[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 9""" date="2016-06-20T17:56:25Z" content=""" FĂ©lix sent some patches today fixing compiling Propellor.Exception on old ghc, which overlap with part of your patch. You addressed the same problem in different ways. Since I already merged his (more extensive I think) fixes for that, your branch will need to be updated. The only thing I caught during review is that the documentation for useOverlays says that the property has to be added before Sbuild.builtFor, but actually info-setting properties set info before any properties run, so can safely appear after properties that use the info they set! (I'm not sure if overlaysInTmpfs can safely come after Sbuild.builtFor, but if it cannot it's not due to setting useOverlays.) Also, it would be good to have some lines to add to the changelog about the sbuild changes. """]]