[[!comment format=mdwn username="spwhitton" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/9c3f08f80e67733fd506c353239569eb" subject="diagnosis" date="2017-12-08T17:47:24Z" content=""" I think that the issue is that under jessie the binary is named `adt-run` not `autopkgtest`. In which case, the problem is in `Sbuild.userConfig` which refers to `autopkgtest`. Maybe `Sbuild.useConfig`'s haddock should say that it is for stretch and newer. `Sbuild.built` already installs `autopkgtest` (by means of `Sbuild.preReqsInstalled`). So I don't see how installing that package could have fixed the problem. Possibly you installed from jessie-backports, and maybe that version provides `/usr/bin/autopkgtest`? """]]