[[!comment format=mdwn username="spwhitton" subject="comment 9" date="2015-12-03T02:08:58Z" content=""" I can get what I want if I use `trivial` and `changesFile` in the way you described. So please consider adding your method as a combinator: p `changeIfChanges` f = (trivial p) `changesFile` f which is okay because `trivial` is idempotent so `changeIfChanges` may be applied more than once (I've got this in my branch with a decent docstring and I've applied it to `Apt.buildDep`). I think that this ought to be its own combinator, rather than just a recommendation to use `trivial` and `changesFile` in such cases, because this doesn't follow the semantics of `trivial`: it's not necessarily the case that it is the same amount of work to check if the property needs to be ensured as it is to ensure it. (In this language, my `noChangeIfUnchanged` could be called `changeOnlyIfChanges`. I agree that it's very unlikely to useful.) (Again, on my machine, applying `changeIfChanges` to `Apt.buildDep` magically hides apt's output if the build-deps are already installed.) """]]