var/www/html" (Just "remotes/origin/old-kitenet.net") & Apache.installed & Apache.listenPorts [p] & Apache.virtualHost hn p "/var/www/html" & Apache.siteDisabled "000-default" where p = Port 1994 hn = "ancient.kitenet.net" oldusenetShellBox :: Systemd.Container oldusenetShellBox = Systemd.debContainer "oldusenet-shellbox" $ props & standardContainer (Stable "stretch") & alias "shell.olduse.net" & JoeySites.oldUseNetShellBox kiteShellBox :: Systemd.Container kiteShellBox = Systemd.debContainer "kiteshellbox" $ props & standardContainer (Stable "stretch") & JoeySites.kiteShellBox type Motd = [String] -- This is my standard system setup. standardSystem :: DebianSuite -> Architecture -> Motd -> Property (HasInfo + Debian) standardSystem suite arch motd = standardSystemUnhardened suite arch motd `before` Ssh.noPasswords standardSystemUnhardened :: DebianSuite -> Architecture -> Motd -> Property (HasInfo + Debian) standardSystemUnhardened suite arch motd = propertyList "standard system" $ props & osDebian suite arch & Hostname.sane & Hostname.searchDomain & Locale.available "en_US.UTF-8" & File.hasContent "/etc/motd" ("":motd++[""]) & Apt.stdSourcesList `onChange` Apt.upgrade & Apt.cacheCleaned & Apt.installed ["etckeeper"] & Apt.installed ["ssh", "mosh"] & GitHome.installedFor (User "root") & User.hasSomePassword (User "root") & User.accountFor (User "joey") & User.hasSomePassword (User "joey") & Sudo.enabledFor (User "joey") & GitHome.installedFor (User "joey") & Apt.installed ["vim", "screen", "less"] & Cron.runPropellor (Cron.Times "30 * * * *") -- I use postfix, or no MTA. & Apt.removed ["exim4", "exim4-daemon-light", "exim4-config", "exim4-base"] `onChange` Apt.autoRemove -- At least until system integration catches up, revert -- systemd 230's behavior of enabling this property by default. ! Systemd.killUserProcesses -- This is my standard container setup, Featuring automatic upgrades. standardContainer :: DebianSuite -> Property (HasInfo + Debian) standardContainer suite = propertyList "standard container" $ props & osDebian suite X86_64 & Apt.stdSourcesList `onChange` Apt.upgrade & Apt.unattendedUpgrades & Apt.cacheCleaned myDnsSecondary :: Property (HasInfo + DebianLike) myDnsSecondary = propertyList "dns secondary for all my domains" $ props & Dns.secondary hosts "kitenet.net" & Dns.secondary hosts "joeyh.name" & Dns.secondary hosts "ikiwiki.info" & Dns.secondary hosts "olduse.net" branchableSecondary :: RevertableProperty (HasInfo + DebianLike) DebianLike branchableSecondary = Dns.secondaryFor ["branchable.com"] hosts "branchable.com" -- Currently using kite (ns4) as primary with secondaries -- elephant (ns3) and gandi. -- kite handles all mail. myDnsPrimary :: Bool -> Domain -> [(BindDomain, Record)] -> RevertableProperty (HasInfo + DebianLike) DebianLike myDnsPrimary dnssec domain extras = (if dnssec then Dns.signedPrimary (Weekly Nothing) else Dns.primary) hosts domain (Dns.mkSOA "ns4.kitenet.net" 100) $ [ (RootDomain, NS $ AbsDomain "ns4.kitenet.net") , (RootDomain, NS $ AbsDomain "ns3.kitenet.net") , (RootDomain, NS $ AbsDomain "ns6.gandi.net") , (RootDomain, MX 0 $ AbsDomain "kitenet.net") , (RootDomain, TXT "v=spf1 a a:kitenet.net ~all") , JoeySites.domainKey ] ++ extras monsters :: [Host] -- Systems I don't manage with propellor, monsters = -- but do want to track their public keys etc. [ host "usw-s002.rsync.net" $ props & Ssh.hostPubKey SshEd25519 "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIB7yTEBGfQYdwG/oeL+U9XPMIh/dW7XNs9T+M79YIOrd" , host "github.com" $ props & Ssh.hostPubKey SshRsa "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq2A7hRGmdnm9tUDbO9IDSwBK6TbQa+PXYPCPy6rbTrTtw7PHkccKrpp0yVhp5HdEIcKr6pLlVDBfOLX9QUsyCOV0wzfjIJNlGEYsdlLJizHhbn2mUjvSAHQqZETYP81eFzLQNnPHt4EVVUh7VfDESU84KezmD5QlWpXLmvU31/yMf+Se8xhHTvKSCZIFImWwoG6mbUoWf9nzpIoaSjB+weqqUUmpaaasXVal72J+UX2B+2RPW3RcT0eOzQgqlJL3RKrTJvdsjE3JEAvGq3lGHSZXy28G3skua2SmVi/w4yCE6gbODqnTWlg7+wC604ydGXA8VJiS5ap43JXiUFFAaQ==" , host "gitlab.com" $ props & Ssh.hostPubKey SshEcdsa "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBFSMqzJeV9rUzU4kWitGjeR4PWSa29SPqJ1fVkhtj3Hw9xjLVXVYrU9QlYWrOLXBpQ6KWjbjTDTdDkoohFzgbEY=" , host "ns6.gandi.net" $ props & ipv4 "" , host "animx" $ props & ipv4 "" & ipv4 "" ] -- o -- ___ o o {-----\ / o \ ___o o { \ __ \ / _ (X___>-- __o _____________________{ ______\___ \__/ | \__/ \____ |X__> < \___//|\\___/\ \____________ _ \ ___/ | \___ # # \ (-) \ O O O # | \ # >=) \______________________________# # / #__________________/ (-}