[[!comment format=mdwn username="spwhitton" subject="reboot branch merges cleanly" date="2016-06-21T09:20:40Z" content=""" Ah, very nice :) I reverted my GHC 6 commits and the merge with your master branch is now clean. Some changelog text you can use: - New info property Schroot.useOverlays to indicate whether you want schroots set up by propellor to use the Linux kernel's OverlayFS. - Schroot.overlaysInTmpfs sets Schroot.useOverlays info property. - If you have indicated that you want schroots to use OverlayFS and the current kernel does not support it, Sbuild.built will attempt to reboot into a kernel that does, or fail if it can't find one. - Sbuild.built will no longer add duplicate `aliases=UNRELEASED,sid...` lines to more than one schroot config. It will not remove any such lines that the previous version of propellor added, though. - Sbuild.keypairGenerated works around Debian bug #792100 by creating the directory /root/.gnupg in advance. - Improved Sbuild module haddock. - Ccache.hasCache now sets the setgid bit on the cache directory, as ccache requires. """]]