[[!comment format=mdwn username="spwhitton" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/9c3f08f80e67733fd506c353239569eb" subject="New design: requesting feedback" date="2018-11-04T17:39:51Z" content=""" Having slept on it, and also looked at some more of virt-install(1), I have a new design. I'd be grateful for feedback on this, before implementation. We have two properties: `Libvirt.kvmRunning` and `Libvirt.kvmRunningConducted`, where kvmRunningConnected host = conducts host `requires` kvmRunning host The basic reason for separating these two properties is that for the conducting to work, various network things have to be set up, and there isn't a configuration that it would be sensible to have as a default. More generally, libvirt isn't at all suited to declarative configuration. What propellor can do well is build an image and have libvirt generate a barebones XML configuration file to boot the image. This is what `Libvirt.kvmRunning` will do. After that, we're going to have to leave it up to the user. I suspect that outside of the very simplest cases, they are going to have to make a series of virsh(1) calls, using `flagFile` to ensure that it only happens once. `Libvirt.kvmRunning` will work like this: 1. ensure libvirt etc. are installed 2. build the image if it doesn't exist 3. nuke the chroot used to build the image 3. if VM config does not exist, 1. `virt-install -n vm-hostname --description \"vm-hostname VM\" --os-type=Linux --os-variant=debian9 --ram=1024 --vcpus=2 --autostart --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/vm-hostname.img,device=disk,bus=virtio --import --print-xml >/tmp/foo` 2. `virsh define /tmp/foo` - `virt-install --print-xml` and then `virsh define` avoids the problem of virt-install not exiting until after the VM has been shutdown at least once/the virt-viewer instance launched by virt-install has been closed 3. `virsh start vm-hostname` Sample usage: laptop :: Host laptop = host \"iris.silentflame.com\" $ props & osDebian (Stable \"stretch\") X86_64 & Libvirt.kvmRunning Raw 1GB 2 develacc -- specification of image type, RAM and vCPUs to assign develacc :: Host develacc = host \"develacc.iris.silentflame.com\" $ props & osDebian Unstable X86_64 & hasPartition ( partition EXT4 `mountedAt` \"/\" `addFreeSpace` MegaBytes 10240 ) & Apt.installed [\"linux-image-amd64\"] & Grub.installed PC & ipv4 \"\" & Network.static \"ens3\" (IPv4 \"\") (Just (Network.Gateway (IPv4 \"\"))) `requires` Network.cleanInterfacesFile & Hostname.sane """]]