[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 4""" date="2016-06-14T17:11:09Z" content=""" We already have /usr/local/bin/propellor executable, so the cron job or whatever could be made to run it with a parameter that runs the turtle IO action. (Or generally, any IO action.. Being able to run arbitrary haskell IO code as a cron job would be great!) This would need some way to get a `UniqueId` for an IO action, that is stable across runs of propellor, and a way to build up a` Map UniqueId (IO ())` of such actions. The Info interface could be used to build up that Map. ---- Some of the places I'd like to use shell-monad though are where propellor is bootstrapping itself on a host and all it can easily run at that point is shell script. """]]