[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2016-05-21T17:41:11Z" content=""" Re not running propellor in the sbuild chroot, I have in the past used schroot for things where it would have made sense to run propellor in the chroot. OTOH, systemd-container is a better fit for such uses cases now, probably. Is the ~/.sbuildrc necessary to use the sbuild properties? If so, would it make sense to have a property that configures it? You could use Utility.DataUnits for Ccache's MaxSize. This would be more flexible and consistent with other things in propellor. Limit could be a monoid. This would perhaps simplify hasGroupCache as it could only be used once to set multiple limits. Maybe instead of Ccache.hasGroupCache, call it Ccache.hasCache? That is a weird build warning! But, I don't see it with ghc 7.10.3. Normally you'd see that warning when the module's export list exported the same symbol twice. """]]