A persistent problem with propellor is that Propellor actions cannot be compared for equality or serialized. This prevents eg, propellor outside a chroot from passing a Property to run to the propellor running inside the chroot. (Because Property contains a Propellor action.) A workaround is used, that gives the Property a name at compile time. Another problem is that Propellor actions currently run whatever IO they perform, and can't be examined in a no-op mode. If Propellor actions were somehow represented as an AST, all these problems would be eliminated; they could be serialized, compared, examined, and run in modes that don't really run them. (This might also allow the local propellor to ship the AST off to the remote propellor to run, without the remote propellor needing to be rebuilt, if they share the same version of the AST.) Unfortunately, a free Monad can't be serialized, it's an AST but an AST embedding haskell functions. However, a free Applicative can apparently be serialized. See and Question is, would an Applicative building an AST be sufficient for everything that a Propellor action needs to do? This needs some investigation of the kind of IO that Propellor actions do. Much of it, I suspect is not very monadic, in that it mostly does some IO and returns a Result, rather than building up complex IO sequences based on previous inputs. --[[Joey]]